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Do we do enough phisical activities at the weekend? ÂżHacemos suficientes actividades fĂ­sicas en el fin de semana?

Lot of children play computer games and board games at the weekend. They watch TV and DVDs, too. These activities are great, but they are not physical activities. It's important to also do physical activities at the weekend: Swim, play football, ride a mountain bike or walk the dog. We ask the children: Do you do enough physical activities at the weekend? Do you practise any sports?. All the children answer: "Yes I do". All the children say they practise sport. So we ask what sports they play and what physical activities they do and how many hours they practise sport or phisical activities during the week. these are the results:

Muchos niños juegan con el ordenador o con juegos de mesa en el fin de semana.Ellos ven la TV y DVDs, también:Estas actividades son estupendas pero no son actividades físicas.Es importante también hacer actividades como:Nadar, jugar al fútbol, montar una bicicleta de montaña o pasear al perro. Nosotros preguntamos a los niños ¿ Hacéis suficientes actividades físicas en el fin de semana?¿Practicais algún deporte? Todos los niños respondieron que sí. Así que nosotros preguntamos qué deportes juegan y qué actividades hacen y cuántas horas practican deporte o actividad física durante la semana. Estos son los resultados

• Do you practise . . . . ?

They can choose one or two sports between:

• • • • • • •

Football Futbol Table tennis Tenis de mesa Tennis Tenis Volleyball Voleibol Baketball Baloncesto Badmington Badminton Handball Balonmano

We ask 39 pupils

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21 pupils play football. 3 pupils play table tennis. 17 pupils play tennis. 3 pupils play volleyball 9 pupils play basketball 1 pupil play handball

2 pupils play badmington

• Do you go to.....? They can choose one or two physical activities:

• • • • • •

Riding horses.Montar a caballo Swimming Nadar Cycling Ciclismo Hiking Senderismo Dancing Baile Running Correr

We ask 39 pupils

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9 pupils ride horses. 10 pupils swim 14 pupils cycle 8 pupils hiking. 6 pupils dancing. 10 pupils running.

• How many hours do you practise sports or physical activities during the week? ¿Cuántas horas practicas deportes o haces actividades físicas durante la semana? They can choose:

One hour.

• • • •

Two hours. Three hours. Four hours. Five or more

We ask 39 pupils.

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One hour:3 pupils. Two hours:5 pupils. Three hours:9 pupils. Four hours:6 pupils. Five or more:16 pupils.

At the end we ask the children to think about 24 hours at the weekeend

How many hours do you......¿Cuántas horas... • • • • • • • •

......sleep? duermes? TV? ves TV? computer games? juegas con el ordenador? ......walk the dog (or another pets)?paseas al perro u otros animales? board games? juegas a juegos de mesa? any sport? juegas a algún deporte? the homework? haces las tareas? another activities?haces otras actividades?

We ask 37 children.These are the results: They sleep about 8 hours. They watch TV 2.2 hours. They play computer games 1.8 hours. They walk the dog (or another pets) 1.5 hours. They play board games 1 hour. They play any sport 2.7 hours. They do the homework 1.7 hours. They do other activities 4.4 hours.

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