Farmers of the Urban Footpath

Page 31

ROAD Lawn street verge consumes oil, time and human energy but produces nothing useful. Minimum biodiversity value.


Fruit or nut tree selected so that it does not interfere with overhead cables or buried services and does not damage paving or road surface.

Street verge planted to edible plants produces something of value and is more biodiverse than lawn verge. Plants do not overhang footpath. Offset from street to allow access to vehicles and opening of car doors. Access at both ends of verge garden allows pedestrian, disabled access to street.

Design guidelines for footpath gardens Street or fruit/nut tree

Road Kerb & stormwater drain c0.6m

Woodchip mulch



Min 1.5m


Pedestrian walkway

Property boundary

Footpath gardens-dimensions & offsets

Farmers of the Urban Footpath


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