Lions of Illinois MD1 Monthly e-Magazine for the Month of March, 2017

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Lions of Illinois,

toward that common goal to better our communities and the world. Is that not why we are Lions after all?

In Illinois we formally recognize our own Abraham Lincoln’s birthday as we did just this past Month. One of my favorite quotes of Lincoln’s could really be about Lions this

Also, with all our District Conventions, the State Convention, and the “Big One”, the International Convention in Chicago….let’s volunteer to help at each of these, with YOUR help at these events we can get the word out on Lions and all WE do!

From MD1 Council Chair:

year…. “There are no accidents in my philosophy. Every effect must have its cause. The past is the cause of the present, and the present will be the cause of the future.” – Abraham Lincoln (attributed to Lincoln by William H. Herdnand)

And of course, as the saying goes: we should always strive to “Do the Right Thing” as we walk down our path of life. And with a State full of dedicated Lions, we have a GREAT TEAM who will “Do the Right Thing” as we “Climb Every Mountain”!

Yes, we LIONS are reviewing and recognizing our past, as well as creating plans that will become our future….

Thank you for your time! Thank you for your Service! Thank you for being an Illinois Lion!!!! And remember “1917-It All Started Here”, in Illinois.

“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.” – Abraham Lincoln

Best Regards,

And do we not have that resolution to lead us into the next Century of Service with Lions? We most certainly do…..for Illinois Lions are planning…..creating….and this year hosting the world at our door….all to further OUR organization and move on to the next Century of Service! And that Century will hopefully be represented by the quote of another famous man just honored again in our nation….George Washington…. “Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all.”-George Washington So as we work within our Districts and the Multiple for the remainder of our Lions year, let’s work 2

Lion Mark Williams Lions of Illinois “With You in Service”

Editorial: Good News For The Convention


According to some reliable news from LCI, we already have more than 35,000 Lions registered for Centennial Convention to be held in Chicago in just four months. Host committee had our meeting last week to discuss various issues pertaining to this convention. PDG Bob Block and his team is working hard to make this convnetion a historical and memorable one to world lions.


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