AVENUE March 2016

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SHIRLEY HACKEL, NYRS® Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker

HOW WOULD YOU CHARACTERIZE THE MARKET NOW? The market is changing. Today’s transactions are driven largely by life events such as birth and death, marriage and divorce, job relocation and job loss. Homeowners are staying in their homes longer than ever; there’s little discretionary trading up or down; investment purchases have declined. Inventory remains in short supply, and demand continues to be high from buyers conscious of rising rates. However I doubt property prices will accelerate much, especially not during the first six months of 2016, because of pressures from a gyrating stock market, low oil prices and geopolitical risks. Nonetheless, barring the unforeseen, I’m optimistic about the market. The bumps on the road won’t stop transactions, and buyers and sellers of luxury homes will need the counsel of experienced agents more than ever. With less than a 4 month supply of inventory in many market segments, buyers will continue to compete for new properties that come to market that are realistically priced and stylistically presented.

WHEN DID YOU BEGIN YOUR REAL ESTATE CAREER? I started out in real estate months after my first child was born 35 years ago. Previously I’d worked in financial publishing and before that I taught writing at Queens College. From the very beginning, I appreciated that real estate brokerage was about more than selling a product. Building relationships that last and matter became the crux of my career. Then and now, I value each person I meet for in some measure each contributes to my growth and success.

WHAT BENEFIT DOES EXPERIENCE BRING AND WHAT DISTINGUISHES YOU FROM YOUR COMPETITORS? I’ve worked successfully through multiple real estate cycles and can speak with authority and conviction that every cycle presents challenges and opportunities. Experience sharpens your skills as negotiator and strategist. I have a particularly high close rate, and my deal execution is flawless. For buyers, I’m always thinking resale, so value is paramount. For sellers, I emphasize that it’s not the last dollar that counts as much as identifying the buyer who will get to the closing table. I’m a creative problem solver, so my repeat and referral business are impressive. Co-brokers know me as a straight shooter, and they have confidence in my judgments. I’m transparent but not a pushover. Integrity, intelligence and heart inform all my actions.

“I’m committed to sharing my perspectives and some of the things I’ve learned in my 35 years of selling luxury real estate.”


COMPASS 390 Park Avenue New York, NY 10022 C: 914.980.0371 E: shirley.hackel@compass.com W: compass.com, shirleyhackel.com

YOU’RE LAUNCHING A NEW WEBSITE. TELL US ABOUT IT. I’m very excited about the launch of shirleyhackel.com and am grateful to Compass for their support. Since 2003 I’ve been writing a column that’s been published to the trade, providing insider insights and observations as well as tips to buyers and sellers. What can I add to the litany of pundits, journalists and real estate bloggers? I’m committed to sharing my perspectives and some of the things I’ve learned in my 35 years of selling luxury real estate. When I taught writing, my mantra was “show, don’t tell” to enable my students to become more effective writers. In my real estate career, my refrain has been “inform and advise, don’t sell” to empower my buyers and sellers to make smart real estate decisions.

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