Go for the Best B2B travel Portal in India.

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Go for the Best B2B travel Portal in India. B2B Multifly provides business-to-business solution, which is the exchange of services between businesses.B2B Multifly is a single window platform which provides all the B2B related services, turning out to be the best B2B Travel Portal in India. Optimize Profits Travel agents guide customers about tour packages through their expertise. In return, they get commissions and earn profits after the booking process is completed. Travel agents can control their commissions and profits with one-click access to the lowest possible fares, hotel, and car transfers at B2B Multifly. Profits can be optimized by more bookings and more sales. And this can be achieved if a travel agent provides discounts and offers at cheap rates which are available at B2B Multifly. White Label A product or service developed by one company and sold to another with the company’s brand

name on the products or service is known as White label. B2B Multifly provides the white label solution to Travel Agents to earn more commission through its brand name. Advantages of White label: 1. It boosts the visibility of the Travel Agent’s brand. Without being obnoxious white label increases the awareness of your brand. 2. A brand is more trustworthy as per a client’s perspective. White label strengthens this bond of trust between the agent and the client. 3. White labelling allows the Travel Agent to have a brand name on their efforts 4. White labelling gives Travel agents a refined service brand which indirectly helps them to earn more profits. 5. White Label solution helps the Travel agents to save time and money 6. White labelling opens up a world of product options for the Travel Agent’s business. In which they have an opportunity to select the best travel portal 7. White labelling takes the pressure off. Travel API: Travel API connects the Travel Agent directly to the data he/she requires to innovate a website.

So that customers can avail the best deal on flight or hotels and the Travel Agent can earn a lot of commission and profits. Travel API Helps a Travel Agent To1. Set up easy and flexible integration for travel search. 2. Travel API provides features like combining the travel Agent’s Travel APIs with existing travel offers to complement the agent’s product range. 3. Travel API’s have an online portal which helps the Travel Agent to manage their revenue and commissions. 4. Travel API provides Mobile solutions which enable the Travel Agent to take advantage of the latest updates as they happen. Enrol Today!!

To be a travel agent with high commissions and profits, enrol today with India’s best B2B travel portal-B2B Multifly. All you got to do -Just fill out the enquiry form and on B2B Multifly.com and be successful Travel Agent.

“Travel Agents help people to make uncountable memories and just leave back footprints. They sell dreams and tell people to live life by using a compass, not a clock. A Travel Agent can make most of the profit by fulfilling the customer’s thirst of wanderlust.”

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