The Paper 12-02-21

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December 02, 2021

Volume 51 - No. 48

By Friedrich Gomez

I hated school with a passion when I was growing up. No, I really mean that.

For me, school was like a bottomless bowl of beet soup, or root canal without the anesthesia.

I would rather gargle with a throat full of piranha than sit in class. But then, one day, things abruptly changed. The Paper - 760.747.7119


I remember as if it were only yesterday. I was 10-years-old, in 4th grade class, wishing I were somewhere else. I was watching the wall clock, just waiting for school to end.

Then, one fateful day, we learned about Pearl Harbor. That moment in history that, somehow, changed my life.

I HAD A SECRET. There would be other battles in our elementary school history books, but, this one . . . was strangely different for me.

For reasons secretly known only to me at the time, the reign of terror at Pearl Harbor hit me in the gut as a small child and that pain of remembrance continues to this very day. For me, the reason was simple.

As a small child, I was raised with the U. S. Navy all around me. Our neighbors who lived on both sides of us, as well as directly across the street, were all either active or retired U. S. Navy officers. To our port side lived Chief Petty

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Officer, Ray Kilmade, to whom I became deeply attached and learned much about U. S Naval history.

And Master Chief Petty Officer, James Lair, to our starboard, taught me to recite all the ranks of the U. S. Navy from Seaman Recruit to Fleet Admiral, in precise transmission order. I even memorized the various types of warships, past to present. All of this I learned and internalized at the tender age of six.

The Paper

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There was no getting away from the U. S. Navy – not that I ever wanted to. Even my uncles and great, great grandfathers were in the U. S. Navy.

I first fell in love with the Navy uniform when I was about 5-years-old and would sit my tiny body down on the carpet at my aunt’s house, just staring at the framed photos of my Uncle Charlie in his bell-bottomed ‘dress blues’ and white ‘Dixie cup’ hat. Or the full-color photos of my other kinfolk, dressed in their ‘summer whites,’ waving in foreign ports and smiling with their dashing pearly whites.

NO ONE KNEW THIS & WHY ARE YOU CRYING? None of my classmates, or my teacher, Mr. Steitzer, knew of how the Navy was part of my young upbringing. As Mr. Steitzer spoke of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the day that FDR called “A day that will live in infamy,” I became strangely agitated in class. I cried softly as a 10-year-old, while I sat in my 4th grade classroom chair, my tiny frame hunched over as I tried to stifle the convulsions. While I had no relatives who were at Pearl Harbor when it was attacked by the Japanese, it still resonated deeply within me.

Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy!

I just wanted to thank Evelyn publicly for the always amazing, creative and delicious food she prepares . . . not just on holidays . . . but regularly.

I also want to thank the Indians, and leave it at that. Except to say that during Thanksgiving Dinner, in tribute honor and respect, I always wear a headdress and wrap a warm, colorful blanket around me. And I beat a drum and sing a chant.

For some reason, everyone at the dinner table then suddenly disappears to other parts of the house. I've never been able to figure out why that happens.

Last but not least, I echo the thoughts of that brilliant writer, Earl Pomerantz, in saying to the children of the turkeys: Thank you for letting us eat your parents. It's unlikely you'll feel better when I tell you they were delicious. I just wanted to let

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Unlike distant shores where battles would be waged, Pearl Harbor was a vulgar and obscene direct-attack so close to the American mainland, and upon soil that would become our 50th U. S. state. So yes, when my 4th grade teacher, Mr. Steitzer, spoke of Pearl Harbor that day, for the first time-ever -- I cried at school.

As my confused classmates looked in my direction, and Mr. Steitzer kept a close, cursory glance of concern towards me, I cringed, and wept softly for my fallen heroes. I felt the deep, raw pain of learning of their slaughter, as they ran about, confused, and scattered to the wind in a bloodbath not of their own making. When I grew up, one of the proudest moments in my dad’s life was when I joined the U. S. Navy before I went to college.

I SAW PEARL HARBOR FIRST TIME THRU MILITARY EYES. I’ll never forget my tour inside a nuclear submarine that my neighbor served on. Ironically, my Top Secret Clearance for Naval training schools in CIC radar/sonar (Combat Information Center) would include hunting-andkilling a sub such as this one.

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you know what happened after they disappeared. And how indispensable they are to the festivities. Oh yeah, and thank you for reading my "stuff," always or once in a while. You are my oxygen, and you know how well people do without that. I sincerely appreciate that you're out there. And that's it.

I love this holiday. No presents are required. And you get to nap in the afternoon without feeling old.

After my nap, I will put away my headdress, my drum, and my blanket. (I may, on second thought, keep the blanket. These fall and winter nights can get a bit chilly).

Happy Thanksgiving to all. •••• Curtis & Leroy bought a mule for $100. The farmer agreed to deliver the mule the next day. The next morning the farmer drove up and said, "Sorry, fellows, I have some bad news, the mule died last night." Curtis & Leroy replied,"Well, then just give us our money back." The farmer said,"Can't do that. I went and spent it already."

They said, "OK then, just bring us the dead mule." The farmer asked, "What in the world ya'll gonna do with a dead mule?"

By Sean Dietrich

He sat alone in a breakfast joint. He was old, wearing wrinkled clothes, with white stubble on his chin, like he forgot to shave. He was doing a crossword puzzle. When I am old, I will forget to shave and do crosswords.

He wore a Navy ball cap with scrambled-egg embellishments on the bill, his reading glasses on his nose. Buck Owens was overhead singing “Together Again.”

I pulled up a stool beside him. Socially distanced, of course. We micro-smiled at each other. The waitress handed me a menu, I gave it back and replied, “Three eggs, Curtis said, "We gonna raffle him off."

The farmer said, "You can't raffle off a dead mule!" Leroy said, "We shore can! We don't hafta tell nobody he's dead!" A couple of weeks later, the farmer ran into Curtis & Leroy at the Piggly Wiggly grocery store and asked. "What'd you fellers ever do with that dead mule?" They said,"We raffled him off like we said we wuz gonna do."

Leroy said,"We sold 500 tickets fer two dollars apiece and made a profit of $898." The farmer said, "Didn't anyone complain?"

Curtis said, "Well, the feller who won got upset. So we gave him his two dollars back." Curtis and Leroy now work for the government. They're overseeing the Bailout & Stimulus Programs. •••• Every Wednesday, Evelyn has a standing appointment with her beauty shop.

This morning she returned, was busy in the kitchen, fixing breakfast. I walked into the family room and said . . . "you know, Sweetheart, you make me so happy! You're just so pretty!" "Why, thank you," she said from the kitchen. She didn't know I had been talking

sunny, and bacon, please.”

The old guy and I exchanged another formal grin. Minutes went by. He broke the ice first. “Where’s home, fella?” When I am old, I will call strangers fella.

I jerked a thumb behind me. “About three hours that way. You?”

He laughed. “Nineteen hours in the other direction. On vacation with my kids in Crawfordville this week.” He looked at me over his readers. “Had to get outta the condo, my granddaughters were driving me insane.” The waitress refilled his mug. The

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to our puppy, Trixie. •••• Evelyn said, "Do you wanna go outside and go pee pee?"

I said, "No, thanks. I think I'll just go to the restroom." I think she was talking to Trixie, our puppy. •••• Do not stand ye behind me, for whatever line I get in, it stops. •••• I'm at Costco. Who wants to go in on 50 aluminum roasting pans? •••• I'm waiting on the Express Checkout line at Costco. Two hundred items or less. •••• A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kickboxing. •••• I don't believe in astrology. I am a Scorpio and we're very skeptical. •••• I have kleptomania, but when it gets bad, I take something for it. •••• Lovemaking Tips For Seniors

1. Wear your glasses to make sure your partner is actually in the bed. 2. Set timer for 3 minutes, in case you doze off in the middle. 3. Set the mood with lighting. (Turn them ALL OFF!) 4. Make sure you put 911 on your speed dial before you begin. 5. Write partner's name on your

Chuckles Cont. on Page 10

Social Butterfly

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Evelyn Madison The Social Butterfly Email Evelyn at:

Escondido Native Serves Aboard Forward-Deployed USS America SASEBO, Japan: Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Airman Hayden Graves, left, from Conway, Missouri, and Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Airman Jose Ocamdo, from Escondido, California, both assigned to the forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6), use a Naval Fire

Fighting Thermal Imagery (NFFTI)

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But Pearl Harbor never stopped tugging at my sleeves. And the memories of Pearl Harbor begat from civilian school books began to wash over me, once again, especially during my anti-aircraft-training classes, ship-to-ship warfare tactics, and simulated cyber-attacks and electronic counter-measures. Translation: I saw the attack at Pearl Harbor as a history lesson far differently than civilian eyes. I now saw it through military eyes. It hit home with me like a punch to the solar plexus. I closed my eyes, and I felt I was there.

It was December 7, 1941, at around 7:53 a.m. on a quiet Sunday morning. But those calm, serene, early morning hours would abruptly change not only the world, but a young Black patriot not far out of boot camp, who was now onboard the battleship USS West Virginia that lay anchored in the beautiful pristine Pacific waters. The sound was wicked, like rolling thunder in the distance, getting louder, and getting closer.

First, a chill was felt on his skin and, as with static electricity, the tiny hairs on his arms suddenly stood up and he got goosebumps when he first heard the ship’s pub-

during a fire-fighting drill on the ship’s flight deck. America, lead ship of the America Amphibious Ready Group, is operating in U.S. 7th Fleet to enhance interoperability with allies and partners and serve as a ready response force to defend peace and stability in the IndoPacific region. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Thomas B. Contant) Link to Image: pacflt/51688917771/

With more than 90 percent of all trade traveling by sea, and 95 percent of the world’s international phone and internet traffic carried through fiber optic cables lying on the ocean floor, Navy officials continue to emphasize that the prosperity and security of the United States is directly linked to a strong and ready Navy.

North County Aviculturists' Holiday Party - The North County Aviculturists, a club for pet bird owners and breeders, will hold our 2021 Winter Holiday Party in person! The meeting will be on December 4th at 5:00pm, and is usually for members only, but you are welcome to attend and decide if you would like to join. We meet at 761 Eucalyptus Ave, Vista, CA 92084. All the details are at

Escondido Art Association; Call for Artists for December Open Show - The Escondido Art Association announces their Open

lic address system go off: AIR RAID! AIR RAID! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!” Mess Attendant, Third-Class, Doris “Dorie” Miller climbed up to the main deck, just as a bomb instantly and wickedly ripped apart the ship’s bridge, badly wounding his battleship captain, Mervyn Bennion. Then, all hell broke loose!

The whole world seemed to suddenly turn upside-down everywhere, as heavy concussions were felt as shock set-in and human screams were heard in every direction. There seemed moments of vertigo and a dream-like disbelief of what was happening, even while it was happening.

The world was falling apart at the seams. In addition to the carnage, and confusion, were the deafening sounds of huge explosions all about him. Chaos and disorientation took root as destruction-after-destruction continued to take its grisly toll everywhere!

With no regard for his own safety, Miller dragged his badly-wounded captain to a safer spot. But, it would be too late. Captain Mervyn Bennion, unable to speak, eyes still barely open, slowly closed them and died, his last vision being of Miller, who cradled him in his massive arms, trying in vain to save him. But now, Capt. Bennion – family man – lay dead.

December 02, 2021

Show for the month of December at the Artists Gallery, 121 W. Grand Avenue, Escondido. The theme for the show is " Delights of the Season,” and will be open to EAA members and non-members. Takein of art will be on Saturday, December 4 from 11:00 am– 4:00pm. Entry fees will apply: Members $20 for 1st entry, $5.00 for each 2nd & 3rd; Non-members $30 for 1st entry, $10.00 each 2nd & 3rd. Saturday, December 11, the Artists Gallery will host a free reception open to the public from 4:00pm until 6:30pm. “Delights of the Season” will run through Friday, January 7, 2022. All artwork must be picked up by Saturday, January 8, between 11:00am–4:00pm.

The EAA is an all-volunteer nonprofit 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to promote the arts in North County San Diego. New members are welcome and may visit our website, email us at, or call the Artists Gallery (442) 317-0980, for more information.

Additional 'Tis the Season to Shop Local Programs & Events in Oceanside - Returning from Small Business Saturday, November 27 through Sunday, December 12, this year's lineup of holiday programs and events will feature a new mobile scavenger hunt program, a In one fell stroke, his wife was widowed; his children left without a father. The large-sized Black sailor, Dorie Miller, was a simple farm boy from Waco, Texas, who worked on his father’s farmland just two years earlier. He had never before seen human death. Much less, he had never before had someone he deeply loved die so tragically in his arms. The raw experience would ignite a change in him. It would release a part of him he never even knew existed.

With a vengeance, a 22-year-old Dorie Miller, the Mess Attendant, dodged bombs and explosions of air-dropped torpedoes to zig-zag his way to the anti-aircraft machine guns, where only half of them were being manned. The 6’ 3” Texas country boy had never touched such a weapon of destruction before, let alone fired one. Yet instincts took over. He mounted the anti-aircraft machine gun and he kept up a steady stream of fire while a heavy hail of enemy counter-fire strafed and scarred the deck he stood fast upon. Miller would not budge. While many lay dead and many more took for cover, the young sailor gave not an inch in defense of his sacred country. How dare they attack his shipmates in

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craft beer and wine tasting event, a makers fair offering handcrafted goods and a tree lighting celebration — all amid decorated shop windows, the glow of holiday lights and the cheerful sounds of live holiday music and carolers.

Oceanside Holiday Challenge Nov. 27-Dec. 12: NEW! Take our challenge to shop, eat and play local this holiday season. Register and download our scavenger hunt mobile app. Then visit Oceanside businesses, destinations and events for a chance to win local prizes. ’Tis the Season Window Decorating Contest; Nov. 27-Dec. 31: Enjoy festive holiday window displays throughout Oceanside while you shop, as shops and businesses decorate their storefronts. A panel of judges will vote for winners from Nov. 29-Dec. 3. Holiday Tree Lighting & Sunset Market, Dec. 2nd: Be there at 6pm when the tree comes on for the first time this season during this special Sunset Market. This annual holiday event will be filled with activities and holiday shopping fun for the whole family. About ’Tis the Season to Shop Local - ’Tis the Season to Shop Local is an annual holiday campaign to support local retail businesses and artisans by encouraging residents and visitors to shop local

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Holy Joe Cont. from Page 2

man used six packets of sugar in his coffee.

I will someday use six packets of sugar. The inscription on his ballcap caught my eyes, it read: “Navy Chaplain Corps.”

I pointed to his hat. “Bet I can guess what you did for a living.” The man smiled. “Yep. I’m an inactive chaplain—there’s no such thing as a retired chaplain.” “So, how’d you get into the business of saving Navy souls?”

He laughed again. “Well, I didn’t save’em. I just listened to a lot of’em talk.” Silence.

He added, “My daddy was a preacher. But that ain’t what made me wanna be a Holy Joe.” “What did?”

“Oh, lotta things.” He looked at me with eyes of slate blue, the color of dungarees. “You ever hear of the SS Dorchester?”

Holy Joe Continued on Page 11

Local News

The Paper

City of Oceanside To Challenge State on Housing Control

Deputy Mayor Ryan Keim and Councilmember Peter Weiss, Oceanside’s former Mayor, presented a joint request seeking the full council support to “strengthen local democracy, authority and control” dealing with local zoning and housing issues.

“I think one of the most critical issues facing our local cities is the lack of self-control that Sacramento legislators are taking from us,” Keim said.

A sample resolution included in the item brought forth by the two council members addresses how a “number of bills” proposed by the state are usurping the authority of local jurisdictions to determine for themselves the best land-use policies for each city.

According to the resolution, the state’s imposed mandates don’t take into account the needs and differences of each jurisdiction.

As examples, the resolution includes the ability of jurisdictions to determine which projects require ministerial beyond review approval, appropriate parking requirements, and which development plans and programs suit each community as ways the state has wrested local control from cities like Oceanside and throughout the state.

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Weiss specifically cited Senate Bill 9, recently signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom, as another way that the state has taken local control away from cities. Aimed at addressing the state’s housing crisis, SB 9 allows property owners to build two units on one parcel of land, then also allows owners to split their parcels into two, which means a parcel of land that was previously designated for a single-family home could have up to four units if the property owner desires.

A group’s ballot initiative proposed in recent weeks would allow city and county land-use and zoning laws, including housing laws, to override most conflicting state laws. Our Neighborhood Voices is a coalition currently gathering signatures for the Brand-HuangMendoza Tripartisan Land Use Initiative, which includes major backers, such as Redondo Beach Mayor Bill Brand. The initiative, if passed, would prevent state and local legislative bodies from passing laws invalidating voter-approved land-use or zoning initiatives and prohibit the state from changing, granting or denying funding to local governments based on their implementation of the initiative. The council unanimously approved the resolution. Mayor Esther Sanchez noted she was also working with other mayors throughout the state on a resolu-

He drove it up until his death .. at the age of 102. He was the oldest living owner of a car that was purchased new. Just thought you'd like to see it. It was donated to a Springfield museum after his death. It has 1,070,000 miles on it, still runs like a Swiss watch, dead silent at any speed, and is in perfect cosmetic condition. 82 years - that's approximately 13,048 miles per year (1087 per month). 1,070,000 -- that's miles not kilometers.

Man About Town

Allen Swift: Born - 1908, Died - 2010.

This man owned and drove the same car for 82 years. Can you imagine even having the same car for 82 years?

Mr. Allen Swift (Springfield, Massachusetts) received this 1928 Rolls-Royce Piccadilly-P1 Roadster from his father, brand new - as a graduation gift in 1928.

That’s British engineering of a bygone era. I don't think they make them like this anymore. •••• Reviewed some photo files and came across a number of notes about Scotland. As most of you know, SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed) [Mary] is from Scotland.

W h e n we got married her folks couldn't afford to fly to Omaha for the wedding so after w e ' d b e e n married a couple years and I figured it was a safe bet they wouldn't throw me out, we went "hame tae Scotland" to meet up with her family. We were young marrieds and didn't

December 02, 2021

tion expressing support of amending Article 11 of the state’s constitution to designate zoning and land use as part of community affairs. Escondido Considering Tax Measure on the Ballot

The Escondido City Council is considering putting a tax measure on the November 2022 ballot that would implement a 1% sales tax increase citywide. The matter had been considered earlier and failed. Mayor Paul McNamara supports the measure and will seek to persuade his colleagues on the council to join him. Mayor McNamara has a weekly column in The Paper and he will be asked to explain the measure in one of his upcoming submissions. Lowest Gas Prices in San Diego County

While gas in CA is currently at an average price of $4.70 per gallon and setting new records every day, Horizon Fuel Center offers gas starting under $4 per gallon for regular fuel.

Horizon Fuel Center is located in Valley Cener. Current gas prices are always posted on their website and updated daily. For more information on Horizon Fuel Center, please visit have a lot of money but learned early on that if you wait till you can afford a big trip somewhere . . . you'll never go. So we went and paid off a loan over a year's time. Well worth it.

Upon arrival we were met by her family. I immediately took to Hughie, her father. A big, strong man with a Scots brogue that was difficult to follow at times. He drove us to a cousin's farm where they were harvesting hay. I met the rest of the family and we offered to help harvest the hay. So there I was, out in the middle of the meadow, throwing bales of hay on a wagon, working my butt off. Later, I was to learn that Hughie said to his cousins, "Aye, the lad is okay. He's been fleein' au nicht in an airplane and here he's throwin' hay bales wi' the rest of you lot." I had passed my first test. Hughie accepted me as a son-in-law and we became the best of friends.

Hughie was, like so many men who lived in Prestwick, Scotland, a coal miner. No one can ever say I married Mary for her money. They were a lovely family of modest means and simple needs. But they sure knew how to enjoy life. Came time to explore Scotland. We loaded up two cars and headed for the Highlands. Often, the whole car would be singing Scottish songs, most of which I learned.

Scotland is a wild country . . . countless numbers of rolling meadows, hills, and what they call "Bens" or mountains (Ben Nevis, Ben Lomond, etc.). Lots of trees, hundreds, if not thousands of lovely bubbling brooks, creeks and rivers. The rivers tend to have both

Letters to the Editor The Birthday Boy

Happy Birthday, Mr. Davis! In kidnapping Friedrich the last couple days, which I love to do, the little brat just casually mentioned it was your birthday!! He said you turned 83 on Nov. 4, which I'm sure is pure science fiction! Any Norwegian man as handsome as you are cannot POSSIBLY BE 83YEARS-OLD! My family all wishes you best birthday wishes! My Dad said he's afraid you're going to sell or stop The Paper! He says that because every time he finds something he really likes, such as a favorite brand of food at the store, the store ends up not stocking it anymore. That happens

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trout and salmon . . . most of the highland waters have trout. I had brought along my fancy spinning rod and reel set . . . Hughie had a collapsible long pole, comparable to the cane poles we sometimes fish with here. We parked the cars and walked for about a half mile and found an ideal spot. We would drop a hooked worm on top of a big flat rock and as the flowing current carried it downstream and off the rock it dropped into a hole . . . at which time our lines went taught and we pulled out a lovely brook or rainbow trout, usually about 12" in length. We must have caught well over a hundred trout that afternoon. Hughie didn't use a stringer. He'd just unhook them and pop them into a pocket of the great coat he was wearing. I caught a lot of fish but Hughie and his cane pole caught more than I did. So much for fancy spinning gear. The other thing that is really neat about a motor trip in the highlands . . . periodically you'll pull off into a "lay-by" park the cars and break out the cooker (portable gas stove.) You put on the teapot and break out the biscuits (cookies). You sit around and have a nice wee cup of tea, visit, then back on the road.

Came nighttime and we needed a place to sleep. Not a lot of motels up in the Highlands . . . so Hughie pulled into a farm, asked if we could all spend the night in his barn and sleep in the hay mow. The farmer graciously agreed. And sleep we did. In the hay. Totally unusual experience over here . . . not that uncommon in Scotland.

Man About Town Cont. on Page 12

The Paper

THREE HEROES Continued from Page 3

such a vulgar, obscene bloodbath!

Nothing prepared him for this. Nothing could. After all, he was only a galley busboy who just became a cook, a totally untrained machine-gunner from the Lone Star state who was content to just work on his daddy’s farm till age 20. As if lost in a dream, he now felt the ungodly vibration of explosions surround him.

But, one thing was clear: until all hands were ordered from the burning ship, Miller – who only previously cleaned off food tables as a galley cook and served as laundry attendant – was now attempting to help the Pearl Harbor fleet shoot down twenty-nine Japanese planes – accounting for (possibly) 4 strikes of his own, before his ammunition ran out.

Meanwhile, onboard another ship, not far from Dorie Miller’s USS West Virginia -- the USS Arizona battleship was taking on even more devastating hits of her own. Far more punishing than the USS West Virginia where Dorie Miller struggled on. The deadly drone-sound of over 350 Japanese fighter planes and bombers overhead were raining down a constant firestorm of death. The two-hour bloodletting would not let up till some 20 U. S. ships and over 200 American aircraft were damaged or destroyed, inflicting 3,500 casualties. Pilots scrambled to become airborne against a superior number of 353 Imperial Japanese enemy aircraft (which included fighters, level and dive bombers, and torpedo bombers). In the lethal face of such overwhelming odds, American airmenheroics, simply went off the chart.

U. S. Army Air Corps pilots, George Welch and Kenneth M. Taylor, scrambled out of their bunks to become the first two American pilots to get airborne on their P-40 fighters and engage the enemy, together having a combined ‘kill’ shot of at least 6 Japanese fighters and bombers.

Another Army Air Corps pilot, Second Lieutenant Philip M. Rasmussen, from the 46th Pursuit Squadron at Wheeler Field, at Oahu, was so desperate and determined to get airborne that he strapped his .45 caliber pistol to his waist and ran to his plane still wearing his pajamas! Lt. Rasmussen found an undamaged Curtiss P-36 Hawk fighter, taxied it to a revetment area where it was quickly loaded with ammunition, then took to the skies. The meager number of U. S. airmen engaged 11 enemy Japanese aircraft in vicious aerial dogfighting giving no thought to their own overmatched odds. With his .50 caliber aircraft gun, Lt. Rasmussen, still clad in purple pajamas, engaged a superior, deadly Japanese

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Mitsubishi A6M Zero – miraculously outmaneuvering it – and shot it down!

Rasmussen then crippled another enemy plane before two Japanese Zeros raked his P-36 with machine gun and cannon fire, leaving Rasmussen’s fighter riddled with over 500 bullet holes! Flying on just a wing-and-a-prayer, the young 23-year-old Second Lieutenant had his aircraft’s canopy blown off and he briefly lost control of his aircraft! Despite losing his brakes, rudders and tail wheel, the deadly American pilot made a miracle landing!

Meanwhile, back onboard the USS Arizona, the American battleship was not faring well, taking on consecutive heavy airborne hits. The battleship finally exploded violently and began sinking. A 42-year-old Lieutenant Commander, Samuel Fuqua, was onboard the USS Arizona as it was brutally bombed bow-to-stern in a most unforgiving, ungodly manner. So punishing was the bombardment upon the USS Arizona that Lt. Commander Fuqua was knocked completely unconscious by a ferocious bomb blast! Lying motionless on the hot-andcold, mangled, iron-and-steel that twisted the battleship grotesquely into an unrecognized, obscene shape, Fuqua’s form remained completely unconscious. Then slowly, his eyelids parted to allow tiny filaments of sunlight to enter into his confused, dazed head. The bombblast and concussion landed only a few feet away and, by all odds, he should have been dead, outright. As the Missouri-born, Fuqua, dazed and shaken, erratically tried to stand upright – another massive bomb tore into the ship’s structure, ripping away unbelievable chunks of massive debris. Sadly, it was this latest explosion that killed more than 1,000 men instantly, including the ship’s 53-year-old Captain Franklin Van Valkenburgh. In one flash of a micro-second, Capt. Van Valkenburgh’s death simultaneously made Lt. Commander Samuel G. Fuqua, reluctantly, the senior officer – the new captain of the USS Arizona. Greatness would be thrust upon him. It is exceedingly difficult today to fully comprehend the almost unimaginable force of these horrendous bomb blasts and their subsequent concussions. Imagine this, the sheer force of one bomb aboard the USS Arizona was so ferocious in its impact, that it physically blew 100 crewmen off the USS Vestal repair ship which was anchored close to the Arizona, on Battleship Row! The 100 humans were blasted high into the air off the USS Vestal and into the water. Again, the bomb blast occurred not on the USS Vestal, but on the USS Arizona next to her! The last bomb exploded in the vicinity of Turret II. About 7 seconds after it hit, the forward magazines detonated in what has been called “a cataclysmic explosion,” causing the forward turrets and conning tower to completely collapse some 30-feet downward, effectively

tearing the ship in half!

Despite his own injuries, the new Capt. Samuel Fuqua began directing firefighting operations over dead bodies that had fallen all around him. Relentlessly, Fuqua first thought of his men, the burned and now crippled survivors who looked his way for guidance and orders for safety. The gallant, newly-installed Captain ignored constant overhead gunfire from passing Japanese aircraft and calmly led orderly evacuation procedures to abandon his sinking ship.

With burning tears in his eyes, USS Arizona crewman, Edward Wentzlaff, would later recall a lifelong vision of his gallant, Captain Samuel Fuqua saving his shipmates’ lives that horrific Pearl Harbor day: “I can still see him standing there, ankle deep in water, stub of a cigar in his mouth, cool and efficient, oblivious to the danger all about him.”

Despite urgings to him, Fuqua ignored his own safety, and was among the last men to abandon his ship. He and two fellow officers finally commandeered a boat and navigated it to pick up survivors. Miraculously, through deadly, heavy firepower directed at them from the skies, they looked for survivors. They were sitting ducks, ignoring the death that steadily rained down about him, even streaking the oily waters which surrounded them with fire. Capt. Fuqua defied the odds and firmly continued giving direct-orders so that his boat continued to pick up survivors, one-by-one. The wounded Captain Fuqua, who was just previously thrown into the air into complete unconsciousness onboard the USS Arizona, now refused to abandon his men as long as blood coursed through his veins. He left not one survivor in the water.

As for the USS Arizona, the valiant battleship was so viciously bombed that it was – unlike many of the other ships at Pearl Harbor – completely beyond repair. The sheer force of the massive bomb explosions allowed only the wreckage to lie at the bottom of Pearl Harbor, upon where the USS Arizona Memorial was dedicated on 30 May 1962, to all those men who died.

But what of the young, Black Texas-sized hero, aboard the USS West Virginia?

Well, the untrained and unlikely gallant gladiator, Doris “Dorie” Miller, the Mess Cook Attendant, who manned an anti-aircraft machine gun for the very first time to take aim at Japanese Zeros, would make his own history. He was decorated like no other Black serviceman before him. However, for Doris Miller, there was one serious, negative issue to deal with.

Miller had flagrantly broken and disrespected a cardinal military rule during the attack on Pearl Harbor –

he willingly, and purposely, disobeyed the law that prohibited Black servicemen (back then) from firing any weapons. When Doris “Dorie” Miller received a letter signed by Secretary of the Navy, Frank Knox, Miller could no longer hold his head up high – he humbly lowered it and tears streaked his face. The letter cited Doris “Dorie” Miller, as one of the “first U. S. heroes of World War II.” Despite his rule-breaking, he was saluted as a genuine hero!

It was a most proud moment for the U. S. galley cook who could not choke back his tears. Also, Miller was awarded the distinguished Navy Cross, recommended by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, himself. And on May 27, 1942, U. S. Navy Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet, personally pinned it on Miller onboard the USS Enterprise (CV-6) aircraft carrier, in front of his peers. His citation read, in full, the following words:

“Distinguished devotion to duty, extraordinary courage and disregard of his personal safety during the attack on the Fleet in Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. While at the side of his Captain on the bridge, Miller despite enemy strafing and bombing, and in the face of serious fire, assisted in moving his Captain, who had been mortally wounded, to a place of greater safety and later manned and operated a machine gun until ordered to leave the bridge.” Sadly, in December of 1943, Doris “Dorie” Miller was killed when a Japanese torpedo sank his ship, the USS Liscome Bay in the South Pacific during the Battle of Makin. The USS Liscome Bay, a Casablanca-class escort carrier with 27 aircraft, was torpedoed in the stern causing the ship to sink in only 23 minutes. It carried 54 officers and 648 enlisted men to a watery grave. The highly-decorated Pearl Harbor hero, Ship’s Cook First Class Doris Miller, went down with her. Of the 916 crewmen, only 272 would be rescued.

But, Doris “Dorie” Miller’s legacy lives on, to this very day. In 1971, a barracks at the Great Lakes training camp was named in his honor. In 1972, a destroyer-escort warship, named the USS Miller, was commissioned in his memory. And in 1985, a memorial monument was erected at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Waco, Texas, the city where he first entered into this world.

And the USS Miller still sailed onward – like his spirit which lives onward in all the crewmen that boarded his namesake ship. The warship he begat through valor. His warship, the destroyer-escort USS Miller (DE-1091), that sailed the very seas that he now rests in.

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during the holiday season. Sponsored by Energy Upgrade California, the campaign is a partnership between MainStreet Oceanside, City of Oceanside Economic Development and the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce. For more information, contact MainStreet Oceanside at 760.754.4512, or the website at

The Elizabeth Hospice Story "Now more than ever, we are called upon to make a difference." Jacob was born with a genetic neurological condition that has delayed his development and causes long-lasting irritability spells. One of his crying fits can last several days. When Jacob turned 2, his mom Rachel heard about The Elizabeth Hospice’s pediatric care program. “I thought hospice was only for people who were terminally ill,” said Rachel. “But I learned that this service is available for children with complex medical issues and that pediatric hospice care could provide our son and family with extra help and support.” The Elizabeth Hospice is the community’s leading provider of pediatric hospice care. A specialized team works in concert with the child’s primary care providers and specialists to ease symptoms and manage pain. These supportive services are available for any child facing a life-limiting illness, including those children who continue to receive curative, diseasedirected and life-extending treatment.

“Every meeting with Sarah, Jacob’s RN Case Manager, is uplifting. She focuses on Jacob’s needs and is always looking for ways to enhance his quality of life. The care team includes a doctor, social worker and spiritual counselor, as well as a child life specialist who provides emotional support to my older son. These skilled, compassionate professionals work together beautifully. I feel like we’re part of a larger family that is supporting our family,” continued Rachel. “I brag to friends and family about The Elizabeth Hospice and say how thankful we are. This is the best family-centered care program that we could have found for our son,” said Rachel. As a local, independent nonprofit, The Elizabeth Hospice relies on the generosity of people like you to make these much-needed services available to Jacob’s family and others in our community. Please consider making a gift today. Thanks to a generous donor, every gift to The Elizabeth Hospice during this year's #Giving Tuesday campaign (up to $10,000) will be matched. With gratitude for your support! The Elizabeth Hospice, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, provides medical and

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December 02, 2021

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Doris “Dorie” Miller was also honored by the US Postal Service by being included in a 44-cent commemorative stamp on February 4, 2010. A most rare honor, indeed.

And although he is not identified by name, Dorie Miller is portrayed by Black actor, Elven Havard, in the 1970 motion picture, “Tora! Tora! Tora!” where he is shown manning a machine gun against incoming Japanese aircraft at Pearl Harbor. Also, in Michael Bay’s 2001 film “Pearl Harbor,” Miller is openlyportrayed by Academy Award-winning actor, Cuba Gooding, Jr.

NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY LEGACY. The heroics of U. S. Navy hero, Doris “Dorie” Miller, continues to live on right here in San Diego County. Today, the Doris Miller Elementary School located at Tierrasanta in the North San Diego region, continues to keep his amazing legacy alive. His name and legacy is linked to the Doris Miller Junior High School, located at San Marcos, Texas. When I first joined the U. S. Navy, I was stationed at Norfolk, Virginia waiting for our latest state-of-theart warship to be commissioned. After our shake-down cruise and multiple military wargames to test her mettle, our very first Westpac order would have us steam to Hawaii.

And that’s where my story ends. When I stood with my shipmates, all dressed in our summer ‘whites’ looking out over the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor, at Oahu, Hawaii. It was there where I thought of USS Arizona Capt. Mervyn Bennion, who fell in the line of duty. It was there where I thought of the daring and courageous pilots: George Welch and Kenneth M. Taylor who, against superior odds, shot down 6 Japanese fighters and bombers in their desperate attempts to defend our country.

And how does one forget Army Air Corps Second Lieutenant, Philip M. Rasmussen who, flying his P-36 Hawk, shot down superior aircraft – the deadly Japanese A6M Zero! Rasmussen, the colorful, young Army Air Corps pilot who shot down enemy Japanese aircraft while still wearing his purple pajamas, would later earn a Silver Star for his unbelievable courage at Pearl Harbor, eventually retiring from the U. S. Air Force as a lieutenant colonel in 1965. And my heart skipped a beat, as I remembered Missouri-born Capt. Samuel G. Fuqua, my true-blue hero of all from the USS Arizona battleship. It was Fuqua, after being blown into the air and rendered unconscious, somehow,

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Keeping your home insured

It’s always fire season in California. Unfortunately, we’ve had multiple, catastrophic wildfires in our state and region in recent years to prove it. As a result, many homeowners in the 75th Assembly District and throughout the state have had their insurance canceled, frequently due to their home’s location in Very High Fire Hazard Zones. In many communities identified as high fire-risk by insurers, including areas of Valley Center, Fallbrook, Bonsall, Rainbow, Pala, Pauma Valley, and De Luz, residential insurance has become harder to find, and keep. Many homeowners receiving nonrenewable notices have been forced to seek insurance from other providers at much higher rates.

To discuss this growing problem and to try to find solutions, I recently held a virtual town hall with Deputy Insurance Commissioner Tony Cignarale, along with Rincon Fire Chief Ed Hadfield, who shared his long experience fighting wildfires throughout Southern California. Here are a few tips that may help you keep your home insured: For the California Insurance

Commissioner’s Top Ten Tips for Finding Residential Insurance, click Here. Use the Home Insurance Finder tool to locate agents/brokers in your immediate vicinity and beyond, or click here to access the Residential Insurance Company Contact List for a list of insurers that provide homeowners insurance. Look Here for insurance companies that offer discounts for firehardened homes Ask your insurance agent or broker if they are able to obtain coverage in the "surplus lines" market. If you are unable to find an agent who can insure you, the California FAIR Plan is available to every homeowner as a last resort If you feel that your insurance nonrenewal was unfair, file a complaint with the CDI. For further assistance, please contact the California Department of Insurance directly at 1-800-9274357! For an electronic version of this article, please visit my website:

Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron, R-Escondido, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes the communities of Bonsall, Escondido, Fallbrook, Hidden Meadows, Pala, Palomar Mountain, Pauma Valley, Rainbow, San Marcos, Temecula, Valley Center and Vista.

5th District Supervisor

Jim Desmond

Happy Thanksgiving

I don’t think there’s ever been a more important Thanksgiving than this year. Now more than ever is a time for reflection, for sitting down and thinking about all the things for which we are grateful. I was grateful to sit down with my family this year, have a wonderful meal and just spend time with each other. It’s been a hectic year and we haven’t had enough opportunity to all sit down, talk about our lives and be together. No matter how or where you spent your Thanksgiving this year, continue to be grateful. Be grateful for whatever you want, for me, I’m grateful for my family’s health, safety and living in the greatest country in the world.

I’m grateful for my experience in the United States Navy and for all of our Veterans and especially the active members of our military deployed over the holidays.

I’m grateful for first responders and law enforcement personnel and their unwavering commitment to very difficult jobs. I’m grateful for my 34 years as a

pilot, and for all of the great people I flew and worked with along the way.

I’m grateful for the people of San Diego’s North County, and their resilience and willingness to care for one another.

I’m grateful to live in a country where we can be independently minded, actively debate issues and respectfully express differences of opinion. And I’m hopeful that those in need, those with any number of struggles, will find strength and support this holiday season. And, I’m grateful for my incredible wife and our family. To contact

North County Office – by appointment only 325 S. Melrose Ave., Suite 5200 Vista, CA 92081 Mon.-Fri., 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Website: Email:

The Paper


Q: In March 2020, I bought two tickets to the Schitt's Creek reunion tour from The event was postponed, and I heard nothing until today when they said they were giving us a credit of 110 percent. That's not acceptable. The site has a "100 percent guarantee," and I think they should refund my money. There are no events I would like to go to right now. I love your column and read it every week. I am hoping you can help me get my $359 back. -- Lori Glazer, Newburyport, Mass. A: Thank you for your kind comments about my column. If your event was canceled, you should receive a full refund.

But let's have a look at the terms of your purchase. According to's Terms & Privacy Policy, you don't automatically get your money back if an event is canceled and not rescheduled. Instead, it says you will be eligible for a credit "or, in our sole discretion, a cash refund." The default appears to be a credit. "If an event is postponed or rescheduled, your order will not qualify for a credit, and your tickets will be valid for the rescheduled date unless otherwise required by applicable law," it says. Next time you order tickets, please review the fine print. It could save you a lot of trouble later on.

Interestingly, the same contract gives the right to cancel your tickets with no penalty. This is known as an adhesion contract -- a contract that applies to you, but not the company -- and it is as frustrating as it is unfair.

How about that 100 percent guarantee? It's not what you think it is. By "guarantee," means your transaction will be safe and secure, and the tickets will be delivered on time. It's not one of those blanket, "satisfaction guaranteed or your money back" things. If only!

When I reviewed your case, I recommended that you write to, politely requesting a refund. You did, but the company just reiterated its offer of a 110 percent credit. Maybe a bot responded to you. That's been happening a lot lately.

I publish the names, numbers and email addresses of the <a href="">executives at</a> on my consumer advocacy site, You could have appealed to one of them, too.

I reached out to the company and asked if it could exercise its discretion and return your money. It did.

Christopher Elliott is the chief advocacy officer for Elliott Advocacy. Email him at or get help with any consumer problem by contacting him at

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Q: I'm contacting you about a $932 fee added to my car rental bill by Thrifty. The fee is for returning my rental vehicle to the wrong airport terminal in Minneapolis.

When I made the reservation I selected Minneapolis−Saint Paul International Airport as the return spot. The whole time I had in my head we would return to the MSP main terminal. I never looked closely at the rental agreement. I returned to the Minneapolis airport and it didn't even occur to me there would be two rental locations. The terminals are 3.8 driving miles apart. Someone could have and should have said to me to drive the vehicle to the correct terminal. I would have been able and happy to do so with no problem.

This is not the same kind of hardship for a car rental business as when a customer returns a vehicle across town or in a different city. This was a simple 3.8 miles and was within the same Minneapolis airport system.

This is not like the difference between Chicago Midway or O'Hare (which have different airport codes) this is also not like the difference between Santa Ana, LAX, or Ontario. This is the same MSP airport system and the terminals are 3.8 miles apart. A $932 charge for such a short distance and honest mistake is too harsh and abusive. Can you help me get my money back? -- Matt Oyen, Little Canada, Minn. A: This is such a strange case, I could hardly believe it. I reviewed your rental agreement and it said you would return your car to Terminal 2 at the Minneapolis airport.

This was a one-way rental that you picked up in Santa Ana, Calif. So it wasn't as if you intentionally returned the vehicle to the wrong place. It looks like you just asked your phone for directions to the Thrifty return in Minneapolis, and it brought you there. But this was the wrong terminal.

Someone should have said something to you. And a further review of your paper trail shows that you did speak with someone who promised you a refund. But you didn't get the promise in writing and the refund never came. I'm really puzzled by your case. It's true, car rental companies routinely charge extra fees when you drop a vehicle off at the wrong location. But almost $1,000 for four miles seems excessive. By my calcula-

Travel Troubleshooter Cont. on Page 14

December 02, 2021

Historically Speaking by Tom Morrow

She Was An Original American Patriot

In case you missed this particular class in third grade, let me tell you about a true American patriot: Elizabeth Griscom “Betsy” Ross, who was born Jan. 1, 1752. She was an American seamstress/upholsterer whose work is still admired throughout the world. She’s credited with making the first American flag known today as the “Betsy Ross flag.”

According to Ross family history, a 1776 visit by General George Washington and two congressional members visited Mrs. John Ross, showing her a sketch of what General Washington designed. The sketch had 13 stars in a field of blue, situated in a circle above 13 red and white strips.

Mrs. Ross had been making flags for the Pennsylvania navy during the American Revolution, so making a united colony standard was not a difficult task. In 1775, Pennsylvania naval committee headed by Benjamin Franklin and George Ross, (uncle of John Ross), ordered the construction of gunboats that would eventually need flags. The American Revolutionary War broke out when Betsy and John had been married for only two years. John Ross was assigned to guard munitions and, according to one legend, was killed by a gunpowder explosion, but family members have doubts about this story. As a 24-year-old widow, Betsy continued working in the upholstery business repairing uniforms and making tents, blankets, and stuffed paper tube cartridges with musket balls for prepared packaged ammunition in 1779 for the Continental Army – and, yes, flags. Her work for the revolution was every bit as important as any soldier on the field of battle.

There is speculation Betsy was the "beautiful young widow" who distracted Hessian general Carl von Donop in Mount Holly, New Jersey, after the Battle of Iron Works Hill. This kept von Donop’s forces out of the crucial "turning-of-the-tide" Battle of Trenton on the morning of Dec. 26, 1776, when the Hessian and British troops were defeated after Washington’s crossing of the Delaware River. On June 15, 1777, she married her second husband, mariner Joseph Ashburn. In 1780, Ashburn's ship was captured

by a Royal Navy frigate and he was charged with treason (for being of British ancestry—naturalization to American colonial citizenship was not recognized). He was imprisoned at Old Mill Prison in England. Ashburn died while in prison. Three years later, in May 1783, she married John Claypoole, who had earlier met Joseph Ashburn in the English Old Mill Prison. Claypoole had informed Besty of husband’s prison death. The Claypoole couple would have five daughters

In 1793, Betsy’s mother, father, and sister all died in a severe yellow fever epidemic. In 1817, after two decades of poor health, John Claypoole died. Betsy continued her upholstery business for 10 more years. Upon retirement, she moved in with her second Claypoole daughter, Susanna, in Abington Township of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Her eldest Claypoole daughter, Clarissa, had

taken over Mrs. Ross' business back in Philadelphia.

Betsy, by then completely blind, spent her last three years living with her middle Claypoole daughter, Jane, in rapidly growing and industrializing Philadelphia. Betsy Ross Claypoole died on Jan. 30, 1836, at the age of 84, some 60 years after the Declaration of Independence. She was survived by five daughters with John Claypoole and one sister, Hannah Griscom Levering, who herself died about 11 months later.

Although it is one of the most visited tourist sites in the city of Philadelphia, the claim she once lived at the socalled "Betsy Ross House" is still a matter of historical dispute. Betsy Ross's body was first interred at the Free Quaker burial grounds on North Fifth Street in Philadelphia. However, in 1975, in preparation for the American Bicentennial, Philadelphia city leaders ordered her remains moved to the courtyard of the Betsy Ross House. But cemetery workers found no remains beneath her tombstone. Bones found elsewhere in the family plot were deemed to be hers and moved to the current grave now visited by tourists at the Betsy Ross House. Today’s nay-sayers, as well as those who are just plain ignorant of our nation’s history, should take the time to read about Betsy Ross, one of our earliest patriots and arguably the nation’s first feminist. Any thought of the Betsy Ross Flag being offensive to anyone who calls themselves an American is true folly. Betsy’s flag is a symbol every patriotic American should be proud of and continues to be recognized as an official national symbol. Anyone “offended,” by the banner George Washington designed, no doubt, has been listening to history revisionists who will find fault with anything patriotic. They all should put their big-boy pants on and stand tall with hand over heart.

The Paper

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December 02, 2021

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Continue from Page 6 awoke to become the new ship’s captain after the last bomb claimed the life of erstwhile Capt. Franklin Van Valkenburgh. Now the new captain by succession of naval rank, Capt. Fugua went on to save many lives under near-impossible conditions with little or no regard for his own safety. For such unmatched courage, Fuqua would receive America’s highest military award, the Medal of Honor, the very medal that made General George Patton utter: “I’d give my immortal soul for that medal.” Samuel G. Fuqua would later be promoted to rear admiral upon his retirement from the U. S. Navy in 1953. All these memories, that are burned into our history books, came alive and washed over me as I stood in awe at Pearl Harbor.

Nothing could prepare me for this moment, when I first glanced at what remained of my ‘sister’ ship, the USS Arizona Memorial. The ghosts of yesteryear spoke to me that day. Memories out of school books tugged at my heartstrings. Yes, I had seen photos and film footage -- what school kid hasn’t? But, I never knew what hit me that early morning when I stood alongside my Navy buddies, my shipmates at Pearl Harbor. Rosenstiel

looked at me, tears rolling off his cheeks as if a faucet were suddenly turned on. Same with buddies, Johnson, Morris, Jones, MacPherson, Sanchez, and my best friend from the Deep South, Billy Dolby.

There she lay, in part. The USS Arizona. The last of the Pennsylvania class “super-dreadnought” battleships, named in honor of our 48th U. S. state, officially commissioned in 1916. I kept blinking to better see her, as the salty tears stung my eyes over and over again. From my distance, my eyes traced over her valiant, stillvisible barbette of one of her turrets which still remained visible above the water. Since her sinking exactly 80 years ago today, she still leaks oil from the hull, more than 2.3 quarts escaping into the harbor each day. It’s as if her life’s blood still lives and pumps like a heart, and she still calls out to us from her watery war grave. I could not speak. Not one syllable.

I could only hear my own breathing and my heart pumping inside of me. There simply were no words to describe it. My Navy buddies just looked in my direction, silently, and just shook their heads. All of their faces were awash in tears as was mine. Without any signal or synchronized rehearsal, we just all chose to move together, as brothers, slowly away from a most painful remembrance of a bygone era. There we left a part of ourselves at

Pearl Harbor.

Legislation during the administrations of both President Dwight D. Eisenhower and President John F. Kennedy made the USS Arizona wreckage a national shrine in 1962. A memorial was built across the ship’s sunken remains, which includes a “shrine room” that lists the names of the lost crew members on a marble wall. I hadn’t cried like that since I was a small little 10-year-old boy, sitting in 4th grade class, listening to my teacher, Mr. Steitzer, talk about the attack at Pearl Harbor. Tears filled my eyes as I recalled my uncles in dress blues and how it might have been them. My mind told me – in principle – it was them; after all it was their brethren who died that grisly morning. When I stood in full U. S. Navy uniform at Pearl Harbor, I felt something a tad different than I did as a 10-year-old grammar school child.

This time, I felt not just the sadness. This time as I stood at Pearl Harbor, I also felt very, very proud – of wearing my uniform. Because now, I carried with me, the torch of my brothers and sisters of yesteryear. I wept at Pearl Harbor.

Because, my dream as a little boy, had finally come true.

About the Author:

Friedrich Gomez is our most prolific writer. This story is his 187th cover story he has written for The Paper.

Friedrich is a fascinating person. He both speaks, reads and writes fluent German, often conversing with German-speaking customers when he was employed at WalMart in San Marcos.

He has served, and continues to do so, as a caregiver for elderly folks who need some help in their lives. He is a great conversationalist and as our readres will attest, a master storyteller. Letters to the Editor? We Love ‘em! Send ‘em to:

The Paper

Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 6

emotional support to children and adults facing the challenges associated with an advanced life-limiting illness, and restores hope to those who are feeling lost and alone. The Elizabeth Hospice | 500 La Terraza Blvd, Ste. 130, Escondido, CA 92025

Holiday Tree Trimming & End of the Year Programs - All events are free and open to the public. Programs are sponsored by Friends of the Escondido Public Library. Library is located at 239 So. Kalmia, Escondido, 92025; Phone 760.839.4683. Hours are Monday, Friday, & Saturday, 9am to 6pm; Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday, 9am to 8pm. The Escondido Public Library's events for the month of December include the following events:

Holiday Tree Trimming Party; Thursday, December 2nd, 3:304:30pm; all ages; Turrentine Room. Celebrate the Season with Youth Services Staff as we gather to read a story, sing songs and help decorate the Children's Room Tree. Supplies may be limited.

Last Paws for Reading for 2021 will be on Wednesday, December 8, 4:00-5:00pm. Last Read to a Dragon for 2021 will be on Thursday, December 9, 3:304:30pm. Turrentine Room; Ages 512. Read aloud to certified animals

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for fun or to help improve reading skills.

Teens go to the Movies: Saturday, December 18th, 11am-1pm; Turrentine Room, Ages 13-18. Haul yourself out of bed, throw on some sweats and head to the Library for a movie screening of "Elf" (PG). Keep yourself awake with tasty treats, frothy beverages, and friends. PJ Storytime, Tuesday, December 21st, 6:00-6:L30pm. Ages 5-12; Turrentine Room. Wear your PJs and bring your favorite stuffed animal to this evening storytime.

Weekly Storytimes Taking a Break. Our weekly Rhymes & Reading, Baby Lapsit, and Toddler Tales storytime will be on hiatus beginning December 20th, and returning January 3, 2022. Enjoy the break and see you then.

Teen Tastic Fun Time; Wednesday, December 29; 4:00-6:00pm; Turrentine Room, Ages 12-18. Get together and have fun with friends with an escape room game, a craft project, tasty treats and a giveaway. Applications open for the Teen Advisory Board. Applications due Saturday, December 18, at 6pm. Submit your application to become a member of our Teen Advisory Board and earn community service hours while promoting library services to teens. For more information and to download an application, contact the Library.

Call 760.747.7119

December 02, 2021 Holiday Closures: All Library facilities will close at 5:00pm on Fridays, December 24th and December 31st. All Library facilities will be closed Saturdays, December 25th and January 1st.

San Diego Humane Society December Training Classes for Dogs and Cats - As the holidays arrive, you'll likely find more people and activity in your home. The San Diego Humane Society has many tips and trainings to set your pets up for success. With a little prep, you and your pets can have a calm, safe and happy holiday season! Plan for guests: Help your pet feel comfortable with the sounds of knocking, a ringing doorbell and the general cheer that follows company through the door. Train your pet to have calm and quiet behaviors, even when the home environment is extra distracting. Take moments to settle down: Teach your pets to relax in designated spots. This gives them a safe space to retreat to and helps keep them out of the way as you bustle about preparing for festivities.

Holidays = Food: Both you and your pets can learn when to indulge and when to leave it! During the holidays, it’s important to ensure that any treats pets receive are healthy and safe. In case your pets get a hold of something bad for them, practice a “leave it” behavior now, so you’re ready when tempta-

tion strikes. If company might be tempted to sneak your pets snacks, prepare sealable treat bags with petsafe foods they’re welcome to share from.

Free time is on everyone’s wish list during the holiday season, and we know scheduling training can prove challenging. With the on-demand format of these classes, you sign up and start anytime! Watch the recorded training materials during the week, then submit questions and/or join the trainer online for a live weekly Q&A over Zoom (also recorded each week). We’ve started with two of the four classes in our Reactive Rover series. In addition, almost every day of the week there are classes for Dogs, Puppies, Cats and Kittens, throughout the month so you will hopefully find a day/time that fits with your busy schedule.

There are too many to list here. Contact the San Diego Humane Society for a list of programs, open enrollment classes on Zoom, and in-person classes. In addition, there are more Behavior and Training Resources available. San Diego Humane Society, 5500 Gaines St., San Diego, CA 92110; 619-2997012. Campus locations in Escondido, Oceanside, Ramona, El Cajon, and San Diego. Alliance for Regional Solutions Follow-Up Information - Thanks

Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 10

The Paper

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to all that attended the November Quarterly Membership Meeting. Congratulations to the 2022/2023 Steering Committee: President, John Van Cleef; Past President, Nannette Stamm; Greg Anglea, Satia Austin, Jim Callaghan, Oscar Gomez, Sharyn Goodson, Scott Gross, Amanda Lee, Yusef Miller, Holly Nelson, Ahni Rocha Redmond, and Don Stump.

11th Annual Suzanne Pohlman Award: The Suzanne Pohlman Award was created to honor and recognize the work and legacy of its name sake for the selfless contributions she made in the delivery and development of innovative collaborative programs that served the under-served and low income populations of the North San Diego Region. This year's recipient was Christy Wilson who was the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation's CEO for over 24 years and retired in October. Christy has left a legacy through her hard work and dedication to North County. Christy was also a member of the Alliance Steering Committee for the last five years and her contributions to our collaboration were invaluable. Congratulations to Christy Wilson! Alliance for Regional Solutions is located at 550 W. Washington Avenue, Escondido, 92025 or visit the website at

Escondido Community Foundation Announces Grants The Escondido Community Foundation (ECF), an affiliate of the San Diego Foundation, recently announced the availability of grants to Enrich Quality of Life and Enhance Economic Opportunities in Escondido. They announced the grant funding to support organizations who provide workforce development resources needed for economic growth in Escondido. In the 2022-2023 grant cycle, ECF invites local organizations to submit a Letter of Interest (LOI) specifically in Escondido that provides opportunities to invest, celebrate and enhance the community. ECF is committed to increase access to workforce development programs that provide job readiness, job shadowing, internships, vocational education, advancement opportunities and technology instruction resources. ECF is committed to improving and preserving the quality of life in Escondido by investing in local organizations that demonstrate a strong mission to support individuals' professional and financial growth.

"Due to the hard-hitting financial impact the pandemic brought to our communities, we want our residents to move forward and rise in their respective jobs and careers,"

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Page 10 • • December 02, 2021

Chuckles Cont. from Page 2

hand in case you can't remember. 6. Use extra polygrip so your teeth don't end up under the bed. 7.. Have Tylenol ready in case you actually complete the act. 8. Make all the noise you want....the neighbors are deaf, too. 9. If it works, call everyone you know with the good news!! 10. Don't even think about trying it twice.

The Pastor Says...

gious significance in the season, we can’t help but be influenced with the idea of gratitude for our freedoms, abundance of earth’s resources, and family and friends. We have made the season, actually beginning with Halloween and All Saints Day, a part of our holy-day season.


Your sweetie says, 'Let's go upstairs and make love,' and you answer, 'Pick one; I can't do both!' 'OLD' IS WHEN... Your friends compliment you on your new alligator shoes and you're barefoot. 'OLD' IS WHEN... Going bra-less pulls all the wrinkles out of your face. 'OLD' IS WHEN.... You don't care where your spouse goes, just as long as you don't have to go along. 'OLD' IS WHEN... You are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of by the police. 'OLD' IS WHEN.. 'Getting a little action' means you don't need to take a laxative today. 'OLD' IS WHEN... 'Getting lucky' means you find your car in the parking lot.. 'OLD' IS WHEN.... An 'all nighter' means not getting up to use the bathroom. 'OLD' IS WHEN.... You're not sure if these are facts or jokes. •••• What I have learned about computers:

a. Do NOT bring in to your office a large number of your wife's Scottish Shortbread. You will eat ALL of it and that will make you fat and also increase your blood sugars. b. It is wisest to not bring ANY sweets or snacks into your office as you will eat ALL of them and that will make you fat and also increase your blood sugars. c. It is good to occasionally leave your office and do something else or otherwise you will have cobwebs growing from you to your computer and people will likely point and laugh at you. Of course, they do anyway but this is one less reason for them to do so. You're welcome. Me.

•••• Today I saw a dwarf climbing down a prison wall.

I thought to myself, that’s a little condescending.

Pastor Richard Huls (Retired) It Is Holiday Season

I was asked why I didn’t write an article about Thanksgiving for The Paper. Even though I did not, you perhaps have noticed that there were many articles and comments on Thanksgiving by both the religious and secular writers. It seems that most people had a desire to express thanks this year. Therefore, we are not without some reflections on the subject. Also, I have occasions to speak on the subject to various groups with which I am affiliated.

An even greater theme for the entire season is to celebrate the holiday theme,, which is – a holy day or time. It is when we get a day off from work and have a festival. This was the practice when the word, holiday, was first used. While it is true that many do not put any reli-

Pet Parade

Meet Marshmallow! She is a wonderful guinea pig looking for a home to call her own. She enjoys snacks, her comfy house and play time with her favorite humans! Guinea pigs need a lot of ground space to run around and stay healthy. Two guinea pigs will need a minimum of 10 sq. feet of space (the more the better!) to call home. Guinea pigs need lots of daily timothy hay to munch on and toys to keep them active and enriched! Healthy greens and veggies are also an essential part of their diet, as well as a daily dose of vitamin C in the form of a supplement or a slice of orange! Marshmallow is available for adoption at San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus at 3500 Burnet Drive. To learn more about making her part of your family, please visit or call 619-299-7012. Online profile: For Advertising e-0f16-4135-ba7a-bc5308bc2628 Information

or to subscribe, Call (760) 747-7119

Thanksgiving is a natural part of that with gratitude for God’s blessings and provision as the Creator. These days, being in the holy-day season, we are brought to the climax of the most holy of days: Christmas. This marks the actual coming of God to earth in Jesus, the Christ. We celebrate that day as a holy-day with song, lights, gifts, festivities and times of sharing. This season has impacted most people, even world-wide, in many ways with various aspects of participation as a holiday or holy-day. We join in this universal festival, each in our own way. Pastor Huls

Please join in by calling 760 7466611, or tune to You-Tube – Richard Huls, Walking With God. These are free services for counsel and inspiration.

Pet Parade

Sir is pet of the week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. He’s a 7-month-old, 38-pound, male, Boxer-mix puppy. He and his s i s t e r , Madame, were stray in the Imperial Valley when they were just 3-monthsold. They were transferred to R a n c h o Coastal Humane Society through the FOCAS (Friends of County Animal Shelters) program. Madame has been adopted. Now Sir needs a forever home.

The $145 adoption fee for Sir includes medical exam, neuter, up to date vaccinations, registered microchip, and a one-year license if his new home is in the jurisdiction of San Diego Humane Society’s Department of Animal Services. For information about adoption or to become a Virtual Foster visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas, call 760-753-6413, or log on to

The Paper

• Page 11 • December 02, 2021

A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.

San Marcos • Mayor Rebecca Jones

Escondido • Mayor Paul “Mac” McNamara

Help shape the future of our community Getting involved in the City of San Marcos’ General Plan Update is a great way to help shape the future of our beloved community.

The city has been hosting a series of workshops about the General Plan, and there’s one more opportunity to get involved tonight, Dec. 2, from 6-8 p.m. at the San Marcos Community Center, 3 Civic Center Drive. The General Plan serves as the guiding document for achieving the community’s vision, and the General Plan Update process has been providing residents and businesses with the opportunity to weigh in about the future of our city. The General Plan provides policy direction related to land use, community design, mobility, open space, natural resources, economic development, public safety, infrastructure, and more. Learn more by visiting All San Marcos citizens are invited to participate in this important process!

Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter

Celebrat e Vista’s Holiday Lights

Get in the holiday spirit by visiting the City of Vista’s Jingle Terrace Park free, drive-through event. View holiday-themed light displays stretching along the driving loop in Brengle Terrace Park. The light display runs nightly through December 23 from 5:30 pm to 9 pm. Visitors will be captivated by the displays of holiday lights depicting many of Vista’s special and unique amenities. If possible, consider bringing a food donation in support of the San Diego Food Bank. Volunteers will be at the event accepting the donations from your vehicle. Visit to learn about the event and to check the list of the most needed food items.

News from Pala Casino

Pala Casino just continues to add to its reputation as a top venue for great entertainment! Coming soon! Some of the great tribute artists to Elton John and Billy Joel, to Pink Floyd, to Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. and much, much more!

All events will be held at the Events Center, with reduced capacity, increased cleaning, and additional safety measures.

Tickets are on sale now, with no service charge, at the Pala Box Office, and 1-877-WINPALA

Holy Joe Cont. from Page 3

I shook my head. “Was that your ship?”

“No way. The Dorchester was back during the War Against Hitler, in ‘43. I was busy filling diapers in ‘43. You weren’t even a glint in your grandfather’s eye.”

I will also tell youngsters they weren’t glints in their grandfathers’ eyes. “The Dorchester was a troop transporter, carrying 904 passengers. They were in a three-ship convoy in the North Atlantic when they sank.” “Sank?”

“Sank.” He nudged his cap backward and acknowledged a young waitress who had joined our little conversational soirée. I got the feeling the old preacher didn’t get captive audiences like this anymore. “How’d it sink?” asked the waitress. “Torpedoed.” He clapped once.

Greetings Escondido,

There is a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding about what is going on regarding SANDAG. As a SANDAG Board member, let me offer some clarity. The two main concerns are how to fund the maintenance of our roads, and how to pay for an improved Public Transportation System. This is part 3 of the series.

We also know that to alleviate traffic we can’t build our way out of it by continuing to expand highways with additional lanes. It has been proven over and over that adding lanes causes “Induced Demand” meaning that there is a temporary relief but the highway fills back up again. The often cited example is the 26 lane highway in Houston that is now full. The solution is to get cars off the road. How? By building a Public Transportation system that actually gets you where you want to go in a timely manner. The region doesn’t have that now. The cost of that system is estimated to be 163 billion dollars, and as we all know it won’t be cheaper in the future. One possible funding source (remember there are dozens in the plan) is a ½ cent sales tax. That increase would need to be approved by the voters in the region. SANDAG or the SANDAG Board do not have the authority to tax without it going to the voters first.

Finally, as a community, we will need to decide if we want to take the bold and expensive step to build a Public Transportation System that really works. There are consequences to either saying yes or no. Stay informed, Be Kind, Remember your neighbor, and Stay safe! Semper Fi, Mac Paul P. McNamara Mayor of Escondido

“The Dorchester got attacked by a German sub, middle of the night, just off Newfoundland. Enemy fire knocked out the electrical system, left 904 folks in the pitch dark.” He leaned forward and lowered his voice for effect. The waitress leaned in too.

“You wanna talk fear, fella? Try being stuck in the North Atlantic in the dark.” He let the melodrama breathe for a few moments, then pretended to work on his puzzle again. He was probably waiting for us to beg him to keep talking. Preachers.

“So what happened?”

The Holy Joe shrugged. “Panic. Suddenly, the crew was going ape, screaming. The ship was going down. Crewmen were trapped below deck. Game over. No hope.” By now, another young waitress had joined storytime circle. “So,” the old man went on, “guess

Pick up

who helps organize an orderly evacuation, guess who calms everyone down and keeps 900 people from losing it?” He thumped his hat. “Chaplains. There were four of’em on the Dorchester.”

He placed four fingers on the bartop. “George Fox, Alex Goode, John Washington, and Clark Poling—a Catholic priest, a rabbi, and two old-school preachers.” The waitress interjected. “I’m Methodist.”

Everyone paused to look at the young woman with confused but polite smiles. “Well, I am,” she said quietly.

I attempted to bring us back on track. “So they sank?”

“I’m getting to that part. See, these four chaplains were in charge of getting the panicked and wounded to safety, but first they had to pass out life jackets to everyone—in the dark, mind you—and that’s when it all hit the fan.”

Holy Joe Continued on Page 13

Restaurant Guide Delivery In Room Dining


Dominic’s Gourmet Restaurant 113 E. Grand Ave Escondido, Ca.

760.480.1704 Open 7 days a week. In room dining! Check our menu, call us. We’ll give great food and service!

Escondido Mike’s BBQ

760.746.4444 1356 W Valley Pkwy Escondido, CA Check our menu at our website, or just call. In-room dining! Open T-Thu 11am-7pm,

Fri/Sat from 11am to 8pm

The Paper

Paul & Nome Van Middlesworth, The Computer Factory www.

“Time’s a wastin”

That catch phrase comes from Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, the third longest uninterrupted comic series. The only older comics still published are The Katzenjammer Kids and Gasoline Alley. We’re using this bit of nostalgia to make the point that the 2021 tax year ends in December for most of us including nearly all small and medium sized businesses. That gives us just four weeks to decide whether or not it makes sense to make business related capital or expense commitments in the 2021 tax year. For many of us, 2021 was not exactly a “banner” year, but if you did turn a profit, you still have the opportunity to reduce your tax burden by taking business related expense before January 1st. Upgrading, repairing, adding to or simply replacing business related

Man About Town Cont. from Page 4

Surprisingly, we all slept well. Come morning time and Mary, my Mary's mom, broke out the cooker and began to make tea. In a cow bier. (The milking stalls. The air was rich with the smell of cow manure. Even the daughters were giggling at the idea of having breakfast in a cow bier.

Hughie then said, "if it was good enough for the Savior it's good enough for you lot!")

Hughie was like that. He had a facility for saying things that we remembered for years. This big, rough and tough coal miner also had a tender side . . . he wrote lovely letters to us. One in particular I remember well. At the end of one letter he wanted to convey the sadness that his wife, Mary, felt when their daughter, Mary, left to go back to America. You and I probably would have said, "Mary's mother was sad when Mary left for America and had a good cry."

Conveys the message but Hughie was so much more poetic when he wrote, "Mary's mother had a tear to dry." Says the same thing but so much more tenderly.

Absolutely loved that man. Regret he is no longer with us. He made me laugh so hard, so often, that I regret I didn't carry a tape recorder with me to record his sometimes outrageous comments.

Some of his comments I'm tempted to quote but shan't. Outrageously funny if you were/are family but outsiders probably wouldn't appreciate the rare wit

Page 12 • • December 02, 2021

equipment can reduce or even eliminate income tax liability. Upgrading your office computer hardware in December may not work for you. Because holidays are busy times and it might not be practical to have your computer equipment repaired or upgraded during December. January begins tax preparation time and that also may not be a good time to tinker with your office routines. The Computer Factory can still help you keep your 2021 taxes down and get your office equipment upgraded while avoiding the inconvenience of upsetting your business during busy times.

but “enterprise” PCs bear little resemblance to the name brands sold in “retail” stores and on the Internet. The specifications for “enterprise” workstation are developed by the same professional ITs responsible for maintaining them in the workplace. When new, they command more than twice the price of their retail cousins. They have triple the Factory Warranty period and are constructed throughout with expensive, high reliability components. “Retail” PCs are built cheap because they must price compete in Big Box stores whose shoppers have little or no concept of quality and performance. Enterprise “refurbs” are higher in quality and performance and half the price of brand new retail cheapies.

Most PCs sold since Windows 7 was introduced in 2009, once refurbished, are as good or better than brand new “retail” PCs at performing tasks most home and business owners use including Internet browsing, audio/video streaming and common home and office applications. We routinely update older Windows PCs to current standards by making sure that they’re updated to Win 10/11, have 4-8GB of RAM and a SSD (solid state drive). Even ten year old PCs not only perform all the functions most home and business users require but with an SSD installed the no longer have any functional moving parts to wear out, they’ve become immortal.

and humor he generated.

And now here we are - holiday time.

And that’s a medical book fact!

Looking at a few photos and stories come rolling forward.

Lots of food.

Whether you choose to upgrade, repair, replace or add, we can provide the written invoice for the equipment and /or service allowing you to prepay in the 2021 tax year and then schedule the activity at your convenience in 2022.

While we do build custom configured PC workstations, the vast majority of our computer sales are “enterprise refurbs.” These are typically three to five year old desktop, notebook, All-in-One and Micro PCs that become available on three to five year budgeted replacement cycles from corporations, governments and schools. These systems are thoroughly tested and then configured to meet customer requirements. All are re-fitted with brand new solid state drives and updated versions of Windows 10/11. For small business and home users these “refurbs” are a great deal. The top three brand names on these “refurbs” are Lenovo, HP and Dell


More on another day, perhaps. •••• With the upcoming New Year rapidly approaching it is time many of us began to plan our New Year’s Resolutions.

My Resolution for the year 2022 is to accomplish the goals I set in 2021 which I should have done in 2020 because I made a promise in 2019 which I planned in 2018. •••• A more immediate goal is to continue losing weight. I’ve gone on a diet that eliminates bread, pasta, and candy from my diet and even the nutritious foods I’ve been eating in only moderate portions.

Lots of dinner invitations.

It’s a never-ending battle but I’m determined to shed some more pounds. •••• Necessity: The Mother of Invention.

While working out of town Samuel Morse received a letter that this wife had fallen ill.

Packing for home the next day he received a second letter saying she had already died. When he got home he had missed the funeral.

These events inspired him to create a quicker way to communicate: Morse Code. •••• Does anyone actually watch t h e Thanksgiving Day Parade?

I’ve lost 13 lbs.

And there I have stayed. I’m aware of several friends of mine who have lost 40 lbs in six months, one friend, a woman, lost 90 lbs (that’s almost a whole person!) She had more will power than me I guess. She sure looks good. Wish I could lose even half of what she lost.

Several years ago I went on the Kaiser Permanente Diet. Very closely regulated, lots of peer support, weekly meetings, and it worked! I lost 37 lbs.

But . . . as soon as the diet was over I went back and started eating the same foods I had eaten before the Kaiser Diet. The Kaiser Diet was a good one. It did not fail. I did.

Samuel Morse

I can’t think of anything more boring.

And the commentators? They contribute greatly to the boring element. •••• This is the only day of the year when I do not have to justify my nap. Tryptophan, and that’s it. “The turkey made me do it!”

I love Thanksgiving because there is no shopping for presents. Thus I don’t have to worry about assemling something or putting batteries into something. I can barely reprogram my clock radio for “Daylight Savings Time.” For those who are interested – though it takes place even if you’re not – Canadian Thanksgiving, I believe but am not certain, is celebrated on October the Twelfth, which is also, I believe but am not certain, “Columbus Day.” Canada has a tough time justifying Thanksgiving, as they had no tradition of pilgrims, or Indians teaching them to grow corn. I am not certain who taught Canadians to grow wheat. It was possibly the Norwegians. But I am not sure how you get a holiday out of that. “Thank you, Bjorn!”

Anyway, Thanksgiving shines as one of my favorite holidays. We watch football games played by teams I don’t care about, and – all of which is followed by the inevitable totally sanctioned snooze on the couch. •••• "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." (Quoting Cesare Beccaria) -Thomas Jefferson

SERVICE DIRECTORY The Paper • Page 13 • December 02, 2021 The Paper Page 13 • • July 01, 2021

Holy Joe Cont. from Page 11

He froze to add more tension. This guy was a showman. “So what happened?” said the professed Methodist.

“What happened is they ran outta life jackets, and without those, you’re dead. Lotta men died.

Survivors said the only thing you could hear that night were prayers in Hebrew, English, and Latin, filling the air—it was the voices of the chaplains. The chaplains never quit praying. There were 674 lives lost at sea.” “Wow,” muttered the waitress.

I looked downward at my coffee and thought about brave men I never knew. The old man’s voice hushed. “Survivors were swimming away from the wreckage, dog paddling through 34-degree water. Some said they looked at the ship behind them, in the glow of the emergency flares, and you know what they saw?” “What?”

“The four chaplains were removing their own life jackets and giving their jackets away to save others, while the ship was going down.” The old man had glazed eyes now. “Last thing anyone remembers seeing was one priest, one rabbi, and two preachers, holding hands, linking arms with crewmen, and singing hymns. The waves crashed in, swallowed everyone whole, killed’em. And those four chaplains went down singing.” He turned back to his crossword. “That’s what made me wanna be a chaplain.”

Abuut the Author:

Sean Dietrich is a writer, columnist, storyteller, singer, a lover of dogs, sunsets, thins of the South, and Jamie Dietrich, his wife. Not necessarily in that order.

Sean is a regular contributor to The Paper and has been known to tell a mighty good story now and then. You’ll be seeing more of his work on a regular basis in The Paper.

Subscribe to The Paper! Call 760.747.7119

Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 10

said Kenneth Lounsbery, Board Chair of the ECF. "Strengthening our economy will create a thriving Escondido community for generations to come." These projects should be practical and achievable within a 12-month time frame, and have prospects for long-term sustainability.

The LOI is the first step in a twostep process, which will facilitate the allocation of funding for Escondido-centered projects. The minimum funding range is $15,000 to a maximum of $35,000 available. LOI submissions must be submitted no later than 5pm on Monday, January 24, 2022. Organizations that are moved forward through the LOI process to the next step will be invited to submit a full application proposal by February 21, 202, and a completed application by March 21, 2022. Through its 15 years of grantmaking, ECF has granted more than $2.7 million and generated $6.4 million in impact to strengthen the community in Escondido.


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To become a member of ECF, or for a copy of the Grant Application, contact Trudy Armstrong at

About the Escondido Community Foundation and the Regional Affiliate Program: The Regional Affiliate program, including the Escondido Community Foundation, was established by The San Diego Foundation to create a regional network of affiliate foundations by leveraging local leadership, building endowments, increasing impactful philanthropy and promoting civic engagement. Affiliates reside in Carlsbad, Chula Vista, Escondido, La Jolla, Oceanside, Ramona, Rancho Bernardo, and 4S Ranch-Del Sur. The Regional Affiliate program has exceeded 1,000 members, established endowments of more than $5 million overall, and granted more than $6 million in total to nonprofit organization throughout the region. About the San Diego Foundation: The San Diego Foundation inspires enduring philanthropy and enables community solutions to improve the quality of life in our region. Our strategic priorities include advancing racial and social justice, fostering equity of opportunity, building resilient communities, and delivering world-class philanthropy to realize our vision of just, equitable and resilient communities. For more than 46 years, the Foundation and its donors have granted more than $1.3 billion to support nonprofit organizations strengthening our community. Learn more at

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Letters to the Editor Cont. from Page 4

to him a lot especially at Costco! So now that he really enjoys your newspaper he's afraid it's gonna stop like everything else he ends up liking! LMAO! My family, college friends (and neighbors) have all adopted Friedrich!! Thank you Mr. Davis for taking care of Friedrich Gomez who can be a handful, especially after getting a "sugar high" from his 7-Eleven slurpees! You are much loved by all of us, Mr. Lyle E. Davis. You're a true Viking, as my Dad always says!

Love ya, Kimberly Hastings, Oceanside.

Subscribe to The Paper! Call 760.747.7119

Kimberly Hastings

The Mighty Mojo Page The Paper • Page 14 • December 02, 2021

Coins & Loans

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9024571 The name of the busines: Urban Speak, located at 16066 Green Valley Truck Trail, Ramona, CA. 92065. Registrant Information: Shannon Drew Thomas 16066 Green Valley Truck Trail Ramona, Ca. 92065 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business 11/01/21 /s/ Shannon Thomas Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/02/2021

11/25, 12/02, 12/09 & 12/16/2021


The name of the busines: Opal Owl Design, located at 191 Cerco Rosado, San Marcos, CA. 92069 Registrant Information: Samantha Johnson 191 Cerco Rosado

San Maros, CA. 92069

This business is operated by an individual. First day of business: 03/01/2021 /s/ Samantha Johnson Filed






Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/06/2021


11/25, 12/02, 12/09 & 12/16/2021


The name of the busines: GB & Co., located at 5550


Carmel Montain Rd., San Diego, CA. 92130. Registrant Information: Gina Burriesci

1695 Los Altos Rd.

San Diego, CA. 92109

This business is operated by an individual. First day of business: 04/01/2021


760.990.428 89 &DULQJ)RU1RUWK&RXQW\ FRP Trained • Experienced • Insured • Bonded

Travel Trouleshooter Cont. from Page 7

tions, that works out to $245 per mile. Come on!

By the time you contacted me, you had already reached out to the state Attorney General's office and contacted a lawyer. A lawyer from the Attorney General's office called you back right away and seemed interested in helping you. The lawyer would have cost more than your claim was worth. But no worries -you're not out of luck.

I provided you with <a href="">executive contacts at Thrifty and Hertz</a> (Hertz owns Thrifty). I also recommended that you send a brief, polite email to the contacts, explaining your situation and everything you'd done to resolve this problem.

If you ever rent a car again, I strongly recommend that you find the exact location for the return. A rental company may have multiple locations, and failure to return your car to the right one may result in an extra fee. After you contacted the Thrifty executives, a representative called you and promised a full refund of the $932 fee. This time, you got it. Christopher Elliott's latest book is “How To Be The World’s Smartest Traveler” (National Geographic). Get help by contacting him at © 2021 Christopher Elliott.

/s/Gina Burriesci



Top grade printing of all types, brochures, letterhead, posters banners, business cards.

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Know What? You could own this space. It’d be all yours. And over 60,000 readers each week would be able to read about what a nice person you are, and what a nice business you have. It’d be a nice little investment. Call us. We’ll talk. 747.7119







Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/06/2021


11/25, 12/02, 12/09 & 12/16/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9025576 The name of the busines: Solano Maintenance, located at 1045 E. Vista Way, Space 7, Vista, CA. 92084. Registrant Information: Cristobal Gomez 1045 E. Vista Way, Space 7 Vista, CA. 92084 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business: 01/02/2014 /s/Cristobal Gomez Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/16/2021

11/25, 12/02, 12/09 & 12/16/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9024560 The name of the busines: Always Ready Equipment Rentals, located at 1462 Devin Dr., Fallbrook, CA. 92028. Registrant Information: Covetous, Inc. 1462 Devin Dr. Fallbrook, Ca. 92028 This business is operated by a corporation. First day of business n/a. /s/ Joseph B. Volk, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/02/2021

11/25, 12/02, 12/09 & 12/16/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9025315 The name of the busines: California Dental Certifications Institute, California Dental Certifications, located at 1059 First Ave., San Digo, CA. 92101. Registrant Information: California Dental Certifications, LLC 1059 First AVe., San Diego, CA. 92101 This business is operated by a Limited Liability Compa ny. First day of business: 11/12/21 /s/ Adele Baca, CEO Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/12/2021

11/25, 12/02, 12/09 & 12/16/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9026294 The name of the busines: Essential Landscaping, located at 1251 Armorlite Dr., #201, San Marcos, CA. 92069. Registrant Information: Rutilio Garcia Sierra 486 Valerie Dr Vista, CA. 92084 Bryan Zepeda Garcia 1751 Armorlite Dr., #201 San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is operated by a General Partnership. First day of business: 10/22/2021 /s/ Rutilio Garcia Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/29/2021

12/02, 12/09, 12/16 & 12/23/2021


The name of the busines: Pete’s Tax Service, located at 650 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. #200, San Marcos, Ca. 92078.

Registrant Information: Peter John Eiden, Jr.

650 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. #200 San Marcos, CA. 92078

This business is operated by an individual.

Subscribe to The Paper! Call 760.747.7119

First day of business: 02/01/2021 /s/ Peter John Eiden, Jr. Filed






Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/15/2021

11/25, 12/02, 12/09 & 12/16/2021



NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: A n t o n i o Laguna, Jr. aka Antonio Laguna aka Tony Laguna dba 42 Films, and Does 1 through 10, inclusive. YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: Navita Credit Corp.

NOTICE! You are being sued. The court may decide against you without you being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self Help Center ( your county law library, or the county courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form; if you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default,and your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from the courr. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Service Web site ( the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. The name and address of the court is: San Diego County Superior Court 325 So. Melrose Drive Vista, CA. 92081 North County Division

The name, address and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney is: Barry W. Ferns, Esq. Ferns, Adams & Associates 2815 Mitchell Drive, Suite 210, Walnut Creek, CA. 94598 925.927.3401 Dated: 7/28/2021 Clerk By; A. Carini, Deputy 11/18, 11/25, 12/02 & 12/09/2021

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2021-00047793-CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Phillip Walter Simon Jr. filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Phillip Walter Simon Jr. to Proposed name Phillip Walter Simon El. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: December 28, 2021. 8:30a.m., Department 25. NO HEARING WILL OCCUR ON ABOVE DATE; SEE ATTACHMENT. The address of the court is: 325 S. Melrose, Vista, CA. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated November 12, 2021. /s/ Pamela M. Parker, Judge of the Superior Court 11/18, 11/25, 12/02 & 12/09/2021


The Page • July 01, 2021 ThePaper Paper • Page 1515• December 02, 2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9025141 The name of the business: H2O Bros, located at 2241 La Mirada Drive, Vista, CA. 92081 Registrant Information: Yanchewski & Wardell Enterprises, Inc. 2241 La Mirada Drive Vista, Ca. 92081 This business is operated by a corporation. First day of business n/a. /s/ Ryan Q. Wardell, President. Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/09/2021 11/18, 11/25, 12/02 & 12/09/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9024623 The name of the business: One West Realty Group, located at 3753 Mission Ave., Ste 108, Oceanside, CA. 92058. Registrant Information: Travis Yaldo 3753 Mission Ave. Ste 108 Oceanside, Ca. 92058. This business is operated by an individual. First day of business 1/27/2016. /s/Travis Yaldo Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/02/2021 11/11, 11/18, 11/25 & 12/02/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9024155 The name of the business: Dragonfly Picnic Co., located at 2913 S. Santa Fe Ave., San Marcos, CA. 92069 Registrant Information: Stephanie White 2913 S. Santa Fe Ave. San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business n/a.. /s/ Stephanie White Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 10/26/2021 11/11, 11/18, 11/25 & 12/2/2021 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9024575 The name of the business: Prism Electric, located at 3549 Lookout Court #428, Oceanside, CA. 92056. Registrant Information: Kyle David Hendry 3549 Lookout Court #428 Oceanside, CA. 92056 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business 11/01/2021. /s/ Kyle David Hendry Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/02/2021 11/18, 11/25, 12/2 & 12/9/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9025019 The name of the business: California RDA Institute; RDA Institute of California, located at 1059 First Ave., San Diego, Ca. 92101 Registrant Information: California Dental Certifications LLC 1059 First Ave. San Diego, CA. 92101 This business is operated by Limited Liability Company. First day of business 10/26/2004. /s/ Adele Baca, CEO Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/08/2021 11/18, 11/25, 12/2 & 12/9/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9025020 The name of the business: sCalifornia Dental Certification Institute; California Dental Certifications, located at 1059 First Ave., San Diego, Ca. 92101 Registrant Information: Adele Baca, CEO 1059 First Ave. San Diego, CA. 92101 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business 10/26/2004. /s/ Adele Baca Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/08/2021 11/18, 11/25, 12/2 & 12/9/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9024776 The name of the business: Kyle Tetz Chiropractic Inc., located at 410 S. Melrose Dr. Ste 200, Vista, CA. 92081. Registrant Information: Kyle Tetz Chiropratic Inc. 410 S. Melrose Dr., Ste 200 Vista, Ca. 92081 This business is operated by a corporation. First day of business 11/4/2021. /s/ Kyle Tetz, CEO Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/04/2021 11/18, 11/25, 12/2 & 12/9/2021

SUMMONS CASE NO. 37-202000045259-CL-BC-NC


NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: PHOTOGRAPHY OUTLET, INC., a California corporation; SANJAY GUPTA, an individual, and DOES 1 to 25.

YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: TBF FINANCIAL I. LLC A California limited liability company

NOTICE! You are being sued. The court may decide against you without you being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self Help Center ( your county law library, or the county courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form; if you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default,and your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from the courr.

There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Service Web site ( the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, or by contacting your local court or county bar associataion. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. The name and address of the court is: San Diego County Superior Court 325 So. Melrose Drive Vista, CA. 92081 North County Division The name, address and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney is: Michael W. Battin, Navigato & Battin, LLP 755 West A Street, Suite 150 San Diego, CA. 92101 619-233-5365 Dated: 12/28/20 By Clerk A. Carini, Deputy 11/18, 11/25, 12/02 & 12/09/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9025501 The name of the business: Notary by T, located at 3793 Via Cabrillo, Oceanside, CA. 92056 Registrant Information: Tanya Ware 3793 Via Cabrillo Oceanside, CA. 92056 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business 11/16/2021 /s/ Tanya Ware Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/16/2021/ 11/18, 11/25, 12/2 & 12/09/2021


Streaming Arrow Records, located at 3210 Greyhawk Court Carlsbad, CA. 92010.

The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on 10/21/2016 and assigneed file no. 2016-027406. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IS BEING ABANDONED BY: Brandon Anthony Foley 3270 Westwood Drive Carlsbad, Ca. 92008

This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1000). /s/ Brandon Foley This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County 10/21/2021 11/25, 12/02, 12/09 & 12/16/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9025075 The name of the busines: Robert William Ent.; Cool Beads; Cali Bristo, located at 14251D Garden Rd., Poway, CA. 92064. Registrant Information: Robert Nethery 14251D Garden Rd. Poway, CA. 92064. This business is operated by an individual. First day of business 11/01/2021 /s/ Robert Nethery Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/09/2021

11/25, 12/02, 12/16/2021



FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9024608 The name of the busines: The Punchlist, located at 1544 Indian Summer Road, San Marcos, CA. 92069. Registrant Information: Tyler James Collett 1544 Indian Summer Road San Marcos, CA. 92069 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/ Tyler Collett Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/02/2021

11/25, 12/02, 12/16/2021



FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9024690 The name of the busines: Verde Renovation; Verde Flood Restoration; Verde Carpet Care; Crescent Restoration, located at 530 West 2nd Ave., Ste 204, Escondido, CA. 92025. Registrant Information: Antoine B Sturgies 530 West 2nd Ave., Ste 204 Escondido, CA. 92025. This business is operated by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/ Antoine B. Sturgies Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/03/2021

12/02, 12/09, 12/23/2021



FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9023732 The name of the business: Made For You Flower Shop, San Elijo Flower Shop, locaed at 2237 Indus Way, San Marcos, CA. 92078. Registrant Information: Deanna Rivera Ornelas and Raley Guimaroes Vianna DeOliveira 2237 Indus Way San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is operated by a Married Couple. First day of business 9/15/2021. /s/ Deanna Rivera Ornelas Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 10/21/2021/ 11/18, 11/25, 12/2 & 12/09/2021 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9025539 The name of the business: Dulce Vida Natural, located at 1011 S. Santa Fe Ave., Ste B, Vista, Ca. 92083. Registrant Information: Immunocali Naural Health LLC 1234 N. Santa Fe Ave., #118-166 Vista, CA. 92083 This business is operated by a Limited Liability Co. First day of business n/a. /s/ Oscar Rene Redondo Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/16/2021/ 11/18, 11/25, 12/2 & 12/09/2021


Ordinance No. 2021-1509 – an ordinance of the City Council of the City of San Marcos, California, authorizing the implementation of a community choice aggregation program. Ordinance No. 2021-1509 was introduced on November 9, 2021, and adopted by the City Council of San Marcos, California, on November 23, 2021, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: JENKINS, MUSGROVE, NUÑEZ, WALTON, JONES. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE. ABESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE. A certified copy is posted in the office of the City Clerk at 1 Civic Center Dr, San Marcos, CA. Julia Moss, Deputy City Clerk, City of San Marcos. PD: 12/2/2021 SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 20211508

Ordinance No. 2021-1508 – an ordinance of the City Council of the City of San Marcos, California, authorizing the implementation of a community choice aggregation program. Ordinance No. 2021-1508 was introduced on November 9, 2021, and adopted by the City Council of San Marcos, California, on November 23, 2021, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: JENKINS, MUSGROVE, NUÑEZ, WALTON, JONES. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE. ABESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE. A certified copy is posted in the office of the City Clerk at 1 Civic Center Dr, San Marcos, CA. Julia Moss, Deputy City Clerk, City of San Marcos. PD: 12/2/2021

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2021-9026111 The name of the busines: Angel’s Auto Glass & Tint, located at 755 W. San Marcos, Blvd, #108, San Marcos, CA. 92078. Registrant Information: Gorgis Zero 29311 Home Plaate Lake Elsinore, Ca. 92530 This business is operated by an individual. First day of business 11/23/21. /s/ Gorgis Zero Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/23/2021

12/02, 12/09, 12/23/2021


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The San Marcos City Council will hold the following public hearing telephonically in the City Council Chambers located at the San Marcos City Hall, 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069; at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 14, 2021. Project No: TA21-0002 Applicant: City of San Marcos Request: Approve updates to the Zoning Ordinance to streamline processing of certain permits. Environmental Determination: The Zoning Ordinance Update is considered a tiered project under the City’s General Plan Program EIR. CEQA Section 15152 encourages lead agencies to tier environmental analysis to avoid repetitive discussion within subsequent environmental documents and focus on issues directly related to the topic of evaluation. An Initial Study (IS) has been prepared to satisfy the CEQA/CA Public Resources Code, Section 21000 et. seq., and the CEQA Guidelines (14 CCR 15000 et. seq.). The purpose of the preparation of the IS is to review environmental impacts associated with updates of the Zoning Ordinance and ensure that impacts are no more significant than those evaluated in the General Plan EIR. No significant impacts beyond those evaluated in the General Plan EIR were identified. Location of Property: The Zoning Ordinance is applicable to all properties within City limits. Planning Commission Action: The Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed project to the City Council by a 6-1 vote. Further information about this notice can be obtained from Saima Qureshy, AICP, Principal Planner, by calling 760-744-1050, Extension 3222, or Notice: The hearing before the City Council is a de novo hearing and any correspondence submitted to the Planning Commission that you wish presented to the City Council must be resubmitted for the Council’s consideration. Contact the City Clerk for resubmittal of any correspondence and/or petition for/or against the project. The City of San Marcos is committed to making its programs, services and activities accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you require accommodation to participate in a public hearing or any other city program, service, or activity, please contact the City Clerk’s office at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069, or call (760) 744-1050, extension 3145. Phil Scollick, City Clerk, City of San Marcos. PD: 12/02/2021. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME



The name of the busines: SD

Deals, located at 430 N. Pacific St. San Marcos, CA. 92069. Registrant Information: Jairo Duran

430 N. Pacific St.

San Marcos CA. 92069

This business is operated by an individual.

First day of business 11/23/21. /s/ Jairo Duran Filed







Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 11/23/2021






Bahai A Way of Life

Baha’is have been described as a kind, gentle people. Would you like to know more? Call anyone listed here from your city/neighborhood. Baha’is Believe:

• all humanity was creat-

ed by one God and is part of one human race

• the purpose of life is to know and worship God,

to acquire virtues, to promote the oneness of humankind and to carry forward



advancing civilization

• work performed in the

spirit of service is a form of worship

• the soul, created at the

moment of conception, is destined by God to reach



where it will continue to

progress until it attains the presence of God.

Be a guest of Bahai’s! Learn more about what we believe. Visit one of our meetings. Call a Baha’i in your city for more information!

Rancho Bernardo -

Chris or Azar Weixelman 1.858.759.8075 Escondido Sandy Coleman, 760-747-0049 San Marcos Gary L. Veale 760.304.6924

Vista Judy Maddox 1.760.598.7240 Celia Taghdiri 1.760.727.6264

Oceanside Dick or Patty Yant 1.619.985.9977 or 1.760.433.4447

The Paper

Page 16 • • December 02, 2021

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