July / August 2013

Page 45


a uniQue approaCh to dyslexia By Dr. PHyllis BooKs & JeNNiFer roBeaNult


r. Phyllis Books is an Austin-based doctor, healer and mother who also trademarked a natural, non-drug intervention procedure for those suffering from dyslexia, learning differences, ADHD, head traumas and various chronic health problems. The system is called Books Neural TherapyTM , and it’s a structural and neurological repatterning technique that aims to rehabilitate, rather than compensate for, learning differences. In other words, Dr. Books maintains that through her system, her patients can often reverse dyslexia and other learning differences permanently. The technique incorporates gentle physical body alignment, which Dr. Books has found dramatically improves neurological function, with learning and behavior strategies. Says one parent of a patient: “Without medication and with Dr. Books’ treatment, he’s back to his loving and caring personality. He also feels better about himself. He has more confidence.” Dr. Books, a licensed chiropractor who also holds a masters in interpersonal communication from the University of North Texas, wrote a book about her technique and experiences called Reversing Dyslexia, available for purchase on Amazon. The following passionate excerpt is taken from the introduction to the book. I embrace the beautiful but tattered souls of my young patients every day as we do our reading, writing, marching, and physical activities together. Dyslexic children come to me with broken hearts, lacking confidence and wondering if they will ever be able to learn like other kids. Most of these children are burdened by a sense of shame, wilting from the fear of disappointing their parents, their teachers, and themselves. Dyslexia keeps them down, their talents trapped beneath a mountain of humiliation.

For more inFo: To learn more about Books Neural Therapy, visit www.drphyllisbooks.com.

The label of dyslexia can become a painful cloak to wear day in and day out. It can kill a child’s motivations and creativity. Watching a child’s innocence and joy be replaced by hesitation, embarrassment, and defeat breaks a parent’s heart. Parents don’t want to fail or give up on their children. Doing so would go against the deepest parental instinct, which is to nourish and protect the young. I understand firsthand how the spirit of a child can be crushed by a learning disorder. Thankfully, I also know the incredibly freeing and empowering experience of watching a child overcome such obstacles— the feeling that says, “I did this! today I am king of the mountain. I really am in charge of my life and I really can create the life I want. What else have I been told is impossible but really isn’t?” My desire to bring this experience to others led me to write this book. I wrote this book to dispel the myth that dyslexia is permanent. The idea that learning disorders are unchangeable is simply untrue, and it harms children. It affects relationships and families, and undermines productivity and the ability to make a living. As a society of taxpayers, we are all paying the price of this mistaken idea in one way or another. I also wrote this book to open minds to a new way of looking at dyslexia, to create empowered advocates for dyslexic kids, and to make sure individuals get the help they need to dismantle the problem of dyslexia for good. Most of all, I wrote this book to help free the human spirit—the spirit that still lives inside every dyslexic person and begs to be unchained.

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Can beCome a painful Cloak to Wear day in and day out

A u s t i n MD m A g A z i n e . c o m


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