The Aylesburian - 2019/2020

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STAFF LEAVERS Vanessa Kennedy

the devastation of one of the worst storms in UK history. I am pleased to say, the calming influence of Vanessa in all her roles across her career here has ensured that we have grown from strength to strength. Before joining the school, Vanessa was a student at AHS. A first-class student for reading, spelling, English and arithmetic, all essential parts of her roles. At Aylesbury College of Further Education Vanessa found her niche in shorthand where her report says she had a ’natural aptitude’, something she maintained throughout.

I feel very privileged to be able to write this short article to celebrate and thank Vanessa for her career and contribution to Aylesbury Grammar School.

I spent just over five years of Vanessa’s 32 years working with her and I am sure that the other fantastic people that she has worked with would do an amazing job of capturing the impact Vanessa has had on their careers and that of the School. On the 20 June 2019, about six months before her retirement, Vanessa passed 1 billion seconds as an employee of AGS. Vanessa’s relationship with the School began on 12 October 1987. Three days after joining the School the Great Storm hit the UK on 15 October. A time when the then weather presenter, Michael Fish, live on BBC Oner explained to a viewer that a hurricane wasn’t coming. The next morning we witnessed


In 2014 I was very proud to be appointed as the School’s Headmaster and began a very special partnership with Vanessa. One we both took time to appreciate and learn. We found a few rules along the journey: make her laugh three times before 9am; make her tea (although she rarely wanted one); and she had to correct my grammar and constantly proofread communications, something she did with masterful accuracy. Vanessa made the transition to the role of Headmaster so easy for me. She was proactive, understanding and always supportive. When people say that it is the administrators that run the school, they are probably right. I couldn’t fulfil the role without her. In our office, the dividing door is nearly always open. This creates the right atmosphere, apart from the fact that Vanessa speaks to herself a lot. Never knowing if she is speaking to me or trying to understand another technical challenge. With the door to the corridor always open, Vanessa is constantly saying

The Aylesburian 2019/2020

hello to staff as they arrive each day. We both grew adept at recognising people before they appear from their footsteps – a unique skill that Vanessa had, probably attuned from her appreciation of good shoes. My favourite welcome was always ‘Morning Mrs K’, ‘Morning Mr K’ when Mr Kemp arrived in School. Vanessa certainly wore her heart on her sleeve and that is the finest of qualities. There were tears and lots of laughter, which made the role and our office such a great environment to be part of. I asked some of the staff to describe Vanessa in one word and here are some of the responses: caring, persistent, humorous, approachable, on-it (if that is now one word), intuitive, efficient, supportive, kind, priceless, fierce, stylish, professional, joyous, reliable, linchpin, sassy, wise, welcoming, all-knowing, gutsy, remarkable, loyal, shining, indispensable. From me, it is friendship. Our friendship has grown and I’d like to thank her for being my friend, at some really difficult times and some really great times. To see the dedication Vanessa has given to the School has been a privilege. She showed everyone the right level of care and attention. She deserves her time in retirement, from the years Vanessa looked after her mother, the way she speaks about David, her family and her love of dogs; retirement, I can sense, will be all about family, shoes, and hotel visits across the country. Vanessa so deserves it. Mr M Sturgeon

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