Healthy Referral

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The World of Holistic Health and Good News!

Holistic Alternatives for Cancer and Other Health Concerns Spanish: ¡El mundo de la salud holística y de las buenas noticias!/ Italian: Il mondo di salute olistica e di buone notizie!/ French: Le monde de la santé holistique et des bonnes nouvelles !/ German: Die Welt der holistischen Gesundheit und der guten Nachrichten! (watch for future translation of articles)

(est. 1989) Healthy Referral, Box 271, Chagrin Falls, OH 44022. 866-99-GRAND. (440-519-1889)

Detoxification-An “Inside Out” Process

As Americans we eat the following in a year: -more than 16 lbs. of French fries (over 2 tons per year) -24 lbs. of snack food -Dozens of donuts -56 gallons of soda (equal to 32 lbs of sugar) -150-200lbS. of SUGAR-41bs. of additives and preservatives -4-7lbs. of lipstick and lip balm in out life time -Use your imagination.. .alcohol, prescription medicine, smoke... see Dr Gallagher’s plan for helping the body cleanse and help regain vitality. p. 4

Cancer Break-Through?

Poly-MVA -- The First Dietary Supplement to be Cleared by the FDA for Use in a Cancer Study Cleveland, OH, July 20th, 08. When Poly-MVA (Palladium Lipoic Complex) was administered to terminally ill (Stage 4) cancer patients as an adjunct to the therapy they received during the 2005-2008 clinical studies completed by Dr. Forsythe, the Overall Survival Rate was 71% in the Poly-MVA group, an extraordinary result in view of the fact that less than 10% of those patients would have been expected to survive 2 years if they had continued to receive conventional therapy alone. Poly-MVA, a dietary supplement that has been shown to be very effective in clinical studies conducted by a renowned board-certified oncologist, Dr. James Forsythe. When Poly-MVA (Palladium Lipoic Complex) was administered to terminally ill (Stage 4) cancer patients as an adjunct to the therapy they received during the 2005-2008 clinical studies completed by Dr. Forsythe, the Overall Survival Rate was 71% in the Poly-MVA group, an extraordinary result in view of the fact that less than 10% of those patients would have been expected to survive 2 years if they had continued to receive conventional therapy alone.

Jim Chones, President of the J. Chones Company, former NBA basketball player, philosopher and writer. Observations on Society. More on p. 3, Dr. Forsythe’s work was compelling and significant enough to convince the FDA to approve, for the first 5, 9 plus “Make Money and Travel the World...p. 17

“Sacred Commerce: The Rise of the Global Citizen.” Sacred Commerce is a groundbreaking book exploring both the past and future of commerce. The merchant priests of ancient Egypt who practiced it, and the skill of emotional alchemy they mastered in their pursuit of beauty, goodness and truth. cont. p. 3 book review

SEE Mr. Saade’s Review of Mr Hudson’ amazing project to use chess to teach life skills! p. 3

“Always Do Your Best” Butch Reynolds, Olympic Gold and Silver Medalist and former world record holder in the 400 meters. Private and group training powered by Butch Reynolds Care for Kids Foundation.

Support the Healthy Referral Newspaper

Your support helps print more papers, donate to schools, organizations, help promote more people who are doing good in the world. Send your donations to Healthy Referral Foundation, a Congressional District Program, Box 271, Chagrin Falls, OH 44022. 866-99-GRAND.

FREE DVD “Cancer Survivors Don’t Lie”

New hope for those fighting cancer. Over 40 years of research and 13 years of clinical use. While supplies last. Send $4 to cover postage and handling to: Healthy Referral, Box 271, Chagrin Falls, OH 44022. 866-99-GRAND. info@healthyreferral

time in history, a cancer-related IND study (Investigational New Drug study) utilizing a dietary supplement. This FDA approved study has been designed to further validate the benefits of Poly-MVA for cancer patients. View Dr. Forsythe’s Research on Poly-MVA here Cancer Research Poly-MVA was invented by Dr. Merrill Garnett, a biochemist. It is a dietary supplement based on the nontoxic lipoic acid-palladium complex (LAPd). LAPd is a liquid crystal that works in cancer cells by transferring excess electrons from membrane fatty acids to DNA via the mitochondria. It appears to be a safe and effective dietary supplement for cancer patients when used with or without conventional chemotherapy. Its safety profile is excellent and there were no treatment related deaths, significant adverse reactions or negative interactions with chemotherapy or hormonal treatments. The best responding tumors in Dr. Forsythe’s studies were prostate cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer. Some of the remissions in Dr. Forsythe’s studies involved brain cancer patients who had tried and failed conventional cancer treatment protocols. In addition to the remissions reported by Dr. Forsythe, there are other cancer remission case reports written by the patients themselves that can be found on the Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Research Web site: more info p. 11 and how to order PolyMVA (Spanish translation p. 3)

Can Poly-MVA help your ill pet?

“Poly-MVA is a simple approach of nutritional support for pets undergoing harsh therapies or with compromised immune systems that really works and is within the reach financially for most pet owners. I myself am living proof that Poly-MVA works, having chosen a treatment regimen for my own cancer that included the support of palladium lipoic complex (PolyMVA) in the attempt to enhance my immune system rather than destroy it. “Harry Quick, DVM, nationally recognized veterinarian-read more page 11

Phyto-Plankton... A WHALE OF A SUPPLEMENT TO ALKALIZE YOUR BLOODSTREAM My name is Helene Berk, M.Ed., R.D. I practice medical nutrition therapy. As a registered dietitian, organically oriented, living happily on the West Coast in Southern California , and as CEO of (, I am always searching for cream of the crop, therapeutic cuisine. I’ve recently discovered cuisine quite “green”.

Phyto-Plankton... doesn’t sound very appetizing, does it? This raw, green food from the ocean is quite popular with omega-3 rich fish and Whales, who typically live to a ripe old age of 150 years! Most important, is this raw plant cuisine from the sea assists in alkalizing your system. Most experts agree managing the acid-base balance means the difference between life and death. Depending on your genetics, inflammation will switch on any lifestyle disorder that you have a genetically predisposition to. Whether you are genetically predisposed to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, stroke or even wrinkles... inflammation is cause of every flare up. The only way to manage inflammation, is to manage the acid in your system. Greens, alkaline fruits [grapefruits, lemons, apples, etc.], ionized water, and now phytoplanton are effective strategies to counteract the acid build-up from petrochemically laced, acid forming pesticides, hormones, pharmaceuticals, well as the simple sugars, starches, amino acids and fatty acids which build up with each and every snack and meal we eat. cont. p. 18

Phnom Penh Restaurant (near W. Side Market) “Experience Delicous Vietnamese and Cambodian Cuisine Including Many Vegetarian Meals”

Amok Siemreap-served with steamed rice. A delicious combination of spicy shrimp, scallops, crab and catfish with coconut milk stirred with special paste and steamed with banana leaf cup, green pepper served with cilantro. Jeannette Bun, born in Cambodia displaying the Amok Siemreap. cont. p. 10

24 Raw Whole Foods anytime of the DAY! Put Pulse on Your Salad! Pour milk or soy milk over Pulse for a filling breakfast,

take it with you for a convenient trail mix, sprinkle it on a salad, or blend it into a smoothie. Pulse is a great way to enjoy multiple unrefined, raw, high-fiber, wholefoods direct from nature’s table. No synthetics, no artificial flavorings or colorings, and no preservatives. GMO-free and pesticide-free. Thousands have experienced weight loss, greater energy, and better mental clarity by adding Pulse to their diets (pulse comes in convenient bars) cont. p. 2

You Can Make a Huge Impact on Your Health and the Lifes of Indigenous People of the Amazon

Amazon Herb Company founder, “Amazon John” Easterling, has made over 100 trips to the Amazon and has modeled sustainable eco-commerce with more than 14 Indigenous villages of South America for the past 18 years. Featured as a visionary on Jean Michel Cousteau’s Ocean Adventures “Return to the Amazon,” he and his company were recognized as “the strongest testament that keeping the Rainforest alive and productive is more economically profitable than cutting it down.” See pg 13

Summer 2008 (official publication)

Insulin Potentiated Therapy (IPT) For Cancer, Arthritis and Infections

Get Well Center, Mansfield, OH

Insulin Potentiated Therapy (IPT) is the latest and one of the most exciting treatments that we have seen. Juan C. Penhos MD and Insook Chung RN, MSN (photos below) had special training in the use of this procedure and visited the original clinic in Mexico that has been doing this for more than 70 years.

This procedure was first discovered by Dr. Donato Perez Garcia, MD (Donato I) who used it for a variety of therapies including chronic infections, arthritis, and cancer. This work was continued forward by his son Donato Perez Garcia, MD (Donato II), and today the grandson of the inventor Donato Perez Garcia, MD (Donato Ill) in continuing the original work. Donato I discovered that diseased cells have a major weakness. On the cell surface, these diseased cells have six times the number of insulin receptors, as compared to normal cells. By weakening the cells, using insulin agents (only during the treatment) we can then introduce agents that will kill the weak cells but leave healthy cell alone. This therapy provides a unique attack against diseased cells by using their weakness against them. (see treatments p. 4-5)

Maharishi Ayurveda is the timeless knowledge of complete health for the individual and society contained in

the Veda and Vedic Literature, the most fundamental Laws of Nature governing the orderly evolution of the universe. Two important natural products include: Cardio Support and Midlife for Woman..see p. 16 for details

FINALLY! A Natural Effective Fast Remedy for POISON I.V. (SEE P. 20)

International Tennis Training Center Planned for Kids. Modeled

after the Arthur Ashe Center and the Israel Tennis Centers. A holistic tennis learning center. See p. 20. Schedule Marchia’s (co-publisher of HealthyReferral) “Dance of Spirit” sacred Dance Performance at your center/church or gathering as well as her workshop ~ “Re-Awaken” your Spiritual Essence thru Music/Sound & Movement ~ please call 440-519-1889 or 1-866-99-GRAND Email: or See information on www.healthyreferral. com under “Dance of Spirit.”

What’s Inside:

•Book Reviews/poetry p. 3 •Top 5 Immune Helpers p.4 •Detox, an Inside out Process p.4 •Silver Instead of Anti-Biotics? p.4 •Personal/spiritual development p.5 •Former Mr America-fitness training p.6 •Grazing for your food p.8 •Rejuventate your skin with vitamin c p.9 •Restaurants with Vegetarian Foods p. 10 •Diet/nutrition p.12 •Conscious Cuisine p.13 •Total Heart Health p.14 •Robert Flack review p. 14 •Lower Cholesterol p. 16 •Throw away your toothpaste p. 17

Greetings ~ Buon Giorno to each & Every one of our readers of our National/touching Int’l HealthyReferral Newspaper. We love taking the time to say “Thank YOU” for all of your support thru these past 21 yrs. Yes, it has been 21 yrs since we began & it has been & continues to be a most wonderful journey! The HealthyReferral Newspaper continues to grow and reach many more people across the country & thruout the world! Our intention of One Million copies is well on its way :>) From the very beginning we have known that this is a Very Global mission. One that started out of Cleveland, Ohio area, however, a mission that was/ is truly about the entire world...and that is exactly what is happening. It is happening because of Each & Every one of you who care enough about your mental, physical & spiritual well-being to take the time to do the things for yourself & your loved ones that will make a difference. We also want to say Thank You to those who are helping the HealthyReferral Newspaper to GROW by sending us people who want to advertise... and as our thank you we are giving you 20 to 30% commission. This is a Beautiful way of co-creating and this is what we Really want to continue to do. However it is that we can help one another ~ this is what gives us JOY! We want you to also know that it means ALOT to us when you help by sending us interested people....probably more than you may realize. So Please re-member that anything you can do to help more people get involved is greatly appreciated*** We are also very excited that more & more people are experiencing the PolyMVA and benefiting tremendously both as a preventitive as well as for those healing from serious illnesses (www. & click onto PolyMVA under the “Popular” upper right hand corner). We are continuing to share information in each issue of the HealthyReferral about the PolyMVA so that the information continues to be seen by the many more people reading the HealthyReferral Newspaper. If you are interested in benefiting from the PolyMVA, please let us know so that we can be of help. THANK YOU Dr. Sanchez ~ you are a BLESSING

Hypothyroidism: The Hidden Story-by Trevor Levine, M.D. Hypothyroidism is common. Symptoms include: fatigue, weight gain, dry skin, puffiness, rough skin, cold skin, constipation, joint pain, pale skin, poor sleep, muscle and joint pain, hair loss, and brittle nails. However the diagnosis is commonly missed. The reason for this is that doctors rely on laboratory tests to make the diagnoses. The late thyroid expert Broda Barnes M.D. pointed out in his book that the diagnoses has to be made on the basis of the patient’s signs and symptoms. Using laboratory tests to make the diagnoses is fraught with problems. The standard screening test for hypothyroidism is the TSH test. The absolute value that indicates a problem is very controversial. Bottom line, based on a lot of different data and opinion, and my own experience, anything over 1.5 is abnormal. Lower numbers, however, should not be relied in to exclude low thyroid function. However the standard of care is to do just this. Some endocrinologists tolerate up to a 10, without starting treatment! In the absence of a disease process, a persons individual level changes about as much as his shoe size! A recent researcher stated that a change of 0.75 is abnormal. Seldom do we have a baseline number, before the patient developed symptoms. The minimum normal TSH is about 0.3. This implies that any TSH above 1.05 (0.3+ 0.75) is potentially abnormal, in an individual without a baseline number. Two 2007 books by thyroid specialists, The Thyroid Paradox, by James Rone M.D., and the second edition of The Thyroid Solution by Rhida Arem M.D. hammer home the folly of relying on the lab tests in the “normal” range for diagnoses or monitoring of treatment. Many people who are on prescription thyroid hormones still have symptoms and signs of low thyroid function. Fatigue, depression, hair loss, easy weight gain, feeling cold, poor sleep and brittle nails, etc. Why is this? Are they crazy, or just imagining things, as their physicians sometimes tell them? Or, are they still hypothyroid despite taking the prescribed medication? The authors above, as well as Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, author of “From Fatigued to Fantastic”, Dr. J.C. Lowe, author of “The Metabolic Basis of Fibromyalgia”, and multiple other authors on hormone treatment say that you still may in fact be hypothyroid. Most conventional doctors only do one or two thyroid blood tests: The TSH and maybe a total T4(thyroxine) level. In many cases, these few tests are NOT ENOUGH! The most reliable test is YOU. That is, your symptoms, signs, ability to function and energy level need to be evaluated. In addition, comprehensive thyroid tests should be done in order to find out, if possible, where the system has gone wrong. A common source of thyroid problems occurs in the brain and not in the thyroid itself. This makes

Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 2 & we soooo appreciate you** The excitement continues also for those who are finding out about the ForeverGreen Company (FrequenSea) ~ and the tremendous nutritional value of the Marine Phytoplankton. Let us know of any questions or interests. We are helping first time people order at wholesale. sure to take a look at the other Whole Foods on our ForeverGreen site.... such as the Pulse....totally healty natural soups etc. And we have many more people becoming customers & or Distributors. ForeverGreen is in 10 countries!! Be wonderfully well, happy & peaceful ~ we would love to hear from you ~marchia carnicelli minor /tom katovsky, cofounders Healthy Referral, est. 1989 justina renee minor ~ marketing associate healthyreferral 440-519-1889 or 1-866-99-GRAND email: “Grandmother Marchia says make your health priority” Contact Grandma to advertise your business!

Looking for Extra Cash?

Refer businesses that want exposure in Healthy Referral. •Find companies looking for a practical wellness program. •Find hotels, car rentals, salons, airlines, or other businesses that want copies for their clients and guests. 866-99-GRAND. or ask how to profit from the raw foods revolution.


interpreting thyroid tests difficult and therefore most doctors ignore this issue. Another ignored issue is “thyroid resistance.” This means that thyroid hormone may not be getting into your cells even if your test shows a normal, or often a high normal, level of the hormone in your blood stream. The answer to this problem is to first to acknowledge the possibility that this may be happening, then recognize it. The treatment is to give various amounts of the active thyroid hormone T3 (Liothyronine) instead of using only the more commonly prescribed T4 hormone. Various toxins are known to block the thyroid hormone receptor, such as soy products, fungal toxins, mercury and other toxins. Some have suggested that other thyroid molecules involved in the production and disposal of thyroid hormone, when increased in abnormal states, block the receptor, like chewing gum in a lock

Contact: Healthy Referral Box 271, Chagrin Falls, OH 44022. 440-519-1889 / 866-99-Grand Marchia Carnicelli Minor, cofounder of the HealthyReferral Newspaper/ MindYourBody&Spirit radio show and the 15 yr running Int’l Natural Foods & Health Expo. Marchia was recently named as a new advisory board member of National Health Federation (, one of the oldest non-profit health freedom organizations in the country. Lover of People/Music/Dance/Natural Health ~ & a very proud mother of three beautiful...somehow already Grown children :>)...and two magnificent GRAND children....Kodi Jazelle Chavez & Jayden Constantino Minor ~ you are SOooo loved!! I ALSO want to say to my business partner & very dear friend of 21 years, Tom ~ THANK YOU for all that you ARE ...& All that you DO! You are Sooo Appreciated!! Thomas Katovsky, cofounder including Tennis Reaching Youth, an inner city program. Former tennis coach Kent State, John Carroll. Volunteer Israel Tennis Centers. Sport for Understanding Denmark. Member Big Brothers for 5 years. Goal build a series of tennis training centers for inner city kids. from p.1 Raw Foods-Ingredients: raspberry pulse Dates, Raisins, Oats, 8 Grain Mix (Barley Flour, Millet, Buckwheat Flour, Brown Rice Flour, Flax Seeds, Teff, Amaranth, Quinoa), Sesame Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Cashews, Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, Hazelnuts (Filberts), Prunes, Figs, Strawberry Granules (1%), Strawberry Powder (1.54%), Essential Oils Flavoring in Sunflower Oil Base, Beetroot Powder, Grapeseed Oil, Walnut Oil. ( 440-519-1889 866-99-GRAND. Order wholesale: Start a home business. Convert part of your normal food dollars to a monthly residual income business.

Tony Searight Investment Education for Youth Foundation

Foundation Purpose :-To have every youth open a custodial brokerage account with their parents; To educate them about Investing; To establish a network for them to research, learn , and share investing and entrepreneurial ideas. www.tonysearight. Paris and Antonia in photos picking their stocks. Favorite Charities ONE LAPTOP PER CHILD he Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Tom Joyner Foundation James Family Foundation, The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation African American Music Association As a Small Business Owner the last thing you need to worry about is a legal issue. Cheryl Heinonen, Independent Associate/Group Benefits Specialist, Pre Paid Legal Services, Inc. 440-813-5688 mention Healthy Referral.

Dare Most When Times Are Darkest .

When the Chrysler corporation was going down the tubes and they brought in Lee Iacocca as CEO, he didn’t do the usual “turnaround artist” routine of slashing jobs while pocketing a stash of gold for himself. Quite to the contrary, he set his starting salary at a dollar a year, and told his people that instead of being laid off, they were going to develop a revolutionary new vehicle. And every soccer mom who ever piloted an SUV can thank him for having dared most when times seemed darkest. A great many of our world’s most successful businesses were started by people faced with what to outside observers probably appeared to be dark times: Colonel Sanders, Mary Kay Ash, Tom Monaghan, Anita Roddick, and thousands of others looked fear in the face, and fear faltered. Look closely at the photo at the top of this column. What do you see? A snarling face? Or just several tropical storms as seen from outer space? You’ve probably heard that F.E.A.R. is an acronym for Fantasized Evidence Appearing Real. Standing up to your fears when times seem dark (or as Kipling put it, keeping your head when everyone around you is losing theirs) can set the stage for life-changing decisions. It is often the case that when things appear to be most desperate is the most propitious time for taking a risk, because at those times you have the least to lose and the most to gain. email: joe@joetye. com phone: 319-624-3889 web:

Angel Investors-Virgin Sedona Land Oppportunity. On July 1, 2007 we celebrated the 5th anniversary of the day that we took possession of Angel Valley. In those 5 years we founded Angel Valley Ministries, a non-profit 501-C3 as a non-denominational spiritual/religious organization. When we, Michael & Amayra Hamilton, saw the 70 acre property in 2002 we fell in love with it and we saw in our mind’s eye how this place could have a function in the transformational process that mankind is currently experiencing. We have also decided that we are open to sell a part of the property that at this moment is virgin land without structures to like-minded people. With the proceeds of the sale we can continue the project. If you feel you have an interest, please contact Michael or Amayra. Call 928-639-1112 or send an email to

An additional source of ongoing problems occurs if the adrenal glands are not working properly. This problem requires a special saliva test. This test requires special training and care to interpret. Mainstream doctors are not trained to use saliva tests. However, these tests are essential to diagnose and treat common adrenal problems that affect thyroid treatment. So if you have symptoms but you have been told that your thyroid is fully treated, or that you don’t have hypothyroidism, be aware that a deeper look might reveal otherwise (and restore your credibility). A broad, integrative and holistic treatment approach restores most people to normal. Trevor Z. Levin, M.D. practices advanced Holistic & Integrative Medicine at The Hormone, Fatigue & Rehab Center in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. In addition, he also specializes in chronic and acute pain. 3101 Mayfield Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118 Telephone: 216 321-5736. Fax: 216 321-5735. Dr. Trevor Levin was born and raised in South Africa. He completed his military service in the S. A. Air Force. Dr. Levin went to medical school at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. After completing a rotating internship, he was a resident and medical officer in surgery, and surgical specialties, including plastic surgery and ear, nose & throat surgery. In 1987 Dr. Levin moved to North America and worked as a general practitioner in Canada.In 1992 he completed an internship in Internal Medicine at Lankenau Hospital in Philadelphia.In 1995 he completed his residency in Rehabilitation Medicine at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio. After residency, Dr Levin treated people with musculoskeletal problems. This led to an interest in chronic pain and its underlying causes. Research into this area uncovered little known findings about the hormonal abnormalities and other factors perpetuating pain. The causes of chronic pain. chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, were now treatable in many instances. This led Dr. Levin to become involved in treating a variety of metabolic and hormonal disorders. His approach is to seek the cause of the problem, rather than to treat the symptoms. He obtains an extensive personal and family history. This is followed by an examination and comprehensive laboratory work-up, including the use of specialized labs around the country. Dr. Levin takes a very detailed approach in finding the origin and comorbid factors for each personal particular problem. An ongoing effort is made to keep up with the latest research and ideas in this field.

Challenge Your Mind, Body and Spirit with Fencing Blue Gauntlet Fencing Saddle Brook, NJ is the equipment supplier of the United States Fencing Association and the NCAA Championships. Founded by Mr. Chen, former 6 Times Chinese National Epee Champion! Mr.Chen has 40 years of experience with fencing coaching and equipment development. and served as Shanghai Sports University professor. His expertise included technical consultant of several Chinese factories for many years. Order equipment for the recreational fencer to the world class competitive -”reasonable and competive pricing full range” -manufacturer direct -custom orders available. Order today: 201-797-3332 Fax: 201-797-9190 Mail: Blue Gauntlet Fencing USA 280 N Midland Ave. Bldg N-1 Saddle Brook, NJ 07663 USA web site:

Book Reviews from p 1. Children Learning Life Lessons by playing Chess? As a Chess advocate, coach, and teacher, I have had the excellent fortune of being connected to Mr. Hudson and speaking with Mr. Hudson via telephone all practically in the same day. After our conversation, I realized that I was truly inspired by this man. He literally preaches a message that influences, among many other things, love, compassion, guidance, interpersonal worth, success, esteem, and growth. The inspiration, the true power behind it all, however, is that his message is directed towards kids. Most importantly, One Move at a Time is not just a book about how to play Chess. Mr. Hudson’s book is filled with his personal philosophies regarding the importance of Chess in a person’s life. Mr. Hudson is well aware that Chess can play a significant role in a young person’s life and mind and has included a part two to his book entitled: “How to Play and Win at Life: Life Lessons from Chess.” Mr. Hudson then goes on to demonstrate how playing Chess can directly relate and generalize into these real Life Lessons. Some of these Life Lessons include: Working Within the Rules; Visualizing; Learning from Mistakes; Respect; Going the Extra Mile, Concentration, and more. Although I am confident that Mr. Hudson would agree that Chess belongs in every home and school around the world, I believe that Mr. Hudson’s message is one that is so desperately needed by our At- Risk youth. It is they that are the ones that need the most help. They are the ones that truly need to know about Orrin’s Life Lessons, as well as how to win at life by making One Move at a Time. John Saade Michael HepworthPresident-StreetSmart Results Corp. 315 Cliffwood Rd, Toronto, ON Canada, M2H 2E6 Do you want to: * Acquire more qualified prospects? + Who buy more often + Who spend more each time they buy If so, then you are definitely in the right meeting! Stand by to hear some practical no BS marketing ideas, designed to help small business grow profits and sales without breaking the bank. When consulting, he makes money in a way few others do, he makes his living solely by being paid for results. He also built the Customer Contact Strategy Forum a peer to peer consulting company. This community served the needs of Call Center decision makers from leading companies across North America. CCSF was sold in 2000 to a US based venture firm. His client list includes many Fortune 500 firms.

Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 3

Happier Than God...I call this book “A Master’s Manual for Spiritual Awakening.” It is a marvelously clear explanation of How Life Works, with a deep exploration of the Process of Personal Creation and the Mechanism of Manifestation-Neil Donald Walsch

Randy Peyser is the owner of Author One Stop, a national publishing

consulting firm featuring an award-winning staff of Editors and Ghostwriters, including a Ghostwriter for one of the top USA Today business columnists, and an Editor who is a Book Reviewer for People Magazine, The Washington Post and The Boston Globe. SERVICES include: * Ghostwriting/* Finding Literary Agents and Publishers/* Book Editing/* Book Proposal Writing/* Self-Publishing/* Internet Marketing and Publicity for Authors or Entrepreneurs/* Write-a-Book Program INFO PRODUCTS by Randy Peyser include: * Write-A-Book Program/* Internet Marketing & Publicity Directory /* Mind Body Spirit Speakers Guide BOOKS by Randy Peyser * The Power of Miracle Thinking/* Crappy to Happy: Small Steps to Big Happiness NOW! Randy is featured in: Visionary Women Inspiring the World Confessions of Shameless Self-Promoters /Networking Magic/Dojo Wisdom for Writers/Book Marketing from A-Z Her work appears in two national award winning books: Healing the Heart of the World and The Marriage of Sex and Spirit. Randy also writes for Awareness Magazine in Southern California. Her interviews include: Esther Hicks/Abraham, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss, Bernie Siegel, Suze Orman, John Gray, Joan Borysenko, Neale Donald Walsch, Terry Cole-Whittaker, Dannion Brinkley any many others.

Laurice Skin Care has over 35 years experience in the skin care industry and continually consults men and women on healthy skin treatments and practice and prevention on all skin types. She consults and treats her clients on elimination of wrinkles, restoration of sun damaged skin, treatment of acne, rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema, facials, and uses chemical peels and glycolic acid treatments. Laurice Skin Care Offices: Suite 230, Landerwood Plaza 30559 Pinetree Rd. Pepper Pike (Cleveland), Ohio Call today for a consulation-216-378-2200 Dedicated to Healthy and Beautiful Skin! (see article on page 11) Ask for a demonstration.

Jim Chones from p. 1 After talking to Tom Katovsky, he sold me on the health magazine, Healthy Referral. After I read a few issues, came to the conclusion that it was more than just health information, that could be discussed at breakfast or lunch. But it was a lifestyle, a culture. That’s what I was looking for in my writings. A distribution vehicle that was authentic and real. Something that was part of me. Not commercial and fake. That’s what Healthy Referral denotes for me. The information between the pages is just not information, but life saving knowledge. We all know that the struggle for most of us, is not our social standing within the society or our lack of sufficient economic prowess and our weak spiritual presence, but our “lack of knowledge”. Healthy Referral is life-changing. Its mind-altering. It’s the truth, and “the truth will set you free”. cont. p. 9

author, Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, practice management consultant, seminar leader and optometrist. His articles appeared in every major eyecare journal and he has lectured to a wide variety of audiences. His unending quest for understanding how and why successful people achieve outstanding results many times greater than the averages led him to build a multioffice, multi-doctor practice by mastering the business aspects of professions. This led to his appointment as an executive of a major corporation, staying for three years before returning to private practice, lecturing and writing. www.buybooksonthewebcom. 440-446-1236.

He is also one of the “Brains Trust” members for the Jim Blasingame “Small Business Advocate” radio show in the US. Jim Blasingame was recently voted one of the 10 most influential people in North America by Forbes Magazine.

Unconscious Realities! Two simple words, so much meaning. One of the most dynamic performance poets to date Rashiadah produces synthesis; that heightens, informs and reforms those who experience her “poetry”. Visual art adds to the complexity of the emotional/ spiritual experience, from which the reader is sure to benefit. Unconscious Realities; so true! “–– BUY THE BOOK NOW!! CD’s & DVD’s ARE COMING SOON!! For booking, sales or inquiries please contact: Choose the best for you. 1.216.673.9901 Memo: How far can U see?

This is such a book. Within these pages, you will discover an easy, simple way to enrich your life — and the life of everyone you know. You will see why, when you change the world in this way, the ripples are felt by people you don’t even know — ultimately, making the world a better place. Yes, You Can Change the World comes to the world at probably one of the most critical junctures of our history. Join the journey. Ignite the revolution. Because, yes, together we can — and must — change the world.

Laurice offers “special serums” to IMPROVE DULL AGING SKIN •Peptide Treatment Lotion-reduces surface areas of deep wrinkles and contributes to strengthening of the skin by promoting collagen renewal •Luminous Peptide Gel increases skin hydration, which makes wrinkles decline and skin feel firmer, giving a more youthful appearance •Rapid Response Line Filler tones, hydrates, lifts, and replenishes the lipids. Laurice Koury-Goldberg owner of

How To Take Back Control of the Seven Most Important Areas of your Life Dr. Erwin Jay, O.D. Biography: Erwin Jay is an

Unconscious Realities – How far can U see?

Books that change the lives of millions come perhaps once in several lifetimes.

Powerful Anti-Aging Serums Are An Alternative to Botox!

Simply Lebanese. Ina’am Atalla introduces us to the exotic flavours and colours of Lebanese cuisine using an abundance of wholesome ingredients, combined with fresh herbs and subtle spices, to make delicious and healthy dishes. This book is the product of her wealth of experience and her desire to dispel the complexities and mysteries surrounding Middle Eastern cooking by using simple techniques and easily available ingredients. With her obvious enthusiasm, the author inspires the reader to attempt a variety of easy-to-follow recipes. Visit Atalla’s wonderful UK cafe: Simply Lebanese, formerly Al Bustan 68 Old Brompton Road, London SW7 3LQ t: 011 44 20 7584 5805 e: phone calling

He now typically works with entrepreneurial firms with revenues of less than $3,000,000. He also works with many of our largest firms to help them market more effectively to owner operated business. He is a well known writer having written columns for The Globe & Mail, Direct Marketing News and The Journal of Customer Service and is currently the editor of StreetSmart Marketer Newsletter which is current read by thousands of business owners in more than 50 countries around the world.

Michael began his career in sales and marketing management with Merck Pharmaceuticals (Pty.) in Johannesburg, South Africa. Prior to immigrating to Canada, he was on the Board of Xerox Learning Systems South African subsidiary and launched Wilson Learning (Pty)’s highly successful Strategic Business Services Division. He has held several board level appointments since immigrating to Canada in 1988.e-mail Telephone (416) 204-0353

Youthful Skin Without Botox!

Poems and other Artistic Expressions is the first of three installations the author likes to term Unconscious Realities. Artistic expression showcases Artist Araaman Alvin Fudge.

Impulses tinges of light seeking Surfaces Searching for what was.

Who am I? No, where am I? I know who I long to Be I know what my driven experience is... So maybe the question is; Who am I to become? It is not circumstantial the way I feel today and tomorrow. Trust is not the issue, Failure is not the problem, Successes are... A fear; of my own understanding. I know I’ve been conditioned to not see my self with any worth, BUT! Worthwhile; I truly am! You are too.

Alone, never have we been Destructive, hmmm... on occasion; However; I can heal, and you can heal and we will heal... To make the necessary changes, for better days Tomorrow. How far can U see? Unconscious Realities

cont. from p. 1 Sacred Commerce...This book completes Ayman’s work on the map of Emotional Intelligence as explored in his international best seller, “Executive EQ: Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Organizations”, co-authored with Dr. Robert Cooper. “From Emotional Literacy to Emotional Alchemy: A blueprint for a new humanity.” For all our friends around the world who are unable to attend in person, you can “party-cipate” with us online at, download a free chapter, buy a book and share your thoughts and collaborate with us on the next edition as we re-publish the book as a “wiki-living book” yearly to keep the flame alive and current. A few days after the event we will have a videocast of Ayman’s talk at

Dearest Honeybee ~

Before I met you-There was no heaven After I knew you Life is heavenly Heart & mind were physical Universal spirituality Herbs flavored food Botanicals heal Roses were red Rose beads are peaceful Work was a chore My calling hearkens Food to eat Cooking to enjoy Afraid of the dark Rest for the day Black or white Gray Recycle And reuse Vegetable garden Garden of Eden Life

cont. from p.1 PolyMVA Spanish Translation Cleveland, OH, 8 de Julio, 2008. Cuando PolyMVA (complejo paladio/ac.lipoico) fue administrado en enfermos de cáncer en etapa terminal, como un adjunto a la terapia que recibieron durante los 2005-2008, estudios clí­nicos terminados por el Dr. Forsythe, demostraron que la cifra de la etapa de supervivencia en total era del 71% en el grupo de Poly-MVA, un resultado extraordinario teniendo en cuenta que se esperaba que menos del 10% de esos pacientes sobrevivieran 2 años si continuaban recibiendo terapia convencional solamente. Poly-MVA, un suplemento dietético que ha demostrado ser muy eficaz en estudios clí­nicos hechos por un oncólogo certificado renombrado, el Dr. James Forsythe. El trabajo del Dr. Forsythe fue bastante fuerte y significativo para persuadir al FDA para aprobar, por primera vez en la historia, un estudio de cáncer-relacionado al IND (nuevo estudio de investigación de la droga) que utilizaba un suplemento dietético. Este estudio aprobado por la FDA se ha diseñado para validar las ventajas que tiene PolyMVA para los enfermos de cáncer. Poly-MVA, inventado por el Dr. Merrill Garnett, un reconocido bioquí­mico. Es un suplemento dietético basado en el complejo lipoico no tóxico del ácido-paladio (LAPd). LAPd el cual es un cristal lí­quido que trabaja en células cancerosas transfiriendo exceso de electrones de los ácidos grasos de la membrana a la DNA. Muestra ser un suplemento dietético seguro y de manera efectiva para los enfermos de cáncer cuando está utilizado con o sin quimioterapia convencional. Su perfil de seguridad es excelente y no hay muertes relacionadas con el tratamiento, reacciones adversas significativas o interacciones negativas con quimioterapia o tratamientos hormonales. La mejor respuesta en estudios del Dr. Forsythe fueron los tumores en cáncer de próstata, cáncer de pecho y cáncer de pulmón. Algunas de las remisiones en estudios del Dr. Forsythe implicaron a los enfermos de cáncer del cerebro que habí­an intentado y los protocolos convencionales fallados del tratamiento contra el cáncer. Además de las remisiones divulgadas por el Dr. Forsythe, hay otros informes del caso de la remisión del cáncer escritos por los pacientes, mismos que pueden ser encontrados en la fundación en nuestro Web site de la investigación de cáncer: 866-99-GRAND.

7/17/2008| Premieres From United Kingdom, France And Usa Among Titles Added To TIFF08 Gala And Special Presentations Lineup

Toronto - The Toronto International Film Festival is pleased to announce the addition of two Gala Presentations and three Special Presentations to the programming lineup for TIFF08, which runs September 4 through 13. These include films from critically acclaimed filmmakers Jonathan Demme, Richard Eyre and Ed Harris, and starring Liam Neeson, Anne Hathaway, Antonio Banderas, Laura Linney, Viggo Mortensen, Kristin Scott Thomas, Jeremy Irons and Renée Zellweger. For further ticket information, contact us online at, by phone at 416-968-FILM or 1-877-968-FILM or in person at the Festival Box Office at Manulife Centre, 55 Bloor Street West (main floor, north entrance). Life force Docie was alive Docie lives Ohio was in between here & there Chagrin Falls is a destination Is there a God? God has blessed you You were older & wise You are older & wise There is so much more to learn I have known you And always will love, with joy, knowing you In my heart, mind, body & soul ~ I cherish you! My love ~ Robert (Bee 104 years just passed to the other side) We love you sweet lady and this Special Corner is dedicated to you & your precious love & heart energy that you so willingly gave. A great friend Marchia, copublisher. (“Bee” 104 yrs..left this earthly plane) We love you sweet lady and this Special Corner is dedicated to you & your precious love & heart energy that you so willingly gave. You wrote me a Birth day note in 2003...and it reads...“Precious Marchia, Happy, Happy Birthday to YOU...

Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 4 5 weeks the wound was completely healed. My son had conjunctivitis. His eye was nearly swollen shut. I had him lay down and put a couple of drops of the silver sol in each eye and lay there for 6 minutes. He also took 1 teaspoon internally. The next morning after just 1 treatment he was 90% better. One more treatment completely cured him. We can only hope so. This new silver is not your grandmother’s silver. Silver has been around for Silver sol is also safe to use with animals. Disney’s thousands of years as a nutritional supplement for wolf, Lobo, was loosing hair among other issues use against contagions. Silver was used, and still is and was completely healed with the new silver used, for it’s antibiotic properties. The first patent before his big movie that will be coming out soon. for colloidal silver was in 1924. Colloidal silver products had silver concentrations from 300 to There is absolutely no reason for anyone to die or 3000 parts per million dependsuffer from an infection any more with such a powing on the size of the silver erful remedy at hand. This new silver sol is safe to particles. use every day and does not remain in the body. It is 99% eliminated within 48 hours. For more inforThese particles were a fine mation about this new silver technology contact us dispersion in water that would at 330-928-3493 or e-mail us at pmnaturalhealth@ not settle out easily. Recent Dealerships and distributorships are technology has resulted in silver available. particles being nano-sized and supercharged to make silver David (in photo on left) and Linda Isner of Reincredibly effective in amounts storative Health Services and Preventive Measures as small as 5 parts per million. Natural Health Center have had their offices in the The old silver can destroy one Akron area for over 16 years. They attribute their pathogen per particle while the longevity to the love of helping people become new silver continues to destroy happy and healthy.....the natural way! pathogens. The particles are so small that they can enter a David is an N.D., Certified Colon Hygienist, single red blood cell where they teacher,and speaker. He offers colon hydrotherapy can destroy bacteria and viruses. and natural health assessments along with Linda and they both are Certified Natural Health ProfesThis new silver is a silver sol also known as silver sional, Herbalists and BTA (Biological Terrain Asaquasol. The definition of a sol is a metal that is sessment) lab technicians. She has found her niche permanently dissolved in water that causes the in helping people decide on the best health program water to take on all the properties of the metal. for them based on scientific clinical validation..... Einstein himself studied sols. the BTA approach.

News/Holistic Health/Integrative Medicine Immune System Health Top 5 Immune Helpers

by Jonathon Miller, M.A., M. Div., wellness educator & author Challenges to the immune system can be very serious. Some people have died in battling some of the types of flu circulating in recent times. Nearly everyone has herpes, and most have an overgrowth of yeast. There are worse viruses than herpes out there, even worse ones than HIV, and immune strength may not be adequate to meet the challenges. Also, new and meaner strains of bacteria are developing, and some of them have become resistant to antibiotics. MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) is one that can be deadly. The broad overuse of antibiotics, including adding it to livestock feed, has given these microbes the opportunity to develop such resistance. “Flu shots” and vaccinations are not solutions. Injecting a contaminant into the body is a toxifying stress, which, despite the promotion by the medical establishment and the media, has never been proven effective. Such a stress on immune health has a long term weakening effect. Many who get such shots soon get ill from the vaccine itself. The reason people are susceptible to illness from microbes is that their immune systems have become weak due to a lifestyle of stress, toxicity and malnutrition. The body becomes overly acid and conditions are hospitable to invading microorganisms. Most of the body’s fluid is lymph, which carries nutrients to cells and wastes away from cells. The lymphatic system can also become overwhelmed with toxins from the common diet and lifestyle, particularly if too little pure water is consumed. Without a quart or so of pure water per day, the lymph and the blood can become thickened like sludge. Further, exercise and deep breathing are needed to move the lymph fluid along so that the waste can be processed. How vulnerable are you? The truth is that it depends on how strong, how prepared, and how responsive your immune system is. It is NOT chemical “miracle” drugs that will save you. It will be your immune system that will protect and save you, or not! It is crucial to build immune system health now and for good. A strong immune system is absolutely needed to handle the immune challenges that are already circulating, with more to come. IMMUNE SYSTEM HELP In addition to getting good rest, minimizing junk foods such as sugar, white flour and trans-fats, and detoxifying and alkalizing the body, there are special nutritional supplements that assist the body and provide immune support in dealing with invaders. ~ Antioxidants, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, OPC’s (as from grape seed), curcuminoids (as from the turmeric used in curry powder), ellagitannins (as from red raspberries), lignans (as from flax seeds), phytosterols (hormonal precursors found in foods such as soybeans and flax seeds), tocotrienols (as from rice bran), carotenoids (from algaes and red/yellow plant foods, other phytonutrients (such cont., p. 7

Believe It or Not, Some People Don’t Want Health Insurance courtesy National Health Federation By Marcel Girodian

Amidst all of the media clatter about mandatory universal health insurance, one point of view has been conspicuously absent.

That is the opinion held by a lot of well-informed people who reject most of Western pharmaceutically-based medicine. These people have maintained their own health naturally for many decades, and don’t believe that the pharmaceutical approach is a healthy one. Indeed, studies have found that properly-used pharmaceutical medicines, unnecessary surgeries, and other medical procedures cause more than 700,000 deaths every year, in the United States alone. And that’s not even counting all of the “cancer deaths” that were really caused by chemotherapy and radiation, the “AIDS deaths” that were really caused by the extremely toxic AIDS drugs, and many more similar situations. These people shake their heads in disbelief

Will This New Revolutionary Silver Replace Antibiotics?

This new silver has recently been granted a patent for showing it’s incredible effectiveness against all classes of bacteria, virus, and fungus. According to Dr. R. Leavitt, Professor of Molecular Biology & Microbiology at Brigham Young University To date, there are no potentially pathogenic bacteria tested that [this] product has not killed. This includes staph, strep, MRSA, C-dif, bubonic plague, malaria, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and the list goes on and on. It is also effective against fungus such as toenail fungus and candida while at the same time is completely safe and will not adversely affect the good bacteria in the gut. It is truly remarkable. Doctor’s have been advised not to prescribe antibiotics for children with ear infections but the silver sol is safe and effective. It kills most bacteria that it comes in contact with in 10 minutes or less. According to Science Digest Journal, Silver is our mightiest germ fighter and yet is virtually non-toxic. Dr. Paul K. Carlton, Jr., former Surgeon General of the Air Force and currently serving as Director of the Integrative Center for Homeland Security at Texas A&M, is recommending this new silver solution as an important resource in bio-defense against bioterrorism and outbreaks of infectious diseases. According to Dr. Carlton, the aqua sol technology has undergone rigorous testing, and has been found to kill anthrax, bubonic plague, hospital staph, and SARS while still being non-toxic to humans. In short, we currently do not have anything with such a wide spectrum of efficacy in our inventory. In Ghana, Africa this new silver is being used to thwart malaria which kills 80% of the children before their 20th birthday, most of them under 5 years old. In human studies overseen by Felix Andam, 100% of people with malaria who used silver sol were back to work within 3 to 5 days! A woman with a leg wound which had been treated for 7 years without healing was about to loose her foot to amputation. As a last resort silver treatment was started. Within 3 days there was a noticeable difference and within at such pharmaceutical snake oil as “hormone replacement therapy,” vaccinations that do more harm than good, and the ever-increasing marketing of new diseases and “syndromes,” such as labeling personality traits like shyness as diseases that can be treated with drugs. They are aware of all of the health catastrophes caused by Western pharmaceutical medicine, such as the massive deaths and disabilities caused by vaccination in the 19th Century, and the Western medical establishment’s stubborn refusal, for decades, to believe clear evidence that diseases like beriberi, scurvy, and pellagra were not caused by germs but by nutritional deficiencies. These and many more examples of Western medicine’s gross ineptitude have largely been edited out of textbooks and, with the help of mass media censorship and state-of-the-art public relations, erased from general public awareness. Instead, these highly-informed people believe in self-care, through dietary and lifestyle choices, nutritional supplements, detoxification and other therapeutic prodedures, and natural medicines used as needed. Natural medicines – mostly herbalbased but some based upon natural, not synthetic, chemicals – have very few of the toxic side effects of conventional synthetic, chemical-based pharmaceuticals, and many are supported by thousands of years of experience and observation that certain plant extracts can ameliorate disease.

cont. p.10

They both work with other modalities when needed: Cranial Sacral, Raindrop Therapy, Muscle testing and Iridology and foot reflexology. They believe in eating a well balanced diet of whole organic foods and suggest that others try it as well. They recommend their clients shop at Seven Grains to insure top quality and purity. Dave and Linda recently completed the Chinese Herbal Immersion program in Beijing, China where they studied Traditional Chinese Medicine. “We found there was common ground between the energetics in Chinese medicine and western herbalism that most people overlook”, Dave commented. “We just love helping people any way we can and we are always learning new ways to do that”. Please call or write us with your questions or to set up an appointment at 330-928-3493 or

Looking for Extra Cash?

Refer businesses that want exposure in Healthy Referral. •Find companies looking for a practical wellness program. •Find hotels, car rentals, salons, airlines, or other businesses that want copies for their clients and guests. 866-99-GRAND. or ask how to profit from the raw foods revolution.


As a Small Business Owner the last thing you need to worry about is a legal issue.

Cheryl Heinonen, Independent Associate/Group Benefits Specialist, Pre Paid Legal Services, Inc. 440-813-5688 mention Healthy Referral.

DetoxificationAn “Inside Out” Process cont. from p1

As Americans we eat the following in a year: -more than 16 lbs. of French fries (over 2 tons per year) -24 lbs. of snack food -Dozens of donuts -56 gallons of soda (equal to 32 lbs of sugar) -150-200lbS. of SUGAR -41bs. of additives and preservatives -4-7lbs. of lipstick and lip balm in out life time -Use your imagination.. .alcohol, prescription medicine, smoke... Historically: The Greeks discussed the four humors or body fluids which include yellow and black bile, blood, and phlegm. Hippocrates and the Ancient Healers used: fasting, abstinence from food to balance the humors. They also incorporated massage, acupuncture, saunas, and baths. In modern Medicine cleansing and purification are not primary concerns of practice. Honestly, the treatment protocols they recommend actually create a toxic environment. cont. p 6

Get Well Center Treatments 635 S. Trimble Rd., Mansfield, OH 44906

Ph. 419/524-2676 Fax 419/524-2692 Insook L. Chung, R.N., M.S.N. Director of Alternative Medicine Department President of the Get Well Center

Chelation Therapy

Chelation is a treatment protocol by which a man-made amino acid, called ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), is infused intravenously into the patient. Under the supervision of qualified physicians, it is a safe and effective method for drawing toxins and metabolic wastes from the bloodstream. It has been proven to increase blood flow and remove arterial plaque. It is an option to be considered seriously by persons suffering from: • Atherosclerosis • Coronary artery disease (precursor to heart attacks) • Cerebral vascular disease (precursor to stroke, dementia, and senility) • Peripheral vascular disease (precursor to pain and ultimately gangrene) • Heavy metal toxicity (lead, mercury, etc.)

Adjunctive Cancer Therapies

Several therapeutic modalities when given alone or with targeted low-dose chemotherapy have been shown to dramatically increase survival times in virtually all stages and most cancer types. They also augment the base treatment efficacy in tumor cell destruction and help fortify the body’s immune system thus minimizing side effects. These include: • Insulin Potentiated Therapy (IPT) for Cancer, Arthritis,and Infections • Specific Cancer cell Enzyme Inhibitors (Poly MVA) • Targeting Agents (Hyaluronic Acid) • Immune Therapy: Natural killer cell stimulants (AHCC, MGNIII, Iscador, Shark Cartilage) • Tumor cell fibrin coating inhibitors (Wobenzyme) • Angiogenesis Inhibitors (Cox II) • Oxygenation Therapies: H202, Ozone, Hyperbaric Oxygentherapy • High Dose intravenous Vitamin C • Mild Silver Protein 1200-Mild Silver Protein 1200, even in low doses routinely kills bacteria, viruses, fungi, and mycoplasmas.

Ultra Violet Light Therapy

• Heart and Blood Vessel Diseases - Peripheral Vascular Disease (poor circulation) - Cerebral Vascular Disease (stroke and memory) - Cardiovascular Disease (heart disease) - Heart Arrhythmias (irregular heart beat) - Gangrene of Fingers and Toes • Pulmonary Diseases - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (lung) - Emphysema (lung disease) - Asthma (allergy, lung) - Bronchiectasis • Infectious Diseases - Influenza- Acute and Chronic Viral Infections - Herpes Simplex (fever blister) - Herpes Zoster - Systemic Chronic Candidiasis (Candida) - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Epstein-Barr Virus)

What is Integrative Medicine?

It is a composite system employing modalities from all the medical disciplines to arrive at a diagnosis and therapy for the well being and healing of the patient.

How is it implemented?

We complement conventional therapies with oral and parental nutrition, homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture, and biological response modification, immune and endocrine system modulators. The integration of proven medical and biological care currently produces the best results in our combat against challenging diseases.

Nutritional Therapy

Intravenous or oral protocols for debilitated patients with fatigue, infection, before and during chelation therapy, and those undergoing or recently finishing cancer therapies. They include:• Vitamins: C and B complex, etc.• Antioxidants: Glutathione •Minerals: Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Chromium, etc. • Herbals: Ginkgo, Echinacea, etc. • Homeopathics: Traumeel, Lymphosot, etc.

Light Beam Generator Lymphatic Therapy

The Light Beam Generator uses extremely low current, cold gas light photons to transfer energy frequency patterns to cells in the targeted lymphatic regions. The light beam generator works by presenting a flood of photons that target the unhealthy, random protein structures, causing them to release the water they were holding. • Pain (soft tissue or congestion due to injury) • Sciatica • PMS and inflammation • Gastrointestinal tract inflammation • Acne and skin problems • Allergies • Bursitis, Fibromyalgia • Edema and Cellulitus • Respiratory Ailments

Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathy is a medical approach that utilizes remedies that stimulate the body’s own immune and defense system to initiate the healing process. It is an approach that individualizes medicines according to the totality of the person’s physical, emotional, and mental symptoms. It is widely recognized to cont. p. 5

Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 5 cont. from p. 4 Get Well Center be safe and can be potentially effective in treating newly discovered diseases.

Infrared Sauna Detoxification

Is one of the most effective methods of removing chemicals and xenobiotics from the body. It is also recommended for weight loss, immune system enhancing, pain relief and stress reduction.

Rejuvenation Therapy

Aging occurs at an earlier age when we have a failing defense system due to: • Increase of free radicals • Build-up of toxins • Decrease in hormonal secretions • Decrease in cellular division The revitalization protocol combines: • Chelation therapy • Natural Bio-identical Hormone replacement which replaces natural estrogens, progesterones, thyroid hormones, DHEAS, testosterone, etc. • Cellular therapy will substitute homeopathically the aging cells in different vital organs, thus maintaining its optimal functionality

Ozone Therapy

This therapy is considered cutting edge alternative oxidation therapy for a wide range of chronic infections and cancer. Peroxide is the ammunition of our bodies’ killer cells. It zaps bacteria, viruses, yeast and even parasites. Cancer cells are shown to be unable to survive in an oxygen rich media.

•Colon Cleansing •Ion Cleansing •Thermoscan Diagnostic Tests

• Cardiovascular Panel Risk (Homocysteine, hsCRP, Fibrinogen • Immune System Profile (Natural Killer Cells, CD4, CD8, etc.) • Heavy Metal Urine and Fecal Challenge Test • Food & Environmental Delayed Sensitivity via blood testing • Liver Detox Profile • Red Blood Cell Intracellular Mineral and Toxic Profile • Cancer AMAS Test and Specific Tumor Markers • Adrenal Stress Index • Saliva Hormonal Profile Test • PCR Testing for Candida, Lyme’s and other viral diseases • Post Menopause Hormonal Panel • Hair Analysis

UNIQUELY DESIGNED TO APPLY HEAT & PRESSURE TO ACUPUNCTURE POINTS, ALONG THE “GOVERNING MERIDIAN” AND “BLADDER MERIDIAN”. JADE THERMOMECHANICAL PROBES STIMULATE BLOOD CIRCULATORY AND AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM , ALONG THE SPINE FAR infrared heat waves benefit our body by: Ø Dilating blood vessels/capillaries, providing increased flow of rich oxygenated blood to muscles & joints Ø Reducing muscle spasms and promoting healing of injured or sore muscle fibers Ø Improving flow of lymph system to reduce swelling and inflammation Ø Raise white blood cell count – greater immunity Ø Promoting the adhesion and osmosis of water molecules across the cellular membrane THE PATENTED TIME MOTION FOR AN ACCURATE STIMULATION -USES THE INDIVIDUAL’S BODY WEIGHT TO NATURALLY PRESS DOWN ON THE JADE THEROMECHANICAL PROBES TEMPORARY BLOCKS THE CIRCULATION OF QI IN THE MERIDIAN AND THE MOVEMENT IN THE BLOOD CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-WHEN RELEASED, AN ABRUPTP OPENING GENERATES HIGH PRESSURE TO JUMP START THE MOVEMENT AND FLUSH OUT THE TOXINS THE SPINAL STRUCTURE ADJUSTS TO THE PATENTED THERAPEUTIC BED MOVEMENT The adjustments restore proper motion and position of malfunctioning spinal bones. It locates and corrects the areas of the spine that interfere with the proper nervous system control STRAIGHT AND PROPER ALIGNMENT OF THE VERTEBRAE IS RESTORED TO ASSIST BETTER MOBILITY AND CONTROL. IT RESTORES BODY’S SELF PRESERVATION AND HELPS BODY TO FUNCTION NORMALLY. DESIGNED TO GIVE SUPPORT AND IT APPLIES RELAXING STRETCH TO THE SPINAL VERTEBRAE MASSAGES MUSCLES & TENDON AROUND THE SPINE-Relieves tension/Relaxes hardened nerve roots/Facilitate smooth flow of energy and blood-see MIGUN Westlake

Branch/25947 Detroit Road/Westlake, OH 44145/(440) 808-8040 see p. 15 As a Small Business Owner the last thing you need to worry about is a legal issue. Cheryl Heinonen, Independent

Associate/Group Benefits Specialist, Pre Paid Legal Services, Inc. 440-813-5688 mention Healthy Referral.

Personal Development /Spiritual Evolution Healthy Diets/Healthy Lifestyles stimulate Healthy Relationships By- Krsnanandini Devi Dasi & Tariq Saleem Ziyad The Dasi-Ziyad Family Institute “If you eat right, you’ll think right. If you think right, you’ll act right.” Our grandmother’s wisdom continues to flow down through the generations. She correctly knew that when people have healthy eating habits, then their ability to think and subsequently to behave in healthy ways is enhanced. Extending this thought further, we know that when people participate in healthy lifestyles, such lifestyles support health in all other aspects of their lives, including their relationships. Healthy relationships are strengthened when two healthy people work together. Today, we see a rise in obesity, diabetes, heart illness, strokes, mental illness, depression, and sexually transmitted diseases. There is a rather interesting parallel between decreasing physical and mental health and the decrease in healthy marriages or healthy relationships. As marriage educators, we encourage couples (and individuals) to see the strong relationship between their physical/mental/spiritual health and their marital or relationship health. There is a tendency to compartmentalize our lives, addressing issues separately rather than seeing the unity of our being. Taking an intentional, conscious, holistic approach to well-being is therefore very important. When people have healthy relationships, they communicate well, have concern for each other, respect each other and generally are mutually good for each other. When looking at your relationships, take some time to assess the following:Are you? 1. Maintaining physical fitness through 1. Choosing healthy foods 2. Regulated eating & sleeping 3. Walking together & Exercise –(sedentary lifestyles are causing major problems)– an excellent couple fitness activity 4. Daily getting fresh air & plenty of water Most of us have heard the old aphorism, “You are what you eat”. By paying careful attention to the ingredients in the foods that we eat, we can avoid harmful substances such as artificial flavorings and colorings, growth-inducing chemicals, pesticides, etc. We can avoid flesh foods because the research is demonstrating more and more the connection with heart disease, stroke, obesity and diabetes. Proper exercising helps to tone our muscles and bones and keep the various systems in our bodies working together in harmony. Regulated patterns of eating and sleeping give us discipline and strength and help us to regulate other activities in our lives. After many, many years of poor dietary habits, it may be wise to consider a cleansing regimen. Consult with a trained health practitioner to see if a colonic, a fast or some other physical purification is advisable. Are you? 2. Maintaining mental fitness through 1. Prayer & meditation 2. Reading and sharing uplifting literature 3. Exercising (This keeps us physically and mentally fit) 4. Finding activities that bring inner peace: playing or listening to good music, writing in a journal, yoga 5. Working with a plan with family finances 6. “Re-creation” with friends and family 7. Couples cooperating to look out for each others 8. Developing effective communication skills How can we emphasize the connection between physical health, mental health, spiritual health, relationship health and emotional heath? Listen to the following from one of our clients: Regina told us, “I was always tired. My husband frequently wanted me to do something with him, go out sometimes. But I could barely get through my job. My fatigue caused some tense times in our relationship. I’m glad to say that when I changed my dietary habits and did some cleansing, my energy level increased a lot.” She smiles as she says, “I think this saved my marriage. I even was able to speak more gently because I felt better.” Are you? 3. Maintaining spiritual fitness through 1. Prayer, meditation, fasting 2. Committing to a life of principles e.g.: being truthful, compassionate, self-disciplined and clean 3. Associating with like-minded, principled souls 4. Studying uplifting scriptures and empowering literature 5. Giving in charity to worthwhile causes 6. Hearing and chanting spiritual songs, prayers, mantras Too often, we get caught up in the survival game, where attention to physical and sometimes mental needs takes precedence over our spiritual requirements. This is a big mistake since healthy spirituality is the foundation for health in every department of our lives. Write out a health plan in a journal and check periodically for progress. Put a column for Physical Activities, Mental Activities, and Spiritual Growth. Choose an activity from each section above. Start with small steps and work your way up. This is an action that can really show that you are serious when it comes to being healthy. Seeing the interconnectedness of all the dimensions of our lives, giving appropriate attention to each

department in a holistic way, we can claim healthy relationships as part of this holistic “wellness” continuum. The goal is healthy individuals in healthy families in a healthy community. Krsnanandini Devi Dasi and Tariq Saleem Ziyad are the Co-Directors of the Dasi-Ziyad Family Institute. To subscribe the Institute’s free monthly online newsletter with healthy relationship tips and articles., visit the website. Mention code HR07 and receive a 10% discount on any products in the website store. Dasi-Ziyad Family Institute’s mission is to strengthen families through a variety of educational services, based on universal spiritual principles. We empower youth, couples, individuals and communities to develop healthy relationship skills such as communication, conflict resolution, goal setting, values clarification, parenting and more through workshops, seminars, mentor couple training, curriculum development and one on one direct couple services. Your contributions provide scholarships, increase our ability to educate the public about the hope and promise of healthy relationship skill-building and enable us to provide healthy relationship skills to all, regardless of class or creed. 216-321-0930

JIM CHONES-Concerns and Observations

Over the last 2 years, I have been writing a series of short stories, commentaries and philosophical views on myself and some of the experiences in my life. I have been given the opportunity to do some writing. I am not a professional writer, by any means. I am just a guy with some thoughts, ideas, observations and some concerns. I was thinking, why would anyone want to read what I’ve got to say? Maybe no one will and I’m sure you will let me know. I have always looked at myself as being one of the luckiest men on earth, because of the experiences and opportunities God has given me. Now I have an opportunity to express some of the many experiences in my life and I’m going to take advantage of it. I’m not bragging, grandstanding or trying to express some elite mentality. I’ve just got some thoughts in my head and I need to talk about them with someone other than my wife. I’ve been fortunate enough to have “walked with Kings and talked to the humblest of men”. So be patient with me while I attempt to talk to you about this thing called the “American Dream” from what I think is a unique perspective. All of my short stories are from my own experiences. The comments, attitudes, observations and concerns are all Jim Chones. So stay tuned! More on p. 9 and 17. Jim Chones-23511 Chagrin Blvd. Suite 515 East-Beachwood, Ohio 44122 (h) 216-378-9464-© 216-571-6488

Laugh with the Swami Dear Swami: I’m concerned. I recently read something you wrote about Nonjudgment Day when you predicted that everyone will win beauty contests, and all the lawyers will disappear. Well, I’m an attorney, and frankly, I’m not at all comfortable with disappearing. I like being here, and I like the law. Hopefully, you and I will be able to settle this misunderstanding amicably out of court. Susan Winns, Chicago, Illinois Dear Susan: Well, I needed a new suit! The last time this happened, someone tried to sue me for an inaccurate prediction under that new law they had passed in California, the Seersucker Law: If you’re a sucker for a seer, and what the seer sees sucks, you can redress your grievance in a seersucker suit. That’s why I don’t make predictions anymore. That, and protecting my nonprophet status. Anyway, what I meant to say is, on Nonjudgment Day we won’t need lawyers because all our trials will be over. Enlightening will strike, and we will find ourselves innocent! Now of course, innocent people still have conflicts ... and here’s where you come in. And that is also where the Bible missed an important point. After they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, the part they left out is and they shall press their lawyers into mediators. It’s in the Akashic Record book; you could look it up. But who says you have to wait for then? You can open up franchised onehour mediation centers in malls everywhere. You could call it Just Justice ... justice in just under an hour. There.Now I have given you legal advice, so ... we’re even. Copyright 2007 by Steve Bhaerman. All rights reserved. Visit Swami online at To book Swami or buy his books and CDs, call toll free (800) SWAMI-BE. Remember, Swami’s books, CDs and DVDs help you milk the sacred cow ... without being overrun by the bull.

On the Path Opens in Tecopa Daniel Cieslak (Sedona Daniel) recently opened a healing center, On the Path. He offers several services including Spiritual Tours from Tecopa, Raindrop Massage Therapy, Energy Sessions and Sound Healing. After having massaged his way from Asia to Hollywood on many high profile individuals since 1961, Daniel landed in Sedona in 1996 and has recently moved to the Tecopa Hot Springs Resort. These vast experiences helped to hone his intuitive talents and practical knowledge for assisting people in the healing process. He feels that his gifts are to help individuals realize the abilities they have to heal themselves when shown the tools and how to apply them to their everyday experiences. Having gone through unique training, he now specializes in Raindrop Therapy. In 1995, Daniel was “gifted” a didgeridoo, an aboriginal, wind instrument. The long, hollowed stem of a century plant or a eucalyptus tree is played without a reed by manipulating the lips and tongue to produce continuous and harmonious tones. It was soon discovered that the vibrations produced by this musical instrument were relaxing, dream provoking and rejuvenating. Besides the “didge,” Daniel discovered other instruments that promoted healing as well. He learned to combine these vibrational sounds to stimulate individual well-being. In addition to his massage practices and musical talents, Daniel drove for a respected jeep tour company for over 7 years. His experience “on the land” gave him a great appreciation for the sacredness of Sedona and Tecopa and their unique geological and spiritual essence. He thrived in the natural environment over this time and enjoyed sharing his knowledge of the land with others. His decision to guide “Spiritual Tours” that helped people to experience the sacredness that Mother Earth had to offer was an easy one to make. Daniel’s openness to new adventures has already provided many individuals with days of awakening to new outdoor enjoyments, appreciations and spiritual journeys. Daniel is extremely excited about his new venture promoting the newness of ancient ways. Anyone who has met him knows that Daniel loves life and is full of zest that cannot help but inspire anyone with whom he comes in contact. For further information or experiences, he can be reached at or by phone at (760) 852-4420.

Levels of Trivalent Living By Kwaku LC Woods, M.D., R.N. How are you living? An innocent enough question, often asked without sincerity or real interest in the answer. Frequently used as a greeting between friends and meant to refer in general to the everyday events in ones life“how’s it going, what’s happening” or just plain old “Whaaz Zuuuup”. That is NOT what we will discuss here! Instead I will ask specifically about the manner and method that you are using to experience the most precious gift you have ever received, Life itself. I am not going to discuss morals, diet, exercise, relationships, employment, finances, family or religion. Although all of these are important, I would like to approach a more meaningful area and that is the mechanism for living life itself. As any who have read my works will know, I teach from a platform that is called “The Trivalent Understanding”. Trivalent because all beings are composed of three parts-a physical body, a psychoemotional entity called ‘a mind’, and a spiritual force. So we’re all three powered or trivalent. Add to that the fact that knowing is emotional/spiritual and requires a feeling, while understanding is intellectual and requires thinking. All people know they are trivalent but very few understand what that means and how that can be useful as they live their lives. Because of this basic lack of understand ing most people don’t realize they have at their command many abilities and powers they have yet to imagine. I write now to give some insights into those abilities. Once again, “how are you living?” Most people would answer with some reference to thoughts regarding their physical being-their health or lack there-of, their financial situation, a recently acquired possession or success in some venture or relationship. They are generally following the culturally prescribed route for answering the question by focusing their answer to only the physical nature

cont. p. 6

Fitness Training/ Massotherapy The Next Generation of Sports and Performance Nutrition™ Bill Grant, Legendary Bodybuilder, Mr. America and Mr. World, is the President and owner of Bill Grant Nutrition LLC, the Next Generation of Sports and Performance Nutrition. He is a world renowned Fitness Expert with over 45 years of knowledge and professional experience in bodybuilding, health, fitness, wellness and longevity. His multi-faceted, enthusiastic approach and concepts for building a total fitness package appeals to all ages. His lifetime commitment is dedicated to maintaining a healthy lifestyle in today’s world. * World Renowned Fitness Expert * U.S. and International Champion Bodybuilder * Mr. America (1972), Mr. World (1974) * Professional Personal Fitness Trainer covering all aspects of fitness. * Nutrition Consultant * Television & Radio Host * Motivational Speaker * Master of Cermonies Bill’s many credits include producing and hosting his own successful Comcast Cable television fitness program and radio show on WEVD 1050-AM “Fit for Life” with a combined monthly audience of over 1.5 million people. Each show focused on all aspects of fitness, sports medicine, and diet while incorporating expert guest speakers in the areas of total fitness and nutrition. He has appeared in numerous movies (ABC’s Friday Night Movie of the Week, Hustler of Muscle Beach and the new release of Pumping Iron starring Arnold Schwarzenegger), theatrical productions, television shows (Runaway Train and Smokey Robinson Review) and commercials (Toyota, McDonald’s, Bally’s/Jack Lalane). He has appeared on ABC, CBS, CNN, WOR, ESPN, Fox News, Bill has been honored with a life-time achievement award for his efforts to represent, educate and support the sport of Bodybuilding around the world, and the Muscle Beach Hall of Fame and Walk of Fame awards. Bill supports the charitable organization, The Parkinson’s Unity Walk. His experience has motivated him to share the benefits of exercise with the youth of today by tutoring kids on exercise, education and discipline; Operation Fitness and Children’s Fitness Academy. P.O. Box 996 • South Orange, NJ 07079 • Phone: 888-304-7268 • Fax: 973-395-0001 Website: • Email:

TheraTouch, Ltd. is an innovator in professional massage therapy and other services for the management of stress, wellness and a variety of medical disorders. Efim Sherbakov, LMT, founder (photo above) All of our therapists have extensive training and experience in different types of bodywork. To satisfy the needs of our clients, we offer: •Medical Massage •Deep Muscle Tissue •Neuro Muscular Therapy •Foot Reflexology •Corporate Chair Massage •Myofascial Release Strain/Counterstrain •Trigger Points Reiki •Sports Massage Corporate Chair Massage is the newest and most cost effective way to reduce workplace tension and achieve overall better health in as little as 10 minutes. It can be performed at your place by licensed Theratouch therapists using a specially designed massage chair. Chair Massage is an excellent health benefit with little time and money investment. Theratouch, Ltd. offers Corporate Chair Massage and Massage Therapy for a wide range of health problems including stress reduction and muscular-skeletal disorders. Our program is best described as a seated workplace relaxation massage. It benefits everyone in your company from top management throughout the coworkers. Our Corporate Massage Program has been developed with the intent of promoting a healthier work force, increase productivity and decrease healthrelated costs through a unique low-cost employee benefit program. Local: (330) 808-0661 Email:

Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 6 cont. from p. 5 Trivalent Being Dr Woods of their being. As such they are concerned and aware primarily with what their physical valence tells them and so most of their ‘living’ is confined to that venue. Concerned primarily with satisfying the needs of the body, a life lived mostly on a physical level is about eating, sleeping, drinking, sexual pleasure and other physical comforts as well as the means to provide them. Now don’t get it twisted, all of the above are nice and to a great extent necessary but if they are your main concerns regarding “how you are living” your life will be shallow, superficial and most importantly- impotent and without power. This level of living corresponds to the basic needs level of the psychologist Maslov’s hierarchy of need. We all must have these needs met to some degree before higher order needs can be addressed, the point is that meeting physical needs should never be an end unto itself. Meeting the requirements of our bodies should serve only as the required price paid in order to be able to address needs of the mind and spirit. Some people would answer any question about their living with their thought and feelings about… their thoughts and feelings. “Girl, I was feeling like somebody was dissing me the other day when I thought back on the meeting we had at work”. “I was thinking that the feelings I had about you were wrong and I apologize”, I’m really thinking hard about that situation-you feel me, dog?” Thinking about thoughts and feelings represent the second power of life and represent a higher level of activity and ability. Do you understand that a normal human being can not even think about thinking until they are in their mid-teen years? It’s a developed ability that is a part of all humans but developed fully in very few. It represents an ability to project yourself outside of the mechanisms of your mind and examine the results of your mind’s actions. This ability like all abilities are governed by simple but strict rules, the primary rule for all abilities is; the more you use them the better they get- and the more you can do with them. Using your second power is usually a given in most adult members of our society. How else would you be able to plan, evaluate, compare, associate or any number of mental/emotional functions that are necessary in our world. We must use those same abilities to form relationships-both interpersonally and in business. Sadly, women are best at using their minds, it isn’t the fact that anatomically a woman’s brain has more connections per nerve cell than a man’s, (though that is true), it has more to do with the fact that females more often use a mental/emotional tool called consensual validation to make sure their mind stays on tract. That simply involves explaining what your feel and think to another person and seeing if they validate or agree with you. Males simply don’t do this well or often and as a result their minds are most often those that show the greatest tendency towards deviant or isolated thinking patterns. If your mind is practiced and sharp through exercises and consensual validation, you may want to extend your being into its most mysterious and little known realm. That is the part of you that is spirit. Now hold on, I’m not talking about religion, God, or mysticism; I’m referring to that part of you that imagines, believes, protects, inspires, initiates, recognizes, suggest, convinces, enthuses, convicts, informs, transforms, heals, sustains, strengthens, creates, and acts as a template for the will. Yeah…. that spirit. The above is only a partial list of the functions and abilities of the human spirit. What is undeniable is that, as far as we know, ALL human spirits have these abilities. In varying amounts and to individual degrees, but all spirits have these abilities and the capability to harness any of these powers to do their bidding. “How... do I hear someone in the back of the room ask?” Well I have already told you of the rules regarding abilities of the mind; they equally apply to both the body and the spirit. To use ability well, you practice that ability; to use and understand that ability well you must teach it. In many former articles and books I have discussed the instructions at Prometheus of Ohio Inc., as they apply to exercises for the Mind/Body/Spirit. At this point I will simply add that one of the aims of teaching the Trivalent Understanding is to allow people to be able to not only understand their Trivalency but be able to live their lives in the fullness and integrated use of all of their potential. Knowing, understanding, and utilizing the abilities of your Mind/Body/Spirit is like living in 3D or more like living your life fully awakened to who and what you are, a Trivalent Being. Again I ask you to consider, “How Ya Livin?” Trivalently, I trust. Kwaku L.C. Woods RN, M.D. ’96-present Prometheus of Ohio Inc., Vice President of Operations * Started medical education co. , provide health optimizing technique with spiritual

and physical application i.e. Vector Augmentation, Deep Vision, and Face UP, are simply a few techniques taught in curriculum * Instructional lectures, DVD’S CD’S, published works, articles, and essay’s etc. round out the body of available product. * 2005 graduated first students and provides annual courses. Kwaku Larry Carlisle Woods RN M.D. MetD1 “DOC” cont. from pg. 4 Dr Gallagher Informed healthcare providers incorporate less dangerous items in their tool box using select nutrients including whole food supplements/herbs. Synthetic, high potency supplements can create distress. What is Cleansing? Cleansing is a change in the diet used to promote health and healing. Ex. Fast, reduction of toxic intake, detox program, cleansing herbs, juice or water fasting, whole food or raw diets, etc. Cleansing herbs Milk thistle-used for liver repair, circulation to the liver, silymarin to protect the liver cells from chemical change. Dandelion Leaf- kidney support/stimulation from bitter tonic. Increases bile flow helping with constipation and indigestion. Dandelion leaves are diuretics without leaching potassium from the body like chemical diuretics. The combination of liver and kidney make it a good cleansing agent for skin. Eat beets! They keep fat from accumulating in the liver. Beets have a high concentration of betaine good for anti stiffness and digestion. Yellow Dock good for liver support and good source of iron for teens with acne and estrogen congested livers. Do you know what is common to most detoxification programs? People eat less and also focus on food that support elimination such-veggies, water rather than pastries and soda beverages. Cleansing programs are short term, - but my goal for my patients is not to eat with reckless abandonment, then stop and confuse the body with a water or juice fast and aggressive herbs. The goal is to create a long term, health promoting diet. 3o% of all cancer is directly related to diet and obesity. There are several organs I would like to focus on: Liver, Gall Bladder, Colon, Skin The Liver’s Job Description –absorption and elimination. Metabolizes proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, thus providing energy and nutrients *stores vitamins and minerals and sugars *Filtrates the blood and helps remove harmful chemicals and bacteria *Creates bile, which breaks down proteins and carbohydrates *Helps assimilate and store fat-soluble vitamins, ADEK *Stores extra blood, which can be quickly released when needed *Create serum proteins, which maintain fluid balance and act as carriers *Helps maintain electrolyte balance *Breaks down and eliminates excess hormones Body signals for Liver Congestion are: Body odor, nausea, headaches, skin eruptions, high blood pressure, spider veins, hemorrhoids, and constipation. bad breath, fatigue, acne, psoriasis, even infertility, and difficulty losing weight.

The liver is so important in maintaining clean

blood because it actually acts as a blood filter. How the herbs work: they stimulate blood flow through the liver removing debris, old cells, toxins, etc. They also, protect and stimulate the liver cells, encouraging enzyme production and helping to maintain proper biochemical environment. How the Liver detoxifies: Need to produce enough bile to take the stress off the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. This bile production is stimulated by lemon water, bitter tastes, dandelion leaf. Phase I takes toxic substances from a fat soluble state to a water soluble state which is easier to eliminate. It does this by conjugating them with sulfur groups, which come from Eggs, onions, garlic, beets and cruciferous veggies, such as cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. Phase II which is dependent on anti oxidant, the body binds the conjugated toxins and moves them out of the body. This is when we add Green Food to make sure the person has enough binding power to get the free radicals out. The Gallbladder is your reservoir of emulsifying soap which is your whole body degreaser, antioxidant and source of alkaline ash. The bile helps to breakdown fats into smaller more water-soluble

globules that are easier to assimilate. If you’ve had your gallbladder removed, you have in essence, lost proper fat metabolism and will want to take a whole food bile salt to maintain adequate bile flow. Also, eating organic apples, apple sauce and apple juice would be helpful in creating bile flow. Gall stones could interrupt normal bile flow. Bile flow can also be impaired by alcohol, thyroid dysfunction, medications, synthetic high potency chemically based vitamins and the birth control pill. Peppermint leaf increases bile flow in the liver and gallbladder. It is anti-microbial, antibacterial, and anti-viral. 5 drops per day helps to prevent colds and the flu. Fennel seed and Fenugreek seed relieves bloating and flatulence, provides an anti-inflammatory affect on the mucous membranes. Systemic Detox Beet Leaf, Beet Root, Red Clover Powder, Juniper Berry, Barley Grass, Cayenne Powder. Skin - Blood purification also depends upon the proper functioning of all the elimination organs in the body. The skin eliminates toxins through sweat. Increased water intake and sweat can often take a load off the liver. Also, what you apply to your skin and scalp will be absorbed by the lymph system, eventually brought to the blood and processed by the liver. As a general rule, avoid anything you cannot read. Dairy clogs the lymphatic system. Keep it to a minimum. For the skin drink more water, consume less dairy, eat apples, beets, and carrots. Your bowels will start to move and there will be fewer toxins absorbed. Your skin will clear. It is a natural byproduct of cleansing. Advanced Chiropractic & Wellness Center 600 Portage Trail. Cuyahoga Falls, Oh.44221 Phone: (330) 928-3065 Fax: (330) 928-2799 Office Hours: M,W,Th 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 a.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. or by appointment email us at: Dr. Kelly Gallagher is the Clinic Director of Advanced Chiropractic & Wellness Center on Portage Trail in Cuyahoga Falls. She is originally from Stow, Ohio. She graduated, Pre-Med from Ohio University in 1998 with honors and went on to earn her doctorate in Chiropractic from Life University in Marietta, Georgia in 2002. In addition, Dr. Gallagher has done nearly 250 hours of post graduate work in Clinical Nutrition & Patient Management. Her specialty includes treatment of headaches, low back injuries chronic fatigue, and digestive distress. She also takes care of many children for the treatment of chronic colds/flu, ear infection, asthma, and allergies Dr. Gallagher is a licensed by the Ohio State Chiropractic Board and National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. She is a member of the OSCB and the American Chiropractic Association. Dr. Gallagher also serves on the Executive Board of the Cuyahoga Falls Chamber of Commerce. cont. from p. 4 J. Miller as xanthones & flavonols from a variety of unique fruits), and negative ion hydrogen. ~ Probiotics, such as L. acidophilus, L. bifidus, L. Salivarius, L. Plantarum, and many others. A number of these should be taken together to establish a mutually-supportive colony. Taking just one or a few is inadequate. ~ Enzymes are active agents in the body, helping with many metabolic activities. Protease, the enzyme that breaks down protein, works on the protein in the outer layers of microbes including viruses. White blood cells use a type of this enzyme to destroy invaders. Lipase enzyme reduces fat, helping penetrate viruses, which have lipids in their coating. Amylase helps clean up the body’s organic wastes. Cellulase improves the movement of fluids across membranes. ~ Herbs that help the immune system include echinacea, larrea extract (also called “shegoi” -the most effective anti-viral agent), pollen extract, black cumin, oregano oil, Chinese wolfberry and the allicin from garlic. (NOTE: The allicin in almost all garlic products, including the “aged” ones is nil. There is one type of allicin which has been prepared with a proprietary process that protects the fragile allicin. This is greatly more effective than other garlic products.) ~ Silver has been used for centuries as a safe antiseptic. An advanced ionic sub-colloidal silver is now available that is highly effective, and it leaves no residues in the body unlike the courser colloidal silver products that have been used. ~ Other special nutrients offering outstanding help for the immune system include: negative ion hydrogen, glutathione and beta glucans. Those with “autoimmune” problems, can use some of these that do not actually stimulate the immune activity. You may want to check on larrea extract, enzymes, negative hydrogen, ionic subcolloidal silver, allicin, and/or effective probiotics and other agents that either work directly on invader microbes or create conditions that are not favorable. cont. p.7

Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 7

Help for Cancer? A non-toxic approach, Non-contraindicated product study of Poly-MVA is available for BREAST CANCER. It includes a 33 and 48 month case study with results made available from a board certified oncologist. The case studies were conducted by James Forsthye, M.D., Cancer Screening and Treatment Center of Nevada with 212 and 250 patients. •Results showed high promise with 21 different cancers Poly-MVA, a member of the family of compounds known as Palladium Lipoic Complexes, is a uniquely-formulated dietary supplement containing a proprietary blend of the mineral palladium bonded to alpha-lipoic acid, Vitamins B1, B2 and B12, formyl-methionine, N-acetyl cysteine, plus trace amounts of molybdenum, rhodium, and ruthenium. The proprietary formulation of lipoic acid with other vitamins, minerals, and amino acids helps provide nutritional support. This formulation is designed to provide energy for compromised body systems, such as those undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment. Poly-MVA has shown to assist in boosting immune response, replenishing key nutrients and supporting cellular metabolism. (From including research

links/summary. For educational purposes. Over 30 years in research and 13 years clinical use).

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Digital Pulse wave Analyzer that provides non invasive 3 minute heart and 6 minute heart rate variability study as a screen for cardiovascular disease. Presents information that can allow a physician to review for contra CVD conditions that may be in early development stages. The general applications cover screening for risk factor of arterial stiffness. Monitor therapeutic response for hypertension and other CVD. Clinical application for reflecting arterial wall function stiffness peripheral circulation problems, LV Ejection insufficiency and heart failure. Checking effect of cardio tonic, vasodilator, other remedy and various stimuli. Major Benefits for business small and large: *Can save lives.*Low cost of entry. Allows employees to deal with cardiovascular issues before heart attack. *Reduction in medical costs. *Reduces employee absenteeism. *Measures wellness program effectiveness. *Holds employee more accountable for their health. Cardiobeam Services LLC 419-215-1782

Deborah E. Banker, MD Visionary Explorer In The Field Of Ophthalmology And Regenerative Medicine For The Eyes

Called a “Modern Galileo” by the National Health Federation, Dr. Banker lectured throughout the country crusading for “Electromagnetic Medicine” and “Natural Vision Improvement.” Boulder, Colorado Speak with an associate, M-F 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM Mountain Standard Time (MST) 866-99-Grand.

Larrea extract (aka “Shegoi”) -- one of the most effective agents for those with herpes or virus problems, as well as for Candida Albicans yeast overgrowth. This extract is much more effective than the raw herb, and the undesirable compounds have been removed. Total Immune Booster -- an advanced immunity formula including: specially-prepared allicin, a very effective blend of probiotics, Swedish pollen extract, beta glucans and the super herb, Chinese Wolfberry (aka “goji”). Prevent the flu and much more. Probiotic 11 -- a formula with 11 different strains that work together to create a healthy balance of beneficial flora in the body. Maximizer Enzymes -- a formula with both protease and lipase, as well as other enzymes. This can be used at meal times for better digestion, and in between meals to help immune and other metabolic activities. Silver Shield -- an outstanding ionic sub-colloidal silver product. Improve your health and well-being naturally. Jonathon Miller’s is a major resource for wellness info & products. Learn about the latest developments for top-level health. Boost your energy & performance. Live really well! 330-920-9820 or 800-542-1923

Thai Yoga Massage At the Creative Healing Center in Bainbridgewith Esther Gates Thai Yoga Massage is a sacred, healing art with roots that date back over 2500 years to India and the spread of Buddhism. Unique from other types of bodywork, Thai Yoga Massage combines passive hatha yoga stretches, massage, acupressure using hands and feet, healing energy work and a meditative presence. The massage is given on a comfortable padded mat where one remains fully clothed. The compassion, focus and skill of the practitioner work in harmony with the receptive presence of the client, supporting deep relaxation and release of mental and emotional tension. “I always walk away from Thai massage feeling grounded, full and alive.”-Thai Massage client Esther offers gentle hatha yoga classes, Thai Yoga Massage and relaxation massage at The Creative Healing Center. The center is a wonderfully warm space with lots of creative energy waiting to be explored! There is an outside deck for yoga classes and bodywork weather permitting, a great little yoga studio with a picture window looking into the trees. The massage room is definitely a place where you can relax and absorb the benefits of many styles of yoga, massage and healing work. When I walk through the doors there is an im-

As a Small Business Owner the last mediate feeling of calmness.” -Yoga student-“The thing you need to worry Yoga room is spectacular, the view, the colors, the lighting….” Yoga student about is a legal issue. Cheryl Heinonen, Independent Associate/Group Benefits Specialist, Pre Paid Legal Services, Inc. 440-813-5688 mention Healthy Referral.

“Let your body heal itself!” That’s our motto. Here at the center we show you how our motto works. When we restore balance to the body, we have health, harmony and joy. Why balance?

While working as a biologist for the US Department of Wildlife, Dr. Chism discovered through his love of nature, a deep and profound respect for the natural balance of life. When an organism’s environment was not in balance, the organism was not healthy; when an organism’s environment was in balance, the organism was healthy. It was that simple. What works for such diverse creatures as an amoeba, a shark, or a wolf, should certainly work for people! He became very interested in Holistic Healing and went on to receive his Doctor of Naturopathy in 1994. He is also a Master in the Martial Arts, bringing additional deep insights to the understanding of balancing body energies. The human body was and still is designed to heal itself. Through the proper balance of nutrition and health practices most problems will cure themselves. To share this knowledge and help people heal, Dr. Chism founded the African Holistic Healing Center in Youngstown, OH, in 1995. As a traditional Naturopathic Doctor and Life Counselor, he offers information and counseling in the use of natural forces for the purposes of restoring mental and physical balance and energy levels. Here at the center, we will show you how, through natural medicine (plants, herbs, therapy, acupressure, reflexology, candling etc.) your body can heal itself without having to take a prescription pill! Armed with this new information, you can cut down trips to the doctor, feel better on a daily basis, cut the amount of “normal” sickness down to a minimum, and feel all around healthier! For healing to last, all levels of your life must be in balance, so Dr. Chism also founded the Institute of Economic Empowerment, which instructs people on the fundamental and specific concepts of personal power in designing ones economic future. Let us show you how to bring balance to your life, body, and environment. Abundant health is your natural state of being! Consultations in person or by telephone. You can contact us at or 330-747-9323.

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Esther Gates has been studying yoga and bodywork for over 10 years. She is a graduate of the Florida College of Natural Health, T.R.Y4Life and Integrative Yoga Therapy. She has trained with Thai Yoga Healing Arts, Lotus Palm School of Thai Massage and various other bright and beautiful teachers. She is committed to a practice of compassion and mindful awareness. Her intention is to provide a supportive environment for change as we explore a new awareness of body and mind. Introductory Special! Bring this article in and you will receive $15 off your first Thai Massage Cindy’s Creative Healing Center-16686 Hilltop Park Place-Bainbridge, Oh 44023 440.543.1757

Recipe For Love: Intimate Yoga and Massage for Two

by Jocelyn Gordon LMT, PRYT Live Well Health Coach Many couples are short changed for nurturing intimacy. Modern life is overwhelmed with moments to connect (internet, cell phones, etc) and achieve, but face to face, focused attention with your loved one(s) is (are) quickly becoming a rare commodity. The following sequence can be a quick integration and acknowledgment of your partner or a deeper exploration of sensation - breath, body, taste, scent, sight touch and sound (communication). You may notice that tensions are relieved, stress is diffused, and anxiety is eased. Feel yourself and your partner feeling more calm, peaceful and energized. Sit cross legged on the floor, face to face with your partner. Prop blankets under your pelvis to elevate your spine and support your lower back. Use as many blankets as will bring your hips higher than your knees. If possible, have your knee caps touch your partner’s knee caps. Gaze into your partner’s eyes. Synchronize your breathing. For three cycles of breath, inhale through your nose and exhale with sound through your mouth. Aaaah... Release tension and expectations. Fill your entire torso with your In Breaths. Feel your spine elongate with your Out Breaths.

Continue to follow your breath. Listen to the movement and stillness within. Connect with what you would like to receive or release in this moment in your partnership. Take a moment to share this with your partner. The partner who is listening - fully receive the message and then repeat it verbatim (best you can) to your loved one. You are a reflection of their deepest wishes and desires. This simple act of listening strengthens intimacy and empathy. Now it’s your turn to share your intention. Release your wishes with a full In Breath and an Out Breath through the mouth and with sound. Seal your kiss and open your senses by feeding to each other small pieces of the 24 Karat Chocolate Teasers. Feel the chocolate on the tongue. Take your time and let it melt into your mouth. Enjoy and repeat. Return to breathing in and out through your nose. Take your Mood Magic His and Hers Essential Oils: If your partner is a woman, place a few drops of Mood Magic Hers in your hands. If your partner is a man, place a few drops of Mood Magic His in your hands. Place your hands on your partner’s shoulders. Rest your foreheads on each other. Place your hands on your partner’s shoulders and squeeze and massage them. Feel their muscles. Send loving energy through your hands and your breath. Massage the back of their neck. Massage their head and face. Smile. Giggle. Ask your partner how this feels. Move your blankets to the side. Still facing each other, move back a little. Come to a kneeling position with your buttocks towards your heels. Then bring your belly and chest to rest upon your knees, forehead on the floor or on a block. If your ankles hurt, prop them with a blanket our a towel. If your knees or thighs are uncomfortable, place a blanket behind your knees. This is Child Pose. The crown of your heads should be touching. Breathe and feel this connection. Have one partner stay in Childs Pose. The other will stand behind them and place their hands on their partner’s lower back. Lean forward with your heart and your hips. Resist applying pressure with only your hands - use your whole body. As you breathe in unison with your partner, walk your hands up along the muscles left and right of their spine and then back down. Move slowly. Do not apply pressure on the spine. Ask them how this feels. Ask them if they want more or less pressure. Continue as long as you wish. Switch places and repeat. Sit back to back with your legs crossed or extended. “Weave” your arms at the elbows. Breathe. With an exhale, one partner folds forward, the other will arch naturally over their partner’s back. Breathe and feel the stretch. Feel your heart open. Feel your back lengthen. Communicate with your partner. Inhale to return to your tall spine. Exhale to fold in the other direction. Repeat as often as you like. Explore movement here. Return to the original face to face position. Breathe. Gaze into your partner’s eyes. Share with them what stood out from your exploration. Compliment them. Share and receive. Want more? Email Jocelyn Gordon for a schedule of national Lovers Rock courses and to find out more about her upcoming Practical Touch Bodywork Certification - info@lovemovementhealingarts.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it . Jocelyn is also available to facilitate Lover’s Rock workshops in your home town our at your vacation retreat. * Jocelyn Gordon - Healing Arts Therapist LoveMovement Healing Arts Yoga Massage & Dance Therapies and Instruction jocelyn@lovemovementhealingarts.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it 571.235.6374

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Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 8 cont. from p. 3. NHF> Some people in the U.S. make use of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a proven healing system that uses natural substances, which is far older than Western medicine. Or the similar Ayurvedic medicine, developed over eons in India. Or homeopathy, naturopathy, or other (often overlapping) schools of medicine. The mandatory health insurance promoted by Hillary Clinton and other drug-industry funded politicians would not cover herbal, Chinese, Ayurvedic, or other schools of medicine that treat the body gently, understand the mind-body connection to disease and health, and stimulate the body’s innate healing capabilities. It would only cover Big Pharma’s patented, petrochemical-based, seekand-destroy, military-style toxic medicine, whose destructive side effects beget new profit opportunities as they sell you more drugs and procedures, even liver transplants to treat the often-horrific drug side effects. Such mandatory health insurance forces people to buy something they neither want nor believe in. To be fair, even people who reject the synthetic chemical potions of Big Pharma recognize that conventional medicine is not all bad. It is very good at emergency treatment, for example. But some people have done the math and know that emergency treatment is not very expensive. If one has a heart attack or a car accident, it is unlikely to break the bank to get emergency treatment. Many people have calculated that they have the resources to pay for such emergency treatment if needed, have perhaps even made choices to live their lives carefully to prevent accidents, to stay fit and eat a healthy diet to deter heart attacks, to eat organic food to lessen the chance of cancer, and have thus made a simple financial decision that the high monthly payments of health insurance end up costing them much more than they might have to pay from their own resources for an emergency that might never happen. Hence, standard health insurance is, for them, a very bad investment that would be a continual drain on their finances, which would mean they would have less money left to pay for the herbal medicines and organic diets that they prefer, items mandatory health insurance does not cover. It is things like cancer chemotherapy, coronary bypasses, and the like that are super-expensive, and these are procedures that these educated consumers reject, preferring inexpensive nutritional, alternative, and lifestyle therapies, and that simple idea that pharmaceutical corporations dread – prevention. Yes, natural medicines might not work, we might still die; but the same is true of the pharmaceutical/surgical approaches. Every human being has the right to make those decisions for him- or herself. We don’t need Big Brother -- or Big Sister in the case of Senator Clinton -- making them for us. Some people who get cancer might simply choose to die with grace and dignity, without a lot of chemicals pumped into them. They suspect that chemotherapy is probably only going to make them die faster, and cause side effects that will make their lives miserable, and maybe they would rather give their remaining assets to their heirs instead of to the medical industry. That is their right. Moreover, some people are rich, and can afford to pay even for harmful overpriced pharmaceutical treatment, from their own resources, without any problem at all. Why should Bill Gates and the Rockefellers have to pay for health insurance (aside from the fact that they are heavily invested in the drug industry and hence stand to profit from mandatory health insurance far more than they would lose by having to purchase it for themselves)? Why does our “democratic” government insist on forcing people to buy something they plainly do not need? There has been much noise from the medical research industry in recent years trying to convince people that vitamins and nutritional supplements are dangerous. Most of the scientists conducting these studies are funded either by Big Pharma itself, or by corrupt government institutions like the National Institutes of Health that have an incestuous relationship with Pharma. The way medical research operates these days, scientists who do not come to the conclusions that the government and Pharma desire are at great risk of never getting a research grant (or promotion) again. Scientists have even been fired and denied tenure because their research findings did not dovetail with the goals of industry. Medical science has become a dictatorship that punishes dissent from profitable paradigms and rewards those who “get with the program.” Because of this reality, scientists have devised a plethora of ways to design their studies so that they will arrive at pre-ordained conclusions. Hence, studies warning against vitamins and other natural substances can hardly be said to be objective, nor can they negate all of the earlier research – from a less-corrupt scientific era – that showed how beneficial nutritional supplements can be. Flying in the face of all the organized scaremongering about natural remedies is also the simple fact that very few people have ever died from taking vitamins and nutritional supplements; by contrast, modern medicine keeps cemetery owners around the World deliriously rich and happy (perhaps Pharma executives might like to invest some of their gains in this lucrative, related field?)

“Coincidentally,” all of this new anti-vitamin research comes at a time when Big Pharma and its government flunkies are spearheading efforts, through the Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization’s joint Codex subsidiary, to severely lower the dosages of nutritional supplements that can be sold to the public, and to outright ban many of them (this has been nicely hushed up by the media so most people don’t know about it). It’s hard to avoid concluding that the current science-media-government campaign to convince people that nutritional supplements are dangerous is designed to “soften the public up” so that they will accept the dictatorial new Codex rules with little resistance when they are instituted in a few years. Codex’s planned standards and mandatory health insurance are just naked ploys to snuff out Big Pharma’s competition, being dressed up as “protecting the public.” Pharma lusts after a mandatory health insurance “on their terms” that will boost their already-obscene profits and force people to abandon Natural Medicine and proven home remedies. Pharma craves a monopoly on health care, with no alternatives available. And since Pharma funds everybody from politicians, doctors, scientific researchers, government regulators, to the WHO, the media, the universities, even the “charities” that, not surprisingly, promote their drugs, it is damned difficult for the other side to get their voices heard. Seen in this light, the recent Massachusetts legislation that forces every resident to buy health insurance or pay a stiff penalty (hailed as a model for other States to follow by the media), is an outrageous intrusion into people’s freedom of choice. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has adopted this position, and plans to make health insurance “available to all” by garnishing workers’ salaries to force them to buy it. Whose country is this anyway? How did we get to the point that the government is planning to tell us what we have to buy? A case can be made for mandatory car liability insurance, as a person needs to have the funds to compensate someone he might injure with his car, but now the government is going to tell us that we have to pay for medical drugs and services for our own bodies, even if we don’t want them. Bodies that are ours, not the government’s. It is easy to predict what the next step in their program will be: Soon, they will start telling us that we have to swallow medicine even if we don’t want to. They will send their goons to our homes to force it down our throats. The seeds for this have already been planted, with the drug-industry funded World Health Organization’s “Directly Observed Therapy” program (DOT). With DOT, a medical professional is assigned to watch you take your pills, confirm that you have swallowed them, and “document” that you have ingested the pills. Originally applied to TB patients only, DOT is now being expanded to AIDS patients. Since DOT results in more drugs being sold, and whatever is good for drug-industry profits historically becomes “confirmed” by “scientific research,” it seems likely that they will try to further expand DOT in any direction they can – maybe to people who “test positive” on a future mandatory “H5N1” test, even if they’re perfectly healthy with no signs of flu. This kind of thing is already happening to our children even without DOT. Parents are told that they have to get their kids vaccinated, and their kids can be taken from them by “Child Protective Services” if parents make an educated decision not to give their kids destructive chemotherapy, preferring alternative treatments that exist, and that have been proven to defeat cancer, but which are suppressed and criminalized in the U.S. because they are a threat to the medical industry’s monopoly. Children are having surgical tubes implanted into their stomachs by medical research “charities,” against the kids’ and parents’ wishes, so that doctors can pump them full of toxic AIDS chemotherapy drugs that the kids, who know that the drugs make them feel awful, refuse to swallow, or vomit up when forced to swallow them. Senator Clinton, do you think the American people want a president who will dictate to us and micromanage our lives for us? Your proposals to force us to buy health insurance and garnish our salaries if we refuse are not just outrageous, they are un-American in the most fundamental sense. Being ultra-wealthy and connected to exclusive elitist organizations that strive to control and manipulate the masses, you have zero understanding of how precious working people’s modest salaries are to them, nor of how the common people cherish their right to remain unmolested by their governments and to make their own decisions. So, Big Sister, make this product available to all if you wish, but don’t force us to buy it. Force is the way of tyranny, not the action of a country that exalts the free market and individual liberty. Pharma-based health care is just another product, brilliantly marketed as a vital public service, due to the immense wealth and power of the industry. Next, will you force us to buy a mandatory TV set? How about mandatory life insurance? Why not outlaw organic food and make it mandatory that we eat pesticide-contaminated food to benefit the chemical industry? I’ll bet you would find scientists who would back the proposal with erudite scholarly papers full of big words. Surely a case can be made to mandate that we drink a minimum of two bottles per day of Coca Cola, too?

Honorable scientists and senators, we are skeptical of your good intentions. We know that many “medical triumphs” are just mythmaking. We know that polio was never eliminated by the polio vaccine, it was just redefined as other diseases by public-health authorities to create the impression that the vaccine was effective. (In fact, the vaccine caused polio cases to explode in number, but they were quickly “re-classified” as meningitis, Guillian-Barré syndrome, and other diseases by our protectors in the Public Health racket). We know that there are thousands of medical professionals and scientists, including a Nobel Laureate and at least two members of the National Academy of Sciences, who reject the never-proven theory that a virus is the cause of AIDS and who think it more likely that such factors as the poisonous HIV medicines, the psychological and social devastation caused by the “HIV+” diagnosis, and malnutrition, not the virus, are what kill people who test positive. We are aware that there are many fully qualified scientists who dispute the cholesterol-heart disease theory, the saturated fat dogma, and many other “facts” that just by coincidence are highly beneficial to industry profits. We know that sexual transmission of the human papilloma virus has never been proven to cause cervical cancer (although anti-sex religious zealots and newspaper headline writers – and of course vaccine manufacturers – want fervently to believe that it does). We suspect that Bird Flu is a WHOinvented “global crisis” designed to justify giving billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to WHO’s sweetheart funders in Big Pharma for “stockpiles” of useless drugs, to spur the legislating of mandatory treatments and forced vaccinations that benefit Pharma, and to advance the interests of Big Agribusiness which wants to outlaw the backyard chicken farming that families do everywhere in the Third World to maintain their economic independence from corporations. We are well-informed, thinking people who make up our own minds and seek out information that the less-intellectually curious never get to see, and are aware that we are living in a very corrupt world where our leaders do not have our interests at heart, despite their smarmy protestations to the contrary. So, compromised politicians, medical/pharmaceutical-cartel lobbyists, drug industry-funded NGOs, take your mandatory health insurance and add coverage for natural therapies, include an optout clause for people who don’t want it regardless, or kindly file it where the Sun doesn’t shine (the same Sun that, as some of us are aware, can fight cancer and other diseases and strengthen bones without drugs ... far from being the deadly light that the medical establishment urges everyone to avoid. But, of course, they cannot patent the Sun and charge us to use it. It, too, is competition for them, so their position against it is quite understandable).

Boost Your Brain Power By Katie K. Bell Courtesy of James Foy, Community Chiropractic, Cleveland, OH 216-361-9840

Ever heard of a runner’s high? Or have you stumbled upon a great idea while on the step machine at the gym? We all know that exercise can help us lose weight, reduce the risk of heart disease, improve our blood pressure, energy levels and sleep patterns and reduce stress. But, you may not realize that all of your visits to the gym or the trail can also improve the signs of aging and boost your brain performance and overall mental health. James A. Blumenthal, Ph.D., and his colleagues surprised many people in 1999 when their study showed that regular exercise was as effective as antidepressant medications for patients with major depression. Newer study results, published in the January 2005 issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, looked at exercise alone in treating mild to moderate depression. The researchers studied adults aged 20 to 45, finding that depressive symptoms were reduced almost 50 percent in individuals who participated in 30-minute aerobic exercise sessions three to five times a week. These findings are comparable to results from studies in which patients with mild to moderate depression were treated with antidepressants or cognitive therapy. That’s an impressive track record for a non-invasive, non-chemical and cost-free treatment. For years researchers believed that endorphins were the primary source of that feel-good sensation as a result of exercise. Endorphins are natural opiates similar to those found in morphine. However, because it is very difficult for those endorphins to cross the blood brain barrier, doctors are beginning to question this theory. Recent studies have discovered that exercise boosts activity in the brain’s frontal lobes and the hippocampus. This might explain why so many people believe they can think better after moving around a bit. Exercise is also responsible for increasing levels of three moodenhancing chemicals, serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, acting much like an antidepressant.

Grazing on your Greenery Food! In America, we sort of take for granted that it will always be there for us by Peter Gail, Ph.D.-Today we have choices:

! between commercial and organic, ! locally grown or transported in, often from very far away, ! supermarkets, natural food market or ethnic specialty markets. Lots of choices. Some “organic” produce is actually affordable these days because corporate farms, as much as we may hate them, have been listening to consumers, practicing economies of scale, and have kept supplies in line with demand. How truly “organic”are they? That’s another story. One source of locally grown, completely organic produce is totally free for the taking and Modern Americans completely overlook it — the weeds beneath our feet. Emerson once said “Weeds are simply plants for which we have not yet found a use.” The truth, however, is that most weeds are plants for which we have FORGOTTEN their uses. About 80% of the plants we call “weeds” are really vegetables, fruits and medicines that were brought here by immigrants from many cultures over the past two centuries. They brought them on purpose, because sponsoring emigration companies told them to “bring seeds of your favorite things, for you probably aren’t going to find them in America.” You walk over these nutrient-dense, tasty and incredible health-giving plants every day, but they are totally invisible because you haven’t a clue about what they are or what they are good for. The time has come, however, to learn some of these plants and how to use them, because the world is changing, and you may need them to survive. At one time, wars, political and economic crises, terrorist attacks, and environmental disasters were things we read about in the papers or saw on the news. Today they are in our backyards, affecting us, our relatives and/or people we know. Prices of fuel are high and rising higher, food costs are increasing, and family incomes aren’t keeping pace. When this kind of thing last happened back in the 1930’s, people were better prepared. We weren’t a specialist nation then, where everyone was trained to do one job and to buy everything else they needed from others who also were trained to do only one job, like we are now. They all had vegetable gardens, and knew how to preserve food. They knew the values of the foods their grandparents had brought from the old country that now were growing wild in their gardens, and they used them. If grandma sent you out to get dandelions and you were Greek, you knew dinner was going to be “horta.” If you were German, you knew you were in for a wonderful “dandelion gravy.” If you were Italian, it could be one of any number of dishes, because dandelions were pretty much the Italian national vegetable– just about everyone ate them and enjoyed them When the Great Depression hit, people who had been living comfortably all of a sudden had nothing to live on except what they had stored in their heads– that which their teachers and parents had taught them by word and example all their lives. Common journal entries of the day included such things as “ You lived on what you had. If it was windfall apples that were lying on the ground or given away, you took all you could get and canned them. No matter that you ate apples all winter long. You were eating.” or “The weed “Queen Anne’s Lace” was dipped in egg first and then flour and fried. It kept the family from going to bed hungry many times.” or “ The cellar had to be well stocked. Everything possible was harvested from the vegetable garden, picked along the roadside, the edges of the fields and in the woods to provide food for the coming months ahead.” Lambsquarters ( an absolutely delicious wild spinach that was a major food of pre-historic native Americans) and dandelions were staple foods of the day and were the most frequent wild plants mentioned in journals. Today, even if dandelions cover your backyard, you’d never think of eating them. If you want dandelions for a recipe you found in the newspaper or a magazine, you’d walk over the ones in your yard that are screaming for you to “Look at me. I’m here for the taking and I’m free,” go to the grocery store, and buy organic dandelions imported from California for $3.99/lb. My father died in the late 1940’s and left our family with no money. A friend told my mother that we could “live on lambsquarters” until she learned how to make a living. So for the next six months, my brother and I went out in the backyard each morning, gathered the young tops of



Everyday your skin is subject to the sun’s rays and other damaging environmental elements including free radicals. Free radicals are caused by many environmental factors such as diet, pollution, sun exposure and stress. However, the number of free radicals today are far more than what your body can handle on its own. Free radical damage leads to premature aging and possibly skin cancer. Therefore, it is important to protect your skin from free radicals. Laurice has developed products to help your skin protect and repair itself from daily exposure to the elements. They contain Vitamin C, which neutralizes free radicals and helps reverse cell damage. Vitamin C is a proven anti-ager. Results from using skin care products with Vitamin C include smoother facial lines that, less deep crease wrinkles, reduction in hyperpigmatation and even skin tone. Invasive treatments are no longer necessary as Vitamin C can penetrate to the deepest level of skin. It also helps the body increase the production of collagen. Vitamin C helps prevent cell death, which facilitates the maintenance of healthy, hydrated, and young looking skin. Top Three Vitamin C products that you should be using: Vitamin C Serum - an amazing serum that penetrates the skin by delivering a mega-dose of potent antioxidants. This helps combat the effects of free radicals, the aging process, sun damage, Dr Gail. cont. from. p. 8 lambsquarters and brought them into the house. My mother would then make the most wonderful spinach dishes out of them. Even today, we purposely grow lambsquarters in our vegetable garden so we will have enough for our favorite recipes. We have never planted garden spinach. Ohio Lieutenant Governor Lee Fisher’s father-in law, Mike Zone, survived for two years in a German concentration camp by simply , whenever they were let out to exercise, stooping down, pulling the leaves off of dandelions, and eating them. This was something he had learned to do growing up as an Italian kid in Cleveland. When the Allies liberated the camp two years later, he was the only one of those who had been interred at the same time he had who was still alive. The Gail family and Mike Zone lived by knowing how to use only one wild plant. Imagine how much more interesting dinner would have been if we had known five or ten of these wild plants that grow beneath everyone’s feet, all over the United States and Canada. Ironically, those who remember the plants grandma used, now harvest and process them, and pack them in fancy packaging. You can find them in every health food store as herbal teas or remedies. I am one of those who does this. I make and sell Dandy Blend. Roasted dandelion and chicory roots have been used as coffee substitutes for centuries. Today, we combine extracts of those two roasted roots with extracts of roasted red beet roots, roasted barley and rye to make a delightful instant herbal coffee substitute that tastes just like coffee, but is healthy for you. It is available now at many stores and can be bought through Healthy Referral. I even tell you how to make it in my books The Dandelion Celebration: A Guide to Unexpected Cuisine and also in The Volunteer Vegetable Sampler: Recipes for Backyard Weeds, so you can make it yourself. Sadly, we have found that, even though it is easy to do, people prefer to buy it rather than do the work. So, ironically, profits from Dandy Blend sales have ended up helping to support my lectures and workshops teaching people how to eat weeds! With so much uncertainty facing us today, it behooves us all to learn to recognize and use at least some of the plants that we walk over each day. So in the coming months, I will introduce to you the plants in the cracks in your patio and walkways, your vegetable garden and flower beds and your lawn. Once you know them better, your violets, purslane, lambsquarters, red-root pigweed, plantain, sorrels, dandelions and many others will become great and valued friends. By the time we are done, you too will know how to feed yourselves and your family from the bounty that surrounds you, much as I learned to do back in 1949 when I was 9 years old. Dr. Peter Gail is Director of Goosefoot Acres Center for Resourceful Living in Cleveland Ohio.. He earned his Ph.D. in Botany from Rutgers Uni-

Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 9

and pollution. Key ingredients of Vitamin C serum includes Vitamin C, whole leaf aloe vera, green tea, ceramides (protects skin by improving hydration), and Canadian willowherb extract (cleanses and refreshes irritated skin). Vitamin C Creme - a super charged lightweight hydrating creme, which contains the most stable forms of vitamin C. Vitamin C aids in the repair of sun damaged skin by protecting it from free radicals and helping synthesize collagen, which produces firmer, more even toned skin. Key ingredients include the most stable forms of Vitamin C, whole leaf aloe vera, grape seed oil, and RNADNA (a combination that effectively nourishes, regenerates, and helps maintain the proper function of the skin). Alocel C Antioxidant Creme - an intensive botanical antioxidant-rich rejuvenating creme that moisturizes and uplifts the skin as it aids in reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Key ingredients include Vitamin C, whole leaf aloe vera, and another powerful antioxidant derived from pine bark extract. Delete Reply Forward Spam Move... Previous | Next | Back to Messages Save Message Text About Laurice: Laurice Koury-Goldberg owner of Laurice Skin Care has over 35 years experience in the skin care industry and continually consults men and women on healthy skin treatments and practice and prevention on all skin types. She consults and treats her clients on elimination of wrinkles, restoration of sun damaged skin, treatment of acne, rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema, facials, and uses chemical peels and glycolic acid treatments. Laurice Skin Care Offices: Suite 230, Landerwood Plaza 30559 Pinetree Rd. Pepper Pike (Cleveland), Ohio 216-378-2200 for a consultation.

versity, and has spent the last 47 years studying how various cultures use backyard weeds as food and medicine. He is the author of numerous articles and eight books on edible wild plants, including The Goosefoot Acres Volunteer Vegetable Sampler: Recipes for Backyard Weeds, The Dandelion Celebration: A Guide to Unexpected Cuisine, The Great Dandelion Cookbook: Recipes from the National Dandelion Cookoffs and Then Some, The Delightful Delicious Daylily: Recipes and More, and Violets in Your Kitchen. He has shared his delight with wild vegetables on ABC-TV=s Good Morning America, Lifetime TV’s AThe Home Show@, and on the Food Television Network, as well as being Cleveland TV-5 AThe Morning Exchange=s AWizard of Weeds@ for five years. He founded and conducted the National Dandelion Cookoff for 10 years, which drew up to 15,000 people a year to learn more about dandelions. USA Today calls him the AKing of Dandelions. He lives with his wife, Wilma, in Cleveland Heights, OH. They have three children and five grandchildren. He was named Distinguished Alumnus of the California State Polytechnic University (Pomona) College of Science in 1979, and was inducted into the National Wild Foods Hall of Fame in 2000. To order Dr. Gail’s books, book Dr. Gail’s program “Reconnecting Americans to their Wild Food Traditions,” or to find out where he is speaking, visit or call him at 800-697-4858. Dandelions are inherently bitter, but the bitterness is easy to mask so that you can get the benefits of the incredible pool of nutrients, but not have to taste the bitterness of the substances that make them so nutritious and health promoting. The secret is ‘sweet’. Serve dandelion salads with sweet and sour dressing or with raspberry vinagarette Cook dandelions in tomato sauces of various kinds– in lasagna, or rigatoni, or as a topping for pizza. My favorite way to introduce people to dandelions is in a dandelion pizza sandwich. Ingredients: Pita bread, English muffins, or any toasted bread spaghetti, pizza or other Italian tomato based sauce chopped up dandelion leaves right out of the unsprayed back yard shredded cheese. Directions: Toast the bread or muffin, Spread sauce over it Top it with a heaping pile of chopped dandelion leaves -Top that with shredded cheese, or a slice of any cheese will do-Broil or microwave until the cheese melts Eat.-IF you take a single leaf segment out of the middle and taste it, you will find that it is bitter. But if you chomp into the whole package, it will be like eating spinach.


cont. from p. 3 Jim Chones I spent eleven years as a color analyst for the Cleveland Cavaliers Basketball Team. I played with the Cavaliers for five seasons, including the “Miracle of Richfield” season in 1974-75, when I averaged a career and team high 15.8 points per game, while contributing 9.0 rebounds per contest. In April 1991, I was chosen by Cavs Fans as the Center for the “Classic Cavs Team” covering the first 20 years of Cleveland Cavaliers History Before joining the Cavaliers 1974-75 season, I played two years in the American Basketball Association, for the New York Nets and the Carolina Cougars. I earned an NBA Championship with the Los Angeles Lakers in 1980 and after two years with the Lakers, I completed his NBA career with the Washington Bullets (Wizards). During 1981-82, I played in Florence, Italy and in the fall of 1982, I played in Rome (Roma) for Banco de Roma. I played three seasons with the Marquette University Warriors before turning pro. I was only the second college (in NCAA history) player to leave college before his graduating year to play in the NBA. I played on the 1972 United States Pan American Team. In the same year, I was named to the UPI and AP College All-American First Team. I began my broadcasting career as the color analyst for the Baldwin Wallace College Men Basketball Team on cable during the 1984-85 Season. I worked for Sportschannel (Foxsports) American, broadcasting the “National High School Game of the Week”. I also broadcast Conference USA Collegiate Basketball Games and worked for ESPN and CBS Sports. I have produced and directed a one hour television Sports Talk Show called “Sports Profiles” nationally syndicated on FoxSports. During the summer of 1991, I worked at several radio sports talk and call-in shows for WKNR and WERE of Cleveland. Currently I am a color commentator for ESPN College Basketball games. From August of 2004 till March of 2008 I was the Division Head of Sports and Recreation for the City of Bedford Heights, Ohio. My wife and I are the proud parents of daughters Kareeda (Marquette University graduate), now working for the Milwaukee Bucks of the NBA in Sales/Marketing, Kaayla, (North Carolina State University graduate) and a WNBA draftee, 04, (Los Angeles Sparks), and triplets sons, Kameron, (a graduate of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island), Kendall and Kyle, (both are in their senior year at Colgate University in Hamilton, New York). Thirty-five years after leaving college, during my junior year at Marquette University, I received my Bachelors Degree in Philosophy. In addition, I was inducted into the Marquette University Hall of Fame in early October of 2004. Cleveland Sports Commission Hall of Fame 2006. I am currently President of a Youth Development and Educational Initiative called The Phoenix Component, a Cultural Arts Program which consists of Music, Dance, Drama, Hip-Hop, Comedy and Creative Writing, for kids (3rd grade to 12th grade). We are currently putting the finishing touches on our new website, A comprehensive interactive, informational marketing site. Stay tuned. Over the next year of Healthy Referral issues I will be giving my insight, opinions and comments on various past, current and future issues that face us all. From sports, to politics, religion and social concerns. In a series I call, “Observations and Concerns.” So make sure you get the next issue of Healthy Referral”. Jim Chones, President of the J. Chones Company, former NBA basketball player, philosopher and writer. Jim Chones-23511 Chagrin Blvd. Suite 515 East-Beachwood, Ohio 44122 (h) 216-378-9464-© 216-571-6488 (w) 440-786-3298 more on p. 5 and a travel bus. opp. p. 17

cont. from p. 1 Get Well Center IPT Therapy In giving an intravenous infusion of short acting insulin, one can cause a rapid decrease of sugar in the blood. Normally the blood sugar is 95 mg/dI-100 mg/dl. This level is ideal for diseased cells (and health cells) to thrive. However diseased cells cannot survive when the sugar level drops to 35 mg/dl to 40 mg/dl. This is what happens when we infuse insulin. We starve the diseased cells to death, while there is no harm done to healthy cells. Furthermore, the diseased cells, because they have six times more insulin receptors, allow medications to get into the diseased cell much easier and in great quantities. It is estimated that when using the IPT procedure in cancer cells, the accumulation of chemotherapeutic agents in 9000 fold as compared to accumulation in normal cells. Knowing this fact one has to administer only a low dose of chemotherapy (about 10-15 % of the normal dose) to achieve good results. The advantage of the IPT with low dose chemotherapy is that the patient tolerates the therapy well without the side effects as seen in full dose traditional chemotherapy. Within six weeks a cancer patient will definitely know if the chemo is working ó without any side effects. IPT is also used in arthritis and chronic infections with excellent results. In these instances we do not use chemotherapy but other agents such as antioxidants, antibiotics, or antifungals. Each illness uses a different schedule of treatment. Those treated with IPT for arthritis can be pain free for years after the treatments are completed. In conclusion, IPT is safe and effective for most patients. Also, results will be apparent within the first six weeks if the treatment is helping or not. All IPT treatments are done in our office. Juan C. Penhos, MD, Get Well Center ï 635 South Trimble Road. Mansfield, Ohio 44906 . 419-524-2676 ï e-mail: As a Small Business Owner the last thing you need to worry about is a legal issue. Cheryl Heinonen, Independent Associate/Group Benefits Specialist, Pre Paid Legal Services, Inc. 440-813-5688 mention Healthy Referral.

Exercise Lifts Spirits of Frail Elderly Adults

Exercise, whether in the form of strength training, stretching or walking, can provide a much-needed emotional boost to frail, elderly men and women, say researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Mo. And this benefit comes without the cost of additional pain or discomfort. More than 1,700 elderly adults, all of whom were frail and at risk of fall-related injuries, took part in exercise programs at four sites across the United States. Activities focused on balance training, muscular strength and endurance exercises, and stretching. Researchers discovered that participants experienced a marked improvement in emotional health overall and, specifically, in how they felt about themselves. Lead researcher Dr. Kenneth B. Schectman was particularly encouraged by the fact that study subjects did not experience an increase in pain or discomfort as a result of participating in these activities. This is significant given that many older adults live with painful conditions such as arthritis, which may make them wary of exercise. Even so, he cautions all older adults to consult with their physicians before beginning an exercise program. Additional studies are planned to determine the optimal type, frequency and intensity of exercise needed to provide this emotional boost to this growing population. Source: Annals of Behavioral Medicine,August 2001. Courtesy Snap Fitness. see p. 17

Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 10

Angel Valley

Angel Valley’s Mission is to support you and your group on your journey while you are here. One of the ways we provide support is through the nutritious and healing food we serve to our guests. Angel Valley offers the finest in vegetarian, vegan and raw cuisine. Chicken and fish are available options as well, upon request.We highly suggest that when a retreat facilitator is selecting menu options for the retreat participants, he or she take into account the tastes and preferences of the attendees. Our experience has shown that the purity of Angel Valley’s standard vegetarian fare, while ideal for most people, can have a profound effect on group participants not accustomed to eating purely vegetarian, healthful cuisine.Some guests may experience symptoms of detoxification, such as headaches, indigestion, restlessness and aggravation. These are common effects when the body withdraws from salt, sugars, preservatives, and chemical additives, which are not present in our healthful meals. Angel Valley 13513 Angel Valley Road Sedona, AZ 86336 For information, reservations and appointments call: Tel: (928) 634-1320

Why a Kyäni Sunrise May Be the Answer to Your Health and Wealth “Your Home Business of the Future”

Kyäni Sunrise is a high antioxidant juice that is an unbelievable blend of the Alaska Wild Blueberry and other superior berries and fruits. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other health promoting ingredients complement the wild blueberry in promoting overall health and wellness.

Contact Marda Miller today: (801) 664-7821. email: see p. 19 for Marda and her husband Lance amazing story

Ricky Ly’s Thai Classic owned for over 20 years! Delicious Basil Chicken (you can order vegetarian style), combined with mouth watering baby corn, bell peppers, stir fried in our mild or spicy sauce shown in photo.

Wait til you taste the generous vegetarian selections such as: •Avocado veggies or tofu with fresh avacado, green beans, onion, bell peppers, baby corn, water chestnut, broccoli and pea pod. Sauteed in spicy coconut sauce and topped with ground peanuts. OR •General T’so Tofu with delicate paper thin rolled tofu, deep fried and tossed with a rich brown garlic sauce, mildly spiced with strips of hot pepper and scallions. •Coconut Spaghetti-spaghetti noodles tossed with shrimp, meat or without meat and veggies in mild spiced coconut sauce •Top off with brown rice and coconut rice! 25800 Central Parkway, Beachwood, OH 216-360-9384 Open 7 days. Right off 271 and Chagrin (off Enterprise Parkway across from the Shell

Raw Foods Chef Kellie Speth presenting a raw foods class at Sur La Table, Woodmere, OH, Using the Kyocera Ceramic Knives and Kitchenware.

Plus see Kellie in action at Snooks Organic Restaurant in Akron, OH using the amazing healthy knives from Kyocera (see ad pg. 12). Visit www. to see the video (click on Healthy Articles and then Kellie Speth video).

Made by Scratch Authentic Turkish Recipes! Visit

Antalya Red Square Restaurant Today!

Station) 216-360-9384

Custom Fashion. Lindsay’s mother and grandmother were huge influences of her love for textiles and fashion. Lindsay’s mother designed and created all of her holiday dresses when she was younger. She watched her grandmother as she designed and created her dress suits from scratch. Lindsay’s mother and grandmother taught her how to knit and crochet when she was younger. (Little did Lindsay know; she would eventually master the art of knit and crochet)-Lindsay Jean-Marie is a Fashion Designer/Textile Artist 111 N. Main Street Akron, Ohio 44306 Hours: Thursday - Saturday 3pm - 9pm-Contact Lindsay by e-mail or 330-608-7159

“The Baklava that Chef Sonmez from Turkey makes will have you doing cartwheels.”-Tom coeditor Healthy Referral Newsapaper In photo: Mediterranean Salad with gently rolled vegetarian grape leaves, delicious lentil soup (with just the right spices), oregano from Turkey, and softly heating pita. Order the Vegetarian Okra Stew-okra cooked with vegetables in fresh tomato sauce served with rice. All dishes made to order on the spot with authentic Turkish herbs, spices, flavor! 5131 Mayfield Rd. Lyndhurst, OH 44124. 440-461-0818. Catering, parties, private Turkish themed room, corporate meetings.

Taste the Authentic Flavors of Mexico

Nuevo Acapulco

Mexican Restaurant

La Dolce Vita 12112 Mayfield Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Phone: 216.721.8155 District: Little Italy Category: Bar,Lunch,Patio,Wheelchair Access,American,Italian

Phnom Penh Restaurant “Experience Delicous Vietnamese and Cambodian Cuisine Including Many Vegetarian Meals” Amok Siemreap-served with steamed rice. A delicious combination of spicy shrimp, scallops, crab and catfish with coconut milk stirred with special paste and steamed with banana leaf cup, green pepper served with cilantro. Jeannette Bun, born in Cambodia (Phnom Penh City). I have lived in Cleveland, OH 7 years. I work in Phnom Penh restaurant which serve Cambodian and Vietnamese foods that own by my parent. Our restaurants run the top of the best Cambodian food every year. I work full time also study part time. I study Tri-C college. I have four different majors: Business Management, Business Administration, Art, Science. Ms Bun is holding a plate of Amok Siemreap described above. Mention Healthy Referral Newspaper and receive 10% savings on your meal of $10 or more. Dine in. Valid Thru June 08. 1929 W. 25th Cleveland, OH 44113. Near Westside Market., Mon.-Thurs. 10:30-9:30p.m. Fri and Sat. 10:30-11p.m. Sun. 2-9p.m. 216-357-2951.

* Home-Cooked Mexican Cuisine * Festive Atmosphere * Extensive Menu * Vegetarian Dishes * Carry-Out Food Available

Fajitas de Verdura A vegetarian fajita made with all the vegetables we can find in the kitchen (onions, bell peppers, celery, tomatoes, carrots, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini). Served with rice, whole beans, guacamole, sour cream and tortillas.-9.75 Enchiladas de Verdura-Two corn tortillas filled with all the vegetables in the burrito Acapulco. Topped with green tomatillo sauce and cheese. Served with whole beans, rice, guacamole and sour cream.-8.95 Potato Chimichanga-A crisp flour tortilla filled with mashed potatoes, onions, tomatoes, cilantro, spices. Served with whole beans, rice, guacamole and sour cream.-8.95

Burrito Acapulco-Vegetarian burrito. 10” flour tortilla filled with sautéed onions, peppers, mushrooms, carrots, celery and tomatoes, rice and whole beans. Topped with a special red sauce, sour cream and guacamole. add Chicken or Beef, or picadillo for only 1.00-8.95 Chimichanga de Verdura-A flour tortilla filled with onions, peppers, mushrooms, carrots, celery, and tomatoes, then deep fried golden brown. Served with rice and beans. Garnished with sour cream and guacamole.-8.95 •2 locations: North Olmsted-24409 Lorain Rd. North Olmsted, OH 44070-Call: 440-734-3100 •Location 2-Berea-804 Front St.-Berea, OH Call: 440-234-2500

Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 11

PolyMVA is for People and Even PETS!

cont. from p. 1 Is Poly-MVA the long waited solution for terminally ill cancer patients? Let’s compare the facts. According to a report from the Journal of Clinical Oncology (2004) 16:549-560, the 5-Year Overall Survival Rate for Stage 4 cancer patients receiving chemotherapy treatments was 2.1%. In the clinical study conducted by Dr. Forsythe, 71% of the cancer patients in the Poly-MVA group were still alive and enjoying a good quality of life after 2 years. Additional articles on can be seen at: Cancer Articles ‘’Will (the FDA) eventually re-categorize Poly-MVA as a drug? Quite possibly,’’ said Dr. Frank Antonawich, Senior Scientist at Garnett McKeen Laboratory and Biology Dept. Chairman at St. Joseph’s College in Patchogue, New York. “We’ve received an investigational new drug application from the FDA, and we’re in the process of running tests…who knows, maybe in the future every physician will prescribe Poly-MVA as part of their patient’s chemo and radiation package. That would be phenomenal too.” -- St. Josephs College Magazine, February 2008, Vol. 6 No. 1 (Cancer Research) Dr. Albert Sanchez, Founder of the Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Research, has been working with Poly-MVA ever since the supplement was first introduced 13 years ago. ‘’When Dr. Forsythe began his now famous clinical studies utilizing Poly-MVA for Stage 4 cancer patients who had failed conventional treatment, we had already been documenting one remission after another during the previous 9 years as one cancer patient after another realized the benefits of taking this extraordinary dietary supplement,’’ said Dr. Sanchez. ‘’But we needed to move beyond purely anecdotal evidence in order to have a scientifically valid basis for bringing this news to the world. We now have that validation and I consider it my duty to shout the news from every mountain top.’’

Drew Goodman Diagnosed: 4/24/04-Diagnosis: Giloblastoma Multiforme IV Brain Tumor ( Drew was only 4 when diagnosed with this adult brain tumor) Contact: Mother: Gina Goodman Drew is the youngest of 6 children. He was born January 18, 2000. He has always been a very active, “normal” boy. He loves God, his family, friends, Power Rangers, Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Aladdin, and girls. Drew has never met a stranger.

In March 2004, Drew complained of headaches. He would projectile vomit for no reason and without warning. There were no other symptoms or problems and it didn’t happen every day. The pediatrician treated him first for a virus and then a couple of weeks later treated him for a sinus infection. When Drew did not get better, but worse in a matter of days, the doctor agreed to order a cat scan of the sinus cavity. After researching the options, Drew was entered into Clinical Trial #ACBF0126 - Phase III. This includes 33 radiation treatments, 42 days of Temador (chemotherapy) with 10 more rounds of 5 days on and 23 days off at a higher dosage of Temador, administered orally, at home. On April 26, 2005, Drew completed the last round of chemo required for the clinical trial. As our world seemed to be crashing down around us, we prayed to God for guidance, strength and a cure. We would not accept the possibility that our son could die. We prayed, our family and community prayed. We received so much support from so many people. My sister found the Poly-MVA website. We researched Poly MVA and spoke with Gary Matson and another Poly user before deciding to start Drew on Poly MVA. On June 28, 2004 Drew started on 4 tsp. per day. Immediately, we saw Drew’s energy levels increase. Drew has taken as much as 12 tsp. of Poly MVA per day for several months. Currently, he is on 2 tsp., daily, along with several other supplements and an organic diet. As of, October 2004, Drew has had clean MRI’s. Drew is considered clean of active tumor. Over the past several years, Drew has been on Poly MVA and many other nutritional supplements and homeopathic remedies.

Our cat Maya was diagnosed with mammalary cancer, one of the most invasive and fast-progressing forms of cancer. We treated her with

chemotherapy while adding two immune system supplements. We visited an alternative medicine vet who recommended that we put Maya on a maintenance dose of Palladium Lipoic Complex. At the oncology center where Maya received her chemotherapy treatments, we were told that with mammalary cancer, a recurrence of cancer often manifests itself in other parts of the body within a year. She has been cancer free for 2 years. We are very grateful for the Palladium Lipoic Complex and the support it provided her during chemotherapy.” Gilbert and Priscilla Munz

“Robeks Acai energizer smoothie

always gives me energy when I’m working long shifts and I feel great all day.”-Amanda “I always look forward to working at Robeks! The food is absolutely delicious and it’s also really healthy!” -Josh Naturally, we want you love the taste of a freshly blended Robeks’ fruit smoothie... the zest of squeezed-fresh juice...the natural sweetness of fresh fruit...the zen of a

green tea shot...the full-bodied flavor of a gourmet salad and wrap...or sinful creaminess of our non-fat yogurt.

We want you to enjoy every sip, scoop

and morsel knowing that you are giving back to yourself! Endulge! Order the

power packed Acai (Ah-sci-ee) Energy Bowl today.

•Rocky River-20647 Center Ridge Road-Rocky River, OH 44116/ Phone: 440-356-2647/ Fax: 440-356-2659 • North Olmsted-corner of Lorain and Clague 23420 Lorain Rd.North Olmsted,OH 44070/440.801.1850 • Warrensville Heights-4025 Richmond Rd Suite B, Warrensville Heights,OH,44122. 216.831.1860 (across from CCC)

Order Today-

•One bottle 8 oz. $189/bottle/ •2-5 bottles 8 oz. $179/bottle •6 or more bottles 8 oz. $169 per bottle includes Shipping within Continental USA. To order today Call 1-866-99-GRAND (47263) AMARC Enterprises endeavors to treat people honestly and with integrity and to promote healthy living through our search for the highest quality, most beneficial nutritional supplements. We seek to improve the quality of life for all those interested in maintaining their well-being. AMARC truly believes that through smart supplementation with efficacious products, as part of a healthy lifestyle, people can live fuller, longer and happier lives. Since 1994, AMARC has been providing quality products that have helped thousands of people achieve better health.

Poly MVA DVD Cancer Survivors. Don’t lie free with your order while supplies last.

Your health is vitally important. We are happy to answer your questions about our products and their advantages to you. You can count on AMARC Enterprises to conveniently provide access to unique products while maintaining the highest ethical and legal standards. Thank you for your support!

Contact Distributor Healthy Referral: to order 1-866-99-GRAND (47263) Q: 440-519-1889

Orders by mail send to: Healthy Referral, Box 271, Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 Please include quantity, address, city, state, phone, email

Primal Spirit Foods wins 2007 VegNews Magazine Best of Show AwardDelicious Meatless NEW Sticks Plus Strips! Ask Your Favorite Grocer

Moundsville, WV March 27, 2007 — VegNews, America’s premier vegetarian lifestyle magazine, is pleased to announce Primal Spirit Food’s, Primal Sticks as one of the year’s hottest new vegetarian products at the nation’s largest natural products trade show, Expo West. Held March 8–11 in Anaheim, the magazine’s team of editors scoured the show for the best new vegetarian products and awarded just 11 companies top honors. • Non-GMO’s • Vegan • Kosher • All natural snacks containing no preservatives or anything artificial • High Protein - No Cholesterol - Low Fat • A healthy alternative in a $1 billion annual industry •Meat alternative market has increased in sales by 88.5% in the last four years....• Texture and flavor that offer real meaty satisfaction. RR1 Box 314 Limestone Hill Road, Moundsvill WV, 26041 Toll Free: 800-887-6162, Ph: 304-845-1810, Fax: 304-845-6331 E-Mail: office@primalspiritfoods. com, Web:

Round peg. Square hole. Humans were simply not meant to fit in a cubicle. Not cut out for cube life? At Zrii, we think that’s a good thing. Set your hours, own your own wellness business, call your shots, build your future - it’s the perfect fit. Zrii is a new, great tasting nutritional beverage that’s changing lives. It is the FIRST & ONLY third party product to be endorsed by the Chopra

Center for Wellbeing, founded by Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Simon.

article on page 18 & 19

Zrii is repeatedly breaking record after record for health and wealth. See

Zrii is a wellness company of vision, creating successful wellness entrepreneurs all over the country. Are you ready to create a tremendously freer lifestyle? Join us today. The timing is right.Call today - George Gecik at 440-256-4404, visit or email

Environmentally Friendly. Safe for your body and the environment. Family run for over 20 years! 11401 Saint Clair Ave Cleveland, OH 44108-1948 Phone: (216) 249-6555 Corporate, church, school uniform cleaning.

SECRESEA™ Indulge your skin with mother nature’s first and finest ingredients. This skin care line contains timeless offerings from sea and land, using only the highest quality botanical ingredients, extracts, and essential oils to rejuvenate and purify your skin. SecreSea generously nourishes the skin with Marine Phytoplankton and then adds aloe vera, lavender, and other nutrients to support healthy skin. The synergy created from nourishing the body with Marine Phytoplankton inside and out promises amazing results. SecreSea is a five step system for youthful. vibrant healthy skin. click on ecatalog. 866-99-GRAND to order. NOT in stores.

Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 12

Diet/Nutrition/Whole Foods Tired? Can’t get enough rest? Chronic fatigue has been given all these names:

3. Other foods stressful to the immune system that might slow recovery include mushrooms, chocolate, cola (especially diet cola drinks), chemical flavorings, colorings and sweeteners, and alcoholic beverages.

Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome — Cfids — Chronic Fatigue Syndrome — Candida Albicans Syndrome — Candidiasis — Myalgic Encephalitis — Epstein-Barr Syndrome — Food Allergy — Monilia — Environmental Illness — Sick Building Syndrome — Ecological Illness — Chemical Sensitivity — Allergic Tension Fatigue Syndrome — Hyperactivity Syndrome — Attention Deficit Disorder — Dyslexia — Asthma — Hypoglycemia — Post Flu Syndrome — Mercury Toxicity — Heavy Metal Toxicity

The most frequently eaten foods are those which are most likely to cause or aggravate symptoms. The immune system becomes sensitized by prolonged and repeated exposures. Sensitivity should be suspected to favorite foods, especially if they are craved and eaten frequently. Sensitivities to foods can best be diagnosed by keeping a food diary, observe when your symptoms are more severe and what did you just recently eat. Then test that food/symptom connection by strictly eliminating that food until symptoms improve. Remember, sensitivity tends to fade with avoidance.

What it all generally boils down to is our modern environment and lifestyles are challenging our immune systems and our overworked immune systems are struggling to keep us going. By reducing stress on the immune system, and by keeping that stress to a minimum for several months, many patients who have suffered with symptoms for many years can find relief. Significant reduction of immune system stress and relief of related symptoms can be accomplished by following the treatment program described below. Immune dysfunction is becoming an epidemic. It has been observed that over 60% of Americans needlessly suffer from some form of delayed food allergy, food intolerance or environmental sensitivity, causing chronic health problems. Because of the non-specific nature of symptoms, let your physician rule out other unsuspected causes. What we help you achieve at the Healing Center is:1. A less toxic or non toxic environment 2. Colon, liver, and lymph cleanse 3. Nutritional rebuilding program 4. Healthy lifestyle 5. Balance between career, home, spirit, body, and environment The first step in restoring your compromised immune system is eliminating any apparent environmental factors. For example - estrogen mimickers in our environment called xenoestrogens (pronounced ‘zeno’ estrogens) found in plastics, pesticide-laden foods, nail polish, dry cleaned clothing and bleached feminine hygiene products are further disrupting our estrogen balance increasing the risk of cancer – hence, a challenged immune system. There are many other easily identified immune stressors in our environment that a consultation can identify. Once we have addressed the changes that can be made in your environment, step 2 is to cleanse, cleanse, cleanse! (Remember: A thorough detox program should only be done with the help of an experienced health practitioner.) What has been building up in your body and finally led to your exhaustion, has to come out. Just covering up symptoms will not lead to lifelong wellness. Thirdly, a complete and balanced nutrition program is absolutely necessary. What is the point of cleaning house, if you’re still pouring junk in? You truly ARE WHAT YOU EAT! Each person is different and a consultation is necessary to determine the diet and supplements appropriate for them. However some general dietary guidelines are: The following foods should be minimized: 1. Refined and simple sugars, including table sugar, honey, syrup, molasses, fruit juices and dried fruit. Small servings of unsweetened fresh fruit may be consumed in limited amounts--up to three moderate servings per day. 2. Breads and bakery products, which contain wheat, rye, corn and yeast, are eliminated. Rice, oats and barley are somewhat better tolerated, but most patients respond better if they avoid all grains for several months. Potatoes are better tolerated as a substitute for grains. Sweet potatoes and yams are highly nutritious and are the best grain substitutes that are least likely to cause problems.

Dr. Krystosik is a chiropractic family physician with an undergraduate degree in clinical nutrition. He is a nation-

ally known speaker and an author of several books on natural medicine. For more than a decade Dr. Krystosik has been the host of a weekly radio program, “The Other Side of Medicine.” Each week, he provides his listening audience with valuable information on nutrition, herbs, lifestyle modifications, and other natural medicines. Over the years he has interviewed many distinguished experts in the field of integrative medicine—Dr. Linus Pauling, Dr. Jeffrey Bland, Dr. Lydon Smith, Dr. Julian Whitikar and many others. Dr. Krystosik lives what he writes. He works out at the gym and plays basketball with college students three days per week. Dr. Krystosik’s athletic performance is evidence that his diet and lifestyle have significant merit in slowing the aging process. It is also a declaration that human body is capable of extreme physical activity after the age of 50 if a healthy lifestyle is maintained. Dr. Krystosik has an active practice in Solon, Ohio and specializes in the treatment of chronic health disorders as they relate to delayed food allergy/sensitivity reactions. As well as the treatment of musculoskeletal pain with chiropractic care. TEL: 440-519-1766

Impaired immunity predisposes to food and chemical sensitivity. The best results have been received with a diet of at least 75% raw food. Raw foods are simple and unadulterated, having far less opportunity for contamination. Organic is best, but when not possible, get the freshest and most locally grown you can.

cont., from pg. 16 Robeks Founded in 1996, Robeks Corporation is a juice-bar chain headquartered in Manhattan Beach, California. It offers premium fruit smoothies to diet-conscious fast-food consumers. The chain offers “boosts” that can be added to any smoothie to enhance the nutritional content of it. Robeks also offers special nutritional drinks, such as the “800 Pound Gorilla” that contains 26g of protein per 12 ounce serving, according to information provided by Robeks. There are also drinks such as “Pro Arobek”, containing nutritional supplements targeted to those who work out often. In addition to work-out drinks and fruit smoothies, Robeks offers custom-made whole-fruit frozen yogurt, sandwiches, wraps, salads, chips, protein bars, nutritional supplements, prepackaged drinks, and at some locations, hot soups and teas. Robeks markets itself as a healthier alternative to fast food. Its emphasis is on providing all natural fruits and juices in its smoothies, which differentiates it from rivals.

•Rocky River-20647 Center Ridge Road-Rocky River, OH 44116/ Phone: 440-356-2647/ Fax: 440-356-2659 • North Olmsted-corner of Lorain and Clague 23420 Lorain Rd.North Olmsted,OH 44070/440.801.1850 • Warrensville Heights-4025 Richmond Rd Suite B, Warrensville Kyocera BWad r2.08 2/26/08 (across 4:22 from PM Page 1 Heights,OH,44122. 216.831.1860 CCC)-see ad on pg 9


Most food allergies come on slowly, they often require repeated exposures and tend to fade with elimination from the diet. Blood testing for that type of allergy has proven to be very unreliable, with a high percentage of both false positive and false negative results. The only reliable test for sensitivity to a specific food or chemical is consistent improvement following elimination and reoccurrence of symptoms following a challenge. Onset of symptoms after exposure to a food allergen may not occur until hours or even days later, and often require multiple exposures. Food allergies tend to change as diet is changed. They are often not “fixed” allergies. The foods, which are eaten most, are most likely to cause symptoms. Sensitivity to those foods slowly fades after elimination. Allergic foods may again be tolerated after several months of avoidance while previously “safe” foods may begin to cause symptoms, as their frequency of consumption is increased. Rotation of dietary foods, avoiding repeated consumption of botanically related foods more often than every fourth day, is sometimes helpful for severely allergic patients. Patients usually discover that they feel better and have fewer allergic symptoms if they limit consumption of milk products, wheat and corn throughout life. If eaten infrequently, they may not cause problems. There are many new supplements available to help rebuild your immune system. Sit down with your health consultant and decide together which ones are right for you. New information is becoming available at a rapid rate. For example the new data on Vitamin D3 and its role in cancer prevention. The fourth ingredient: healthy lifestyle, while varying from individual to individual, consists basically of eating a balanced diet and getting adequate rest and exercise. Exercise regularly, but without causing more fatigue. Pace yourself -- physically, emotionally, and intellectually -- because too much stress can aggravate your symptoms. There are always ways to relieve stress, but sometimes you may need the aid of someone who can look at your life more objectively than you, when you are on the battlefield every day. Most important, remember to nurture yourself. The world does not rest on your shoulders, and you will be amazed that when you do take time to nurture yourself, somehow things do get done. The course of chronic fatigue syndrome varies from patient to patient, again, we can’t stress enough the importance of a thorough health consultation to identify the best plan for you. A plan to bring balance to your life, body, and environment. Abundant health is your natural state of being! Consultations in person or by telephone. You can contact us at 330-747-9323 or . Organic and Vegan Jamaican style patties -Our business started just over a year ago and was long awaited. Our goal was simple: to provide a healthy and holistic alternative to the ‘small foods’ available. We had our first awesome experience with our product at the Vegetarian Food Fair festival last September 2006. We have not stopped in this vain and have experienced an overwhelming response at similar events such as the Guelph Organic Conference and our biggest event to date, the Green Living Show this past April. Our business is wholesale right now with plans to expand to retail in the near future. We make Organic and Vegan Jamaican style patties and we are excited about extending our product line at our new location in Mississauga. Our bakery is committed to vegan only products and with an emphasis on organic integrity we are currently seeking certification. In addition to our focus on health we have a passion for the environment and have launched our ‘Eco Pack’ with recycled paper boxes and biodegradable wrap. If you have any further questions please contact 647-477-6297 or 519-836-3381 ask for Omar or Leon. Thank you for your continued support in this vital industry. Sincerely, Omar Rodney

Raw Foods Ready to Eat Meals./Snacks to Your Order: 866-99-Grand. Q 440-519-1889. info@healthyreferral. com. Ask about $ opportunity.

Customize Your Ad Message with Natural Lip Balm. All ingredients in Lip

Balm Express are of the highest purity to protect and help moisturize your lips. Our quality natural blend of Sun Flower butter, Beeswax, Aloe

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Natural Food Stores and Restaurants •Cleveland School of Massage: 330-405-1933 800-537-0294

with Veggie Cuisine & Other Bus. •Feng Shui with a Healing Heart: 330-666-7136 •Aladdin Baking Co-216-861-0317-Cleveland © 2008 Kyocera Tycom Corporation. •Jordan Chiropractic: 440-205-1889 •Hunan by the Falls-440-247-0808 •Bhumi’s Yoga & Wellness: 440.236.6366 •Mustard Seed Market and Cafe in Akron 330-666-SEED •Reed Chiropractic: 440-248-0242 and in Solon: 440-519-FOOD •Terra Maxa Herbs: 800-783-7817 •Nature’s Bin in Lakewood-216-521-4600 •Momentum 98-nationwide wellness prod. 614-262-7087 •Saffron Patch-Shaker Hts and Akron -216-295-0400 •US Trager Association: 216-896-9383 •Middle East Restaurant, Cleveland 216-771-2647•Earth Acupuncture: Barb Hartmann: 440-548-2281 •Better Health in Geneva •Am. Assoc of Taoist Studies: 216-646-9129 •Reinecker’s Bakery-in your fi ne food stores •Towpath Racquet Club: 330-928-8763 330-467-2221 •Good Nature Organic Lawn: 440-708-1143 •tommy’s on Coventry 216--321-7757 •Mighty Ducts: 440-247-5565 •Western Reserve Bread Co. in Bainbridge-440-543-2780 •Tennis Lessons: Arun’s Tennis Acad. 216-765-1059 •Talita’s Mexican Restaurnt in Columbus 614-262-6000 •Gestalt Institute: 216-421-0468 •East West Center-and Macrobiotic Center of Cleveland •Thad Bosman, DC 330-425-2101 216-371-1671 and 216-371-3222. Macrobiotic dinners, •Colon Hydrotherapy: 440-387-2169 classes. •Dee Wolk Perm Weight Loss: 440-464-8778 •Tangier’s in Akron 800 Tangier •Berit Nilsson, LMT., Polarity: 614-457-5783 •Whole World Bakery Columbus 614-268-5751 •Preventive Medicine Group: 440-835-0104 •Luchita’s Cleveland •Prisma Ctr: 440-729-care •Organic Energy Cafe-Solon 440-349-1500 •New Perspectives Counseling: 216-261-8005 •Vegeterranian-Akron •Ken Klak, DO. 216-587-6800 •Robeks-Harvard Park 216-831-1860 N. Olmsted •Macrobiotic Center of Cleveland 216-371-3222 440-801-1850 •Adam Wysocki, DC. 440-885-7373 •Mint Cafe Coventry 216-320-9915 new Pepper Pike •Al Wasil, ND. 330-376-7088 •Web of Life in Westlake 440-899-2882 •Science of Spirituality: 440-735-0259 •Ability to Change•American Harvest-Middleburg Hts.,440-888-7727 R. Michael Schoenberg, PhD: 330-920- 1660 •New Earth Natural Foods-Akron- 330-929-2415 •Jack Jones, M.D., 330-920-1660 •Olive Branch in Canton-330-477-7988 •Phoenix Books: 614-268-3100 •Marshalls in Maple Hts. 216-475-0344 •Jack Lesyk, Ph.D., sports psychology 216-575-6175 •Natural Oven’s-Wisconsin 800-772-0730 •Hozvicka’s Natural Health Center: 419-484-7701 •Raisin Rack in Canton 330-492-3660 Robeks: •Rocky River-20647 Center Ridge Road•Vassar Health Foods Euclid 216-692-0028 Rocky River, OH 44116/ Phone: 440-356-2647/ •Hobarts in Parma-440-888-5656 Fax: 440-356-2659 • North Olmsted-corner of Lorain •Food Coop near Case in Cleveland 216-791-3890 and Clague 23420 Lorain Rd.North Olmsted,OH •Healthy Treasures & More in Newton Falls 330-872-1119 44070/440.801.1850 • Warrensville Heights-4025 •Caitos in Solon 440-248-2480 Richmond Rd Suite B, Warrensville Heights,OH,44122. •GNC downtown-216-694-3029 216.831.1860 (across from CCC) •Italian Creations Lakewood 216-226-2282 •Jordan Chiropractic-Mentor, OH 440-205-1889 •Empress Taytu-Cleveland •Cafe Tandoor-Cleveland Hts. 216-371-8500 •Nuevo Acapulco-N. Olmsted /Berea 440-734-3100

MACROBIOTIC COOKING SERIES” with Francois Roland Explore the world of macrobiotic cooking -Many new recipes will be introduced, including soups, vegetable, grain and pasta salads, sandwiches, desserts, and more. * How to Make Delicious Soups; Whole Grains, Beans, Pasta, Sea Vegetables; *Homestyle healthy recipes for Summer *Learn Macrobiotic Salads; Condiments; Pickles; *Desserts; Boiling, Sauteeing, Blanching, Pan-Frying; Combining, Sauces, Dressings; *Food Selection; Meal Balancing; Cutting Techniques; Utensils. *Discover Healing Foods such as Miso, Shoyu, Kuzu, Shiitake, Umeboshi, Tofu, Tempeh and More. *Learn Nutritional And Healing Properties of Many Natural Foods Cost: $100 for whole program (4 WEEKS), or $30 single classes.-Location: 1793 Radnor Rd in Cleveland Heights.-To register: Email or call (216) 371-3222 extracts, Vitamin E helps prevent chapped and dry lips. We use organic aromatic essential oils to add a pleasant fragrance and long lasting taste. You can also call us at: (866) 214.9978

Organic Energy Restaurant and Power Juice Cafe 28500 Miles Rd, Suite J Solon, Ohio 44139-P: 440.349.1500 F: 440.349.1600

Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 13

Conscious Cuisine Campaign:

Helene Berk, M.Ed., R.D. author Metabolic Makeover, CEO Therapeutic (Rx) Groceries + “Conscious Cuisine” = CONSCIOUS CUISINE CAMPAIGN [This initiative is being sponsored by] Let’s compare therapeutic to conscious cuisine. We might as well begin with the concept of consciousness. CONSCIOUS CUISINE-The first thing to do, to become conscious of your cuisine, is to check ingredient lists. Conscious cuisine is free of synthetic sweeteners, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, bleached sugars, trans fats [i.e., hydrogenated & partially hydrogenated oils], refined, enriched and bleached flours, hormones, anti-biotics, MSG, synthetic colors and preservatives. It is simple to find “conscious” Oreo-style cookies. The thing to keep in mind, is the ingredients may not be absolutely perfect. That is, too much natural sugar, refined oils, lack of fibers, but the conscious cookie will be dramatically more nutrient-dense than its mainstream version. The conscious version may not be therapeutic, but will have a greater spectrum of available vitamins, minerals and will often contain more plant fibers. Plus, you will usually feel better after having ingested them, in the appropriate dose. WATCH THE CARBS!-The word “conscious” in the context of cuisine, indicates ingredients are not in of themselves, toxic. However, in large doses, even conscious cuisine can become toxic. As previously mentioned, conscious cuisine may, at times, contain high amounts of glycemic natural sugars [e.g., dehydrated cane juice, honey, maple syrup, fruit syrups, etc.]. These more nutrient-dense sweetening agents rapidly raise blood sugars just as fast as their refined counterparts. That’s naughty news for diabetics, heart patients, cancer patients, or anyone suffering from an inflammatory condition aggravated by lifestyle. REMEMBER: Sugars and starches are both stored as triglycerides (blood fats), so overdosing on them aggravates heart disease as well as a variety of other genetically pre-dispositioned disorders. Overdosing on sugars and starches compromises immunity and triggers generalized inflammation, switching on an array of symptoms. THAT SUGAR BUZZ-Munching wildly on sugars and starches in response to stress or boredom also numbs your senses and keeps you from focusing. To stay alert throughout the day, watch your dose of carbohydrates, which trigger the release of serotonin into the mix for a mind-numbing experience. The more sugar and starch, the more serotonin released. However, because conscious sugars and starches have been spared the bleaching process, you may feel as if you have contributed a few vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants to your body’s bank account, instead of robbing it! Nevetheless, watch the dose, if you want to stay conscious. THE BALANCING ACT-As a dietitian, I must remind you to balance carbohydrates with enough protein to control the speed at which sugars and starches enter your bloodstream. Balancing the right dose of protein with carbohydrate-rich cuisine will manage blood sugars for roughly 3-5 hours. For instance, soy milk or organic cow’s milk both provide enough protein to balance a carbohydrate-loaded bowl of fiberrich, nutrient-dense breakfast cereal, granola mix or breakfast bar. THERAPEUTIC (Rx) CUISINE Now, let’s define the concept of “cream of the crop therapeutic cuisine”. The Rx food, beverage, spice or herb may assist the body in healing by achieving homeostasis [i.e., BALANCE]. Rx cuisine may help to manage moods and inflammation with omega-3’s, or pH balancing elements...or both... like the phytoplankton (raw green food from the sea) I mention in my Top Ten Favorite Rx Cuisine article. Some Rx cuisine may even help balance blood sugars with specials herbs or may be low glycemic. The Rx cuisine cont. p.18

Dhanvantari Wholistic Center

Parvati Devi Dasi Fair, Colon Hydrotherapist, Holistic Health Wellness Coach, Natural & Raw Foods Educator, Aerobics Instructor, Breakthrough Practitioner & Licensed Ordained Minister 33324 Overland Lane Solon, Ohio 44106-Office: (440) 498-3489 -Website: www.

“Love Yourself Enough To Heal Yourself”-My second daughter, Krs-

navati was a breast feed baby. As a retired teacher and natural child birth educator, I was fully prepared to receive my third home birth baby. What I was not prepared for in the proceeding months can only be described as a feeling similar to that of stepping into the twilight zone. Krsnavati was born a very small baby. I was always concerned that I was not producing enough breast milk for her. So, when I found myself feeling the affects of a terrible flu that left me feeling weak, with pain and soreness in my joints, I prayed my baby would not get sick as well. I was always the picture of health. I never got sick. But, this sciatic nerve pain in my hip began to show signs of its attack on my body. I could not understand why I was not recovering from this illness. After about 3 weeks, I intuitively knew something was terribly wrong. I was slowly going down hill. This is when I began an internal conversation asking myself, “what is wrong with me”? I rationalized that I had been a vegetarian for more than 10 years. I did not smoke or drink, so why were the effects of this flu lasting so long? The fact is, I could not deny that I was dragging my right foot. This is when I began to argue with myself, saying, “ I am too young to have had a stroke”. With an unbearable sciatic nerve pain in my hip, I suffered through various hospital test and procedures, to hear doctors say they could not figure out what was wrong with me. As you can imagine, I was most concerned about my newborn infant, who I was still nursing. Gradually, as my symptoms became more pronounced, the intensity of my sciatic nerve pain took away my ability to walk. My bodily systems began to shut down as I was unable to lift my head up off the pillow. Obviously, my immune system was seriously compromised. Within 2 months, I was in a wheel chair and completely paralyzed on my entire right side. This sharp and piercing sciatic nerve pain never went away. I refused to take any drugs or medications because I was still nursing my daughter. Every time she sucked on my nipple, the pain was intensified. For her to simply lay on any part of my body was painful because everything hurt. I was in pain 24/7, and still refusing to conceive that I would not be around to raise her and my other 3 children, ages 5, 7 and 9. In the spring of 1993, I told my 9 year old daughter to call 911 if anything happened to mommy,

because I knew I was dieing. I was tired. The pain was just too much. I did not want to fight anymore and for the first time in many months, I was able to rest. In the speed of light, the story of my life flashed before me in high definition color. There was no pain. There was only peace and an overwhelming feeling of LOVE. I awoke after what seemed like an eternity, rested and rejuvenated. This awakening of the soul crystallized my purpose and permeated my spirit with a greater desire to understand holistic healing. Throughout my entire health challenge, I continued to nurse my baby, while she never was sick a day, from any illness what so ever. My father died of Lung Cancer in June of 1993. I was devastated and needed a change. My life would change in a big way, because I decided to move to Maryland. So in the fall of 1993, we moved to Silver Spring, Maryland, where I continued my healing. By this time, I was slowly walking without a cane. Although I still had to have help walking up and down stairs, as well as sitting down and standing up, I was making progress. Even though the pain was not as intense as before, I still lived with this un-welcomed companion. Within a month of living in Maryland, I was introduced to Acu-puncture. Acu-puncture felt similar to the letting of air out of a balloon. My body said, “ah……” and I felt an immediate release of pain. What Acu-puncture did not do, deep tissue messages did the rest. Within two years, I had the full use of my right side. In 1996 I was introduced to Colon Hydrotherapy and became a member of The Holistic Health Practitioners Alliance. I was introduced to a Breakthrough technique using EFT in 2003. According to Dr. Deepak Chopra, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) offers great healing benefits. *Over 60% of the American Population is overweight or obese. The Breakthrough method uses (EFT) to assist clients resist their cravings and addictions. *Amongst African Americans, diabetes is near epidemic proportions, while high blood pressure is highest within this community. These statistics hit home for me because the majority of my family members suffer from one or both of these diseases. Eric Robbins, MD, said “Some day the medical profession will wake up and realize that unresolved emotional issues are the main cause of 85% of all illnesses. When they do, EFT will be one of their primary healing tools….as it is for me.“ One final note about my health challenge is that I never saw any medical doctors after my first visit, and was able to turn my situation around with prayer, and non-evasive holistic methods. But let your first step be to LOVE yourself enough to heal yourself…... Services we provide include: Colon Cleaning (Colon Hydrotherapy), Ionic Foot Bath Detox, Infrared Sauna, Inversion Table, Parasite Cleanse (Frequency Generator), Breakthrough EFT and much more…. call (440) 498-3489 for an appointment *National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)


Donations are needed for the distribution of Dr. Christopher Hills books to Prisons, Hospitals and other human care non-profit organizations In 1972, Dr. Hills founded the University of the Trees, as a progressive community whose courses focused on the study of consciousness and practiced the dynamics of interpersonal relationship. Dr. Hills shares his wide experience and wisdom in more than 2 dozen books on subjects ranging from conflict resolution to meditation, divination, and cutting edge breakthroughs in the areas of science and the heart of consciousness. He left his body on January 31st 1997 but his work, vision and heart-based consciousness is still very present in his eternal guiding spirit. His wife, Penny Slinger Hills (www.goddessinternational. com), now keeps the vision alive and wishes to donate these incredible books as Christopher would have desired.

Please help us in this effort!! While many of these organizations are eager to receive these books, the necessary funds for shipping these books is not available. A small donation by you or your group would go very far (approximately $400 per institution shipped)!!! You may donate directly at: (click the donate button – PAYPAL WORKS!!) Or you may send donations by check to: Goddess Temple , PO 347, Boulder Creek , CA 95006 Or, if you would prefer to own one of these books for yourself – you may still purchase of one of the remaining Dr. Christopher Hills Books (many out of print editions!). All profit from books sales will go directly to the price of book distribution. Books may be purchased at the following Case prices are available for a substantial discount (you pay shipment!) – you may contact Penny directly at Penny@ to coordinate these.

Susan Deng L.AC., DIPL. C.H. Chinese Herbal Health/Chinese Traditional Acupuncture 27600 Chagrin Blvd. # 180, Woodmere, OH 44122. Welcome to our beautiful new offices at 27600 Chagrin Blvd. Suite # 180. Relax in our tree lined treatment rooms. Appointments are available from Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday by your appointment only. We are across from Wild Oats. Call today at 216-378-0581.

My Tribute to the His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi It is not possible for me to recount a fraction of the accomplishments of the great Enlightened Master and Seer of India His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. But as a long time desiciple of this Jagad Guru I must make a humble attempt of rendering my simple understanding of a few of His magnificent accomplishments.So many of Maharishi’s great blessings to the world were achieved in the silence of His realized Being, from the level of His fully realized Brahmin Consciousness, that few people could truely comprehend the depth of His gifts to the world. Jim Cahaney, Director Maharishi Enlightenment Center, Woodmere, OH. 216-464-7300

Discover Dirty Secrets The Auto/Gasoline Industry Don’t Want You To Know!Are you tired of high gasoline prices and low gas mileage? Here’s the solution! Our NEW proven fuel cell kit can turn your car/truck into a Super Hybrid! Up to 100 MPG is possible in the vehicle you now drive.Seeing is believing! No fuel additives,no gas pills-NO BS!Fully legal and will not void any auto warranties. This is solid proven technology that worksGuaranteed!So,if you want incredible fuel savings,cleaner engine,more horsepower plus a dramatic decrease in exhaust pollution then this is for you!See what the big Auto Makers and Oil industry hope you never discover. For Shocking Proof & details watch my amazing FREE video NOW!Yes-The truth is finally revealed! Integrative Cancer Research Fundraiser

cont. from p.1 Amazon Herb co

Who Wants Rainforest Soft Radiant Skin and Health?

The Lluvia™ Story-Nature’s Ultimate Recipe for Youthful, Glowing Skin And read further about POWERFUL immune boosting tea!

The Lluvia™ Story Begins with Rain. Lluvia (“jú-vee-ah”) is the Spanish word for rain. Deep in the Amazon Rainforest, a life-sustaining cycle of fresh rain nourishes pristine botanicals. Rain is the vital essence and life force of the Rainforest, providing nutrients for growth and regeneration. With over 215,000 species of plants, the Amazon Rainforest has been called the greatest celebration of life on earth. Lluvia™ skin care captures the essence of this concentrated life energy to renew the health and vitality of your skin. A few powerful ingredients: Mineral Ash-The Rainforest soil is rich with naturallyoccurring mineral composites, which are absorbed by plants. Our spagyric processing reduces the plants’ cellulose to an alkaline mineral ash. This mineral ash is blended into Lluvia’s Crystal Exfoliator™ to mineralize and nourish your skin. Sangre de Drago (Croton Lechleri)-Called “Blood of the Dragon”—the red sap of this Amazonian tree is used to support skin repair and regeneration, and fight the effects of aging. It contains up to 90% proanthocyandins (OPC’s) a very potent class of antioxidant compounds. In addition, studies have shown the presence of taspines. These unique nutrients stimulate the migration of fibroblast cells responsible for tissue regeneration. Camu Camu (myrciaria dubia)-The Camu Camu’s red fruit produces the highest source of naturallyoccurring vitamin C – thirty times more than an orange – and ten times as much iron, three times as much niacin, twice as much riboflavin, and fifty percent more phosphorus. It is a significant source of potassium, minerals, and amino acids, and supports your skin’s elasticity, reduces pore size, and offers powerful anti-aging benefits.

Sip Your Treasure Tea in the Morning and Feel The Power of the Amazon Rainforest

Delicious, rich flavor* Contains no caffeine * Increases energy* Boosts mental clarity and concentration* *Supports the immune system* Enjoy the full spectrum of energy and clarity that is the essence of the Rainforest in a simple cup of tea. Our delicious, caffeine-free Rainforest Treasure Tea™ offers you a subtle blend of flavors that you’ll look forward to every day. Steep ours for about two minutes in a cup of piping hot water. On warmer days, we pour it over ice for an energizing refreshment. The delicate aroma and flavor will give you an idea of how the Amazon Rainforest can reinvigorate your senses as well as your body and mind. You’ll enjoy drinking our Treasure Tea as much as you enjoy the benefits it provides. It’s prepared with all natural herbs and contains no caffeine. In the first week of taking Amazon Herbs, I felt an immediate increase in energy and clarity. The Pure Camu is amazing - I know that it has helped my immunity - I haven’t been sick in over a year! Nina P. actress, Los Angeles, Ca “Become a Rainforest Ambassador, to be part of a company that is a model of sustainability , please contact 323-957-0493. Ask for Nina

Test Your Inner Will The Adventures of Doug Stoup-International Adventurer courtesy of Artic protecting shoes BAFFIN

Doug Stoup Expedition Leader, Senior Field Guide, Cinematographer, Filmmaker, Aerial Rigger, Snowboard Mountaineer and Climber. Has climbed 3 of the seven summits. For over two decades, adventurer Doug Stoup has been leading expeditions to some of the most remote regions on the planet... From the First Ski and Snowboard Descent of the Highest Peak in Antarctica (Vinson Massif) to the First South Pole Marathon, Doug has endeavored to push human limits to the extreme. Recent journeys have included: Anvers Island (off the west coast of Antarctica); Ice Bike Expedition, a solo test of a protoype bike on the Antarctic glaciers around Patriot Hills; Videographer and guide to Denali; and to Cho Oyu in the mountains of Tibet.

Doug has received major media coverage throughout his career and his video footage has appeared on numerous television programs and films; including a segment in Warren Miller’s STORM from The North Face Beyond Endurance Expedition to South Georgia. Climbing Experience: ANTARCTICAMt. Vinson Massif 16,067’ AFRICA-Mt. Kilimanjaro, Rte Normal, Tanzania/AFRICA 19,321’ NEW ZEALAND-Mt. Cook, Mountaineers Route Hut System, NZ 12,329’ FRANCE-Mont Blanc, 15,767’-Walker Spur of the Gran Jorasses, FRANCE 13,802’ On February 2, 2003, Douglas Stoup and Andrew McLean flew by small plane to King George Island, off the northwest coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. There, they boarded the “Pelagic,” a 16m yacht, navigated by Skip Novak. -- They sailed to Anvers Island, landing at Borgen Bay, which opens onto the Neumayer Channel. The team made their way ashore in an inflatable craft. -- As is often the case with Antarctic expeditions, the conditions of the ice, as well as the weather, can cause delays and cancellations of the best made plans. But despite the setbacks, the team was still able to explore, climb and ski on one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Natural Health/ Healing

Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 14

Dr. OZ acclaims ACAI on Oprah! Listed on his “Ultimate Anti Aging Checklist” Dr Oz said he is ready to add ACAI to his hall of fame antioxidant rich food list.

Call the effervescent Carol at Heiress Hair and Nail Spa/Boutique 440-605-0288 and order today!

(contained in Mona Vie see page 20).

Drink Your Way to Health With Powerful Plants from S. Africa...Presented by Alafia Tea The following ingredients in our exclusive new generation high anti-oxidant and naturally caffeine-free health tea products have been determined through the efforts of various international agencies including that of the United States, cooperatives for sustainable natural African plant products, the World Health Organization ( WHO ) and some American universities to have new and important roles to play in improving or maintaining good health in people around the world.

ROOIBOS- this tea has a mahogany color and natural sweet taste. It is considered to be a health drink with a beneficial effect on human health. The unique phenolic content of rooibos tea is the potent antioxidant which is the key to its therapeutic value. Research conducted in Japan indicated that flavonoids present in rooibos tea can fight off free radicals that can damage our body organs and when you drink it often, this tea will build up your immune system and protect you against flu virus and diseases including cancer. This tea is rich in minerals and it helps with insomnia or lack of sleep and reduces headaches. It contains no caffeine and has a relaxing effect on the central nervous system. In Japan, it is regarded as the anti-aging and thirstquenching endurance drink. It has shown promise for diabetics. ALOE VERA - Aloe Vera functions as nature’s own “sports drink” for electrolyte balance, making common sports drinks obsolete. Aloe Vera has protein which contains 18 out of the 20 amino acids found in the human body including all the 12 amino acids that our bodies do not produce by themselves but can only be derived through nutritional supplements. It is also rich in vitamins including B2, B1, B3, B6, C and E. Your body needs all these nutritional compounds and vitamins. No side effects. KINKELIBA - this tea comes from a plant that is called the healing tree. It is very rich in antioxidants, it is good for digestion and detoxification of the body. This naturally caffeine-free tea has as much antioxidants as the green tea. Extract of the tea leaves protect against strains of Staphylococcus, streptococcus and Escherichia. No side effect XYLOPIA - this is a fruit with spicy seeds which are known for their calmative value and treatment of bronchitis and other respiratory ailments. It has been helpful for an eating disorder like bulimia. It also reduces pain in the nerves and in other parts of the body. It is also used in cooking meals. SUTHERLANDIA - this is a natural plant that has been used for centuries in South Africa to treat various diseases without side effects, particularly liver problems and certain cancers. The San bushmen know it as ‘pethora’, which translates as “it changes the course of an illness”, while the Sothola people call it ‘motlepelo’ meaning “bringing back the heart”. . Preliminary studies have recently been published which suggest that Sutherlandia plant may have anti-cancer effects in certain forms of cancer as well as immunostimulant properties. HIBISCUS- this plant, according to nutritionists, is high in calcium, niacin, rboflavinand trace of iron. It assists in lowering blood pressure and is generally known to relieve coughs. BUCHU - undertook its first journey to Europe from Africa in the 1800s. A London Drug Firm, Reece & Co, registered buchu as a medicine and remedy for cystitis urethritis, prostatitis and catarrh of the bladder in 1821. Today, Buchu plant still enjoys the reputation of being one of the most effective elixirs. Currently it is used in international medicine as well as in the perfume and food industries.This tea plant is rich in minerals including zinc, niitrogen, calcium, phosphate, potassium, magnesium, sodium, manganese, iorn, copper and boron.

Ask your grocer or favorite store. Contact 301-916 6669. or to order retail or set up a wholesale account. see p. 16


(top photo on left) Jeremy Z. Fields, Ph.D.

other than the illustrious Roberta Flack, but this was far from your average concert performance. For starters the concert was to support the Cleveland School of the Arts. That fine beacon of scholarship that almost single handed in Cleveland public education illustrates that poor socio-educationally disadvantaged students can excel in rigorous curricula. Ms Flack has always supported education as an individual and as faculty at Howard University, (Go Howard!!), where I served an Internship and Residency in Family Practice. It was not the very worthy cause that stood out on this night when Lt. Governor Lee Fisher and his wife Peggy Zone Fisher were honored for their support of education and diversity, (Peggy is CEO and President of the Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio). Nor was it the cavalcade of important dignitaries including Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs-Jones and representatives from the mayor’s office. The performances by the Elite Chorus and School of Arts Dance Ensemble were exciting and well done, serving as an appropriate appetizer for the main course of songs and performance by the legendary entertainer herself. Accompanied by her five piece band as well as noted singer Tony Terry, (of “When I’m with You” fame), the concert itself touched all the right spots. Ms Flack was in total control of her songs, herself, and the appreciative audience but even this bravura performance was not the height of the evening for me. The magnificent buffet after the performance was time for smoozing and donations for the school over your choice of vintage wines or appropriately warmed Japanese Sake. This too, took a back seat to an almost overlooked association between the arts that Ms Flack taught and displayed and the children in such desperate need of assistance to pursue those same goals. Why are they so engaged and disciplined while those who don’t have access to such classes are so apathetic and unruly? Could it be that the very processes we have striped from education in order to save money and return to the three R’s have left most of our children unmotivated and isolated? Or is it just possible that, (according to the Trivalent Understanding), the spiritual association brought to education by involvement of the arts is one of the necessary pieces to the puzzle of the education of our children and when persons of good will (like Ms. Flack and Mrs. Fisher) add this missing element, the sky is no longer seen as a limit. May the Lord bless you and the Ancestors protect you.

Nothing But The Best-By

Prevent and Reverse Heart Kwaku (L.C. Woods RN M.D.) On Saturday, May 17th at 8:00PM Cleveland was Disease Through the Maharishi Vedic treated to a concert performance at John Hay AuApproach to Health Robert H. Schneider, M.D., F.A.C.C/ ditorium by none

ACAI-”the crown jewel natural fruit from Brazil

For countless centuries, the people of the Amazon have revered this unique fruit for its health promoting properties, used it in the treatment of numerous ailments, and prized it as a source of health and vitality. Recently, the remarkable health benefits of acai have been validated by modern science. And because of its unparalleled antioxidant levels and superior nutrient content, acai is now widely regarded as one of the world’s top superfoods. Acai is rich in •antioxidants •amino acids •vitamins •phytonutrients •trace minerals. (ref. by request).

“Total Heart Health”

If you are seeking ways to combat or prevent heart disease effectively, without harmful side effects, a powerful source of intelligence and healing is available, deep within your mind and body. The Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health allows you to reach this source of intelligence and to re-establish the flow of biological know-how within your body. Balance is increasingly re-established in your physiology with this approach, for healing and prevention of disease. Health benefits from the Total Heart Health program include substantial and long-lasting reductions in high blood pressure, reduced need for blood pressure medications, and reductions in high cholesterol, smoking, psychological stress, and drug abuse. Studies published in major medical journals indicate slowing or reversal of hardening of the arteries, and an increase in life span for long-term participants in the Total Heart Health program. You may choose to try any of Total Heart Health program’s approaches to health. Each has distinct benefits, and using several or all of the approaches together creates a synergy that multiplies the benefits. Part One of THH focuses on the Mind Approach. The Transcendental Meditation® program is a cornerstone of the Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health. THH describes the Transcendental Meditation technique, and presents the remarkable effects on reducing stress and improving health, especially heart disease and risk factors for heart health. Part Two of THH presents the Body Approach, giving an overview of the physiology and the causes of heart disease from the perspective of the Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health. It offers practical, easyto-use recommendations for preventing heart disease and its risk factors through diet, exercise, and daily routine. Part Three of THH describes the Environment Approach. Near environment includes your home and surroundings, as well as the collective consciousness of the society in which you live. Far environment includes the planets and stars and their effects on health. THH offers guidelines for taking advantage of natural rhythms and cycles, and Vedic Sound programs to prevent heart disease and promote health. Robert H. Schneider, M.D., F.A.C.C., is a physician, scientist, educator, and one of the world’s leading authorities on scientific, natural approaches for heart disease, high blood pressure, stress and other cardiovascular risk factors. Over the past twenty years, he has directed nearly $20 million in research grants from the National Institutes of Health for his pioneering research on natural approaches to heart disease. The results of this groundbreaking research have been published in more than 100 articles in authoritative medical journals and proceedings, and featured in more than 1,000 television, radio, magazine, and newspaper reports, including ABC’s 20/20, CNN Headline News, Fox News, the New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, Wall Street Journal, and Time magazine. Jeremy Z. Fields, Ph.D., (pharmacology) has more than thirty years of experience in biomedical research and in the field of evidence-based natural medicine. In addition, Dr. Fields is an experienced professional science writer and editor. He has held faculty positions at Chicago Medical School and Loyola Medical School-Chicago and was a senior scientist in the research service of the Veterans Administration hospital system. Contact Maharishi Enlightenment Cen-

more on p. 16.

ter, Woodmere, OH 216-464-7300 27730 Chagrin Blvd. minutes from I-271.

Ancient Vedic Science of TM Meditation May Help Reduce Disease Risk and Bring Wellness a Natural Way Visit the web site Watch leading edge doctors explain the physiological and psychological benefits. Examples include: •Dr. Steele Belok, M.D. Internist Harvard University Medical School faculty. “Dr. Gary Kaplan, M.D., Ph.D.Neurologist NY University School of Medicine faculty •Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, M.D. Medical Director of Wellspring Neurology at Scripps Memorial Hospital. •Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf, M.D. Integrative Medicine Specialist-Johns Hopkins-trained physician. “Dr. William Stixrud, Ph.D. Clinical Neuropsychologist Private Practice , Children’s National Medical Center Adjunct Faculty

Contact Maharishi Enlightenment Center, Woodmere, OH 216-464-7300 27730 Chagrin Blvd. minutes from I-271. more on p. 16.

Extras “Welcome to our Hidden Paradise ~ the Emerald Seas Caribbean Yacht Club” Zero (0) Down Or 0% Financing ~ CURRENT APPRAISAL $5.5 MILLION. NEW APPRAISAL $14 MILLION WITH CANALS AND MARINAS COMPLETED... The Caribbean Yacht Club consists of 92 acres with 3000 feet of Caribbean Beachfront in Corozal, Belize in Central America. There are 123 building lots that are 60 feet by 100 feet . Four thousand (4000) feet of canals 60 feet wide in front of 83 beach view lots have been surveyed & cleared. Two inland marinas that are 300 feet across have also been surveyed & cleared.. The property is worth over five million dollars Now. Construction of the two marinas, and the 4000 feet of canals, two stone and earthen piers 100 feet out into the Caribbean Sea will be completed within the next 6-8 months. When these are completed, the property should appraise for about “DOUBLE THE CURRENT VALUE”. The resort development is located 18 miles south of Chetumal, Mexico, {a city of 300,000 plus people}. Chetumal has an airport with a runway as long as Cancun’s airport so the big jets can land there. There are great doctors, and dentists, hospitals, big hotels, and shopping malls, and everything you want in a big city. Belize is part of the British Empire.....English is the main Language....and they have a Democratic Government. The deeds are fee simple deeds, recorded in the court house, just like in the USA. Title insurance available thru Stewart Title, and First American title insurance companies. Belize is an Incredible Paradise, and it is the closest to being like the USA of any country in the Caribbean. The Caribbean Yacht Club in Belize is 195 miles south of Cancun. Belize has the largest Barrier Reef in this himosphere and the second largest to Australia’s Barrier Reef. The water is so clear at the reef that you can see 100 feet down to the sandy bottom. Contact the HeatlhyReferral 440-519-1889 or 1-866-99-GRAND for further details on this Magnificent opportunity....Remember when Costa Rica was just beginning...welllll ~ this could be an even better opportunity! Email: Be sure to leave a message if you don’t get us when you call....lines are sometimes busy**

Like No Other On The Planet The Shollamaya Sacred Healing Energies

By Deollo Johnson-Imagine healing so deep, powerful, and profound that the imbalance, ailment or

misalignment is FORGOTTEN—even if it’s been present for lifetimes! Imagine a healing system that meets a person exactly where s/he is, clears and heals what is ready, and gently accelerates one’s being to the next highest level of expression. Imagine healing energies that are designed for where humanity as a collective is going in our evolution: energies designed and created specifically for humanity and the planet, at this crucial, potent juncture of time, to assist in the evolutionary transformation we are making. Such healing energies exist. They are called the Shollamaya Sacred Healing Energies and, through the grace of the Divine, they are present and available on the planet right now for the first time ever. Deollo Johnson is a Certified Shollamaya Sacred Healing Practitioner and also a participant in Lumari’s Mastery Group Training. To schedule Shollamaya healing sessions with him from anywhere on the planet, call 919-286-3994 or email him at (see full article at

Global Entertainment - Violinist / Hiphope recording artist Myles Smith (a.k.a. humble-g)

Pick out the most desirable characteristics in a young entertainer. Make them talented, charismatic,versatile, and driven to succeed. Then,add eagerness to learn, appreciation of others and a sincere wish to remain (as his moniker proclaims,) “Just a humble guy” and you’ll have Myles Smith, better known throughout Cleveland as humble-g. His self taught skill with a violin, his boyish good looks, or his reputation as “A Knight of Spitality” could have easily blown up his ego or his head. However, that didn’t happen, and instead there was sincere and steady growth that transformed him into a promissing Violinist/Hiphope artist.Though only 19 years old, humble is wise beyond his years and talented beyond his knowing. He understands his gifts and the responsibility to use them in a productive manner.”I mainly produce positive constructive music as opposed to what is the current flavor of the month in rap,”he intones thoughtfully. Don’t believe him? Then just stretch out and enjoy the historical/cultural journey on “Network” or loose yourself in his deft genre twisting on “My Version of the Blues”. humble “g” is a prolific writer/arranger constantly bouncing new ideas on anyone in the label. He wants to grow, he needs to perform and when he does…WOW. His performance at the Sankofa Fine Arts Festival in Cleveland led to a deluge of request for violin recitals, television appearances,recording contracts, and other performances such as opening up for Barack Obama with over 7,000 peple attending.He is a great and gifted performer, his talent and ability is without question. Most of all his artistic temperament is funneled through a generous and loving spirit that says, Be Wise , Be Confident but above all be humble. Don’t forget to pick up a copy of humble “g” ‘s highly anticipated mix tape “ Real Talk” Volume 1. Contact Mckinley Tate III (Mic Beats) manager-216-355-7505 globalentertain1@

Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 15

Natural Health/Healing Resources/News Courtesy of Caitos Natural Foods Solon OH- Prescription for Dietary Wellness Using Foods to Heal Phyllis A. Balch - Author


Like its companion books--the number-one bestselling Prescription for Nutritional Healing and the newer Prescription for Herbal Healing--Prescription for Dietary Wellness offers authoritative information that is research-based and clearly written, making it easy for the reader to quickly find the subjects in which he or she is interested and to incorporate the dietary recommendations into his or her daily life. Updates in this second edition include: # phytochemicals and antioxidants # foods that boost immunity # how to choose the most nutritious foods # “standout” healing foods # how to design a diet for your individual optimal health, taking into account special dietary needs such as those of women, children, vegetarians, and others # food combining # diet-based healing techniques such as juicing, fasting, and detoxifying # how to avoid potential dietary dangers, including threats to water safety, foodborne diseases, food additives, food irradiation, antibiotics, genetically engineered foods, and undesirable substances such as caffeine, cholesterol, and sugar.

“Just one 30 minute session and most patrons are hooked,” says Pam Heschel, Bay Village native and owner of MIGUN Westlake, MIGUN Huron and MIGUN Galleria in Cleveland.

While not a cookbook, Prescription for Dietary Wellness also includes a number of easy, wholesome recipes and advice on cooking methods. It is a complete, practical guide to eating for good health.440-349-2480 Solon, OH 34250 Aurora RD.

What is Migun? Migun means beautiful health. Migun beds are thermal massage beds that you lay on and get the most relaxing therapeutic massage you have ever had. The massage is hands free and nonintimidating. Rollers slowly glide up and down your back with therapeutic heat and an almost indescribable feeling of comfort. You are fully clothed and it is a fraction of the cost of a regular massage.


Zhineng Qigong is a form of Medical Qigong. It is a practice for Self Healing and Self Cultivation prescribed by the World’s Largest Non-Medicine Hospital in China established by Dr. Pang Ming. The practice was used to treat more than 180 diseases, including cancer. The Center achieved an amazing 95% success rate of healing over the years. Marieta Darrah is a Level I and II Zhineng Qigong instructor who has received her certification in Peoples Republic of China. She has practiced Iyengar style of Yoga since 1993 and Zhineng Qigong since 2002. She has studied and practiced Levels I, II, and III of Zhineng Qigong with Master Gu from China and now continues her in-depth practice with Master Liu from Meishan, Sichuan. Marieta is also a certified massage therapist and a Reiki II practitioner. She has a Masters degree in Russian Language and Literature. 858-361-4245

Ancient Wildcrafted Siberian Chaga mushroom found to have the highest ORAC score. According to recent scientific and medical research, “mushrooms may be champion disease fighters and even help prevent cancer, heart disease”... Certain mushrooms are now touted by many experts to have numerous health benefits including lowering cholesterol, purifying the blood, providing antioxidants, fighting cancer and boosting immunity. At the top of the entire “medicinal” mushroom family and the most powerful of all the medicinal mushrooms is a rare, precious medicinal mushroom called Chaga. With a mystical history, Chaga (Inonotus Obliquus) has been referred to for centuries as the ‘King of Herbs”. Siberian Chaga contains a minimum of twenty five (25) times more antioxidants than any other medicinal fungi or mushroom. Perhaps the biggest breakthrough in modern medicine was the development of “anti-biotics” and Penicillin, which were derived from “fungi” that is considered a distant cousin of Chaga. Patricia Wingard Carson, Energy Medicine Practitioner, Director with the Center for Energy Medicine states, “The Siberian Chaga Mushroom has been very instrumental in providing me and many of my clients with what I call Vibrational Energetic Medicine with hundreds of vital nutrients for the cells. It is a great adaptogen and helps to bring balance back into the body. And balance is crucial to health. We are grateful that Chaga International has brought this superfood to the forefront of the wellness industry for those who are looking for a better way.” All information contained on this website is based on research and testing to date and is for informational and educational purposes and is not intended to make any unsupported medical claim or the claim that any product is intended to cure or prevent any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Any serious health concern should be treated by a qualified medical practitioner. Pregnant or nursing mothers should consult their physician prior to using any nutritional supplement. PATRICIA WINGARD CARSON, Ph.D., E.M.P. ENERGY MEDICINE & WHOLISTIC NUTRI-

“HANDS FREE MASSAGE” •30 MINUTES •FULLY CLOTHED •ONE WEEK FREE TRIAL What could be better than the sound of flowing water and soft new age music while lying on a bed that massages you?

The Migun Thermal Massage System represents the fusion of Asian and Western Medical techniques. Inspired by the effects of Acupressure, Acupuncture, Heat-Therapy (Moxibustion), Chiropractic, and Massage, MIGUN Thermal Massage Systems provide you with total health, relaxation and balance. MIGUN thermal massage systems promote overall health, relaxation and balance by aligning the spine which is the core of the entire body. This “touchless” massage enhances the simple principle that the body can heal itself when it is properly aligned. MIGUN users have reported pain elimination, increased energy, lower cholesterol, better sleep, stabilized blood pressure, reduced stress and much more. Typically, 30 minute sessions run $12 with monthly packages available. MIGUN Beds are also available for purchase “My goal is to get clients through the door, after that the beds sell themselves,” says Ms. Heschel. New clients can try out Migun beds FREE for one week.


In addition to MIGUN Therapeutic Beds, customers at MIGUN Westlake and MIGUN Huron can now enjoy one of only several oxygen bars available in the State of Ohio. “Oxygen therapy strengthens the immune system and improves overall health,” says owner Pam Heschel. The use of oxygen therapy heightens concentration, alertness and helps fight off depression. People all over the world are using it to help with relaxation and sleep disorders, prevent disease, relieve hangovers and alleviate headaches. MIGUN Huron and MIGUN Westlake have combined oxygen therapy with aromatherapy at their unique oxygen bars. Four aromatherapies are available and sessions can last from 5 to 20 minutes. Each aroma signals a part of the brain that control emotions. Specific smells produce physical effects within the body. “Clients can literally fit the smell to the mood they wish to achieve,” says Ms. Heschel. Patrick Swayze has benefited from oxygen therapy in combination with other alternative therapies in combating pancreatic cancer. Actor Keanu Reeves has utilized oxygen therapy for relief from insomnia. Madonna includes oxygen therapy as part of her health regime. A human being can live weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without oxygen. Oxygen displaces harmful free radicals, neutralizes environmental toxins, and destroys infectious bacteria, parasites and microbes. It gives the body the ability to rebuild itself, detoxifies blood, increases circulation and strengthens the immune system.


The use of oxygen therapy heightens concentration, alertness and helps fight off depression. People all over the world are using it to help with relaxation and sleep disorders, prevent disease, relieve hangovers and alleviate headaches.

The Sinful Ingredients in Skin Care Products

Testimonials: “ Since my first visit to Migun, I couldn’t wait to go back. I have a stressful job and high blood pressure. I would frequently get bad headaches, “ knots “between my shoulder blades, and wake up in the middle of the night with numb fingers. However, that’s not the case anymore. Since my introduction to Migun, the blood pressure is down, headaches and knots are gone, and I no longer wake - up with numb \ tingling fingers. I recommend MIGUN to anyone and everyone. I can’t get enough.” A.M., Rocky River, Ohio

Laurice Skin Care and Cosmetics is a company with a purpose to provide the highest quality of skin care products. Our company focuses on creating superior products. Our products are made with the highest quality herbal extracts, marine extracts, as well as pharmaceutical-grade Swiss Bio-Extracts. We are committed to creating systems specifically targeted for correcting skin conditions using a synergy of active components. We employ advanced delivery technologies including liposomes, microsperes, microsponges, encapsulation, and state-of-the-art emulsions. Additionally we use globally sourced plant extracts produced with modern extraction technologies ensuring the vitality of the phytochemicals. Ingredients are Cruelty-free. What we avoid: * Mineral Oil and Petrolatum * Isopropyl Mysristate * Isopropyl Palmitate * Crude Lanolins * Known sensitizing agents * Known comedogenic materials Mineral oil is a liquid blend of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum. Petrolatum is a purified mixture of semi solid hydrocarbons e.g. Vaseline. These ingredients create an oily film over the skin and prevent the evaporation of moisture. They coat the surface of the skin as oppose to building up the moisture level beneath the surface. This causes the skin to become asphyxiated. Asphyxiated skin results in the impaired exchange of oxygen. Exchanges usually caused by excessive accumulation of keratin on skin surface, thus causing a dull lifeless complexion. May be accompanied by numerous comedones and/or vesicles. Consequently, the skin begins to age. Aging skin is skin that starts to lose its firmness and elasticity. Small lines begin to form, especially around the eyes, mouth, and forehead. Isopropyl Myristate is a widely used fatty compound derived from isopropyl alcohol and myristic acid. Isopropyl Palmitate is the ester of isopropyl alcohol. Both ingredients promote dryness and are shown to be comedogenic in studies. These ingredients will strip the ph balance of the skin, as well as irritate and burn the skin. The ph in the skin is the acid mantle (the protective fluid made up

of perspiration, oils, and other debris) considered important to the health of the skin. The skin surface normally has a ph between 4.5 and 5.5. Lastly, crude lanolin comes from the wax found in sheep wool after shearing. In raw crude form, it is thick, sticky, and highly reactive to sensitive skin. It is a sensitizer, which causes the skin to become sensitive to other ingredients in the environment. It also causes the skin to produce an adverse physical reaction such as redness, swelling, blistering, itching, and blemishes. In conclusion, Laurice Koury, owner of Laurice Skin Care and Cosmetics and manufacturer of healthy skin care products for the entire body recommends avoiding the above mentioned ingredients and products that contain said ingredients. The main reasons are because these substances will coat the skin, block pores, and they do not hydrate. After a period of time with continued use these ingredients will cause blackheads, cysts, the breakdown of the collagen and elastin of the skin causing the skin to droop and age, and the tissue around the eyes will become dark and puffy. Laurice Skin Care and Cosmetics focuses on proper maintenance of the health of skin, utilizing products designated to maintain and correct the skin that will directly influence the control of blemishes, reduce and postpone signs of aging and, therefore, keep the skin clean, moist, and attractive. Laurice is licensed with the State of Ohio, and is a certified AME member of the Aesthetics Congress. She has practiced as a paramedical esthetician for over three and one-half decades. In 2006, Co-op America recognized Laurice Skin Care as a green business because of Laurice’s commitment to using natural and botanical ingredients in her products and her dedication to healthy skin. Green businesses operate in ways that solve, rather than cause, both environmental and social problems. For further information—please feel free to contact Laurice at (216) 378-2200 or visit her website at Butler Health Freedom Days Inn...Rt. 8....Butler, Pa at 7pm Contact: Sylvia & Joe Provenza 412-828-9542

“My husband and I have been using the MIGUN Therapy bed almost daily since August, 2006. We have both experienced a lessening of spinal stiffness associated with the aging process. We no longer need chiropractic care. Our posture and mobility have improved greatly.” C.I., Lakewood, Ohio “Feeling so good, in fact that I’ve bought my very own bed that will be delivered to my home soon. I’ve been told I’m welcome to stop in anytime to see the helpful staff and get a MIGUN treatment as I’m now considered a lifetime MIGUN family member! I have also availed myself to the use of MIGUN Westlake’s new oxygen bar. It’s so relaxing and pleasant an experience. All should at least try it!” B.S., Westlake, Ohio

Free One Week Trial-This Gift Certificate entitles: You and a friend

To One Week FREE Migun Thermal Massages (Galleria location 3 FREE visits)-one coupon per person-

•MIGUN Westlake 25947 Detroit Road/Westlake, OH 44145/(440) 808-8040 Hrs: Mon-Wed-Fri 1-7 Tues & Thur 1-8; Sat 12-4 Closed Sunday •MIGUN Huron 501 Cleveland Road West (Next to Cameo’s Pizza) (419)616-6050 Hrs: Mon, Tues, Thur &Fri 3-7 Sat 10-2 Closed Wed. & Sunday •MIGUN Galleria (Center Court)-Downtown Cleve. (440)808-8040 Hrs: Mon-Fri 11:30-2:00

How to Reduce Back and Muscular Pain With Therapies that Focus on the Core (Abdominals) by Sunday Homitz, L.P.T., B.F.A.

Many common back problems are associated with a weak core (abdominal area). Most exercises and movements do not provide enough support for the entire abdominal area. Many aerobic, step aerobic, and jazzercise classes may cause more harm than actual conditioning. A weak core puts extra stress on the back and especially the lower back. Simple movements such as sitting, turning, driving, getting up from a chair can put extra stress on the back, if the wrong muscle usage occurs. Remember: muscles that are out tone and weak hold a history of strain; excessive tension will be very painful. Many times, this can be easily corrected. Therapies that I use in my practice that focus on the core in many planes of motion and include emphasis on the breath include: the work of J.H. Pilates (certified), GYROTONICS® EXPANSION SYSTEM (White Cloud Yoga Mat-certified), and Mind Body Centering, Each system uses a mind and body approach and includes movements that help stretch the body, lengthen the spine, and help isolate the deep abdominals and the surrounding area in a more efficient and safe manner. GYROTONICS® uses all planes of motion that includes the constant flow of the breath to enhance the movement and help the patient focus on their core center, the key to movement, and keeping the body strong to help prevent injuries and to help speed up the efficiency of rehabilitation. These movements can be taught with the use of equipment or on a mat for practice at home. The results have been phenomenal, as far as the physical therapy aspect of my practice is concerned. Insurance companies have recognized the efficiency of the treatments we provide. Approximately 99% of all patients have been receiving 70-100% reimbursement from insurance. 10-20-30 year chronically painful people from post accident victims, car accident cases, emotional trauma, and “drop outs” who have not found success with medication or other innovative methods have returned to full activities, different careers, changed their lifestyles and have learned to incorporate breathwork into their everyday existence, be it 5 minutes or an hour of every working day. Ms. Homitz, LPT. former lead therapist for the Cleveland San Jose Ballet and founder of Body Technic Systesms, an international physical therapy and performance arts clinic. 440-919-2427

Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 16

Natural Health/ and Announcements MAHARISHI AYURVEDIC VAIDYA COMING SOON!!!


What to Expect-Ayurvedic physicians follow a healing tradition that dates back thousands of years--5,000 years at the very least. Their text-books are written in Sanskrit, and the body of knowledge that the enlightened sages of those ancient times left behind is truly astounding in its depth and volume. What this means, in modern times, is that a Vaidya today (Ayurvedic physicians are called Vaidyas) is required to be more than a healer--he needs to be a good communicator. This also means that your first visit to a Vaidya is going to be an experience with a difference. What is a Vaidya?-A person earns the title of Vaidya when he has, through training, acquired deep Ayurvedic knowledge about the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of healing. This is because in Ayurveda, disease is not treated on just the physical level--it is always seen in the context of a person’s overall personality and circumstances--which includes factors like profession, family life, seasonal influences, and daily habits. Therefore, Vaidyas study the whole field of life, individual and cosmic, not just the field of medicine. The first thing the Maharishi Ayurvedic Vaidya does is take your pulse. This ancient form of diagnosis (Nadi Vigyan) takes many years to perfect, but once mastered provides the physician with a powerful diagnostic tool. Pulse diagnosis allows the physician to determine your state of health and detect any imbalances in Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The physician can detect and treat minor imbalances before they develop into illnesses.

Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology-Maharishi Vedic Vibration TechnologySM has brought relief to thousands suffering from chronic disorders, including people with arthritis, asthma, anxiety, back pain, depression, digestive problems, headache, and insomnia. All this by means of a gentle, non-invasive technology with no toxic side effects.



“The Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology program is both an ancient and ultramodern system. It combines the wisdom of Veda and Vedic Literature (described by the Encyclopedia Britannica as the oldest system of knowledge in the world), with a quantum mechanical understanding of the human body. “The dramatic improvements in chronic disorders noted by participants in the Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology program suggest that this age-old wisdom can be applied to the 100 million Americans suffering with chronic disease. It raises the possibility of bringing them relief without the side effects of modern medicines.” Steele Belok, M.D., Clinical Instructor of Medicine, Harvard University Medical School and Staff Physician, Mt. Auburn Hospital, Boston. SCHEDULE TODAY CALL .... 216-464-7300 The Maharishi Enlightenment Center, 27730 Chagrin Blvd Woodmere, Ohio, 44122 (between I-271 Exit and Brainard -approx 50 yards from Brainard).

Maharishi Ayurveda Introduces Natural Products for Heart Help and Midlife Health for Women

mal and clear arterial walls, by boosting digestion and supporting balanced fat metabolism. Finally, it nourishes the blood, muscles and functioning of the heart, to help keep your heart healthy as you age.

If you’re suffering from hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia, memory loss, vaginal dryness or other menopause related issues, you may not know where to turn. The well-publicized, harmful side effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) has made it an undesirable option for many women today. Yet you need relief.

Do you find yourself rushing through the day, grabbing a bite to eat on the run? A high-pressure lifestyle, fast-food diet and sedentary habits can put you at risk for cardiovascular (CVC) disease. Indeed, America has one of the highest cardiovascular disease rates in the world, with over 56 million affected. Yet research shows that you can prevent heart disease. According Maharishi Ayurveda, the heart is the seat of ojas, the substance that maintains life and promotes bliss and longevity. Atherosclerosis is caused in part by elevated levels of cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood. Cardio Support provides targeted nutrition for nor-

According to Maharishi Ayurveda, menopause is not a disease, but a natural transition. If you’re suffering with menopausal problems, it’s due to imbalances that can be corrected. With simple lifestyle and dietary changes, along with our midlife herbal formulas, your transition through menopause can be smooth and easy. Midlife for Women I helps stabilize emotions, reduces hot fl ashes, improves circulation, and soothes vaginal dryness by maintaining moisture balance in your body. It also strengthens healthy formation of bone tissue, helping prevent bone loss. 216-464-7300

The Maharishi Enlightenment Center,

27730 Chagrin Blvd Woodmere, Ohio, 44122 (between I-271 Exit and Brainard -approx 50 yards from Brainard).

Drink Your Way to Health With Powerful Tea Plants from S. Africa...Presented by Alafia Tea

There are many different kinds of blended teas that are unique to Alafia tea product line. Our main tea, rooibos (which means red bush) is considered an anti-aging beverage. The high level of antioxidants and many body building minerals in our teas which are naturally caffeine free enable our bodies to build up immune defenses against free roaming radicals that are present in every body. Also, roo-ibos, commercially known as red tea perform anti-flu activities in both old and young. Our flavored and non-flavored rooibos (original and organic green) teas are good for children as well. Moreover, a study of the red bush tea has found its extract or concentrate to have been used successfully in various skin problems produced by ultraviolet light. As you can see, you can drink the tea for good health and also use it for topical application. Ask your grocer

or favorite store. Contact 301-916 6669. or to order retail or set up a wholesale account. see article. p. 14

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Refer businesses that want exposure in Healthy Referral. •Find companies looking for a practical wellness program. •Find hotels, car rentals, salons, airlines, or other businesses that want copies for their clients and guests. 866-99-GRAND. or ask how to profit from the raw foods revolution.


As a Small Business Owner the last thing you need to worry about is a legal issue. Cheryl Heinonen, Independent Associate/Group Benefits Specialist, Pre Paid Legal Services, Inc. 440-813-5688 mention Healthy Referral.

Special Report: Lower High Cholesterol from Pritikin Longevity Center and Spa -Understanding Cholesterol What is Cholesterol? Contact: 19735 Turnberry Way Aventura, FL 33180 Toll Free within the U.S.: (800) 327-4914 Direct (outside the U.S.): (305) 935-7131 Fax: (305) 935-7371 Email: info@ Web: Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that the body uses to make hormones and cell walls. Cells in the liver make all the cholesterol our body needs. The body does NOT need the extra cholesterol we get in the foods we eat, which is called dietary cholesterol. Eating foods high in cholesterol, saturated fat, and trans fats can raise levels of cholesterol in the blood. Why are high levels of cholesterol a problem? The higher the level of cholesterol in your blood, the greater your risk of heart disease, the #1 killer in the United States of both men and women. What factors tend to raise cholesterol? Several factors raise blood cholesterol. Some we have no control over, like our genetic make-up and aging bodies. But many we do have control over. A major controllable factor that raises blood cholesterol levels is a diet high in: * Saturated fats (such as butter, palm oil, coconut oil, meat fats, and milk fats) * Trans fats (such as margarine, vegetable shortening, and partially hydrogenated oils) * Cholesterol (found ONLY in animal products such as meat and cheese, not plants) Other controllable factors that raise cholesterol levels include: * Gorging (eating one or two very large meals per day * Fasting * Fructose and sucrose * Unfiltered coffee (both regular and decaffeinated, if greater than 1 cup per day) * Weight gain and excess body fat (BMI, or body mass index, greater than 25) * Medications (such as diuretics and beta blockers) * Uncontrolled diabetes, hypothyroidism, and other metabolic condition * Stress Exactly how does cholesterol cause a heart attack? Cholesterol, particularly one type of cholesterol called LDL “bad” cholesterol, seeps into the inner walls of the arteries, creating plaque. Like sores on your skin, plaques are raw, sensitive to infection, which means they make the arterial skin a breeding ground for inflammation. The higher the LDL cholesterol, the more plaques tend to form, and the more inflamed the arterial skin becomes. Plaque build-up is also known as atherosclerosis. Most heart attacks occur because one of these plaques ruptures. Like boils, many plaques are soft and fragile, full of cholesterol-rich “pus.” When inflamed, they can burst and spew their contents into the bloodstream, triggering chemical reactions that often culminate with a large blood clot, which can choke off blood flow to the heart. Scientists call a plaque that has burst or ruptured the single most common lethal event of the industrialized world. Plaque build-up can happen in arteries throughout the body, including those carrying blood to the brain. So plaque build-up can also lead to strokes and other circulatory problems. Can I stabilize these plaques?Yes. That’s the really good news. With a healthy lifestyle and, if needed, cholesterol-lowering medications, you can stabilize plaques and improve the entire health of the inner walls of your coronary arteries, so much so that “you could very well reduce your risk of a heart attack by 80 to 90%,” asserts Dr. Jay Kenney, Nutrition Research Specialist at the Pritikin Longevity Center® & Spa. Regular exercise and a diet like the Pritikin Eating Plan, very low in saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol, and very high in fruits, whole grains, and vegetables, can dramatically lower the amount of cholesterol entering plaque, aid weight loss, reduce insulin levels, control blood pressure, reduce inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein, and bring down blood sugar levels – all good things for your arteries. What factors tend to lower LDL “bad” cholesterol and total cholesterol? What is HDL cholesterol? HDL cholesterol is commonly called the “good” cholesterol because it tends to pick up bad cholesterol particles from the blood and artery walls and return them to the liver for disposal. Think of HDL particles as your “garbage workers.” HDL garbage workers do a great job of clearing the body of LDL “trash.” How can I raise my HDL “good” cholesterol? You can raise your HDLs by: * Exercising – the equivalent of walking 15 to 18 miles per week. Keep in mind, though, that it takes months of walking, not days, to raise HDL. * Losing weight (and keeping it off) * Quitting smoking * Frequent meal patterns (eating several smaller meals during the day instead of one or two large ones) * Medications (if lifestyle change has proven inadequate) * Alcohol (Don’t go overboard; in excess, alcohol has many adverse effects.) “Whether you send your key executives of have full corporate retreats at the Pritikin Longevity Center® & Spa, it is the best investment you can make for the health of your business and the health of your employees. The price is comparable to other retreats, but the value and benefits to your company are unparalleled.” Bob Small, (ret.) Executive Vice-President, Walt Disney Resort Attractions, Worldwide President and CEO, Fairmont Hotels

Eco Health: Environment, Green Business, Alternative Energy

CLEANING YOUR INDOOR ENVIRONMENT USING SPACE CERTIFIED TECHNOLOGY Air and water pollution ravages the quality of water and air around the world. People are forced to consume dangerous chemicals everyday. But they should not have to in the comfort of their own homes. Purify LLCand EcoQuest International are working to clean-up household environments. EcoQuest’s Living Air purification systems are on the cutting edge of pollution control. EcoQuest offers a full line of Living Systems products that include a wide array of air purification systems for residential, commercial and portable use.

The Space Foundation has recognized EcoQuest International’s Fresh Air purification product as Certified Space Technology™. Fresh Air by EcoQuest uses Radiant Catalytic Ionization (RCI) technology originally developed in cooperation with NASA to clean the air in spacecraft by removing airborne pathogens. The RCI technology is the latest Advanced Oxidation Technology which uses a broad spectrum UVX lamp and a hydrated precious-metallic target. This procedure results in cleaner fresher smelling air much like the air after a summer thunderstorm. “This is a huge accomplishment for our company,” said EcoQuest Founder and CEO Michael Jackson. “In our business, this is equal to the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval and we are the only air purification company in the world that can make that statement.” or 1-877-902-PURE

WE’RE A GREEN ENERGY STORE! WE NOW OFFER: Generators, Wind Turbines and Solar Panel Systems. “GET OFF THE GRID” and POWER YOUR HOME... with SUN !!! and with WIND!!! Genesis Energy Systems. 440-476-7512.

We’ve all experienced a different version of ourselves. A way we would like to be better. My practice covers a wide

variety of mental and physical issues, helping people make small, easy incremental changes that add up in big ways to create unique solutions. Japan transformed a country, practicing kaizen, consistent, incremental change. But the truth is, this is learning, our natural way, this is the way as babies, we learned. We do not suddenly find innovation kicking in. Our bodies magically moving from nibbling on our toes to Dancing with the Stars. We step-by-step experimented, learning, improving each time. Mind, energy and bodywork are blended or used separately to find out a client’s issue, how they want to be different, how they will be present in the world afterwards and create change. Joel Elfman is a Master NLP Practitioner, hypnotist of almost 10 years. A NY State licensed/nationally certified massage therapist and Reiki Master. A student of many other mind, body and energy modalities with a wide variety of teachers. Joel is a strong proponent of networking. He organizes several groups promoting the exchange of knowledge and support among alternative health/holistic practitioners and the general public. Living Being Awakening: Easy Steps for Big Changes Certified Hypnotist NLP Master Practitioner/ Reiki Master/ NY State Licensed Massage Therapist Nat’l Certified Massage Therapist/(917)-834-5554

Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 17

Healthy Travel/Classified/ More Announcements

Hello Readers, we are the co-sponsors of the “Observation and Concerns” articles by Jim Chones, former NBA player. I hope that you and your family are doing well! My husband, Jim Chones and I have recently started our very own travel business. Please be our special (877) 852-4567

When You Think of Purified and Spring Water Delivered to Your Home or Office Think TLC Spring Water

guest at the Signature of Solon Country Club, in Solon, Ohio every Wednesday, at 7:30 pm to find out how you can have fun and get “paid” to take vacations. You can check out our personal travel website at: to book your next vacation. We look forward to showing you all the wonderful ways you can travel like an “Insider” at a fraction of the cost, generate extra income, and have your own website! Signature of Solon Country Club-39000 Signature Road -(Just off of Aurora Road, headed towards Geauga Lake)-For questions and to RSVP, please contact me at: Elores Chones-(216) 378-9464-Apt. 515E/ echones@ The Pritikin Longevity Center & Spa is a health resort in Aventura, Florida where guests come from all over the world to achieve unparalleled health and weight-loss results. Nearly 50 years ago, its founder Nathan Pritikin, just 42 years old and suffering from severe heart disease, created the Pritikin Program – and reversed his own heart disease. At his death in 1985, the New England Journal of Medicine reported that Nathan Pritikin’s arteries were completely free of any effects of heart disease, and were as “soft and pliable” as a teenager’s. (NEJM, 1985; 313: 52) 19735 Turnberry Way Aventura, FL 33180 Toll Free within the U.S.: (800) 327-4914 Direct (outside the U.S.): (305) 935-7131 Fax: (305) 935-7371 Email: Web: InterContinental Miami Rising 34 stories above shimmering Biscayne Bay, the InterContinental Miami is an elegant selection among Miami hotel accommodations. Our unique combination of classic décor and modern amenities make us an inspired choice for both business and leisure travelers. Unwind in spacious guest rooms and suites. Immerse yourself in stunning views of the skyline and the bay. Our breathtaking destination provides a fashionable yet comfortable downtown Miami lodging experience. 100 CHOPIN PLAZA MIAMI, FL 33131 UNITED STATES Tel: 1-305-5771000 Fax: 1-305-5770384 Radisson Hotel Toronto East- 55 Hallcrown Place , Toronto Ontario M2J 4R1 , Canada Reservations: (888) 201-1718 Toll Free US & Canada Telephone: (416) 493-7000 Fax: (416) 493-0681 Email: rhi_ Take a splash in the Indoor swimming pool or tone yourself in the Fitness center, the hotel is equipped offer variety of services that suit your need.

Today, Jerusalem Foods has grown into a complex corporation which has over 4,000 products from 150 companies worldwide and distributes them to over 1,000 clients throughout the entire Midwest. Jerusalem Foods 6470 Miller Road Dearborn, MI 48126 313-846-1701 for a list of their own line of middleastern foods and other natural foods they distribute from around the world. Look for their private labels products where fine foods are sold. - Drumming and dancing is really good for you! Percussion ensemble ready to travel and spread the love with concert, workshops, drum circles...Email Aromatherapy Oils - Young Living Essential Oils - Therapeutic-grade singles, blends, aromatherapy kits, diffusers, plus skincare & supplements too. Call: 415.289.2213 or visit “World-renowned visionary artist ALEX GREY presents a visual journey through his artwork on newly released DVD ‘CoSM The Movie’ available at” Re-Emergent Coaching - Body/Mind Coach - Release the Stress & Feel the Power & Freedom! Master Coach with 20 years experience works by phone -Call: 888 . 8 0 0 . 1 2 4 1 or visit Web: Colitis & Crohn’s Health Recovery Center. David Klein, Ph.D., Hygienic Doctor, Director. Healing education and counseling for any inflammatory bowel disorder. Over 1,000 clients healed since 1993. For best-selling, medically-endorsed Self Healing Colitis & Crohn’s guidebook and information see http://, e-mail or call (707) 827-3469. Since 1993, David Klein, Ph.D., has directed the Colitis & Crohn’s Health Recovery Center in Sebastopol, California ( His book Self Healing Colitis & Crohn’s has been a bestseller in its field. Dr. Klein holds a B.S. In Civil Engineering and a Ph.D. in Natural Health and Healing. As a Hygienic Doctor he has guided over 1,000 clients with inflammatory bowel disease to new health with no reliance on medicines. Dr. Klein is also the publisher of Living Nutrition, a natural lifestyle magazine which is read in 40 countries (http:// Contact David at or (707) 827-3469. Author One Stop helps people write and publish books, find agents and publishers or self-publish. National award-winning editorial team. Wake Up Imagine a world build by your own design..........-Where people’s #1 priority was to take care of themselves first. To love themselves and take responsibility for everything around them, no pointing fingers. Where the first thing on their agenda was their connection to their Spirit/Higher Power also known as their authentic self. As this world evolved they’d realize that by loving themselves they are loving everyone else. Their one and only responsibility was to love God/Higher Power/Spirit first, then themselves and then from that space and only that space could they actually spread joy, music, laughter, whatever their expression of love is, into the world. These people now realize this brings peace to their hearts, bodies and minds. They are now sharing from the overflow! What does that mean you ask? It means simply that you and only you alone are responsible for finding out what fills you up. What gives you peace and how to stay in that space of peace. 1. Church 2. Meditation 3. Biking/ exercise 4. Being in nature 5.Spending time with your friends 6. Prayer 7. Painting 8. Singing 9. Laughing Whatever it is for you! It is your responsibility to do this for yourself, for the world! From this space of being filled up you give of yourself what you can. You are then giving from the overflow! You are loving from the overflow! You are connected, fulfilled and at peace! Wake-up! It’s time to be people that lead- Lead in consciousness and the transformation of all people. Do your part to lead the world into peace and independence. It’s time to take care of our planet that’s been crying out for our help. Get into action, find out what you can do to support that! Watch ‘Inconvenient Truth’ Al Gore or join me and others on April 22nd ‘Earth Day’ and heal the earth. Reach out to your family and neighbors and friends when they ask for your help. Not because you think they need it and because being needed makes you feel important. Find your own inner peace & their will be peace on this planet! Many blessings, Marie McNeal 818-720-0202 Check for my next Extra-Ordinary Retreat! ‘Creating the Life You Deserve’ with Marie McNeal and Renee Schoenfeld (flyer attached)*Destiny by Design coaching program coming soon. -FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE- ( TORONTO ) February 27, 2008, Following Tuesday’s announcement of the 2008 Federal Budget by Minister Flaherty, the Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) has announced it is pleased to see that $33 million will be allocated to the Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD). However, CHFA believes that the Government missed an opportunity through the tax system to enable Canadians to better manage their health. For more information, please contact: Catherine Fortin LeFaivre CHFA Public Relations Cell: 613-447-1543 Email: Natalie Cajic-CHFA Communications Coordinator BELLY DANCE PARTY-Chicago @ FLIRTY GIRL-EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT-It’s an AFTER WORK end of the WEEK WIND DOWN!!!! Visit the SPA area (EXTRA) get a MANICURE, PEDICURE or indulge in a FLIRTY MARTINI (virgin) or the (REAL THING). Time: 6PM-7PM Location: 1325 W. Randolph St Parking Available Parking Available . Parking Available . Parking Available .Parking Available Cost of Class $25.00 Must Reserve Space Call 312- 666- 2266 Visit the WEBSITE Contact: Dianne Netsa 773.398.3204 Paul Nison Author/Speaker and Raw Food Gourmet Chef 561-337-9299 -Official website of Author Paul Nison

LIVE webinar event with Ayman Sawaf July 31st 08 , author of the international bestseller Executive EQ: Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Organizations, he’ll explore the main themes of his book Sacred Commerce which cover the history and future of commerce, the merchant priesthood of ancient Egypt who practiced it, and the skill of Emotional Alchemy which they mastered in their pursuit of beauty, goodness and truth – their hero’s journey. Register today. or 866-99-GRAND. 440-519-1889.

Herbalist Finally Offers Private Formula for a Super Soap, Effective Bee Sting, and Poison Ivy Formula After 18 Years! My name is Edmund Corsi. I am an herbalist with 18 years of clinical experiance. I am one of the few herbalists left in the country who formulates, developes and mixes my own products for very specific needs a person may have. About 15 years ago, being concerned with the safety of hygene products on the market, I started developing my own hair and body soap. I wanted it to be more and do more than the other soaps on the market wether they be the synthetic chemical soaps or the natural soaps. So I developed SOAPY (the super soap!) which even exceeded my expectations of what my soap could do. See the ad in this magazine to see the broad range of all SOAPY can do, which i am not sure I even know yet. I am still finding new uses! Anyway, over the years alot of people who came to see me would ask me what i used for soap. When I would tell them about SOAPY and all that it did, they wanted some. I told them that I made it in my kitchen for only my family and I. After awhile there was enough accumulation of these people, and they were all nagging me to make it for them, so I did. SOAPY became so popular that now I am not just offering it to my clients but to anyone who wants it. When I develope a product, I develope it for myself first and I am picky! If it does what it is supposed to and very well, then I will offer it to others. I am not stingy with the ingredients either. There has to be theraputic amounts in the product in order for it to work like it is supposed to. Also, see the ads for STING/BITE and POISON I.V., two other high quality products I offer! see ad above and on p. 16 including SOAPY! a revolutionary clean, biosafe soap. NATURAL SPECIALTIES (440) 729-4997

* Home/office delivery of 3 & 5 Gallon Bottles of water * Sales and Rentals of a variety of Water Coolers * TLC Springwater sold by the case * Custom label Bottled Water for all your Special Ocassions * photo Like having your own private gym-SNAP FITNESS Drive up, walk in, and work out whenever you want. Just minutes from your doorstep, our club is like a having a private gym in your backyard. Use your personal keycard for instant access to a safe, clean, comfortable facility packed with state-of-the-art exercise equipment and value-added services you’d never expect from a club our size. Enjoy the same workout experience as at those big-box health clubs - but without the crowded parking lots, long waiting lines and inflated fees.Time-saving convenience, money-saving value and fat-burning workouts - just another way we deliver a better experience and better results. Isn’t it time you joined Snap Fitness? 767 S. Broadway, Geneva, OH 440-466-9143. see article pg 9

Throw Away Your Toothpaste for Better Oral Hygiene!

By Santosh Krinsky Why would someone suggest something as radical as what the headline suggests? Because there are actually BETTER ways to clean your teeth. This story goes back to the early years of the last century. Until that time, toothpowders were the primary mode of providing teeth-cleaning power. Someone invented the convenient “toothpaste” form, began marketing it, and over the years, toothpaste took over the market and people forgot about toothpowders. There were reasons at that time for the rise of toothpastes, mainly due to “ease of use” concerns and dissatisfaction with the toothpowders available at that time. Over the years, however, toothpastes have evolved to the point where they have a lot of drawbacks, not the least of which are the high sugar (or even worse, saccharin) content, the “chemical soup”, the preservatives, and, in just about every modern-day toothpaste, the fluoride. For one, fluoride has become very controversial. The chemical industry had a “problem” which was that fluoride was a “waste” by-product of various products they produced. They wanted to find a way to get rid of this “waste”, but in a profitable manner. Research was done and it was determined that fluoride could reduce tooth decay. The problem, of course, is that too much fluoride is toxic, and the multiple sources of fluoride (fluoridated water, fluoride treatments at the dentist’s office, as well as fluoridated toothpastes and mouthwashes) means that there is absolutely no control over the amount of fluoride ingested. One significant thing to note is that fluoride can discolor or “mottle” teeth if in excess, and there has been a dramatic increase in mottled teeth over the last few decades. The apparent connection is obvious. This discoloring of the teeth causes more people to try to “correct” the problem with teethwhitening treatments, which can harm the enamel of the teeth, causing long-term tooth sensitivity. Second, artificial sweeteners, found in many commercial toothpastes (to avoid “sugar”) are a cause for concern as well. Some of them have apparent links to hormonal activities creating emotional and psychological imbalance and stress. Others, such as saccharin, have been the subject of studies showing an apparent link to various forms of cancer. Third, those that use various “sugars” are simply adding “food” for the bacteria in the mouth that thrive on sugars and help create decay. Fourth, the need to develop a stable paste that will maintain its consistency over time, and not be a bed for bacterial growth means that most toothpastes wind up having something of a chemical soup that adds to the chemical load that all of us are exposed to every day in modern society. The fact that various forms of disease, including cancer, have increased dramatically over the last century, as the exposure to chemicals all around us have increased dramatically, points to a serious linkage between our environmental health and our body’s health. Fifth, just about all commercial toothpastes use abrasives that can actually weaken the tooth enamel. Whether they call it Calcium Carbonate, or Chalk, by using it as their primary cleaning ingredient, most toothpastes can be actually quite abrasive. One has to ask: “Are there any viable options available?” The answer is a resounding “yes”. Let’s go

back to the history of the rise of toothpastes and the decline of toothpowders. There were reasons why the toothpowders of old lost favor. They generally did not taste very good. They were hard to use. They were inconvenient. But there are, today, toothpowders available that solve all these issues, that are great tasting, providing a refreshing clean feeling, are easy to use, and which actually have an effervescent action that makes brushing effective in hard to reach places, and that have been shown to harden teeth as effectively as some of the most popular commercial fluoride toothpastes. The Eco-Dent DailyCare toothpowders are based on a 70+ year old European formula and have been the subject of a number of studies, published articles, and dentist endorsements. Eco-Dent DailyCare Toothpowders are all based on a formula of baking soda and sea salt. While most baking soda toothpowders of old were not quite a pleasant experience, Eco-Dent has a refreshing taste and leaves the breath fresh and the mouth feeling clean. Baking soda is a superior cleaning agent that is virtually non-abrasive compared to traditional toothpastes. Eco-Dent has been tested and found to be an effective low-abrasive cleaner compared to leading natural and commercial toothpaste brands for instance. It comes in a variety of flavors (provided by natural essential oils), including the very popular Mint, as well as Cinnamon, Anise and the “mint-free” Lemon-Lime for those who are working with homeopathy. The ez-pour cap makes it simple to sprinkle just a pea-sized amount of toothpowder onto the moistened toothbrush. Eco-Dent foams up nicely and provides a great brushing experience. One 2 oz. bottle provides approximately 200 brushings (around 3 months’ supply) making it much more economical than toothpaste as well. Dr. David C. Kennedy, DDS, President of the Preventive Dental Health Association and Past President of the International Academy of Oral Medicine had this to say about Eco-Dent DailyCare Toothpowders: “I have used and recommended Eco-Dent for many years in my dental practice and can highly recommend this product for those who want an effective non-toxic cleaner.” We noticed that even Oprah Winfrey keeps a bottle in her medicine cabinet! (As per the video tour of her Chicago apartment available for view on her website) So, if you are ready for a new and better solution to oral hygiene, “throw away your toothpaste” and join the toothpowder revolution! It will give you something to truly smile about. Eco-Dent is one of the leading companies in the field of natural dental hygiene products, and is the manufacturer of the leading natural brand of baking soda based toothpowders with over a 70 year history of providing positive benefits to oral hygiene. Eco-Dent products can be found at most major health food stores, including Whole Foods, Wild Oats, Vitamin Shoppe, Mustard Seed, and online at retailers such as,, and other major online retailers. For more information call the manufacturer hotline at 888 ECO-DENT or visit the website at www. *Santosh Krinsky is the President of Lotus Brands, Inc., a manufacturer of high quality natural health and wellness products, and a veteran of the natural products industry since 1974. Lotus Brands, Inc. is the manufacturer of the Eco-Dent ® Premium Oral Care product line. Charities We Support Butch Reynolds Care for Kids Foundation Searight Youth Investment Foundation African American Music Association Harlem Kings Healthy Referral Foundation, a Congressional District Program

Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 18 cont. from p. 1 Phyto-Plankton... A WHALE OF A SUPPLEMENT TO ALKALIZE YOUR BLOODSTREAM So, we must stay conscious of our acid-base balance. Have a green leafy salad with that protein rich dish or carbohydrate rich meal. Drink ionized water and take a phyto-plankton food supplement at least once a day. Its omega 3 and 6 essential oils will manage inflammation, stabilize moods and improve the appearance of your skin.

Natural Health/ and Announcements

How to Rejuvenate Your Mind and Body With 5,000 Years of Ancient Health Secrets from the Himalayan Region AND Three Powerful Healing Botanicals YOU CAN Experience Now! Amalaki- In India the amalaki tree is actually considered holy and is the cornerstone of ayurvedic medicine. Amalaki- For centuries, this small fruit, which grows in the fertile soil at the base of the Himalayas, has often been considered the most effective source for, among other things, promoting cellular rejuvenation, enhancing immune function, and increasing vitality.

* Phytonutrients, amino acids, trace minerals, antioxidants, polyphenols, tannins, bioflavonoids–substances well-documented for their ability to promote cellular rejuvenation and overall vitality. * Ellagic and gallic acid, and emblicanin–polyphenols that may help to reduce cellular oxidative stress, destroy free radicals, and support the detoxification of the body. * Rutin, quercetin superoxide dismutase–substances that can contribute to amalaki’s anti-oxidant, antiinflammatory, and youth-promoting qualities. * Ascorbagins–“mighty molecules” that are shown to create a protective bond around their own rich source of Vitamin C molecules, making them more bio-available than synthetic varieties. In India the amalaki tree is actually considered holy and is the cornerstone of ayurvedic medicine. There are over 150 third-party, peer-reviewed studies showing positive effects from amalaki on a component of health.

Turmeric- Turmeric has demonstrated ability to compliment circulation and digestion. In India, it is

used as an antiseptic to treat burns and cuts and Ayurvedic doctors value Turmeric for its fluoride. The United States National Institutes of Health is conducting four clinical trials to determine if curcumin is an effective treatment for pancreatic cancer, Alzheimer’s and colorectal cancer. Curcumin has been used for thousands of years as a safe anti-inflammatory and may be an effective treatment for psoriasis. Finally, Turmeric has demonstrated some ability to help slow down the spread of some cancers.

Tulsi-tulsi, also spelled Tulasi and referred to as Holy Basil, is an aromatic plant and, beyond its many culinary purposes, has particular spiritual relevance as well. Some Hindus consider a household incomplete without a Tulsi plant and still others provide structural spaces within the home especially for their Tulsi. In other spiritual practices, Tulsi is used to make necklaces. Medicinally, Tulsi has been known to enhance digestion and intestinal health. The plant’s extracts are also used in remedies for colds, headaches, stomach ailments, inflammation, heart disease, and malaria. Recent studies suggest that Tulsi may be effective as a painkiller and may help reduce glucose and cholesterol levels. It also has antioxidant properties. *These are three in a synergistic blend of seven valuable botanicals contained in a new functional beverage caled Zrii. Zrii, an elegant Sanskrit word meaning light, luster, splendor, and prosperity, officially opened for business in May, 2008. Because so many people are getting extremely positive results and making it a part of their daily nutritional program, it is shattering records for growth. For more information and to order yours today, visit, contact George Gecik at 440-256-4404 or e mail see p. 11, 19

International College of Integrative Medicine Features Mark Hyman, MD “Food as Healer, Food as Slayer; The Past, Present, and Future of Food and Humans” Fall Conference Oct 1-5, Pittsburgh, PA Dr. Hyman was Co-Medical Director at Canyon Ranch

Lenox, an internationally acclaimed health resort where he combined the best of conventional and alternative medicine with a blend of science, intuition, integrity and compassion. He is the co-author of the recent New York Times bestselling book Ultraprevention, the Six Week Plan that Will Make You Healthy for Life, and winner of the Books for Better Life Award. He is also the author and creator of The Detox Box, A Program for Greater Health and Vitality (Sounds True, 2004). He is Editor in Chief of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, the most prestigious journal in the field of Integrative Medicine.

Helene cont from p. 13 may contain nutrient-dense ingredients or enough protein to build lean mass. Like conscious cuisine, therapeutic cuisine is usually rich in phyto-nutrient-density. As always, check the ingredient list to avoid synthetic sweeteners, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, bleached sugars, enriched flours, and trans fats [i.e., hydrogenated & partially hydrogenated oils]. Like Conscious cuisine, therapeutic ingredients will NEVER include synthetic hormones, anti-biotics, MSG, synthetic colors and preservatives. But, here’s the difference. Therapeutic foods go the extra mile, to assist in healing body, mind and spirit. * Rx cuisine avoids using refined fats, like poly-unsaturated oils exposed to high temperatures, which are loaded with free radicals, to trigger low-grade inflammation * Oils are “cold pressed”, “unrefined”, and ideally stored in dark bottles since exposure to light degrades oil and creates inflammation-forming free radicals. * Nuts, seeds and natural oils are most therapeutic when eaten raw, so store them in the refrigerator to retain their phyto-fat nutrient density. * Rx Cuisine avoids using carrageenan, which, according to Andrew Weil, M.D., an integrative medical pioneer, “causes low-grade inflammation” in the body. * Products containing chocolate are NEVER treated with alkali, which uses a process that destroys chocolate’s inherent therapeutic properties. * Rx cuisine contains fibers to assist in balancing hormones naturally, cleaning the digestive tract and managing blood sugars and fats. * Rx cuisine is spared exposure to herbicides, fungicides and pesticides which acidify your system. As you eat to nourish on a cellular level, you become leaner, healthier and energized. I CALL IT A METABOLIC MAKEOVER! When munching on healing cuisine, focus on products listed on the therapeutic grocery guide more often. Especially, if you suffer from diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, hormonal imbalances, eating disorders, or inflammation. It is possible to reduce blood pressures and blood fats. You can balance hormones, naturally, with phyto-estrogens and plant fibers. Manage inflammation and moods with omega 3’s and greens. Food truly is medicinal. So, relax, and quiet your mind. Let your body talk to you. It knows exactly what it needs. SKIN FOOD-Because skin is an organ, consider, that it “drinks” and “eats” substances it comes into contact with. So, the concept of therapeutic foods encompasses those ingested internally as well as the stuff you rub into your skin! What you place on your skin can be therapeutic, such as essential oils mixed into massage oils, for a mind-body-soul healing experience, or arnica applied externally for healing, or as a poultice or salve. In summary, conscious cuisine is not necessarily therapeutic. But, therapeutic cuisine is always conscious. As you can see, to be considered therapeutic, in my book, the guidelines are stringent, yet many of the products available in today’s natural products marketplace have enormous integrity. And, I am here to introduce these options to you. Helene Berk, M.Ed., R.D. CEO of Registered Dietitian, Journalist, Radio Show Host Web: Email: medicalnutritiontherapy@gmail. com Cell: 310-256-9085 Digital Frog..Humane Alternative for Biology Class...Marilyn Grindley, a member of the Ohio County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, said dissecting animals “desensitizes kids. It tells them that we do not have any respect for any animal.” Grindley and fellow SPCA member Rebecca Goth say virtual dissection software such as the The Digital Frog, the version they donated, offers an alternative to students who find dissection repulsive, and can even save schools money-from news

I-Open accelerates innovation and economic transformation in local and regional economies. Our approach is founded on open source development, an effective innovation engine developed in the software industry. Open source development is based on voluntary communities of people contributing to common (often complex) projects. i-open. org

Its B vitamins will boost your metabolism, plus nurture your nervous and immune systems. Its amino acids will rebuild each and every cell in your body. As a registered dietitian, I’ve decided to implement the phyto-plankton raw foods into my patient’s and client’s food plans. Helene’s Background includes: Veteran Registered Dietitian / Medical Nutrition Therapist: 23 years -Nutrition counseling for patients who suffer from heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome or “syndrome X”, hypertension, eating disorders, depression, mid-life crises Television producer & host [1996-1997] of “HealthStyle with Helene” Interviewed local authors, medical doctors, (traditional/integrative) & allied health pros •Channel 35, CAT [Cleveland-Akron Television Network] ·Writer: health reporter / journalist / author oWrote articles, a column named “Fit For Life”, and two books:-Metabolic Makeover & Be Lean, Healthy & Energetic! COLLEGE EDUCATION & INTERNSHIPS: [1984] Bachelors Degree in Nutrition Science. Case Western Reserve University , Cleveland , OH [1989] Masters Degree in Education & Exercise Science. Cleveland State University , OH [1989] Exercise Physiology Internship. Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland , OH ·[1990-93] Cardiac Dietitian/Cardiac Rehabilitation Internship. Mt Sinai Hospital , Cleveland

How to include marine plankton in your daily diet:Details: click on the film by land and sea. Contact: Helene Berk, M.Ed, R.D. medicalnutritiontherapy@gmail. com or Web: Cell: 310-256-9085.

Organic/Natural KIDS

(in photo Jayden 6 mo. new editor Kids Section with Braggs Aminos, a staple of Jayden’s household)-Jayden’s reviews below...grandson of Marchia, co-publisher and son of Justina, marketing associate/contributor. contact: 866-99-GRAND.

Whole Food Marine Phytoplankton 400 times the energy of any known plant! • a major source of the Earth’s oxygen supply • the first food or plant on earth • whales live on it • more than 200 sea veggies • nutritional analysis that is second-to-none • nourishing and complete proprietary blend

Ingredient Profile of FrequenSea

Marine Phytoplankton Ionic Sea Minerals AMP Frankincense AMP Rose AMP Astaxanthin AMP Ginger Aloe Vera Blueberry Cranberry White Grape Noni/Orange/ Lime Jayden’s review: this is one of the key foods for our family. Hey you’re talking about the bottom of the food chain. Finally, we can drink what whales that live to 150 are eating! Contact my grandma at 866-99-GRAND or my mom at 330-431-0233.

“Eat Raw...NO MSG for Me.” Jayden Lentil Chili Soup from Forevergreen 866-99-GRAND

Packed with whole-food ingredients that deliver a rich, chili flavor. This amazing high-fiber food fills you up without excessive calories. It makes great omelets, dips and salads. Jayden-”one of my favorites, a simple ready to eat raw food delight.” Ingredients -Lentils (19.85%), Pinto Beans, Red Beans, Black Beans, Black Bean Powder, Toma- toes, 8 Grain Mix (Barley Flour, Millet, Buckwheat Flour, Brown Rice Flour, Flax Seeds, Teff, Amaranth, Quinoa), Sesame Seeds, Onion, Red Kidney Bean Powder, Red Bell Pepper, Green Bell Pepper, Chili Powder, Adzuki Bean Powder, White Bean Powder, Apple, Garlic, Salt, Cumin, Jalapeno Powder. Instructions:Prepare soup according to package directions. Heat oil in pan. Cook onion and pepper until onion is clear, set aside. Lightly oil 8” x 8” baking dish. Cut tortillas in quarters like a pie. Layer tortillas first, then Lentil Chili, tortillas, pepper mixture, tortillas, yogurt, tortillas, then top with cheese. Bake at 350° F (175° C) for 25 min. Makes 4 servings. Nutritionals per serving Calories – 254 Carbohydrates – 28g Protein – 11g Fiber – 6g Sodium – 234mg (10%)* Fat – 12g

ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES 36th Annual Cancer Convention


Charlotte’s Day Spa Salon is now Geno’s Hair & Nails

20122 Chagrin Boulevard (3 doors down from our previous location) (216) 283-2400 or visit us at:1994 Warrensville Center Road South Euclid, Ohio 44118 (216) 291-0244-Geno’s Hair Care Products is pleased to offer you the opportunity to shop online. Because Geno knows that what we all want most is stronger, more manageable, healthier hair, Geno’s Hair Care Products offers a complete line of advanced products to gently cleanse, beautifully condition and enhance style for highly textured hair. Whether you are wearing your hair processed, straight or natural, our products are designed to keep your hair in its healthiest condition. Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio Geno Lewis’s outstanding career in the hair business began at the Beatrice Academy where he graduated from in 1966. Upon graduation he entered and won many competitions: New York State, Detroit Beauty Show, Ohio State -NCA of Ohio, Philadelphia Beauty Trade and the Chicago Beauty Trade Show just to name a few. His brilliant knowledge and talents were recognized by several renowned companies in the beauty industry. Geno has worked as Platform Artist for Carol, Area Director for Gentile Products and Style Director for Revlon’s Special Market where he helped develop Revlon’s Relaxer. For over 40 years Geno has been a platform artist and educator teaching continued education for the State Board of Cosmetology of Ohio. Not only has he trained with many of the world’s top designers, Geno has trained many successful hairstylists across the U.S. An entrepreneurial icon in the Cleveland area, Geno is co-owner of the first Black Beauty Chain of Hair Salons in Ohio and the owner of Geno’s Hair and Nails.

SUMMER SPECIALS-1. STEAMED SHRIMP DUMPLINGS (8) - Delicious shrimp dumplings

in delicate translucent wrappers, served with a sweet soy based sauce $7.95 2. SALT BAKED SQUID OR PRAWNS** - Jumbo shrimp and/or squid flour dusted with the Chef’s special spices fried ‘til crispy, and served on a bed of shredded lettuce: Prawns $17.95 Squid $14.95 Combination $15.95 3. SAUTÉED SPINACH - Tender young spinach sautéed with fresh garlic in a light egg-white sauce with your choice of: Prawns $17.95 Chicken $12.95 Tofu $11.95 4. MU SHOO “NOODLES” - Fresh vermicelli egg noodles (no pancakes) wok tossed with julienned cabbage, shitake mushrooms, spring onions, and bean sprouts in a hoisin sauce Pork $11.95 Vegetarian $10.95 Shrimp $15.95 Chicken $12.95

** Please tell your server whether you would like mild, medium or hot. All dishes except noodles served with steamed rice. Substitute Fried Rice for $1.00 Brown Rice for $1.50’ 440.247.0808

How Our Family Stopped Taking Over $1000 a month in Medication and Turned the Solution into a Wonderful Healthy Home Business Hi, we are Lance and Marda Miller. We currently reside in Riverton , Utah and are the parents to three incredible teenagers. We are distributors for a new health and nutrition product called Kyani. The name Kyani comes from the Inuit language which means, “strong medicine”. Kyani was developed by Dr. Maurine McKenzie after she traveled to Alaska for vacation ten years ago. While on vacation she did some personal research and found that there were no pharmaceutical or nutraceutical companies utilizing or producing anything from this miracle state. She began studying the Native American Eskimos and found that although they are one of the poorest in society they are one of the healthiest in our society. What she realized is that the Native American Eskimos diet consisted mainly of Wild Alaskan Blueberries and Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon. After years of studying and development Kyani was born and today, Kyani is ready to offer its’ incredible products to the world! Lance and I became distributors after the products changed both of our lives. I have battled Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fybromyalgia for over nine years. Until November 2007, I was taking 5 to 6 prescription medications that cost (after insurance) $600.00 to $1,000.00 a month. I took the medications just to help me function through each day. I was in no way myself and I had to be careful with everything I did so I would not overdue it and be sore the following day. Taking the medications were only half of my problem. The side effects of the medications I was taking were horrific and half of the side effects I could not even pronounce! What I quickly realized is that when a person suffers from ill health, they will do ANYTHING just to feel better, even if that means incurring other health problems! In September 2007, I was given the Kyani product by a dear friend. Within in six weeks, Kyani had changed my life and it has now been eight months since I have taken any prescription medication and I truly feel myself again! My husband Lance worked over in Iraq for eight months as a combat truck driver. Upon his return home in April 2006, he was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and prescribed several prescription medications that kept his mood and mental state on an even kill. However, he constantly complained about the medications numbing his senses and said that the medications clouded his mind. Once he began taking the Kyani products especially the Omega 3, within a month he felt himself again and was able to stop taking his prescription medications. The life changing effects it has had on the both of us compelled us into action. We felt an obligation within ourselves to provide these products to others and help provide an alternative to those searching for something more. We have a strong desire to help improve other people’s health. We are not the exception to what the products have done for us we are the rule. Kyani has been a blessing not only to us and our immediate family, but every single one of our distributors in our organization have had a life changing experience with the Kyani products.

Kyani offers three proprietary products:

* Kyani Sunrise is a drink supplement derived from the Wild Alaskan Blueberry, which is documented as having 10 times the level of antioxidants as the domestic blueberry. Kyani has added pomegranate, cranberry, wolfberry, raspberry, grapes, noni, aloe

Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 19

vera juice, along with your daily trace minerals. Kyani Sunrise is safe for diabetics and children over the age of three. One ounce a day is all an individual needs.

* Kyani Sunset is an Omega 3 Fatty Acid supplement which is derived from the Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon. Kyani has added a pure Vitamin E called Tocotrienol which is comes from the Annatto Bush Seed. Kyani also has a special patent on the capsule. The capsule is triple coated and will not break open until it hits the lower intestine so the chances of burping up the “fish” taste is very low. * Kyani Nitro FX is a liquid form of Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide is considered to be the molecule of life. Nitric Oxide is a signaling molecule which makes other things work better. It organizes most of the functions of the body from heart beat and breathing to how oxygen is delivered into the tissues. It improves circulation and dilates arteries so blood can flow better. Nitric Oxide won the Noble Science award in 1998. Pharmaceutical companies have capitalized Nitric Oxide in chemical form in products like Viagra and Cialis. Kyani’s Nitro FX is a liquid form derived from the roots of the Noni plant and it is 50 times more powerful than the familiar Noni juice. We as a society today do not get the necessary vitamins and minerals that our bodies need. There are fast food restaurants on every corner and we live in a hepatic society. Our bodies are amazing machines and if we give it what it needs, our bodies can do incredible things. Because if we all stop and think about it for a moment, without your health does anything else truly matter? Kyani chose to distribute their products through network marketing because they felt that they would rather help put money in hard working individuals’ pockets rather than spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising in hopes that they become profitable. Also, with all the products available to people today, if you were handed a product by someone you knew or trusted you would be more likely to try it rather than pick it off of a store shelf right? Building our home based business is an amazing experience. The personal testimonials we receive daily only solidifies our commitment to providing these products to the masses. We have a built a nice residual income for our family and it grows monthly. Residual income is a difficult concept for people to grasp. The irony of this is that Corporate America has grasped that concept very well. They leverage their employees in order for the company to be paid residual income. We have found that while we talk to individuals about an “opportunity” the majority of individuals would rather complain about needing to make more money but resort themselves to the constant corporate paycheck and fail to have a PLAN B in place in the event those paychecks stop. According to an economic analyst that we recently heard on the radio he said that the economic situation is not going to improve anytime soon and in order for a household to just maintain their current living conditions, they will have to increase their annual household income by $18,000.00! Our personal concept of network marketing is,” Network Marketing is the only business where you build great relationships with positive like-minded individuals. It helps with self development and improvement, and you are constantly mentored and helped by your leaders”. The idea behind network marketing is simple; a lot of people doing a little bit and a little bit doing a lot! At Kyani we have a simple process, we share the product with people and through sharing the product we either gain a customer or gain a distributor. Kyani’s products do the majority of the work for us! It is that simple! To learn more about joining the Kyani opportunity or to order Kyani products please visit: or by phone at: (801) 664-7821

Wild vs Cultivated Blueberries By Dr. Steven Pratt

Blueberries are native to North America. Long recognized as nutritional powerhouses, blueberries were an important part of the American Indians’ diet. Blueberries work their magic primarily because of their incredibly high levels of antioxidant phytonutrients - particularly one type in the flavanoid family called anthocyanin. Anthocyanin pigments give blueberries their intense blue-purple color. The darker the berry, the higher the anthocyanin content. Blueberries have at least five different anthocyanins. The anthocyanins are concentrated in the skin of the berries because, as with many other fruits and vegetables, the plant skin protects the fruit from the sun and other environmental assaults by concentrating antioxidants in this key location. As we know, free radicals are the culprits that damage cell membranes and DNA and ultimately cause many of the degenerative diseases that plague us as we age. The anthocyanins in the blueberry’s skin are key players in neutralizing free-radical damage that can lead to a multitude of ailments in our cells and tissue. Now a word about the geometry of blueberries! Though there are some subtle nutritional differences between the wild and cultivated blueberry the real difference has to do with their relative sizes. Wild blueberries are much smaller than their big, juicy cultivated cousins; maybe less than half the size. So, though perhaps 80 or 90 cultivated blueberries may fit in one cup, that same size cup will hold more than 150 wild blueberries! from and courtesy of: Marda/Lance marda (801) 664-7821

Cleveland, OH...Stop the Violence with “Prime Time and Spin Man” of the Harlem Kings (photo enc the Kings at The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame) “You Won’t Foul Out With an Education” featuring 7’2” Derick Polk, former Ohio State and Globetrotter plus Spin Man on the far left (world record holder for longest ball spin on his finger. The Kings take their message into the schools. “The best kept secret to help boost kids confidence and behavior at home and school.” former FBI agent. Contact: Mr Gragg for your school or company. The Kings take their comedy basketball show to schools and get the attention of kids with their vital message. 216-561-2439.


Bring the Healthy Referral to You! 4 issues of groundbreaking information for your health and to uplift your spirit! Name_________________________________________________________date_____ Address________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________________State_____Zip_______________ Country____________________________ Phone( )_________________________email________________________ __please send me your email newsletters __I’m also looking for a home business that will boost my health and create residual income (your information will be kept private)

Please send a gift copy to: Name_______________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________ City________________________________State______Zip_________________ Country_____________________________ ($4 per gift copy to cover printing, postage, handling) Enclosed is: $18 for 4 issues and $_____ for my gift copies. Total enc. $_____ Please attach another sheet for more gift copies and include name, address, city, state, country, zip Credit Card: 866-99-GRAND. These guys are awesome..(true members of the merchant priesthood :) thank you for your decades of service to our community-ayman, founder of Co-creator of Emotional Literacy books. International trade and business. Ayman has successfully founded and personally funded many companies; given a variety of international speeches; executive produced award-winning movies and a variety of television shows with major Hollywood studios. Ayman “Healthy Referral is a wonderful informational resource regarding complementary and integrative health information.” Howard Hall, Ph.D., Psy.D., BICIA Faculty Case Western Reserve University and Rainbow Babies, University Hospitals (there is no implied endorsement from the institutions mentioned).

George Gecik has spent all his life in the music business...playing in bands, teaching clas-

sical guitar at a university and running an entertainment agency. During his college years he had a music teacher that got him interested in nutrition and health. His brother had a life threatening illness in 2001 and the hospital sent him home with no options but to look for alternative treatments. He started on natural products and is doing fine today. After seeing these results, he sold his business and went into the booming wellness business. The stars have aligned with the birth of Zrii in 2008. The ayurvedic formula is changing lives daily. And it is the first and only 3rd party product endorsed by the Chopra Center for Wellbeing.

Testimonial - my sister in law’s back pain has dramatically lessened with Zrii. Another client reports improved digestion and no more mid afternoon energy slump. The stories just keep coming in. Zrii’s innovative compensation plan makes starting your own wellness business financially rewarding right away as well as offering generous long term, residual income. For distributorship information contact George Gecik - 440-256-4404, georgegecik@zrealwealth, or visit see article on p. 11, 18

HairViveTM-A Production of ActiveHerb Technology, Inc. Review done by Marchia Carnicelli Minor/co-founder of HealthyReferral Newspaper HairViveTM is a patent herbal formula with He Shou Wu as the core herb ingredient. He Shou Wu, which literally means “Mr. He Hair Black”, is named after Mr. He, who restored his vitality, sexual potency, and youthful appearance by taking the herb dated back a thousand years ago. Today, He Shou Wu remains widely used by Chinese to fulfill the same goal and is gaining popularity in USA. What Does It Do? In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), He Shou Wu, in its processed form, nourishes the liver and kidney1 which is the source for blood and essence respectively. The liver blood nourishes the head and thus hairs. The kidney essence nourishes the bone marrow and bones, replenishes semen and controls the aging process. Therefore, He Shou Wu may make hairs grow and prevent hair-greying, strengthen bones and muscles, and relieve senility and prolong lifespan. I have been using the HairVive for about 3 months....I love eating/using what Mother/father nature provides and wanted to see what benefits could come from using HairVive. I am blest with being Very my experiences with the product are to simply experience even better health** HairVive’s office is located at 10855 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite 204, San Diego, CA 92121. Contact: 1-858-457-HERB (4372) or 1-888-805-HERB (4372) (toll free) or email: Website: Mention the HealthyReferral Newspaper when contacting them.

New Clinically Proven Breakthrough Products Explode onto the Market

Dr. John C. Nelson, immediate past president of the American Medical Association, stated that “MaxGXL may be the greatest breakthrough in medical technology in the past 35 years “. MaxGXL, a natural clinically proven supplement, stimulates cells to produce more glutathione. Glutathione is a word you need to know if you care about staying young, having energy, and living an active life style as you grow older. Glutathione is your body’s master antioxidant that has many important functions including cell protection, eliminating toxins, energy production, enhancing immunity and reducing inflammation. From about age 20, your glutathione levels decline at about 10 percent per year. Illness, stress, bad diet, exposure to toxins are some of the factors that cause even greater glutathione deficiency. Low of energy, poor sleep, inability to focus, poor memory, slow recovery from physical activity, a weak immune system are signs of glutathione deficiency. The bad news is you can’t just eat glutathione rich foods or take a glutathione pill to increase glutathione levels. But thanks to the research and genius of Dr. Robert Keller, the formulator of MaxGXL, there is now an effective way to boost glutathione levels. Research shows that MaxGXL increases glutathione levels by over 290%, DHEA by 46%, and IGF-1 by 41%, all important age reversal markers. In fact, there has never been a more powerful anti-aging product than MaxGXL. It works at the most basic level of the body, restoring energy, mental clarity, immune response, flexibility, and joy to our lives.

The Holy Grail of Weight Loss-CBS News, the Discovery Channel, and the Oprah show reported that any product that could manipulate “Fat Hormones’ would be a “Magic Bullet” for weight loss. Max International has introduced the first and only product that can assist in balancing “Fat Hormones” thus regulating body weight, body fat, and lean muscle tissue. MaxWLX is an all natural formula that was clinically tested with double blind placebo controlled studies at the University of Connecticut . These studies showed that, on average, the MaxWLX group lost 21.5 pounds of body fat, 3.96 inches off their waist, and 3.28 inches off their hips in just 8 weeks. Here is how it works: Fat cells create a messaging hormone called leptin that signals to the brain when you are full and tells the body to either burn fat or store it. But for leptin to work, your brain must clearly hear leptin’s message. Fat cells keep churning out more and more leptin trying to make the message heard. But the message is ignored because of the high leptin levels, causing you to gain weight. The brain and other body tissues only respond when leptin levels are low. MaxWLX balances leptin levels and speeds weight loss without radical dieting. For more information about MaxGXL and MaxWLX go to or call 800-893-6607. Ask about our amazing business opportunity. Mention Healthy Referral when calling.

Healthy Referral Newspaper /Summer 08 p. 20

Stay Healthy, Trim, and Energetic This Season

Fresh, premium made to order smoothies, wraps, salads, juices, and more! Robeks is the Healthy Alternative to fast food. Ask us about catering your next office lunch or private event. •Rocky River-20647 Center Ridge Road-Rocky River, OH 44116/ Phone: 440-356-2647/Fax: 440-356-2659 • North Olmsted-corner of Lorain and Clague 23420 Lorain Rd.North Olmsted,OH 44070/440.801.1850 • Warrensville Heights-4025 Richmond Rd Suite B, Warrensville Heights,OH,44122. 216.831.1860 (across from CCC) “I always look

forward to working at Robeks! The food is absolutely delicious and it’s also really healthy!”-Josh, N.Olmsted see pg. 11 for

more details

Finally! Convenient Vegan and Cheese Ready to Eat Falafel Wraps! No mess.

90 seconds in the toaster oven. Ask your favorite grocer. inquiries healthyreferral@gmail. com

International Tennis Learning Center Planned in NE Ohio Area

Modeled after the Israel Tennis Centers and Arthur Ashe Tennis Center. Inquiries: (design Woodrow Marcus 3D visual concepts. call for 2 clay, 6 hard, juice bar, cafe. computer camp, sports medicine clinic, holistic health classes, corporate conference rooms, college tournaments, kids investment classes.

FINALLY! A Natural Effective Fast Remedy for POISON I.V. •Relieves itching fast! •Dries up and eliminates rash/blisters fast! •Nothing on the market works better or faster!

NATURAL SPECIALTIES -(440) 729-4997 SOAPY is truly a super soap. It has so many uses that you can replace several items in your household with it, making it more economical, and unlike other so called soaps (which are just chemical mixtures that can be drying and irritating), SOAPY is 100% natural, real •For snake, spider, bee, etc., stings and bites. •Relieves itching fast! •Eliminates the redness and inflamation fast by neutralizing the poison! •Nothing works better!


Your Mind, Body, and Spirit Deserves a Cold Glass of Mona Vie....a delicious and healthy blend of 19 body-beneficial fruits including the Brazilian acai berry, one of nature’s top superfoods Developed with the philosophy Balance-Variety-Moderation, MonaVie products deliver the phytonutrients and antioxidants you need to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. The final MonaVie blend includes acai, white grape, nashi pear, acerola, pear, aronia, purple grape, cranberry, passion fruit, banana, apricot, prune, kiwi, blueberry, bilberry, camu camu, wolfberry, pomegranate, and lychee fruit. Together, their synergistic effect reaches far beyond what any single fruit could accomplish. Call the effervescent Carol at Heiress Hair and Nail Spa/Boutique 440-605-0288 (reference upon request) and order today! see article p. 14

soap, containing no harmful chemicals.

The following are some of the uses for SOAPY: * Very concentrated liquid gel. Dilution rate: 2 tablespoons per 8 oz. water. Fill the soap dispenser in your bathroom and shower. * Wash whole body and hair. Use diluted. Leaves no film. Clean and refreshing! * Antibacterial - Antiseptic - Antifungal. Use straight for athletes foot. Rub in between toes and bottoms of feet until dry (do not wash off), then put on socks and shoes. Use straight on minor cuts and scrapes. Helps prevent inflammation and heals them faster. * Sanitizer. Use diluted. Rub in all over hands until dry. Safely and effectively sanitizes without the antibiotic additives used in other sanitizers and without leaving a film. * Chapped hands. Alleviates and prevents. Softens hands. Apply same as Sanitizer above. * Grrrrrreat for smooth, close shave. Use straight. Men and women love it for shaving face and legs (even with cold water) because of the fantastic lubrication it provides without drying skin and don’t forget the antiseptic qualities in case you nick yourself. * Brush teeth, freshen breath. Use straight on wet toothbrush. For better cleaning and whitening, make a paste by mixing a little with baking soda. Squeaky clean! * Cleaning dentures. Does a great job! Sanitizes dentures, makes them feel fresh and clean in your mouth. Use same as for brushing above. * Hand grease and grime. Excellent at breaking down grease and grime, getting into cracks and pores. Use with scrub brush straight. * Fleas, Lice, Mites, etc . Users report, when bathing their pets, fleas dead in 30 seconds (same for lice and mites). Does not burn pets skin or poison them like some conventional flea dips. Soothing and antiseptic to flea bites. * Mosquito repellent. Use straight. Dab tiny amounts on exposed areas of body and rub in. * For camping. Valuable addition in the knapsak. Not to be forgotten on camping trips! Like a little first aid kit in a bottle. Replaces many other items you won’t need to bring, saving room. * Stain removal. I can’t believe how well it works for so many different kinds of stains! Fantastic for oil and grease based stains like ring around the collar. Apply to collar straight, rub in a little and let soak in, then put in washer. For stains like grease, oil, lipstick, mascara, ballpoint ink, dried blood; apply straight, rubbing it in to stain and area around it with your fingers or small soft bristled brush, then grasp material on both sides of stain and rub together while periodically wetting area a little under running water. For stubborn stains you may have to repeat. * Deodorant. Use straight. Rub in a small amount under your arms. Keeps you odor free all day. * Feminine douche. Use diluted. * Manicure. Use diluted. Soak fingers in. Helps prevent cuticle infection.

Natural Specilaties (440) 729-4997

Visit our newly updated gallery for more sample designs of our Keep$ake products... (877) 490-5823 Toll Free • (360) 539-1842 • fax (360) 464-4833 • email: Mention Healthy Referral when calling.

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