Journal Magazine Fall 2018

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One Man’s Journey Jim Martin ’70

Annual Report 2017 - 2018

“Our Lady of Victory, Pray for Us.” There was a moment of clarity during ”March Madness” this year when the New York Times reported on the history of success Catholic colleges enjoyed in the tournament. As our Augustinian sister school Villanova University claimed another basketball title, I couldn’t help but reflect on how that rich tradition of mind, body and spirit plays out.

In many ways athletes have a ministry. They are role models for others. They are on a spiritual journey. Last year even Pope Francis hosted a Vatican conference, “Sport at the Service of Humanity.” As the Times reported, Villanova’s president, the Rev. Peter M. Donohue, hosts an opening Mass for athletes every year, where he reminds them they are ambassadors for the university’s mission. “To have our charism move on,” he said, using a Greek word for spirit, “the banner needs to be carried.”

Alumni of Catholic leagues smile as they remember two teams praying before the start of any contest, both asking Mary in unison for divine intervention on their behalf. The Times also quoted Jesuit Rev. James Martin, “St. Ignatius of Loyola is praying for all these schools. Even Villanova.”

So next time you join classmates, parents, faculty, alumni and friends supporting the Cougars, remember, you are not just cheering for victory, but for our mission, to inspire hearts to unite, minds to inquire, and hands to serve.

He then concluded that Catholic education’s historic commitment to sports derives from demographics. Several decades ago, many American Catholics were working-class urbanites, clustered in cities — New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco. “Many of our schools were founded to serve immigrants and the working class — Catholics unable to get into other schools,” Martin said. I would suggest that today athletics goes beyond demographics, or even winning for its own sake. We are fortunate at Austin Prep to field teams of young men and women that earn more than their share of hardware.


James Hickey, Ph.D. P’22, ’23, ’24 Headmaster

Yet championships are not an end in itself. Rather they are by-products of an intentional focus on learning the values and habits that sports teach. Self-sacrifice. Sharing. Discipline. Empathy. Dealing with disappointment. Grit. The list is endless.

Fall 2018


One Man’s Journey Jim Martin ’70 came to Austin Prep at a time of national upheaval. AP’s suburban campus was an entirely new environment for a kid from Lawrence Avenue in Dorchester. “A friend, Fr. Paul Ryan from St John’s Parish, had persuaded me to attend—or more accurately, persuaded my parents to send me. I was 15 and apprehensive about how I’d be perceived at an all-white school.” “The first thing I noticed were the Augustinians,” Jim recalls. “They were very different from the parish priests I knew from answering the phone at the rectory at home. “It was clear to me that Austin had a high sense of purpose and structure. Even so, it wasn’t scary. In fact, Austin Prep was as warm a place as I’d ever been. The day I arrived, sophomore Jay Dowd greeted me authentically and welcomed me to the Austin family. “And it was a family. The closeness between students was incredible, the teachers too. I had many friends and can’t remember anyone I disliked.”


“Back in 1967, Austin Prep was 50% Irish, 50% Italian, and there I was, right in the middle.” – Jim Martin ’70

Fall 2018

Jim Martin ’70 with students Mia Han ’20 and Jessica Spada ’20

Now, facing some big challenges, those virtues returned as principles by which I could guide myself.”

Although he found no hint of it at Austin, racial tension, prejudice, and integration were facts of life for someone who lived in Dorchester. “Back home,” Jim remembers, “the police often had to be called when we played school basketball against Charlestown and East Boston.” It was difficult to live in one world and go to school in another, but, fortunately, Jim found teachers in whom he could confide. “The Adamo brothers with whom I studied English and History, helped me sort things out, to separate my subjective feelings from actual facts. When you’re a teenager, your feelings tend to predominate. The Adamos helped me look at issues objectively and with perspective. I realize now they were instilling in me a desire for Veritas. Fr. Bogardus, O.S.A., a strong disciplinarian, demanded order and helped me to develop a sense of focus. One way or another, all my teachers and coaches contributed to my education and for that I am eternally grateful.” Jim’s interest was in science; he planned to become a doctor. “Entering college I felt very well prepared, however I became side tracked during my sophomore year. I was a drummer in a band and found myself partying more and studying less, which didn’t help with my grades.” “That was when Unitas, Veritas, and Caritas came to the rescue. I remembered hearing them discussed during meetings in high school, but it had all gone over my head at the time.

Jim got back on track and moved from Salem State, to North Shore Community College where he recovered academically, and was inspired by a professor who told him he had great potential. Next, he took bio-chem courses at Harvard, ultimately finishing with his undergraduate degree at Northeastern. For the next few years, he traveled across West Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico as an oil company geologist searching for new deposits of crude. When the oil boom ended in 1981, Jim found himself back in Boston, ready to begin a new phase of his life’s journey. With a background in lab sciences, he landed a job at Boston City Hospital. He would stay there for 20 years. “As the new guy, I got all the weekends, holidays, and overnight shifts,” he recalls. “Plus, that was the era of drugs and gangs, so I saw a lot of trauma. But I was also in a position to watch medical testing evolve from test tubes to robotics and automation. It was quite an experience.” Along the way, he obtained a master’s degree in education from Cambridge College, and a certificate in computer science from Roger Williams in Rhode Island.

Fall 2018


Jim Martin ’70 at Siemens where he designs medical devices.

Today, Jim designs medical devices for Siemens. “I began as someone who provided tech support,” he says, “but in an environment like that you’re drawn into new projects, assigned to committees, asked to solve different problems and, before you know it, you have a much broader range of responsibilities. Right now, I’m involved in research & development and software development, as well as product design.”

Living his principles. Although he tends to minimize his contributions, Jim has always maintained a parallel career as a Big Brother, teacher and role model to disadvantaged kids. He began at Brookview House in his old neighborhood in Dorchester. Brookview is an organization dedicated to alleviating family homelessness and providing educational opportunities to young people who wouldn’t have them otherwise. Jim says he began slowly, stopping in every once in a while to say hello (both of his sisters work at Brookview) and build relationships. When it became obvious how eager the kids were to have him around, Jim began setting up after-school science experiments, teaching guitar classes and mentoring. “Many of these kids have no father, so I try to fill the void. To help them sort out things in their world, the way I was helped years ago.” Jim Martin ’70 with his parents.


Fall 2018

Jim Martin ’70 speaking with an Austin Prep class

Jim also does a lot of tutoring at Roxbury Community College. All told, he estimates he has counseled hundreds of kids in the course of his volunteer work. Recently, he returned to the Austin campus. As a teacher and technologist, the tools like 3-D printers, being used to transform and enrich education, impressed him. “I met a kid who is designing and marketing his own line of sneakers. I saw the way tech allows teachers to move beyond the textbook into activities that let kids learn through direct experience. I said to myself: the old school is still keeping the standards high. These kids really have a jump. Of course, that’s always been true of Austin Prep. In my day, too.”

Talk to Jim for any length of time and you will recognize the quiet wisdom behind everything he tells you. “I chose a simple life,” he says. “And I’ve adopted principles from several disciplines and religions to help me live life well. For example, my mother was a Japanese Buddhist. From her I learned balance and honor. Then there’s Unitas, Veritas, and Caritas. I think I understand them now.” That understanding comes from a lifetime of aligning his actions with the deepest meaning of those virtues. For Jim, they are an entire philosophy of life in just three words.

Asked to express his advice to current Austin students in just one word, he doesn’t hesitate: “Fortitude. We’re facing a lot of difficult issues these days. There are many opportunities as well, but we can’t realize them without fortitude.” Asked how fortitude can be cultivated, he chuckles and says: “Persistence, strength and courage. Just that.”

Fall 2018



The Journey to Extraordinary While commencements traditionally celebrate new beginnings, on May 20th the Class of 2018 was encouraged to instead continue their Austin Prep journeys into the future. During her commencement address, trustee, parent and business leader Barbara Marchetti, P’17 shared advice on how to journey to extraordinary. Reminding students that they each own their own futures, Mrs. Marchetti promised that future success would be measured in terms of positive impact on others. By employing a heart to heart approach of care and empathy, skills developed at Austin Prep, graduates can create meaningful lives. Another board member and Augustinian Friar, Fr. Ray Dlugos, O.S.A., Vice President of Mission and Ministry at Merrimack College, celebrated a Baccalaureate Mass on Friday May 19th and urged graduates to create fun and joy on the way. Those two themes continued in remarks by the Class of 2018 Valedictorian Caitlyn Leonard of Peabody, who focused on personal accountability.


“We will be defined in our everyday actions – and those actions we make are our choice.” Caitlyn said. “So, will we choose to be defined by our open hearts? Our service to our country or community? Our love for our family and friends? Our hard work and determination? Our commitment to our faith? As we walk through those doors, we each have a choice, but as Austin Prep graduates I know the choice we will all make.” Bridget Kelley of Melrose, Class of 2018 Salutatorian, urged her fellow graduates to “Take the pen and write your own story. Continue to make it a story of kindness, of spirit, of dedication, of acceptance, and of a love for life. I think that we as a class have already changed the world, because you have changed me, and we have changed each other, for the better.” We’re confident the Class of 2018 has already started implementing many of the ‘Human to Human’ and ‘Heart to Heart’ skills learned during their years at Austin Prep to help others and live a life filled with joy. A journey to extraordinary indeed.

Fall 2018

“We will be defined in our everyday actions – and those actions we make are our choice.” – Caitlyn Leonard, Valedictorian ’18


50th Reunion – Class of 1968 The Class of 1968 returned to campus on May 19th for their 50th Reunion. Members of the class began the afternoon by processing into Meelia Hall with their class banner during the Commencement Exercises for the Class of 2018. The evening culminated with a delicious reception and dinner at the Lanam Club, and lots of reminiscing and catching up by all who attended!


Fall 2018

Class of 2018 Matriculation Assumption College Auburn University Babson College Bentley University Boston College Boston University Bowdoin College Bryant University Champlain College Clark University Colby College College of the Holy Cross Colorado State University Dartmouth College Elon University Emmanuel College Endicott College Fairfield University Florida Atlantic University Florida Gulf Coast University Fordham University Franklin Pierce University Georgia Institute of Technology Harvard University High Point University Hobart and William Smith Colleges Houghton College Ithaca College James Madison University Lehigh University London College of Fashion Massachusetts Maritime Academy MCPHS - Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Merrimack College New York University Northeastern University Pennsylvania State University Quinnipiac University Regis College Fall 2018

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rochester Institute of Technology Roger Williams University Rollins College Sacred Heart University Saint Anselm College Saint Joseph’s College-ME Saint Michael’s College San Diego State University Siena College Simmons College Southern New Hampshire University St. John Fisher College Stonehill College Suffolk University SUNY College at Cobleskill Syracuse University Tennessee State University The George Washington University The University of Alabama The University of Tampa Trinity College Tufts University University of Bridgeport University of Connecticut University of Houston University of Maine University of Massachusetts, Amherst University of Massachusetts, Lowell University of Miami University of New Hampshire at Durham University of Notre Dame University of South Carolina University of St Andrews University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Vermont University of Washington Western New England University Worcester Polytechnic Institute Xavier University 9

Pride of the Cougars Austin Prep’s rich tradition of honoring outstanding coaches, teams and star performers continues with the Class of 2018. This year the Athletic Hall of Fame induction committee chose a remarkable group. The 1988-89 men’s ice hockey team was one of the best in history. Star forward Chris Scourletis ’89 was part of a class that played all four years together under Head Coach Jim McAdam. Ipswich native Scourletis, who later went on to play college and professional hockey, said McAdam “always felt that friendships forged were bigger than the game.” Taking a league record of 24-4-1 into the playoffs, Austin Prep knocked off Acton-Boxborough and defeated Springfield Cathedral 8-3 at Boston Garden for the D2 Crown. Then and now, Coach McAdam said “it felt better than winning a million dollars!” Football, hockey and baseball star Chuck Gaudet ’76 who went on to UPenn is still regarded by many as one of the finest male athletes to ever wear the Green and White.


Two women were included in this Athletic Hall of Fame class. Three-sport star and softball sensation Erica Barry Geyer ’02 set records at Austin Prep and later at Babson College. Paige Christie ’11 swam to glory in high school pools to the Smith College pool to the English Channel and beyond (Journey Spring 2016). Another honored swimmer was Paul Bimmler ’09 who continues to hold many records for both Austin Prep and the college team he later captained at Fairfield University. Now a high school teacher and coach, Bimmler said he had lots of people to thank for his success at the induction ceremony. Perhaps most of all, his parents who spent hours driving to and from practices at dark pools in the middle of the night. “I appreciate their sacrifice more and more as I get older!” Finally, Tom Enright was enshrined as a contributor after 47 years teaching and coaching in Reading. Starting at Austin Prep as a student teacher while studying at Salem State in 1966, he was hired full time the next year.

Fall 2018

The 1988-89 AP Hockey Team

The young math teacher was also assigned to coach JV basketball and was head coach by the age of 24. With no gymnasium, he led the Cougar five to a record of 156-63 over ten years. Later Academic Dean and Assistant Headmaster, Enright also coached girl’s basketball when Austin Prep went co-ed, and later golf. Thrilled to be introduced by his former player and current Austin Trustee Kate McHugh ’99, who went on to enjoy a great basketball career at Harvard, Enright said he felt blessed by being part of the Austin Prep family. “I was fortunate,” he said, “to look forward to every day of my time at the school. Every day was an honor.”

Individual Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees: (from left to right) Paul Bimmler ’09, Tom Enright (seated), Paige Christie ’11, Erica Barry Geyer ’02 and Chuck Gaudet ’76.


A culture of winning

Peter Burns ’18, Nicholas Cafarelli ’19, Athletic Director Jonathan Pollard ’97

Soon after the new Head of School Dr. Jim Hickey arrived on Willow Street he was tasked with finding a new director of athletics. He turned to advice from Jonathan Saurman ’14.

Austin won almost 75% of their varsity contests. It was the first time in history the Cougars won the award and highlighted by the varsity baseball team winning its first Division 3 State Championship.

The Holy Cross-bound Saurman was an excellent choice. School president, captain of both varsity football and baseball, and son of former AP football player George ’83, Jonathan thought he had just the right person for the important post.

Dr. Hickey believes success in athletics is a natural extension of what students learn in class. “The coaches here build relationships with their players and inspire them to achieve.”

The senior reported he had played summer baseball for manager and AP alum Jonathan Pollard ’97, and believed he possessed the right balance of skills and values for the job. Fast forward to the spring of 2018 and now Athletics Director Pollard proudly leads the program recognized by the Boston Globe with the Nason Division 3 Award. The trophy goes to the co-educational Catholic high school with the highest combined winning percentage in Massachusetts.


Austin Prep offers 20 varsity teams, and 80 percent of the 740 students compete in at least one sport. Many are three-sport athletes, like Andover-native Logan Bravo ’18. A soccer and basketball player, Bravo excelled on the diamond and looks forward to continuing his career at Harvard. “My coaches instilled a strong work ethic and time management skills that allowed me to enjoy a balanced life at school. Winning the State Championship senior year with my teammates was a highlight we’ll never forget.”

Fall 2018

But while winning titles is great, AD Pollard believes it’s the variety of sports and experiences that lie behind Cougar success. “One of the areas we are most proud of within Austin Prep Athletics is that we provide offerings that meet the needs of both our most experienced and competitive students, as well as our students simply looking to try something new and be part of a team,” Pollard says. “This is most accurately represented in the fact we have won multiple conference and state championships, while at the same time offering one sport minimally each season that is no-cut. “Whether assisting our most advanced student-athletes in their pursuit of the collegiate athletic dream, or introducing students to a sport they have never taken part in, my coaching staff and I take great pride in our role in providing teaching moments outside of the classroom.”

The softball team also took home hardware this year winning the Division 3 North title for the third time in a row. Teammates, catcher Francesca Frelick ’20 and pitcher Logan MacDonald ’18 were named Boston Herald All-Scholastics. Now playing for Babson College, Wilmington-resident MacDonald said the best part of being an athlete at Austin Prep since the sixth grade is that teams become your family. “Playing together, doing homework together, you get really close. I’ll always value that.” Family. Values. Culture. Athletics are part of the whole, and together they bring the Austin Prep mission alive. Go Cougars!!!

Fall 2018


Scholarship Recipients with Dr. Hickey (L-R) Back row: Katherine Morin, Katelin Stone, Arya Gupta, Dr. Hickey, Felicia Zuccola, Margaret Peterson, Olivia Ehrgott, Spencer Casey, Gerard Caruso Front Row: Caroline Plante, Corinne Arel, Brianna Fountain, David Olsen, Lauren Barry

Scholarship Benefactors with Dr. Hickey (L-R)Back Row: Jim Peterson ’76, P’19, P’21, Al Nelson P’73, P’75, P’81, Dr. Hickey, Jim McGonagle P’99, P’01, P’05 Front Row: Madlyn Nelson P’73, P’75, P’81, Lynette Alameddine P’02, P’05, Carolyn Corbett P’08

The school is grateful for the generosity of all those who donate to our memorial scholarship funds. Congratulations to the 2018 recipients: • • • • •

Scholarship Recipients Express Gratitude To Benefactors

• • •

The recipients of Austin Prep’s Memorial Scholarships had the opportunity to meet and thank their benefactors during the Annual Memorial Scholarship Awards Ceremony and Luncheon. The popular event also gives benefactors a chance to get to know the students and their families, and is a way to honor their loved ones for whom the scholarships are named.

• • • • • • • • •


Fall 2018

Corinne Arel ’20: The Francis J. Cummings Memorial Scholarship Lauren Barry ’20: The Francis T. Duggan Memorial Scholarship Gerard Caruso ’20: The David E. Nelson ’81 Memorial Scholarship Spencer Casey ’19: The Ross A. Alameddine ’05 Memorial Scholarship Olivia Ehrgott ’20: The William H. Turner Scholarship Brianna Fountain ’21: The Austin Prep Teachers Association Scholarship Arya Gupta ’21: The Michael R. Darwin ’82 Memorial Scholarship Katherine Morin ’20: The Francis T. Duggan Memorial Scholarship David Olson ’21: The James M. McGonagle, II ’01 Memorial Scholarship Margaret Peterson ’19: The Aristedes “Artie” C. Speros, Jr. ’85 Memorial Scholarship Caroline Plante ’20: The George “Matt” Miller Memorial Scholarship Katelin Stone ’21: The Herbert W. Peterson, Jr. and Claire M. Peterson Scholarship Felicia Zuccola ’20: The Kristen M. Corbett ’08 Memorial Scholarship

Above: Father Art Johnson, O.S.A., blesses the new David E. Nelson ’81 Fitness Center. Left: The Nelson family and Father Art Johnson, O.S.A., at the rededication ceremony held on September 17, 2018.

Strong in Mind Spirit and Body On September 17th Austin Prep renovated its weight room and rededicated the David E. Nelson ’81 Fitness Center. Named for an outstanding scholar-athlete who passed away just weeks before his graduation, and transformed with capital funding and proceeds from the 2017 Austin Open Golf Tournament, the Nelson Center will assist all members of the Austin Prep school community in achieving personal fitness, health and wellness goals.

He went on to say that his brother and sisters, along with their parents Al and Madlyn, who are celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary this year, “feel that supporting Austin is the best way to stay connected to the school, give back, and keep David’s memory alive.”

David was the third Nelson brother to play hockey for the Cougars. He followed his brothers Fred ’73, and Ron ’75. All were team captains. Fred went on to play at Merrimack, Ron at AIC, and David had accepted a scholarship to play at UMass Lowell, where they kept his name on their roster for 4 years.

Austin is grateful to the Nelson’s for their generosity and care for not only Cougar athletes, but also all students in mind, body and spirit.

Ron also thanked the current Austin administration and community for their continued support and kindness.

Besides the Fitness Center, the Nelson family and friends also established The David E. Nelson ’81 Memorial Scholarship, given annually since his passing. The scholarship is open to all upper school students and not every recipient is an athlete. Ron was pleased to note how many young women have recently benefited from the scholarship. Fall 2018


Class Notes

Send us an update on your life, your work, your Journey.

Class of 1972 Robert Borsetti ’72 has been happily

retired for fifteen years. He is pictured at his wife’s daughter’s wedding in June at Myopia Hunt Club in Hamilton. Life is Good!

Jim Knowlton ’78 became the Director

of Athletics at the University of California, Berkeley on May 21, 2018. Jim’s experience leading athletic programs at the United State Air Force Academy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York and the Army West Point, along with his accolades including receipt of the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA), Athletic Director of the Year award make him an excellent choice for Cal. Go Bears!

Brian Pupa ’89

Class of 1988 Tony Biscardi ’88 completed his 25th

Class of 1975

year as a teacher at Austin Prep and his 20th year coaching girls JV ice hockey. He is also a football official in his 23rd year in the ANEFO.

Mark Costello ’75 is retired and enjoying life in Sarasota.

Class of 1978 David Pulsan ’78 shared with Journey: “I

Class of 1992 Jamie Dooley ’92 started working at

Keurig Dr Pepper Headquarters just a few minutes away from Austin Prep in Burlington MA. Jamie says “(It’s) great to be working in MA again so close to my old stomping grounds!” Jamie came by campus in August for a tour for the first time in almost 25 years!

freelance in various film/TV production crew positions, having worked on the upcoming X-Men: New Mutants movie for 20th Century Fox, Proud Mary, and currently Season 2 of SMILF for Showtime.”

Class of 1989 Brian Pupa ’89 is living in Burlington, MA

with his wife, Jessica, and their four children. He is a twenty-year member of the Wilmington Police Department. Brian graduated in the 269th Session of the FBI National Academy in September of 2017. The FBI National Academy is a 10-week programheld in Quantico, Virginia, which trains law enforcement leaders from throughout the country and internationally.


Fall 2018

Class of 1993 Eric Shui ’93 dropped by the Bunratty Tavern summer gathering in July and shared that he became an uncle to Luke in 2017. Eric is a world traveler in his leisure-time, and shares his travel photos with friends through Facebook.

Class of 1994

Class of 2001

Class of 2007

Eric Harper ’94 worked in film and

Jonathan Eaton ’01 defeated Rob Fasulo for an open seat on Wilmington’s board of selectmen.

Kory Falite ’05 and Ashton Munroe ’07 were married on July 17, 2018 at Good

television production for 18 years, most recently as Production Coordinator and Field Producer on three seasons of the TV show Fat N’ Furious: Rolling Thunder for Discovery Channel. He also produced the independent feature film Looking for the Jackalope for writer/director Karl Shefelman, and iTunes. A documentary that Eric helped produce about the 2016 presidential election is currently in post-production.

Class of 2003 Marc Gigliotti ’03 came back to campus

with his family for the first time in almost 15 years. Marc is mentoring a current student on an experiential learning project in our technology program.

Eric has contributed to several books published by Dusty Saddle Publishing and 52 Weeks Publishing. His article on Loren D. Estleman’s novel Port Hazard appeared in the book 52 Weeks 52 Western Novels, and his article on the film The Proposition will appear in the forthcoming sequel 52 Weeks 52 Western Movies. Both books were co-authored by novelists Scott Harris and Paul Bishop. He lives in Ohio with his wife and filmmaking partner Julie Cancio Harper.

Class of 1997 Fred Webster, Jr. ’97 was selected as a

Boston Business Journal 2018 honoree on their 40 under 40 list. This list is comprised of young executives and entrepreneurs on the rise in Massachusetts. Fred is the President at Milltown Plumbing and Heating in Wilmington.

Class of 1998 Alyssa Osiecki ’98 has spent the last 4

years living in Switzerland and teaching theater at the International School of Zug & Luzern. It has been an amazing adventure where she’s hiked in the alps like Heidi, re-learned how to ski, eaten inhuman quantities of fondue and travelled the world from Iceland, to Bali to the majestic sandstone cliffs of the lost city of Petra! This school year she’s taking a sabbatical from teaching to pursue an MsC in Writing at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.

Harbor Beach surrounded by family and friends.

Sarah Frommelt ’07 married Justin LeBlanc on Saturday, September 15, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency, Boston in the company of her Austin Prep friends and family. Jess Marsilia ’07 and Blake Kerley were Brittany Denaro ’03 is rockin’ with the

international rock band The Vixens as Britt Lightning. When not touring with the band, Britt is living in Los Angeles, CA. Britt shared with Journey Magazine, “Austin Prep was such a positive experience for me and really helped to shape me into who I am today.”

married on September 29, 2018 at The Milestone in Aubrey, Texas.

Class of 2004 Incumbent Rob Peterson, Jr. ’04 defeated challenger Kevin MacDonald for Town Moderator of Wilmington in the town’s April election.

Class of 2005 Ashley McCarthy ’05 married Nick

Leo on Saturday, September 8, 2018 at the Nantucket Hotel surrounded by family and friends, many of whom are Austin Prep classmates.

Class of 2009 Curtis Paparian ’09 and Nicole Frattura ’09 became husband and wife

on September 15, 2018. They will make their home in Medford, MA.

Rob Coppola ’05 and Courtney Welch ’05 were married on Saturday, September

15, 2018 at the Riverside Farm in Vermont.

Fall 2018


Class of 2009 Katie Garland ’09 shared a note “I just

completed my 5th year volunteering at Exceptional Citizen’s Week at Camp Fatima in Gilmanton Ironworks, NH. E.C. Week offers a one on one camp experience for children and adults with a variety of intellectual and physical disabilities. My camper and I rode boats, went swimming, hung out by the campfire, visited the spa, participated in daily mass, as well as many other summer camp experiences.

In August, I received my Masters of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders. I will begin my career as an elementary Speech Language Pathologist for the ManchesterEssex Regional School District this fall.”

Lauren Sadowski ’13 is living in Botswana,

Africa working at a conservation NGO as the Field Ecologist and Student Coordinator. She studies behavior and disease transmission of the banded mongoose as well as assists with African wildlife rehabilitation and veterinary medicine. Lauren shared with Journey Magazine “I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for my education, supporting family and life-long AP friends.”

Class of 2016 Kylie Currier ’16 competed in the Czech Hockey Challenge Cup in Prague, tallying 2 goals and 2 assists in 5 games.

Class of 1997 Reunion

Bunratty Summer Gathering

Class of 2011 Steve Caruso ’11 married Lauren Nicholson at Wentworth By the Sea on September 8, 2018.

Class of 2013 Kiely Annese ’13 passed the nurses exam

and is now working at Lahey Hospital and Medical Center in Burlington, MA.

Javier Bueno ’13 proposed to his girl-

friend Jarilys Rios on August 22, 2018.

Stay in touch. Email Jennifer Hodgdon, Director of Alumni Relations and Giving, at 18

Fall 2018

Future Austin Prep Cougars


Kristen (Cavanaugh) Cognetti ’97 and her husband James welcomed Penelope Gertrude (Poppy) on August 24, 2017.

Trent Ethan Murphy arrived 3 weeks early on September 20, 2018 to proud parents Brad Murphy ’98 and his wife Dika.

Jonathan Matos ’04 and his wife Julie

were blessed with two little cougars Madeleine on February 21, 2017 followed by Gabriel on May 10, 2018.

Jennifer (Roque) Nichols ’98 and her

husband, Jason, welcomed their third child, Hunter Austin Nichols on June 25, 2018. Big sister Charlotte (7) and big brother Jackson (4) were thrilled to meet their new little brother. The Nichols family is back in DC where Jennifer is working at the State Department in the office responsible for promoting human rights in Asia following her three-year assignment as deputy Consul General in Okinawa Japan.

Hillary (Hurst) Bush ’03 and her

husband Devon welcomed Tipton Louise Anastasia Bush on September 26, 2018.

Katie (Carney) Flanagan ’03 and Brian are new parents to twins, Hailey and Riley.

Javier Bueno ’13 and his fiance Jarilys Rios welcomed Isaac Bueno on August 22, 2018.

Danielle (Orlandella) ’05 and Daniel Sherr ’05 welcomed Penelope Ann on

November 28, 2017 @ 3:43 am, weighing-in at 7 lbs 3 ounces.

Katie (Powers) Morawski ’04 and her husband James became proud parents to Alexandra on September 24, 2018.

Stay in touch. *Please let us know if there is a new Austin Prep Cougar in your family and we will send you an official Austin Prep baby onesie! Email Jennifer Hodgdon, Director of Alumni Relations and Giving, at

Fall 2018



Uniting Hearts

Inquiring Minds

Serving Hands

Gifts that Give Back 2017-2018 In recent years, Austin Prep has enjoyed an upward trajectory of success felt in all aspects of our community. The opportunity to advance our mission and continue a tradition of excellence with endless educational possibilities remains our focus. With greater levels of philanthropic support, the multitude of opportunities for our students and teachers are limitless. It is because of your generosity that the Austin Prep experience is always on the journey from good to great.

ANNUAL FUND $253,865

All gifts to the Annual Fund, regardless of amount, make a difference.

The Austin Prep Annual Fund Tradition Given the multi-dimensional qualities of our school, tuition dollars alone are never sufficient to fund all the extra opportunities that are uniquely aligned with the Austin Prep Journey. With Annual Fund contributions, we enrich the quality of life for our students and their teachers, and allow for unique and distinctive learning opportunities.


Annual Fund and Mission Our mission is to inspire hearts to unite, minds to inquire and hands to serve. The mission of Austin Prep is paramount in all we do, and serves as the guiding light in our commitment to our students as they pursue their own individual Austin Prep Journey. Because of the opportunities afforded us by our Annual Fund, we are able to support our mission and advance excellence.

Annual Fund Dollars at Work 2017-2018 Fitness Center Equipment: Annual Fund donations helped supply new equipment and provide appropriate staffing for the newly-renovated David E. Nelson ’81 Fitness Center. The center is now able to be used by all students, as well as alumni. Faculty Growth & Development: To provide better support for our students, the Annual Fund supports faculty positions added to advance health and wellness of students. Annual Fund dollars also provided professional development opportunities for faculty, including summer sabbaticals for faculty to pursue personalized study and continuing education. Supplies for our Makerspace: For our new Makerspace, Annual Fund contributions helped us add two 3-D printers, a laser cutter and drafting materials, which allow our students to enjoy a classroom curriculum focused on creation. Citizen-Scholars Social Studies Program: To help better understand the role of Massachusetts in the American Revolution, the Annual Fund provided experiential learning opportunities for our Middle School students through small class trips to various local, historical sites.




(Donations Marked for a Specific Purpose)


Total Giving $514,280

Financial Aid: 30% of our families receive tuition assistance, including assistance for students to attend capstone trips to Washington, D.C. in the 8th grade, New York City in the 11th grade, and Walt Disney World in the 12th grade.

Annual Report 2018


Honor Roll of Donors Austin Prep is grateful to the following benefactors for making a contribution during the 2017 - 2018 fiscal year The Lumen Society $10,000.00 +

The Devereaux Foundation

Mr. Richard Gallagher & Mrs. Ann Powers

Mr. Paul M. Dradransky ’86

Gallagher P’22

The Meelia Family Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Duggan ’72

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Francis Gerry ’67

Mr. David D. Quick ’84

The Fidelity Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Max Gouveia P’13, P’16, P’20

Quirk Construction Corporation

Mr. John Francis Flynn, Jr. ’67

Dr. & Mrs. James Hickey P’22, P’23, P’24

Mrs. Maryjane Restuccia GP’19, GP’23

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur V. Ford ’66

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Higgins P’24

Mr. & Mrs. Ian Tinkler P’21

Mr. Louis Francoeur & Ms. Shelley Pan P’21

Dr. Thomas John Hynes, Jr. ’67

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Urick P’19, P’23

Atty. & Mrs. William C. Geary ’75

Mr. Timothy Brian Igo ’95

Mr. Tong Xing & Ms. Xiaoxia Su P’18

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Happeny P’19, P’23

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Jaena P’19, P’22

Dr. John Charles Hoell ’67

Mr. Kevin Kerrigan ’89

Mr. Edmund E. Hoell ’70 & Ms. Carole E. Center

Mr. & Mrs. William G. MacKenzie P’99, P’03

Dr. Daniel P. Little P’20, P’22

Atty. Daniel McCarthy & Ms. Veronica

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Loporchio P’23

Tucker P’19, P’22

Atty. & Mrs. Mark J. MacDougall ’74

Dr. Rebecca Kathryn McHugh ’99

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Maguire III ’66

Mr. Paul R. Mirabella ’88

Mr. & Mrs. Vito A. Marchetti P’17

Mr. & Dr. Shirish Nadkarni P’18

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mastrocola P’18

Mr. John Joseph Newton ’67

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P. McQuaid ’81, P’09, P’14

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard S. Pienta P’20

Atty. & Mrs. Michael E. Mone GP’18, GP’20

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rizza P’24

Mr. Thomas Mooney & Ms. Andrea Heil P’20, P’22

Ms. Elizabeth Mary Roscillo ’07

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Moynihan P’05

Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Roselli, CPA P’15, P’20

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Napolitano P’22

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Sciacca, Jr. ’75, P’13

Mr. Jonathan Pollard ’97 & Mrs. Lindsay Fitzgerald

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Sheehy P’08

Mr. Richard Wayne Robbins ’70

Mr. & Mrs. Sarabjit Singh P’17

Vertex Pharmaceuticals

Mr. & Mrs. Marek Szczesny P’19

Mr. Yongcheng Yu & Ms. Rong Ruan P’20

Dr. & Mrs. Paul D. Teague ’76, P’07, P’10

The Austin Patrons $5,000.00 to $9,999 Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Andrikopoulos Blanche M. Walsh Charity Trust Daniel F. & Margaret MacAdam Loughry Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hueston P’21 Mr. Chan Wook Jeong & Ms. Myung Joo Kang P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Martin P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Louis V. Rubino P’18, P’19 State Street Foundation

The Austin Society $1,000.00 to $4,999 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Greg Alexandris P’20 Mr. & Atty. Stanley Alger III P’21 Mr. Allen Amadin & Dr. Melissa Mancuso-Amadin P’24 Mr. & Mrs. David Arel P’20 Dr. Paul G. Arrigg P’12, P’14, P’19 Dr. Michael J. Barry ’79 Atty. & Mrs. Charles R. Bennett Jr. P’94, P’97 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Benson P’17 Mr. James G. Bloise Mr. & Mrs. John H. Bodette P’16, P’21 Ms. Jill C. Bonina Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Bouchard P’10, P’14, P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Boucher P’20 Dr. Charles M. Brain ’68 & Ms. Maureen Murphy-Brain Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Burke ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Terence M. Burke ’75, P’06, P’07, P’10 Mr. Ronald E. Cahill ’82 & Ms. Anne Estabrook Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Cavanaugh Jr. P’96, P’97, P’98, P’01, P’03 Atty. Ralph Joseph Cinquegrana ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Desrochers P’19


The Headmaster’s Circle $500.00 to $999 Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. Doug Barry P’19 Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bartley ’78, P’21, P’23 Ms. Susan E. Belanger Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brosnan P’21, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph X. Bruno CPA ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Bruno CPA ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Callahan ’87, P’25 Mr. Frank A. Capone, Jr. ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Coneeny ’76 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Conley III P’14 Mr. Lawrence P. Connolly & Ms. Eileen P. Kavanagh P’05 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Costa P’17, P’20, P’24 Mr. Zachary Howe Dearth ’02 Mr. & Mrs. John A. DeMarco P’95 Mr. Richard P. Donovan ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Michael Dunn ’70 Mr.Theodore Dysart, Sr. & Mrs. Elise Cutler-Dysart P’21 Mr. Theodore Dysart, Sr. & Mrs. Elise Cutler-Dysart P’21 Annual Report 2018

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Thiel ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Vaters Mr. & Mrs. John Weber P’18, P’20, P’22 Mr. Michael Joseph White ’71 & Ms. Jane Desforges Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Williams P’19

The Century Club $100.00 to $499 Anonymous (8) Mr. & Mrs. Steven Albanese P’20 Ameriprise Financial Applied Materials Foundation Employee Engagement Fund Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ardito P’18, P’21, P’21, P’22, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Ardizzoni P’19 Fr. Patrick Armano Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. Aronis ’87 Ms. Celia A. Barletta Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Barr P’07 Mr. & Mrs. Denis W. Barron ’67, P’91 Mr. Donovan Beckel & Ms. Nicole Trudeau P’23 Mr. & Mrs. P. Stephan Bedrosian P’14

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Beeley P’17

Mr. Tyler L. Fleming

Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Meaney P’14

Atty.Thomas Francis Birmingham ’67 & Ms. Selma Botman

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Flynn ’83

Mr. & Ms. David Meehan

Ms. Julianne Bloise

Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Fothergill P’06, P’09

Mr. Gregory Gryllakis & Mrs. Sarah P. Meier P’20

Mr. John B. Blottman III ’78

Mr. John R. Furey ’73

Mrs. Anne M. Merrill P’93

Mr. & Atty. Andrew Botti P’21

Mr. & Mrs. Roy Gagne P’23, P’23

Atty. & Mrs. John Miele

Mr. Robert G. Boyle & Mrs. Debra A. Kuczynski P’11

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Monagle, Jr. P’16

Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Bramante P’19, P’20

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Gautreau ’89

Mr. & Mrs. William V. Monagle, Jr. P’01

Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bravo P’18, P’20

Mr. Jared E. Gentilucci ’00

Mr. & Mrs. James G. Moran P’93

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glasgow Briggs, Jr. ’92

Mrs. Eugenia T. Georges

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Moran P’10, P’13

Ms. Carol Brown

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Giuliano P’82

Mr. John A. Morley & Ms. Jennifer Karp P’15

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Burke ’81, P’13, P’17

Mr. & Mrs. David S. Gonsiorowski ’68

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mozzicato P’18

Mr. Robert Burke & Ms. Eileen McAnneny P’19

Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Gordon, Jr. ’72

Mr. Giovanni Nicolai & Mrs. Silvia Alberta P’24

Mr. & Mrs. James Burnham P’18, P’20

Fr. Peter Gerard Gori ’70

Mr. Michael O’Brien

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Burns P’08

Ms. Deborah J. Gray

Mr. & Mrs. John C. O’Donnell ’67

Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Cann, Jr. P’19, P’23

Mr. & Mrs. George W. Griffin ’74

Mr. & Mrs. John M. O’Donnell ’77

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Carregal P’05, P’07, P’10

Mr. & Mrs. George J. Hamilton P’12

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Ogonowski ’75

Mr. Joseph M. Carregal ’05

Mr. H. William Hamilton & Mrs. Carol

The Oracle Corporation

Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Caruso, Jr. P’11, P’20

Galluzzo-Hamilton P’18

Mr. Andrew O’Rourke & Ms. Elisabeth Broderick

Mr. Gerard J. Caruso P’90, P’93, P’93, P’99

Dr. & Mrs. Ed Hardiman P’24

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. O’Toole P’03, P’07

Mr. Steven John Caruso Jr. ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. David Harris P’24

Mr. & Mrs. Ken D. Ottariano ’71

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Casaletto P’18

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Erik Hartel ’86

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ouellette P’19, P’25

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Casey P’19, P’22

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Hatem, Jr. ’79

Ms. M. Margaret Palmer P’09, P’10

Mr. & Mrs. David Cerveny P’19, P’21

Mr. Robert P. Hennessy

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pandolfo GP’18, GP’21, GP’21, GP’22

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chabra P’19, P’20

Mr. Charles E. Heseltine

Mr. Mark A. Paquette ’84

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Chouinard P’18

Mr. & Mrs. David Higginbottom P’22

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Pendergast III ’70

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ciampa ’76

Mrs. Jennifer A. Hodgdon

Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Peterson ’71

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ciardiello P’21

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hoffman P’18

Mr. Robert G. Peterson, Jr. ’04

Mr. & Mrs. John David Clifford, Sr. P’00

Mr. Benjamin Richard Hubbell ’95 & Ms. Melissa N.

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Petrillo P’10

Ms. Kristen M. Cognetti ’97


Mr. Nino Joseph Pingaro ’16

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Patrick Connolly, Jr. ’72

Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Joyce P’17, P’18, P’20

Dr. & Mrs. Steven R. Previte P’96

Dr. Richard W. Conron, Jr. ’84 & Ms. Kristin Abbruzzi

Mr. & Mrs. A. James Kazmer P’18, P’20

Mr. & Mrs. Aaron P. Price ’91

Mr. & Mrs. Noah Coons P’22, P’24

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Kelley

Mrs. Nicole Putney

Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Correia P’81

Mr. Timothy Lane

Mr. Michael V. Pytlinski ’82 & Ms. Sharon M. Kieffer

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Costello P’20, P’20

Ms. Renee Lauria P’20

Mr. William Ralls & Mrs. Siobhan Donofrio P’22

Mr. Pierce O. Cray & Dr. Catherine Sheils P’17

Mr. Kevin William Lawless ’67

The Raytheon Company

Mr. & Mrs. James V. D’Agostino P’73, P’86, P’88

Atty. & Mrs. David Jay Leavitt ’88

Mrs. Judith Reynolds

Mr. & Mrs. Paul D’Ambrosio P’18

Mr. Joseph B. Lehmann & Dr. Jeanne Velde P’06

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Rice P’20

Ms. Megan Rose Delaney ’13

Dr. Michael Lescault

Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Rioux ’67

Mr. & Mrs. Damian N. Dell’Anno P’10, P’12, P’14

Ms. Mary Helen Little ’01

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rose P’19

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Derrah P’84, P’85, P’87

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Luongo P’21, P’24

Ms. Kathy Russell

Dr. & Mrs. George Anthony DeVito Jr. ’68

Mr. David Michael MacDonald ’67

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Saindon P’17

Fr. Raymond Dlugos, O.S.A

Mr. Gary E. Mackiewicz

Mrs. Virginia M. Samalis P’93, P’99

Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Doherty ’72

Atty. Thomas MacMillan ’73

Mr. Anthony P. Santullo ’77

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Donnell, Jr. ’70

Atty. & Mrs. Douglas A. MacMillan ’75

Mr. & Mrs. William Edward Shakalis ’68

Mr. & Mrs. James B. Donohoe ’77

MacMillan Law Offices

Dr. & Mrs. Peter L. Skeirik P’03

Mr. William Charles Donovan III ’93

Mr. & Mrs. James MacQuarrie

Mr. & Mrs. James W. Small P’94

Mr. Alfred T. Doughty, Jr. ’75

Mr. & Mrs. Elio Magdaleno GP’18, GP’20

Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Smith, Jr. ’70

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69, P’01, P’05

Mr. & Mrs. James W. Martin ’70

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Spanks ’69

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Driscoll ’89

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Matos P’04, P’09

Mr. & Mrs. Adam Sperling P’22, P’25

Mr. & Mrs. George R. Dumas GP’18

Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Mayer P’09

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Stephens

Mr. & Mrs. John Elliott P’18

Mr. & Mrs. John P. McAnespie II ’80

Ms. Joan Surabian

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Elwell, Jr. ’69

Mrs. Janine McCarthy P’18

Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Swanson ’73

Dr. & Mrs. Paul F. Fallon ’80

Mr. & Mrs. David G. McConnell ’73

Ms. Jessica C. Swindell

Mr. Vincenzo Fazzolari & Mrs. Sheila

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCraw P’23

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Thornton ’69

Hanson-Fazzolari P’22

Ms. Susan McCraw

Mr. & Mrs. George J. Toscano, Jr. ’68

Mr. Sean Fennessy & Ms. Mary Riotte P’16

Mr. & Mrs. James McDonough, CPA P’22

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Guy Trani ’67

Mr. Michael C. McLaughlin

Mr. Patrick A. Twohig ’12

Annual Report 2018


Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vinal P’22

Ms. Caitlyn Rosemarie Curley ’13

Ms. Jocelyn F. O’Sullivan

Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Wadzinski P’87

Mr. Peter DeLuca

Mr. John M. Otis ’76

Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Wadzinski ’87

Mrs. Nancy Der Sarkisian

Mr. & Mrs. Robert David Parr ’99

Dr. & Mrs. Michael David Walkenstein ’69

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Diapella ’98

Mr. Vincent Parrella

Mr. Gerry Walsh & Ms. Alexis Mastronardi P’24

Mr. Michael M. D’Isola P’12

Mrs. Marla C. Pascucci-Byrne

Wells Fargo Matching Gifts Program

Ms. Samantha DiVito

Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Paulsen P’96, P’98

Mr. Stephen Lawton Willett ’68 & Ms. Emer

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Joseph Dolan III ’69

Mr. & Mrs. Nathan W. Piccini ’93


Ms. Kristen M. Donnelly

Ms. Cynthia Pitta

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Williams P’96

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Dorrance P’00

Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Regan P’20, P’22, P’24

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Zerfas ’75

Mr. Paul Drago

Mr. Andrew N. Reusch, Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon Zhang

Mr. Allen R. Drelick

Mr. Bradley J. Rivotto ’12

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Zonderman P’20

Mr. William Henry Drugan, Jr. ’71 & Ms. Colleen

Ms. Hope Rupley


Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation

Ms. Jessica Durham

Mr. Duane R. Sandler

Ms. Ashley Eldridge

Mr. James A. Santagate ’86

Mr. Allen Roy Emmons ’67

Ms. Jennifer Sawyer

Mr. & Mrs. (’97) Louis Fantozzi

Ms. Tina Schiavone

Ms. Elizabeth C. Farrell

Mrs. Heather Scott

Mr. Ryan Philip Feir ’13

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sherry P’24

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paul Filadoro ’90, P’22, P’23

Ms. Nicole A. Siciliano

Ms. Alison Fish

Mr. Steve Silverthorn

Mr. Brian J. Ford

Mr. Erik Smith

Ms. Jessica Foster

Mr. John T. Smolak, Jr. ’15

Mr. & Mrs. Armand Francoeur

Mr. Mark Spengler

Ms. Doreen A. Fuller P’09, P’13

Mr. & Mrs. Jason Sport

Mrs. Emily Gatti

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Sullivan P’06

Mr. & Mrs. Fredric R. Gilfeather ’69

Mr. Prisco Tammaro P’17, P’22

Ms. Sydney Paige Gorman ’13

Dr. Joseph B. Taylor ’71 & Ms. Marie C.

Ms. Stephanie Grace

Brennan-Taylor P’09

Ms. Laura Elizabeth Graf ’11

Mr. Robert Taylor

Mr. Donald B. Greenlaw, Jr. ’76

Mr. Joseph Michael Teague ’07

Ms. Kayla M. Greenwood

Ms. Michelle Eileen Teague ’10

Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Harkins

Mr. & Mrs. Marc D. Theriault P’15, P’17, P’19,

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Hartel P’86

P’19, P’22

Ms. Kathryn Haughn

UnitedHealth Group

Mrs. Erica T. Hedrick

Dr. & Mrs. Ricardo A. Vanegas P’21, P’24

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Henehan P’10, P’13

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wallace P’93, P’96

Mrs. Catherine Louise Hersey ’00

Dr. Pochun Cindy Wang

Mr. David I. Hoffses

Ms. Carolyn D. Warner

Mr. & Mrs. R. Warren Hopkins

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory R. Whittaker P’19

Mr. Steven E. Kintigos

Mr. Edward Williams

Mr. Paul Kruppa

Mr. Stephen Williams

Benefactors $1.00 to $99 Anonymous Mr. Christopher Aldrich Ms. Cheryl Amari Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Arnold P’03, P’09 Mr. Christopher Ayers Mr. Michael Lawrence Baccari ’03 Mr. & Mrs. William Bachner P’21 Ms. Danielle Toni Bacon ’06 Mr. Corey T. Bedrosian ’14 Mr. Anthony Benning Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Biscardi ’88 Ms. Stacey R. Bishop Mrs. Leeann Blais Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Blewitt BNY Mellon Mr. Eric Bordua Mr. John Francis Boyle Mr. Sean P. Brennan Ms. Michele L. Brewer Mrs. Lisa M. Bruce P’10, P’11, P’17 Ms. Carolyn Grace Burkett ’10 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Capone ’88 Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Capraro P’97, P’02, P’05 Mr. John Lawrence Carew ’67 & Ms. Judy Bralove Mr. & Mrs. John G. Carlson P’03 Mr. Joseph Paul Cavazzoni ’68 & Ms. Marcia Dumas Mr. & Mrs. William D. Chase P’13 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cobb P’17, P’20 Mrs. Claudia A. Colannino Mr. & Mrs. James J. Connolly P’80, P’83 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Peter Constantine ’69 Mr. Vincent X. Costello P’07 Mr. Patrick & Mrs. Laurene Costello Mr. & Mrs. Darrin M. Courtney P’18, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Croteau Jr. P’20, P’23

Mr. & Mrs. Barry Laidlaw Ms. Lori Lambert-Osburn Ms. Alyssa Laslovich Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Layman P’09, P’11 Mr. Joseph Leary Ms. Jessica Lenci Ms. Li Li Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Joseph Macdonald P’94 Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Macione P’91 Mr. Justin Macione ’91 Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. MacKenzie ’99 Ms. Sally A. Maijenski Mr. George C. Malvey P’05, P’10 Mr. William F. Maradei P’11, P’12 Mrs. Jeanne Maurand Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. McCarthy ’78


Annual Report 2018

Tribute Gifts

Tribute gifts are a thoughtful way to remember a loved one or mark a milestone. The following people had contributions made in their name. In Memory of Ross Alameddine ’05 Mr. Joseph M. Carregal ’05 Ms. Tiffany Clayton

In Memory of Patti Amarault Mrs. Linda Kelley

In Honor of Ralph Bianchi Mr. Roger F. Stone

In Memory of Maureen Bloise Mr. James G. Bloise

In Memory of Shane Boyle ’11 Mr. Peter DeLuca

In Memory of Ralph A., Kay, & Ralph C. Ciampa Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ciampa ’76

In Memory of Michael Darwin ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Stephens

In Honor of Maureen DiPerna The Devereaux Foundation

In Honor of James “Jay” Dowd ’69 Ms. Cheryl Amari Ms. Celia A. Barletta Atty. & Mrs. Charles R. Bennett, Jr. P’94, P’97 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Blewitt Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Capone ’88 Mr. Joseph M. Carregal ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Cavanaugh, Jr. P’96, P’97, P’98 P’01, P’03 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Choma P’18, P’20 Mr. Vincent X. Costello P’07 Mrs. Amy K. Doucette ’98 Ms. Elizabeth C. Farrell Ms. Janet S. Fischer Mr. H. William Hamilton and Mrs. Carol Galluzzo-Hamilton P’18 Mr. Edmund E. Hoell ’70 and Ms. Carole E. Center Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kent, II P’01, P’03, P’05, P’07 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Lowe P’17 Mr. David McVay and Ms. Donna S. Sweeney-McVay P’06, P’10 Rev. & Mrs. James Morris P’99

Dr. James Driscoll O’Connor ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Reddy P’16, P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Sherr P’03, P’05, P’07 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wallace P’93, P’96 Mr. & Mrs. William James Watt ’00

In Memory of Alice McDaid

In Memory of Richard Garchinsky

In Memory of Catherine McNeil

Mr. Anthony Benning

In Honor of Emily Gatti Mr. & Mrs. Leonard S. Pienta P’20

In Honor of Eugenia Georges Ms. Cheryl Amari Ms. Celia A. Barletta Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Blewitt Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Cavanaugh, Jr. P’96, P’97, P’98, P’01, P’03, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Choma P’18, P’20 Mrs. Amy K. Doucette ’98 Atty. & Mrs. David Joseph Gorman ’72 P’18 Mr. H. William Hamilton and Mrs. Carol Galluzzo-Hamilton P’18 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kent, II P’01, P’03, P’05, P’07 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wallace P’93, P’96

In Honor of Deborah J. Gray Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Burke ’81, P’13, P’17

In Honor of Robert Hennessey Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Burke ’81, P’13, P’17

In Honor of Eileen Kavanagh Mr. Lawrence P. Connolly and Ms. Eileen P. Kavanagh P’05

In Honor of Jim Kazmer Ms. Kathryn Haughn

In Honor of Richard LaRose Ms. Carol Brown

In Honor of Kathleen LaVache Mr. Roger F. Stone

In Honor of Ella & Ethan Luongo Mr. & Mrs. Peter Luongo P’21, P’24

In Honor of Gary Mackiewicz Ms. Deborah J. Gray

Mr. Patrick & Mrs. Laurene Costello

In Honor of Margaret McDonough Ms. Carol Brown

Mrs. Dorothy A. Darwin P’82

In Memory of George “Matt” Miller Mr. William F. Maradei P’11, P’12 Mr. & Mrs. David G. McConnell ’73 Atty. & Mrs. John Miele Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wallace P’93, P’96

In Honor of Donald Nealon Ms. Elizabeth Mary Roscillo ’07

In Memory of David Often ’84 Ms. Mary Often P’84

In Memory of Andrew Oneschuk Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Oneschuk P’13

In Memory of Claire M. Peterson & Hebert W. Peterson Mr. Robert Gerard Peterson, Jr. ’04

In Honor of Brian Regan Mr. & Mrs. James W. Noga P’12

In Memory of Jim Regan Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Regan P’20, P’22, P’24

In Honor of Laurie Demit Rusin Mr. Roger F. Stone

In Memory of Elizabeth Sherry Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sherry P’24

In Memory of Aristides (Artie) Speros ’85 Mr. John Francis Martin ‘85 and Ms. Stacey L.Turner

In Memory of Panagiota Stauropoulou Mrs. & Mr. Eugenia T. Georges

In Honor of Roger Stone Mr. Christopher Ayers

In Memory of Ron & Edna Stoll Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Regan P’20, P’22, P’24

Annual Report 2018


Scholarships, Funds and Gifts to scholarships contribute to the growing strength of the Austin Prep Scholarship Endowment. We are grateful to all who have donated. The Ross A. Alameddine ’05 Memorial Scholarship

The Austin Scholars Program – Inner City

Established by the Alameddine Family and named for their son and brother, Ross, who will be remembered for his kind and caring nature, his rich sense of humor and his love of music and performance. The scholarship recognizes a student achieving in language and technology.

Scholarship Fund

Ms. Tiffany Clayton Mrs. Kathryn Worden ’05

The John V. Aliberti ’70 Memorial Scholarship Established by the Class of 1970 in memory of their classmate, Dr. John V. Aliberti, who will be remembered for his kindness, friendship, and his ability to make everyone smile.


The Austin Scholars Program is made possible due in part to the commitment of individual benefactors, foundations, our administration and Board of Trustees. We rely on the generosity of a number of benefactors whose support of The Austin Scholars Program helps to provide scholarships to deserving inner city students who otherwise would not be able to benefit from the Austin experience. Ms. Cheryl Amari Applied Materials Foundation Employee Engagement Fund Ms. Celia A. Barletta Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. Barrett ’74 Atty. & Mrs. Charles R. Bennett, Jr. P’94, P’97 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Blewitt Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Capone ’88 Mr. Joseph M. Carregal ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Cavanaugh Jr. P’96, P’97, P’98, P’01, P’03, Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Choma P’18, P’20 Mr.Vincent X. Costello P’07 Mrs. Amy K. Doucette ’98 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69, P’01, P’05 Ms. Elizabeth C. Farrell Ms. Janet S. Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Brian Joseph Gallagher ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Joseph Golini ’71 Atty. & Mrs. David Joseph Gorman ’72, P’18 Mr. Michael A. Hamel ’75 & Ms.Virginia Mayo-Hamel Mr. H. William Hamilton & Mrs. Carol Galluzzo-Hamilton P’18 Mr. Edmund E. Hoell ’70 & Ms. Carole E. Center Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Joyce P’17, P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kent, II P’01, P’03, P’05, P’07 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Layman P’09, P’11 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Lowe P’17 Mr. David McVay & Ms. Donna S. Sweeney-McVay P’06, P’10 Rev. & Mrs. James Morris P’99 Dr. James Driscoll O’Connor ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Oneschuk P’13 Ms. Suzanne McHugh Piscitello Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Reddy P’16, P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Sherr P’03, P’05, P’07 The Solso Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wallace P’93, P’96 Mr. & Mrs. William James Watt ’00

Annual Report 2018 Fall 2017

Donors Thomas Callahan ’10 Memorial Scholarship

The Francis J. Cummings ’73 Memorial Scholarship

Established by the family and friends in honor of Thomas N. Callahan. Tommy will be remembered for his magnetic personality, great sense of humor and contagious smile. A “Lifer” (grade 6-12) and honor student who participated in many sports and clubs during his time at Austin Prep. Thomas thrived on his academic success and passion for the sciences.

Established by the family in memory of Francis J. Cummings, father of two Austin graduates, grandfather of three Austin graduates, Francis Cummings believed deeply in the value of Catholic education, encouraging all of his children to attend Catholic schools.

The Michael R. Darwin ’82 Memorial Scholarship

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Callahan P’10, P’12 Ms. Marilyn Cincotta Mr. James J. Cronin Dave’s Sheet Metal Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. DiRupo ’82, P’11, P’14 Ms. Kathleen M. Gardella Dr.V. Gleyzer Hurley Construction & Roofing Co., Inc. Mr. Joshua McGrath Ms. Kate J. McKenna Mr. Alan Meixner Ms. Mary Often P’84 Ms. Annette Oldoni Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Stock

Established by the family and friends of Michael R. Darwin ’82. During his time at Austin, Michael was a National Honor Society member, class officer, and football player. Mrs. Dorothy A. Darwin P’82

The Francis T. Duggan Memorial Scholarship Established by family and friends in memory of Francis T. Duggan, father of three Austin graduates and a longtime, devoted supporter of the school. Mr. Duggan was involved in the early years of Austin’s athletic program.

The Alyce and Fred Gilfeather Memorial Scholarship The Paula C. Barraza ’94 Memorial Scholarship Established by the Barraza Family in memory of Paula C. Barraza ’94, one of the first female students at Austin. She is fondly remembered for her cheerful spirit, her sense of camaraderie, and her love of life.

Established by the Gilfeather Family in memory of their parents who embodied the ultimate Christian expression of friendship in their displays of compassion and offers of support for those in need. Mr. & Mrs. Fredric R. Gilfeather ’69

The Kristen M. Corbett ’08 Memorial Scholarship

The Margot E. Girodet Memorial Scholarship

Established by the family and friends of Kristen Corbett in memory of Kristen, a member of the Class of 2008 who is remembered for the joy and love she brought to all who knew and loved her. She was a bright student, beloved by her teachers, friends, family, and teammates on the Girls Hockey Team.

Established by the family and friends of Margot E. Girodet. Mrs. Girodet was revered in the community for her compassion, strength, intelligence, and dedication both inside and outside the classroom.The scholarship hopes to honor her memory by acknowledging those students who strive for academic excellence and community service

Alumni Hockey Charity Challenge Mr. & Mrs. Michael Aveni P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Glenn P. Corbett P’08 Ms. Abby E. Jamieson ’11

The Marguerite Greenwood Hennessy Memorial Scholarship

The Jeremiah J. Cronin Memorial Scholarship Established by the Cronin Family, John ’72 and Timothy ’79, to honor their father’s service to Austin.

Established by an Austin Family to recognize students who have demonstrated serious academic commitment to the study of the Russian language, and plan to continue their studies. Dr. Kevin M. Miller ’84

Annual Report 2018


The Scott J. Heseltine ’82 Memorial Scholarship

The George “Matt” Miller Memorial Scholarship

Established by the family and friends of Scott J. Heseltine ’82 who served as a class officer.

This scholarship has been established by Linsey and Matthew Pimentel ’01 in honor of longtime faculty member George “Matt” Miller and his decades of teaching service to Austin Prep and its students.This scholarship seeks to provide assistance to deserving students based on academic merit and economic need. It also recognizes students who have demonstrated leadership abilities and a commitment to their community.

Andover Hockey Association

The Library Fund Established by the faculty at Austin Prep, contributions to this fund go toward the Fr. Arthur F. Smith Library & Media Center. Mr. Roger Stone

William R. Lewis, Jr. ’83 Memorial Scholarship Established by the family and friends of William R. Lewis, Jr. ’83. The scholarship seeks to recognize a student who demonstrates three qualities that were characteristic of Billy himself: friendship, leadership, and determination to succeed in the face of obstacles. Mr. & Mrs. William R. Lewis P’83

The Francis G. McCarthy Memorial Fund Established by friends, family members and Austin Prep faculty in memory of Frank McCarthy, a beloved faculty member at Austin Prep. He was instrumental in the implementation of process writing and peer editing in Austin’s curriculum.The Francis G. McCarthy Writing Center, named in his memory, allows students to share, discuss and critique each other’s work on any type of written assignment with ease. Contributions to the fund go toward improvements and updates to the Writing Center. Mr. David I. Hoffses Mrs. Rita M. McCarthy P’97, P’00

The Mary E. Mullin Memorial Scholarship Established by the Friends of Austin to honor Mary Miller, longstanding member of the Friends, and made in memory of her mother, Mrs. Mullin. As a college graduate, Mary Mullin was a member of that elite class of women in her day. She preached the value of education to her sons and daughters who in turn transferred that value to their own children. Four of Mrs. Mullin’s grandsons are graduates of Austin: Peter ’81, Mark ’83, Kevin ’84, and Geoffrey ’90. Dr. Kevin M. Miller ’84

The Azniv and Adrineh Nalbandian Scholarship This scholarship has been established by Azniv and Adrineh Nalbandian and the Nalbandian Family to provide scholarship assistance to deserving students enrolled at Austin Preparatory School.

The Alyssa L. Nanopoulos ’08 Memorial Scholarship

The James M. McGonagle, II ’01 Memorial Scholarship Established by the family and friends of Jim McGonagle, a beloved member of the Class of 2001 who is remembered for his contribution to family, classmates, and teammates. Mr.William C. Elliott & Mrs. Carol L. Burrows P’02 Mrs. Linda Kelley

Alumni Hockey Charity Challenge Mr. John C. Gill, III ’94 Mr. Jonathan Heimbach Mr. Donald O. Lyman ’73 Atty. & Mrs. Michael J. McHugh P’99, P’05

Established by the family of Alyssa L. Nanopoulos ’08. Alyssa, a beloved member of the Class of 2008, is remembered for the love she had for her family, friends, and community. During her seven years at Austin, where she never missed a day of school, Alyssa was involved in Big Sister and was inducted into the National Honor Society during her sophomore year. She also participated in Service Club, Latin Honor Society and served as a Senior Leader. This scholarship honors Alyssa’s memory by recognizing a deserving student who has demonstrated academic merit, economic need and active service. Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jasinski P’08

The Don Nealon Memorial Scholarship Established by friends, family members and Austin Prep faculty in memory of Don Nealon, who taught theology, worked closely with Campus Ministry to design and support the Senior Service Program, and coached skiing and tennis during his 15 years at Austin Prep. Contributions to this scholarship go toward a deserving student of economic need.


Annual Report 2018

The David E. Nelson ’81 Memorial Scholarship

The Paul Sullivan ’75 Memorial Scholarship

Established by the family and friends of David E. Nelson ’81, a gifted athlete and positive student leader who was always proud to wear the green and white. He was the youngest of three Austin graduates, preceded by Fred ’73 and Ron ’75. The scholarship seeks to honor David’s memory.

Established by the Sullivan Family and the Class of 1975 and named in memory of Paul H. Sullivan ’75, who will be remembered as a loving and caring husband, father and friend. A longtime Boston media personality, Paul was both the class clown and Class President during his days at Austin.The scholarship will recognize a freshman (ninth grade) student of Austin Preparatory School who has demonstrated academic merit and economic need, and who has an eagerness to learn, and to participate in activities such as class leadership and/or journalism/writing.

Alumni Hockey Charity Challenge Mr. Jim Butler Mr.William Condon Mr. Paul Drago Gerihattricks II Mr. Robert Hamilton Ms. Karen Hanks Mr. Daniel J. Lyddy ’81 Mr.William McNamara Mr. John Miley Mr. John Morrissey Mr. Ronald R. Nelson ’75 Mr. Nicholas Stinson Synopsys, Inc. Mr. Christopher R.Terranova Mr. Scott Vandersall Ms. Kristine Westland

Dr. & Mrs. James M. Lindsay ’77

William H. Turner Scholarship Award This award has been established by Mrs. Lillian Turner and her family in honor of her husband, Mr. William H.Turner. Mr.Turner and his wife saw four sons graduate from Austin Prep. He nurtured family life by co-creating a loving and supportive environment. He fostered academics, religion, dignity, service, athletics and good moral character.This award recognizes a deserving current student who shows strong academic discipline and demonstrates a good work ethic.

The Barbara Zarella Memorial Scholarship The Herbert W. Peterson, Jr. and Claire M. Peterson Memorial Endowed Scholarship This scholarship has been established by the Peterson Family, including; Cynthia A. (Peterson) Kilday, Nancy E. (Peterson) Devlin, Stephen P. ’73, Robert G. ’75, James M. ’76, and Michael T. Peterson ’79 to honor their parents who believed in and encouraged Catholic education for all of their children and fostered the beliefs in hard work, commitment and family.

Established in loving memory of his mother by Joseph Zarella ’77 to honor the role every mother has in her child’s successful completion of high school.The award is presented to a senior with four years of perfect attendance at Austin. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Paul Zarella ’77

Atty. & Atty. James M. Peterson ’76, P’19, P’21

The Aristides (Artie) C. Speros, Jr. ’85 Memorial Scholarship Established by the family and friends of Artie Speros ’85. Artie was a beloved member of the Class of 1985 who is remembered for his contribution to family, classmates and teammates. During his time at Austin, Artie was the Class President, while also involved with the Ski Team and French Club.The scholarship seeks to honor Artie’s memory by recognizing a deserving student who has demonstrated leadership abilities and financial need. Mr.Thomas P. Donohoe ’85 Ms. Elizabeth House Mr. John Francis Martin ’85 & Ms. Stacey L.Turner Mr. & Mrs. Edward J.Veno ’85

*The information in this Annual Report has been proofed and every effort is made to ensure its accuracy. Please let us know of any updates or changes, Office of External Affairs, 781-944-4900

Annual Report 2018


Parents Association Signature Event A Smashing Success The final tally is in. The 3rd Annual Parents Association Signature Event continued its successful run. With more auction items, nearly 270 parents attending the event and the 2nd Annual Tuition Raffle, the event raised more than $60,000! On behalf of Association President Susan Ardizzoni P’19, Event Chair Michelle Walsh P’19, P’21, and the Signature Event Committee, thank you to all of the volunteers who helped in ways big and small – from beautifully arranged baskets, an event space transformed into Hollywood glam, the soliciting and collecting of more donations than last year - all helped make the event on Friday, November 3rd an overwhelming success.

The school is grateful to the parents on the Signature Event Committee for their hard work and dedication. The Committee includes: Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Susan Ardizzoni P’19, Mrs. Julie Bonavita P’21, Mrs. Lesa Botti P’21, Mrs. Maura Boucher P’20, Mr. Jim Burns P’18, Mrs. Dana Burnham P’18, P’20, Mrs. Lisa Centrella P’19, P’20, Mrs. Lin Chabra P’19, P’20, Mrs. Laura Choma P’18, P’20, Mrs. Sheila Clarke P’21, P’23, Mrs. Maria E. Damico P’21, Mrs. Charlene DeRoche P’14, P’16, P’18, Mrs. Erica Dysart P’21, Mrs. Maureen Fennessy P’24, Mrs. Laura Graichen P’21, P’24, Mrs. Karen Goscinak P’20, Mrs. Mannie Gouveia P’23, Mrs. Jessica Hampoian P’18, p’20, Mrs. Maryellen Iannibelli P’22, P’24, Mrs. Rose Lucera P’20, Mrs. Deb Maffeo P’18, Mrs. Liz Napolitano P’22, Mrs. Amy Nedroscik P’19, P’22, Mrs. Elizabeth Orphanos P’18, Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Kim Peterson P’19, P’21, Mr. and Mrs. Skip and Lenora Rose P’19, Mrs. Jennifer Smith P’19, P’21, Mrs.Veronica Tucker P’19, P’22, Mrs. Kim Vachon P’21, Mrs. Michelle Walsh P’19, P’21, and Mrs. Michele Williams P’19. Thank you to Mrs. Orphanos for the wonderful photos!


Annual Report 2018

Signature Event Attendees Mr. Abe Achab and Ms.Yvonne Garcia P’19, P’25 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Ardizzoni P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Bayusik P’18, P’24 Mr. Donovan Beckel and Ms. Nicole Trudeau P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Beeley P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Bonavita P’21 Mr. & Atty. Andrew Botti P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Boucher P’20 Ms. Debra Brackett Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Bramante P’19, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bravo P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Todd Brisbois P’21, P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brosnan P’21, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Brown P’21 Mr. Robert Burke and Ms. Eileen McAnneny P’19 Mr. & Mrs. James Burnham P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Burns P’18, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Cann, Jr. P’19, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Carbone P’20, P’21, P’24 Mr. Joseph M. Carregal ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard A. Caruso ’90 P’20, P’22 Mr. & Ms. Dominick A. Caturello P’18 Dr. & Mrs. Gerard A. Centrella ’82, P’15, P’19, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. David Cerveny P’19, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chabra P’19, P’20 Mrs. Laura Choma P’18, P’20 Dr. & Mrs. Corey Collins P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Noah Coons P’22, P’24 Ms. Linda Costanzo P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Darrin M. Courtney P’18, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Croteau Jr. P’20, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. David J. Damico P’21 Mr. & Mrs. William H. DeRoche, Jr. P’14, P’16, P’18 Mr. & Mrs. John DiFranco P’22 Mr. & Mrs. John DiNitto P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Elkins P’20, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. John Elliott P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fanuele P’22, P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Noel Fennessy P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ferranti P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Ferri P’14, P’17, P’23 Mr. Louis Francoeur and Ms. Shelley Pan P’21

Atty. & Mrs. Todd A. Gerety P’16, P’19, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Ulysses Gilchrist P’23 Mr. John Goodwin and Mrs. Jennifer Silver P’21 Mrs. Karen Goscinak P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Serry Gouveia P’23 Mrs. Laura Graichen P’21, P’24 Dr. & Mrs. Himanshu Gupta P’21, P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hampoian P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. David Harris P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Hemme P’20 Dr. & Mrs. James Hickey P’22, P’23, P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Hickey P’16, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Higgins P’24 Mrs. Ann Hueston P’21 Mr. & Mrs. James Iannibelli P’22, P’24 Ms. Karen Igler P’20 Mr. & Mrs. David Intoppa P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Irvin P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Joyce P’17, P’18, P’20 Ms. Bonnie Karoub P’21, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. A. James Kazmer P’18, P’20 Mr. Edward Kelley, III and Mrs. Patricia Corrigan P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kirby P’21 Mrs. Samantha Klipper P’20, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. David Klovee P’24, P’25 Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Klucznik P’16, P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Armen Kourkounian P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Lafferty P’23, P’25 Mr. & Mrs. William Lawson P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Lidoski, Jr. P’17, P’19 Mr. & Mrs.Vincent Loporchio P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Erick Lucera P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Maffeo, Jr. P’18 Mr.Thomas J. Mannion and Mrs. Mary E. Lewis-Mannion P’16, P’18 Mr. Leigh Martinson P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mastrocola P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McAuley Jr. P’24 Mr. & Mrs.Thomas McCraw P’23 Mr. Michael C. McLaughlin Dr. & Mrs. Brian Millett P’24 Mr.Thomas Mooney and Ms. Andrea Heil P’20, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mozzicato P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Murphy P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Napolitano P’22 Mr. & Mrs. David A. Nedroscik P’19, P’22 Mr. Giovanni Nicolai and Mrs. Silvia Alberta P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O’Neill P’21, P’23 Annual Report 2018

Mr. Andrew O’Rourke and Ms. Elisabeth Broderick Mrs. Elizabeth Orphanos P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Paglia Mr. & Mrs. Sean Paige Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Patten P’21 Atty. & Atty. James M. Peterson ’76, P’19, P’21 Atty. & Mrs. John Timothy Phelan P’14 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard S. Pienta P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Basil Poulakis P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Rooker Price Mr. William Ralls & Mrs. Siobhan Donofrio P’22 Mr. & Mrs. James Rech P’22, P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Reddy P’16, P’18 Dr. & Dr. Ruben Reyes P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ricci P’15, P’20, P’22 Mrs. Diane Ricciardelli Jr. P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rose P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Roselli, CPA P’15, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Russell P’20, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Derek Russell P’21 Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Russell P’12, P’14, P’18 Mr. Stefan Sargeant Mr. & Mrs. Lee C. Sullivan P’15, P’19 Mr. & Mrs. James Sullivan P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Tarpey P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N.Tucker P’19 Ms.Veronica Tucker P’19, P’22 Mr. Derek Vachon and Ms. Kimberly DukeshireVachon P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vinal P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Stefan Vounessea P’18, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Walsh P’19, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. John Weber P’18, P’20, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Williams P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Zanni P’22 Mr. Jeffrey Zoufaly Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zuccola P’20, P’22 Office of External Affairs


Golf Tournament Raises Over $70,000 Thank you to all the sponsors, auction item and raffle prize donors, golfers, dinner guests and volunteers for making the 31st Annual Austin Open Golf Tournament even more successful than last year! The tournament raised over $70,000 (a $5,000 increase from the 30th Anniversary Tournament) to benefit the Austin Scholars Program - Inner-City Scholarship Fund. The fund supports deserving students who would otherwise not be able to afford an Austin Prep education. Our parent, past parent and alumni golfers enjoyed a beautiful day at Indian Ridge Country Club in Andover. After checking in, student volunteers Ava Lauria ’20, Sullivan Marino ’19, Matt Sacco ’18, and Evan Rago ’19 assisted golfers with getting their clubs into their assigned carts. The sold-out afternoon flight kicked off at 12:00 noon. One of the highlights of the event was the Varsity Shot, where players from Austin Prep’s championship Golf Team took a fifth swing for each foursome and a chance to record that score. This year, Nick Hampoian ’18 and Michael Strazzere ’19 took the Varsity Shot.


Dinner-only guests joined the festivities at 5:00 pm for the cocktail hour, followed by a buffet dinner, and everyone took part in our raffles, silent and live auctions. Congratulations to our winning golfers: • 1st Place Team (58): James Peterson ’76, P’19, P’21; Steve Brown; Bob Curran; and Charlie Southmayd • 2nd Place Team (59): Chris Frommelt P’07, P’11; Bob Pendergast; Dave Pearce; and Matt Frommelt • Closest to the Hole #7: Ron Nelson ’75 (2 feet, 7 inches) • Closest to the Hole #16: Derek Ross P’20 (6 feet, 6 inches) • Longest Drive - Men: Brandon Bell (310 yards) • Longest Drive - Women: Becky McKie P’16, P’17 (185 yards) We are grateful to the members of school leadership and staff for their help, and we are especially grateful to our parent volunteers: Jessica Hampoian P’18, P’20; Cindy Hickey P’22, P’23, P’24; Steve and Terri Reddy P’16, P’18; Lynel Rinklin P’20; and Andy Tucker P’19.

Annual Report 2018

Committee & Volunteers Mrs. Jessica Hampoian P’18, P’20 Mr. Nicholas Hampoian ’18 Mrs. Cindy Hickey P’22, P’23, P’24 Ms. Ava Lauria ’20 Mr. Alex Maffeo, Jr. ’18 Mr. Sullivan Marino ’19 Mr. Evan Rago ’19 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Reddy P’16, P’18 Mrs. Lynel Rinklin P’20 Mr. Michael Strazzere ’19 Mr. Andrew Tucker P’19 Office of External Affairs

Sponsors A & L Corporate Coach, Inc. Armor Door & Lock, Inc. Austin Preparatory School Teachers Association Atty. & Mrs. Charles R. Bennett, Jr. P’94, P’97 B & L Mechanical & Consulting Ms. Susan E. Belanger Mr. & Dr. Robert A. Bencale P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Blewitt Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Bloise Mr. James G. Bloise Cambridge Network Mr. Frank Capone, Jr. ’85 - Capone Landscaping Caras & Shulman, PC Central Signal Corporation Comak Brothers, Inc. Community Counseling Service Co., LLC Constant Temperature Systems Inc. DeMoulas Foundation Dodd House Gift Shoppe Dougie Duchesne Plumbing & Heating Mr. & Dr. John Douglass, Jr. P’19 Five-O Promo Frommelt Equipment Co. G & G Fitness Equipment, Inc. Garrick Construction, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. James Hickey P’22, P’23, P’24 J. G. MacLellan Concrete Co., Inc. Jeff Potvin Plumbing & Heating LLC Mr. Chan Wook Jeong & Ms. Myung Joo Kang P’18

Save the Date

nd 32

Annual Austin Prep GOLF TOURNAMENT Indian Ridge Country Club

May 22, 2019

Metalcrafters, Inc. Metro Credit Union Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky, & Popeo Mr. & Mrs. William V. Monagle, Jr. P’01 Mr. Bartley’s Burger Cottage NexDine, LLC Noreasters Baseball LLC Northern Business Machine, Inc. NRTBUS, Inc. Oostman Aquatic Safety Consulting The Party Connection Pimentel Construction Company Reading Cooperative Bank Reading Rotary Club RSM US LLP Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Santos SalemFive Charitable Foundation S G Mechanical, Inc. Security Design, Inc. Shea Concrete Products, Inc. Simply Elegant Catering Specialized Roofing Company Spencer, Sullivan & Vogt StonehamBank Dr. Lawrence S. Sykoff - LSS Consulting Tarpey Insurance Group Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Tucker P’19 Wilmington Builders Supply Winn Street Service YMCA - Burbank Branch Mr. & Mrs. Steven Zanni P’22

Golfers & Dinner Guests Mr. Jim Abbott P’23 Mr. John R. Ardizzoni P’19 Mr. Pasquale Bancarotta ’97 Mr. Virgilio Bancarotta Jr. ’00 Mr. Virgilio Bancarotta P’00, P’02, P’97 Mr. Chad Battaglia P’22, P’25 Mr. Nate Boudreau Mr. Richard P. Bova Jr. ’84 Mr. Thomas Brady P’24 Mr. Michael H. Bravo P’18, P’20 Mr. Steve Brown Mr. Matt Callahan Mr. Corey Carter Mrs. Laura Choma P’18, P’20 Mr. John Cirigliano P’96 Mr. Mark A. Connolly ’83 P’15, P’20 Mrs. Patricia Corrigan P’18 Mr. Ray Cote Mr. Leo Creegan Mr. Leo T. Crowe ’83 Mr. Garry S. Cuneo P’04 Mr. Bob Curran Mr. Frank D’Agostino Mr. Joseph E. Daly Mr. Timothy Daneau Mr. Jason Deeble P’20 Mr. & Mrs. William H. DeRoche Jr. P’14, P’16, P’18 Mr. Joseph DiMare Mr. Edward Doherty Ms. Carole Ellstein Mr. David English Annual Report 2018

Mr. Mark Fiato Mr. Ken Fluet Mr. Christopher J. Frommelt P’07, P’11 Mr. Matt Frommelt Mr. Paul G. Gagne ’88 Mr. & Mrs. Fredric R. Gilfeather ’69 Mr. John Gregory Mr. Matthew Guthrie P’22 Mr. Scott Hampoian P’18, P’20 Mr. Raymond Hanlon P’20 Mr. Dale Hevy Mr. Timothy Higgins P’24 Mr. Edward Kelley, III P’18 Mrs. Karen A. Kennedy P’16, P’18 Mr. Daniel Kwiatek P’22 Mr. Wayne Lawson Mr. Edward LeFlore Mr. Shawn Maloney P’20 Mr. Chuck Martin P’20 Mr. Mike McGrath Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. McKie P’16, P’17 Mr. Shane T. McKie ’17 Mr. Lawrence P. McQuaid ’81 P’09, P’14 Mr. Lawrence J. McQuaid ’09 Mr. Matthew J. McQuaid ’86 Mr. Michael J. McQuaid ’82 Mr. Walter Miller Mr. Charlie Miraglia Mr. & Mrs. Gino P. Molettieri P’25 Mr. Tom Mondalto Mr. Alfred A. Nelson, Jr. P’73, P’75, P’81 Mr. Alfred A. Nelson, III ’73 Mr. Ronald R. Nelson ’75 Mr. Rich O’Connell Mr. Tyler Palmieri Mr. David Palmisano Mr. Dave Pearce Mr. Bob Pendergast Atty. & Atty. James M. Peterson ’76 P’19, P’21 Mr. Steven William Pike ’67 Mr. Anthony J. Pimentel P’01, P’99 Mr. Matthew J. Pimentel ’01 Mr. Graham Ranks Mr. Joe Ratte Mr. Stephen Reddy P’16, P’18 Mr. Frank Rizza P’24 Mr. Derek Ross P’20 Mr. David Rufo Mr. George W. Saurman ’83 P’14 Mr. Charlie Southmayd Mr. Kevin Spearman Mr. Jay Spencer Mr. Michael S. Stephens ’83 Mr. Michael Stone Mr. Peter G. Stratis P’83 Mr. Gerald Sullivan Mr. Ian Tinkler P’21 Mr. Andrew N. Tucker P’19 Mr. Martin Tucker Mr. Derek Vachon P’21 Mr. Kevin Peter Walsh P’19, P’21 Mr. Kevin Webb P’19, P’20 Mr. John Weber P’18, P’20, P’22 Mr. Nathaniel Williams P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Young P’24, P’24 Mr. Richard Zipps


AUSTIN PREPARATORY SCHOOL 101 Willow Street Reading, MA 01867-1599

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We want to follow your Journey beyond Austin Prep. Please share updates including academic and sports honors, career milestones, marriages, births or any of life’s other big announcements. Send a Class Note or update your contact information to continue to receive updates.

Join fellow classmates and other alumni at our upcoming events.

November 21, 2018: Class of 2018 breakfast in the new dining hall. November 22, 2018: Thanksgiving

Football Game & Alumni Tent-- Stop by the Alumni tent for hot cider and donuts and to get your Alumni koozie!


November 23, 2018: Class of 1969 Gathering at the Merrimack vs. Holy Cross Hockey Game, Lawler Rink, North Andover, MA.


November 24, 2018: Reunions for Classes

LinkedIn Austin Prep Alumni Instagram


Ending in 3 & 8

January 1, 2019: Families are invited to

skate with Austin Prep’s varisty girls hockey team at Merrimack College, Lawler Rink in North Andover, MA.

April 27, 2019: Alumni Hockey Men’s and Women’s Charity Challenges at Merrimack College, Lawler Rink in North Andover, MA. April 29, 2019: Alumni Networking Reception at The University of Massachusetts Club, Boston, MA. May 20, 2019: The 32nd Annual Austin Prep Golf Tournament at Indian Ridge Country Club in Andover, MA. Learn more:

Classes of ’73, ’78, ’83, ’88, ’93 and ’98, Austin May 25, 2019: Class of 1969 50th Class Prep Dining Hall, 7:00-11:00 p.m. Reunion in the new Austin Prep Dining Hall. Classes of 2003 and 2008, The Kinsale, Boston, 8:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m. Class of 2013, The Wild Rover Tavern, Boston, 8:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m. Pre-registration is required.

Are you getting married? The Office of Alumni Relations will lend you an Austin Prep banner for photos at your wedding. Did you recently welcome a new cougar into your family? Let us know what size onesie your little cougar cub needs and the Office of Alumni Relations will send along one of our new Austin Prep Cougars onesies.

Contact Jennifer Hodgdon, Director of Alumni Relations & Giving, at or 781-944-4900 ext. 852

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