The Story Of Sara

Page 201


“That’s right, I’ve been busy,” replied Noor with a flat, unemotional tone. “Busy for ten years or more to visit your mother, my dear?” I asked sarcastically. ‘Yes, that’s right!” answered a confident Noor. He was being confrontational. “I see, so what is the point of your visit?” I asked coldly. “Well, being an old lady, I thought it decent of me to see how you were getting on. Because, you know how the single, old people live in our country – all alone and being vulnerable.” “Oh how kind of you to ‘care’,” I replied with ever more sarcasm in my voice. “So what is it really like being old, alone, poor and with no friends and family, Mom?” Noor emphasised the word ‘Mom’ in a sarcastic way, obviously suggesting to me that I am no ‘mother’. “I’m doing fine, my dear.” I replied curtly.

“Do you enjoy living like this?” “I’m not sure if I have any other choice, Son, so your question is a little bit ridiculous.” “Oh no, my dear lady! I do not think my question is ‘ridiculous at all! Because, you see you were living like a queen at one time, didn’t you?” I was getting bored with Noor. “You see, dear lady,” “Why do you call me ‘dear lady’”? I shouted at him. For some, reason, the fact that Noor was calling me ‘dear lady’ really got on my nerves. Noor was completely relaxed, unaffected by my anger. “I see, that your temper certainly hasn’t eased with age! Anyway, to answer your question: it is because I’m being polite; that is why I’m calling you ‘dear lady’.” I was getting furious with this man. “Look, I think you should go now. I’m not sure if we have anything useful to talk about.” “My God – your temper has actually gotten worse with age! I never thought that was possible, given your towering rages!” He laughed out loudly. I really wanted to throw him outside, but, how could I?

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