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Some specific examples of service opportunities at the School include:

We want our students to embrace the ethos, ‘from those to whom much is given will much be required’. We believe that service and leadership are closely tied to one another.

Service at Ballarat Grammar supports our focus on developing the whole person and links closely with our Positive Education Program and Round Square Program. We are committed to nurturing a deep sense of social justice in our students and help them to understand as privileged and that, with growing inequality in the world, there will be an increasing need for us to take action.

By forming partnerships with other organisations in the community we can achieve great things and make a positive difference locally and globally. We believe that getting involved in your community gives you enriching and meaningful personal experiences, helps you better understand yourself and positively shapes your own values.

We expect our students to bring compassion to every service opportunity and the attitude that they have just as much to gain from the experience as the people they are helping. Our student-led Service Committee works closely with the Round Square Committee and leads by example by promoting and celebrating service across the School.

• Social Service – Pa rtnering with Alfredton Rotary and ‘Eatup.org’ to make 300-400 sandwiches per fortnight for 18 primary schools in the wider Ballarat community, catering for their students who regularly go without lunch.

• AAA Sports – where st udents help and coach local all-abilities children to develop and improve their sporting skills… and have a lot of fun!

• Environmental S ervice - each Middle School year level are responsible for regenerating and maintaining native trees and grasses in accordance with the City of Ballarat’s masterplan for Lake Wendouree.

There are many other annual events and programs where students can volunteer their time and energy to assist our community partners to help raise awareness, funds and outcomes for those in need.