Autism Health and Wellness Magazine, Vol. 2, Issue 3

Page 2

Children whose language issues lie at the intersection of acquiring skills and long-term memory can respond to periodic, emotionally intense lessons.


Dr. Janet Flowers, founder of The JF2 Dolphin Project, has experience working with many disabilities including: Developmental Apraxia, Language Delays, Communication Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Attention Disorders, Hearing Impairments, Down Syndrome, Autism, and Speech. Established in 1997, Dr. Janet Flowers Institute was created to help children overcome obstacles through motivation. SERVICES:

Dr. Janet Flowers

Florida State University, M.S. University of West Florida, D. Ed. ASHA Member / CCC/SLP Kaufman Certified Beckman Certified Florida Certified

• Communication, Language, and Speech Therapy Research sessions involving “pathways through the amygdala” at Gulf World Marine Park with children from 3-13 years of age with signif icant communication delays or disorders • Intervention Therapy The specif ic skill chosen for therapy is usually one in which the child has had particular diff iculty acquiring in his/her long term therapy

W W W. D R JA N E T F L OW ER S . CO M • C A LL 850 - 217 - 0099 f ort walton be ac h , f l or ida panama c it y beac h, f l or ida INTER NATIONAL CONSULTATION ALSO AVAILABLE

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