Insights: The faculty journal of Austin Seminary, Sp 2012

Page 35

Schism and the Church 6. The Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) (its governing constitution) G-2.0104b states: “Standards for ordained service reflect the church’s desire to submit joyfully to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all aspects of life (G-1.000). The governing body responsible for ordination and/or installation (G-14.0240; G-14.0450) shall examine each candidate’s calling, gifts, preparation, and suitability for the responsibilities of office. The examination shall include, but not be limited to, a determination of the candidate’s ability and commitment to fulfill all requirements as expressed in the constitutional questions for ordination and installation (W-4.4003). Governing bodies shall be guided by Scripture and the confessions in applying standards to individual candidates.” We acknowledge that differing responses to G.20104b in the Book of Order threaten to divide the Church, and we confess that we are helpless without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 7. We acknowledge that standards for ordained service in the Church have been changed to eliminate specific language related to human sexuality, and instead speak of “joyful submission to the Lordship of Christ in all aspects of life,” but we confess that we have differing convictions regarding what it means to submit to Christ. 8. We acknowledge that First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta is a diverse body of believers with differing views, including those concerning human sexuality, and we confess that while some are rejoicing with the change in standards for ordained service, others are grieving over it. 9. We acknowledge that positions and rationales of those of different convictions have validity and merit, but we confess that we often fail to love those of different convictions or to discern the common ground between us necessary for reconciliation and healing. 10. We acknowledge the calling of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta to hold “Christ at the Center,” as we are a congregation leaning neither to the left nor the right, but we confess that finding “Christ at the Center” during this time will come only through the power of the Holy Spirit, guiding each of us to “speak the truth in love.” (Ephesians 4: 15). Therefore: a. We, the members of the Session of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta, will seek to provide leadership by abiding by the Book of Order—both in its current form and in its processes for change—and by working diligently for the peace and unity of the church. 33

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