October 2021

Page 24



Following her wedding in August, Raeka Panda shares her experience fitting traditions into spaces unequipped for them. BY RAEKA PANDA AND CY WHITE

For so many women, their wedding day is one of the most important events in their lives. The sentiment grows exponentially when you throw cultural traditions in the mix. Reaka Panda, founder of Raeka Beauty, always knew she wanted a traditional wedding. However, when seeking a venue, at times it became a test of patience, grace and compromise. “I think venues love the idea of Indian weddings taking place at their venue but don’t necessarily take the time to learn what it entails,” Panda says. “More venues should take the initiative to learn other wedding cultures and traditions and facilitate their policies to be inclusive.” This is her story of surviving an industry that loves the idea of traditions but isn’t equipped (or willing) to accommodate them. Describe the marriage traditions in your family and culture.

Hindu weddings are culturally big, bright and colorful! There are many different rituals at a Hindu wedding that traditionally take place over three days. The precise details vary from region to region and often take several hours to complete. The wedding ceremony itself includes the following: 1. The Baraat: Groom’s Parade

The groom arrives at the venue with his friends and relatives to be greeted by the bride’s family. 2. Var Pokhana: Welcoming the Groom

The groom is welcomed by his future mother-in-law and other members of the bride’s family, who will perform a welcoming ritual and then escort him to the Mandap. The ceremony begins with a worship of Lord Ganesh so he may remove all obstacles and bless the bride and groom. The groom is then worshiped as the embodiment of Lord Vishnu by the bride’s parents. 4. Kanya Aagman: Arrival of the Bride

The bride is escorted into the Mandap. The groom and bride are separated by an Antarpat (special cloth).


Photos by Gaby Deimeke.

3. Ganesha Puja: Blessings

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