2023 VPL - Art Exhibit & Unveiling

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Visible Visible of Light Historical Magazine Cover Stories “Amazing Pages In Memphis History”
Dr. K.T. Whalum, Jr. New Olivet Worship Ctr.
& Unveiling Reception: Sunday, Feb. 26, 2023 - 3PM Also Featuring: Middle & High School Student Winners of The Best Visible Portraits Art Contest Top Of The Line Banquet Hall  3674 Ridgeway Rd.
Pastor John Wallace, Jr. Shiloh Missionary Baptist Pastor Melvin Jones Victory in Christ Christian Pastor Myron Donald Greater Lewis Baptist Dr./Pastor O. Johnson Greater Faith Tabernacle Pastor M. McPherson New Bethel MBC Apostle Perry Maples Apostolic Deliverance Temple Dr./Pastor W. Green Friendship Baptist Dr./Pastor B. Orr Brown MB Church Pastor Keith. Norman First Baptist Broad Pastor J.L. Turner Mississippi Blvd. Church
Pastor Dorothy Jones New Faith Bible Church
B.VISIBLE MAGAZINE - PAGE 2 – 2023 “Call us when you need your taxreturn done correct the first time.”  Small business Consultant  Personal & Business Tax Preparation  Church Accounting King’s Accounting & Management Service Matthew L. King President/CEO 1471 Semmes St. Memphis, TN 38114 901.573.2483

Breathe, Dream Breathe

Theother day, I was in the midst of dazing in my dreams when this calm stimulus came to me and said, “Breathe, Dream, Breathe!”` I repeated this statement several times and each time, it felt as if I was literally giving life to my dream. Suppose you were having difficulty breathing and then a doctor, a nurse, a friend, a relative or even a stranger touched you and said, “Breathe, just breathe!” And then, you did. Better yet, think about how God breaths breathe into us just as He breathes dreams into us for the sole purpose of us bringing them forth upon the earth. Since we came from the earth and now the world can see us, it is time for our Divine Dreams to be seen as well. So, whatever that Dream is that God is breathing into you, I encourage you to nurture it to the point where all of its’ vital signs are revived by simply saying to it, “Breathe, Dream, Breathe!” Also, whenever you feel your dream is being threaten or put down or just in limbo, remember you have the power to give it life with each breathe that you take. Be encouraged, Dynamically Speaking, today.

Peace & Love, Health & Wealth,

2023 Edition Letter From
B.Visible Magazine A DIVISION OF B.VISIBLE PRODUCTS & SERVICES 3091 Directors Row Memphis, TN 38131 901.347.3129 www.mybvisible.com Publisher/CEO Sharonda D. Walker bvisible.sharonda@gmail.com Featured Inspirational Writers Visible Portraits of Light Pastors Student Art Contest Winners Graphic Design & Photography Larry D. Walker This month is the perfect time to order a copy of my book for you and a friend during this special promotion at $14.95 Also available in Spanish “52 Drops of Motivation that could change your life forever” Over 2,700 copies of this inspiring fast selling book has already sold. Order online: www.sharondawalker.com Published by Dynamically Speaking Publishing 901.314.0294 B.Visible Magazine is a monthly publication with a focus on business that provide the best in customer service. Reprints and copies of any material in this publication is prohibited, unless approved by the Publisher. All rights reserved. Copyright 2023 FREE SHIPPING For all orders of 5 or more
the Publisher
Sharonda D. Walker, Publisher/CEO


“A special salute to Pastor Marquis G. McPherson, Jr. & the eleven other pastors, who are part of the 2023 Visible Portraits of Light Honorees”
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We currently have three Memphis locations: 374 Vance Ave. 901-526-3264 2944 Walnut Grove Rd. 901-235-8169 3651 Austin Peay Hwy 901-235-8169 B.VISIBLE MAGAZINE - PAGE 5 – 2023

One Thursday evening on October 3rd 2019, I was leaving Baptist East Hospital after visiting a church member, Sis Jerlean Taylor. As I was getting into my car, I felt a small pop in my chest. Then, I started to feel discomfort in my body. I called my wife to tell her what was going on and since I was already at the hospital, I decided to go to the emergency room. Little did I know, this would later be a life-saving decision. The doctors ran tests and as my wife arrived at the hospital, we were delivered some startling news. I was experiencing a very rare occurrence. Doctors told me I had an Aortic Dissection which was a major tear in my aortic valve and it would require emergency surgery. The doctors said it would likely be a 10 to 12-hour surgery that had to be done immediately. I had no time to prepare or tell family or anyone about what was going on. They quickly started prepping me for the procedure. Ultimately the surgery lasted 16 hours and I was awakened several days later. I was told that if I had continued with my first mind and driven home instead of going to the emergency room, I wouldn’t have made it back to the hospital in time. The survival rate is 20% for an aortic dissection.

Another major incident is that during the surgery a cardiac aneurysm erupted; the chances of surviving an aortic dissection coupled with an erupted cardiac aneurysm is close to impossible; but thanks be to God “I am one of the ones who did”. Because of concerns and complications with blood clots, the doctors made open incisions in my legs leaving them open and exposed for days. I learned this because my wife later testified that one way the enemy attacked her was by reminding her of the smell of death, that was similar to my open wounds. This was a trick of the enemy trying to discourage her, to make her lose hope. My wife shared photos with me showing my body swollen twice its normal size, intubated, attached to a room full of machines. Praise God, I don’t remember that 3 months process, God covered me. The surgeon, Dr. Rachel Harris, shared with me before the surgery that she was a faith believer; and then months afterwards during my first visit to her office, she testified that I was a walking miracle.

Lastly, the brain readings after my surgery indicated that I had multiple strokes during the ordeal. The cognition that I had after the surgery also indicated that I was more than blessed to have come through the surgery as I did. I also attributed my comeback to the faithful prayers of my family, my church family and many friends; after all the scripture does say

“The Prayers of the Righteous Availeth Much.”

“It had to be God” that is a true saying.

Each day we awaken to a world where we seek to find hope. Each day is filled with struggles of the past. The tears of mothers, the hunger pains of children, and fathers seeking to find their way. A world that was created to give God glory, yet we struggle just to find hope. We awaken to a world where evil seems to prevail, and good seems to be an afterthought. However, we who believe must not lose sight of the victories that exist in the hearts and lives of Christians. As the church, as believers, as pastors, as saints, we cannot afford to allow what it looks like to become the narrative of our journey. We who have a relationship with the living Christ, must recognize that God renews us every morning and His faithfulness is ever before us. (Lamentation 3:23) It is not that life happened, but it is knowing that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

It is not the miracles, or even the mind-blowing experiences, it is learning to be still and knowing that God is present with us. (Psalms 46:10) So much of this life is chasing dreams that lead to fame, fortunes and frustrations, but we miss being present. Present to hear the still small voice. (I King 19:11-12) Present to see the flowers bloom, and to hear the birds sing. We miss the greatest opportunities to feel the rain, and enjoy the sunshine. We miss being present in the lives of those who share this earth with us.

Many believe the answer to our search for hope is within the temporal things we acquire. However, we have forgotten that waking up each day is a gift. Hope is not in things, but it is in being present. To open our eyes to new opportunities that can make a difference; and being present to share time and space with others. To plant seeds that will one day blossom into trees is hope. To know that we are giving God glory by being present with our fellow humans is a miracle for many of us. To know that we are not alone, to genuinely love, to care, to share, to engage, to explore, and to experience life fully is what God created us to do. Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10) It is to seek and press toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14) It is to know Christ and the power of His resurrection. (Philippians 3:10)

Each day we awaken, despite the bad news of the day before, or the tragic occurrences that may happen in the course of this day, we have hope. Our hope is in the call of God that awakens us each morning. It is in the miracle of life that we experience every day. It is in the trust that God has placed in us, giving us another chance. It is the sustaining grace, and love that we share in this world we live.


“When I Knew God called Me”

We have all heard the statement seeing is believing”. However, you don t find that verbiage in the bible. Jesus said in John 20:29nkj to him, Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” What is seen is not Faith. Hebrews 11:1nkj Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

The year was 1989 and I began to seek God more and more. My family allowed me to have some words during a family reunion and at that point I knew something was changing, however that was not enough. I attended a revival and the speaker called me out and said “God is calling you to a quick work.”

The next day I asked God if you are calling me, where will I learn ministry? I said to God, the church we were attending had about 20 ministers and my thoughts were I will never get a chance. On the next Sunday evening, an Elder/Pastor whom I’ve known for years came by our home and said “I’m starting a ministry, can you help me?” I told my wife, “Wow, that was quick!” I worked night shift 11pm until 7am Sunday through Friday and I knew this would be difficult to attend church at night and go to work. I went to work 2 weeks later on a Sunday night and the plant superintendent said, “Lester, you’ve worked your last night shift.” He later told me he didn’t know why he had to do it so quickly. I went home and again told my wife, “Wow, that was quick!”

We helped that Pastor for two years as God was speaking to me about my own Pastoral assignment. Everything was happening so “QUICK.” I started looking for a building and my Faith was, since God called, I wanted to start out with a church building not a house. However, God’s plan and thoughts are not my thoughts. God sent me to Jackson, Tennessee to meet a Pastor who informed me of a house church on the corner of Shelby Drive and Auburn.

My wife and I came back to Memphis and went to visit the house and the Pastor said, “I’ve lost my vision, if you can give me $$$ you can have this building.” We gave him what he asked for in April of 1991. We started refurbishing the building with some much-needed repairs. We installed a new air and heat system with the blessing of a contractor, who said “pay me later.” At this time, I worked for a printing company; the company employed people to refurbish the building for us and they PAID THEM!

It took us approximately one month to get everything done and our first service was held May 19, 1991 4665 Auburn Rd @ 3:00 pm and we have been in that community ever since.


“I Witnessed A Miracle, When I Received The Love of God!”

God is Love, His Character is Love, His Attributes are Love. God’s Love is never based on your performance. When you truly understand the Love of God, you receive a miracle in your spirit. A miracle is defined as a divine event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be a work of a divine agency. In Christendom, we believe that agency is God. God loves us because God is Love. God’s Love is miraculous, God’s Love is not based on what we have done. We often believe that God loves others, but it’s hard for us to embrace the fact that God loves us. You are loved by God; Yes, YOU! I wish we could all get this truth, (Everything we do in the body of Christ, should be out of a reflection of our love for Jesus Christ.)

There are four basic types of Love: the first type of Love is Eros Love, “What you do for me, I will do for you -Payback type of Love.” The second type of Love is Philia Love, “Brotherly Love.” The third type of Love is Storge Love, “The Love of parents for their children.” The fourth type of Love is Agape Love, “The God kind of Love, “It’s unconditional Love.” John 3:16

God loves us so much, he created us in his image in spirit, soul and body. GEN 1:26 We were created not from Love but by Love. You don’t have to be perfect for God to love you. The litmus test for a Christian is Love. Love is a choice, Love is a sacrifice, Love is an action word.

God loves us with, a who so ever will Love. Romans 10:13 God loves us and wants a relationship with us. God’s love is not based on how much we love God, but how much God loves us. God says comes as you are, black or white, young or old, rich or poor. God loves you, Love Yourself, Love Others. John 13:34-35 And like the prodigal son, God loves you so much he will receive you back. Luke 15:20-24

God loves you even if you are dealing with an addiction, a gambler, adulterer, fornicator, abortion, liar, thief, homosexual, lesbians, baby out of wedlock, divorced, molested, abused, God still loves you. God loves you so much, he is running after you.

Luke 19:10

You must know that God loves you so much that he doesn’t hold your mistakes against you.

Romans 8:1


Pastor Marquis G. McPherson, Sr. New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church

When I knew God had called me

When I knew God had called me to preach the gospel. From the time I was a boy at the age of 12 years old, I wanted to know God, but never thought I would be a preacher. After I became a man, I had a dream one night that I was at the old Ellis Auditorium, now the “Renasant Convention Center” where thousands had gathered for revival. As I sat in an aisle seat, the minister came toward me and pointed me out and said, YOU! I immediately jumped to my feet and ran down the aisle and leaped upon the stage and I began preaching the word that night. That’s when I knew God wanted me to preach the Gospel. That dream became a reality on Sunday, September 21, 1975.

The next day which was Monday, as I was driving to work through a railroad overpass, and as I came out of the tunnel, I heard a voice that sound like it was about 12 feet away upward that said, “YOU ARE MY APOSTLE” astonished I was, but I said, I can’t tell people that, they won’t receive me. And the voice said, they didn’t receive me, you are my Apostle, and I said, YES LORD!

A short time thereafter, I saw Jesus in the clouds. The way this happened the clouds were few, and the clouds began moving swiftly westward coming together forming an animated face that said to me, “PREACH THE WORD” and after that I saw a man standing on the bank of a huge body of water casting his reel into the water fishing, and God spoke to me and said “that’s what I want you to do, throw out the life line fishing for men.” That’s what I have done and will continue to do; throw out the life line!

To God be the Glory for all He has done in Jesus’ name.

I am humbled and grateful for the opportunity to be recognized as a 2023 recipient. Serving Memphis and the Mid South as a Pastor and Community Leader is a part of my personal commitment to provide hope and healing to individuals and families. Matthew 9:36-37 fuels my call to ministry. It says, “When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like a sheep with a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” (NIV).

Jesus saw the people and was moved with compassion. He wanted to transform their lives. These individuals that Jesus saw, were cast down, broken, crushed hurt, deeply wounded, and dejected. Just like Jesus, when I see those that are hurt and wounded by life, my heart is to see those lives transformed. Today, news reports are filled with individuals and families dealing with extremely challenging circumstances and conditions. Daily we work, live, and even worship alongside individuals who are struggling financially, relationally, emotionally, in their health, and even spiritually. These persons are worn out and fatigued by the cares of life. In the words of Fannie Lou Hamer, “I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.” As we share the Gospel and witness to others and work to minister to their needs, we extend an invitation with the call to come to Jesus, “all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

I have been called and commissioned by God to go into various neighborhoods and communities, to meet people where they are and share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is my purpose and mission in life. I believe that God has sent me (us) to make a difference in the lives of others that we encounter daily in our walk-through life or as we purposely seek to do missions work.

I again am humbled and grateful that God chose me to do this work as His representative here in the earth. I encourage and invite others to join alongside me and work to transform lives and communities one person, one family, one community at a time.

Brothers and sisters, according to Matthew 5:14-16 “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.” We are the light of the world that this Scripture speaks of as we display visible hope, progress, and change.

PAGE 8 – 2023

First Baptist Broad Missionary Church

It had to be God who placed me in the specific environments that He did. The experiences that some may have considered a series of unfortunate events were simply the divine set-up for God to display His promise of Romans 8:28: “And we know that all things work together for the good of them that love God, to them who are the called according to is purpose.”

From an early age, my grandparents instilled in me qualities of Godliness that have graciously carried me into the place I am today. It had to be the Lord that allowed me to experience that caring and nurturing atmosphere my grandparents fostered. It was that very environment, my family, and even the difficult situations life presented along the way that taught me that God was present from the beginning. It had to be God that allowed a little black boy from South Memphis, who attended Riverview and Carver High School to achieve what some would deem impossible.

To God be the glory!

Brown Missionary Baptist Church

“When I knew God Called Me!

Being the youngest of the late Willie James Orr, Sr., and Lorene Orr with my father being a deacon and my mother being the church musician, attending church was not optional but mandatory. I remembered staying in church Sundays – from morning to night. When I wasn was visiting the sick with my aunt, the late Erma Mae Warren, and my mother. And on Wednesday, I was always in Bible Class, with my first Bible Class teacher, Alexander Walton, from Phoenix AME Church. Quite often, I always volunteered to give the Sunday School class highlights. Others took notice and soon they were saying, “Little Orr is going to be a preacher.”

In 1978, Pastor Sherman L. Helton became the pastor of our church, New Hope Baptist Church. That same year in August, at the tender age of 9, I was saved at revival on a Sunday night. I was a little disappointed because I always thought you had to be saved on Wednesday if you were going to be a preacher. Revival started on the first Sunday night in August and I couldn’t hold my peace. Before I knew it, when the invitation was given, I jumped at the opportunity. I just knew that God wouldn’t call me now to be a preacher since I got saved on the “wrong night.” But I still volunteered to speak and whenever Pastor Helton was late for Wednesday nights bible Study, I would get up and start teaching until he arrived.

During the fall of 1978. I was awakened from sleep and when I looked at the window, I saw my vision. There was a cross and a bright light shining all around it. I could hear the voice of Jesus Christ speaking from that cross saying, “Go, Preach!” I could see myself preaching and even pastoring a church where we ministered to the whole person – spiritually, financially, and even physically. I shared my vision with my mother and Mrs. Donetta Walton, a family friend. I didn’t want to tell others because I wanted to be sure that I was hearing from God. Remember, I was only 9 years old. It wasn’t until the spring of 1981 at 11 years old that the vision came back to me. Pastor Helton was late, and I was up teaching Bible Class. When he arrived, I didn’t sit down. I kept on teaching. When finally asked by a deacon to sit down, I was crushed. After church, I was crying uncontrollable because they wouldn’t let me do what I was called to do. When we stopped by my aunt’s house, I even crawled under the bed to pray. The vision came back to me, and I knew God had called me. I told everybody and shortly after that, I preached my first sermon at the age of 11. At 19 years old, I was elected as Pastor of Brown MB Church and 34 years later, that church has grown from 66 members to over 14,000 and we are ministering to the whole person.

Yes, I know God called me!

- PAGE 9 – 2023

Real Love

1 John 3: 18 (The Message) “My dear children, let’s not just talk about love; let’s practice real love. Move love from lip theories to action: do something!”

As we look at this pericope this evening, John is making a bold claim that since Jesus laid down his life for us, we should practice laying down our lives for our sisters and brothers. In verses 11-24, John communicates the love life of a genuine believer, or disciple of Christ. If you have truly been born again, LOVE is an indispensable characteristic of your new nature. As a result of this new nature, God not only imparts his holiness but the habitual display of love in everything that we do. Jesus left us an extreme example of agape and sacrificial love! Love must be exemplified through our actions. Real love is not just an emotion that we feel but shown through our actions. Talk is good, but you have got to do something! John is challenging all of us to ”put your money where your mouth is.” We need to put some leg to our love! Go to places where help is needed. Let your hands and other resources be a testament of your love! John is admonishing us to let LOVE be your voice!

If you are blessed to meet the needs of others and do absolutely nothing to alleviate that need, God’s love does not dwell in you! How can you prove that Gods love abides in you? Let’s take the love Test. Do you divide your bread with the hungry? That is love! Do you clothe the needy? (Is your closet still running over because your clothes are too good for the marginalized) If you are clothing the naked, Love is speaking for you! Do you have time to visit the sick? That is also love speaking! John warns all Christians that it is time to stop the talk. We need to spend less time in meetings. We need to plan and activate our words into acts of love! Our voice is not a substitute for love! Talk does not meet needs, actions do! Marching and protesting bring temporary changes. But love brings about lasting changes: Love endures all things! Love never fails! Love is everlasting!

Jesus put Love into action through his deeds. Jesus shows the supreme example of sacrificial love by giving his life to save all. He came from glory to earth to bridge the sin gap between God and humanity. They crucified him one Friday! On that fatal Night, he exemplified how to put real love into action. They whipped him all night long. He did not say a word. He just showed how much he loved us by dying to save a sin-sick world. He was marched from judgement hall to judgement hall. But he kept marching to Calvary; so that humankind can understand magnitude of love. They put a crown of thorns around his head. He was speared in the side. But he continued to die because he loved us so MUCH!!! He died as an ultimate example of LOVE. He got up! Returned to Glory! He left a legacy of LOVE for ALL to follow until his return. I encourage you to “Let Love Do the Talking!”

“With God, There Are No Limitations.”

By the divine providence of God, Dr. Turner accepted the Call to serve as the Senior Pastor of Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Memphis, TN on January 13, 2013. For seven years prior to coming to Mississippi Boulevard, his pastoral assignment was the Community Baptist Church in New Haven, Connecticut. He is married to the former Bridgett Nicole Bush of Baldwin, New York. They are the loving parents of Josiah Lawrence and Savannah Grace Turner.

A native of Nashville, Tennessee, Dr. Turner holds a B.A. degree in Religion and Philosophy from Fisk University, He received his Master of Divinity degree from Yale University Divinity School and was awarded the prestigious H.H. Tweedy Prize for exceptional promise for pastoral leadership. In May 2018, Dr. Turner received the Doctor of Ministry degree in Transformative Leadership at the Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School in Rochester, NY.

Understanding the need for excellence in leadership in today's society, Dr. Turner has demonstrated his gifts and talents in various capacities including Pres. of the Yale Divinity School Student Council; Vice Pres. of the Connecticut State Missionary Baptist Convention; and Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of New Haven, CT. He is a 2017 graduate of the Leadership Memphis Executive Class which prepares and mobilizes leaders to work together for the good of the whole community.

Dr. Turner serves on the Executive Committee of the Memphis Christian Pastors Network, is the Pres. of the Yale Divinity School Alumni Board of Directors, Secretary-Treasurer of the National Action Network Board of Directors and a member of the Church Health and Perea Preschool Board of Trustees. He is a proud member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and the Founder and President of Black Clergy Collaborative of Memphis (BCCM), an organization committed to expressing the voice of the Black Church regarding issues of economic empowerment, civic engagement, and criminal justice reform.

Dr. Turner loves God and is creative in his approach to ministry, compassionate and forward thinking. His strong belief in the importance of family values was shaped by his parentsMrs. Donzetta Webb Turner and the late Rev. James C. Turner, Sr. Dr. Turner lives each day believing in the biblical truth of Ephesians 3:20, "Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than we can ask or imagine ...

" With God there are no limitations!”


“Material for a Miracle in the Making.”

In and through my ideological thinking & understanding, I have come to the conclusion that God will strategically place us exactly where he wants us to be in efforts to persuade us of his power. The first miracle witnessed and recorded in the Gospel of St. John whereas Jesus turned water into wine.

The miracle performed by Jesus on this occasion at a wedding where he was an invited guest, serves a strategic purpose of showing unto us that God can use anything as material to manufacture a miracle whenever the need arises. This is just one example of how God uses ordinary events, occurrences and people to do extraordinary, & even miraculous things.

Jesus, through this unexpected miracle, unveils unseen spiritual attributes that the world, especially these distinguished guests, never even knew he possessed (turning water into wine). This miracle was made manifest at the very moment when the catastrophe was about to occur, thereby lending itself to the outbreak of panic, pandemonium and embarrassment for the groom amidst his gathered guests in this otherwise celebratory moment.

In my own experience and encounter with God on just a routine and ordinarily assignment in the workplace, I witnessed firsthand the miraculous. In the month of January which was the advent of a new year (2023), I was minding my own business, unbothered and not bothering anyone to my knowledge. It was an extremely cold night and I had no gloves suitable to wear or warm my hands. I only had one left hand glove in my backpack. The right hand glove had been lost, or inadvertently discarded weeks ago and was nowhere to be found, even after several exhaustive attempts had been employed to locate the missing/lost right hand glove. My extensive efforts to warm my hands in this worst-case scenario were in vain. I even had the audacity to ask God why he would allow me, his bivocational preacher to be in such a pitiful predicament which seemingly served no purpose whatsoever. I questioned God’s grace being sufficient, when I lacked the sufficiency of a suitable pair of gloves in frigid weather to keep my hands warm. Why? Why? Why? I asked of God in an effort to seek understanding.

In order to better comprehend the colossal control, power and authority of God, He will oftentimes expose us to unique experiences that unbeknown to us, he has already equipped us for, as time will imminently tell. Such is the case in the narrative of my seemingly worst day of my life. I was assigned a basic role to check out a small two- passenger motorized vehicle used to load and offload an aircraft. This vehicle was low of fuel and it was my task to ensure that the equipment used was properly fueled for future use. It was at the gas pump that God decides to display the miraculous. While pumping gas I noticed in my immediate peripheral, a blue glove on the ground exactly where I was standing. Upon looking from a closer proximity, I discovered to my amazement that it was a blue (color coordinated to identify a seasonal setting cold weather glove) and the exact size needed to cover my cold hand. May I call to your attention that I had in my backpack a blue seasonal left hand glove, and this glove strategically situated along the path of my routine route to the gas pump was against all odds, a right hand glove, which is unbelievably just what I was lacking.

The moral of my snapshot testimony, is that God still employs the efforts of ordinary people, doing routine and ordinary things to produce extraordinary results, reminding us all that, “I am with you always, even unto the end of the world”. Your seemingly so-called crisis may not be a crisis at all, but a conformational sign of a set-up towards an upcoming miracle.

I returned to Olivet Baptist Church at 3084 Southern Avenue after pastoring Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Sunset, Arkansas for ten years. The decision to leave the beautiful members of Pleasant Grove was the most difficult professional decision I had ever made in my life. I can still remember the tears – mine and theirs – the day I told them I was leaving to go back home to Memphis to “Co-Pastor” Olivet with my father. I place “Co-Pastor” in parenthesis because it’s really a misnomer. There can only be one Pastor, which I found out quick, fast, and in a hurry!

The honeymoon between me and Olivet was very sweet and smooth for about four years. I tried my best to make my “Daddy” proud. I preached some, but my forte was and is teaching. My approach is “straight, uncut, no chaser” in terms of preaching and teaching style. That kind of style, coupled with unorthodox methods, like not only encouraging children to dance in praise to God, but in joining them myself led, eventually, to a cadre of disaffected Deacons and Preachers to stage an attempted coup, an insurrection of sorts, on June 4, 2000.

“N-word mess” is what my grandmother would have called it! On that day that leaders of the coup attempt, accompanied by armed guards, literally attempted to oust me from the pulpit and pastorate I had been installed in a few months earlier. Check the newspapers of the day for a blow -by-blow description of that day’s events. It was all over every newspaper and television station in Memphis. After failing in their attempt to remove me from the church that day they then sued me in Chancery Court, whose ruling against me was reversed a few days later at the appellate level.

Olivet eventually became The New Olivet Worship Center. We moved from one acre on Southern Avenue to fifteen acres at 10000 Woodland Hills Drive in Cordova. Our mission is to be “the preeminent church for the teaching of true Worship”. Our vision is to “create wealth and to leave wealth for our children’s children,” We’ve been civic, political, and religious leaders in the Memphis community for twenty-three years. We opened a school in Orange Mound, which is perennially one of the highest performing charter schools in the state.


The Best Visible Portraits 2023 STUDENT

$200 High School Winners

Zenab Hawasha

11th Grade

Central High

Art Teacher: Andrew James Dycus

Lillian Playa

12th Grade

Central High

Art Teacher: Andrew James Dycus Pogue

Central High School

Art Teacher: Andrew James Dycus Smith

Kirby High School

Art Teacher: Andrew Williams

$100 Middle School Winner:

Lorren Smith

6th Grade

Georgian Hills Teacher: Ms. Jackson


Portrait of Taylor

This is Taylor. Taylor is the type that will light up whatever room she walks in. Taylor’s the type to ask what’s wrong when she sees the slightest problem. Even in the portrait you can see how bright her face is as if it lighting up the whole painting.

Portrait of Cecilia Playa aka Cplaya

I chose my sister because I feel as if she has been through so much and never shows it… She’s also created a career out of her childhood room and now has gained a huge following. I look up to her and hope to be as successful as her.

Portrait of Peyton Pogue

I chose myself because I am a very positive light in my own life and when nobody is here, I’m here for myself.

Portrait of Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter known for her intransigent and brilliantly colored self-portraits that address identity, the human body, and death. When I first heard about this contest, I immediately thought about Frida Kahlo. Frida has always inspired and motivated me to push myself even further. For me, she’s a bright light in my life, which is why I painted her.

Portrait of Arianna Grande

She doesn’t scare easily. She is quite short. She is 28 years old and was born June 26, 1993 in Boca Raton, Florida in the United States. Her favorite cereal is Coco Puffs. I like her songs.

James McLemore Mack Man Entertainment DJ Services (901) 268-2710 B.VISIBLE MAGAZINE Adrian Killebrew Tennessee Regular Bookstore 1055 S. Bellevue 901.946.9669 Author of History of The Black Soldier Maj. T.H. Ingram US Army Ret. Get your copy: 901.649.6198
Historical Magazine Covers “Reprinted Pages In Memphis History” B.VISIBLE MAGAZINE - PAGE 14 – 2023 Looking Back At Amazing B.Visible Moments In Time
TN Regular Baptist
March 2016 Historical Reprint B.VISIBLE MAGAZINE - PAGE 16 – 2023
March 2016 Historical Reprint B.VISIBLE MAGAZINE - PAGE 17 – 2023

September 2016 Historical Reprint


Remembering Historical Magazine Covers

Remembering Historical Magazine Covers B.VISIBLE MAGAZINE - PAGE 22– 2023 Order a copy of your favorite B.Visible Magazine Cover spotlighting Memphis history. For $14.95 you can order a large 11” x 14” poster magazine cover. Order any one of the featured historical magazine covers in this special edition. To place your order, simply call the publisher. Direct & receive Free Shipping. Sharonda Walker Publisher/CEO (901) 314-0294

Miss Shelby County Continued

a lot of appearances together and we do communicate outside of pageantry stuff. She helps me dress for different occasion; she’s very stylist.

I’m sure there are times when you may not feel like going to class or going to an event or when things are not going quite right; so what do you do to get yourself back on track? I think it’s important for me to take “CaDana Moments” – take a break from class, take a break from appearances. All of that is something that I love to do and that I am passionate about but I cannot give if I am not refueled myself because there is nothing else to give. What I do is I step back, I listen to music, I take myself to dinner or to the movies. It’s so easy to get caught up in school and in appearances, so I just have those “CaDana Moments” to refuel myself and after which, I can then give more of myself.

What kind of legacy would you like to leave the Shelby County Community? I want to leave a legacy that shows children in Memphis are capable, beyond measures to reach their dreams and that is something that we forget about. Again, I was in foster care from the age of 6 to 14; so, I know what it’s like to be deemed a negative statistics. I know what it’s like to be shunned or for people to say, we’ll just be happy if you graduate from high school. I am living proof that you can be whatever you want to be regardless of your circumstances. I am also truly honored to be Miss Shelby County such that I can be a role-model for all children including foster children throughout Shelby County.


If you would like to nominate a local pastor, who you think is visible in a positive way in your community and you think that person deserves a portrait painted by nationally recognized artist Larry Walker. Just simply send an email to the Amazing Mr. Walker with your name along with the pastor’s name & church by April 10, 2023 to:


Pyramid Beauty & Barber Shop 1370 Madison Ave. Memphis, TN 38104 901.299.4831 B.VISIBLE MAGAZINE - PAGE 25 – 2023
Nominate your pastor for
2024 Visible Portraits of Light Art Exhibit
Lois Bryant, owner & stylist Over 30 Years of Service Throughout the MidSouth!
www.amazingmrwalker.com ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Miss Memphis Continues...

sister. We have had a constant communication. We see each other more than just weekly; we see each other all of the time. I literally walked into a Walgreen the other day and the lady who worked there said; you look very familiar; I said, I come to Walgreens a lot to the cosmetics department. She then said, do you know my friend Cadana and I said yes. She continued by saying that she’s seen so many of our facebook photos and could tell that our relationship is growing. I am very excited.


am very


I like being on the go and doing something 24/7. I’m very at home and you can ask my mother who will vouch for me. I have multiple jobs, I’m cheer coach, dance coach, I also work with the American Heart Association part time with youth department with Jump-rope for Heart and Youth-forHeart. I work at the Grizzlies Foundation with their teen mentoring program. And of a course, Miss Memphis, I love staying busy and being motivated. I’m also a nerd; I got my bachelors in 3 years from the University of Memphis. I love going to class, I love learning different things, especially with my masters degree. I love learning different sides of development which is my interest because that’s the only reason you go to school. For me, I’m paying for school on my own. I have no personal loans; so, I’m not going to necessarily waste my money or the funds that the government has

I’m sure there are times when you may not feel like going to class or going to an event or when things are Not going quite right; so what do you do to get yourself back on track?
know this may sound corny but I
2023 Call for an appointment with the Amazing Mr. Walker. 901.314.3619 “Take up to 35 Baths with one set.” Complete Paint Yourself Clean set. Includes 12 items Turning bath-time into fun-time. $59.95 To place your order call: 901.314.3619 or visit our website: www.paintyourselfclean.com

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