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1.0 Portfolio

1.1 I den t i f y P or t f ol i o des i gn a n d i t s f u n ct i on s

1.1.1 Define Portfolio And Its Contents The term “portfolio” refers to any combination of financial assets such as stocks, bonds and cash . Portfolios may be held by individual investors or managed by financial professionals, hedge funds, banks and other financial institutions . It is a generally accepted principle that a portfolio is designed according to the investor's risk tolerance, time frame and investment objectives . The monetary value of each asset may influence the risk/reward ratio of the portfolio . When determining asset allocation, the aim is to maximise the expected return and minimise the risk . This is an example of a multi -objective optimization problem : many efficient solutions are available and the preferred solution must be selected by considering a tradeoff between risk and return . In particular, a portfolio A is dominated by another portfolio A' if A' has a greater expected gain and a lesser risk than A. If no portfolio dominates A, A is a Pareto -optimal portfolio . The set of Pareto -optimal returns and risks is called the Pareto efficient frontier for the Markowitz portfolio selection problem . Recently, an alternative approach to portfolio diversification has been suggested in the literatures that combines risk and return in the optimization problem .

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1.1.2 Discuss function of a Portfolio A student portfolio is a compilation of academic work and other forms of educational evidence assembled for the purpose of evaluating coursework quality, learning progress, and academic achievement ; determining whether students have met learning standards or other academic requirements for courses, grade -level A portfolio is a living and changing collection of records that reflect your accomplishments, skills, experiences, and attributes . It highlights and showcases samples of some of your best work, along with life experiences, values and achievements . Portfolios show the cumulative efforts and learning of a particular student over time . They offer valuable data about student improvement and skill mastery . Along with student reflection, that data provides valuable information about how each student learns and what is important to him or her in the learning process . The components of a learning portfolio are the learning artifacts, artifacts, and web -based platform used to build the portfolio .



to "curate"

Portfolios provide documented evidence of teaching from a variety of sources not just student ratings and provide context for that evidence . The process of selecting and organizing material for a portfolio can help one reflect on and improve one's teaching .

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1.2 D i s cu s s C a t egor i es O f P or t f ol i o

1.2.1 Differentiate By Career Field

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A. Book Portfolio A portfolio is used by artists to show employers their versatility by showing different samples of current work . Typically, the work reflects an artist's best work or a depth in one specific area of work . Historically, portfolios were printed out and placed into a book . With the increased use of the internet and email, however, there are now websites that host online portfolios that are available to a wider audience . Sometimes an artist's portfolio can be referred to as a lookbook .

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B. Website Portfolio / CD Interactive Portfolio A website is a general term that can mean almost any kind of site on the internet, whether it's something as complex as Pinterest or Facebook, or just an online price list of an auto parts dealer . Your website will be the place where people find out about you, learn how to contact you, access your price list, and view samples of your work . After you build your website, you shouldn't need to change it too often unless you are making major changes in regards to your pricing or services that you currently offer . For the most part, your website should be your online store front, allowing people to browse and peruse your products, services and prices in order to determine if they will make a final purchase . And, just like any store, you should also have a way for people to ask you questions about your business .

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C. E -p or t f ol i o (P df P or t f ol i o) An academic ePortfolio is a digital collection created by a student of their course -related work, like essays, posters, photographs, videos, and artwork ; academic ePortfolios can also capture other aspects of a student’s life, such as volunteer experiences, employment history, extracurricular activities, and more . In other words, ePortfolios document and make visible student learning . But a good ePortfolio should be more than just a collection of products . A good ePortfolio is both about being a product (a digital collection of artifacts) and a process (of reflecting on those artifacts and what they represent) . Like a Learning Management System (LMS), ePortfolios exist online and support student learning . They differ from Learning Management Systems in two key ways : namely, ownership and control . In a university course, the Learning Management System is “owned” and controlled or managed by the instructor who decides who has access, what tools are turned on or off, and so on. With an ePortfolio , the student is in charge : the student decides who can view the ePortfolio , what artifacts get added, how it is designed, and so on. Typically, a student loses access to the LMS when courses end ; in contrast, ePortfolios remain the student’s property after finishing university .

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Portfolio Design T r en ds 2 0 2 2

A Stylish User Interface Just because minimalistic designs are all the rage these days does not mean there is no place for ultra -chic user -interface designs . Creative UX designers and digital agencies are fusing simple designs with stylish user interfaces to create magical effects for their portfolios . A perfect balance of simplicity and complexity can instantly catch the eye of visitors who have been sifting through multiple design portfolios to select the best ones . Want to see this concept in action? Check out Louis Ansa’s portfolio, which is shown in Figure 1, to see how different elements glide by on scrolling .

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Magazine Like Layouts Page layouts that are inspired by magazine layouts will be a big hit for portfolio designs in 2022. Designers can showcase different types of projects in different blocks on a page, assigning a separate area to each project . As Figure 2 shows, Antoine Barres, art director and product designer, has adopted a magazine layout on his design portfolio, showcasing his creative work in its full glory . The use of white gridlines and gray blocks gives his design portfolio a classic, minimalistic look . If you prefer a classic look, you might want to adopt this magazine inspired layout for your design portfolio .

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A Prominent Profile What is the first thing clients want to see when they land on a new designer’s design -portfolio Web site? The designer’s profile . Gone are the days when the designer’s profile appeared at the end of a design -portfolio page . Today, some designers are moving their entire profile to the home page of their design portfolio, while others are adding a short profile to the home page, as shown in Figure 3, and keeping a more comprehensive profile in their site’s About section . Choose whichever of these approaches works best for you or get creative with your designer profile .

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Split -S cr een D es i gn s One portfolio -design trend that has been around for quite some time now, but is likely to see wider adoption in 2022, is the split -screen design . Figure 4 provides an example . Using the split -screen pattern for your design portfolio can give your visitors the urge to explore until they’ve viewed everything in your portfolio . This design pattern makes it more likely that visitors will give some attention to each project in your portfolio .

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Color Overlays One of the most challenging aspects of designing a great portfolio is designing the home page . You need to decide how to display your projects so you’ll entice visitors to click and explore further . One tactic designers use is obscuring previews of their design work behind color overlays, as shown in Figure 5. This technique evokes visitors’ curiosity, prompting them to click the previews of designs to view an entire design solution . One benefit of using color overlays on your home page is that it gives your design portfolio a consistent look . This design solution can also prevent the longer page -load times that would result from displaying multiple projects on the home page, which would hamper the user experience .

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1. Social Slide Decks Social slide decks are a trend in themselves . For those, who remain unaware, slide decks on social networks are exactly what they sound like (step -by -step presentations in the form of slides) . They are meant to be shared on social media and in messages . These innovations work most effectively and beautifully in LinkedIn and Instagram because these platforms use them to handle images by default . Besides, both platforms seem to want the users to use slide decks more often . Designers can use sliders to repurpose the most important content from a blog post or even summarize an article . Slide decks are quite useful to activate your followers to take an action, without needing a direct link . They can be effectively used for B2C companies when launching products because they equally deliver messages in simple visual effects . You can use videos or images with their help to increase the audience’s engagement .

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2. Parametric Patterns Patterns are a mainstay of graphic design . They are useful for breaking up solid colors and adding visual interest to a background . But in 2022 designers are bringing statement patterns to the forefront through parametric geometry . Parametric patterns consist of intricate geometric structures, wherein each line morphs depending on its relative positions . Effectively, the style is based on the graphs of parametric equations . Although they are rooted in geometry, these patterns are fluid and three -dimensional, giving them a sense of movement as opposed to architectural rigidity . In the designs of 2022, parametric patterns are being used to represent the complexity of their subject matter, be it human communication or identity .

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3. Colorful Icons and Illustrations 2022 is the year of color . We’re going to see more colorful icons and illustrations as a way to incorporate personality into branded visuals . These types of visuals break the monotony of a photo -focused social media timeline, which makes them a great resource for brands to grab attention . These visuals are incredibly versatile . They can be used for various digital platforms, and they always stand out from the crowd . Plus, colorful icons and illustrations are also a great way to add some fun and whimsy to your designs, which is very necessary considering the current global situation .

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Artwork Samples (S em es t er 1 T o S em es t er 4 )

Artwork S em es t er 1

Artwork Semester


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Artwork Semester 1

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Artwork Semester 1

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Artwork S em es t er 2

Artwork Semester


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Artwork Semester 2

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Artwork Semester 2

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Artwork S em es t er 3

Artwork Semester


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Artwork Semester 3

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Artwork Semester 3

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Artwork Semester 3

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Artwork Semester 3

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Artwork Semester 3

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Artwork S em es t er 4

Artwork Semester 4

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