1 minute read

LifeSkills Boarder’s Sunday Sessions

Mr Karel Bos,Dean of Students

IN May, we were delighted to welcome back our senior Boarders to residential living on campus. Despite it being a modified process due to COVID-19 where the boys had their temperature checked and answered health questions daily, there was a buzz in the air.


Given there has been no sport and limited activities for the boys to undertake due to restrictions, we decided to run a sequence of LifeSkills sessions during the first weekend back. Boys learnt a range of important lessons including correct table etiquette, car maintenance, ironing, budgeting and undertook barista training. They also learnt about the importance of healthy relationships and how to facilitate these into everyday life.

These sessions were met with plenty of enthusiasm and appreciation in gaining more of an understanding of those things that we may use in life daily. We thank all the staff involved for volunteering their time and commitment. We especially appreciated how well our Dean of Boarding, Mr Tony Watt, could iron a business shirt that would rival any professional ironing service or dry cleaner.

Please enjoy the video showcasing exactly what the boys learnt and their comments around the activities.