Qikserve bon app etite v2

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2. Increased

Spend per Customer Make mobile your secret ingredient

What would happen if operators could put control of order and payment in the hands of their customers? By allowing customers to browse a menu, choose and tailor their meals and place their order themselves using their mobile device, you can minimize the chance for error and make real savings. You won’t just save money but could also facilitate an increase in spend per customer. Data shows that the average check is typically higher in mobile orders, compared to in-store orders. Customers in the US who order on their smartphones spend an average of $9 compared to the $7.50 in-store check average4. Our own studies have found similar results. QikServe looked at 950 transactions completed using our mobile ordering solution. It was found that the average spend per head increased from £7.70 to £13.35. Ronnie Forbes, CEO of QikServe explains. “Our customers have experienced between 52%73% increase in transaction value per guest. This is a significant uplift in sales for operators and is attributed to diners being under less time pressure and ordering larger single orders compared to multiple smaller orders.”

4 Mobile

As well as driving value per guest, self-service technology offers other benefits. “The move to kiosk and mobile ordering is happening because it will improve order accuracy, speed up service and has the potential of reducing labor cost, which can account for about 30% of costs,” says Darren Tristano, executive vice president of Technomic, a research group focused on the restaurant industry5.

“Time and order accuracy have become a key decision factor for consumers making a purchase decision and brands are encouraging consumers to use their mobile and online ordering apps to save time, improve order accuracy and simplify the process. Success can be seen through larger tickets, shorter wait times, increased order accuracy and overall operational improvements.” Scott Thaler, Chief digital officer with Zimmerman Advertising

ordering insights 2015: review of mobile trends in quick service restaurants, Delegat

5 Automation

arrives at restaurants, Computerworld

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