Weekend balita may 31, 2014

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David Casuco writes 30 See LIGHTHOUSE page 12


MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2014


Obama delays deportation review

After he was tagged as “deporter-in-chief” President Barack Obama ordered government agents to give priority to deportations of those involved in illegal activity and gangs -- and had used executive power to shield undocumented young people with illegal status who have known no home other than the United States.

WASHINGTON, May 28, 2014 (AFP) – President Barack Obama has postponed a review of US deportation policy for undocumented workers, hoping to give legislative reform a better chance, a White House official said Tuesday. Obama called on Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson to “hold on the release” of the results and recommendations of a review of procedures for deporting undocumented workers, the official said. In doing so, the White House hopes to keep Republican pushback in Congress at bay, postponing a review that could drive those on the opposite side of the isle from legislative compromise. Obama has previously warned that a narrow window remains to pass legislative immigration

reform before mid-term elections, seeking to keep alive perhaps his last hope for a major second-term domestic achievement. Earlier this month Obama told police chiefs and top law enforcement officers that bitter party politics ahead of November’s polls would threaten hopes of moving a reform bill, currently stalled in the US House of Representatives, which is controlled by Republicans. The Democratic-led Senate passed the bipartisan immigration reform measure last year that includes a path to eventual citizenship for more than 11 million illegal immigrants, tighter border monitoring, an overhauled work visa program and other key reforms. Obama, who based his 2012 See DEPORTATION, page 12

Pope to visit PHL in January 2015 MANILA, May 27 (Mabuhay) – January 2015 will be a significant month for the Philippines, as it will get a visit from no less than Pope Francis. The Pope said he plans to visit the Philippines and Sri Lanka in January, Catholic News Service reported Tuesday. While no other details were immediately available, the CNS said the Pope “announced he

plans to visit the Philippines and Sri Lanka in January.” Last May 19, Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle told CNS in a separate interview that plans are underway for Pope Francis’ visit to the Philippines and Sri Lanka. At the time, however, Tagle said the visit would be in “early 2015.” “The Vatican has not yet an-

nounced the dates and the specific itinerary that the pope will observe, but I am confident it will happen early next year,” he was quoted in the interview as saying. In the same interview, Tagle said one purpose of the papal visit could be “to come close to the people who suffered from the recent typhoon (in November) and the earthquake (in October).” “We will see how that could be

done. But he, I think, would want that to be a defining character of his trip,” he said. On the other hand, Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines president and LingayenDagupan Archbishop Socrates Villegas said there is no problem with making preparations on short notice if the visit pushes through. “The pope is welcome anySee POPE FRANCIS, page 12

Pope Francis

Haiyan cools PHL economy Abad denies secret MANILA, May 29, 2014 (AFP) – The Philippines’ roaring meetings with Napoles economy cooled in the first quarter of the year as the impacts of Super Typhoon Haiyan and other natural disasters hit harder than expected, official data showed Thursday. Economic growth slowed to 5.7 percent in January-March, compared with 7.7 percent in the same period last year, the government said. “The relatively slow growth is expected given the magnitude of the destruction,” Economic Planning Secretary Arsenio Balisacan told reporters, highlighting damage particularly to the agriculture, trade and tourism sectors. Economists had forecast growth of 6.4 percent in the first quarter, according to Dow Jones Newswires, and the government had been targeting an expansion of 6.5-7.5 percent. “We were expecting, like so many observers, we would hit the range of 6.5-7.5 if things were not so bad in the disruption of the supply chain,” Balisacan said. The Philippines has in recent years had one of the fastestgrowing economies in Asia, with rising confidence seeing the once regional laggard awarded investment-grade ratings while the stock market hit record highs. The Philippine economy grew 7.2 percent last year, the fastest in Asia after China. However the nation of 100 million people endured a brutal run of natural disasters towards the end of last year that claimed thousands of lives, while severely damaging vital farming, fishing and tourism industries. The worst disaster was Haiyan, which carried the strongest winds ever recorded on land and killed or left missing more than 7,300 people as it tore across the central Philippines in November. “There was a supply shock in the (typhoon-affected) areas. It affects different parts of the country and that makes See HAIYAN, page 12

MANILA, May 29 (Mabuhay) – Budget Secretary Butch Abad denied Thursday that he had secret meetings with Janet Lim Napoles at EDSA Shangri-la and Cravings-Katipunan where he supposedly tutored Napoles about the pork barrel scam. In her affidavit, Napoles claimed she met Abad in the year 2000 where she was shown a special allotment release order for a 10-million-peso project with the Batanes Electric Cooperative as the implementing arm. Abad said the meetings never

Budget Secretary Butch Abad

took place. He added that since it would be his word against Napoles, he personally asked the National Electrification Administration and the Batanes Electric Cooperative for a 10-million-peso project which Napoles could have referred to but no such project exists. “I checked our DBM files, both PDAF allocation and otherwise. There was no 10 million project. The next possible source of funding was the National Electrification Administration. In See NAPOLES, page 12


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Probe alleged US spying in PHL – lawmaker MANILA, May 28 (Mabuhay) – A lawmaker wants the House of Representatives to probe into the alleged US spying operations in the Philippines through the National Security Agency’s MYSTIC program. In a resolution, Kabataan Partylist Rep. Terry Ridon urged the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and Committee on Information and Communications Technology to conduct a joint congressional inquiry to investigate and ascertain the scope of MYSTIC. Online publication The Intercept, which releases whistleblower and fugitive Edward Snowden’s leaks, claimed the MYSTIC collects “metadata” from mobile networks in countries such as the Philippines, the Caribbean, Mexico, and Kenya.

“All told, the NSA is using MYSTIC to gather personal data on mobile calls placed in countries with a combined population of more than 250 million people,” The Intercept said. One of the leaked documents that pertain to MYSTIC also exposed that the program serves as “legitimate commercial services for telcos” while covertly doing “signal intelligence.” Ridon speculated that the country’s own National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) is involved in MYSTIC’s operations. “Given the information from Snowden’s documents, it is possible that the NTC has given express approval for the embedding of the MYSTIC program in the country’s

telecommunications systems,” he said. “With the possible involvement of the NTC, and the advanced capability of the MYSTIC program, it is possible that each and every text message sent by every Filipino also ends up in the NSA’s databases – an alarming possibility considering that the Philippines has been considered as the ‘texting capital of the world,’” he added. According to the NTC, around two billion text messages are sent in the Philippines every day. “The mere existence of a large-scale spy program that monitors the content of text messages in the Philippines reveals the US government’s double standards with regard to defense and security,” he added. (MNS)

searching for airline found nothing Obama warns vs ‘aggression’ in South China Submarine SYDNEY, May 29, 2014 (AFP) – Australia Thursday ruled out a large swathe WEST POINT, May 28, 2014 (AFP) – President Barack Obama warned Wednesday that the United States was ready to respond to China’s “aggression” toward its neighbors at sea but said Washington should lead by example by ratifying a key treaty. In a wide-ranging speech on foreign policy to US military cadets at West Point, Obama said that the United States should shun isolationism and that its military must be prepared for crises. “Regional aggression that goes unchecked – whether it’s southern Ukraine, or the South China Sea, or anywhere else in the world – will ultimately impact our allies, and could draw in our military,” Obama said. But Obama emphasized caution on any decision to use force and said: “American influence is always stronger when we lead by example.” “We can’t try to resolve the problems in the South China Sea when we have refused to make sure that the Law of the Sea Convention is ratified by the United

States – despite the fact that our top military leaders say that the treaty advances our national security,” Obama said, not naming China directly as he diverted from his prepared text. “That’s not leadership; that’s retreat. That’s not strength; that’s weakness,” Obama said. Senators of the rival Republican Party have refused to ratify the treaty, saying that the UN convention would override US sovereignty. Tensions have been rising for months between China and its neighbors at sea, with Vietnam on Tuesday accusing Beijing of ramming and sinking one of its fishing boats in the South China Sea. Japan and the Philippines also have tense disputes at sea with China. Japanese commentators have voiced concern that the US failure to prevent Russia from annexing Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula in March sent the wrong signal to China. In another reference to policy toward Asia, Obama again cited the democratic reforms in Myanmar as a success story.

of Indian Ocean as Malaysian Flight MH370’s final resting place, compounding the frustration of passengers’ relatives who are still without answers almost three months on. The Joint Agency Coordination Centre said a lengthy underwater search of an area where acoustic transmissions were detected in early April was now complete, as a US Navy official queried whether the missing plane ever went there. “The Joint Agency Coordination Centre can advise that no signs of aircraft debris have been found by the autonomous underwater vehicle since it joined the search effort,” JACC said. It added that the Australian Transport Safety Bureau had advised that “the area can now be discounted as the final resting place of MH370” in an outcome that prompted anger and scorn from relatives still desperate for closure. It also sparked a strong reaction from Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, who urged Malaysia to assign a new search plan for the missing jet. “We expect Malaysia to take the leading and coordinating role, come up with a new search plan for the jet at an early date, and take the investigation seriously,” Li told Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, who is on a visit to China, according to the official Xinhua news agency. Nearly two-thirds of the passengers on the Beijing-bound aircraft were from China. Australian ship Ocean Shield, which is carrying the US Bluefin-21 sub, has now left the area after scouring 850 square kilometers (340 square miles) of sea bed for the jet that vanished flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8 carrying 239 people. Australian Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss said the search was concentrated where the pings were detected because it was “the best information available at the time”, without commenting on whether they came from the black box.


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Legarda proposes new ground for annulment MANILA, May 29 (Mabuhay) – Senator Loren Legarda recently filed a bill seeking to add one more ground for annulment – separation of the couple for at least five years. In her explanatory note of Senate Bill 2225 filed on May 14, Legarda said the measure would help expedite the tedious process of annulment as well as lower the backlog of cases besetting the lower courts. “Parties seeking annulment require legal counsel for assistance in filing petitions and substantiating claims. Hence, annulment is widely considered a lengthy, tedious, and financially exhaustive procedure,” Legarda said. “This bill addresses such concerns by providing an additional ground for annulment...This amendment likewise caters to those who cannot afford legal services by making litigation as simple and expedient as possible,” Legarda said. The bill seeks to amend Chapter 3 of Executive Order No. 209 otherwise known as the Family Code of the Philippines. Currently Chapter 3 of the Family Code identifies six valid grounds for annulment: Lack of parental consent, insanity, fraud, force, intimidation, or undue influence, impotence and sexually transmissible diseases Under SB 2225, “a marriage may also be annulled

if the parties have been separated in fact for at least five years” provided that the parties “shall both be required to present affidavits or certifications from parents, children of legal age, and other relatives attesting to the fact of the separation period without prejudice to whatever documents the court may further require.” “The separation period is crucial as the ultimate expression of the couple’s desire for an annulment,” the bill states. The proposed measure also states that if either or both parties are indigent or cannot afford the services of lawyers, “the court shall dispense with the need for lawyers and keep the processes as simple and as expediently as possible to avoid tedious and expensive litigation proceedings.” “In cases where both parties mutually seek the annulment on this ground, the court shall likewise find ways to expedite the proceedings to avoid protracted and expensive trials,” SB 2225 states. Legarda pointed out that while annulment is considered as a time-consuming and expensive process, many Filipino couples still avail this legal remedy “since it severs a union while allowing remarriage.” Legarda cited records from the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) showing a total of 10,528 annulment

Senator Loren Legarda (foreground). Photo: Rhony Laigo

cases filed with the OSG in 2012, as opposed to the 9,133 filed in 2011. “ These figures present an opportunity to dispense with the backlog of cases and culture of delay besieging lower courts,” Legarda, whose marriage with former Batangas Governor Jose Antonio Leviste was annulled in 2005, said. Data from the Philippine Statistics Authority have also indicated that one out of five married couples in the country are in splitsville. (MNS)

Discriminatory provisions vs ‘legal wives’ hit MANILA, May 27 (Mabuhay) – Gabriela Party-list lawmakers urged the repeal of several provisions in the Revised Penal Code that discriminate against women in extra marital affairs. Representatives Emmi de Jesus and Luzviminda Ilagan said extra marital affairs committed by married men and women are criminal acts, but Articles 333 and 334 discriminate against women. Under Article 333, a wife can be convicted of a crime of adultery for a single act of sexual intercourse with a man who is not her husband, while under Art. 334, the husband can only be convicted of the crime of concubinage if he is found guilty of any of the following: (1) keeping a mistress in a conjugal dwelling; (2) having sexual intercourse under

scandalous circumstances with a woman who is not his wife; or (3) cohabiting with her in any other place. A husband will only have to prove that his wife engaged in a sexual intercourse with another. On the other hand, the wife will still have to prove that her husband engaged in a sexual intercourse with another person “under scandalous circumstances.” “The abolition of this stricter moral standard, set in the 1930s when the RPC took effect, on fidelity on married women vis-à-vis their male counterparts is long overdue,” the lawmakers noted. They said both the provisions are being used so that the other party will be pressured to cooperate or give in to support negotiations.

“Worse, separated or abandoned wives, who have no remedy under the law in the absence of a divorce law, are always under constant threat of suit from their estranged husbands. They are blackmailed by their estranged husbands through Art. 333. On the other hand, while the women also have grounds to file under Art. 334, they face the difficulty of proving the crime due to the inherent difficulty in the standards set by the law,” they said. “In many cases, women who are faced by these threats are forced to forego legitimate custodial claims of their children while some are forced to give up their claims over conjugal properties, assets and the like,” the lawmakers added. They said the provisions run contrary to the AntiViolence Against Women and their Children Law. (MNS)


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VP Binay: Jinggoy can still be my running mate MANILA, May 29 (Mabuhay) – Vice President Jejomar Binay, who has made no secret of his intention to seek the presidency in 2016, is not discounting Senator Jinggoy Estrada as his running mate despite the latter’s alleged involvement in the pork barrel scam. “I’ve never declared my running mate, lahat iyan, everybody is considered,� Binay said following Binay’s attendance to the wedding of lawyer Levito Baligod, the former legal counsel of some of the whistleblowers in the pork scam. Binay stood as one of the principal sponsors in Baligod’s wedding. When asked if Jinggoy’s alleged involvement in the scam diminishes the senator’s of becoming his running mate, BInay merely smiled and reiterated that he has made no final decision yet.

“Everybody is still [being] considered,� he said. Binay, who leads early polls as the top choice for president in 2016, is one of three top leaders of United Nationalist Alliance (UNA.) The other two are former President and incumbent Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada and Senate Minority Leader Juan Ponce Enrile. Incidentally, Enrile is also among those facing plunder charges in connection with the pork barrel scam supposedly masterminded by businesswoman Janet Lim-Napoles. In March, UNA secretary general Rep. Toby Tiangco revealed that Binay has plans to launch a new political party in June. In February, Binay bolted the Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan (PDP-Laban).(MNS)

Indicted Senator Jinggoy Ejercito Estrada in the Senate while requesting to produce the digital files of pork barrel scam whistleblower Benhur Luy to Senate Majority Floorleader Senator Alan Peter Cayetano during interpellation on Monday (May 26) at the Senate, Pasay City. (MNS photo)

Marcos: I never met Napoles MANILA, May 27 (Mabuhay) – Sen. Ferdinand “Bongbong� Marcos Jr. on Tuesday denied any links to the pork barrel scam of Janet Lim Napoles despite his inclusion in the second affidavit submitted by Napoles to the Department of Justice. In a statement, Marcos said he has never met Napoles, “never spoke to her nor did I ever have any personal dealings with her.� He noted that Napoles’ own affidavit confirmed this. However, he also confirmed that a certain Catherine Mae Santos was engaged as a consultant by various Senate Congressional Committees and was detailed to his office from January 2011 to June 2013. He said his office dropped Santos as a consultant on March 21, 2013 after she failed to submit a yearend report despite several verbal and written requests. In the second affidavit submitted by Napoles, the businesswoman claimed that a certain Catherine Mae “Maya� Santos acted as representative for Senators

Marcos and Loren Legarda and other lawmakers in the scam. She said Santos claimed to be the former chiefof-staff of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo when the latter was senator up to the time she became vice-president. She said Santos was later appointed to different posts in the executive including finance undersecretary and assistant secretary in the National Anti-Poverty Commission. Napoles claimed Santos allegedly presented herself as a representative of Senator Marcos and that the senator was asking for a 50% cut of all pork barrel that went to Napoles NGOs. She claimed Santos asked for a loan to pay for the building of her house. She also claimed that Santos put the house under her child’s name and that the former official has properties in Tanay and San Diego, California. Napoles confirmed that she had never met Senator Marcos and that she only dealt with Santos.(MNS)




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Trillanes: I will run for a higher office position in 2016 MANILA, May 30 (Mabuhay) – Senator Antonio “Sonnyâ€? Trillanes IV has announced his plan to run for a higher position in 2016. Trillanes, whose term ends in 2019, disclosed this plan in a late night television interview. “Let’s just say yes, tatakbo ako. Ngayon, kung anong position, I will abide by the Nacionalista Party.â€? (Let’s just say yes, I will run. As for what position, I will abide by the Nacionalista Party) Asked again if he would like to run for vice president, Trillanes said: “I’m ready.â€? As to who would be his running mate, the senator again said: â€? I’m going to run for a higher position. Ngayon kung ano mang positon ‘yan‌so kung ano man yun, I will abide by the decision of the Nacionalista Party.â€? (I’m going to run for a higher position. Whatever the position is, I will abide by the decision of the Nacionalista Party.) Unlike many lawmakers, Trillanes was not in the socalled Napolist of “pork scammers.â€?(MNS)


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Filipina mother of 3 murdered in NZ WELLINGTON, May 29, 2014 (AFP) – The husband of a Filipina woman killed in a seemingly random attack in New Zealand said Thursday that his family was “lost in darkness” after her death. Blessie Gotingco, a 56-year-old motherof-three, disappeared on Saturday night on her way home from work in central Auckland. Her body was discovered in a cemetery not far from her home two days later and police on Wednesday charged a 27-year-old man with murder. The cause of death has not been revealed. The killing has shocked New Zealand, where such attacks are relatively rare, and Gotingco’s husband Antonio said he had been

overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from across the small South Pacific nation. He said he had known his wife of 30 years since they attended primary school in Cebu City, describing her as his best friend. “She is the light of our home and without her we will be lost in darkness,” he said in a statement released by New Zealand Police. “Right now we are just trying to pretend that everything is ok but deep inside we are broken hearted. We have been robbed, she is gone too soon.” The accused man, who has been granted interim name suppression, was remanded in custody at an Auckland court on Wednesday to reappear on June 18.


PHL denies spying on Qatar after convictions MANILA, May 27, 2014 (AFP) – The Philippines denied Tuesday it was spying on Qatar, after three Filipinos were convicted of espionage in the Gulf state. One man was sentenced to death and two to life in jail after a court found them guilty of leaking information that could threaten Qatari national security, foreign department spokesman Charles Jose said. “We are categorically denying that we are engaged in espionage,” Jose said when asked about the case. Jose declined to give any further information on the case but Qatari media published some details about the trial. The three men had been in custody for five years, Qatar’s Al-Raya daily reported, and were charged with leaking information about weaponry, aircraft, maintenance and servicing records between 2009 and 2010 to intelligence officials in the Philippines

as well as a former ambassador. The defendants worked at a major staterun Qatari company. The two men jailed for life were also employed by the Qatari Air Force as technicians and provided the third man with “secret information” in return for “big amounts of money,” it said. The defendant who was sentenced to death had spied for a “state security force” in the Philippines, the newspaper added. He had reportedly passed copies of project tenders to other companies, as well as classified information about a Qatari Air Force base to Filipino officials, the Doha News website said, citing a source close to the case. Al-Raya identified him as a lieutenant in the Philippines’ state security force, which sent him to Qatar, saying he was trained under the supervision of another officer at Manila International Airport.

Trader sued for smuggling knock-offs MANILA, May 29 (Mabuhay) – The Bureau of Customs on Thursday sued a trader for smuggling counterfeit goods worth P55 million last January. Charged for violating the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines were Rizaldy Valencia, owner of Clurky Trading, and the Customs broker Elizar Lopez, the bureau said in an e-mailed statement. Lopez and Valencia were liable for bringing in fake branded goods and for falsifying documents, the bureau claimed. Customs Commissioner John Sevilla said it is the duty of BOC is to protect consumers and legitimate businesses from fake products. “Fake goods are damaging to business and investment opportunities and pose a serious threat to public health and safety since these counterfeit products are not subject to safety checks,” he said.

Investigation showed the knock-offs, packed inside three 40-foot container vans, arrived at the Manila International Container Port last January 2. The items included fake versions of: Levi’s shirts, Adidas AG jogging pants, housings for Sony PSP portable gaming consoles and Aeropostale shirts. The items were declared as unbranded “cotton fabrics, female trousers, pants, Sshorts, men’s t-shirt, ladies sandals, shoes, handbags, phone cases, muffler, ladies swimwear,” according to the bureau. Lopez and Valencia did not declare the other contents of the shipments in their import entry documents, such as Diesel men’s undergarments, Renrene Hair Dye, Powder Face Mask, paraffin wax, mobile phone chargers and consumer electronic products

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Senate bill to require faster Internet in PHL

According to a study by US-based Internet platform Akama Technologies, the Philippines had an average peak Internet connection speed of 32.6Mbps by the end of 2013. The same study however said that Filipino Internet users still experience slow connection speeds due to low use of broadband technology in the Philippines.

PHL, Canada amends air agreement, doubles flight frequencies MANILA, May 29 (Mabuhay) – Philippines and Canada have doubled the flight frequencies for each country, signing a new air agreement as a way of intensifying tourism and investments between the bilateral trading partners, the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) said Thursday. Manila and Ottawa signed the deal Wednesday, revising the Philippine-Canada Air Services Agreement of December of 2008, said Carmelo Arcilla, CAB executive director. “The new agreement increased the

frequency entitlement for each side from seven flights a week to 14,” Arcilla stressed. The fifth freedom rights, which allow airlines from each signatory to carry passengers to third country destinations, were also increase to five a week from four even if Canada or the Philippines does not have an air service agreement with the third country. The CAB official noted only flag carrier Philippine Airlines flies to Canada seven times a week. (MNS)

MANILA, May 28 (Mabuhay) – A bill has been filed at the Senate seeking to require telecommunications companies to provide faster Internet connections in the country. In Senate Bill 2238, Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph Recto proposed that the government impose a minimum Internet connection speed of 10 Mbps (megabits per second) on local telecommunications firms and Internet service providers (ISPs). “The national march towards a broader internet or Wi-Fi access should be in cadence with a decent internet speed. Aanhin mo ang Wi-Fi kung puro ka naman antay?” Recto said in a statement Wednesday. ISPs and telecommunications companies that fail to provide this minimum Internet connection speed should be slapped with a fine of up to P2 million, Recto’s bill proposed. During a Senate hearing, Commissioner Gamaliel Cordoba of the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) said this proposal is “necessary and feasible.” “Right now, it [Internet connection service] is considered a value added service. It is subject to contractual obligations, meaning if you pay this much, you will be

given this much speed,” the NTC official said during the hearing. He added that Congress should also consider passing a bill that will make Internet connection a “basic service” in the country, so that the government will have the mandate to regulate Internet speed and costs. Justice Assistant Secretary Geronimo Sy, for his part, said it is within the “state’s sovereign function” to provide minimum standards for Internet connection in the Philippines. According to a study by USbased Internet platform Akama Technologies, the Philippines had an average peak Internet connection speed of 32.6Mbps by the end of 2013. The same study however said that Filipino Internet users still experience slow connection speeds due to low use of broadband technology in the Philippines. Last month, an infographic posted online also showed how the Philippines lagged behind its other Asian neighbors in terms of Internet speed. A study based on World Bank statistics collated last year also found out that the Philippines is behind roughly two-thirds of the world in terms of average Internet broadband download speed. (MNS)

Weathermen now pawning ATM cards to get by MANILA, May 29 (Mabuhay) – Cry rivers and floods, if you must. The woes of the country’s weathermen continue, with some already resorting to pawning their ATM cards to pay for their kids’ tuition. Jori Loiz, one of the senior weather forecasters at the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa), said their hazard pay is again delayed by six months. He said some of his colleagues had to come up with alternative ways to cover their everyday needs, including pawning their ATM cards. In 2012, Loiz revealed he sometimes cannot come to work because he had no money to pay for his bus fare from his home in Bulacan to the PAGASA office in Quezon City. Even then, Loiz remained because of his love for the country. He had offers to go work abroad, but declined. Today, the wind must have changed its course. Loiz said he is seriously considering following colleagues who recently resigned to work as specialists in Qatar. “Mahirap tanggihan e, kasi kung titingnan mo sweldo mo dito malaking tanggal [kasi] may pinag-aaral ka. Paano pagkain mo araw-araw? Pamasahe mo? Hindi talaga kaya,” he said. Of the P24,000 pay monthly, he and others only bring home P12,000 to P14,000 after taxes. But since the rainy season is near and their services are most needed, the country’s weathermen have to work double time. Usually, 4 to 5 weathermen cover one shift. With the resignations, however, 2 or three have to work extra hard in one shift. “Naaapektuhan ang effiency talaga… Paano pag tag-ulan na? Kapag may bagyo, extend sa susunod na shift… Kapag nagtrabaho ako ng 16 hours, di na ako puwedeng magtrabaho ulit baka bumagsak na ko ‘nun,” he said. He can only hope for a salary increase and timely payment of benefits.

The PAGASA union reported last week that three more members have left for greener pastures abroad. Ramon Agustin, president of the Philippine Weathermen Employees Association, said the three were hired by the Qatar Bureau of Meteorology. He identified them as Bernie de Leon and Ralph Ricahuerta, who were hired as airport forecasters and engineer Ralph Soquila, who was hired as communications specialist. Malacañang dismissed, however, that the brain drain is affecting the PAGASA workforce. The exodus of Filipino weathermen to countries abroad is just a normal occurrence, Malacañang said.

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17215 Studebaker Rd. Ste 380. Cerritos CA 90703 We are a federally designated debt relief agency. We help people file for Bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy code. All attorneys are members of the California State Bar and all services are supervised by an attorney. This is a legal advertisement. Nothing contained in this advertisement implies any guarantee, warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter or the result of any legal representation.


5 reasons to consider Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Some say the economic recession is leveling out, and there are signs of recovery on the horizon. However, like so many Americans today, you may feel otherwise. The past several years have been financially devastating to Americans. Millions have found themselves struggling to make their house payments and keep food on the table. Chapter 13 bankruptcy provides financial help for those who feel they have run out of options. Filing bankruptcy can give you the fresh start that so many Americans need today. Here are FIVE good reasons to consider filing for Chapter 13. (1) Stop Foreclosures and Repossessions Often by the time you decide to file for bankruptcy, your home could likely be in foreclosure. Wage garnishments and car repossessions are also a common among people seeking bankruptcy relief. When you file, all collection efforts, foreclosures, repossessions and garnishments are stopped. In a Chapter 7, you would receive this benefit of bankruptcy, but it would not last as long, perhaps only a few months. However, in a Chapter 13 these actions are stopped for the length of the bankruptcy, which can extend up to 5 years, (2) Saving Property Most people are under a mistaken impression that they will lose all of their property when they file. This belief often prevents people from filing and getting the help they need. This is actually not true. In bankruptcy, there are various exemptions available. If your assets come under one of these exemptions, you are allowed to keep it. The particular exemptions available to you will vary from state to state. But what if you have more assets than allowed by the exemptions? In a Chapter 7, you could lose some of your assets to the bankruptcy court. However, in a Chapter 13 if your assets exceed the amount of exemptions you have, you are given the opportunity to pay out the value of the asset in order to keep it. These payments would be divided over the length of the bankruptcy, three to five years. (3) Time to Catch Up on Home and Car Loans One big advantage to filing for Chapter 13 is you are allowed valuable time to catch up on payments that are in arrears. For example, if you are $10,000 behind your home loan, your mortgage lender may have already started foreclosure proceedings. Once you file bankruptcy, you will be able to make installment payments on the late mortgage payments. By the time the bankruptcy is over, assuming you have

remained current with your regular house payments, you will have also completely caught up with the back payments. (4) Payments May be Cheaper in Chapter 13 There are some instances where it is more cost effective to file for Chapter 13. Let’s say that you owe $10,000. on a car that is worth $5,000. If you file for Chapter 7, you would continue paying on the loan amount of the car ($10,000). However, in a Chapter 13, under the appropriate circumstances, you would only be required to pay for the value of the car ($5,000.). This not only saves you $5,000., but would also lower your car payment. How is this possible? Because bankruptcy can discharge the unsecured portion of a secured debt, just as if it was credit card debt. Or, let’s say you have a home loan and a second mortgage on your home. There is no value in the home over the pay off amount for the first mortgage, so there is no value securing the second. In Chapter 13, you are able to “strip off” the second mortgage completely. (5) Your Income is Too High Sometimes the monthly income of the bankruptcy filer is too high to qualify for a Chapter 7. Something called a “disposable income test comes into play here. If you were to file Chapter 7, a large portion of your debts would be wiped out, and you would be left with a lot more disposable income every month. If this amount of disposable income is too high, you would not be able to file for a Chapter 7. In a Chapter 13, this extra disposable income would be paid to the bankruptcy court, but only for the period of the bankruptcy. Chapter 13 can have some distinct advantages for individuals that need financial relief. You deserve to keep your home and have financial stability. It is important to note that laws vary state to state, so it is highly recommended that you contact an experienced bankruptcy lawyer for advice and guidance. Dealing with financial problems is never easy. However, there are actions you can take to help you through the process and help put your financial problems behind you. If you have financial problems, give my office a call. I will personally meet with you and provide you with practical options to your problems. Law Offices of Paul M. Allen. Tollfree: 877-356-6729.

US measles cases reach 20-year high; most contracted from PHL WASHINGTON, May 29, 2014 (AFP) – The United States has so far this year counted 288 measles cases, the most in 20 years, a rise that is driven by unvaccinated people, health authorities said Thursday. “This is the largest number of measles cases in the United States reported in the first five months of a year since 1994,” said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Nearly all the cases have involved Americans who were not vaccinated against the highly contagious disease, and who traveled abroad and caught the infection in other countries. Then, they “brought the virus back to the United States and spread to others in communities where many people are not vaccinated,” said Anne Schuchat, assistant surgeon general and director of CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Many of the US clusters originated after people traveled to the Philippines, where a large measles outbreak has been ongoing since late 2013. “Ninety percent of all measles cases in the United States were in people who were not vaccinated or whose vaccination status was unknown,” the CDC statement added. Eighty-five percent of unvaccinated people said they declined the shot for “religious, philosophical or personal reasons.” The CDC urged people to get vaccinated against measles, which it described as a “serious respiratory disease that is highly contagious.”


Weekend, Sat. - Fri., May 31 - June 6, 2014

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Compelling reasons to use health insurance brokers: On enrollment & others First, it’s free. Brokers don’t charge you anything. Second, you pay the same price. Whether you enroll with a broker or direct to the health insurer, your premium remains the same. Third, if you encounter problems later, you can count on your broker’s help. He will be with you all the way. The following excerpts from an article at Lifehealthpro on May 13 by Lance Weiss, a comedian who lives in New York, says ings. And I still have no idea how health it all: insurance works. “Most of the people who are involved “I work as a self-employed comedian with health insurance seem to have no idea and I do have health insurance. In the how completely lost people like me are‌ past year, I’ve gone to the emergency Even if we’re smart, we have no idea how room twice. One for a finger broken durinsurance works‌I, personally, am smart. ing an intense basketball game; and, one, I have a college degree from a four-year for dehydration, after another basketball university. I live in an information-heavy game. Both times, I had no idea what my city (New York). I do my best to keep up insurance would cover. with the news and recent internet happen“I still have no idea what a “PPOâ€? is, or

what a “provider� is. (Or, whether they’re actually the same thing.) “Then, there’s the insurance card. I don’t know how to use it. Example: There are 3 different addresses on the card. Which ones should I send the claims to? “If I, a relatively informed and educated individual, can’t figure all of this out, how are the less educated members of society supposed to understand how to get and use health insurance? “I wish someone could make all this easier. (Or, better. Come and stop me the next time I think about playing basketball.) About the author: Tidbits: On June 3, 2014, the Los Angeles County voting public is going to the polls to choose a Superior Court Judge. A Filipino American, Teresa Pineda Magno, is eyeing this post. While she claims to

Victory Autos: One spirit, one team

deserve. From Bad credit to no credit, Victory has made its way how to help our kababayan’s who were affected with economic crisis�. Unlike any other car dealership, Victory Autos is committed in providing great carbuying experience equipped with skilled sales staff and financing options. Aside from 100% financing, they Team Victory Autos/Badoles poses for posterity after also offer “7 Days Exchange capturing the 1 st Annual Asian-American Philippine Policy� a real great deal for Basketball Association of Las Vegas Memorial Weekend Tournament title last March 25. everyone. “Victory Autos has managed to perfect seamless relationship with customers and dealer community. and we are proud to say that it will be here for years to come as it continues to build and grow a solid foundation of successful customer experiences�, Hedi said. For more information visit our website www.victoryautoconnect.com or call our toll free number at 1-877-821-7145. You can also visit our showroom at 791 E. Arrow Highway, Azusa, CA 91702, (626) 859-9199 or (626)969-6169; Victory Auto Broker at 1579 E. Amar Road, West Covina, CA 91792, (626) 253-7576; and Victory Auto Care at 352 S. Irwindale Ave. Azusa, Ca 91702, (626)334-7573

It was May 24 and 25, 2014 when the 1st Annual Asian-American Philippine Basketball Association of Las Vegas Memorial Weekend Tournament was held. Through coordination and teamwork, Team Victory Autos/Badoles has made its way to win the battle with a score of 77 against 47. Championship trophy and free entry for next year’s tournament was awarded to the Team. Sandi SanDiego who is also part of the team got the MVP trophy. Hedelito “Hedi� Trinidad, President of Victory Autos in partnership with Mr. Charlie Magne Villasis Badoles has managed to compose the ultimate lineup for this event namely Boy Valera, Chris Jackson, Tonichi Pinzon, Brandon Sison, Steve Tampus, Bryan Bondoc, Donald Lopez, Eric Duterte, Paeng Santos and Sandi SanDiego. Hedi and Charlie both act as manager and playing coaches of the team. They said, “This is a good start of a perfect

relationship and they are both looking forward to participate on the next event which is the BASO Leagues summer 2014.� For BASO Leagues, the new lineup will be Boy Valera, Tonichi Pinzon, Brandon Sison, Steve Tampus, John Verayo, Randy Basiloy, Eman Raif and Cesar Galapon Jr. Victory Autos continuously supports Filipino community basketball tournaments and leagues. The company also supports project for charities such as Hearts of Hope (benefit concert for those affected by Typhoon Haiyan), The Dream Builders Project, and etc. Mr. Trinidad believes that the real blessing is the ability to share your blessings. From basketball team to company employees, Victory Autos sees to it that TEAMWORK is their core value. Hedi said, “Our team worked hand in hand to make sure that each and every customer is treated as our best client where they get the vehicle they want at a great price they

have experience, courage and integrity (pls. visit www.MagnoForJudge.com), to me her being a Pilipino is more than enough to deserve our support. “Tell a Friend� about her and go out and vote for her on June 3, 2014, Ok? Thanks. Leo Monsalud hails from Sta. Cruz, Zambales. He studied for his MBA and Law at the University of the Philippines (UP). He worked for UNILAB where his last position held was vice-president in charge as general manager of a division. He was a joint-venture partner of the San Miguel Corporation in an agri-business project. He enrolls Californians to a Covered CA health plan. He provides lectures and consultations at no cost or obligation to anyone. Call him if you want to enroll or need clarification with your health coverage. You may reach him at 323-535-7373 or, e-mail at: leo.balita@gmail.com


Weekend, Sat. - Fri., May 31 - June 6, 2014

Visit www.Balita.com

Legal treatment of foreclosure deficiency A foreclosure deficiency is the amount you legally owe to the creditor after the property is foreclosed upon by the creditor. If a car is repossessed, the creditor takes it back then sells it on auction (same as foreclosure). The auction sale produces an amount of sale proceeds that is normally less than the balance owed on the car loan. After deducting the sales proceeds from the balance owed on the car loan, the resultant amount is the repossession deficiency. For example, you fail to pay last month’s payment on your 2014 MB- this matter. In Florida, all foreclosures are judicial. 350. You still owe $45,000 on the car loan. Last night, your car disappeared from your This means creditor must file a lawsuit driveway. You report to the police that your to foreclose the house and to conduct an auction sale on foreclosure. Since there car was stolen. The police check their records and is a lawsuit, there must be a trial. At trial, inform you that your car was repossessed. creditor will ask for a deficiency judgment The bank sells the car at auction and gets which the court will grant. So, if you have net sales proceeds of $30,000. Right after a rental property in Florida that is being the car is sold, bank sends you a collection foreclosed, you will most certainly owe a letter for the difference of $15,000 which foreclosure deficiency. For instance, you is the repo deficiency. Are you legally li- owe $200,000 on the first mortgage. The able for the $15,000 to the bank even if foreclosure sale yields net sale proceeds the car is no longer in your possession? of $120,000. You will owe a foreclosure Of course you are. By contract, you owe deficiency of $80,000 even if you no longer $45,000. When you defaulted, creditor had own the house. Creditor will eventually the right to get the car back and sell it. If send you a collection letter demanding the the sales proceeds are not enough to pay immediate payment of $80,000. I know it’s not fair because you don’t off the balance of the contract, you are still have the house anymore but you still owe on the hook for the difference. In the case of a house, the foreclosure $80,000! But as you know by now, life deficiency will arise if there is a deficiency is never fair because there is no natural judgment on foreclosure. State law controls or divine law that requires life to be fair.


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You can be a perfectly normal college kid minding your own business but having the very bad luck of crossing paths with Elliot Rodgers AKA the “kissless virgin� near Santa Barbara a few days ago. Rodgers kills you with his handgun as you enter pizza hut to get your lunch. I mean, can anything be more unfair than having your entire future obliterated by a lunatic like Rodgers? You don’t even know the guy. It’s totally random. He vents his anger on you because you’re with a “hot chick.� In California, 90% of foreclosures are extra-judicial. This means there is no lawsuit so there is no foreclosure deficiency. The 10% that have a judicial foreclosure lawsuit will end up with a foreclosure deficiency. The problem in California is that there is usually a home equity loan or a 2nd mortgage on the property. Even in a nonjudicial foreclosure in California, you will end up with a foreclosure deficiency for the entire amount of the home equity loan (HELOC) or 2nd mortgage. For example, you owe Bank of America $500,000 on the first mortgage, and $100,000 to Green Tree for the HELOC. The foreclosure sale by Bank


of America yields a net of $400,000. You will not owe Bank of America anything if the house was extra-judicially foreclosed, but certainly you will still owe Green Tree $100,000 on the HELOC even if you no longer have the house. The foreclosure may have happened in 2009, and it is only now that Green Tree is after you for the $100,000. Consider a Chapter 7 to wipe out the $100,000 if you qualify, or a Chapter 13 and pay a portion of that debt, perhaps even pay Green Tree nothing in a zero percent plan! “As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.� – Psalm 18:30. Lawrence Bautista Yang is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center and has been in law practice for thirty years. He specializes in bankruptcy, business and civil litigation and has handled more than five thousand successful bankruptcy cases in California. He speaks Tagalog and looks forward to discussing your case with you personally. Please call Angie, Barbara or Jess at (626) 284-1142 for an appointment at 1000 S Fremont Ave, Mailstop 58, Bldg A-1 Suite 1125, Alhambra, CA 91803.

Smartphone market still growing as prices fall: study WASHINGTON, May 28, 2014 (AFP) – Global smartphone sales will jump 23 percent this year to more than 1.2 billion units, fueled by growth of low-cost handsets in emerging markets, a research firm said Wednesday. An IDC survey said smartphone sales will maintain an annual growth rate of 12.3 percent through 2018. Much of the growth is coming from low-cost devices using the Android operating system, with Apple’s market share eroding, Microsoft Windows making modest gains and BlackBerry fading further, IDC said. “What makes smartphone growth so amazing is where the growth will be taking place,� said Ramon Llamas, an IDC analyst. “Smartphone shipments will more than double between now and 2018 within key emerging markets, including India, Indonesia and Russia. In addition, China will account for nearly a third of all smartphone shipments in 2018.� IDC said it expects the average selling

price of smartphones to drop this year to $314 from $335 in 2013, and to keep declining to $267 by 2018. The research firm said it expects Android to remain ahead of the pack with an 80.4 percent market share in 2014, and to lose a modest amount of ground to Windows over the coming years. Apple’s iOS market share is forecast to drop from 14.8 percent in 2014 to 13.7 percent in 2018, suggesting growth in some markets, despite Apple’s lack of low-cost units. IDC said Windows Phone is slowly gaining traction and that its market share will rise from 3.5 percent this year to 6.4 percent by 2018. The report said BlackBerry’s market share will be less than one percent this year -- 0.8 percent, and keep dropping to 0.3 percent in 2018. “The question of whether BlackBerry can survive continues to surface,� the IDC report said. “The only way the company will be viable is likely through a niche approach based on its security assets.�







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Weekend, Sat. - Fri., May 31 - June 6, 2014

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Weekend, Sat. - Fri., May 31 - June 6, 2014

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Former Balita editor, 57, writes 30 The sad news on the sudden passing of our “Teddy Bear” David Casuco was not only shocking but numbing. Media colleague Lydia Solis (of Philippine News) and I shared Dave as our “huggable Teddy Bear” – a caring, charming and lovable friend. Though I’ve never met his family, Dave would relate how happy he was whenever he went home to his family on weekends to bond with them, particularly his son, Justin, who he spoke of so lovingly; He enjoyed playing with their dog, cleaning chairs inside the dark theatre, Dave started snoring, sleeping like a baby. Lydia and I him up and dog-sitting. There were times when he would call looked at each other and allowed him to me from the Greyhound station in Rose- dream his time away because he was probmead, to ask if I could pick him up so we ably tired, but we pinched him to get his could have lunch in Chinatown or to his attention and asked him to go ahead with favorite restaurant called Pista Sa Barrio his quiet sleep. On his birthday celebration last year in Eagle Rock, whom he called the place that served his “to die for” pancit bihon at the Kapistahan Restaurant on Temple, and surely, we always had fun bonding Dave had a blast singing Visayan songs at the karaoke bar where it was packed with whenever we were together. Looking back, Dave strived to win the his friends greeting him that night. Unbeweekly “Biggest Loser” contest at the lievably so, he had a good karaoke voice. Unforgettable were our numerous Balita/US Asian Post office, where he was our outstanding editor. He had quite “happy hour” afternoons at the Cheesecake a sense of humor, which only a few of us Factory in Glendale. Dave loved the ambiknew; he had the ability to make you laugh, ence there as well as the selection of happy particularly when he related his stories of hour food along with his favorite mojito. the ‘aswangs” who “followed” him when There were times when we would go see a movie after savoring the happy hour food he visited Siquijor. Once, the three of us (Lydia, Dave and we would have ice cream or coffee and I) went to watch a movie at a theatre before heading home. nearby, and as soon as we sat on the comfy Like my little kid brother, Dave was

HAIYAN From page 1

us sometimes underestimate the effects of a disaster,” Balisacan said. In October, a 7.1-magnitude earthquake also killed more than 200 people on the tourist islands of Bohol and Cebu. Balisacan said the economy was expected to return to stronger growth rates from the second quarter, and expressed confidence the government’s target of

6.5-7.5 percent for the year could still be achieved. He also emphasized the first quarter result was strong compared with the rest of Asia, saying only China and Malaysia were expected to have faster rates. Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima pointed out that the Philippines had now recorded nine consecutive quarters of growth above 5.5 percent, while keeping inflation under control. He said inflation was 4.1 percent in the first quarter.


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Remembering happy times with our “Teddy Bear” David Casuco (July 9, 1956-May 24, 2014) during a recent Balita Christmas party with yours truly and Lydia Solis of Philippine News (right).

excited receiving the souvenir shirt I gave him from Paris, which he liked wearing all the time, particularly when he’s with me; he even bragged about it on his last “Thanksgiving” article. Thanks for all the happy memories, Dave. We will forever treasure the great friendship you’ve shown to all of us. Our staff at the office of Balita Media Inc., will surely miss his unassuming smile and charming personality. Dave was also an editor of numerous Filipino-American publications, including California Exam-

POPE FRANCIS From page 1

time. The time to prepare is not an obstacle,” Villegas said in an article posted on the CBCP news site . The same article said that should the visit pushes through, Pope Francis will be the third pope to visit the Philippines, after Pope Paul VI (1970) and now St. John Paul II (1981 and 1995). Villegas said many Filipinos will pitch in for the preparations because “Filipinos love the pope.”


re-election campaign in part on immigration reform, has insisted on a legislative solution. Yet he ordered the review two months ago to determine whether deportation policy could be conducted more humanely, as he faces criticisms for what activists call mass expulsion.

iner and Ang Peryodiko. Before coming to the U.S., Dave was a sports writer for Times Journal, a daily newspaper in the Philippines. A memorial has been scheduled for David this Monday, June 2, courtesy of David’s former employer at California Examiner, Oscar Jornacion, at the Philippine Village Center, 4515 Eagle Rock Blvd., Ste. 136, Los Angeles, CA, 90041 at 6 p.m. Dave is survived by his wife, Susan, son Justin and daughters Daphne and Rose Anne.

On the other hand, he said security would not be an issue. “There is no problem without any solution,” he said. The CBCP said Pope Francis will travel to South Korea from August 14 to 18 this year for the Asian Youth Day (AYD). It noted the pope earlier indicated he wants to visit areas in Visayas hit by super typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) last year. Also, the CBCP said it invited the pope to attend the International Eucharistic Congress set in Cebu in January 2016. (MNS)

The review will continue to be refined, while giving the House of Representatives “space to fix the broken immigration system, and to deny the Republicans any excuse for further inaction,” the official said in a statement. Johnson has not indicated what type of procedures are under review or if the rate of deportation would be reduced.

NAPOLES From page 1

2000, did we ever have a project that has the amount of 10 million? After searching for 3 hours, there was none...Everything hinges on this project, the meeting at Cravings, EDSA Shangri-la, all of that is now part of this big lie,” he said. Abad said though Napoles supposedly lied about his connection to the scam, she did not necessarily lie about the transactions of lawmakers previously implicated by other whistle-blowers. “The big difference is corroboration because this is just an affidavit, hearsay. It has to be supported by evidence.” Sandiganbayan Justice Gregory Ong, who is being linked to alleged pork barrel scam mastermind Janet Lim Napoles, will inhibit from the plunder cases on the supposed anomaly if these cases are raffled off to his division. Clerk of court Joffre Gil Zapata of the Sandiganbayan Fourth Division, which Ong chairs, said the magistrate will do this “to protect the image” of the anti-graft court. “In the event that the case involving Sen. [Jinggoy] Estrada and Napoles is raffled to his division, to erase any doubts, he [Ong] will inhibit from the case,” Zapata said.


Weekend, Sat. - Fri., May 31 - June 6, 2014

Visit www.Balita.com


Arbitration agreements: Are they good for employees? Q: While applying for work, I was asked to sign an “Arbitration Agreement.” I was told it’s part of the application. What exactly is an arbitration agreement? Is it good for me? A: Arbitration is a procedure to resolve disputes outside the court system. Disputing parties hire an arbitrator, who reviews the case and makes a decision that legally binds both sides. By signing an employment arbitration agreement, employees agree to settle claims against the employer They later sued the employers for wage before an arbitrator, and they cannot sue violations. The employers moved to comin court to resolve the claim. pel arbitration and take the case out of the Court proceedings are public, and courts. The employees then had to first cases are decided either by an impartial ask the court to declare that the arbitration judge or an independent jury. Arbitration agreement cannot be enforced before they proceedings are generally not disclosed to can sue the employers for unpaid wages. the public. The parties are bound by the In siding with the employees, the trial arbitrator’s decision and the losing party court ruled that arbitration cannot be encannot appeal. forced because the arbitration agreement Arbitration is most commonly used in was “unconscionable.” An agreement is commercial disputes by business entities “unconscionable” if it is the product of who have equal bargaining powers. Arbi- oppression and surprise because one party tration in an employment situation may be has more power than the other party, or if problematic because it is not usually the its terms produce overly harsh and oneproduct of negotiation but is practically sided results. imposed on the employees. Employees The court found that the employees often automatically sign these types of were forced to enter into the agreements agreements in order to be hired. without fully understanding them. The While generally binding, courts may agreements did not benefit the parties sometimes refuse to enforce arbitration equally, because the terms favored the agreements, as the following case illus- employers more to the disadvantage of trates: the employees. Employees of two car wash companies The employers appealed the trial court’s signed employment agreements where ruling but lost. Therefore, the employees they agreed to settle any employment- can go forward and sue in court for their related dispute through arbitration. Part unpaid wages. of the agreements were in Spanish and [C. Joe Sayas, Jr., Esq. is trial attorney some parts were in English. Two of the who has obtained several million dollar employees spoke very little English and recoveries for his clients against insurance they only signed the documents because companies and employers. He has been they believed it was a hiring requirement. selected as a Super Lawyer by the Los They did not understand what arbitration Angeles Magazine, featured in the cover meant. They did not believe they were of Los Angeles Daily Journal’s Verdicts giving up any rights. and Settlements, and is a member of the

Million Dollar-Advocates Forum. He is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center Washington, D.C. and the Univer-

sity of the Philippines. Visit his website at www.joesayaslaw.com or contact his office at (818) 291-0088 for a no-cost inquiry.]

8 Pinay workers locked in building die in fire MANILA, May 30, 2014 (AFP) – Eight women died in the Philippine capital on Friday as a fire engulfed a building in which they had been locked in by their employer, police said. Eight other women survived the blaze by climbing to the roof of the two-storey building and jumping off, said police officer Cris Gabutin, an investigator in the case. “They said the gate was locked. It was dark and they could not find a way out. It was a lucky thing they were able to get out to the roof and jump,” Gabutin said. The bodies of the eight other women were found sprawled in one room, Gabutin said. “It was like they were trapped. Maybe they panicked and could not find their way out,” he said. Gabutin said six of the dead women identified so far were aged between 19 and 24. A neighbourhood watchman in the middle-class residential area where the fire occurred, Jayvee Arizapa, said neighbours saw the women leaping from the roof.

“We could also hear people screaming for help inside but we could not help them because the wall was too high,” he said. The women were all from rural areas who had been brought to Manila to work in a warehouse storing electronic products and computer disks, according to Gabutin. He said they were sleeping in a building next to the warehouse when the fire started just after midnight. He said the cause of the fire was unknown but police had arrested the owner of the building, charging him with human trafficking, negligence resulting in homicide and operating a business in the area without a license. It is a common practice in the Philippines for low-paid employees to sleep in their place of work. Employers typically do not provide enough safety measures for their staff, and some are known to lock them in to stop them stealing or prevent socialising. Seventeen workers died in the southern Philippines in 2012 when a fire burnt down a department store in which they were sleeping.

US consumer spending falls in April WASHINGTON, May 30, 2014 (AFP) – US consumer spending fell slightly in April after March’s strong surge, the Commerce Department reported Friday, while incomes kept rising. As the largest driver of the US economy, consumer spending fell by $9.1 billion last month, or 0.1 percent, following a $120.2 billion increase the previous month. Spending on durable goods like cars, which drove much of the March gains, contracted, as did spending on services, while purchases of non-durable goods picked up. Incomes grew by $16.9 billion, or 0.3 percent, after March’s 0.5 percent gain. Inflation, as measured by the personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index, was stable, rising at a 0.2 percent pace for the second straight month, and was up 1.6 percent from a year ago.


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Weekend, Sat. - Fri., May 31 - June 6, 2014


Form 2106 on your Taxes – A number that can get your mortgage applicant declined Form 2106 is a federal tax form where an individual’s un-reimbursed business expenses are filed. It’s not only for selfemployed tax payers but for any salaried employees that can file their expenses due to their employers not able to reimburse them. However, filling a 2106 may not be so good when it’s time to buy a house let’s dig a little deeper into how the 2106 works. WHAT EXPENSES DOES A TAX PAYER PUT ON THEIR FEDERAL 2106 TAX FORM? There are a number of different expenses that can be deducted on this form. Generally speaking, expenses that are viewed as relative to conducting business are placed here. The main expense categories on the all-important 2106 form are: 1. Vehicle expenses 2. Parking fees, Tolls and transportation (including bus, train that did not involve overnight travel) 3. Travel expense while away from home overnight (lodging, airplane, rental car etc..) 4. Business expenses not included in category 1, 2 and 3 that are also not in the category of “meals and entertainment” 5. Meals and entertainment Things start getting interesting when you get to the section labeled “expenses reimbursed by employer.” Why is this so important for an applicant? With relation to filing ones taxes and trying to reduce federal tax liability, the IRS is concerned with what expenses were NOT reimbursed by an employer. Uncle Sam gives qualified tax payers a break (aka a “deduction”) for every dollar they claim in un-reimbursed business expenses. As a result they load up their 2106 with every un-reimbursed business expense they can scrounge up. Why? This lowers their federal tax burden. For example if a taxpayer is in a 30% federal tax bracket, they will save $.30 on their tax debt for every $1.00 they deduct as an unreimbursed business expense on their 2106. It’s a win win right? WRONG! If a buyer is looking to qualify for a mortgage to buy a home the 2106 can drastically change what they are qualified for. Here is why. HOW A LENDER VIEW A 2106 – UN-REIUMBURSED BUSINESS EXPENSES In theory, lenders will look at a 2106 EXACTLY the same way the IRS does. We will see that these expenses cost a home loan applicant money and lower the amount of disposable income they had available to them. This is exactly why the IRS gives that same person a break on taxes. While the theory is the same from IRS to a lender the impact on tax returns vs. mortgage application are very See KEN GO, page 16


Weekend, Sat. - Fri., May 31 - June 6, 2014

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U.S.A. and Canadian permanent residence applications can be filed at same time Q. I live in New York and I have visited Canada several times. I am in the process of applying for my USA greencard but I am worried that it may take too long leaving me with nothing at the end. Can I apply for Canadian permanent residence at the same time as my pending greencard application? A. Yes, there is nothing in the law that stipulates that you cannot apply for permanent residence in Canada if you have a pending immigration case in another country. Regarding the timing, it it possible by extending your visitor status is something you will need to decide for and simultaneously applying for the work yourself. Meaning, on average a permanent permit in the USA. resident application takes approximately Let’s now explore the job offer at the 12 months. I do not have the specifics of company. It is a common dilemma: how your greencard case. If you obtain Cana- can the company hire you unless I have dian residence and the greencard applica- a work permit but the work permit can tion is still pending you will need to find only be obtained with the assistance of the out from the USA immigration authorities company. There a different types of job what will happen to the application. offers. Some lead to permanent residence Q. I arrived in Canada a few weeks ago. and some lead only to a work permit. Each I consider myself to be highly educated and has its own criteria but each will give you an asset to any company. I am planning a strong boost and added points on a perto relocate to Canada and I have been in manent resident application. Again, the job contact with some companies who are in- offer that leads to a work permit can only terested in hiring me. They have stated that be processed outside of Canada. If you are they will employ me but only if I have a interested in filing a permanent resident work permit or if I am a permanent resident application, there is no need to file for a of Canada. On the other hand, my elderly work permit as long as you qualify under aunt requires a full time caregiver and some the current regulations. people have told me that I should just apply Q. I was married to a man when I was as a caregiver. Can I obtain a work permit young in the Philippines. We separated while I am a visitor? over 20 years ago and I do not know where A. There are several issues here. Firstly, he is. I know that he married someone else let’s tackle the caregiver option. Do you and so have I. Can I state on my application have caregiver training? The regulations that I am married to my current husband? require you to have at least six months A. No. It appears that you married your of training as a caregiver. If you did not current husband when you were married to obtain that training prior to your arrival another man. You are not legally married then it is unlikely that you will be able to to your current spouse. However, if you obtain that training in Canada unless you have lived together for over one year you obtain a student visa. Be careful and do not can file your application as “common law attempt to obtain the caregiver training as partners�. a visitor (without a student visa) because Attorney Henry Moyal is a certified and it will not be acceptable when you apply licensed immigration lawyer in Toronto, as a caregiver. Assuming you have the Ontario. The above article is general advice caregiver training and you are qualified only and is not intended to act as a legal as a caregiver, it is possible to obtain a document. Send questions to Attorney work permit while you are a visitor. It will Moyal by email canada@moyal.com or require some strategy and good timing but call toll free 1-888-VISA-078.

Singapore activists warn of surging xenophobia By Bhavan Jaipragas

SINGAPORE, May 28, 2014 (AFP) – Guest workers and expatriates are increasingly the target of “xenophobic� attacks on social media, Singapore’s leading activists groups warned Wednesday. There is evidence of the “widespread use of racist, aggressive and militarized rhetoric� against foreigners on social networks, said a press release issued by 12 independent groups including Maruah, Singapore’s main human rights group. It warned of a worrying trend “blaming foreigners for social ills� such as overcrowding, local unemployment, often posted anonymously online. “We, the undersigned, are alarmed by the recent surge of racism and xenophobia in Singapore,� the statement said. It added the key to addressing frustrations felt by many Singaporeans was for the government to change the policies which caused marginalisation and inequality. “These inequitable policies were not instituted by migrants and will not automatically disappear if the migrant population decreases,� the press release said. Among the other signatories were organisations advocating women’s and migrant workers’ welfare, gay rights. The statement came a day after a Philippine independence day celebration scheduled for June 8 in downtown Singapore was cancelled following a virulent campaign by online commentators.

Migrant workers from South Asia have also been attacked and ridiculed online following a riot last December triggered by the death of an Indian worker in a road accident. Western expatriates seen to have behaved arrogantly have also been denounced by Singaporeans. Increased prejudice One wealthy British man was forced to leave the country along with his Singaporean wife and their son, after a backlash over comments he made mocking poorer citizens. A survey by Singapore’s governmentlinked Institute of Policy Studies released this year showed that over 30 percent of citizens and permanent residents felt that nationality-based prejudice had risen over the past five years. This is despite a per capita income of $55,183, one of the highest in the world, and an unemployment rate of just over two percent. Singapore’s low birth rate prompted the government to grant an average of 18,500 new citizenships every year between 2008 to 2012 – helping the population surge by 30 percent since 2004 to 5.4 million last year. Out of a foreign population of 1.55 million, about 700,000 are mainly Asian work-permit holders employed in construction and other sectors shunned by Singaporeans. Some 200,000 others work as domestic helpers.



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Weekend, Sat. - Fri., May 31 - June 6, 2014

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Warning: Ignoring your debts is not a good idea Your debt problems may be undeniable. You know they are there and they will not go away until you do something about them. Perhaps at some point, you took the first step towards a resolution but failed to follow through. This week, I received a frantic call from a woman who found out that her bank account was frozen due to a levy by a creditor who had obtained a judgment against her. She paid her bills this month from her regular checking accountrent, utilities, some debt payments, etc. yes, but she hadn’t heard from them in a only to find out that all her checks bounced. long time so she thought it was safe to just She couldn’t believe what happened until ignore the debt until she had the money she called her bank and they told her the to pay them. Now in one fell swoop, her reason why. It seemed like all of a sud- entire savings and paycheck for the month den, she had a financial emergency in her have been taken to satisfy a creditor judghands? Or was it really “sudden�? ment for more than $8,000. This could I later found out that her debt problems have easily been avoided had she taken the didn’t just happen overnight- they have time early on to at least find out what legal been years in the making. I asked her if options she had to protect her paycheck. she knew about this creditor and she said As it turned out, she also owes other

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creditors that she’s been evading for the last few years and what started out as a total debt amount of $30,000 in credit cards has now grown to almost $40,000 with all interest, late fees and collection costs added. Her credit has also been trashed with negatives reported by creditors over the last few years since she stopped paying. (If she filed bankruptcy a few years ago, she actually would have rebuilt her credit by now.) If you are in this situation, let me ask you a pointed question: Are you satisfied with what you have done about your debt problems? It can be quite difficult living your life hiding from your creditors and not knowing what they will do next. You’ve worked hard to acquire what you have. Perhaps you have a family that you are supporting who depends on you 100%. What will happen if your paycheck and bank account were put at risk? Unless you gain control of your financial situation, there could be all kinds of consequences and you already know that they will not be pretty. So what are you going to do about it?

You can spare yourself the stress and anguish that can result from unresolved debt problems. Whether that means calling your creditors to work out a repayment plan or filing bankruptcy to eliminate or consolidate your debts, there is something that you can do right now to stop things from getting worse. There is nothing like having peace of mind knowing that what little you have cannot be taken away from you without notice. If that happens to you, you really have no one to blame but yourself. If you need help in figuring out your options, please call Toll-Free 1-866-477-7772 and I will review your situation personally. We have offices in Pasadena, Valencia and Cerritos. (None of the information herein is intended to give legal advice for any specific situation. Atty. Ray Bulaon has successfully helped over 5,000 clients in getting out of debt. For a free attorney evaluation of your situation, please call Ray Bulaon Law Offices at TOLL FREE 1-866-477-7772).

KEN GO From page 14

The applicant that claims 2106 expenses is essentially saying that they spent part of their own income on business related expenses. Mortgage underwriters are most concerned with (in fact only concerned with) the unreimbursed expenses on the mortgage applicant’s 2106. The dollar amount that a mortgage applicant claims as unreimbursed expenses is subtracted from the income they can use to qualify for a new Arizona mortgage. Let’s look at an example: Example: Borrower’s Gross annual income: $85,000 Total un-reimbursed business expenses: $10,000 Total Income Borrower can use to

qualify for a new mortgage: $75,000 (Gross income – Un-reimbursed business expenses) The difference between what a borrower can qualify for with an income of $85,000 versus $75,000 is very different. If a lender neglects to examine a mortgage applicant’s most recent 2 years complete federal tax returns properly, they are setting their client up for a MAJOR surprise at closing. The un-reimbursed business expenses will come up at some point. Each and every applicant must have tax transcripts ordered from the IRS by their mortgage company. Guess what shows up on federal tax See KEN GO, page 17


Weekend, Sat. - Fri., May 31 - June 6, 2014

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Putative spouse status as a defense to a petition for nullity of marriage All property, real or personal, wherever situated, acquired by a married person during the marriage while domiciled in California is community property. Family Code 760. However, there are situations in which the marriage may be held to be null and void. These situations include, but are not limited to entering into a bigamous marriage, fraud and misrepresentation in entering into a marriage, etc. The legal consequences of having your marriage annulled by your spouse is that it results to you not 432–433; Marriage of Vryonis (1988) 202 having any community property interest on CA3d 712, 723, 248 CR 807, 814–815 property acquired by your spouse during “Good faithâ€? belief is tested by an the marriage. A nullity may also cut off objective standard based on facts that your claim for spousal support. would cause a reasonable person under What options do you have if your the circumstances to harbor a good faith spouse files a nullity against you? You may belief in the existence of a valid California still have a claim to community property marriage. and support as a putative spouse. A party Domestic Partnership of Ellis & Arto a void or voidable marriage has “putative riaga, supra, 162 CA4th at 1005, 76 CR3d spouseâ€? status only if he or she believed in at 404; Marriage of Guo & Sun (2010) 186 good faith the marriage was valid. Fam- CA4th 1491, 1497, 112 CR3d 906, 911; ily.Code. § 225; Marriage of Guo & Sun Marriage of Ramirez & Llamas (2008) (2010) 186 CA4th 1491, 1493, 112 CR3d 165 CA4th 751, 756, 81 CR3d 180, 183. 906, 908; Marriage of Vryonis (1988) 202 Whether a party had an objectively reaCA3d 712, 721, 248 CR 807, 813. A party sonable “good faithâ€? belief is a question who has the requisite objectively reason- of fact to be determined in light of all the able “good faithâ€? belief may be a putative circumstances. spouse where any legal infirmity in formaSuccessfully proving putative spouse tion of the marriage renders the marriage status or putative marriage status in court invalid. Domestic Partnership of Ellis & gives rise to certain property, support Arriaga (2008) 162 CA4th 1000, 1005, 76 and attorney fees/costs rights, as well as CR3d 401, 404; Estate of DePasse (2002) certain other rights that ordinarily attach 97 CA4th 92, 107, 118 CR2d 143, 155; see only between lawfully married persons. Marriage of Vryonis, supra, 202 CA3d at Property that would have been community 718–719, 248 CR at 811–812. or quasi-community property had the marA party’s “good faithâ€? belief in the riage been valid is deemed “quasi-marital validity of the marriage is not tested by propertyâ€? and, in a proceeding to terminate whether he or she believed a “marriageâ€? the invalid marriage, “shallâ€? be divided belawfully occurred under some private, tween the parties as if it were community. secular or spiritual set of standards. A Family.Code. § 2251(a)(2); Marriage of putative spouse must have had a good Tejeda (2009) 179 CA4th 973, 983, 102 faith belief in the existence of a lawful CR3d 361, 368; Quasi-marital property California marriage. Estate of DePasse divided pursuant to § 2251 is also liable for (2002) 97 CA4th 92, 107–108, 118 CR2d the parties’ debts to the same extent as if it 143, 156; Welch v. State of Calif. (2000) 83 had been community or quasi-community CA4th 1374, 1378–1379, 100 CR2d 430, property. Family.Code. § 2252.

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In addition, “temporary� and “permanent� spousal support may also be awarded in a nullity proceeding in favor of a putative spouse “in the same manner as if the marriage had not been void or voidable� Family Code Section 2254. The court may also award attorney’s fees pursuant to family code section 2030 in favor of a party found to be “innocent of fraud or wrongdoing in inducing or entering into the marriage, and free from knowledge of the then existence of any prior marriage or other impediment to the contracting of the marriage for which a judgment of nullity is sought.� Family Code Section 2255. Please note that this article is not legal advice and is not intended as legal advice. The article is intended to provide only general, non-specific legal information. This article is not intended to cover all the issues related to the topic discussed. The specific facts that apply to your matter may

make the outcome different than would be anticipated by you. This article does create any attorney client relationship between you and the Law Offices of Kenneth U. Reyes, P.C. This article is not a solicitation. Attorney Kenneth Ursua Reyes is a Board Certified Family Law Specialist. He was President of the Philippine American Bar Association. He is a member of both the Family law section and Immigration law section of the Los Angeles County Bar Association. He is a graduate of Southwestern University Law School in Los Angeles and California State University San Bernardino School of Business Administration. He has extensive CPA experience prior to law practice. LAW OFFICES OF KENNETH REYES, P.C. is located at 3699 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 700, Los Angeles, CA, 90010. Tel. (213) 3881611 or e-mail kureyeslaw@gmail.com or visit our website at Kenreyeslaw.com.

KEN GO From page 16

transcripts? You got it – un-reimbursed business expenses. So, even if tax returns are not requested (as they should be by every loan officer on every file) there is no hiding from unreimbursed business expenses. Instead, if you have a neglectful/careless loan officer it simply is a matter of delaying the inevitable until later in the home buying/loan process when the mortgage underwriter examines the loan applicant tax transcripts. HOW CAN YOU GET A PROPER AND CORRECT PRE-QUALIFICATION FROM YOUR LENDER? You have to make sure your loan officer is experienced and asking all the necessary questions to properly assess if you can qualify. Cooperate and give your loan officer all documents requested for and if you’re not

sure about something with your finances, go ahead and ask it anyways. Your loan officer should tell you if that information is relevant to your loan application, therefore giving you a proper advice and will lead you to a smooth closing of your mortgage experience. I have been noticing a lot of tax fillers using this deduction. If you are intending to get a mortgage, prior to filing your deductions (2106) please ask your loan officer if that will affect your loan approval. Also ask your CPA if it really benefits you to use those deductions as well. This is a great topic that a reader asks me to elaborate; hopefully this helps you in your quest for a new home loan. Please call Ken Go at 1st Innovative Finance Group at 562508-7048 or write to kennethgo@verizon. net for your purchase and refinance home loan questions or concerns.


Weekend, Sat. - Fri., May 31 - June 6, 2014

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Obama warns US must not rush to war By Tangi Quemener

WEST POINT, May 28, 2014 (AFP) – President Barack Obama Wednesday mounted a defiant defense of his foreign policy, warning America must lead the world but must do so by emboldening partners, not by blindly rushing off to war. Obama hit back at critics who charge he is weak and presiding over an era of American decline, and offered an implicit rebuke of the muscular military posture of the George W. Bush era. “The United States is the one indispensable nation,” Obama told young graduates in a keynote address at West Point military academy. “Here’s my bottom line: America must always lead on the world stage. “The question we face ... is not whether America will lead, but how we will lead.” Obama who has spent his presidency pulling troops home from Iraq and escalating, and then winding down, the war in Afghanistan, sketched a blueprint for a post-war on terror foreign policy. “To say that we have an interest in pursuing peace and freedom beyond our borders is not to say that every problem has a military solution,” Obama said. “Since World War II, some of our most costly mistakes came not from our restraint, but from our willingness to rush into military adventures – without thinking through the consequences,” Obama said, in an apparent reference to the Iraq war, which he has branded a disaster. The president’s speech came with his foreign policy, once seen as a political asset, under assault from critics who believe he is being pushed around by the likes of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Obama lashed out at those who complain he should have launched attacks on Syria over its chemical weapons use or made a more robust strategic response to Russia’s moves in Ukraine, or who believe he has left Iraq or Afghanistan to fend for themselves. “Tough talk often draws headlines but war rarely conforms to slogans,” Obama said. “US military action cannot be the only, or even primary, component of our leadership in every instance. Obama said he was “haunted” by the deaths of US servicemen and women killed and injured on his watch, including some who attended a previous commencement speech he gave at West Point. Obama also made an implicit defense of his decision to call off military strikes on Syria at the last minute last year to punish Damascus over chemical weapons attacks. Critics at home and abroad warned that the decision left dangerous questions about whether Washington would stand up to “red lines” elsewhere in the world. But Obama said he would betray his duty if he sent American forces into action “simply because I saw a problem somewhere in the world that needed fixing, or because I was worried about critics who think military intervention is the only way for America to avoid looking weak.” Obama has been under increasing pressure to do more to support Syrian rebels battling President Bashar al-Assad and offer some relief to civilians reeling under strikes including barrel bombings carried out by the regime.

Can latest US killing spree prod Congress on gun laws? By Michael Mathes

WASHINGTON, May 27, 2014 (AFP) – After yet another US mass shooting, lawmakers return to Washington Wednesday under pressure to curb rampant gun violence, but facing similar hurdles that derailed such efforts following a 2012 school massacre. In the wake of that shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, which left 20 schoolchildren and six adults dead, President Barack Obama’s administration suffered a striking defeat when the Senate failed to pass measures expanding background checks on gun buyers and banning assault weapons and highcapacity magazines. Obama and others called it a day of shame, while opponents said the result was appropriate and rational. But after a mentally disturbed 22-year-old man armed to the hilt killed six people outside the University of California at Santa Barbara last Friday, and a father of one of the victims scolded Congress over the “insanity” of American gun violence, some lawmakers envision Washington revisiting the contentious issue. “Congress has an obligation to act,” said Senator Richard Blumenthal, who helped spearhead gun control efforts that fell short in April 2013. “I am absolutely determined that we will achieve common-sense, sensible measures,” Blumenthal told CNN. He will encounter stubborn opposition from colleagues, primarily Republicans, who say efforts must focus on enforcing existing laws and implementing programs that help the mentally ill, not curtailing Americans’ constitutional right to bear arms. Democrat Mike Thompson, who heads the House gun violence prevention taskforce and who co-authored a 2013 bill expanding background checks that has not been brought to the floor, accused Republican leaders of “refusing to take any steps at all” towards preventing gun violence. “Why didn’t Sandy Hook move these people? Why didn’t Aurora (or) Virginia Tech move these people?” Thompson told AFP, referring to mass shootings that shocked the nation but led to little

legislative reform. “It’s inexplicable that you have folks who are just unapologetic supporters of doing nothing.” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who controls the Senate schedule, signalled this year that he would like to revisit background check legislation. But with congressional elections looming in November, and influential groups like the National Rifle Association monitoring all gun-control votes, prospects for a gun legislation overhaul this year are dim. Debate needed Members of Congress could, however, debate taking some steps around the edges, such as the background check expansion, aimed at reining in the shootings that kill thousands each year. “We need to have a renewed discussion in this Capitol,” congressman Sander Levin told MSNBC. “I don’t think we can just sit idly by and be tied up in knots here in Washington.” The most poignant chastisement of Congress came from Richard Martinez, whose 20-year-old son died in the California shooting. “Where is the leadership!” demanded a grieving Martinez. “Where are the frigging politicians that will stand up and say ‘We need to do this, we’re going to do something’?” “Those gutless bastards have done nothing and my son died because of it,” he roared. Congressman Peter King was one of the few Republicans to speak out after the rampage. “We have to have this debate,” King told the Washington Post. “We’ve got to look at how we define mental illness, who is denied weapons and who is not, and focus the discussion.” In a reflection of Republican refusal to consider curbing long-cherished rights, Samuel Wurzelbacher – who as “Joe the Plumber” became a symbol of blue-collar frustration with Obama – hailed the Constitution’s Second Amendment as paramount. “As harsh as this sounds, your dead kids don’t trump my constitutional rights,” Wurzelbacher said in an open letter to families of the Santa Barbara victims, according to Barbwire.com.

Hong Kong erosion of press freedom deeply worrying: Amnesty HONG KONG, May 28, 2014 (AFP) - The erosion of press freedom in Hong Kong is a cause for deep concern, the head of Amnesty International said Wednesday, urging residents to guard against a gradual loss of liberties. Two senior figures from the Hong Kong Morning News Media Group were attacked in March, weeks after Kevin Lau – a former editor of the liberal Ming Pao newspaper – was critically wounded in a savage knife assault. “Amnesty International is deeply concerned about the deteriorating state for freedom of expression in Hong Kong... the erosion of freedom of expression has been gradual and is nonetheless serious for that,” the rights group’s secretary general Salil Shetty said in a speech. He said organisations such as Reporters Without Borders and Freedom House noted that China exerts influence over Hong Kong’s media – through direct pressure or indirect interference by editors or owners with interests in mainland China. “The danger, of course, is that the attacks on freedom of the press could cause people to avoid speaking out and fear will encourage silence,” Shetty said, adding there were also grounds for hope. “One simply has to look at what happened after Kevin Lau was attacked. Something truly remarkable and inspiring happened – more than 8,000 people marched in the streets of Hong Kong, rallying

with the slogans: ‘They can’t kill us all!’” he said. “If the goal of the attack was to make Hong Kongers fearful, it failed.” But Shetty said the city should be vigilant against the erosion of freedom of expression. “Drop a frog into boiling water and it will immediately jump out again, heat the water gently and the frog allows itself to be boiled to death,” he said. “We should not allow the water to be gently brought to boiling point.” The former British colony was guaranteed freedom of the press and freedom of speech, among other rights, under a deal which led to its handover to China in 1997 as a semi-autonomous territory. But concern is mounting that Beijing is seeking to tighten control over the city and that media freedom is being squeezed as a result. The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists said in February media freedom in Hong Kong was currently “at a low point”. It cited self-censorship among reporters, financial and physical threats against the media and legislative steps that could hinder investigative reporting. Lau was hacked with a cleaver in broad daylight in February by two men who escaped on a stolen motorbike. The attack came weeks after he had been removed from the top job at liberal newspaper Ming Pao and replaced with an editor widely seen as pro-Beijing.


Weekend, Sat. - Fri., May 31 - June 6, 2014

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Boring U.S. elections By Philippine standards, elections in the U.S. are boring. At its worst, political rivals here throw mud at each other to the extreme of character assassination. And with the June 3 U.S. Primary Election going into the homestretch, voters are deluged with negative campaign ads in all media including that of a CCTV footage posted on YouTube of former Assemblywoman Mary Hayashi who is running for the California State Senate caught shoplifting designer clothes and accessories at a Neiman Marcus store in San Francisco in a Wynona Ryder fashion. states, physically prevent those without But political mudslinging is the least IDs, mostly the poor blacks and Latinos, of the worries of campaigning Philippine from casting their votes. politicians who are used to stealing taxpayWe don’t buy votes in cash here either. ers’ money and getting away with it. Even On the contrary, the flood of money goes in rare cases when they get caught and sent the other way. Voters are the ones who to jail, the electorate always bails them give money to fund election campaigns. out for other elective positions like Erap The biggest campaign donors of them all Estrada and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, usually are the ones doing the buying of both jailed for plunder and both are now candidates who tie them up to their vested reelected public officials. interest; the labor unions are the reliable What are keeping them awake at night cash cow for Democrats as Big Business are nightmares of actually being assas- is to the Republicans. From POTUS to the sinated; of being buried six-feet deep in lowly city councilman, they all genuflect mud. For no election in the Philippines is to the altar of money to build their war without violence and death, with the tally chest. of bodies directly proportional to how And while Filipinos are so fanatic to high the position is being campaigned for, their candidates even at the barangay level, especially in local elections where bad the Americans are notoriously absent in the blood runs deep among political dynasties. electoral process unless it’s a presidential Although guns are part of American elections. Primary elections such as those life as rice is to Filipinos, we don’t hold on June 3 are marred by low turnouts or suffrage hostage at gunpoint. We don’t about 40 percent less of those voting in the have the martyrs guarding ballot boxes general presidential elections. During the with their life from heavily-armed goons 2012 primary elections, only 17 percent from both sides trying to wrestle victory of registered voters went to the polls. Votby stealing votes, literally. In the U.S., we ers are also older, conservative and white cheat in elections with finesse, like how that’s why the Republicans are projected incumbent politicians pass laws to ger- to win control of both the House and the rymander electoral districts to favor their Senate this year. reelection or their party’s candidates. Or, But what I missed most in Philippine in the case of white conservative Southern elections are the pompom girls. Those

bevies of young beauties in their bodyhugging tees and bootylicious-tight shortshorts parading in high heels to kick-off campaign sorties in the neighborhood. On the day of the election itself, you get the added bonus of receiving cash with the candidate’s flyer attached to it. In here, there is no welcoming crowd. With nary the pomp and gaiety – not even an entourage – but only the candidate himself in tow, you walk for miles knocking on doors from house to house canvassing votes. At the end of the day, you may


even be asked to donate more money to the campaign. And that’s when I long to be in the Philippines during elections where I get fed with a Jollibee lunchbox, clothed with a T-shirt with matching sun visors and hand fans, and receiving the customary bribe even if I do nothing. Not even going to the polls to vote. It’s twisted, alright, but hey, what could be more rotten than politics itself and the politicians who bask in its dirt? For comments: omq1124@sbcglobal.net

Oldest US congressman loses seat to Tea Party Republican WASHINGTON, May 28, 2014 (AFP) – The oldest serving member in the US Congress, Ralph Hall, lost his re-election bid to a Tea Party-backed challenger barely half his age. The 91-year-old Texan, first elected to the House of Representatives as a Democrat in 1980 but who became a Republican in 2004, was seeking an 18th term when he was bounced late Tuesday in a party runoff, becoming the first incumbent this year to lose a US primary election. John Ratcliffe, a 48-year-old former US attorney, won the race in the first significant congressional victory this election cycle for the anti-tax, small-government Tea Party movement after a series of defeats for their endorsed candidates in other states. Hall led in the original Republican primary in March but failed to win an outright majority, prompting the runoff in which he slumped after tea party groups and the conservative Club for Growth endorsed Ratcliffe, who argued that Texas conservatives need a fresh face in Washington. “Hall has served admirably,� Ratcliffe said in a television ad that featured his

young daughters playing in the background. “But after four decades in Washington, the problems are getting worse, not better.� Had he prevailed, Hall would have been the last remaining World War II veteran in Congress. That war’s only other current veteran, longest-serving congressman John Dingle, is retiring after 59 years in the House. “It was a combination of Hall’s age, longevity in Congress and being a former Democrat—but it probably took all three of those things to doom him, not any single one,� David Wasserman, an analyst for the non-partisan Cook Political Report, said according to the Los Angeles Times. The Tea Party also scored a victory in the race for Texas lieutenant governor, showing the movement’s influence has not waned in the Lone Star State as it has elsewhere. State Senator Dan Patrick, who has earned a reputation for his combative style and ideological stands against abortion and illegal immigration, easily defeated incumbent David Dewhurst. “Tea Party folks love America,� Patrick said in a victory speech.

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hether you’re gathering the neighborhood kids for a backyard celebration or going on a weekend hike with family, you can make fueling up for the fun easy with snacks the whole family can enjoy. Everyone loves popcorn, and this tasty treat is easy to incorporate into a wide range of nibbles perfect for summer. Popcorn’s wholesome taste makes it an excellent partner to ingredients that tease your taste buds with flavors that are sweet, salty or even zesty. Creating a delicious trail mix to carry on an adventurous hike is a cinch when you combine fresh popcorn with your favorite sweet dried fruits and lightly salted nuts. Or, if you’re staying closer to home, use popcorn treats as a more nutritious alternative to traditional party desserts. Each of these recipes features freshly popped popcorn paired with common ingredients that appeal to both kids and adults for summery snacks that are big on both flavor and fun. For more creative recipes that give some pop to your summer, visit www.popcorn.org.

Sweet N Salty Popcorn Pretzel Sticks Yield: 6 sticks 6 tablespoons peanut butter 6 large pretzel rods 3 cups popped popcorn Sugar sprinkles 3/4 cup mini chocolate chips (optional) Spread 1 tablespoon of peanut butter over each pretzel, leaving a two-inch “handle” without peanut butter. Press and roll popcorn onto peanut butter to coat. Sprinkle with sugar sprinkles. For optional chocolate drizzle, place chocolate chips in small sealable plastic bag and seal. Microwave 30 seconds or until chocolate is melted. Clip small corner from bag and squeeze to drizzle chocolate over popcorn. Sprinkle with additional sugar sprinkles. Allow chocolate to harden before serving.

Sweet N Salty Popcorn Pretzel Sticks

Blueberry & Pomegranate Power Bars Yield: 12 bars 8 cups popped popcorn 1 1/2 cups old-fashioned rolled oats 1 cup dried blueberries 1/2 cup pomegranate seeds 1/2 cup toasted and coarsely chopped whole natural almonds 2/3 cup honey 2/3 cup light brown sugar 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 6 ounces melted bittersweet chocolate Line 13-by-9-inch pan with foil; spray with cooking spray. Combine popcorn, oats, blueberries, pomegranate seeds and almonds in large bowl. Combine honey, brown sugar and butter in small saucepan. Cook over low heat to boiling; boil two minutes. Pour over popcorn mixture and mix thoroughly. Using damp hands, press mixture firmly into prepared pan. Refrigerate until firm, about two hours. Cut into 12 bars. Dip bottoms of bars into melted chocolate. Place on wax paper-lined pan. Store in tight covered container in refrigerator until ready to serve.

Chili Lime Popcorn Snack Mix Yield: 1 quart 1 quart popped popcorn 1 teaspoon brewer’s yeast powder 1 teaspoon lime juice 1/2 teaspoon chili powder 1/4 teaspoon salt Preheat oven to 300°F. Spread popcorn on baking sheet. Sprinkle yeast powder, lime juice, chili powder and salt over popcorn. Heat about seven minutes and toss just before serving. Serve warm.

Popcorn Trail Mix Chili Lime Popcorn Snack Mix

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Yield: 5 cups 1 quart popped popcorn (air popped) 6 ounces diced, dried fruit (apricots, apples, etc.) 8 ounces raisins Place freshly popped popcorn in large bowl. Add diced fruit and raisins. Toss popcorn and fruit until combined thoroughly. Note: Add whatever fixings your family enjoys: dried fruits, seeds, nuts, etc.

Popcorn S’mores Yield: 20 pieces 1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine 1/2 cup corn syrup 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 10 cups freshly popped popcorn 1 package (10 1/2 ounces) miniature marshmallows 2 cups mini graham cookies (teddy bears) 1 cup chocolate chips Combine brown sugar, butter and corn syrup in medium saucepan. Cook over high heat for five minutes; remove from heat and stir in baking soda. Combine popcorn and marshmallows in large bowl. Pour sugar mixture over popcorn to coat. Gently stir in graham cookies and chocolate chips. Spread mixture evenly into greased 15-by-10-inch pan. Let cool completely, then break into pieces. Store in airtight container.


Weekend, Sat. - Fri., May 31 - June 6, 2014

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Seniors who exercise have better mobility, overall health: studies (Relaxnews) - Two studies announced this week indicate that exercise is critical for helping seniors retain their mobility, reduce their prescription use and stay out of hospitals. Exercise scientists at the University of Florida observed 1,635 sedentary seniors ages 70 to 89 with dwindling mobility and found that physical activity was a likely determinant in who succumbed to old age disability and who did not. According to co-principal investigator Jack Guralnik, Ph.D., consistent physical activity staved off mobility loss by nearly 30 percent in the study, which was announced on May 27 and is soon to be published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Researchers in the American study considered seniors able to walk 400 meters, approximately one quarter mile, to be sufficiently mobile for independent living. “That we had an even bigger impact on persistent disability is very good,” said Guralnik, a professor of epidemiology and public health at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and a UF faculty member. “It implies that a greater percentage of the adults who had physical activity intervention recovered when they did develop mobility disability.” Meanwhile, a study conducted at the University of Bristol and published in PLOS ONE found that of 213 participants, whose average age was 78, those who exercised

moderately just 25 minutes per day had far fewer health problems. Prescription use was reduced by 50 percent over a four-year span following the intervention for those who exercised a minimum of 25 minutes per day. The most active participants in the British study, who exercised an average of 39 minutes per day, saw 50 percent fewer emergency room visits than their less active peers. “We know that leading a physically active life has health benefits for all ages, but this study suggests there may also be

economic benefits by reducing reliance on medication and preventing costly emergency hospital admissions,” says Dr. Bethany Simmonds and Professor Ken Fox, from Bristol University’s Centre for Exercise, Nutrition and Health Sciences. “Our findings further support the need for greater availability of community-based programs to increase physical activity and prevent loss of lower limb function.” The results of the studies could suggest a need for more development in senior fitness, particularly the need to design exercise curriculums tailored to individuals in their 70s and 80s.

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Patricia Javier explains return to showbiz Former sexy star Patricia Javier, who has returned to the Philippines, shared the reason why she is making a showbiz comeback. Javier said Vic del Rosario of Viva Entertainment offered her a “good” project. She added that she also wants her children to learn more about Filipino values as well as their native language. “Siguro na-miss ko siya (showbiz) but at the same time, si Boss Vic del Rosario, siya ang nag-push sa akin na, ‘hey, come back. I have a better project for you.’ This time daw, bibigyan niya ako ng medyo dramatic role. So I signed up for Viva,” said Javier, a

mother of two who used to work as a head aesthetician at a dermatological clinic in San Diego, California. “Siguro para sa akin ‘yung opportunity na ibinigay again ni Boss Vic. At the same time, para sa anak ko kasi ang mga anak ko gusto ko silang mag-Tagalog at gusto kong makuha nila ‘yung values natin dito, kung anong mayroon tayo rito. At ang asawa ko ay gusto ko siyang mag-practice dito. Bale ano lang, half of the year nandito kami at half doon,” she added. Javier was known for her movies “Ang Kabit ni Mrs. Montero” and “The Unfaithful Wife.”

She was also part of a girl group called Asian Dolls. Currently, Javier is promoting her album titled “Genesis: Songs From My Heart” under Viva. She is also doing an indie film with Ricky Davao, Victor Neri and Melissa Mendez. (MNS)

Patricia Javier

Actor-director Zoren Legaspi a no-show in DOJ tax evasion probe

Actor-director Zoren Legaspi on Wednesday did not appear in a preliminary investigation on the P4.45-million tax evasion complaint filed against him by the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Instead, the camp of Legaspi asked the Justice Department to give the actordirector more time to submit his counteraffidavit on the BIR complaint. Prosecutor Stewart Allan Mariano granted Legaspi’s request and gave his camp until June 6 to respond to the charges. In a subpoena Mariano issued earlier, Legaspi was required to appear before the DOJ on Wednesday and file a counteraffidavit. According to the summons, failure to submit the requirement may be construed as equivalent to waiving the right to respond to the charges.


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Antoinette Taus

Antoinette flattered to be compared with Marian Rivera Antoinette Taus is flattered when some people say she has a resemblance with Marian Rivera, the current girlfriend of the former child star’s ex-boyfriend Dingdong Dantes. Taus said she finds such comments flattering because she thinks Rivera is really beautiful. “Everybody has been saying [that], which I always say na flattered din ako kasi nagagandahan ako sa kanya at napakasexy niya. So kung ‘yun ang sinasabi nila, thank you. Honestly thank you talaga,” she said. In fact, Taus said it was Dantes himself who first told her about that observation. “Ang daming nagsasabi …dati pa. Si Dingdong ang unang nagsabi sa akin niyan nung una pa lang na nag-show silang dalawa. And then ‘yun na, sunud-sunod na,” she related. Meanwhile, Taus revealed she is excited to be back in the Philippines – and in showbiz -- 10 years since she moved to the United States. “It actually feels greater than I even expected. Supposed to be dapat long vacation lang ito so balak ko sana sa trip na ito, magwo-work ako ng konti lang and spend time with my family. Tapos ang dami na lang nangyari na hindi ko ine-expect. I always live life according to what I think God’s will is. So ang dating is parang sinasabi niya sa akin na dito muna ako, so dito muna ako,” she said. On Tuesday, Taus inked a contract with Viva Entertainment, which includes a comeback album. Asked if her supporters could expect a different Antoinette Taus now, the actress said, “Malamang. Una naman kasi talaga, parang hindi ko naman na kaya magpatweetums. The real me naman, I’m really bubbly. I don’t want to say aggressive but I’m very outgoing and straightforward so hopefully makakita din sila ng ibang side sa akin.” Taus said she is happy to return to showbiz, which, she noted, has become more dynamic.


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COMMUNITY ‘Megastar’ Sharon Cuneta Live at Pechanga Theater June 1 4 Multi-awarded Filipino actress and singer, Sharon Cuneta, is holding a comeback concert at the famous Pechanga Resort & Casino Theater in Temecula, California at 8 p.m. on June 14. Pechanga Resort & Casino is wellknown for hosting the best and the brightest Filipino entertainers and performers such as veteran actor Richard Gomez and OPM (Outstanding Pilipino Music) legend Rico J. Puno, who gave wholesome entertainment to the delight of the crowd. Due to insistent public demand, and for those who missed Cuneta’s concert recently, Pechanga once again, invited Cuneta to accommodate the requests of her followers and casino patrons. Here is an excerpt from Cuneta’s Facebook post (published on her website) during her previous concert at Pechanga Resort & Casino: “Hello everyone! I am writing this from my bedroom at Pechanga Resort & Casino. I’ve been told that all tickets for tonight’s concert and all room show ticket packages have been sold out (!!!) and so I can’t tell you how very happy

I am right this minute!” Barely six months after her successful concert in Pechanga Theater last Dec. 20, with her daughter KC Concepcion as special guest, Cuneta will again perform and render songs to thrill her followers and fans. Dubbed in the Philippine cinema as the country’s ‘Mega Star’, Cuneta rose to stardom from a string of sweet teenage roles made famous in decades due to a ‘loveteam’ with former actor-husband Gabby Concepcion. Now a ‘Mega Mom’, she catapulted to a successful singer-actress, and has been busy doing various concerts and singing engagement, aside from planning her daily show on television. In her entire musical career, Cuneta has recorded 40 albums, many of which have become contemporary and classic hits and recognized not only in the Philippines but also internationally. An icon in the entertainment industry, Ms. Cuneta’s much-awaited concert on June 14, would highlight songs made famous by her musical arranger, Willie

Ocampo. Time is running out. Buy your tickets now – from $85, $75, $65 and $50. Tickets are available at the Pechanga Box office or online at www.Pechanga.com/tickets. Room and show packages are available. To purchase wheelchair seating, please call the Box Office at 1-877-711-2946. Shows in the Pechanga Theater offer a comfortable and intimate concert experience. With 1,200 seats in its theater, each show features state-of-the-art and acoustically perfected sound. Enjoying favorite artists at Pechanga versus other venues proves effortless with free valet and selfparking for guests, complimentary casino/ resort shuttles, gourmet and casual dining options on site, plus comfortable chairs and an up-close view from every theater seat. About Pechanga Resort & Casino Pechanga Resort & Casino offers one of the largest and most expansive resort/ casino experience anywhere in the country. Rated a Four Diamond property by AAA since 2002, Pechanga Resort & Casino provides an unparalleled getaway, whether for

the day or for an extended luxury stay. Offering more than 3,000 of the hottest slots, table games, worldclass entertainment, 517 hotel rooms, dining, spa and champi- Sharon Cuneta in Pechanga onship golf at June 14 Journey at Pechanga, Pechanga Resort & Casino features a destination that meets and exceeds the needs of its guests and the community. Pechanga Resort & Casino is owned and operated by the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians. For more information, call toll free 1-877-711-2946 or visit www. Pechanga.com. Follow Pechanga Resort & Casino on Facebook.com/Pechanga and on Twitter @PechangaCasino. Pechanga Resort & Casino is open 24-hours. Guests must be 21 and older to enter the casino.

Selection of jobs available in Army Reserve One of the most powerful and sophisticated military force in the world is the United States Army. This military force is divided into two categories: the Active Duty Soldiers and the Soldiers of the Army Reserve. In layman’s terms, the Active Duty Soldier is much like working on a full-time job with the US Army. On the other hand, the Army Reserve “allows you to pursue

a civilian career or attend college full time and still serve your community and country. You can live where you want, receive medical and educational benefits, tuition assistance and build for retirement. In other words, in the Army Reserve, you can continue your career or education while training close to home and standing ready to serve with your valuable job skills.” Following are the various ways of serv-

ing your country as Army Reserve: Homeland Security: Army Reserve Soldiers often fill the positions of Active Duty Soldiers during their overseas deployment. They serve as drill sergeants, instructions or security personnel. In times of natural disasters such as hurricanes or flooding, Army Reserve Soldiers are on the scene to help with humanitarian and relief operations. Spe-

cialized positions in this category include: Water Treatment Specialist ( 92W) or Civil Affairs Specialist ( 38B). Information Technology: Soldiers in the Army Reserve “use their civilian and military training to safeguard the nation’s data and develop secure communications technologies. They also maintain, process and troubleshoot military See ARMY RESERVE, page 29

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GMA Int’l joins PHL Independence Day Celebration in New York GMA International partners with the Philippine Independence Day Council, Inc. (PIDCI) to further enrich the parade, street fair, and cultural festival in New York that is the Philippine Independence Day Celebration through the presence of top Kapuso artists Tom Rodriguez and Heart Evangelista. The Philippine Independence Day Celebration showcases the best authentic Philippine cuisine, customs, and products. It draws crowds of around 100,000 Filipinos and Filipino-Americans coming from the Greater New York area and the Northeast region. Americans are expected to attend the event on June 1, 2014 at 38th Street to 23rd Street on Madison Avenue. The event is spearheaded by the PIDCI, a non-profit organization responsible for conceiving the biggest Philippine Independence Day celebration outside the Philippines. Prior to Philippine Independence Day, PIDCI supervises affairs such as galas, pageants, and balls leading up to the festival. GMA International, the business unit that manages the operations and distribution of GMA Network’s international channels – GMA Pinoy TV, GMA Life TV, and GMA News TV International – is all set to make the Philippine Independence Day Celebration even more memorable by a performance from Tom and Heart. Attendees will also have the rare opportunity to take pictures and have a “Heart-to-Heart with Tom and Heart” in the GMA booth. Tom left a lasting impression on Filipinos at home and abroad with his stellar

portrayal of the controversial character “Vincent” in “My Husband’s Lover”. Heart, on the other hand, has never left the limelight and is now a host of the Sunday noontime variety show “Sunday All Stars” and talk show “Startalk”. The Philippine Independence Day Celebration will start at 8:30 a.m. and end at 6 p.m. Admission is free so all interested parties near the area can join the festivities. For more details on events abroad, visit the GMA International website www.gmanetwork.com/international, Facebook pages www.facebook. com/GMAPinoyTV, www.facebook.com/ GMALifeTV, and www.facebook.com/ GMANewsTVInternational, Twitter pages @GMALifeTV, @GMA_LifeTV, and @ GMANewsTVIntl, and Instagram page @ GMAPinoyTV. Earlier, in an effort to recognize the services rendered by small groups or community organizations for FilipinoAmericans, the National Federation of Filipino American Associations is partnering with GMA Network to hold the very first Alex Esclamado Memorial Award for Community Service. The Alex Esclamado Memorial Award for Community Service is inspired by the life and works of Philippine News publisher and editor Alex Esclamado, who was well-known for being an ardent advocate of the rights and interests of Filipinos in America. His significant contributions paved the way for Filipino World War II veterans to become US citizens, allowed Filipino professionals to hone and practice their craft in the US, and led to the formation of NaFFAA.


Browndition album launch May 30 at Gerry’s Grill Artesia One of Southern California’s leading FilipinoAmerican bands is holding a album launch event this coming Friday, May 30, at Gerry’s Grill Artesia at 9 p.m. Browndition, a Los Angeles-based Filipino band known for their OPM pop music, is made up Kris Ivan Bacani (Vocals/Guitars), John Loveres (Vocals/Bass), John “Keisy” Hicban (Keyboards) and Jayson Vera Cruz (Drums). Sponsored by Cerritos Mitsubishi and Pinoy Radio, Friday’s launch will have special guests Introvoys, and the lovely, Miss Antoinette Taus. Browndition harnesses the talents of each of its members coming from different musical stages in their carreer and musical backgrounds, and communicating it through a wide variety of listeners. Browndition’s music was born from gospel, RNB, and alternative genres, which were all infused to pop music with a Filipino taste. Browndition was initiated by Bacani and Hicban in 2007 at a small apartment in West Covina. The similarities of their musical influences and genre paved the way for the formation of the band. In 2008, Browndition

will never be the same with the addition of John Loveres (Vocals/Bass). The encounter took place at Bamboo Bistro West Covina where Kris and Keisy regularly play on the weekends. John met with the band and jammed a few... and the rest is history. 2009 will be the year where Browndition will forever be blessed upon the emergence of Jayson Vera Cruz(Drums).




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PHL among happiest countries in the world – Gallup poll The series of disasters that shook the county in 2013 were described as “successive and overlapping” and left billions of dollars in damages and thousands of families grieving because of the loss of loved ones. Typhoon Yolanda, easily the most disastrous calamity of the year, may go down in history as the worst natural disaster and the strongest typhoon in history to make a landfall has left devastations that will take years to recover from and bil lions of pesos to return victims to normalcy, if it were ever possible. The optimism in facing catastrophes”. losses left deep emotional wounds that The Philippines is among the happiest would take years to heal. countries in the world – Gallup Survey Typhoon Santi might have already esDespite the calamities of 2013, a Gallup caped the memories of many ranks second poll of 138 countries ranked the Philipwhich “tore into the country’s northeast pines as among “the happiest countries east in the last quarter of last years and left in the world” scoring 80 in the pollster’s its mark”. It was not as widely reported as “Positive Experience Index” sharing the Typhoon Yolanda because the earthquake honors with its Asian neighbors Indonesia that hit the province of Bohol, the number and Thailand. 5 on the list, overshadowed it. Then came This is in spite of super Tyhoon Yolanda Labuyo, which was overshadowed by Ty- and other calamities that ravaged the counphoon Maring , the fourth on the list, which try that claimed over 6,000 lives. wreaked havoc on the country’s already Gallup asked thousands of those polled devastated agriculture and infrastructure in each participating country “whether they sectors. experienced positive emotion the previEarthquakes are nothing new in the ous day”. Joining the list of top happiest Philippines and certainly the Bohol earth- countries are Paraguay, Panama, Guatequake was the most devastating in living mala, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Costa Rica, memory to have damaged dozens of an- Colombia, Denmark, Venezuela, and El cient heritage structures and not sparing Salvador with Paraguay leading the poll even the famous Chocolate Hills. three years in a row. Then there was Typhoons Odette, the The least happy country is Syria which second most devastating next to Yolanda is in the midst of a civil war. and Typhoon Vinta which battered NorthSeven in 10 adults worldwide, accordern Luzon “just as the Filipinos everywhere ing to the report, “experienced “lots of enwere preparing for all Soul’s Day.” joyment, laughing or smiling a lot, feeling Despite the multiple whammies, the well-rested, and being treated with respect” Filipinos true to their nature whose pliancy and majority (at 51 percent) saying “they is compared to the bamboo, bent with the learned or did something interesting the disastrous devastations but did not break. day before”. Being pliant is only one of the sterling The United Nations ranks the Philipattributes of the Filipino race. They are pines 92nd of 156 countries in its happiness certainly more anchored to the ground index from 2010 to 2012. Norway is the because of what many say “their deeply happiest county listed with the United seated ability to exhibit unexplainable States in the 12th position.

ARMY RESERVE From page 27

information systems.” Careers in this category include: Information Technology Specialist (25B) or Network Switching Systems Operator/ Maintainer (25F). Biohazard Protection: “The Army Reserve responds to chemical and biological threats, and provides biohazard training to federal agencies.”These soldiers play a “crucial role in the maintenance and supervision of nuclear, biological and chemical detection and decontamination equipment.” Opportunities for jobs include: Chemical Operations Specialist (740) and Quartermaster or Chemical Equipment Repairer (91J) Logistics: Soldiers in the Army Reserve “operate the transportation and supply systems that keep the Army in motion, supplying troops around the world” with almost everything from providing Stryker vehicles for transportation to distributing mail to the troops from home. Careers in this category include: Motor Transport Operator (88M) or Transportation Management Coordinator (88N). Civil Affairs: In times of crisis such as war and peace, soldiers in the Army Reserve “help countries establish or restore governmental institutions and functions. In order to support this effort the Army Reserve trains cultural experts to coordinate with local populations. Job opportunities in this category

include: Public Affairs Specialist (46Q) or Engineer Officer (12). Military Information Support Operations: During times of conflict, crisis or peace the “Army Reserve Soldiers assist in Military Support Operations, by having specialists help foreign governments, militaries and civilian populations in analyzing, developing and distributing information, designed to positively influence the attitudes and behavior of foreign populations in a manner favorable to friendly forces.” Careers in this category include: Psychological Operations Specialist (37F) or Human Intelligence Collector (35M). Medical Services: Most of the Army’s hospitals, triage centers, clinics and field medical care units are staffed by Army Reserves. As one would expect the “medical capabilities of the Army Reserve Soldiers often exceed” their active duty counterparts because “they bring in their civilian experience to the table.” Job opportunities in this category include: Operating Room Specialist (68D) or Veterinary Corps Officer (64). The various career opportunities for the Army Reserve allows you to choose to serve either as an enlisted soldier or an officer. Each has its own “training responsibilities and areas of expertise. Whatever your choice is, you will achieve success in your mission, even in the harshest conditions.” The choice is yours. GO ARMY! For more information visit www.goarmy.com. (Myrna Aquitania)

B.S. KINESIOLOGY GRAD – Katrina Mae Andres, joins thousands of U.S. graduates this year graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology degree (something to do with human movement and wellness) from Cal State University-Fullerton last May 17. The youngest daughter of Ray and Edith Andres is joined in her accomplishment by her sister Bienelisa, and brother Paolo Rae.


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Fil-Am Magna Cum Laude: Filipino-American Felix B. Acosta III didn’t only earn a Bachelors of Science Degree in Nursing, Major in Medical-Surgical Nursing, he finished it with a magna cum laude honors from the Nevada State College. Here is shown receiving his honors from Nevada State College, President Bart Patterson. Felix is the son of Felix M. Acosta, Jr and Felma B. Acosta.

Globe Telecom asks NTC to sanction supposed text spammer MANILA, May 28 (Mabuhay) – To strengthen a campaign against text spamming, Globe Telecom Inc. filed on Wednesday its second complaint before the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) against a company involved in sending unsolicited promo text messages to the telco’s mobile customers. In an e-mailed statement, Globe noted similar complaints will be filed in the following days against companies caught doing marketing activities through text spamming. Central for Global Best Practices (CGBP), a company that offers various training seminar courses, was the respondent in the latest case filed by Globe. It is the second company against which Globe filed a complaint before the NTC. The first one being Caritas Health

Shield Inc., a health insurance provider. In a phone interview, Anna T. Andaya, CGBP program leader, said they haven’t been informed of the matter yet and that they will immediately forward the concern to CGBP president and founder Henry B. Aquende. In a separate e-mail message, Aquende said CGBP will issue a statement within 48 hours after all details have been gathered. Globe specifically asked regulator NTC to make CGBP pay appropriate fines and penalties for sending annoying text messages to Globe subscribers. Globe also asked NTC to permanently bar CGBP, its agents and employees from sending spam texts to Globe customers. Pending the resolution of a case, a cease and desist order should be issued against CGBP, Globe said.


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SPORTS PHL lures NBA veteran for World Cup MANILA, May 27, 2014 (AFP) – The Philippines is planning to fasttrack citizenship for American NBA veteran Andray Blatche in a bid to give its national team much-needed extra height and class at this year’s World Cup. The Philippine Senate on Monday passed a bill to grant citizenship to the 6-foot, 11-inch (2.11-metre) Brooklyn Nets centre. “Blatche is possibly the best centre from the NBA that we can get who is willing to shun more lucrative offers now and in the future just to be part of our national team,” said Senator Edgardo Angara, who introduced the bill. The bill will be sent to President Benigno Aquino’s office for final approval, according to Angara. Presidential spokeswoman Abigail Valte said Tuesday Aquino had yet to address the issue and could not say if or when it would be approved. However a press release issued by the Senate on Monday said the the passing of the bill had the effect of “clearing the way” for the eight-year NBA veteran to compete at the World Cup in Spain, which starts in August.

The Philippines is a basketballcrazy nation, a legacy of American colonial rule, but its top players are generally too short to be a force in international competition. However the Philippines came second in last year’s FIBA Asia Championship to Iran, a result which gained the Southeast Asian nation a berth in the World Cup for the first time in 40 years. In 2011, the Philippines naturalized American Marcus Douthit, a global journeyman, and he powered the Filipino squad to its surprise result in the Asian championships. Averaging 11.2 points and 5.3 rebounds a game this season for the Nets, the 27-year Blatche is expected to play a leading role in the Philippine team alongside Douthit. They are the same height. While the Filipinos put up a spirited fight in last year’s Asia championships, they were no match for the towering presence of Iran’s 7-foot, 2-inch-centre, Hamed Haddadi. Ranked 34th in the world, the Philippines will face Argentina, Greece, Croatia, Senegal and Puerto Rico in Group B.

The Philippine Senate on Monday passed a bill to grant citizenship to the 6-foot, 11-inch (2.11-metre) Brooklyn Nets center Andray Blatche who plays for Brooklyn Nets. The Philippines is planning to fast-track citizenship for the American NBA veteran in a bid to give its national team much-needed extra height and class at this year’s World Cup.


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Weekend, Sat. - Fri., May 31 - June 6, 2014

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Google’s own self-driving cars, no steering wheel LOS ANGELES, May 28, 2014 (AFP) – Google unveiled plans to build its own self-driving car – minus the steering wheel – that it hopes to begin testing in the coming months. “They won’t have a steering wheel, accelerator pedal, or brake pedal... because they don’t need them. Our software and sensors do all the work,” Google’s Chris Urmson said in a blog post. Urmson said Google plans to build about 100 prototype vehicles, “and later this summer, our safety drivers will start testing early versions of these vehicles that have manual controls.” He added, “If all goes well, we’d like to run a small pilot program here in California in the next couple of years.” For Google, the car marks a shift away from adapting vehicles made by others in its quest to pioneer individual transport that needs only a stop-and-go function. “It was inspiring to start with a blank sheet of paper and ask, ‘What should be different about this kind of vehicle?’” the post said. The top speed of the battery-powered prototypes will be 40 kilometers (25 miles) per hour and are designed for utility, not luxury. “We’re light on creature comforts, but we’ll have two seats (with seatbelts), a space for passengers’ belongings, buttons to start and stop, and a screen that shows the route – and that’s about it,” Urmson said. The blog post shows a photo of a prototype and an artist’s rendering – both rounded bug-looking vehicles.

“We took a look from the ground up of what a self-driving car would look like,” Google co-founder Sergey Brin told the Re/code conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, California. “The reason I’m so excited about these prototypes and the self-driving car project in general is the ability to change the world and the community around you,” Brin added. Brin said Google is likely “to partner with a lot of companies” on the project, but declined to elaborate. Until now Google has been re-fitting Lexus and Honda cars to work as selfdriving ones. In an interview with Re/code, Urmson said the new Google cars will have numerous safety features learned from the company’s research. “In our car there is no steering wheel so we have to design really fundamental capabilities,” he said. “So we have effectively two motors and they work so if one of them fails the other can steer, so the car can always control where it’s going, and similar with brakes.” In addition to crash protection for the occupant, the car has features to avoid pedestrians and other road users.

“So the front end is a whole new approach where it’s compressible foam and a flexible windshield that should do a much better job of protecting people if an accident should occur,” Urmson told Re/code. Several automakers have been working on autonomous or semi-autonomous features for cars, such as self-parking, but no fully autonomous car has come to market. A study last year by KPMG said consumers would welcome these vehicles

if companies “get the value proposition right.” This might mean “mobility on demand,” or the ability to share a vehicle or order one as needed. Google said recently it was making progress on its project. Prototype Google cars have driven more than 100,000 miles (160,000 kilometers) on public roads, always with someone ready to take the wheel.

CARSPECS USA main partner Romeo Morales and his staff – the men and women behind the success of CARSPECS USA – invite Filipino-Americans in Southern California to experience today’s “very personalized” car buying approach that focuses on customers’ specific preferences on any car model. Find the car that is tailored for you by visiting these fine men and women at CARSPECS USA located at 1678 Broadway, Anaheim, CA 92802. Or, visit their website at www.CARSPECSUSA.net or call (626) 244-4262.


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MATT MORENTE Floor Manager






VIP/Internet Coordinator

Leasing & Sales

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Leasing & Sales



More than skin deep: America’s best-selling car gets even better with a sweeping redesign for 2015 Toyota Camry rebuilt from the ground up with almost 2,000 new parts NEW YORK (April 16, 2014) – So what do you do when you have the bestselling car in the industry for 12 straight years? You find ways to make it even better. That’s exactly what Toyota did with the introduction of the new 2015 Camry. After selling almost a million of the industry’s benchmark sedan since the current generation launched in 2011, Toyota stripped it down to its chassis and

rebuilt it from the ground up, raising the bar yet again in the ultra-competitive mid-size sedan segment. “Customers today love the durability, quality and value that the Camry represents, but they are looking for a little more style, comfort and performance, and this 2015 Camry has all of the above,” said Bob Carter, senior vice president of automotive operations of Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. “This is the new Camry, and it’s coming from the new Toyota.” Toyota designers and engineers reimagined nearly every exterior surface of

the car. Only the roof remains unchanged. The new, upscale interior features premium, soft-touch materials throughout the spacious cabin. Advanced instrumentation with intuitive controls helps keep the driver’s eyes safely on the road ahead. Underneath the striking new exterior, the chassis and body structure are bolstered with additional spot welds, enhancing rigidity for better ride quality. A retuned suspension takes the Camry’s handling to a whole new level of responsiveness. Two new grades, the sporty and luxu-

rious XSE and the eco-fun Hybrid SE, join the well-equipped entry LE and the premium XLE grade, giving customers more choice than ever before. An Expressive and Athletic Exterior The 2015 Camry’s exterior is more expressive and athletic with prominent character lines. The new car is slightly longer (1.8 inches or 45 mm) and features a widened track (0.4 inches or 10 mm) that communicates a dynamic stance and presence. A pronounced body line starts from the Camry’s muscular front fender and spans across the doors and rear quarter panel, conveying a sense of motion. The completely revised, more aggressive front bumper cover features a wider more prominent trapezoidal grille shape, expressing a lower center of gravity. The 2015 Camry will be available in 10 colors, including the new Celestial Silver Metallic and Ruby Flare Pearl. New Lighting Shines with Form and Function The new sleek headlamps complement the aggressive front fascia, while the front turn signal indicators and LED DRL’s are integrated for an elegant appearance. The 2015 Camry will offer exterior lighting with available LED low and high-beams and auto static leveling. The Camry’s rear tail lamps sweep into the tapered sheet metal at the rear of the car. A decorative garnish connects the tail lamps across the trunk lid and emphasizes its new sporty stance. A Modern, Refined Interior The interior of the new Camry is more refined than ever with premium materials, roomier feel and improved amenities. The center stack features a high-tech, upscale look that smoothly integrates with the console. The center console tray has been redesigned to increase capacity while offering a convenient power source in the storage box. The new enclosed bin in front of the shifter now offers 12v, USB and a segment-first, available wireless charging system for select smart phones. The Quietest Camry Ever Toyota engineers focused on reducing unwanted wind and road noise to offer an even quieter cabin. Window and door seals were improved to keep noise outside. The carpet features 30 percent more insulating material. Even the Camry’s side mirrors were redesigned to better control air flow reducing turbulence and noise. And more… If you need to “adorn” your garage with a brand-new Toyota, all you have to do is come down ton Hamer Toyota located at 11041 Sepulveda Blvd., Mission Hills, CA 91345 and get in touch with any of our kababayans Matt Morente (Floor Manager), Marylou Santiago (VIP/ Internet Coordinator), Wency Magno, Reno Reyes, Tony Pijuan and Rico Ayala (Leasing & Sales). Call our kababayans now toll free at 1-855-592-7077 and make your dream of owning a new Toyota vehicle a reality today.


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Victory Autos buys beemer even with high balance Trading for a new car is easy with Victory Autos Last week, I was seriously contemplating on trading my car for a new one. But knowing that I still have a balance on my car, I didn’t know what do about it. So I went to Victory Autos, the company that my uncle Rudy recommended to me. To my surprise, I didn’t know I was going to get approved so fast, no hassle, and they were straight to the point. The people at Victory Autos were very helpful and they even bought my BMW. Yes, I still owed a lot on that car, but they had no problem of taking beemer. And now, I got me a new car! I didn’t intend to get the car on the same day I went to Victory Autos because I thought it wasn’t going to work out, but they made it possible. I was surely shocked and surprised at how great they are. Thank you. – Albert Uy Backed by their 25 years in car business, Victory Autos is dedicated to offering high-quality, pre-owned vehicles to our customers. From the moment you walk through our door, “we’re committed to providing you with a great car-buying experience. With our skilled sales staff and

financing options, we’ll help you get the vehicle you want, at the great price you deserve,� Trinidad said. Victory Autos is dedicated in providing the ultimate automobile buying experience. Victory Autos is your #1 source for buying a quality pre-owned vehicle at wholesale price. We have extensive relationships in the dealer community allowing us to purchase a wide variety of lease returns and new car trades at exceptional values. This enables Victory Autos to pass along huge savings on the highest quality vehicles of your choice. In addition, we offer a full array of financing options to meet your needs.� For more details, please visit Victory Autos Showroom at 791 E. Arrow Highway, Azusa, CA 91702, (626) 859-9199 or (626) 969-6169; Victory Auto Broker at 1579 E. Amar Road, West Covina, CA 91792, (626) 253-7576; and Victory Auto Care at 352 S. Irwindale Avenue, Azusa, CA 91702, (626) 334-7573. For more information, please call Victory Autos’ toll free number at 1-877821-7145. Or, visit their website at www. victoryautoconnect.com.

Volvo teases upcoming luxury SUV with a touch of glass (Relaxnews) – The new XC90 promises a unique blend of comfort, safety, performance and idiosyncratic Swedish touches, such as a handcrafted crystal glass gear lever and diamond-cut control buttons. Traditionally, it’s difficult to get excited about Volvos. For too many years it’s been a brand associated with an obsession with safety. This is by no means a bad thing: thanks to Volvo, all new cars, everywhere in the world, have seatbelts. However, while safety is still very much part of the company’s DNA, it has also rediscovered its sense of fun and of expression in recent years. It started slowly and subtly, for example, by crowbarring huge, powerful, turbocharged engines into its otherwise practical and sensible estate cars. But over the past 12 months it has also demonstrated a new fluidity and freedom of design with three concept vehicles, shown at three of the major international motor shows and winning three best-of-show prizes in the process. All of which brings us to the new XC90, Volvo’s flagship vehicle, a seven-seat SUV. The company knows it has to have something truly special if it wants to compete in an ever more crowded market. Demand for off-roaders of all shapes and sizes has never been greater and the choice on offer from every manufacturer at every price point has never been bigger and is poised to get even bigger still. The original XC90 was a hit because of its

focus on families and the features they needed for transporting large numbers of children around in safety and comfort. And for the new model, which will be revealed in full in August, Volvo is promising to take everything to another level, starting with the interior – the first details of which it published Tuesday. The new car promises soft leathers, wood finishes and levels of craftsmanship that are more common in Range Rovers. But this old-world comfort sits side-by-side with the latest technology. There are very few buttons or knobs on the car’s dashboard, replaced by a large innovative tablet that has a user interface specifically developed to make operation safe, with minimal distraction. And of course, it will be one of the first cars to support Apple’s CarPlay iPhone integration technology. “The customer and the customer experience are at the heart of everything we do at Volvo Cars. We don’t do technology for technology’s sake – everything in a Volvo is there to make our cars safer and more pleasurable to drive,� said Alain Visser, Senior Vice President, Marketing, Sales and Customer Service of Volvo Cars. And then there’s the crystal glass gear lever courtesy of Swedish glassmaker Orrefors and the diamond-cut buttons for the stop/start and volume controls which Volvo hopes will become ‘the jewels of the interior’. “They add a bit of exclusive playfulness rather than pure functionality,� said Robin Page, Volvo Cars’s Interior Design Director.


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PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT Holy Spirit Thou who make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideal, You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and who are in all instances of my life with me. I, in this short dialogue, want to thank You for everything and con¿rm once more that I never want to be separated from You no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with You and my loved ones in Your perpetual glory. Amen. A person must pray this for three consecutive days without stating his wish. After the 3rd day the wish will be granted, no matter how dif¿cult it may be. Promise to publish this as soon as your favor has been granted. Grateful Thanks -CARMEN


*NOVENA of CONFIDENCE O Lord Jesus Christ, To your most Sacred Heart, I con¿de this/ these intention. (Here, mention your request.) Only look upon me, then do what your Heart decides. I count on You. I trust in You. I throw myself on Your mercy, Lord Jesus! You will not fail me. Lord Jesus, I know You will not fail me Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You.Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in Your love for me. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I have asked you for many favors, but I earnestly implore this one. Take it, and place it in Your Sacred Heart. When the Eternal Father sees it covered with Your precious blood. He will not refuse it. It will no longer be my prayer, but Yours. O Jesus, Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You. Let me never be confounded. Amen.-CARMEN

Ask St. Clare for 3 favors: One Business, Two Impossible. "Say 9 Hail Mary's for 9 days with lighted candles" Pray whether you believe it or not. Publish, on the 9th day. "May the Sacred Heart of Jesus Be Praised, Adored, and Glori¿ed Today and Everyday" Request will be granted no matter how impossible it seems. Publication must be promised. -EG






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Weekend, Sat. - Fri., May 31 - June 6, 2014


The new Mercedes-Benz C-Class: Sheer attraction average. A new, slightly larger C-Class goes on sale this fall. Athletically designed to express its performance soul, the C250 Sport Sedan boasts aerodynamic lower bodywork in the form of an aggressive front apron with mesh air intakes, a pair of sculpted side sills, The all-new C-Class Nelson Sioson, the Filipino and a deep rear valance. heralds a new chapter Fleet Manager at Mercedes- Black and chrome slats in the Mercedes-Benz Benz of Long Beach. embolden the wide grille success story and sets whose central Threenew standards in the premium medium- Pointed Star is the unmistakable signature size category. Thanks to an intelligent of a sporting Mercedes-Benz. lightweight-design concept boasting The well-appointed cockpit is outfitted weight savings of up to 100 kilograms, with a combination of features and finishes excellent aerodynamics and new economi- specifically selected to bring out its comcal engines, the C-Class establishes new petitive streak. A 3-spoke steering wheel efficiency benchmarks in its segment. affords a clear view of a trio of gauges The new C-Class offers sensuous and recessed deeply within silver surrounds. clear design and a host of technical innovaThe industry’s first 7-speed automatic tions as well as a comprehensive scope of is smooth, responsive and efficient. A wide standard equipment and exemplary emis- range of closely spaced ratios delivers the sions and fuel consumption figures. This ideal response in virtually every driving all adds up to substantial added value and situation, for relaxed cruising, quick accellong-term savings on motor vehicle tax and eration, and thanks to two overdrive ratios, at the filling station. better highway fuel efficiency. Adaptive Consumer Reports.org says the Mer- logic adjusts the shift points to match your cedes’ C-Class is agile, quiet, and com- driving style. fortable. The C250 has a smooth 1.8-liter Engineered specifically for perforturbo four-cylinder and a seven-speed mance driving, Agility Control automatiautomatic that shifts seamlessly. We got 24 cally adjusts the individual shock absorbers mpg overall. The C300 and C350 use more based on the road surface and the driver’s powerful V6 engines, and the C300 offers current driving style. Valving inside each AWD. We liked the handling and taut, shock absorber automatically firms up steady ride in our tested Luxury trim. The during stronger body motions for sharper front seats are comfortable and supportive, handling feedback. but the rear is tight. Now, isn’t it about time you join the Some controls are not particularly list of new Mercedes-Benz owners? Why logical. The C63 AMG is a delight, and not? Call our kababayan Nelson Sioson, a coupe is available. Reliability has been the Filipino Fleet Manager at Mercedes-

Consumer Reports. org says the C250 has a smooth 1.8-liter turbo four-cylinder and a seven-speed automatic that shifts seamlessly

Benz of Long Beach for the best in deals, among the best, if not the best in Southern California. He will guide you in choosing what Mercedes-Benz is right for you. And don’t

worry, Mercedes-Benz is not just for those who “can afford it.” Ever wonder why your kababayan neighbor or your relative has one? Call Nelson now toll free at 1-866870-2966 and find out how.

Kia of America hits April record sales; Sells five millionth vehicle in the US

Car Pros Kia now in three locations: Car Pros Kia Carson, Car Pros Kia Huntington Beach and Car Pros Kia Glendale IRVINE, Calif., May 1, 2014 – With Kia Motors America (KMA) celebrating its 20th anniversary, the company’s first-quarter momentum continued into April with record sales of 53,676 vehicles, a 12.9-percent increase over the same month in 2013. Record monthly sales were led by the U.S.-built Optima midsize sedan with 14,589 units sold, while the Soul urban passenger vehicle achieved an all-time single-month sales record of 14,403 units sold. In addition, Kia marked the sale Kia Optima, the Number 1-selling Kia vehicle, at the Car Pros Kia Carson showroom. of its five millionth vehicle in the U.S. in April and entered into the top 10 the completely redesigned 2015 Sedona among mass-market brands in J.D. Power’s at the New York International Auto Show. latest Customer Service Index (CSI) Survey. Scheduled to arrive in showrooms in October “The Kia brand has grown and matured in of this year, the all-new Sedona will join the this market for two decades, and we reached K900 flagship sedan – which continues to another significant milestone in April by arrive in select showrooms – in supporting selling our five millionth vehicle in the U.S., Kia’s long-term strategy to concentrate on which is a testament to our philosophy of ad- quality, strengthen the brand, elevate the vancing value to new levels of sophistication ownership experience and identify and enter with world-class design, advanced technol- new segments for growth. ogy and outstanding quality in every segment The design alone is exceptional. Kia’s in which we compete, from sub-compact to most popular vehicle – the midsize Optima luxury,” said Michael Sprague, executive was designed by no less than Chief Design vice president of sales and marketing, KMA. Officer Peter Schreyer who used to work Kia’s aggressive product launch cadence for Audi. Compared to other leading Asian continued in April with the world debut of brands, the Kia Optima possesses additional features which are standard like foglamps and dual exhaust – not available in the more popular midsize competitors. The U.S News and World Report described the Optima as a “good value” among midsize cars because of its high-end available features, long warranty and strong engines.” The 2014 Kia Optima was also named IIHS Top Safety Pick for its advanced airbag system all the way to its Anti-Lock Brake System. “Kia is a great product,” California’s Number 1 Kia dealership Car Pros Kia Carson General Manager Juan Alarcon emphasized during a recent interview with Weekend Balita. Kia’s most popular vehicle – the midsize Optima – was designed by no less than Chief Design Officer Peter Schreyer who used to work for Audi. Car Pros Kia Carson ranks Number Eight in the whole state of California for car dealers of any brand, including Japanese, European or domestic vehicles. “In 2012, Car Pros Kia of Carson was among the top 20 car dealers in the whole of United States, of any make,” Alarcon said. But while Kia maybe the fastest selling vehicle brand in the U.S. – Car Pros Kia of Carson is selling more than 600 cars a month – Alarcon attributes hard work, a friendly staff and the excellent service that Car Pros Kia of Carson provides as the reasons for the dealership’s rise to become a member of the nation’s elites. In spite of these accolades, Alarcon said “we remain focused as we know that there is always room for improvement. There is always room there.”If you want to find out why Kia is among the leading car brands of today, drop by Car Pros Kia of Carson at 21243 S Avalon Blvd, Carson, CA 90745 (telephone # 310-221-9131), or at Car Pros Kia Huntington Beach at 18835 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714-613-1119) and last but won’t be the last, at Car Pros Kia Glendale at 400 S. Brand Blvd., Glendale, CA 91204 (818) 745-1400. Call now.


Weekend, Sat. - Fri., May 31 - June 6, 2014

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The all-new 2015 Hyundai Genesis

2015 Genesis awarded Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Top Safety Pick+ First-ever rear-wheel drive luxury sedan to earn highest safety rating FOUNTAIN VALLEY, Calif., May 7, 2014 – Hyundai’s award-winning 2015 Genesis sedan continues segment leadership as the first and only rear-wheel drive vehicle in its class to receive the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s (IIHS) highest honor as a 2014 Top Safety Pick + when equipped with optional front crash prevention. Genesis is also the first rear-wheel drive luxury sedan to earn a Good rating in the small overlap crash test. IIHS rates vehicles in a moderate overlap front crash, small overlap front crash, side impact and rollover test, and evaluates seat/head restraints for protection against neck injuries in rear impact collisions. Additionally, IIHS evaluates available front crash prevention systems that aim to prevent a crash or lessen its severity. Winners of the Top Safety Pick + award must earn Good ratings for occupant protection in the moderate overlap front, side, roof strength and head restraint tests, no less than acceptable in the small overlap test, and at least a basic rating for front crash prevention. “The Top Safety Pick+ designation recognizes state-of-the-art safety,” said IIHS president, Adrian Lund. “The new Genesis is not only engineered to protect people when crashes happen, but with its optional automatic emergency braking system rated superior in our tests, this car can help drivers avoid some of the most common kinds of collisions altogether.” “IIHS Top Safety Picks are important ratings in vehicle crash test safety,” said Mike O’Brien, vice president, Corporate and Product Planning, Hyundai Motor America. “Genesis’ Top Safety Pick + recognition further reinforces its segment leadership in delivering advanced safety performance and technology as well as a host of world-class active and passive safety features.” Genesis’ suite of safety features aim to prevent accidents and maximize the safety of its occupants in the event of a collision. The all-new 2015 Genesis uses new Sensory Surround Safety technology including a Hyundai first, Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB), utilizing sensor fusion

technology to help avoid a potential collision or reduce its impact. With this system, Genesis will employ automatic braking whenever it detects another vehicle at an unsafe closing rate of speed. This system uses the front radar from the Smart Cruise Control system and the forward camera from the Lane Departure Warning (LDW) to provide this extra margin of safety. In addition, Genesis combines available LDW with allnew Lane Keep Assist (LKA) to provide a driver-adjustable level of steering assist to help prevent inadvertent lane departure when a vehicle approaches the edge of a lane and also provides steering wheel haptic vibration feedback. Genesis is generously equipped with new, advanced technologies, many of them Hyundai firsts. A new driver-selectable Intelligent Drive Mode allows drivers to select from four drive modes depending on conditions and driving preferences. A new Blind-Spot Detection system (BSD) helps monitor traffic around the car and for Genesis’ equipped with the Heads-Up Display (HUD), the BSD system indicators also project onto the windshield, nearer the driver’s view of the road, a segment first. Lane Change Assist (LCA) helps detect vehicles approaching towards its rear side at high speeds, especially during higherspeed driving, while Rear Cross-traffic Alert (RCTA) scans areas to each side of the car when drivers are backing out of parking spaces. No other sedan in Genesis’ class offers the combination of BSD, LCA and RCTA. Genesis also benefits from a worldfirst technology in its CO2 sensor control system. Hyundai engineers discovered that occupants start to get drowsy when CO2 levels reached more than 2,000 parts per million, so the new ventilation system helps ensure the cabin maintains a CO2 concentration well below that level at all times using freshly-ventilated ambient air. For more information about the new Genesis and other Hyundai vehicles, visit Hyundai Puente Hills is located at 17621 Gale Ave, Industry, CA 91748. For great deals, call our kababayans Hanzel Fraguere at (626) 393-4070 and Ferry Maringka at (626) 202-9687.



Visit www.Balita.com

Weekend, Sat. - Fri., May 31 - June 6, 2014



Weekend, Sat. - Fri., May 31 - June 6, 2014

Visit www.Balita.com



Weekend, Sat. - Fri., May 31 - June 6, 2014

Visit www.Balita.com


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mbzlongbeach.com 2300 East Spring St. • Signal Hill, CA 90755 At the 405 and 605 in Signal Hill. Exit Cherry Ave. off the 405. †Available only to qualified customers at participating authorized Mercedes-Benz dealers through Mercedes-Benz Financial Services (where applicable to advertised lease) through June 2nd, 2014. Advertised lease rate based on a gross capitalized cost of $37,693. Includes destination charge and optional Premium 1 Package. Excludes title, taxes, registration, license fees, insurance, dealer prep. and additional options. Total monthly payments equal $9,693. Cash due at signing includes $2,999 capitalized cost reduction, $750 acquisition fee, and first month’s lease payment of $359. Total payments equal $13,487. At lease end, lessee pays for any amounts due under the lease, any official fees and taxes related to the scheduled termination, excess wear and use plus $0.25/mile over 22,500 miles, and $595 vehicle turn-in fee. Subject to credit approval. No security deposit required. *All prices plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, dealer preparation charges and any emission testing charges. All vehicles subject to prior sale. **Certified Pre-Owned limited warranty coverage for one (1) year (and no mileage maximum) from expiration date of the original 4-year / 50,000 mile Mercedes-Benz new vehicle limited warranty. If the new vehicle limited warranty has expired, Certified Pre-Owned limited warranty coverage is for one (1) year from the date of purchase, with no mileage maximum. ***2 month Payment Credit applies to select Mercedes-Benz Certified Pre-Owned C-Class, E-Class, M-Class and GL-Class vehicles financed through MercedesBenz Financial Services. Must take delivery of vehicles between 5/1/14 and 6/2/14. ****Complimentary Pre-Paid Maintenance contract available on select Mercedes-Benz Certified Pre-Owned C-Class, E-Class and GL-Class vehicles. Excludes AMG® and diesel models. Must take delivery of vehicle between May 1, 2014 and June 2, 2014. *****2.99% APR for up to 66 months at $15.45 per month per $1,000 financed applies to Mercedes-Benz Model Year 2010, 2011 and 2012 Certified Pre-Owned and S-Class vehicles. Excludes leases and balloon contracts. Available only at participating authorized Mercedes-Benz dealers. Subject to credit approval by Mercedes-Benz Financial Services. Qualified customers only. Not everyone will qualify. Must take delivery of vehicle between 5/1/14 and 6/2/14. Minimum finance term applies. See Mercedes-Benz of Long Beach for complete details. Offers expire close of business 6/2/14.

Nelson Sioson

Filipino Fleet Manager


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