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healthcare will be impacted by your topic? Are there any current events and/or media stories that relate to your topic ----------------------------------------------------

HCA 459 Week 5 Final Paper Senior Project (Ash Course)

For more course tutorials visit Uophelp is now newtonhelp.com www.newtonhelp.com Focus of the Senior Project To start, select one of the following approved topics for your Senior Project. You may also have a topic of your choice approved by the instructor in Week One. Many of the approved topics have specific subtopics outlined and, while these topics are not all-inclusive, they do provide insight into specific areas to consider. Approved Topics: 1. Examine how participative leadership functions in today’s modern health care organization and compare it to other types of leadership styles. Evaluate how each type of leadership style may impact organizational culture, employee performance, and how it may help or hinder the legitimacy of authority. 2. As an administrator, address the challenges of employee recruitment and retention of health care professionals. Additional subtopics may include trends in the nursing workforce, shortage

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