MAY 2023

MAY 2023
The Baitline Newspaper is the official student news publication of Coral Reef Senior High School, and is written, designed, and published entirely by its staff members. Baitline is an established public forum, and welcomes a wide variety of pieces with the ultimate goal of informing students about news, events, and happenings both inside and outside the Coral Reef campus Through its articles and issues, Baitline hopes to create a more educated student population that is more overtly open to discussing current events and analyzing a variety of points of view.
As the producer of a scholastic publication, Baitline abides by the guidelines presented by the National Scholastic Press Association Code of Ethics for scholastic journalists and advisers According to the policies of the Miami-Dade County Public School System, media produced by students is not subject to mandatory review by school administrators or district personnel. Thus, all Baitline content is the product of views and opinions held by student staff members only, and is in no way a reflection of overall school views or beliefs The student editorial board and corresponding student staff members assume complete legal and financial liability for the content of the publication.
Baitline gladly welcomes reader questions, comments, or feedback Letters to the editor may be submitted to Ms Woolley-Larrea’s mailbox, delivered personally to room 217, or emailed to with the subject line "Letter to the Editor." Letters to editor should not exceed 300 words, must be signed, and must include writer's address and phone number for verification Baitline reserves the right to publish any letter sent
Editors-in-Chief Isabella Armendariz
Katelyn Peña Editors
Supervisor Mrs. Stephanie Woolley-Larrea
Carolina Calleiro
Ana Lucia Garcia
Florentina Montoya
Eric Parilla
Abril Strachan
Valeria Velasquez
Newsmagazine Staff Writers
Martina Lenz
Lucia Vigil
Emily Acevedo
Anne Perez
Sofia Peralta
Gabriella Gomez
Amy Sanchez
Angelica Zubizarret
Claire Dryer
Natalie Jacob
Layout Staff
Elizabeth Ijaopo
Sofia Ludovic
John Malik
Genesis Velasquez-Osor
Valeria Velasquez
As we enter Summer, we welcome you, the reader, to the season of activity and revolutions. Our staff at Baitline has strived to express these new revelations and changes in today's society while acknowledging current challenges that we still must face and endure.
Through the incorporation of student voices and worldwide discussions, the issue aims to focus on today's progress and the acquisition of knowledge by learning from the complacency of our past.
Isabella Armendariz & Katelyn Peña Editors-in-ChiefSugar is present in almost all foods that people eat nowadays. This includes meals that people originally considered to be healthy. When you walk into a supermarket, every aisle is stocked with chips, yogurt, and other treats that contain added sugars, which are deliberately put there. Numerous food companies intentionally add sugars to their products due to their highly addictive properties; this gets consumers hooked on the product, which dramatically increases sales.
An advantage of reducing sugar consumption is improved nutrition. Sugar calories are referred to as empty calories due to the fact that sugar adds calories to one’s diet while providing very little nutrients. Individuals do not gain much nutritionally when they eat a lot of sugary foods. Filling one’s diet with nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, and whole grains will provide the body with more of the nutrients it requires to function, repair, and protect itself. Furthermore, the fiber found in many of these foods helps the body absorb sugar more slowly, resulting in more stable glucose levels. A little extra sugar may appear to be harmless but, if consumed frequently, can contribute to a variety of health issues, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. The issue for most individuals is that sugar is full of flavor. Sugar appeals to the taste buds whether it is in ice cream, cookies, candy, or a slice of bread, which can make sugar-cutting extremely difficult for many.
According to one study, eating more sugar is associated with restless sleep. Sleep is necessary for the body to repair and restore itself, as well as for a strong immune system; hence, a lack of sleep can have an incredibly negative impact on one’s overall health. When a person reduces their sugar consumption, they may find it much easier to fall and stay asleep. They will gradually feel more rested and will notice that they are generally feeling better.
When individuals consume a lot of sugary foods and sweet beverages, their taste buds become accustomed to the taste. When they eat something without added sugar, it may taste bland, flavorless, or even bitter. For instance, when someone eats a lot of sugar, a strawberry may taste tart to them. Another advantage of reducing added sugars is that one will probably begin to enjoy other foods more. This can help someone change their diet as they can taste the flavors of fruits and vegetables more fully.
Sugar has been shown in several studies to be extremely compelling. Sugar, like drugs, alcohol, and other substances, can become addictive if consumed in excess. When a consumer tries to stop eating sugar, their brain begins to crave it, and may experience binge eating or even withdrawal symptoms. This can make it an arduous task to cut out their favorite sweets and beverages, as sugar creates a toxic cycle of craving more and more. While it may be difficult, reducing a customer’s sugar intake may result in them having less interest
in sweets overall and having a lot more willpower around sugary foods and beverages.
Consumers might think of sugar as something that can give them a quick energy boost. After all, the body uses glucose to produce energy It is not quite that simple, however, as sug actually deplete your energy reserves. neurons in our brains are responsib stimulating wakefulness and providing to the body. Elevated glucose levels bloodstream can actually block or silen activity of orexin neurons, resulting in energy levels. Individuals may feel more and alert if they cut back on their consumption.
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bodies. Yet, it has been normalized to consume high amounts of added sugar everyday. The detrimental effects are overlooked and damaging in the long run. While it may be difficult to completely eliminate sugar from our diets making
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In 1823, the first school in the U.S. to integrate physical education (P.E.) into their curriculum was the Round Hill School in Massachusetts. However, it was not until after the Civil War that P.E. became a requirement in most education systems.
Throughout the late 19th century, physical education was emphasized as an essential component of everyday school activities; however, it excluded most females from the practice in fear of making them too “masculine”. Nonetheless, with the brutal fighting during the World Wars, and especially the Korean War, driving an emphasis on becoming fit during the 20th century, physical education was enforced as a requirement for both genders within most education systems.
It was not until the economic recession of the 1980s-1990s, in which most educational institutions were forced to cut physical education out of their curriculum, that the education system began to reevaluate the importance of physical education. As of today, budget cuts and changing curriculums have reduced or, in some cases, even eliminated the requirement of P.E. in schools.
Not only does P.E. improve children’s physical fitness, as well as their activity levels both within and outside school, but it also improves academic performance by enhancing cognitive
and behavioral skills. Other skills such as selfdiscipline, self-confidence, problem-solving, and goal-setting skills can also assist students in their everyday lives. Evidently, physical education provides a mental benefit in addition to physical, especially in terms of mental health, stress-relief, and better sleep.
Although physical education has proven to be beneficial to the wellbeing of students, it can also harm school systems. For one, maintaining the costs of gym equipment, P.E. teachers, and the gym itself may prove to be too costly in certain school systems. Also, if a school offers physical education in its curriculum, it will be liable for any injuries that may result from participation in physical activity. Additionally, P.E. might serve as a demotivating factor to participate in extra physical activity for those who feel forced to take the course.
Most teachers and faculty will agree that physical activity and fitness is an essential component of any student’s day-to-day life. However, compared to other academic pursuits that require standardized testing and are viewed as essential to a student’s academic career, physical education is often tossed aside as an unnecessary class that should not get in the way of other academic tracks.
Currently, only an estimated 22% of schools in the United States have a P.E. program, with
nly 4% of elementary, 7% of middle, and 2% of high schools having daily activities surrounding physical education. Student participation in physical activity as a whole has also decreased, as only around 70% of all high school students participate in sports or physical activities in addition to school.
In the United States, physical activity is becoming a concept of diminishing importance. With a society more focused on academic and capitalist goals, it is only natural that its schools will also be centered around academia rather than physical education. It is only a matter of time before physical education becomes a reminiscence of the past. However, no one can deny the drastic beneficial effects
P.E. has on both the physical and academic performance of students; the only problem is that these effects are not being recognized enough in comparison to other means of education.
Gender inequality is a serious problem in Indian society. Despite India’s constitution guaranteeing equal rights for both men and women, there are still deep-rooted political, social, and economic inequalities that take a toll on its women’s lives. Across India, gender inequality results in unequal opportunities and treatment for women, causing them to endure social and economic disadvantages that men are exempted from. According to Northwestern University, female participation in labor has dropped to 20% over the last two decades, partly because of a preference for sons in Indian society. Gender inequality stems from a variety of factors, including the patriarchal structure that undergirds Indian society, poverty, lack of education, and the general lack of awareness about inequality to begin with
Patriarchal and misogynistic ideas are deeply rooted in Indian society. The patriarchal values and norms are a result of the caste system and religious inequalities that have historically been ingrained in Indian society. India has always been an extremely patriarchal society, with women expected to work within the household by cooking, cleaning, rearing the children, and tending to their husband’s needs As a result of this expectation, women are discouraged from voicing their opinions on matters concerning their household and the broader community. India’s cultural norms train women not to challenge the gender discrimination that leads to their subordination. These norms restrict women from having any aspirations after marriage and confine them to gendered expectations such as remaining “pure” until marriage, an expectation rarely applied to men
Another issue that causes such drastic inequality in India is the gender disparity in literacy rates and access to proper education in rural, more impoverished regions of the country. Because of high rates of poverty and the woeful lack of free schooling in lesser-developed parts of India, most families there choose only to send their sons to school as they are expected to be the main breadwinners
An additional barrier to equality is the frequent sexual assault that men, who believe themselves to be superior, commit against their female counterparts.
According to data taken in 2019, at least one rape is reported every seventeen minutes in India. An example that illustrates the compounding persecution that sexual violence enacts upon women is when a fifteen-year-old girl was allegedly burned by her cousin’s mother after the cousin had raped and impregnated her in October of 2022 The cousin’s mother had found the girl pregnant and decided to pour kerosene on her and set it alight as punishment for having sex before marriage. The girl’s horrid experience clearly demonstrates India’s irrevocable hierarchy of power that leaves women at the bottom. Furthermore, in mid-December of 2022, a similar case of sexual violence occurred in which eight men were arrested for the gang rape of a sixteen-year-old girl in the western state of Maharashtra The girl was forcibly taken at night to a vacant bungalow where the eight men took turns raping her until the next morning. While the eight men were arrested, the frequency of incidents of sexual violence and rape is unlikely to wane anytime soon until the dominant view among men that they deserve greater power in society diminishes
Given the treatment of Indian women as second-class citizens, the issue will need to be solved through the creation of strict, enforceable laws that guarantee protection from sexual assault and fair access to education and employment opportunities. More importantly, however, greater awareness must be spread within India and other countries about the extent of the problem Various organizations are working towards spreading awareness about women’s equality and women’s rights, such as Women India Trust and Care India. The awareness campaigns of these organizations have the potential to create a mindset change among men and women in India, a change that is fundamental to improving women’s rights. With their own funds, the organizations themselves can directly provide more economic and educational opportunities to women by raising money to fund programs
With time, Indian society has the potential to change for the better, but in the meantime, the immense gender inequality that pervades it will remain a thorn in the side of Indian women.
At its height, the COVID-19 pandemic altered the outside world in an untold number of ways from imposed mask mandates to mass school closures to an extensive loss in economic growth Just as variously, however, has the pandemic impacted mental health As government-mandated shutdowns forced people to isolate themselves from one another, the mental health of large portions of the US population has significantly worsened.
Across the country, adolescents have struggled with depression and anxiety as the school closures and social distancing measures abruptly limited their social lives A study released by Mental Health America revealed that from 2019 to 2021, the percentage of adolescents between the ages 11-17 screened for mental health disorders increased from 29% to 45% between 2019 and 2021 Amidst the pandemic, an article from The Washington Post found that 70% of schools nationwide reported an increase in students seeking mental health services during schooltime. As students’ mental health worsens, their social lives and academic success may take a heavy toll unless they are offered sufficient and immediate assistance.
Fortunately, the pandemic has brought into popularity innovative technologies that can assist adolescents’ medical needs in social isolation and in school One of these technologies, telehealth, offers patients with non-urgent medical attention and advice from the comfort of one’s school or home. In recent years, numerous telehealth programs have developed in order to educate patients about their mental health and bring qualified counselors or therapists to their aid
The programs connect students with medical professionals who can offer effective solutions to their mental health needs Using these programs, students are enabled to freely discuss mental health in the company of others, improving their mental health in the process
Schools offering telehealth use iPads and computers in order to connect students with medical professionals. At the student’s choice, they can connect either at home or at school. For low-income students without digital devices needed to obtain on-demand assistance, schools will usually lend some out to them
As telehealth has increased in popularity in schools, students can also address their physical health. When students fall into sickness or sustain a minor injury, there may not be a need for them to leave the school since they can contact a licensed medical professional at ease through a mobile device This is a convenient alternative to the lost school and work time lost by students and parents when the parents must pick their children up from school and render them to a clinic. This is especially convenient for low-income families that can neither afford the time nor money to leave work.
One telehealth program, named Hazel, is currently enjoying widespread usage in schools across the country. While Hazel does not replace the vital role of school nurses and counselors, it offers students at school with a greater array of treatments. Through video call, licensed counselors and medical professionals can discuss with students and immediately offer remedies to their health needs
To address the worsening mental health crisis among adolescents, schools across the US have quickly adopted telehealth programs. Such programs can be used by students during school time upon request to their counselor
Telehealth was introduced in the suburbs of Denver in an area called Cherry Creek. The school district saw a dramatic rise in mental health disorders among its students during the pandemic and used federal funding to
pay for a telehealth program – making it free of charge for student usage. Data from the Department of Education shows that 17% of middle and high schools in rural areas implemented telehealth in the spring of 2020.
Across the country, in communities like Cherry Creek, the pandemic has left many students with lost homes and loved ones, creating a detrimental effect on their mental health. Chief health officer of Cherry Creek, Michelle Weinraub, stated in an interview with the Washington Post that she did not “know one kid who was not affected by this [the pandemic].” Further demonstrating its negative impact, 80% of respondents to a survey conducted by Coral Reef High School’s newspaper Baitline reported the COVID-19 Pandemic as having had a negative impact on their mental health.
Miami-Dade County Public Schools has made an effort to offer telehealth programs to its hundreds of thousands of students. Two applications are currently offered: Cigna Telehealth Connection and Total Behavioral Health both of which are provided via an online platform called MDCPSPY 19. Cigna Telehealth Connection allows students to contact doctors for minor illnesses like sore throat and fever. Total Behavioral Health provides health medical programs that address a broader set of health issues, ranging from eating disorders to substance abuse. The professionals that work for both applications are reachable by phone and the internet, making them accessible to many.
According to the Total Behavioral Health website, a vast majority of its users, 92%, found the program to be useful. The county’s mission of improving students’ mental and physical health is thus greatly supported by its adoption and usage of telehealth programs.
When students at Coral Reef High School were asked about the usage of telehealth programs during school time, their opinions varied. Given that telehealth has become more prominently used at Coral Reef, most people knew what the term meant when asked about it. Some students do not find telehealth to be particularly useful or beneficial for the student body. Nicole Riquezes, a Junior in the medical program, stated that “mental health is so hard to learn about online.” Her friend Brianna Lehnen agreed, and mentioned that “telehealth could be helpful if there is dedicated time for it, and students are not taxed for missing class. We are all so busy in IB.”
Other students believed that telehealth can be put to good use. Sophomore Natalia Gonzales mentioned that “if used correctly, this type of program could really help underserved students. Or really anyone, actually.”
Among its students, Miami-Dade County Public Schools attempted to raise awareness about mental health and ways to improve it by mandating them to watch videos about such topics. While the videos themselves were not telehealth, it was a step taken to try to create a student body that was more conscious about mental health. However, since it was not a part of the curriculum, many teachers did not take it seriously. All students asked about the MEH (Mental Emotional Health) videos stated that they were not effective at all and ultimately a waste of time.
Telehealth is becoming rapidly accessible for students across America. Its effects are yet to be seen in our school and community but perhaps it will be the agent that helps grant students at Coral Reef and beyond the accessible, affordable healthcare they need to feel better, physically and mentally.
On December 18th, 2022, after 29 days and 64 matches, the Argentinian team was crowned the winners of the 2022 FIFA World Cup. This prestigious football tournament is considered the most watched sports event in the world; people have been attending the matches since the 1930’s to support their countries and celebrate their victories or mourn their losses. The outcries of the people filled with happiness, anger, disappointment, or fulfillment overtook the Lusail Stadium, as more than 88,966 people attended to support France. Unfortunately, with such popular events and tournaments, the disadvantages and faults are often overshadowed.
In particular, there has been an increase in migrant labor in Qatar which has led many workers to die when working on the infrastructure of the stadiums in the World Cup. Statistically, 88% of Qatar’s population are foreigners, in which a million are working in construction. Rontha Begum, a senior researcher at the Human Rights Watch, stated “Migrant workers from the Philippines, India, Pakistan, Nepal, and other South Asian countries worked diligently to make sure that the World Cup’s infrastructure and construction were perfect, despite the injuries and inexplicable deaths.” In preparation, the country made eight new stadiums. According to a Guardian analysis, more than 6,500 people have died since ten years ago, when the country was given the right to host the 2022 World Cup.
Technically, the death records do not state specific causes, but according to Nick McGeehan, a director at FairSquare Projects, it is more than likely that most workers died working on the infrastructure of the tournament. Despite not having concrete evidence, there are stories of workers who were paid for their job, but were found dead at the scene. For example, Ghal Sing Rai, a cleaner in one of the numerous camps, originally from Nepal, was found dead within a week of arriving at a camp designated for workers building the Education City World Cup Stadium. In most cases, the victim dies of “natural causes” but, after further inspection in 2019, investigators have found that the intense summer heat is another very likely factor in their deaths. The UN’s International Labour Organization revealed that “for at least four months of the year workers faced significant heat stress” when working outside. Qatar’s government has stated that these deaths are proportional to the migrant force demographic; however, every death present is a tragedy.
On the other hand, because of the high demand of workers to fill the expectations of the event, new jobs are surfacing. Qatar has recently built a metro line and an airport. Consequently, an added richness has surfaced in the economy and employed many people in need of jobs. Financially, the benefits are very admirable. As stated by an analyst at S&P Global, “We anticipate an acceleration in GDP growth this year as non-hydrocarbon sectors such as tourism, transport, and construction benefit
from Qatar’s hosting of the World Cup, which is expected to bring in about 1.2 million tourists.” In this case, Qatar will undergo a hasty increase in GDP due to areas such as tourism, transport, and construction. In addition to the 765,000 visitors that have arrived to watch the games, the UAE has reported an increase in residents as many decided to stay in the country rather than in the city. Financially, the World Cup has also increased the amount of small businesses in the city due to an increase in people, which has in general boosted the economy in just a couple weeks.
In conclusion, the FIFA World Cup is an event that many would agree deserves all its glory as it is a legendary event that is able to captivate its audience and bring out each country's passion and hard work. Nevertheless, the disadvantages should not be overshadowed or disregarded as they should be recognized and talked about. The tragic and unnecessary deaths of the migrant laborers should be recognized. It is important moving forward for host countries to establish transparency with the audience as we can not afford to sacrifice the lives of others at the expense of our entertainment.
On Monday, December 5th, 2022, scientists from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) created what has been named one of the most impressive feats in the 21st century: the first successful fusion ignition experiment in the world. This scientific breakthrough could pave the way for the future of clean power and other advanced technologies. The vision of generating electricity by using heat from nuclear fusion reactions was sought for over 60 years, but it was only this month that this vision had a real chance at becoming a reality.
deal of energy, much more than other reactions. Experts focus on DT fusions mostly because they release large amounts of energy, and because they occur at a lower temperature than most elements.
Fusion is a nuclear reaction made up of two atoms to create two or more new atoms, just with less total mass. The difference of said mass is released as energy. During nuclear fusion reactions, two light nuclei merge to form a single heavier nucleus. The process releases energy because the total mass of the resulting single nucleus is less than the mass of the two nuclei before the fusion. The leftover mass becomes energy. What is truly interesting is that Einstein's famous equation, (E=mc2), is what makes the excess energy possible. While the equipment needed for this process is expensive, scientists are most interested in deuterium-tritium fusion reactions, because they release a neutron and helium nucleus. It also releases a great
During the 1960s, a group of scientists at LLNL theorized that lasers could potentially induce fusion in a laboratory setting. That idea eventually led to inertial confinement fusion, resulting in countless decades of laser research, optics, diagnostics, target fabrication, computer modeling/simulation, and experimental design. This also involved constructing a plethora of complicatedly powerful laser systems, which on May 29, 1997, led to the creation of the National Ignition Facility, or the NIF, located in LLNL in Livermore, California. NIF is the largest and most energy-packed laser system in the world. This system is the size of a sports stadium and uses concentrated laser beams to create temperatures and pressures that imitate that of the cores of stars and large planets, along with exploding nuclear weapons. 25 entire years later, the first successful nuclear fusion was born. With all of the present circumstances regarding energy, nuclear fusion could change the game.
Fusion energy releases energy out of materials deuterium, which consists of a tiny fraction of natural hydrogen. It can be easily and inexpensively extracted from seawater and tritium, which can be made from lithium, which is also abundant in nature. While the equipment needed to form nuclear fusions are not cheap, it is still worth pursuing. Fusing two atoms releases nearly 4 million times more energy than a chemical reaction, such as burning coal, oil, or gas. The estimated cost for fusion in terms of daily use would have lower costs, due to the smaller footprints. Fusion’s density is much higher than that of fission, gas, and coal, and immensely higher than solar, wind, or hydro. Fusion could potentially be regular nuclear power without the fleeting amount of fuel, meltdowns, and lingering radioactive waste, if used commercially in the next decade.
The enigma of space never ceases to confound humanity’s sapient principles. Throughout history, the pursuit of knowledge has allied Earth’s cognitive sphere and the phantom void of the cosmos. Humans unraveled their courage and perseverance in outer space as they sought to uncover the resolutions towards technological expansion and evolutionary adaptations. The International Space Station, a large spacecraft in orbit around Earth, facilitates societal proliferation in which its participants strive to expand the boundaries of research and development on planet Earth. The pioneering space station grants the never-ending occupation of humans outside Earth’s terrain and gives rise to inventions across the globe within science and technology. The International Space Station (ISS) is a vital aid for various global humanitarian issues. For example, according to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the ISS promotes water purification systems across the planet. Mechanics developed for the space station foster a gateway towards water access for economically threatened communities; The discoveries modeled by the International Space Station also reach medical specialties across the healthcare spectrum. relations between organizations like the Water Security Corporation and transnational corporations help the interconnected network of rescue and relief interventions’ grasp of essential human needs. The discoveries modeled by the International Space Station also reach medical specialties across the healthcare spectrum. The European Space Agency (ESA) manufactured manufactured an Eye Tracking Device designated for vision in outer space. These colossal findings showcased the dissociative effects of microgravity on eye coordination:
decreased sharpness of vision and swelling and flattening of structures in the eye. Furthermore, these ISS discoveries connect to ophthalmology, the field of medicine that deals with eye disorders, in modern laser surgical procedures. The spatial and cognitive consequences of gravitational conditions created an association between exploration and corrective laser surgeries that cultivate an understanding of the contemporary future of Earth. Another exemplary aspect of the International Space Station is that it acts as a buffer between nations across the globe. Rice University’s Baker Institute of Public Policy expressed how the ISS exhibits a paradigm, or standard, of international collaboration in which diverse countries share common interests and objectives in the scope of advancement and innovation. This synchrony and contemporary drive between various nations nurture an incentive towards technological upheaval, in which advances within global issues like global warming, access to vital resources, and national security reach a peak. The ISS conveys a distinct perspective on the way humankind views Earth. It allows astronauts to utilize instruments that observe Earth’s surface to monitor climate and support disaster response vital to human functions. From environmental applications in meteorological data to tracking diverse planetary factors in outer space, the utter influence of the International Space Station is evident. The space station’s achievements are revolutionary and definitively showcase the importance of a universal approach to the revelation of human knowledge.
Recently, famous artworks across the globe have been attacked by environmentalists in an effort to spread awareness about the increasingly life-threatening environmental situation that our world is facing including, but not limited to, melting ice caps and a rise in sea levels as a result of increasing global temperatures, ocean acidification, air pollution, overconsumption and more. Famous paintings – created by people from Da Vinci to Klimt –have been targeted with various types of mediums on different occasions. The motivation behind these attacks is not political or social, but rather, strictly environmental.
November 15th, 2022 Two activists representing the Last Generation climate action group walked the halls of the Leopold Museum in Vienna before splashing a black thick liquid onto Klimt’s Life and Death. Shortly after, one of the activists managed to paste themselves onto the glass. Before the second activist could attach themself to the painting as well, the Leopold museum security was alerted and the activists were taken away from their crime scene.
Due to its protective glass covering, no parts of the painting were harmed by these attacks. In response, Andrea Mayer, the culture minister of Austria, reminded Austrians and climate activists around the world that art is a friend and aid in the climate crisis, not an enemy.
November 5th, 2022 Two climate activists from the environmental group based in Spain entitled Futuro Vegetal taped themselves to the frames of one of Goya’s most famous sets of works: The Clothed Maja and The Naked Maja, which lie within the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain. As an additional form of protest, they wrote “1.5 C” on the wall space between the two paintings. 1.5 degrees represents a global average of warming, and exceeding this 1.5 C limit could cause food and water shortages, starting a global crisis. The climate activists vandalized this painting in protest of the recent announcement by the UN that they will not be able to keep the global average of warming at 1.5, as they previously promised. The Prado Museum released a response on Twitter shortly after, updating the general public on the status of the painting.
Unlike the case with Klimt’s painting, the frames of both paintings are damaged while the paintings themselves remain unharmed. The Prado clarified in this same tweet that they “refuse to endanger cultural heritage as a means of protest.” This specific act was protesting the government policies used in the agricultural sector of Spain, which are, according to the Futuro Vegetal Twitter, a main contributor to the #ClimateCrisis as a whole. The Futuro Vegetal organization remains concerned with how the climate crisis will affect agricultural production not only in Spain, but across the world, as temperature increases lead to drought and a drop in agricultural productivity as a whole.
October 14th, 2022 Two environmentalists representing the Just Stop Oil group entered London’s National Gallery and threw Heinz tomato soup onto Van Gogh’s Sunflowers as a means of protesting society’s concern with paintings over people, poverty, and starvation. After flinging tomato soup onto this simple yet complex painting of sunflowers created by one of the greatest artists in history,
the two green advocates then glued themselves to the wall below the painting. They proceeded to advocate for the climate and the people suffering from poverty all over the world by asking museumgoers, “What is worth more, art or life?” They claimed that the public is more concerned with the protection of a painting than with the protection of our planet and people.
This is only a small portion of the attacks that have been made on art in recent months. Overall, over 17 pieces have been attacked by activists demanding action. Some other paintings that have been attacked include Primavera (Boticelli), Lancoon and his sons (located at the Vatican), the Mona Lisa (De Vinci), Massacre in Korea (Picasso), Haystacks (Monet), Girl With a Pearl Earring (Vermeer), and The Scream (Edvard Munch).
When asked for her opinion on the matter, Coral Reef’s AP Art History teacher, Mrs. Rogers, asked, “Why destroy this art that can never be replaced?” Rogers believes that people in general, not only in the art historian community, pay attention to the violence, but not the message of the protests.
She recognizes the need to clean up and improve our environment, but emphasizes that by destroying art in the process, we as a society introduce the idea that tearing down classical art and architecture is a “legitimate means to get your across.” This is a dang border to cross and it mean accepting the destru of objects and people o way to reaching goals for reasons aside environmental concerns.
The response to these pr by political teachers, educ and the general public been both positive negative. For example French minister des these acts as “ecoterro while, on the other hand, climate activists have these attacks on cu heritage as an opportun further spread awarene perform extreme protests of their own. While each of these protests have addressed different climate issues, many of them remain concerned with oil usage and global temperatures warming in recent years. While these are problems we are all to be concerned about, it is important to weigh the damage
of our decisions and our actions, and damaging cultural icons and heritage may not be the correct means of protecting our planet.
On February 17th, 2022, Brittney Griner was arrested at the Moscow airport for possessing cannabis oil. About ten months later, Griener was released from a Russian prison on December 8th.
Brittney Griner is a 32-year-old WNBA player for the Pheonix Mercury team. She has received an Olympic gold medal two times and is a six-time WNBA All-Star. However, during the off seasons, Griner played for UMMC Ekaterinburg, a Russian women ' s basketball team, for 10 years.
On January 23, 2022, the United States declared a Travel Advisory, which informs travelers on the safety of visiting certain international destinations, concerning visiting Russia. This was due to the ongoing conflict and increasing tensions at the Russian-Ukrainian border. In February, Griner was returning to Russia to play for UMMC Ekaterinburg once again. However, she was arrested at the airport for possessing hashish oil, an illegal substance in Russia. After the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, all of the American WNBA players had evacuated Russia by March, except Griner.
On July 1, Britney Griner’s trial began in Russia and three days later, on Independence Day, she sent President Biden a letter pleading for his help and for him to remember the other Americans wrongfully detained by Russia’s government.
On July 7, Griner pleaded guilty to possession of illegal drugs; however, she claimed that it was due to the fact that she was packing in a hurry before arriving in Moscow and did not realize she was bringing illegal substances to the country. Twenty days later, she testified that when she was first arrested, she was not given the reason for her arrest, was not provided an attorney, and was forced to sign documents in Russian.
On August 4, Griner was found guilty after the court claimed that she intentionally brought the cannabis oil into the country and three days later was sentenced to nine years in prison. A month later, she was transferred to Mordovia, a Russian penal colony. According to The Guardian, “Prisons in Mordovia are notoriously terrible, even by Russian standards. The prisons there are known for their harsh regimes and human rights violations.”
A month after being sent to this intolerable penal colony, on December 8, Griner was released from the prison with a prisoner exchange between the U.S. and the Russian governments. Upon her return, she wrote in the caption of her Instagram post “The last 10 months have been a battle at every turn. I dug deep to keep my faith and it was the love from so many of you that helped keep me going.”
Although this was seen as a victory and an acquirement of justice by many Americans, others were very unhappy with the release of Griner. Some critics claim that President Biden should not have traded for Griner due to the fact that this exchange involved the extremely dangerous Russian prisoner and arms dealer Viktor Bout, also known as the “Merchant of Death”, who was returned to Russia. Furthermore, according to CNN, Bout claimed “...he ‘wholeheartedly’ supports Moscow’s so-called “military operation” in Ukraine and that if he had the opportunity and necessary skills, he would ‘certainly go as a volunteer’” which is very concerning to Ukrainians considering Bout’s terrifying and dangerous reputation. Additionally, critics also state that Biden should have instead traded for Paul Wheelan, a former Marine who was also held prisoner by Russia. However, supporters of Griner have also raised the point that these critics simply do not want to see a Black lesbian woman being prioritized over a heterosexual White man. All in all, although the return of Britney Griner can be celebrated as an American success story, her return, in fact, has led to much controversy and differing opinions within the United States and around the world.
Service workers are individuals who work in positions including cleaning service, food service, protective services, and personal services. Examples include cooks, bartenders, medical care assistants, hairdressers, cleaners, janitors, and firefighters. Service workers are essential: they keep us safe, fed, and healthy. Despite their enormous contributions to their community, service workers are generally underappreciated, overlooked, and underpaid.
Customer engagement and interactions are a vital part of service workers’ jobs. However, workers have often had to put up with customer abuse. The mantra “the customer is always right” has led to a toxic mindset in which consumers believe they have a right to abuse and mistreat service workers. In the past year, reports of aggressive customers and workers being attacked have increasingly surfaced. In a poll done by the UC Berkeley Food Labor Research Center, it was found that “80% of workers… experienced hostile behavior from customers.” In most cases, customers are hostile and aggressive towards service workers because they don’t respect them enough to see eye-to-eye with them.
Although toxic consumer culture is mainly due to the undervaluation of service workers by customers, it is further perpetuated by service workers' management. Managements have put such an emphasis on customer satisfaction and prioritize the customer’s end experience over an employee’s wellbeing. Additionally, workers are expected to provide as much as possible for customers, as seen in a survey done by MaxContact which found that 84 percent of workers feel pressured by their management to have more quantity over quality when it comes to customer interactions. Companies such as Amazon have created an environment with the expectation that the customer will get what they want when they want it but in doing so, they have had to sacrifice the satisfaction of their own workers to please the customers instead.
In a 2020 USC Marshall School of Business study, it was found that employees across many different service sectors felt underappreciated by their bosses. The study focused on how many times workers experienced expressions of appreciation for their work and gratitude in the workplace. The survey was completed by 12,000 American workers and of those 12,000 only 52.9% said that they are thanked by their supervisors at least weekly. Workers aren’t often explicitly appreciated by their supervisors which affects worker morale. Prior research done by Peter Cardon, a professor at USC Marshall, and his co-authors Janna Wong and Cole Christie found that when employees feel appreciated they are more likely to be more engaged and committed. The study also found that workers value individual handwritten notes or spoken words of thanks because it shows effort from their supervisors to express their gratitude.
Despite their contributions, service workers have been overlooked and haven’t received the praise they deserve from those they serve, and more often than not experience harassment or violent outbursts from their customers. Consumers have a responsibility to respect and appreciate what service workers do for them such as help feed them, protect them, and keep them healthy. It is important to be mindful that service workers are doing the best they can to provide for us as efficiently as they can while also balancing other customers. Managements also have a responsibility to appreciate the workers who keep them in business and bring them loyal customers. Service workers have the right to work in an environment that cares for them, just as they care for others. Managements should provide a safe space for service workers to voice their concerns, whether in regards to how customers treat them or how to increase their productivity and abilities in the workplace.