August 2018

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BandraBuzz creating community connect since 2010

18th August 2018 | Vol. 9 Issue 8 |

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Bandra’s iconic Joggers Park Safety Railing Dangerously Damaged

Joggers Park is where many visit regularly to rejuvenate themselves – either walking or running on the tracks or just enjoying the wide open spaces & the fresh air from the Arabian Sea. Health enthusiasts find the surroundings good for yoga, stretching or just deep breathing. Now, young children can fall down on the rocks from a height, just because of the park’s maintenance negligence. Recently, the south-west corner safety railing has been dangerously damaged – with many poles missing. VERY UNSAFE The horizontal iron railing poles, on the outer periphery of Bandra’s Joggers Park; facing the Arabian Sea on the western side and Chimbai / Bandstand on the southern side have many safety railings

This is a disaster waiting to happen – if these rusty railings are not replaced.

missing, since many months – posing a safety hazard. Our reporter also noticed, many more horizontal safety poles missing on the western periphery. Many peo-

ple sit leisurely on the ledge of this wall – using these safety railings as support. God forbid, if a small child slips through the wide gaps and falls on the rocks.

PRACTICAL SOLUTION With this spot overlooking the salty sea atmosphere, it would be wiser to replace the entire railing with steel pipes of a thick gauge – ensuring a longer life. Also, all welding of joints should be properly done – supervised by qualified engineers. Now, that the BMC (cashrich with our tax money) has taken over the maintenance of Jogger’s Park (with a BMC signboard proudly at the main gate), this warning should be taken seriously by concerned authorities – with corrective action on a war footing. After all, the public is not paying BMC taxes to have unsafe public parks. Madhu Patkar

Bandra Branch: Shop No.1, Ground Floor & First Floor, “Turner Heights”, Junction of Turner Road & Almeida Park Road, Bandra West, Mumbai – 400 050.

Contact No.77740030781 /Call Toll -free: 1800 233 6000 /





He paved the way for India’s Freedom Yet, has not been compensated, for bravely risking his life at the war front. State Government has not yet handed over land, promised to war widows. The 1940’s were turbulent times, globally - and for undivided India. Indian soldiers fought for British India in World War II, primarily to ward off neighbouring enemies and prevent any infiltration of foreign troops to Indian soil. On India’s eastern border, the Japanese posed the worst threat. The British were prepared for the worst. If the Japanese had captured Calcutta, they were preparing an alternative airport in Jalsugda (Odisha). Fortunately, the British army managed to hold back the enemy - with a lot of help from brave Indians, who had been recruited from various parts of India. Their bravery paved the way for India’s Independence in 1947. One of them was Chief Ordnance Artificer P. C. Mascarenhas of the Royal Indian Navy - part of the Allied Navies, WW II. His son Allan Mascarenhas has vivid memories of his dad. Very emotionlly, he told us, “My dad was called to the war forefront, because he was an ace shooter. He was posted on a destroyer ship HMIS ‘Jamuna’ - on the Burma front. His ship was camouflaged in a creek, but was spied by a Japanese aircraft. The commanding officer at the ship mast, spied the oncoming air crafts, as he has the best view from his position. He immediately messaged my dad, that the Japs would soon be hovering around at a dangerous range. My dad responded, “I am ready and waiting for them.” Then, rapid action started. When the Japanese war jets were within shooting range, my dad did not hesitate to shoot several rounds from his anti-aircraft guns; This resulted in bringing down 6-7 Japanese war jets, into the sea. This created chaos and fear for the

My dad was called to the war forefront, because he was an ace shooter. He was posted on a destroyer ship HMIS ‘Jamuna’ - on the Burma front. When the Japanese war jets were within shooting range, he shoot several rounds from his anti-aircraft guns; bringing down 6-7 Japanese war jets, into the sea. With this downing of multiple fighter jets, the remaining squadron panicked, hastily made U-turns and returned back to base. Lord Mountbatten, who was the Chief Commanding officer of South East Asia; came on board the warship & pinned a DSM (Distinguished Service Medal) on my dad, in a ceremony.” Allan Mascarenhas

Japanese. With this downing of multiple fighter jets, the remaining squadron panicked, hastily made U-turns and returned back to base. This saved any further infiltration into Indian territory, from the Burma front. Quickly, the Commanding Officer sent a message to London, about what P.C. Mascarenhas had done. Britain responded by announcing that he should be decorated immediately. Very soon, Lord Mountbatten, who was the Chief Commanding officer of South East Asia; came on board the warship & pinned a DSM (Distinguished Service Medal) on my dad, in a small ceremony.” His son Allan also told us about other interesting post-war incidents: “On returning to India, after World War II, a T.C. caught my dad at Byculla Railway Station, demanding that he show his rail ticket. As he was putting his haversack down, to access his Armed Forces Pass, he surprisingly saw a poster at the Railway Station, that was a picture of himself. After around seven days, my dad was called to New Delhi. He was requested to sit before an artist, who did a portrait painting of him. Till date, this painting hangs at Rashtrapati Bhavan - as an inspiration of bravery to future generations.” In spite of being the 1st Indian War Gallantry Award Holder in WWII, by being brave, in the face of death; the land compensation promised by the past governments and present government (PM

Modi had promised it in May 2014), has not even been initiated. This calls for ACTION, by concerned authorities, so that those who paved the way for India’s freedom, should not only be acknowledged, but rewarded. A HUMBLE REQUEST: Any ex-armed

forces personnel, who can help his son get his dad’s rightful land compensation, with their knowledge of the system, contacts, etc. - please contact Allan, at the information given on this page. Jai Hind! Jai Maharashtra! Ketan Shah

P.C. Mascrenhas potrait painting is hung at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Yet, after his widow died; his son Allan from Chium, Khar is still knocking on doors, to get the promised land compensation, entitled to his dad. Can you help him? If you have any knowledge that could help his son, Allan to get the land (2 acres) promised by the government for those who are war gallantry awardees; kindly contact Allan Mascrenhas +91-9987275407 Email:





Bandra traffic snarls - no remedy, no care Bandra railway station has encumbrances causing inconvenience to commuters and pedestrians. Shacks selling fast food and pan beedi have been demolished after decades and decades of BMC in apathy. Those attached to the mosque are still in business and hindrance to traffic. BMC is dragging its feet at many junctions that have become bottlenecks for traffic control. Yet the city planners are not moving on with new ideas to decongest the city. Though Lucky Restaurant junction on SV Road is manned by traffic police to ease vehicular movement, it is bane to motorists, autos and bus drivers. So also is the case at Balaji Restaurant junction on Hill Road, Mount Carmel Church on John Baptist Road and Kondor Decorators on SV Road. There is no discipline in pedestrian crossing at any of the junctions mentioned above. Many a times the pedestrian takes great risk to his or her own life while crossing roads in Bandra and elsewhere. If this is the case with the general public, where is the concern for senior citizens and children crossing roads? What about the disabled and the handicapped? Why is the government, BMC and NGO’s burying their heads in

BMC is dragging its feet at many junctions that have become bottlenecks for traffic control. Though Lucky Restaurant junction on SV Road is manned by traffic police to ease vehicular movement, it is bane to motorists, autos and bus drivers. the sand and not wanting to take a stand on such issues. There are few schools on main roads which do not have any road side patrol to monitor movement of children crossing roads after school hours. The police

and the government only come into action when there is death by accident. Then the tamasha will last for few days and very soon everything is forgotten. Do citizens of this country need such governance that is irresponsible, un-

caring and least bothered about public grievance? Seventy years of governance has only taught us one thing go to the polls and vote for idiots because you can’t find anything better. Amar Singh





Inflammation is the cause of many Diseases Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury, viruses, pathogens, bacteria’s. We need inflammation to kick protectors into doing their job and then switch off. The problem with inflammation is when it doesn’t switch off and when it becomes chronic. Good Inflammation When you fall down and get a cut on your knee, the area around your knee swells up and it becomes red because your vessels dilate and rushes blood towards that area to heal it. The blood also starts clotting and it slows down so that you don’t bleed to death. Now your immune system starts producing a high amount of WBC’s that’s white blood cells to fight any infection or bacteria. At the same time your cells around the injured area start multiplying and dividing to repair the injured area quickly. All of this is inflammation. Sometimes even when you get sunburned or when you are exposed to too much of sun the redness that you see is inflammation kicked in by your immune system to protect the healthy cells around the area. That’s good inflammation. We need it to protect us. The problem is when inflammation doesn’t go back to its normal. CHRONIC INFLAMMATION Inflammation kicks in to protects you, it does its job and then it needs to switch off. Chronic inflammation is the number one cause of most diseases. Right from heart attacks to strokes to cardiac arrests to cancer because we all know cancer is an inflammatory disease and when you find it difficult to lose weight, the reason could be chronic inflammation. Stress also causes chronic inflammation. When we are stressed the body may not multiply the number of WBC’s

IMMUNITY Reduce inflammation and you have a stronger immunity that’s not working in overdrive. Immunity is great for us but immunity that’s constantly working in overdrive can actually be fatal that can actually produce innumerable amount of diseases and ailments. Arthritis of the knees is caused because of inflammation. There is pain, your body responds to pain by putting on the inflammation switch that because of our bad lifestyle habits because of excess salt and sugar and inactivity the inflammation switch does not go off and that makes your arthritis worse. but it increases a certain protein marker in your blood called CRP that is C – reactive protein and when there is more protein because of an emotional issue that causes chronic inflammation in your body that can lead to further disease. HEART Your heart has vessels and these vessels and arteries when clogged with plaque or cholesterol causes cardiac arrest. But inflammation is the number one cause because you have endothelial cells that line your vessels in the heart and this inflames. Sugar, salt, improper lifestyle, too much of overeating all of that causes inflammation and irritation of these endothelial cells that induces inflammation. Inflammation sends out signals to your immune system, your immune system over reacts when the inflammation is chronic and we have heart disease. DIGESTIVE HEALTH IBS which is irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, indigestion, flatulence, bloating & Crohn’s disease is nothing but chronic inflammation. Most of the digestion of food finally happens in your small in-

Do you have an existing business & don’t know how to get the word out to the residents of Bandra & Khar about your products/services? Reach out to us, a highly trusted voice and source of information for the people of Bandra that’s been proudly serving the local community since 2010. Our monthly newspaper, website and social media channels allow us to reach a combined print and digital audience of more than 50,000 affluent & locally connected consumers each month.

BandraBuzz creating community connect since 2010

25th July 2018 | Vol. 9 Issue 7 |

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Potholes & Plastic - Who fines whom?

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Each year, the monsoon leaves its foot print behind, to remind the State Government of Maharashtra and BMC to make amends; improve ethics, innovate for better living conditions and change their system to avoid a repeat of their bad performances. In 2006, the deluge brought Mumbai on its knees. The former CM Vilasrao Deshmukh took moral responsibility for the miserable Disaster Management - and then resigned. That was Congress rule, but now it is different. The present CM was in Nagpur, when heavy rains lashed the city and brought it down to a grinding halt. This year, the Vasai–Virar belt had severe flooding. Power supply was cut off, train services between the two

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stations were suspended & people were seen walking on railway tracks. All shops were shut, auto-rickshaws refused to carry passengers and people were running from pillar to post, in search of food; while the CM was calmly holed up in Nagpur, trying to send rescue teams. Remote control? They eventually arrived, as usual – late; while the Vasai-Virar Municipal Corporation stood as hapless spectators, unable to do anything. Why? This is because they haven’t done anything Roads in the vicinity of Mehboob studio & Andrews Church were like craters on the moon worthwhile before, but are in nexus with the builder mafia, on how to the ‘Marathi Manoos’, who has helped that - it is the ‘Marathi Manoos’ himgrow rich. The same is with the State the party to bag the maximum seats self, who is to be blamed for Mumbai’s Government and the BMC’s Ruling in the Corporation - and this is the re- degradation. Party, which has held the Corporation sult of Mumbai’s decay, in every sense Amar Singh to ransom for the past 25 years. It is of the word. The fact of the matter is Continued on Page 3 >>

Bandra Branch: Shop No.1, Ground Floor & First Floor, “Turner Heights”, Junction of Turner Road & Almeida Park Road, Bandra West, Mumbai – 400 050.

Contact No.77740030781 /Call Toll -free: 1800 233 6000 /

testine. Your small intestine then breaks down all this food into a nutrient which moves between the intestinal wall into your blood & that’s how nutrients move from the food that we digest into your blood. But in most cases undigested food sometimes moves between this intestinal wall into your blood & when undigested food moves into your blood your immune system kicks into overdrive. Because that undigested food is a foreign particle in your blood and your immune system flares up trying to attack it because it’s a foreign body. This constantly happens because of the kind of food that we eat, the way we eat when we eat too fast when we don’t have enough of digestive enzymes to break down the food molecules into smaller molecules that can be digested assimilated and moved into your blood. Then we have IBS, constipation, bloating, stomach cancers. So IBS is mainly stress-related & proper improper digestion of food. It is one of the most easily curable diseases because it’s all related to lifestyle & the way we break down food. So sometimes these intestinal walls are broken because you have a larger food molecules passing through these walls and seeping into your blood, which means you have chronic inflammation at all times and chronic inflammation causes disease. WEIGHT LOSS Inflammation could be the reason why you don’t lose weight. When you have inflammation because of the junk food that you eat too much sugar too much of salt you now have insulin resistance which means your cells stop responding to insulin and you have higher blood sugar levels and higher levels storage of fat. When you have chronic inflammation your metabolic rate decreases, you have hunger cravings which mean you upset the biological chemical and physiological working of your cells. You have a hormonal imbalance and that is what prevents you from losing weight even though you may start eating right and you may start exercising.

HOW TO REDUCE INFLAMMATION We reduce inflammation by changing the way we eat. It’s not just what we put in our mouths, that’s how we do it, how we assimilate it in that digestive system & how it gets digested. So we use saliva from chewing that generates enzymes that help you digest your food better. We eat the right kinds of foods. We reduce the amount of junk & process which causes nothing but inflammation in the arteries of your heart, in your body, in your joints everywhere. Cancer for example; more stomach cancers & most colon cancers are caused because of the kind of food that we eat & the way we eat. It’s not just smoking it’s not just obesity today. Most colon cancer patients & stomach cancer patients have never smoked in their lives. This means that the kind of food that they’ve been eating is the number one cause of their cancer along with lifestyle. So no matter how much outside food you eat whether it’s a five-star hotel or whether it’s a good restaurant you have no control over the ingredients they use, the oil they use, the salt they use & the way of preparation. You are better off with home food & that should be a goal for every one of us. We can control inflammation by moving to a plant-based diet for two weeks & you will reduce inflammation in your arteries & in your body. Remove dairy for two weeks & you will see that your inflammation levels come down consistently. My book, The Great Indian Diet has enough of natural foods which are anti-inflammatory in nature ranging from your onions to your turmeric, cinnamon, garlic, tomatoes which are cooked. All your fruits are anti-inflammatory in nature; all your raw vegetables are anti-inflammatory in nature. You need to remember that cooked food also creates inflammation in the body. Cooked food when enters your intestines produces more WBC’s because your WBC is actually raised to handle the toxins from cooked food because cooked food is devoid of raw enzymes that actually help you to digest. Luke Coutinho



Restoration A Musical for Kripa Nite

This Independence Day 2018, as always, Restoration – a fund-raising Musical for Kripa Nite; was produced and directed by Joe Cordo, with insights from Fr. Joe Pereira, Founder. The music was by Dawn Cordo, choreography by Nevil Damania, choir by Celeste Cordo & lights by Michael Nazareth. The theme Restoration portrayed parables – and conveyed the core messages of kindness, alertness & growth, very seamlessly. It was an evening to remember – and take the messages of love & hope home; to be a part of our thoughts and actions. The all-communities cast was simply superb. Kripa, derived from the Sanskrit word, meaning “Grace” Kripa Foundation has the privilege of being the largest Non-Governmental Organization in India, affiliated with the

Union Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment; working selflessly among people afflicted with chemical dependency & HIV Infection. With over a quarter century of service, Kripa Foundation has evolved a module of non-discriminating, supportive community living, empowering people to introspect and bring about a change in lifestyle. The Organization had humble beginnings in a church compound in Bandra in 1981. Today, after more than a quarter century, they operate worldwide. This event was well attended, with an almost full auditorium. Cardinal Oswald Gracias was very pleased with the musical for Kripa and addressed the audience, spontaneously. The song sung at the end, by Fr. Joe, was a fitting finale. Keki Balsara

Bandra girl Diane Athaide gets Harvard Masters Diane Athaide, a parishioner of St. Andrew’s and resident of Virendra, B. J. Road, Bandra. a graduate in Architecture of the Bombay University, and who was actively associated with a reputed architectural studio in Mumbai, has now moved up a few rungs in the ladder of aspirational achievements. In 2016, Diane procured admission with the prestigious and selective Harvard University, in the U.S. for doing her Masters. On May 24, 2018 at an overwhelmingly attended Convocation ceremony, Diane was conferred the Degree of Masters of Architecture in Urban Design (MAUD) from Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Her graduation gown and cap now has an added feather which also gives her wings of achievement to soar higher and higher in a merit-based profession, posed with conceptualised challenges.


AAP launches their Bandra West Assembly Election 2019 Campaign

On 12th August, AAP held an important meeting at Sybil Sequeira’s landmark ‘Sequilla Bungalow’, Peter Dias Road, to launch candidates for the upcoming Bandra West Assembly Elections in 2019. Prabha Pandey from Bandra is active in AAP worker and told us, that the AAP high command has decided to contest in the Maharashtra Assembly Elections & have started preparing to motivate local party workers and volunteers. Their central theme is to fight the rampant corruption, which is ruining everything in India. Capt. D. Lobo is the Assembly Convener for AAP Bandra and anchored the meeting – attended by around 40 supporters of all communities. He announced the party’s decision to contest the 2019 election and invited local residents, AAP veterans and new comers to come forward, take up responsibilities within their wards and help to strengthen and build the AAP presence in Ban-

dra. All present were given a chance to articulate their views, with suggestions that would help AAP Bandra create a meaningful impact. An AAP representative from New Delhi, spoke extensively how the good work done by the ‘Delhi model’, headed by CM Arvind Kejriwal - was downplayed by mainstream media. He explained how education, medical care, electricity, etc. was handled so well – and has benefitted the common citizens of New Delhi. We need to understand the true intent and actions of AAP – compared to other political parties. These exemplary concepts can be replicated in Bandra and the rest of the country – if AAP is given the mandate by you and me. Like-minded people, who want to join the fight against corruption, please call 8657425504 act today, tomorrow may be too late. Surjeet Singh

Writers Wanted

Founded in 2010, Bandra Buzz is a community newspaper reporting about local issues, schools, colleges, sports, food, health, lifestyle, fashion, entertainment, music, business, events, etc. On hand to greet her and applaud her success were her proud parents, Ingrid and Edwin Athaide who traversed half the globe to share this unforgettable moment of joyous satisfaction. Irwin Almeida


We are looking for people who want to join the team on a part time basis as a writer & marketing interns for field work Mail your resume to Call us on +91-9820783686 or +91-9920299787



Inauguration of naming of MCGM playground as F.A.C. Rebello Ground



Municipal Corporator Asif Zakaria (3rd left) alongside Bishop John Rodrigues, Baba Siddique (Ex-MLA), Karen D'Mello (Ex-Municipal Corporator) & Shyama Kulkarni Independence Day 2018, saw Salsette Society members & local residents for the inauguration of naming of MCGM playground behind Chand Terrace, off St. Andrew’s Road. Finally, Francis Anthony Cyril Rebello – founder of The Salsette & Sebastian Co-op. Housing Societies, many co-operative banks and credit societies has been posthumously recognised for his efforts to empower communities. The Salsette Catholic Co-operative Housing Society, in its centenary year; requested Municipal Corporator Asif Zakaria to name the M.C.G.M. Playground, situated off St. Andrew’s Road, H-West Ward # 101, as ‘Francis Anthony Cyril Rebello Ground’. Asif Zakaria got

the approval – and the plaque, next to the gate, was blessed by His Lordship Bishop John Rodrigues. Born in 1863, F.A.C. Rebello was known as the Father of the Co-operative Movement in Western India. After graduation in 1883 – Madras University, he worked in the Office of the Accountant General, Madras. He later joined them in Bombay. With rapid promotions, he retired in 1921, as the Accountant General of Bombay. He was also appointed a Justice of Peace & Hon. Magistrate. This ground naming is indeed a tribute to all the selfless services rendered by the late F.A.C. Rebello. Cyril Dantas



GPON is an access method that provides fibre connectivity (currently the fastest fixed line medium) using point-to-multipoint technology. Its defining feature is that it uses passive splitters in the fibre network so that a single fibre line from the service provider can deliver connectivity to multiple premises. Whereas an active Ethernet network uses physical, electrically powered switches that open and close to send signals to different premises, GPON does not rely on electrically powered switches.














Celebrating Our Lady on the Mount There are countless stories written about Mount Mary Church & how this Basilica perched on top of the hill in Bandra has earned international recognition not only as a shrine, but also a place in the hearts of millions of devotees who come here each year to seek her blessings. So powerful is her healing touch that people of all faiths visit her glorious shrine built by the Portuguese, more than 400 years ago. Imagine what Bandra must be looking like 400 years ago & even today the Basilica looks like it was built just yesterday. Each year the Basilica celeberates Mother Mary’s birthday on 8th September. Its the time of the year when many get up early in the morning and make it a point to attend the Novena which starts at 5.30am. Even at that hour the Basilica is full of devotees waiting patiently to hear the Novena being celebrated. The whole day this devotion continues as pilgrims flock to her relic for the countless blessings the people pray for her benevolence. Sometimes you are moved to tears by the sight of this sea of humanity sacrificing their time and well being inspite of an advanced age just to be with Mother Mary.

This whole Eucharistic & Spiritual awakening is planned months in advance by an august body to make the entire event work with clock work precison. Make shift shops mushroom all along the route from the foot of the hill right upto gate of the Basilica selling candles, wax made models of arms, legs, dolls &

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homes for the devotees to buy & offer it to Mother Mary with a prayer to grant their wish. These people deep down in their hearts are convinced that their prayers & wishes will be fulfilled. The Mount Mary steps for that entire week turns into a festival of food, shopping paradise of toys, children’s

books, Christian literature & souvenirs, delicious sweets, games & dry fruits. A visit to the Mount is an exhilarating experience for the faithful at any time. The BEST deploys extra buses to during the Holy Week to cope with the heavy rush of devotees wanting to visit the Basilica. Amar Singh





Bandra League through the years

Come July, the most awaited Bandra West Football Association (BWFA) League arrives along with the onset of the monsoon rains. For the last sixteen years now, the Bandra League, as it’s more popularly known, has become a household tradition of sorts for the residents of the suburb of Bandra West. Imagine going for mass on a Sunday morning & seeing many others trooping into the nave of the church. Well, this is the scene every Sunday here in Bandra: the morning is reserved for a visit to the good old Supari Talao (aka Dr Norman Lewis ground), well, not just for the players but also their families & band of supporters and what you have is a party! Back in 2003 when the BWFA hosted the first season, the league comprised just eight teams from the vicinity namely Chimbai, Bandra Packers, Sea View, Carmelites, Companeroes, Ranwar, Somlands, Theresians & Skylark & players from the neighbouring football - crazy Bazaar Road, Chapel Road & Chimbai made the numbers; but today, the entire community participates in the various

leagues spanning all age groups and both genders! To put it in perspective, close to 450 players from Bandra West only play in this Sunday league football tournament, not to mention the countless family members and supporters who troop in occupying every inch of space beyond the touchlines – with banners, flags, crackers, drums, the occasional beer and their own voices – which make this tournament a football carnival. With the new seasonal ready getting underway a couple of weeks back, Bandra Buzz tried to get behind the history of this annual do that draws people of all religions, ages, genders and the entire community under one roof to celebrate the world’s most popular sport. In 2001, Sydney Alexander, who is synonymous with Companeroes SC and well known in the footballing fraternity in Mumbai, mooted the idea of having a league for Bandra’s own talent and shared his thoughts with Hugh Fernandes, the founder of Sea View SC. At that time, Bandra was more than wellknown for its top hockey talent and

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tournaments and Bandra’s footballers used to ply their trade with the few wellknown clubs across the city. Sydney and Hugh together invited the whos-who of Bandra’s football and formed the Bandra West Football Association in 2001. Hugh Fernandes, who is also the Chairman of the BWFA reminisces, “Back in 2003 we had just eight teams playing and today there are 30 teams only in the men’s category along with an U14 and U10 league, a Women’s league as well as a Veteran’s league. I’m pleased with the way this league has grown and, more importantly, given the community an avenue to display & build on their skills. Each club is investing heavily not just interms of money, but also time and energy & you can see the enthusiasm every Sunday.” Leo Dharmai, an accomplished football and hockey player himself, turns out as coach of AK Chimbai on matchdays, while on other days here mains the treasurer of the BWFA. “Over the years we have had consistent support from Baba Siddiqui and his son, Zeeshan who have themselves played football during their

heyday. The Bandra league has also helped the children and youth focus their energies on productive avenues as against the much rampant social vices. We have players of all religions turning out for their respective teams and playing in harmony. The tournament brings entire villages from Bandra West together to enjoy the game. It has also produced players who have gone onto represent the state teams, for example, in recent memory the likes of Floyd Dharmai and Rohel Shaikh have become names to look upto for the younger kids playing in the U10 and U14 categories,” adds the veteran Hugh Fernandes, who has himself managed his own club Sea View with its football and hockey teams for the last 52 years. For every Bandraite involved with the sport, the Bandra League is something that is looked forward to with much fervour every year and it seems that come what may, the league is here to stay. Valerian D’Costa





Book launch: The House at 43, Hill Road The House at 43, Hill Road chronicles the lives and times of the family of the aristocratic Braz Rodrigues, who, in the mid-1800s, built his bungalow on Bandra’s main road, where he lived in grand style with a retinue of butlers, servants & coachmen. The book recounts interesting — foibles, quarrels, pranks, family lore, and tragic happenings spanning five generations, and the story of Lydia, who stamped the address on the international bridal trousseau map. The House at 43, Hill Road is a book that most Bandraites would want to read, for its compelling content – and a warning of things to come. It unfolds the terror tactics of authorities and their ‘partners in crime’, who shamelessly harass soft targets – to fulfil their greed for money and power. This book, ‘The House at 43, Hill Road’ gives a meticulously documented account of how government authorities actively assisted land-grabbers who were out to take over property in Bandra’s prime commercial area. For six years, from 1989, the author, Brenda and her husband, Joe, great grandson of Braz; single-handedly fought over 70 cases, faced assaults and threats, and even had to hide their

children in a distant place – till the unexpected and miraculous denouement. The book is a charming family saga and also a scathing indictment of an alltoo-common social scenario in Mumbai. The story of ‘The House at 43, Hill Road’ could even be your own story, at least in part. TERROR TACTICS: - If you have ever had the frustration, of trying to get the H-Ward Municipal authorities to take action against some unauthorized construction, perhaps on your very own property; and found that the BMC not only did not enforce their own rules, but were actually going out of their way to help the encroachers, then you will read your story too, in the pages of this book. - If you have even been made to wait hours at the Police Station, to get a complaint registered; and then found that absolutely nothing was done, or going to be done, to address your grievance, you will be reading your story in the pages of this book. - If you have ever experienced the utter


frustration, of dealing with Cooperative Society officials or been the victim of the orders the Deputy Registrar passes - and the futility of appealing to the officials who are above the Deputy Registrar, you will be reading your story in the pages of this book. - If you have ever gone to court of Law, sat waiting for your case to be called, been given dates after dates, shelled out lawyers’ fees; or worse, been dragged through the courts, you will realize the grim reality of what occurred at 43 Hill Road. Can you imagine - the Fire Brigade issuing a memo to the BMC H-Ward, not to renew the licence of a tailoring establishment; because the use of an electric iron in a 10’ high authorised basement constituted a fire hazard? No need to imagine. It actually happened at 43, Hill Road. The House at 43, Hill Road will be launched on Sunday, 26 August 2018, starting 4pm, at the Morello Hall at Holy Family Hospital on Hill Road, Bandra (West), Mumbai - 400050 by Kaizaad Kotwal, the Emmy-winning director of

the play The Vagina Monologues in India, and Frederick Noronha, publisher of the independent Goa-based publishing house Goa 1556. Lankesh Mehta

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Season of Symphonies The Autumn 2018 season of the Symphony Orchestra of India’s (SOI) kicks off September 4, and runs through September 16 at National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA). The nearly 2-week-long season commences with a programme conducted by Alexander Lazarev, one of Russia’s foremost music conductors, and former Chief Conductor and Artistic

Director of the Bolshoi Theatre. Opening night will also feature violinist Nurit Stark in the rarely performed violin concerto by Ernest Bloch, alongside works by Wagner & Tchaikovsky. September 8 sees Lazarev conduct a programme of Mussorgsky, Mozart, and Sibelius. This programme will feature less common solo instruments in



MONSOON MELA 22nd September 2018 St. Joseph’s Convent Big Hall (Secondary Section) Time: 4 pm to 10 pm


Mozart’s concerto for flute & harp, performed by Katherine Bicknell and Daniela Iolkicheva. Music Director Marat Bisengaliev will lead the concert on September 12 featuring Prokofiev’s Symphony No. 5, which is widely considered to be a masterwork of 20th Century orchestral repertoire. The concert also features Dvořák beloved cello concerto, featuring cellist Sevak Avanesyan, first cellist of the Brussels Philharmonic. Associate Music Director Zane Dalal


closes the season on September 16, with works by Mozart & Stravinsky. Pianist Alexei Volodin, acclaimed for his highly sensitive touch and technical brilliance, will join the SOI to perform Rachmaninoff’s third piano concerto, on closing night. For more info on Symphony Orchestra of India, visit or call Box Office: +91 22 66223724/54 Debasish Chakraverty


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The Power of ‘One’

HILL ROAD · Outside Bandra station ticket counter · Near Bandra station rickshaw stand · Shankar Sidh (near Lucky Restaurant) · P.S. Chavan (outside Studio Perfecta) · Sheshmani Yadav (near Wanton House) · Ajit B Shelar (outside ICICI Bank) · Good Luck Café S.V. ROAD (opp. Bandra Talao) · Shubangi Chandrakant Torasker WATERFIELD ROAD · Indian Express (opp. Post Office) KRISHNA CHANDRA MARG · R K Yadav (outside IES College) CHAPEL ROAD · Shiva (outside Mt Carmels Church) · Rajendra Yadav (near Starbucks Coffee) ST. JOHN BAPTIST ROAD · Mt Mary Society Stores · Sandeep bookstall (near Mt Mary Steps)

BAZAAR ROAD · Kalidas Vishram General Stores · Rohit Newspaper (near Kalidas Stores) TURNER ROAD · B.M. Khambe (near D’Decor showroom) · R.K. Yadav (opp. Cafe Coffee Day) · The Bandra Gymkhana · Surendra Amberkar (near Peace Haven) CHIMBAI ROAD · S.R.N/L.R. Yadav (opp. Solanki Chemist) DR. AMBEDKAR ROAD · Bhushan newspaper (opp. 5 Spice) · Uday R Pai (opp. Bombay Barbeque) · Suresh More (near St. Elias High School) JUNCTION OF 24TH & 30TH ROAD · Rajkumar Yadav (opp. St. Theresa)

Our list is constantly growing & will be updated regularly! If you would like to be added to the list call 9820783686 or 9920299787


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Dear Reader, August in Bandra is witnessing several scenes of new beginnings. Almost every meeting has, ‘planning ahead’ as their main agenda. Old contacts are strengthened and new ones made, all creating a flurry of activities. Winds of change are sweeping our neighbourhoods, like never before. Today, we are all in a quandary. Do we still have our birthright – freedom? Are we being taken for a ride by those who control our civic amenities? Why are we being made to pay such exorbitant prices for fuel, when global prices have been dropping? In the name of development, why are precious taxfunds diverted for grandiose projects, that will never benefit the masses? Can we let our elected representatives, get away with their blatant lying? I am sure, you can add many more questions to this list. We need concrete answers. Not lollipops, empty promises-without-intent, scams and scandals. Remember, The ‘Power of One’ is in your hands. Believe in yourself. Articulate your feelings and act accordingly. Like many Bandraites in the past, you can help make a difference. As we are nearing the 2019 elections, you can highlight Bandra’s burning issues – by writing to us, for publishing. Your inputs are important to the vitality of your neighbourhood. Bandra Buzz was

created for local matters to be highlighted – and to get resolved. Our local community concept is to think at a national & global level, yet start acting locally. Like a local lit candle, your light will gradually spread worldwide. To take things forward, create or join teams of like-minded people. This synergy will work wonders – and make the seemingly impossible, possible. Bandra Buzz has a lot in store for you, in the near future. We will always support endeavours that will help create a better Bandra. Till next time, take care.

Regards, Merck N. D’Silva Editor-in-Chief DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this paper, are of the authors - and do not reflect the opinion of the publishers and editors, unless otherwise stated. Readers should act on the information provided, only after consulting with their own independent advisors.

Letters to the Editor ROAD WIDENING The newly widened roads adjacent to Bandra station in Bandra West has been swiftly encroached by illegal stalls, I request for a mid night task force for such illegal encroachments. Reza Khan

VANDALISING DUSTBINS Dustbins are mostly vanadalised by the rag pickers for material parts that they can make money out of. While the BMC has dumped their work of garbage segregation on this entire section of society & boasts about it, they turn a blind eye towards their thefts & vandalism. People park with total impunity below Shweta Rao no parking signs near Elco Arcade area. Also brazenly park on the pavement or BANDRA UNDER SIEGE double park their cars. Mumbai police Bandra under siege. Digging, digging, need to appoint parking wardens in uneven roads everywhere. Repair work these areas to fine such car owners. done in atrocious manner when comSiddiq Khan pleted. Otherwise taking weeks and months. Had great hopes from both of Road widening is the need of the hour you after your predecessors did not do for the ever congested Hill Road. How- any constructive work. ever, removing structures lead to illeRajiv Vijayakar gal parking of cars by people who have come to shop in the vicinity. That again ILLEGAL BIKE RACING leads to bottlenecks. Bandra reclamation is full of racers, Altaf Akhai three to a bike, without helmets, speeding away to glory, and blocking traffic. Surprising to note that the florist opp St. Joanna Lobo Andrew's Church has not got the demolition notice when it sticks out like a sore thumb on the road. Why does BMC keep targeting churches and agiarys? Email your Letter to the Editor on Karen Miranda





Bandra’s best-kept secret! - Eager Beavers Preschool

It’s the case most working women have to face when they have a child: choose from either work or taking care of their little one/s. Besides, working mothers have often been subject to social scrutiny, not that it should matter to them. However, recent researches have established some positive impacts of working mothers on a child’s development. Bandra Buzz spoke with Saurabh Poddar, Director of Eager Beavers Preschool & Daycare, who believes that working moms establish themselves as positive role models for their children. This statement was further reinforced by some of the mothers we spoke to. Priyanka Dhawale, a marketing manager, whose child spends the day at the day-care centre said, “Watching me

work has made Aarvi more responsible and independent.” Pooja Gautam, General Manager of a major Indian MNC, told us, “Being a working woman has helped me become more objective & practical as a mother and not just obsessed about my son.” She added, “Eager Beavers has provided a loving home for my son, so I can focus on my work without a worry.” As the name suggests, Eager Beavers is a preschool and daycare that focuses on providing little ones with a stressfree, warm and safe home-like environment. Their day care services take care of kids as young as 6-months until they turn six years. A pre-nursery, nursery and kindergarten are also accessible where children learn valuable lessons

such as personal, social, creative and emotional development beside much more. When asked about Eager Beavers facilities, Saurabh Poddar elaborated, “Each centre has thoughtfully designed play areas and non-toxic European EN71 certified toys. Our integrated program called ‘Sure P.L.A.E’ (Protect-Love-Aspire-Enrich) includes not just curriculum but also training and Q.C.” This quality focus has placed Eager Beavers amongst the top 10 Preschool & Daycare Centres in the country. Eager Beavers was also awarded India Today Excellence in Education Award recently. With the number of working women on the climb, the need to address their work-life balance has been duly acknowledged by the Maternity Benefit

(Amendment) Act of 2017 mandating companies to provide a crèche facility at or near the office. With six centres across Mumbai, Eager Beavers is partner to many Indian and multinational companies providing day-care for their employees’ little ones. As one day-care coordinator quoted, on a lighter note, “Behind a successful working mother, there is a loving Daycare.” Eager Beavers G-1, Rinkle C.H.S, St. John Baptist Road, off Chapel Road, near Taj Mahal Tea House, Bandra West, Mumbai – 400050. Contact no.: 8433920233 / 8693888833 Valerian D’Costa

Bandhs and Strikes - Is this our Culture?

The recent ‘bandh’ or call to strike by the ‘Marathas’ for reservation in Government jobs had Mumbaikars worried and scared about their lives, when the stir suddenly turned ugly and violent. Residents of Thane and Navi Mumbai had to face the wrath of goons pelting stones, blocking highways, setting ablaze MSRTC buses, damaging autorickshaws and in general creating mayhem and fear among the people. This ‘strike’ lasted for two days but left behind an impression in the minds of people that no matter where they live, Mumbai is not safe place because it becomes the target & a perfect place to blackmail the government into accepting their demands. There are many Mumbaikars living in the suburbs like Bandra, Khar & Santa Cruz who commute daily to their work places in Thane, Airoli, Nerul, Kopar Khairane & Panvel. It was in these places the agitation by protestors turned violent to such an extent that train services had to be curtailed, highways blocked & brought vehicular traffic to a grinding halt. TV news channels showed how Mumbaikars were struggling to stay safe and reach home to their destinations in the suburbs.

This ‘strike’ lasted for two days but left behind an impression in the minds of people that no matter where they live, Mumbai is not safe place because it becomes the target & a perfect place to blackmail the government into accepting their demands. And the very next day Union Minister for Roads and Highways, himself a Maratha says where is the question of granting reservation when there are no jobs available.”

When all this chaos was in progress the Government remained a silent spectator, waiting and watching like always thinking that matters will come to an end when the protestors and their masters realise that their efforts have failed. But it didn’t happen that way on the contrary with each passing hour the Maratha protesting brigade made more threats that eventually the CM had to

come out and bow to their demands. And the very next day Union Minister for Roads and Highways, himself a Maratha says where is the question of granting reservation when there are no jobs available. A few days before the Maratha agitation, there was a similar protest by Dalits, which also had a political twist about recognition of their identity. Here

also one community is spreading hatred against another. Will we citizens ever remain at peace with ourselves? All these things have started to happen in the past four years. We must strive to make a change, sooner the better. Get rid of hate mongers and religious bigots. Let 2019 usher in a ‘New India’, safe and at peace with itself. Amar Singh





Cataract Surgery: Which lens to choose? A cataract is a cloudiness or opacity in the normally transparent crystalline lens of the eye. This cloudiness can cause a decrease in vision - and may lead to eventual blindness. Cataract is a very common occurrence, especially amongst senior citizens. Although in recent times, there are many incidences of cataract, amongst much younger people too. When diagnosed with cataract, your eye surgeon gives you a choice of Intra Ocular Lens (IOLs), to be implanted in place of the original lens in your eye. The dilemma is, ‘which lens to choose amongst the available options?’ So, let us try to simplify this problem, as much as possible. TYPES OF LENSES: 1. Aspheric Lens Due to better contrast sensitivity, these lens can differentiate between the various shades of the same colour, i.e., various shades of red, blue, green, etc. 2. Blue Filter Lens This lens blocks some of the blue and Ul-

tra Violet (UV) lights, which are harmful for our eyes. 3. Foldable Lens Foldable lens allows a smaller incision; thus the wound is small. Post-surgery, a minimal spectacle correction would be required for distance vision. It enables a quicker return to normal routine activity, as opposed to non-foldable lens. 4. Monofocal v/s Multifocal Multifocal lens satisfies the minimal requirement for distance and near vision spectacles. However, halos around light and glares (light sensitivity) may persist for some time, after surgery. Monofocal would be recommended, if a person drives a lot during the night, or has large pupils, or has pre-existing retinal damage.

2) Our God-given lens cannot be replicated. However, they can be mimicked - to a certain extent. 3) The choice of lens, will also be determined by your need to be; as free of spectacles as possible. 5. Tone Lens This lens is useful if you have a cylinder 4) Most insurance companies cover the cost of Monofocal lens, but not the cost power of more than one diopter. of Multifocal lens. 5) Post-surgery, more than the lens, a Some Helpful Pointers: 1) The most expensive lens, may not al- well done & successful cataract surgery is primarily responsible for a good vision ways be the most suitable for you.

For further info, please call Dr. Preeti Patil +91- 98195 10185 Vision 2020 Eye Centre opp. Mehboob Studio, Bandra West, Mumbai 400050. Timing: 10.00 am to 1.00 pm Pali Hospital opp. St. Joseph School, M.G. Road, Bandra West, Mumbai 400050. Timing: 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm

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