2 minute read

Confidence in the Face of Adversity

Mr Karel Bos, Dean of Students

OVER the last four years we have been developing a healthy masculinity program that encourages and guides our young men to be comfortable in expressing how they feel. This involves exploring the concept of masculinity and how at times we are pressured to hide behind the unofficial ‘man’s law’ which can stunt emotional growth during this critical stage.


This year we have expanded the program and adapted to the recent COVID-19 restrictions by facilitating both online and live workshops across multiple year levels. Tommy Herschell from Find Your Feet has presented these online workshops to our Years 9-11 Boarders who were still at home. He also visited TSS and delivered smaller workshops with our Year 10s.

The workshops explore the detrimental, ‘man’s law’, vulnerability, being authentic and honesty among peers. These workshops challenge the perception of what the boys feel a young man should be – ‘challenging the title of man’.

These workshops have proven to be powerful and raw as trust among the cohorts and groups start to build strong bonds and relationships. Personally, I have been so impressed by the support our boys give each other when a fellow student shares some adversity and complication in their life with the group. We need to learn to share more and understand that we are not all flawless and perfect; we share the same problems and issues with each other.

The following comments from our boys in an anonymous survey gives an insight into how effective these workshops can be:

“I liked how no one laughed at the boy who was speaking and showing emotion”

“The exposure and insight into the problems everyone faces helped me realise I’m not alone” “It helps you break out of your shell and speak up”

“It’s ok to ask for help”

“Allows for reflection”

“I never knew blokes around me were struggling”

While he was with us, Ms Jacqui Latimer from our marketing department, took the opportunity to interview Mr Herschell in relation to his life, his company Find Your Feet and working with students at TSS.

Mr Herschell reflected on his past experiences including how he got to where he is today, and he was very humble and honest in sharing the aspects of his life. He is inspiring and relishes giving back to others and helping young men through their hardships involving mental health and uncertainty.

We hope you enjoy this interview and find it useful in gaining some insight into both Mr Herschell and what Find Your Feet does to support our boys.