Illumination noun (ih-loo-muh-ney-shuh’n). light, clarification, elucidation, explanation What better way to turn on the light in a child’s mind than by giving them a rich cultural experience? Illumination is our theme for this year, and our programme is bursting with brilliant, dazzling dance, theatre, puppetry, film, storytelling, music, literature events, visual arts and craft exhibitions, workshops and discussions. Our artists have woven light and shadow into their work, and we know that they will indeed dazzle you. So come celebrate Baboró’s 15th birthday in Galway, where we know how to celebrate the arts.
16th to 23rd October 2011
Main Sponsor 2011 Medtronic is the global leader in medical technology - alleviating pain, restoring health and extending life for people with chronic conditions around the world. The company, which employs 2000 people at its Center of Excellence in Galway, develops and manufactures a wide range of products and therapies with emphasis on providing a complete continuum of care to diagnose, prevent and monitor chronic conditions. Each year, these therapies help more than seven million people. Medtronic is passionate about improving the health of people and communities across the globe and is delighted to partner with Baboró International Arts Festival for Children, providing a unique and positive contribution to enhance the local community. Main Sponsor