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Budding Entrepreneur Wins $1,000 Contest Isaac Schleifer won the University of Baltimore’s Pitch Across Maryland contest, receiving a $1,000 award. A senior in the school’s business administration program, Schleifer pitched “Raffle Ready,” a service and software package designed for nonprofits that want to hold grass-roots fundraisers such as raffles. The tool would automate the process of creating, promoting and managing a raffle fundraiser. There were five other finalists who received seed funding donated by Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Attman: Benjamin Bell, Kimberly Brownlie, Austin Cohen, Jacob Goldberg and Matt Taylor.

Heimish Tudor Heights, the closest thing to home – comfy, cozy and filled with friendly faces. Meat Kosher Dining Services Dairy Kosher Dining Services

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Jacobson Honored


to give you peace of mind Situated on the beautiful Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Campus, this well-designed community offers an active, worry-free lifestyle for seniors 62+ and persons under 62 with disability. 7i LiÀ} * >Vi] Ã Ì i º« >Vi» Ì Li v À Ãi Àà Ài>`Þ Ì i Þ Ì i À ÀiÌ Ài i Ì] Ûi `i«i `i Ì Þ > ` ÃÌ>Þ >VÌ Ûi° / à ë À }] Üi iÃÌ>L à i` V Õ ÌÞ vviÀà Àià `i Ìà > Þ Li iwÌà V Õ` } À}> âi` à V > >VÌ Û Ì ià > ` ÌÀ> ë ÀÌ>Ì ÃiÀÛ Við Additional features include: U -«>V Õà vwV i VÞ E " i i`À «>ÀÌ i Ìà U i>ÕÌ vÕ Þ > `ÃV>«i` À Õ `à U >Ì } / }iÌ iÀ *À }À> U >À}i } , U " - Ìi Ûi i Vi -Ì Ài U " > «Õà `Õ Ì >ÞV>Ài U >ÃÞ VViÃà / i` V> >V ÌÞ

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The law firm of Gordon Feinblatt LLC announced that Jonas A. Jacobson was honored by the Land Development Council of the Home Builders Association of Maryland with a 2012 Award of Excellence as Consultant of the Year. e Awards of Excellence recognize outstanding contributions by companies and individuals to the land development industry. Aer nearly a decade leading key Mary-land state and local environmental agencies, Jacobson is now counsel in Gordon Feinblatt’s Environmental & Energy and Government Relations Practice Groups. JT


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