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You’re Not Alone

You're Not Alone... Really coping with the ups and downs of being an expat

Lights, Cameras…Acceptance! It's a Process I’m sure many of us don’t think of ourselves as models. But one of the uber cool things about the AWA is that once a year, you can be one, as part of the AWA’s Fashion Show, which features us ladies in local designers’ clothing. The best part of the show is the process, especially if you’ve ever felt you weren’t thin enough, beautiful enough or graceful enough to walk the catwalk. I felt that way, too. I am a plus-sized American woman. Size 16. I wasn’t always this size, as I was a competitive athlete and constantly maintaining a “ Certainly, many women struggle with body image and just hating how we look. Overall, I was happy with myself but I didn’t know if doing the fashion show would be good for my self-esteem.


Written by Andrea McKenna Brankin

“fighting weight.” But after I had my baby, well, my body changed and I’ve had to accept the fact that, well, I’m just bigger now. Certainly, many women struggle with body image and just hating how we look. Overall, I was happy with myself, but I didn’t know if doing the fashion show would be good for my self-esteem. But I was way wrong!

A neighbor, Thea, who worked the back stage of the show, strongly encouraged me to attend last year’s model call. I was really busy but I thought I should at least go and talk to them. Maybe they wouldn’t want me because I’m an XL size…. I didn’t know what to expect. I was more than pleasantly surprised at how ACCEPTING the organizers were! Immediately, the head of the show said, “I know exactly which designer could work for Andrea.” This gave me a huge boost of confidence. I was just floored and even survived having my measurements taken without cringing at the numbers. The next few weeks involved several fittings. This was not nearly as scary as I thought because the clothes actually fit me--very well in fact. The styles and looks were dresses I would not have considered for myself. I definitely had the idea that no designer clothes would ever fit me in Singapore because of my size. Again, it was nice to be wrong. I ended up buying two of my outfits, which I have worn many times since at events around Singapore, all with many compliments. After some catwalk training, which was fast and fun with Erika, Yvonne and Singapore-based, American supermodel Sabrina Sikora, I was surprised how confident I was striding down the tape-covered dance floor at the YMCA. I felt like I belonged there and all the organizers made me and others feel special.

At the show rehearsal, it was a bit surreal to think we were part of this, such a big-deal event. But on the day of the show, we really were treated as special, having professional makeup and hair done by the famed makeup artist Samina Malik’s team, including her fabulous Sceptre lip color. I was a little nervous but they made me look so amazing, it was hard NOT to be confident. I’m more of game-day player and got quiet and seriously focused on the task, whilst others were more prone to nervous laughter and chatting. Nonetheless, we were all ready to go! Perhaps the greatest feeling was that not only did the Fashion Show team make me feel special, but I also got cheers and heartfelt acceptance from our audience—fellow AWA members and some of our husbands. In the end, nothing looks as good as acceptance feels. I was lucky I had both that day. I hope you all enjoy the show this April and cheer loudly for our AWA ladies! You will indeed be part of the process of our believing we are truly beautiful models that day. Thanks in advance for your support!

Andrea runs the AWA Listen Ladies Group, providing confidential support at monthly meetings. listenladies@awasingapore.org

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Monday, March 9th 10.30am till 12 noon

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