Single Tooth Implant Treatment at best Cost In Delhi, India

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Single Tooth Implant Treatment at best Cost In Delhi, India

What is a dental implant? A dental implant is a titanium screw that can be placed directly in the bone. It simulates the root of natural tooth. In most cases, it is a two piece assembly, one part that simulates the root is placed within the bone and the second part is placed on top, that looks and feels like your natural tooth. With the latest advances in technology, Single Tooth Implants In Delhi have become a routine procedure.

Advantages of implants over bridge/ dentures The major advantage of Single Tooth Implants is that it is independent of adjacent structures. It does not require grinding of the adjacent healthy teeth. Single Tooth Implants In Delhi once placed look and feel exactly like natural teeth. They have excellent chewing efficiency and are practically self-cleansing. Hence we can safely say that they are easy on maintenance.

Who can get an implant? Practically everyone can get an implant procedure done, it is a minor surgery and has the same risks and concerns like a tooth extraction. There are a few basic tests like blood sugar that are required before the surgery. Your doctor will also take some x rays to ensure the quality of bone before placing the implant.

How painful is it? It is not!! The entire procedure is done under local anesthesia, in most cases, it is clubbed with the tooth extraction appointment to avoid extra surgery. After the procedure antibiotics and painkillers are prescribed to keep you pain free. The entire process of placing a Single Tooth Implant In Delhican be completed within half an hour. Yes there is some discomfort for initial 2, 3 days, but not patients are usually able to perform their daily chores and work normally.

Cost of dental implants The Cost of Dental Implants in Delhi can range from 20,000 to 45000 INR. The cost depends on various factors like the quality of implant placed, the type of crowns planned etc. Crown and roots dental clinic in Delhi is one of the best places for quality and affordable dental implant treatments. All the standards of protocol related to hygiene and sterilization are maintained. Transparent and honest conversation about the diagnosis, treatment planning and cost is done beforehand. So book your consultation appointment today and gift yourself the sparkling smile you deserve. Happy smiling!!

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