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Congratulations to the Class of 2022

Despite all of the COVID-related disruptions during their senior schooling, the Ballarat Grammar cohort of 2022 demonstrated a resolve and commitment to their studies which was beyond their years.

Ballarat Grammar had two students achieve an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) above 99: Ryan Hovey achieved an ATAR of 99.3, and Lola Speer achieved 99.25. Ryan and Lola are also joint Duxes for Ballarat Grammar for 2022.


• 11% of students with ATARs of 95 or above

• 20% of students with ATARs of 90 or above

• 45% of students with ATARs of 80 or above

Six students accepted apprenticeships and have started their journey towards rewarding careers.

Jorell Mobbs (Year 12) performed at the VCAA Seasons of Excellence Top Class concert, accompanied by his brother and Old Grammarian, Declan Mobbs (2020). He was the first VCE VET Music Industry (Sound Production) student ever selected for this series and also to be displayed in the VCE Top Designs exhibition at the Melbourne Museum. Adding to this achievement, he completed the subject in Year 11.