2018 Australian Hospitaller

Page 28

Thailand Communications Officer: Bhuson Paul Tran (Ken Tran)


he Order of Malta Thailand continues to flourish. In 2018, we expanded our members with the acceptance of one Knight and two Dames, hosted spiritual and humanitarian activities and projects, and have a positive outlook for the year ahead. Consoeur Faustina Chavali Pamela Osathanugrah was appointed as Dame of Magistral Grace in June 2018, and was invested in Hong Kong on 19 November, 2018 followed by Confrere Alphonsus Pipat Ratanatraipob, and Consoeur Theresa Pringprao Sirisant in October. We are blessed by their appointments and celebrate their successes. They have become valuable additions to strengthen our Order’s spirituality and services to the sick and the poor. Thailand is primarily a Buddhist country with a population of about 383,000 Catholics – less than 0.6 per cent of the total population of 69 million. Recruiting qualified members among the very small Catholic population is therefore a great challenge for us. Our members’ success has proven that with God’s blessings, this challenge can be overcome. At present, our Order comprises of


one Magistral Chaplain from Italy, 18 Thai Knights and Dames, two visiting Australian Knights, and one visiting Italian Dame. Spiritual Activities On 10 March, 2018, Order members and Postulants participated in a one-day Annual Retreat in Pattaya Thailand, facilitated by the Magistral Chaplain to receive guidance for their spiritual life, deepen charism, and enhance their spiritual life in their activities of the Order of Malta. International Pilgrimage to Lourdes From 4 to 8 May, Consoeur Faustina Chavali Pamela Osathanugrah represented the Order of Malta Thailand in the general Pilgrimage of the Order of Malta in Lourdes, France. The aim of the pilgrimage was to foster camaraderie with members of other associations, pray for the sick and the poor, and serve them to strengthen their spirit of servitude. Postulants’ Retreat In August 2018, the Magistral Chaplain conduced a half-day retreat, attended by four Postulants. There they received guidance to help prepare themselves

spiritually as they become members of the Order of Malta. Three of the Postulants were successful, having been accepted as Knight and Dames. Eucharistic Celebration Preceding Regular Meetings Preceding every fourth monthly meeting, the Order of Malta Thailand attends the Eucharistic Celebration presided by the Magistral Chaplain to offer thanks to the Lord for His guidance, to reflect on His words, strengthen our commitment to be close to Christ, and pray for those in need. Hospitaller Projects and Humanitarian Activities During February to March 2018, we donated 56 wheelchairs valued at 145,600 Baht (A$6,483) on requests from seven dioceses in the Northern, North Eastern, and Western regions of Thailand. The Wheelchair Donation to the Needy Project originated in 2016. It is of tremendous value to the handicapped and shows that our helping hand reaches the sick and the poor, not only in areas surrounding Bangkok but to other regions of Thailand as well. From 6 to 8 June we were fortunate to 2018 Australian Hospitaller

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Articles inside

The Day we met the Grand

pages 74-76

If Walls Could Talk

pages 72-73


pages 68-71

Book review

page 67

No one is forgotten

pages 56-57

Miraculous Lourdes

pages 52-55

Enabled for Great Love

pages 58-59

Responding to a Changing

pages 64-66

Stories of a Lifetime

pages 62-63

Malteser International

pages 48-51

More than a Home

pages 60-61


pages 46-47

Eighth Asia Pacific Conference

pages 38-41

Did you Know

pages 34-37


page 27


pages 28-29

New Zealand

page 26

Hong Kong

pages 30-33

Northern Central

pages 24-25

Grand Master for a New Era

pages 6-11

Central Southern

pages 22-23


page 14

South Eastern

pages 20-21

Association President

pages 12-13

Central Eastern

pages 18-19

A Piece of History

page 15

North Eastern

pages 16-17
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