Dentist In Broken Arrow

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Dentist In Broken Arrow

Dental Veneers in Broken Arrow

If you have gaps between your teeth or have teeth that are stained, crooked, cracked, or poorly shaped, you can change your smile with veneers.

Veneers are thin shells made from either ceramics or composite resins designed to cover your teeth’ front side. Veneers are custom-made to look like and blend in with your natural teeth. Our dentist in Broken Arrow, OK, recommends the desired type of veneer based on your need.

Periodontitis is inflammation of the gums and supporting structure of the teeth. One who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease and in the placement of dental implants is called a Periodontist.

Periodontist in Broken Arrow

Emergency Dentist in Broken Arrow

Oral emergencies can happen at any time. Don’t get panic or lose your calm. When an urgent situation strikes, call your emergency dentist in Broken Arrow, OK, to seek professional help immediately.

Dental Implants in Broken Arrow

For years the only treatments available for missing teeth were bridges and dentures. But, today, dental implants are available. Dental Implant in Broken Arrow is a procedure that replaces the tooth root with a metal screw and replaces missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and function like a real ones. Our Broken Arrow Dentist, Dr. Todd Gentling, is very excited to offer the Any Ridge

Implant System by MEGA’GEN to the patients of Broken Arrow, OK.

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