Professional Pasta N. 4 October/December 2018

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T h e i n t e r n at i o n a l m ag a z i n e f or Pa s ta P r o d u c e r s



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The quality of cooked pasta

Italian pasta “wins” in Berlin

Niccolai Trafile



N. 4 October/December 2018


Chairman Claudio Vercellone




Year XXIII - N. 4 October/December 2018

Editor in Chief Claudio Vercellone Scientific and technical committee Maurizio Monti Wheat and flours technician Roberto Tuberosa Agricultural Genetics


Editing Coordinator Delia Maria Sebelin Advertising Massimo Carpanelli Edition, management, editorial, advertising and administration Avenue media Srl Via Riva Reno, 61 40122 Bologna (Italy) Subscriptions office Subscription

Contents Editorial

Protectionism threatens Italian pasta 5 by Dario Casati


The quality of cooked pasta

by Cristina Cecchini, Roberto Mortaro, Gabriella Aureli


Pasta & Mediterranean Diet: added value for health and longevity by Delia Maria Sebelin

Ue countries € 45,00


Outside Ue € 60,00

Digitalizing the pasta industry

Back issues, except for availability: € 15.00 each plus postage Print MIG - Moderna Industrie Grafiche Srl Via Fornaciai, 4 - Bologna (Italy) Registration N. 7875 of 9/9/2008 Court of Bologna All coprights belong to Avenue media Srl May not be used without permission Responsibility of the advertisements belongs to the firms


by Gill Parker

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Protectionism threatens Italian pasta A

by Dario Casati Agricultural economist University of Milan (Italy)

October/December 2018

major change in international trade is underway. After a long period of market liberalisation, a return to protectionism is looming with a shift from cautious and considered negotiations to the use of strong pressure and banging fists on the table. It is rather surprising to see this happening just now as the global economy is growing after the crisis. Expanding trade is a positive sign of the economic recovery as well as its driving force. It allows markets to expand, which is a key element for those economies that do not grow that fast, but whose strength lies in exports. The Italian economy is one of them. At least two aspects arise from the return to protectionism. Walking away from negotiations that kept relationships alive and focused on trade rules only to put in place actions that are prohibited by the agreements in force, such as the targeted, arbitrary and selective imposition of the most discordant barriers, i.e. duty tariffs and restrictions.

Any type of products shall comply with exporters’ and importers’ regulations





Opening the way to legitimate, although indiscriminate retaliations and countermeasures. Those who do not apply the previous methods are increasing in number. An example is the US/China affair with all the other countries involved as well. It is difficult to contain such behaviour. The temptation to go back to protectionism is immense, but it is dangerous. Also for Italy, a country that is strongly export-oriented, as export is key for its economy, the call for protectionism seems irresistible, although incomprehensible. The economic crisis followed by the upsurge of protectionism has led to the setting aside of negotiations so as not to undermine them. The next step is bilateral negotiations. The US position blocked the ratification of the Pacific trade agreement and prevented the EU agreement from taking off. The EU then responded with separate negotiations. The first with South Korea already in force, the second with Canada (CETA) pending ratification by EU Member States, the third with Japan (EPA) signed in June, and some others are underway. Strategy is changing in order to reassemble the free-trade picture, piece by piece. However, the wave of protectionism is against this approach, opposing the ratification of CETA and barely accepting EPA. These two treaties are similar and comparable to the one with South Korea, too. It is clear then that reasons are certainly not economic. After a few months, the experience with CETA has produced satisfactory results. Italian exports overall increased by 13% approximately, whereas imports by 2.5% only. Agro-food exports increased by 15% and imports slightly decreased. The problem with glyphosate had an impact there, since durum wheat imports from Canada were curbed for the sake of prudence. Agriculture plays a minor role in both countries, but in Italy agriculture is protected by designations of origin that have been left defenceless now. National regulations will still be in force and any type of products, not only agricultural products, shall comply with exporters’ and importers’ regulations. Each country has the right not to have more lax regulations imposed on it. Food exporters and consumers will be better protected. The Italian list of products with protected designations of origin does not include all of them, but it accounts for 90% of export value, a target that was simply unthinkable before negotiations. Why this return to protectionism then? There are several answers to the question, mainly related to indefinable fears, often expressed by inefficient firms or sectors and not driven by international trade, but only by those who work in the domestic market. Even consumers are involved in this opposition, through a subtle psychological game, proffering an opposition that sounds reassuring when it would actually pave the way to a disconcerting future. Thoughtful meditation should be mandatory. Dario Casati

It is necessary to select wheat varieties characterized by higher productivity




October/December 2018


TwO prOducTION lINes IN The spAce Of ONe

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FACTS & NEWS For a longer life, choose a Carb Diet

Barilla launches whole wheat pasta range in the Middle East

A new study, published in the Lancet Public Health, suggests that eating a diet low in carbs increases your risk of early death. For this study, almost 15,000 Us adults were tracked for 25 years. Those who ate a moderate number of carbs - meaning they got 50 to 55% of their energy from carbohydrates - had the lowest risk of mortality. Those who got more than 70% of their energy from carbs had a higher risk of mortality, as expected. But surprisingly, the highest risk was seen in those who go less than 40% of their energy from carbs - the low-carb dieters. To shake that down into numbers, a moderate-carb diet results in an estimated life expectancy of 83 years, for a high-carb diet it’s 82 years and for a low-carb diet it’s only 79 years. According to the researchers, low-carb diets where carbs are replaced with animal meat, full of animal protein and fat, lead to early death.

In response to customer demand for healthier food options, Barilla has launched a new whole wheat pasta range in the Middle East. Made of 100% whole wheat, the new range provides six grams of fibre per serving, which is three times the amount in traditional pasta. Barilla - Middle East Area managing director Loay Elkhouly said: «Since we launched it in this region, we have witnessed a change in demand from our consumers». Barilla whole wheat pasta comes in six different varieties: fusilli, pennette rigate, spaghetti, farfalle, coquillettes, and tortiglioni.

Honeywell Flour Mills looks ahead Honeywell Flour Mills is one of the major flour milling company in Nigeria. It has posted revenue of 17.7 billion Naira for the first half 2018. According to the food manufacturer, revenue was earned from net sales of flour, semolina, wheat meal, pasta and instant noodles products, representing 3% decline from the 18 billion Naira achieved in the same corresponding period of 2017. Honeywell attributed the key impediment to growth during the period to the Apapa traffic gridlock, which has virtually crippled business activities in Lagos State. Its management said the dilapidated road infrastructure and chaotic traffic situation in and around the nation’s premier port made it inordinately difficult, and enormously expensive to transport goods out of the factory in Tincan Island, adding that the challenge resulted in an effective freight cost increase of about 25%. However, the company was able to manage its finance cost, which declined from 1.3 billion Naira in the corresponding quarter of the previous year to 892 million for the quarter. Consequently, a reduced profit before tax of 127 million Naira was recorded.

A study useful to improve your business

Global Noodles & Pasta Making Machines Market 2018 Industry Research Report provides competitive analysis as well as valuable insights to industries and clients. It could be a good instrument to formulate a strategy to penetrate or expand in a global Noodles & Pasta Making Machines market. The study is split in: “History Year: 2013-2017”, “Base Year: 2017”, “Estimated Year: 2018”, “Forecast Year 2018 to 2025”. It focuses on United States, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India regions and it analyses product sales, value, industry share and growth opportunities.




October/December 2018

pa sta’s friends World Food Prize awarded to nutrition leaders

In Us Aldi expands fresh selection

Lawrence Haddad and David Nabarro were recognized as 2018 World Food Prize. This award is one of the most prominent global awards for individuals whose breakthrough achievements alleviate hunger and promote global food security. This year’s $250,000 prize will be divided equally between the two recipients. Laureates during a ceremony at the Us Department of Agriculture. Dr. Haddad and Dr. Nabarro were rewarded for their individual but complementary global leadership in elevating maternal and child undernutrition within the food security and development dialogue at national and international levels with the result of reducing the world’s number of stunted children by 10 million between 2012 and 2017. «Their work has deepened our understanding of nutrition’s impact not only on individual health, but on human capital and economic growth - compelling leaders in countries across the world to invest in evidence-based solutions», Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, said.

United States discount grocery retailer Aldi is planning a new product expansion with a focus on fresh, organic and easy-to-prepare items. New products will include more ready-to-cook and organic fresh meats, an expanded produce selection featuring vegetable noodles and new vegan and vegetarian options such as kale and quinoa crunch burgers. Aldi also plans to add also more baked foods and premium pasta sauces. Aldi has committed to investing more than 5 billion Us dollars to remodel and expand its store count to 2,500 by the end of 2022. Currently, the company has more than 1,800 stores and is more than halfway through its remodel investment.

Juventus dines out with De Cecco Italian soccer giants Juventus announced a global partnership with pasta manufacturer De Cecco. The deal has been described as a «long strategic partnership» by Francesco Fattori, chief executive of the De Cecco Group. As part of the deal, De Cecco will receive high-profile advertising publicity at the Turin-based club’s Allianz Stadium, while also featuring in digital promotions and taking part in experiential activations. Giorgio Ricci, who oversees revenue streams for global partnership and corporate revenues for the Serie A champions, said: «We have an Italian Dna and we are among the representatives of made in Italy abroad, so we are proud to welcome the De Cecco family to Juventus, which shares with us the will to continue to export “Italian excellence” outside the national borders».

A new organic cheese powder by Land O’Lakes At the Institute of Food Technologists’ annual trade show 2018 (Illinois, Us), Land O’Lakes’ debuted an organic Parmesan-flavored cheese powder. It features an umami flavor and it is made with certified organic ingredients. «Consumers are increasingly looking for clean labels and organic certification to know exactly where their food is coming from», said Susan Reed, principal scientist, R&D applications manager, Land O’Lakes. «Organic certification requires that we understand where every ingredient has come from to ensure it is organic. We’ve done that with this product, and we’re thrilled to expand our portfolio of high-quality cheese powders with this new organic offering».




October/December 2018

When two worlds alike meet for a complete and reliable service Cusinato Group ha scelto di espandersi affiancando alla Cusinato Giovanni, leader nella produzione

Cusinato Group has chosen to expand its business by placing beside Cusinato Giovanni, leader

di impianti di stoccaggio per la pasta e prodotti granulari,

in the production of storage systems for pasta and granular products,

l’azienda CMB, da 70 anni presente nel settore dello stoccaggio

CMB, a company that has been in the storage and conveyance market

e trasporto di sfarinati, cereali e derivati. Una strategia che condivide gli stessi valori – qualità e know-how – con una gamma più ampia di prodotti, per offrire al cliente un servizio completo ed affidabile.

Cusinato Giovanni S.r.l.s.u. Via Monte Pelmo, 8-11 35018 San Martino di Lupari (PD) - Italy Tel. +39 049 9440146 - Fax +39 049 9440174 -

for milled products, cereals and derivatives for 70 years. A strategy sharing the same values – quality and know-how – with a wider range of products so as to offer the client a complete and reliable service.

CMB S.r.l. Via Anconetta, 16 36063 Marostica (VI) - Italy Tel. +39 0424 780176 - Fax +39 0424 472196 -

Quando due mondi affini si incontrano per offrire un servizio completo ed affidabile


The quality of cooked pasta

How evaluate firmness, stickiness and bulkiness




October/December 2018


by Cristina Cecchini, Roberto Mortaro, Gabriella Aureli Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Research Centre for Engineering and Agro-Food Processing (Rome, Italy)


asta is a typical product of the Mediterranean area which nevertheless has a growing success in many other countries of the world. The pasta quality is assessed mainly using both chemical and instrumental methods of analysis although the sensorial evaluation is closer to the quality perceived. Firmness, stickiness and bulkiness, characteristics as a whole defined texture, have the most importance for consumers. Beyond the nutritional value of pasta, its value is mainly linked both to the cost and ease of use. Furthermore, the low environmental impact of production and its versatility in adapting to tastes and traditions are also important features of this product.

Durum wheat semolina pasta In Italy, the denomination of “durum wheat semolina pasta� destined for trade is defined by the current legislation as the product obtained by the extrusion, rolling and consequent drying of a dough prepared exclusively with durum wheat semolina and water [1]. Several factors all together contribute to the final result with high quality properties. These latter include the selection of durum wheat varieties on the basis of high quality characteristics such as high October/December 2018





production, resistance to biotic and abiotic stress, hygienic-sanitary low content in contaminants, high yields in flour, ash content, composition and content in proteins, quality of gluten, index of yellow. Therefore, the choice of the semolina together with the application of advanced process technologies, constitute the fundamental premise to ensure a pasta of high quality standards. In general, the “objective” quality of food intended as measurable and verifiable

The drying phase influences the physical, nutritional and the cooking quality


with respect to certain parameters, is opposed to “perceived” quality (sensorial quality) by the consumers. The pasta consumer expects a product without defects in appearance, ambercolored and pleasant from a sensorial point of view. There are several important aspects involved in the pasta-making quality intended as the attitude to manufacturing of pasta which are mainly linked both to the quality and quantity of the reserve proteins (glutenins and gliadins) contained in the semolina. As water and flour are mixed the hydrated proteins are brought together and begin to interact to finally form the gluten network which traps the starch granules. A high protein content and a good quality of gluten together constitute the basic prerequisites for the formation of high rheological



dough performance to obtain high quality texture of cooked pasta [2-3].

Making process & qualitative characteristics The technology used in the pasta making process involves different phases (mixing, extrusion and drying), each of which can influence the qualitative characteristics of the end product. Indeed during the mixing phase a correct dosage of the ingredients and an optimum preparation of the dough are both necessary to prevent dried pasta defects (e.g.: white dots). The dough, so prepared, is “extruded” through the die which define the shape and the dimension of pasta. The traditional bronze dies give a rougher and less translucent surface of pasta which retains better the

October/December 2018


sauce; the teflon die instead ensures a smooth and brighter surface. The drying phase influences the physical, nutritional and the cooking quality constitutes a critical passage of pasta making process. Traditional drying at low temperatures (50-55 °C) consists in a simple physical operation of water removal without significant alteration of the raw material so the dried pasta fully reproduces its prerogatives. The widely spread drying cycles at high (>75 °C) or very high temperature (>85 °C), determine a deep transformation of the physico-chemical properties of the dough through a coagulation of the proteins and a consequent


As cooking time increases, the quality indexes decrease stiffening of the gluten network that prevent the excessive swelling and gelatinization of the starch during the pasta cooking. Therefore, the semolina quality remains important, but no so decisive as in lowtemperature technology, for the pasta cooking quality [4]. The cycle drying at high temperature also affects the nutritional value of the product decreasing the availability Professional


of the essential amino acid lysine [5]. However, it’s well known that pasta is normally consumed with adding of sauces and therefore its nutritional and energetic contribution must be considered as a whole.

The cooking time The cooking quality evaluation can be carried out using sensory, chemical and instrumental methods. An important parameter to define pasta quality is the cooking time because as it increases the quality indexes decrease. Therefore it’s necessary to identify the Optimum Cooking Time (OCT) corresponding to the time when the continuous white October/December 2018


De Mari

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line visible at the center of a strand of pasta during cooking disappears (figure 1). The OCT is the condition that allows the maximum expression of the qualitative potential of the pasta, while over-cooking carried out for a time exceeding 20-25% of the OCT time, allows to evaluate both the resistance of the pasta to the long cooking time and to enhance the differences among pasta samples. Good quality pasta resists to this kind of stress better than least quality pasta. The pasta texture, one of the most appreciated qualitative characteristics

table 1

Evaluation scale of the sensory analysis parameters (ISO 7304-1:2016)

Stickiness 100 - very low

Firmness 100 - very high

Bulkiness 100 - very low

80 - low

80 - high

80 - low

60 - medium

60 - medium

60 - medium

40 - high

40 - low

40 - high

<20 - very high

<20 - very low

<20 - very high

by the consumer, refers to the ability to maintain a good consistency during the cooking step, and it is expressed with three quality parameters: stickiness, firmness and bulkiness. The stickiness is

determined by the starch released on the pasta surface during the cooking which also influences the rate of strand-to-strand adhesion in long shape pasta that defined the bulkiness parameter. The firmness is basically intended as the resistance to crushing and chewing of pasta.

The sensory analysis

Figure 1 Progressive disappearance of the “firmness” (30-second intervals) in samples of spaghetti squeezed between two glasses




The sensory analysis, is nearest to consumers estimation and still remains the most reliable test because it allows the overall textural characteristics of cooked pasta to be evaluated. The sensory evaluation is based on specific standard method (ISO 73041:2016) according to a defined evaluation scale (table 1), of the three main aforesaid characteristics of stickiness, firmness and bulkiness [6]. The degree of stickiness strictly correlated to the starch lost during the cooking can be quantified also by chemical methods. Among these the determination of the Total Organic Matter (TOM) allows evaluate the organic substance from the surface of the cooked pasta, after drained and “washed” with a specific amount of water (ICC method n. 153). TOM values below 1.4 g/100 g correspond to very good quality pasta, values ranging from 1.4 to 2.1 g/100 g to good quality, and values higher than 2.2 g/100 g to poor quality [7]. Another method for evaluating the starch released degree is the cooking loss, measuring the cooking water residue after drying at 105 °C. The leaching of starch into cooking water October/December 2018


should be minimal for good quality pasta and the residue must remain within 7-8% of its dry weight [8]. The pasta’s texture characteristics are generally measured with instruments that have undergone a

continuous technological evolution over the years. The Texture Analyzer TA.XT2 (Stable Micro System, UK), equipped with plexiglass accessory knife (A/LKB-F) is one of the most used method and measures the

table 2 Firmness class score by

TAXT2 Texture Analyser for long pasta (spaghetti) of 1.7-1.8 mm diameter



< 240

very poor


poor or insufficient






excellent adapted by: Cubadda 2008

degree of compression of cooked spaghetti according to the standard method AACC 66-50.01 (figure 2). The values of the force (g), expression of the firmness, are well correlated with the “firmness” values obtained by sensory analysis [9]. The analytical data obtained from the test are strongly influenced by the diameter of the spaghetti; for spaghetti with a diameter of 1.71.8 mm, the classification shown in table 2 has been proposed [10]. Despite of the objective evaluation of the main aspects of the cooked pasta achieved by chemical and instrumental methods the sensory analysis provides the better approach more adhering to the consumer judgement.

Figure 2 The automatic analyzer Texture Analyzer TA.XT2 with accessory knife (A / LKB-F)

Cristina Cecchini, Roberto Mortaro, Gabriella Aureli

REFERENCES (1) Dpr. 9 February 2001, n. 187 (G.U. n. 117, 22 May 2001); Dpr. 5 March 2013 n. 41 (G.U. n. 95, 23 April 2013). (2) D’Egidio M.G., Mariani B.M., Nardi S., Novaro P., and Cubadda R. 1990. Chemical and technological variables and their relationships: A predictive equation for pasta cooking quality. Cereal Chem. 67: 275-281. (3) N.M. Edwards, M.C. Gianibelli, O.R. Larroque, N.P. Ames, J.M. Clarke, J.E. Dexter, and T.N. McCaig. 2003. Relationship of variation in allelic composition and amount of glutenin subunits to gluten strength for a diverse durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.var. durum) population. Proc. 10th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, 1: 431-434.


(4) Raimondo E. Cubadda, Marina Carcea, Emanuele Marconi, and Maria C. Trivisonno. 2007. Influence of Gluten Proteins and Drying Temperature on the Cooking Quality of Durum Wheat Pasta. Cereal Chem. 84(1): 48-55. (5) Resmini P., Pagani M.A., Pellegrino L. 1990. Valutazione del danno termico nella pasta alimentare mediante determinazione per HPLC della ε-furoilmetil-lisina (furosina). Tecnica Molitoria, 41, 821-826. (6) ISO 7304-1:2016. Durum wheat semolina and alimentary pasta - Estimation of cooking quality of alimentary pasta by sensory analysis. Reference method. (7) ICC Standard Method n.153. Determination of total organic matter (TOM) in pasta.



(8) AACC 66-50.01. Pasta and Noodle Cooking Quality - Firmness. Approved Method of Analysis, 11th Edition. (9) Sissons M.J. and Egan N. 1999. Application of the TAXT2 texture analyser to the evaluation of durum pasta making quality. Pages 74-77 in: 49th Australian Cereal Chemistry Conf. J. F. Panozzo, M. Ratcliffe, M. Wootton, and C.W. Wrigley. Eds. Royal Australian Chemical Institute, North Melbourne, Australia. (10) Cubadda R. 2008. Qualitative requirements of durum wheat pasta. Proc. 4th Int. Congr. on Flour and Bread 2007 (6th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists). J.J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia.

October/December 2018

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Your pasta is at the center of it all

meet ings

Pasta & Mediterranean Diet: added value for health and longevity by Delia Maria Sebelin

At the European Athletics Championships, specialists, chefs and Calabria Region showed how to practice a winning diet




October/December 2018

meet ings


ast August, Italy showed up in Berlin at the XXII European Athletics Championships with the conference “Health and longevity with the Mediterranean Diet - New targets for Chefs”. The aim was to promote the food culture of the countries overlooking the Mare Nostrum as a value added for highquality nutrition and a promise of health and longevity. Some days later, a study - published in the Lancet

October/December 2018

Public Health - also suggested that eating a diet low in carbs increases your risk of early death. So, start boil your water for pasta…

From theory to… recipe In Berlin nutritionists, geneticists, top representatives of the Agrifood sector, and significant Italian sportsmen met to present and discuss food data and trends, and then listen to chefs as creators of a healthy, tasty and



customized diet as a starting point for a new culture of food & beverage. Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity: several scientific studies have shown the preventive role of the Mediterranean Diet for these diseases. However, «many speak of this nutrition style but they do not know what it truly is», clarifies the scientific president of the conference, Professor Antonio Vittorino Gaddi, physician, writer and Italian academic, specializing in cardio-angiology and gerontology. «Moreover, certain dangerous food trends on food spread by wouldbe experts, who have nothing to do with the world of nutrition, may jeopardise consumers’ health». Unfortunately, speaking out the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet is not enough. «We, as specialists, have the duty to help patients and consumers actually practice this nutritional style; we are expected to train them and teach them how to avoid errors». Hence, the Berlin conference was a unique event, as Professor Gaddi explains: «At the conference we tackled the theme nutrition not only from sporting, health and scientific/medical perspectives; above all, we discussed it from a practical point of view with the cooperation of some chefs». With their dishes based on first-choice ingredients, the Masters of the Kitchen became the ambassadors of the Mediterranean Diet - a “tool” to teach or suggest how to prepare simple but balanced and tasty recipes. «The chef enters every kitchen and speaks all languages. Food is his profession, but we have a common goal: we want to concretely explain how to put something healthy and, above all, tasty on the table.


meet ings

Specialists have the duty to help consumers to follow a healthy nutritional style If we want to spread a correct education on what a healthy diet is, we cannot just do it only in terms of medical studies. We must imagine something simple, made with simple ingredients but with a great food sharing potential. And Berlin was the right place for this». The event was organized by GTechnology (a research foundation) in cooperation with the Italian Athletics Federation and Casa Atletica Italiana, with the support of ICE, the Italian Agency for the internationalisation of Italian companies, and Regione Calabria, whose aim is to promote the Mediterranean Diet together with its Calabrian traditional lifestyle.

The scientific president of the conference, Professor Antonio Vittorino Gaddi

Here, Professor Gaddi explains the importance of promoting a correct way of nourishing… Professor Gaddi, why is it still so important to talk about nutritional health today? Well, when we talk about health or nutrition, it seems that anybody can come with their opinion, sometimes speaking groundless absurdities. It’s a trendy topic nowadays and we even

have medical references certifying the damages that are sometimes caused by fake news spread over the Internet, thus endangering people’s lives. With GTechnology, we planned to address precisely these issues in a professional manner, through research, training of specific professional operators, and technicians who share their knowledge on specific topics, with insights and clarifications that are not always available to the general public.

From the left: Alfredo Tesio, in charge of the Agri-Food sector of the Foreign Press in Italy, Antonino Vittorino Gaddi and Dino Ponchio, Director of Fidal and former head coach of the Italian athletics team




October/December 2018

meet ings

The conference was really appreciated thanks to its practical approach

In short, we want to talk seriously to anyone wishing to really learn. Why did you specifically select the Mediterranean Diet as a topic for the conference? I have always been keen on research on food, nutrition, metabolic mechanisms, and prevention at the table. The Mediterranean Diet is a well-known reality in connection with these themes, yet many - too many - talk about it without being aware of what it really is. Ancel Benjamin Keys, the father and guru of the Mediterranean Diet, was the first who studied the epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases and made the first assumptions on the influence of nutrition in his attempt at identifying the benefits of a specific food regime. Today, thanks to the research of Prof. Flaminio Fidanza and Prof. Alessandro Menotti, several international papers have been


published on the Mediterranean Adequacy Index (MAI). In other words, if your research is not based on this scientific index, using the term “Mediterranean Diet” is wrong and you could speak nonsense. The MAI should be a landmark for everybody, but often it is not considered on the web. Sometimes even scientific research articles signed by foreign experts refer to the “Mediterranean Diet” without considering the MAI. The problem is that the Mediterranean Diet has become a slogan today, one of those terms that are in everybody’s mouths, but which are mostly misused, there is no knowledge of facts. Hence, the need to educate, to explain patients and consumers what this nutrition style is from a scientific and medical point of view, offering them the opportunity to practice it concretely and avoid errors that could jeopardise their health. Professional


October/December 2018

meet ings

Hence the idea to organize the Berlin conference... The event gave us the chance to address a larger audience, and most of all to tackle the theme not only from sports, health, scientific, or medical perspectives, but also, and above all, in practice, with the help of our chefs. What do you mean? Talking about correct nutritional habits from a scientific standpoint is not enough. This is why we wanted to involve the cooks. That’s the main purpose. Alongside with specialists, doctors, technicians, sportsmen, athletic trainers, we had chefs at the conference. Thanks to their communication skills and with their dishes based on first-choice ingredients, the Masters of the Kitchen could teach how to cook mediterranean recipes in a well-balanced way. aidepi

From the left: “queen” of the rolling pin, Rina Poletti, shows how to prepare tagliatelle, and Claudia Ferri of Pastificio La Lanterna explains it to the public

Chefs can be a “tool” to teach how to prepare balanced and tasty recipes At the conference, after the welcome address of H.E., the Ambassador of Italy in Germany, Pietro Benassi, and the presentation of Antonio Vittorino Gaddi, scientific director of the Health Lab GTechnology Foundation, spoke Dino Ponchio, Director of Fidal and former head coach of the Italian athletics team, Alfio Giomi, President of the Italian Athletics Federation, and Pino Abate, Sports Consultant for the Regional Council of Regione Calabria. Then Alfredo Tesio, in charge of the Agri-Food sector of the Foreign Press in Italy, interviewed Giuseppe Passarino, the Director of the Laboratory of Genetics of

October/December 2018



Aging and Longevity, University of Calabria, and the biochemist and nutritionist Maurizio Battino. Finally, Savino Tortu, the father of Filippo “Pippo” Tortu, the first Italian athlete who run 100 meters in less than 10 seconds surpassing the champion Mennea, gave his opinion about the important role of a good and personalized diet for a sportman. The conference closed with “Food Taste & Show”, an immersive cooking show led by the “sfogline” of La Lanterna (from San Giovanni in Persiceto, province of Bologna, Italy) - the “queens of the rolling pin” who gave a demonstration of how fresh pasta is made to prepare tagliatelle and tortellini. In conclusion, the authentic healthy made-in-Italy products of the Mediterranean Diet were available for tasting. Delia Maria Sebelin


New t echnologies

Digitalizing the pasta industry

A revolutionary way to monitor pasta

by Gill Parker


Bühler Group


or years monitoring the quality of pasta has been a very manual task. Even in the era of computing, it’s been challenging to really know what’s happening throughout the production process. But now with the advent of big data, things are changing. The food processing industry is on a digital journey. Stuart Bashford is Digital Officer at the Bühler Group and his enthusiasm for digitalization is catching: «Market analysts predict that by 2020 there could be 4 billion connected people. To put that into context that’s over 50% of the world’s population with access to the Internet, most of them via a smart phone. 50% of them will have that smart phone on them for more than 50% of the time. This is an unprecedented level of connectivity that we are living with in this new digital world».



October/December 2018

New t echnologies

The Bühler Group is at the forefront of the digital revolution in food manufacturing and the Group’s reach is impressive. Their equipment helps process 65% of the world’s wheat, 60% of the world’s chocolate, 40% of the world’s pasta and 30% of the world’s rice. So any digital

October/December 2018

services they introduce are likely have a huge impact on the way we produce and make our food. «We started our digital journey about three years ago», Mr. Bashford says. «We realized that there’s an opportunity to deliver more value and more benefit to our customers through digitalization».



Not only big machines Equipment manufacturers will not only manufacture machines - but will now help customers to improve plant efficiencies and product quality through digital services. That includes bringing digital solutions to pasta production.


New t echnologies

Marco Loschi, Product Manager Pasta at the Bühler Group

identified the need to monitor pasta quality more closely. That means monitoring the pasta’s main characteristics, such as protein levels, ash, color as well as monitoring the moisture content as it dries. So we’ve combined that need with Bühler

Sensor technology, which is accurate and can also be applied to pasta». «What it allows you to do is look at your process in great detail, in a way you couldn’t do before», Stuart Bashford adds. «It’s like asking your Head of Processing to stand in front of every machine at the same time. If you could do that you could probably have a more efficient process. But that’s of course not possible. But with PastaSenseTM that’s what is in effect happening. It’s watching everything that is happening, in real time, all the time».

Intelligent sensors Bühler uses intelligent sensors, which the company developed themselves. These sensors are fitted along the pasta process and measure the quality of the pasta in real time as it passes through the different temperature zones. These are technically complex sensors, but they’re also small Bühler Group

«We now have the technology to do things we could only dream of a few years ago», Stuart Bashford explains. «So the kind of products we can deliver is really inspiring, rewarding and satisfying». PastaSenseTM is the Bühler Group’s digital solution for pasta producers. Like many of Bühler’s other digital products, it is based on what seems like a simple idea. First place digital sensors within the food processing equipment to see what’s happening inside the equipment. Then use big data to analyze it. Marco Loschi, Product Manager, Pasta at the Bühler Group explains why it was developed: «We’ve

Bühler Group

Digitalization gives the opportunity to deliver more value to pasta makers

PastaSenseTM is the Bühler Group’s digital solution for pasta producers




October/December 2018

Dal 1978 produce macchine professionali per la pasta, interamente made in Italy, ad uso di laboratori e industrie del settore. Progetti esclusivi, studiati e sviluppati internamente per realizzare pasta di ogni tipo nel nome della facilità d'utilizzo, della qualità e della genuinità del prodotto finale. P2 PLEASURE is much more than a combined machine and it can be described as a complete workshop for pasta professionals,“tailor-made" for meeting all the production needs. P2 PLEASURE, in its basic version includes: single vat, automatic sheeter and ravioli unìt. It can also be supplied with double vat , as well as with double vat with extruder suitable to produce all kinds of short and long shapes of extruded pasta, by simply changing the extruding die. The ravioli unit equipped with ìnterchangeable moulds carries out the production of different shapes and dimensions of pre-cut ravioli.

imperia & monferrina SOCIETA’ PER AZIONI

Divisione La Monferrina: S.S. n. 457 - Via Statale 27/A - I - 14033 Castell'Alfero AT Tel.: +39.0141 276002 -

New t echnologies

Along the pasta process sensors measure the quality of pasta in real time

computers in their own right. They measure the levels of moisture, color, protein and ash. This data is then converted into digital information and big data analyzes the results. It may all sound simple but in practice it’s not so easy, as Mr. Bashford explains: «The sensors have to be able to measure the quality of the process. That’s hard to do. Then you get lots of data. So you need to know what to do with the data and that’s where Bühler’s 150 years of experience really makes a difference». PastaSenseTM data is sent to Bühler Insights, Bühler’s IoT platform. It is one of the first secure, high performing and reliable cloud-based frameworks for digital services in the food and feed processing industry. Users can access this anywhere through the Internet via their tablet or computer. The data can be watched in real time. Users can also track different parameters against each other, such as protein, ash, color or moisture. The data is also stored on the Bühler Insights. This means that


the information can be used as a benchmark over a period of time. Processing managers can track data and start to look for trends. This could be looking for changes in performance due to weather, supplier, a production shift or a particular type of raw material - any factor that might help to improve production. «It gives you a different level of transparency of your own process. It also allows you to visualize things that you may have been worried about, like why you’re having more or less rejects for this or that reason. But PastaSenseTM helps to pin things down. It also helps to improve productivity. It’s like wringing out a towel. Even if your process is optimized it helps to wring out the last bit of productivity of your plant and production line», Stuart Bashford explains.

Quality at the top Digitalization is helping not just at the plant, but also long after the pasta has left the production process. Having access to data on the Professional


Digitalization can reduce the chance of product waste cloud can help to track down any quality alert. It can also help with transparency and commitment to food safety. Production plants need to now know much more about their own production process. «Nowadays consumers want to know exactly what is in a pack of pasta, they require transparency from producers», Marco Loschi says. And he adds: «And while monitoring activities are very effective in the industry, pasta is sampled only periodically during the process. But with PastaSenseTM you can follow it continuously and then electronically link the information together with a specific pack of pasta».

So what’s next? The production of food processing equipment is still core to the Bühler Group. However, digitalization is an October/December 2018

Bühler Group

New t echnologies

Consumers want to know what is in a pack of pasta: data on the cloud can help with transparency

increasingly important element to everything they do. New apps and digital services are being introduced across business units. For instance, they’ve launched TotalSense, an app for assessing the quality of rice. Sprinkle grains of rice into a light tent, take a photo and send it to the Bühler Insights platform. Within

a few minutes you get a report detailing the lengths and percentage of broken grains in your sample. So how will digitalization progress in the food industry and in pasta production? «It’s absolutely clear that technology will play a very important part in the pasta industry to reduce unplanned

downtime and increase yield», Stuart Bashford, says. «We’re fully committed to our digital journey and it will be applied to every product line. We have services for pasta but we’ll be offering more and more on other product lines in the future». Marco Loschi spent his earlier career in pasta production plants, some of it analyzing production processes. For him this is indeed a mini revolution: «It will change the industry because it will allow processing plants to detect deviations sooner, thus reducing the chance of product waste or re-work. In addition, as pasta becomes more global, it will also help producers who are situated in countries where pasta experience is not so high among production personnel - ensuring steady production and helping the workforce». Gill Parker Acknowledgments We thank Bühler Group




October/December 2018

supplier news

Russian pasta factory chooses Storci N

udle Product, a Russian company producing natural and high quality food products and pasta, was founded in 2000 and has been constantly growing. Today, more than 80 different pasta shapes are produced in its premises by about 200 employees. The company uses durum and soft wheat flours to produce both short and long pasta as well as special formats such as lasagna, cannelloni, besbarmachnaya, stuffed shells and tubes, sold under TM Fillini. Nudle’s total commitment is focused on reaching the highest quality using efficient and modern technologies.

For this very reason they chose Storci: we supplied Nudle with long and short pasta lines, nests and lasagna line. The director of Nudle’s Penza factory, Mr. Viktor Ivanovich Sikack, answers to some questions. Mr. Sikack, how did you come across Storci? We were looking for a company well known internationally or even globally, because we were in search of a technology that could combine tradition with innovation, still guaranteeing high quality. Browsing among pasta producers, we found out that most of them used Storci lines. Consequently, we made up our mind. What kind of pasta did you intend to produce? Our intention was to enter the pasta market decisively with several formats: both short and long pasta, nests, lasagne. Storci lines matched our criteria perfectly, even when we decided

October/December 2018



to distinguish our production starting also the manufacture of special formats. Which are the main features of Storci that you like best? We have always found confirmation that professionalism and reliability are certainly your main characteristics that definitely stand out when proving your capacity to suit our needs as well as operationally speaking. We are also very pleased with the technological reliability of your machines that allows the right balance between tradition and innovation, relevant features for both the Russian and global markets. What can you tell us about your future projects? We are planning to enter soon the European market, introducing new pasta shapes, still ensuring to meet the expectations and needs of our customers and put all our efforts into what we do best: pasta.


supplier news

Happy West Melbourne Pasta Day with Ronzoni Garden Delight pasta and Demaco O that fights hunger, served spaghetti pie and macaroni salad made from Ronzoni Garden Delight pasta. Omar, Kitchen Manager, said these are a few of his favorite recipes, and are always very popular. Riviana Foods, a major producer of pasta, donated several cases of Ronzoni Garden Delight pasta to the Daily Bread for the event. Omar praised Riviana Foods for their generous donation. Riviana Foods, owner of the popular

Ronzoni brand, made Garden Delight pasta on Demaco pasta machines. Ronzoni and Demaco have worked together for over 100 years, since the early days of making pasta in the United States. Demaco, headquartered in West Melbourne, is a designer and builder of high capacity pasta machines for the largest companies worldwide. Both Ronzoni and Demaco have made many contributions to the pasta industry over the years. Photo compliments of Omar from the Daily Bread

ctober 25th was a day of pasta as residents of the community celebrated West Melbourne Pasta Day. Earlier in the month, Mayor Hal Rose issued a proclamation making October 25th “West Melbourne Pasta Day� and encouraged all citizens to enjoy their favorite pasta dish. This coincided with World Pasta Day, an event celebrated every year on October 25th. As part of the festivities, the Daily Bread of Melbourne, an organization




October/December 2018


MEA to deliver growth for global food & beverage industry T he 2019 edition of Gulfood, one of the world’s largest annual food and beverage trade event and international food industry trade show of the year, will further strengthen the United Arab Emirates’s lead role in setting the global food agenda. It is a trade event open strictly to business and trade visitors. The show is open from February 17-21.

Increasing numbers The Middle East and Africa (MEA) will deliver the strongest regional growth for the international food and beverage industry, with Asia Pacific also holding “enticing” prospects, according to the Gulfood Global Industry Outlook Report. The in-depth report follows a Euromonitor International market study based on official published sources and trade surveys with local and global manufacturers, distributors, trade associations and government entities. The report cites high birth rates, rapidly expanding cities and growing employment as key factors behind the high potential in MEA and Asia Pacific, where combined consumer spend in the food beverage sector is forecast to rise to 60% of global expenditure by


2030, up from 53% today. «With greater distribution of wealth, growing economic and political stability and rapidly developing infrastructure, consumers have greater access to a wider range of foods and beverages», says the report, which adds that despite lower growth rates, the sheer size of the Asia Pacific population and disposable income growth «also offers an enticing growth market in all categories». The independent report paints an optimistic yet challenging picture for industry growth, citing a billion extra consumers with growing disposable incomes will enter the Professional


market place by 2030 and evolve buying trends across all regions. «The findings show that with a rapidly growing and highly urbanised population, demand across the globe for processed and packaged food and beverages is set to increase», explained Trixie LohMirmand, Senior Vice President, Exhibitions & Events, Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC). «Yet while there’s more consumers to go around, overall consumer spending is set to drop from 8.5% of GDP to 8.0% by 2030 as products become relatively more affordable and make up a smaller proportion of overall consumer spending». October/December 2018


Different countries, different costumers The report highlights changing consumer patterns across geographies and age demographics. «It is essential reading for companies of all shape and size operating across the entire food and beverage industry ecosystem», explained LohMirmand. «As can be tracked annually at Gulfood, consumers are actively transitioning to healthier, more adventurous foods and beverages while still looking for convenient packaging and product delivery.

October/December 2018

Internet buying is also changing product delivery not just for homedelivery but also in terms of access to local brands and short order supply». As the fastest-growing consumer drivers in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America, the report highlights urban millennials’ greater buying power and preferences for convenience products. «Conversely, this group is equally conscious of their health, nutrition and diets so producers have to innovative to meet this balancing demand», said LohMirmand.



With young parents in the SubSaharan Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America increasingly preferring products with nourishment benefits, the ageing populations of the more mature markets of Europe, North America and Australasia are eyeing products which deliver health benefits for their bones, mobility, digestive health and energy levels. These preferences reflect working lives now lasting longer and have spurred growing interest in organic, locally produced, and high-quality fresh or processed products, says the report. Foodservice consumption continues to rise as the presence of food industry products and services in all retail channels increases. Convenience stores and forecourt retailers are now competing with traditional foodservice outlets, while in less affluent markets street stalls and kiosks offer cheaper alternatives with modern equipment improving the quality and range of products on offer. In all markets, delivery services - driven by widespread use of mobile apps - is taking an increasing share of foodservice sales with many consumers now opting for rapid home-delivery of high quality food products. For further information:



IGC lifts forecast for global grains production T he International Grains Council (IGC) on September 27 raised its forecast for total grains production in 2018-19 to 2.072 billion tonnes, up from 2.063 billion tonnes in August but down from 2.095 billion tonnes forecast for 2017-18. Total grains consumption is forecast at 2.136 billion tonnes, up from 2.129 billion tonnes in August and compared with 2.107 billion tonnes in 2017-18. The forecast for total grains carryover stocks was raised to 544 million tonnes from 538 million tonnes a month ago and down from 608 million tonnes in 2017-18. «Nearly all the adjustment is for maize, including increased figures for the Us (up 6.1 million tonnes), the Eu (up 2.7 million tonnes) and Ukraine (up 1.2 million)», the IGC noted in the report. «The wheat crop is placed a fraction bigger month-onmonth, with an upgrade for Russia partly offset by a cut for Australia. A 7-million-tonne month-on-month boost for grains consumption is also mainly for maize. While lifted by 6 million tonnes month-on-month, the predicted end-2018-19 carryover of 544 million would be down by 64 million (year-on-year), led by declines for maize (down 38 million tonnes) and wheat (down 17 million tonnes). After roughly offsetting alterations for wheat and maize, the trade forecast is little changed month-on-month at


a record 369 million tonnes». Corn production in 2018-19 is forecast at 1.074 billion tonnes, up from 1.064 billion tonnes in August and up from 1.047 billion tonnes in 2017-18. Consumption is forecast at 1.113 billion tonnes, up from 1.105 billion tonnes in August and compared with 1.078 billion tonnes in 2017-18. Global wheat production in 2018-19 is forecast at 717 million tonnes, up from 716 million tonnes in August and compared with 758 million tonnes forecast for 2017-18. Consumption was forecast unchanged, at 734 million tonnes. The IGC forecast 2017-18 global wheat consumption at 735 million tonnes. Soybean production in 2018-19 is forecast at 370 million tonnes, up from 366 million tonnes in August and up from 339 million tonnes in Professional


2017-18. Consumption is forecast at 358 million tonnes, up from 357 million tonnes in August and 345 million a year ago. Rice production in 2018-19 is forecast at 491 million tonnes, unchanged from August, and up from 490 million tonnes in 2017-18. Rice consumption also is forecast unchanged, at 492 million tonnes, which compared with 487 million tonnes in 2017-18. The IGC Grains and Oilseeds Index (GOI) fell 0.7%, the IGC said. «Amid divergent fundamental outlooks, global grains and oilseeds prices exhibited mixed trends in recent weeks», the IGC said. «The IGC GOI declined by 1% overall, as weakness in maize, wheat and rice export values outweighed gains in soyabeans and barley». October/December 2018

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Annual event for the nutraceutical and functional food industry

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PastaSenseTM. Automatic and continual pasta quality monitoring. Quality characteristics visualized on a digital dashboard for efficient, real-time monitoring of raw materials and pasta.

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