The Dangers of Pre Sense Malfunction in Audi

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The Dangers of Pre Sense Malfunction in Audi

Are you getting any of the following messages on your Audi dashboard???

 Audi pre sense: fault. Please contact workshop

 Audi pre sense: currently restricted. See owner’s manual

If so, your Audi's Pre-Sense is probably acting up. So, what exactly is Pre-Sense and how important is it? If you want to know more about this cutting-edge feature from Audi, please read this blog post in its entirety.

A Brief Introduction to Audi’s Pre-Sense

In a nutshell, Audi's Pre-Sense is a highly advanced computerized safety system that essentially works to enhance the safety of the driver as well as the pedestrians. To warn the driver of the danger, it makes use of cameras, radar sensors, visual and audible alerts. And, to prepare the driver for an impending collision, it activates standard safety protocols such as;

 Closes the side windows and sunroof (if any)

 Tightens the front seat belt

 Turns on hazard lights

 Briefly shakes the steering wheel

 Braking assistance to avoid/minimize the risk of

a collision

You should also know that Audi Pre-Sense has many different levels such as; Audi Pre-Sense basic, Audi Pre-Sense front, Audi Pre-Sense city, Audi Pre-Sense side, and Audi Pre-Sense rear. The characteristics of all these levels are slightly different from each other.

There's no doubt that Pre-Sense is an important safety mechanism... but like any other car system, it can go haywire. Some of the major reasons why your Pre-Sense can malfunction are listed below, please take a look;

Audi Pre-Sense Not Working: Possible Reasons Explained

#1- Damaged sensor/camera

To keep track of the dangers around the vehicle and reduce the possibility of a fatal collision, the Pre-Sense relies on radar sensors and cameras such as corner radar, rear radar, front camera, laser scanner, etc. If for some reason one of the said sensors/cameras gets damaged, the Pre-Sense will not work the way it should. Also, if one of the above sensors gets covered with debris, the pre-sense can go bad as well.

#2- Faulty control module

The control module is a type of computer that works behind the scenes to monitor and control various aspects of the Pre-Sense operation. This is the part that activates optical and acoustic warnings to alert the driver of potential danger. And, once it finds that a collision is imminent, it will close the sunroof, roll up windows, tighten seat belts, and turn on hazard lights. Also with the help of braking system it will reduce the speed of the vehicle. So, obviously… if there is a flaw in the control unit, the Pre-Sense won't function.

#3- Braking system fault

To slow the vehicle down in the event of an imminent collision, the Pre-Sense system works closely with the braking system. So, obviously… if the braking system malfunctions, the Pre-Sense will be of no use. The system may still work but not as efficiently as it used to. So, if you suspect a braking system issue in your Audi, have it checked by a certified professional. If there is a flaw, get it fixed immediately. A properly functioning braking system is essential for a smooth and safe ride.

#4- Electric short circuit

The Pre-Sense is a computerized system made up of several electrical components such as radar sensors, control unit, camera, etc… Interruption of the power supply due to a short circuit may render the vehicle's Pre-Sense useless. Also, bad wires and blown fuses can cause Pre-Sense malfunction in a car. In any case, finding out and fixing the problem at the earliest can save you from expensive repairs

Dangers of Pre-Sense Malfunction in Audi

Pre-Sense is an advanced safety feature that essentially operates in the background to prevent accidents. Failure of Pre-Sense may render your Audi unsafe to drive. So, if you do not want to risk your safety on the road, make sure to maintain your Audi's Pre-Sense system.

To Be Brief…

Pre-Sense is a vital safety system in your Audi that essentially works in the background to keep you safe on the road. In the event of an imminent collision, it initiates some safety measures to ensure the safety of the driver. But, it can malfunction over time. And, it's not safe to drive an Audi with a faulty Pre-Sense. In any case, if you suspect a Pre-Sense problem in your Audi, reach out to a professional immediately.

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