The Aylesburian - 2019/2020

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not have asked for a better team - the wisdom and dumbfounding intelligence of Dylan and the enthusiasm and untiring energy of Ben has made our little trio great. We will always be the Head Brothers. (Inside joke, you won’t get it). Although I am no expert on how global pandemics will affect your time in school, what I do know is that as a community, we will continue to be guided by the two fundamental pillars of Aylesbury Grammar School - respect and aspire. Respect the hard work that everybody involved in the school has done to ensure that you remain educated. Respect the fact that not everybody’s experience with this situation is the same. Respect the virus as it is still here, so wash your hands and stay safe. Aspire to not allow this roadblock to halt you from reaching your rightful destination. Aspire to, please, for all that is good and holy, wash your hands and stay safe. And so, as I write my final piece to you as a student of AGS, I wish you all the best. You will all forever be in my heart. Thank you, everybody, who has made the last 7 years worthwhile. I wish the best to Tobi, Ben and Albie, they have a great task ahead of them and I wish them every success. And for one last time, thank you. Work hard, play hard and stay safe. Denzel Asamoah - Denson 13


A message from the Governors Many of you will recall the excellent article written last year by my predecessor as Chairman of Governors, Jim Collins, regarding his life and times as both AGS pupil and Governor, and outlining some of the things we do as a Governing Body. We

thought it would be a good idea for me as the (still relatively) new current Chairman of Governors to write a follow up article.

When I agreed to write this back in January I suspect what I would have written would have looked somewhat different. What a challenging period it has been since then for all concerned. The Headmaster, the Senior Leadership Team, all the AGS staff, and last but by no means least, the students (and behind the scenes, their parents) have, in the opinion of the Governors, all risen to the challenge of COVID 19 magnificently. As a Governing Body we have had our own challenges, not least our inability to visit the School and conduct our normal business face to face. We have therefore, as many others have, had to become familiar with the celebrity squares approach of meetings on GoogleMeet and return to the time- honoured practice of putting one’s hand up in order to be able to speak: a real throwback to my schooldays if ever there was one. Our meetings

The Aylesburian 2019/2020

normally last for between 2 and 3 hours so we have had to be very disciplined at managing our very full agenda to avoid screen fatigue. Never has it been more important for us to keep abreast of what is happening, and to provide support to the School. Before the School closed in March we formed a small Covid Sub-Committee which has been meeting on line on at least a weekly basis with the Headmaster and Resources Director to deal with the many instant issues and requirements for decisions which the last few months have thrown at us. I would like to place on record my thanks to Andrea Ward (the ViceChair of Governors) and Jim Collins for the many hours they have put in as members of that Committee.

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