Flag Live - February 2022

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Delving into the soul of justice Theatrikos kicks off 50th season with ‘12 Angry Jurors’ LARRY HENDRICKS here is an old saying among sculptors that to find the art in a block of stone, you must chip away everything that isn’t the art. Similarly, it may be said of jury deliberations in a capital murder trial: To find a just decision, chip away at everything that isn’t justice. Remove prejudice. Remove impatience. Remove preconceived notions. Remove racism. Easier said than done. On January 28, Theatrikos Theatre Company kicked off its 50th season with a production of the timeless classic “12 Angry Jurors.” The production, originally a teleplay written in 1954 by Reginald Rose as “Twelve Angry Men,” was later adapted for the stage and to be more inclusive and diverse in casts throughout the years. “We’re talking about our democratic way,” said production director Bob Yowell, retired professor emeritus of Theatre at Northern Arizona University who has more than 50 years of experience. “Everybody has a right to a trial by jury, and it’s the prosecution’s duty to prove guilt.” In the case of “12 Angry Jurors,” the prosecution presented evidence to 12 average citizens in a capital murder trial, where a young man is accused of stabbing his father to death. If the jury finds the prosecution proved the case “beyond a reasonable doubt,” they must find the young man guilty of the crime. Chris Verrill, executive director of Theatrikos, said the production was chosen after the Artistic Committee went to audience members from years past and asked them which productions they would like to see again as part of the 50th season. “We’re bringing back the best of the best for 50 years,” Verrill said. “This one was near the top of the list.” Yowell said he was excited to direct the play. He’s a big fan of the film, which features Henry Fonda, among others, because it hits on so many societal narratives of the country that were highly relevant then and continue to be highly relevant now. “This has been done all over the world,


10 | flaglive.com | February 3 - March 2, 2022


Suzanne Casale, who plays Juror 3, practices her lines ahead of Theatrikos Theatre Company’s production of “12 Angry Jurors.” because it’s a great script,” Yowell said. “It’s about democracy’s fragility and how thoughtful people must bravely work to preserve and protect it.” The production stars Jan Rominger as the jury foreman, Amanda Delano as Juror 2, Suzanne Casale as Juror 3, Linda Sutera as Juror 4, Mackenzie Johnson as Juror 5, Emily Dale as Juror 6, AJ Maniglia as Juror 7, Lisa Jayne as Juror 8, Sel Wasson as Juror 9, Chris Verrill as Juror 10, Lina Wallen as Juror 11, Mark Dessauer as Juror 12 and Austin Aslan as the Guard. During rehearsals, cast and crew have been wearing masks, but they will perform without masks during performances. The premise is this: When the first vote is cast to determine the young man’s guilt, 11 of the jurors vote to convict, and one juror, Juror 8, stands alone in a vote for

acquittal. What ensues is an exploration of how the system can be prevented from working for justice when personal agendas – instead of the evidence presented by the prosecution—are brought to bear. “It’s definitely very tense,” Lisa Jayne, who plays Juror 8, said. “It’s a delicate asking of questions to get people to question their motives.” Through the course of the play, votes change, tempers flare, and the ugliness of racism raises its head. The main thrust of the guilty verdict consistently remains with Juror 3, played by Suzanne Casale. “She has baggage that colors her life,” Casale said of her character. “There is a preconceived notion of guilt. A poor, urban minority – from that background, he’s more than likely guilty.” Jayne said the play, although it was

written more than five decades ago, is relevant today. “Even when people are faced with facts, it is difficult to change their minds and reach through the biases,” Jayne said. “I think the whole time I’m doing this, it feels so pertinent to ... now.” Casale said, “It’s an important theme of justice and injustice, prejudices and how people’s bigotry can come into play when making judgments about life and death.” Jan Rominger, who plays the Jury Foreman, likens the character to a referee. “How a group of people can start off in disagreement and then turn that disagreement into a consensus, this is very relevant to today, where we’re so divided,” Rominger said. Yowell and Rominger lauded the ensem-

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