AVENUE Magazine June 2012

Page 34

Since our last visit, many wonderful things have been happening for Azul. The Miss Azul competition has continued, the number of requests for custom gowns for SL pageants has grown, the creation of unique gowns for fundraising and relief efforts generously continues, and new releases continue one design after another.

to pageant stages. How does it feel to be such a sought after designer? MJ: Honestly I’m not sure what ‘success’ is for me though I know I’m happy that so many people in SL wear my creations, have a great time with my creations, and get something out of my work. I love being a part of people’s Second Lives.

Emma Portilo: Ms. Jewell, I’d like to thank you for the chance to speak to you today. Mami Jewell: I’d like to thank AVENUE for interviewing me. (Smiles)

The things I create from my own inspiration have been popular, but that popularity has led to much more custom work creating gowns for pageants. It’s sometimes not easy—I struggle a bit to make exactly what the contestant wants—but all the requests give me a chance to learn something new. It’s an honor to be chosen as a designer by so many lovely contestants.

EP: Many wonderful things have been happening for the Azul brand. Has all of this been overwhelming for you? MJ: My SL work has been busy nonstop since I’ve started with Azul—I’ve almost lost the proper balance between real life and Second Life at times. I sometimes have problems with time management, but I still enjoy creating! I’m happy that I can do something good with my creations, so I join charity events as much as I can. I’m always very happy when I see I have something to do today! I guess I try to keep myself busy. (Laughs) EP: You certainly seem to be succeeding with that. Your success is obvious, and your gowns are seen all over the grid from the ballroom floor

EP: I’m sure it is an honor for the contestants that you can accommodate them. We’ve seen so many beautiful and inspired releases from you—do you feel you’ve reached the end of your creativity yet? MJ: Never! (Grins) I am always thinking of how to manage my time, improve my skills, and create what I have in my head. I have quite a few incomplete works in progress in a folder on my PC, and there are many rough sketches in my notebook. I try to find the time to continue to work on these things and I get new ideas almost every day...

it’d be easier if there were two of me. (Smiles) EP: How has the evolution of mesh into SL and the fashion world affected you? MJ: Mesh is definitely evolutionary for SL; I’m enjoying wearing mesh items myself. Unfortunately, my workload of custom orders for pageants hasn’t left me the time to really work much with mesh, yet. I believe mesh still has some issues, but I do hope to make use of it— it’s a bit difficult to explain my thoughts on this, but I’d say I try to get digital results with analog methods. I’ve worked hard to overcome SL’s limitations, and mesh blew away all my efforts! (Laughs) However, it definitely gives me more tools for creating the things I see in my mind; I feel that mesh will let me go to the next level, and I look forward to updating some of my current items with mesh. EP: What do you think is the key to being beautiful in SL? MJ: Cooperation with people, being nice to people, helping one another, and not losing yourself, I think. (Smiles) EP: What are things you absolutely could not live without in SL? MJ: Creating and friends. EP: What are things you would love to live without in SL?

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