Portfolio 2023

Page 22

Selected Works

Avin Alimohammadi

Course: Honours Studio Semester 2

Date: February 2023 - April 2023

Format: Individual Project

“Still, we become nostalgic for that garden we left, we hope to one day go back and tend our gardens, but for now we are far away. Instead we have built [moments and memories] in our home to remember Iran which was once our paradise” - Unknown

Iranians adopted the earliest definition of “Paradise”, meaning “a walled garden and enclosure”. Consequently, the landscape practice of “Char Bagh” was founded in which a landscape is divided into four quadrants: Soul, Heart, Spirit and Essence. This thesis aims to provide a new theoretical framework for the word “Paradise” by examining it through the lens of memory and its contemporary notions. As such, a surreal visual composition consisting of the author's fragmented spatial memories as an Iranian living in the diaspora is developed using "Char Bagh" principles and traditional Iranian visual art found in silk carpets and miniature paintings. Such concepts are then paired with a modern 3D visualization stemming from the author's dual identity, ultimately redefining the meaning of "Paradise" as a subjective entity.


To situate the memories within "Char Bagh", the quadrants were redefined and written in Farsi as the carpet's primary border. The definitions are as follows:

Heart (Top Left): A memory involving other individuals

Soul (Top Right): A memory that triggers other memories

Spirit (Bottom Right): A memory that is strongly dependent on the age in which it exists

Essence (Bottom Left): A memory that traverses sight

Front View

Within each quadrant of the artifact, architectural forms and landscapes from Iran and Canada which hosted the memories merge as one, representing the "In between" identity of the author. The illustration is largely inspired by Persian miniatures and their flat perspectives, along with Persian carpets and their density. While the memories are meant to co-exist, a distinction between the architectural forms is made with the patterned forms representing Iran, and the solid colors representing Canada. Additionally, some forms are re-orientated upside down and are meant to portray "dark" memories which in the case of this thesis, are equally as pertinent to the concept of "Paradise" as the fond memories. With such representational contrasts, one is able to decipher isolated memories while observing a whole image.

7 Essence Heart Soul

Relief models of the built form memories aim to contemporize traditional Persian art conventions while providing a three dimensional depiction of the spaces. In some ways this approach further conveys the concept of layers within a Persian carpet.

Heart Soul

The backside of the artifact describes the experience of each memory in the author's own words, providing a more intimate description of each moment. Such sentiments are the foundations of each memory depicted on the front side, mirroring the initial stitches of a Persian carpet which can be seen on the back side. Memories located in Iran are described in Farsi, while the memories located in Canada are written in English. To create parallels between the object's two faces, "dark" memories on the back side are also oriented upside down, similar to the objects and figures on the front side.

11 Back View

Seldom Seen

Rhinoceros 3D

Adobe Illustrator

Physical Modeling

Course: Design Studio Semester 2

Date: March 2022 - April 2022

Format: Team based project with classmates Chris Nurse, Kristina Kozlitana & Ewen Hall

Responsibilities: Drawing & Physical Modeling

“Navigation needs might have been the starting point for all memories”

This conceptual design seeks to foster a multi-sensory experience highlighting the relationship between the individual and nature. Within the site that is located on a portion of the Comox Estuary which was once the host of a sawmill, the lack of directional cues and the presence of unpredictable terrains and obscuring vegetation, leads visitors to different built experiences where they are forced to confront nature. As such, one must create a sense of orientation using spatial memory through the auditory, olfactory, and tactile components of the site. In this state, nature re-establishes control of the site until visitors are able to regain control of their navigation abilities. In surrendering ones’ comfort within the landscape, a more intimate exploration of the site re-orients visitors towards the history and hierarchy of the site.

Planting Typology

Pink-coloured flower buds Yellow-coloured flower buds
Unpleasant odor
Pleasant odor
Two meters in height during its blooming season during its blooming season Sitka Valerian Lily of the Valley Canary Reed
Combined Axonometric
Bald Hip Rose Meadow Buttercup
13 Renewal Axonometric

The planting plan depicts the use of flora as markers of directional cues. Specific plantings with unique experiential qualities are concentrated around each intervention which then radiate into a central meadow of tall reeds. As such, users remain disorientated until they approach one of the built forms.

14 1:500 Planting Plan

The site plan depicts the site’s four edge conditions with the progression of the meadow as it starts on the right hand side. As such, vegetation grows outwards and to the left creating opportunity for more moments within a larger boundary of the site.

The axonometric drawings depict the yearly progression of the meadow. The incisions shows the first year with little growth, the trench shows the second year at mid growth, and the brambles shows the third year when the meadow is at its full height. In its fourth year, the platform depicts the controlled burn of the meadow, which decelerates the otherwise rapid processes taking place on site.

16 Year 2 Year 1
Year 1 Year 2
17 Sucession Year 4 Year 3 1:5000 Site Plan Bramble Platform Year 3 Year 4

The site model demonstrates the terraforming of the site which influences the nature of each intervention. A flat topography provides space for a viewing platform while the incised topography allows for a connection between the land and the river. Additionally, the entrenched topography allows for a deep and tall path, and the circular topography invites a walled bramble. At a smaller scale, each built form model depicts the four interventions designers which would conceptually be formed using the recycled rusted metal from the site’s retaining wall.

Concept Models

A collaged elevation of the front view of each intervention along with their correlating topography and vegetation illustrates the relationship between the site’s various experiential qualities.

DisorientationDisorientation 18
Elevation Incision
Disorientation Site Model Trench Bramble
The embodied perspective of a human within the trench evokes its confined nature.
The disembodied perspective of a salmon within the incision demonstrated its overwhelming depth and size.

Yours, Mine & Ours

Rhinoceros 3D

Adobe Illustrator

Physical Modeling

Course: Design Studio Semester 1

Date: September - December 2022

Format: Team based project with classmates Akari Esaka, Colette

Bartschat and Ghazal Torkaman

Responsibilities: 3D Modeling, Drawing & Physical Modeling

"Yours, Mine & Ours" is an urban block proposal which aims to remediate the severed relationship between food production and community consumption. As a result, this proposal incorporates sustainable and regenerative urban farming with middle density housing. With growing concerns of climate change, "Yours, Mine & Ours" seeks to encourage its resident to care for the land which provides for them.

Housing Roof Typologies & Correlating Farming Techniques
Extensive Farming Root Depth: 0 - 6 Inches 0 ° Butterfly
Semi-Intensive Farming 7 - 9 Inches 10 ° Shed
Intensive Farming 10 - 12 Inches 15 °
Greenhouse Farming Ground-level Farming Pergola
24 Commercial
Units Unit-to-farm View View Corridor
33' Block
66' Block 99' Block

This design is located in the Sunset Neighbourhood of Vancouver with the goal of replacing single-family units with middle density urban blocks. As sustainable farming, community building and lane way activation are the three guiding design principles, each block consists of mixed use housing, commercial space, as well as specified landscape and roofing types dedicated to various kinds of production. As the urban blocks grow outwards, the lane way will transform into a community gathering space while inviting the broader community to experience the on-site food production system. View corridors for both tenants and community members are aimed to create community engagement with the farms, while creating a sense of ownerships for tenants. As such, farms are located facing the lane way and the street for visual access from both the exterior and interior.

Site Model

Fruit trees create habitat for local bird and pollinator species while providing a low maintenance food source

Diverse assortment of crops provides significant variety for the community and the diet of local pollinator species

grass creates habitat for insects which naturally combat crop pests


26 Elevation 1:250 Summer Autumn Lane Street 33' Block Plan 1:250 66' Block Plan 99' Block Street Lane
Tall Perennial blooming 1. Cafe
1 2 4 3
2. Farm Space 3. Farm Space 4. Restaurant

Perennial plantings with varied blooming seasons sustain pollinator populations throughout all seasons in a year

Greenhouses continue food production during off seasons and cultivate culturally significant produce not native to BC

Rain gardens cleanse polluted storm-water and provide habitat for native plants

27 Winter Spring Plan Street Street Lane Lane
5. Farm Space 6. Greenhouse 7. Education Space 8. Produce Market 9. Community Kitchen
5 10 9 8 7 6 6
10. Farm Supply Storage


Back lane features design elements which pedestrianize the neighborhood and converts a commonly underutilized urban space into a place community gathering. Commercial elements inclusion of a community learning cenoriented towards the lane to promote use

of the walkway. The lane is lined with pergola’s which feature low maintenance plantings, allowing for the uninitiated broader community to join in food harvest while providing protection from rain. Rain-gardens border the lane to manage storm-water from frequent Vancouver rainfall.

The revitalized lane way aims to pedestrianize the neighbourhood while creating gathering opportunities in an otherwise underutilized space. A community farming learning center along with commercial units are oriented towards the lane way to promote the use of the corridor. The walkway is lined with pergola's which hold low-maintenance plantings while providing rainfall protection, and the rain gardens which border the lane aid in storm-water management.

Above: Long Section From Lane
0 51015m Elevation 1:250
Right: Render of converted Laneway

Rhinoceros 3D

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Course: Design Studio Semester 1

Date: January - February 2022

Format: Team based project with classmate Ewen Hall

Responsibilities: 3D Modeling & Drawing



1 Year

5 Years

Tide & Time

Tasked with developing a proposal which provides access to one of Wreck Beach’s old growth trees, this design consists of three wooden parallel paths, emulating the materiality of the tree, which travel from the water, traversing the threshold, and into the forest. It employs an adaptive design using changes such as time, sea level rise, decomposition, and growth, where at any given period up to a millennium, segments of the path remain useful to living organisms. Based on current scientific projections, the path acts as a benchmark, providing visual access to its users of the processes which will impact the old growth tree.

31 10 Years

The embodied perspective depicts 25 years in the future where sea levels have risen approximately 0.6 meters. While the lower points of the path become submerged, allowing for aquatic plants to grow, the higher points of the paths are still accessible as small islands. Plants in the threshold and forest accumulate quickly covering the forest bed.

The disembodied perspective depicts 50 years in the future, where sea levels have risen approximately 1.5 meters, submerging most of the path along the beach and threshold. The remaining islands, adapted to be used as swimming docks, are a signal of what used to be before natural processes took over. In the forested region, the path is being gradually integrated into nature as organisms begin incorporating it into their ecosystem.


To demonstrate the projected changes, a GIF comprised of three segments depicts the subsequent environments in exponential chronological order.

34 0-50 Years 50 - 500 Years 500 - 1000 Years

Half-Full House


Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Physical Modeling

Course: Design Studio Semester 1

Date: September - December 2021

Format: Team based project with classmates Akari Esaka and Mathieu Kurtas

Responsibilities: 3D Modeling, Drawing & Physical Modeling

A proposal for a communal housing project on an existing lot in the West End. As this design makes use of the existing footprint of the home as determined by zoning bylaws, the project reflects on the surplus of space allocated to a single family home which can be turned into a communal living opportunity for over ten individuals.




The design of the home surrounds a full height atrium, creating a stark contrast between mass and void within the home, depicted by the Nolli maps (black showing mass, and white showing void) to the right of each floor plan. The first set of clients are four elderly individuals whose rooms are located on the first floor for accessibility, two care workers for the elderly who live on the second floor, as well as four young professional who reside on the highest floor. Communal spaces are located on the floor between the user groups, while the balconies and lofted flex spaces can be accessed through the staircases meandering the atrium, or the central hydraulic lift.

38 Floor 1 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 4 Elevator Ground Level Lounge Isolation Room Elevator Level 3 Level 4 Level Bedroom 2 Level 2 A B N Plans 1:50 Bedroom Bedroom 4 Bedroom Bedroom 2 Elevator Ground Level Lounge Kitchen Isolation Room Elevator Level 3 Level 4 Bedroom 2 Elevator Level 2 A B N Plans 1:50 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 4 Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Elevator Ground Level Lounge Kitchen Isolation Room Elevator Level 3 Level 4 Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Elevator Level 2 A B Bedroom 3 Bedroom 4 Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Elevator Ground Level Lounge Kitchen Isolation Room Elevator Level 3 Bedroom 2 Level 4 Level Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Elevator Level 2 A B N Plans 1:50 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 4 Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Elevator Ground Level Lounge Kitchen Isolation Room Elevator Level 3 Level 4 Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Elevator Level 2 A B N Plans 1:50 Floor Plans 1:125 Floor 2 Floor 3
39 Floor 4 Floor 5

The mass volumes consist of a wood slat cladding on the interior and exterior of the home. The exterior of the atrium is made of a glass curtain wall, allowing views in and out of the home, while the interior, which includes the stairs and hydraulic lift, is lined with thin, floor to ceiling, white steel wires. This not only provides security, but also blends into the surrounding environment of the home allowing for further transparency.

19 Section AA’ 1:100
B 1:100 Section BB’

In the perspectives, the void (atrium) is rendered, while the masses are represented through line drawings in order to highlight the contrast between the two spaces.

Model - Interior Model - Exterior
Detail Model
The windows are designed to allow for residents to experience views out of the home, but restrict views to the inside from street level.
46 Thank you avinali123@gmail.com
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