Austin Fly Fishers July-Sept 2023 Newsletter

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President’s Message


for History, Trout and Wine in New York State

Viva Cuba!!

Cayo Romano

up with Jim Gray

July - September 2023 Volume 25 Issue 5



Kathi Harris


Jim Robinson

Past President

Dave Bush


Keith Mars


Austin Orr


Shawn Riggs


Kevin Cloonan


Nils Pearson


Juan Shepperd


Dave Hill

Manuel Pena


Brandon Rabke

Directors at Large

Doug Kierklewski

Jeff Hoelter

To contact officers:

Austin Fly Fishers

President’s Message

Fishing for History, Trout and Wine in New York State

Viva Cuba!

Cayo Romano, Cuba

Catching up with Jim Gray

Stalking the Stalker on Acklins Island, Bahamas

White River by

Conservation by Keith

SKIFF –Soldiers Kids Involved in Fun Fishing by

CFR –Casting for Recovery

Treasurer’s Report by Jim

Guide Reed Atkinson netting a big one on the Chateaugay

Fishing for History,

Trout and Wine in New York State

In early June, Gary and I took a two-week fishing and sightseeing road trip through New York State. The main impetus for our trip was to fish the fabled rivers in the region that has been called the ‘birthplace of American flyfishing’. To that end, we had targeted the Beaverkill and the Delaware Rivers in the Catskills and the Ausable River in the Adirondacks. Ultimately, we were able to add the Chateaugay and Salmon Rivers, also in the Adirondacks, to our list.

According to “Fifty Places to Fly Fish Before You

Die” by Chris Santella, Hiram Leonard began building rods near the Upper Delaware in the late 1880’s. Per Wikipedia, around 1890, Theodore Gordon of Pennsylvania began fishing the area and embraced tying and using British dry fly patterns. Gordon went on to design the first dry flies to match American insects, including the Quill Gordon.

President’s Message

We started with a couple of prearranged float trips with guides out of Beaverkill Anglers, based in “Trout Town, U.S.A.”, Roscoe, NY. The float trips were interspersed with an afternoon spent wade fishing near the historic covered bridge on the Beaverkill, where there is a marker commemorating Theodore Gordon and noting it was one of his favorite fishing spots.

As was warned in guide books and by the folks in the fly shops, fishing the Delaware can be challenging. Unlike many Colorado rivers, where the fish are widespread, Delaware fish tend to gather in ever-changing locations. The guide is tasked with finding the fish and using the drift boat to get you to the spots where you can get out and wade. These fish are heavily pressured and very picky.

On the West Branch of the Delaware, we fished from noon to dark with large parachute or stimulator/ emerger combos and landed a few 12-15” trout each. I wish I could get a redo on the big one I broke off just

as it was getting dark.

It was our guide, Ray Ottulich, who suggested we wade upstream from the covered bridge on the Beaverkill in order to beat the Saturday crowds. That proved to be good advice. We found plenty of trout in the shallow riffles and small pools eager to take small caddis flies and only saw one other fisherman, on our way out.

For our second guided trip, we fished a different section of the West Branch of the Delaware, just above the main stem and also moved into the main stem. These fish were much pickier and using a reach cast to get a dragfree drift was absolutely necessary. Turns out that while I’m pretty good at producing a slack line, I need to work on picking up all that line at just the right speed to set the hook. I got plenty of hits on the dry flies but only managed to land one trout. I thought I was too slow but our guide that day, Stefan Spoerri, said I was too fast. It would have been better to let the fish suck in the fly and head back down while lifting the rod just a bit more slowly. Timing is everything, right?

Delaware River Brown Trout

After three days fishing in the Catskills, we drove 4.5 hours north to Wilmington, north of Lake Placid, in the Adirondacks. Tourist tip: If in need of a meal and a beer in Albany, visit Albany Ale & Oyster. Terrific lobster rolls and beer selection.

In Wilmington, we stayed at the Hungry Trout Lodge and also used their guide service. Over the next two days, we wade fished three area rivers with our guide, Reed Atkinson. The first morning, we met Reed outside of town and followed him for about an hour to the Chateaugay River. Our guidebook (Flyfisher’s Guide to New York by Eric Newman) describes this river as “brawling” and Reed described it as being “full of fish and greasy boulders”. Both were correct. I found the wading to be tough but the fishing more than made up for it. We caught about 15 trout before lunch using size 8 to 10 Chubby Chernobyls over various large bead head nymphs. After lunch, we relocated to the Salmon River near the town of Malone, enjoyed the easy wading on a large, flat rock shelf and caught another 15 or so rainbows and browns.

The next day, we followed Reed to private property on the West Branch of the Ausable River. Unfortunately, this fabled and beautiful river no longer fishes up to its reputation. Trout habitat and populations have been negatively impacted by road salt runoff, phosphorus, excessive sedimentation, invasive species, aging infrastructure and warming temperatures. I netted only two fish over the next two days on different sections of the river. We noticed road signs indicating a ‘low salt zone’ for the stretch of Route 86 that parallels the river from Lake Placid to Wilmington and later learned this is an experiment by the New York Department of Transportation to reduce the run-off from winter deicing. If successful, the program will be expanded to other roadways to better protect the watershed.

We had flown into Buffalo and actually began our trip at Niagara Falls. The wading looked a bit challenging so we decided to stick to being tourists at that point. Tourist tip: Bring your passport and walk across the Rainbow Bridge to Canada. Spectacular views of the falls and, except

Gary with ChateaugayBrown Trout

for the four quarters you’ll need to get back in the U.S., it’s free.

Our next stop was the Finger Lakes region where I learned that in New York the rivers are for fishin’ and the lakes are for drinkin’…wine, that is. As smoke from Canadian wildfires thickened to the point of completely obscuring all lake views, we felt lucky to have planned indoor activities. Turned out those were to be the smokiest skies we encountered during our two week trip. Tourist tip: Check out the Corning Museum of Glass. Interactive exhibits, demonstrations, fantastic collections of art, artifacts and glassware.

All in all, we thoroughly enjoyed our grand tour of New York and look forward to doing another iteration in the hopefully not-too-distant future.

Fly Fishing Destinations

Cayo Romano, Cuba

Cuba should be on every fly fishermen’s list. It has tremendous fly fishing destinations, very affordable as destination angling go, easy to get too, very safe, and most importantly the fishing can be spectacular.

I fished Cayo Romano on the northeast end of the island. This fishery is an enormous system of wadable flats, lagoons and pristine estuaries. Located in Jardines del Rey, commercial fishing within this designated area is strictly forbidden and rigorously enforced. That is a land based operation and the accommodations are excellent. Travel there is easy with a non-stop flight to Camaguey and a 2 hour shuttle from there. Yellow Dog travel has offerings at several locations in Cuba. Some are land based and some are live aboard on floating hotel boats. It’s not unusual to get 8-10 permit shots, 10-15 bonefish eats, shots at juvy tarpon, barracuda, jacks, and triggers all in one day. The bones run big. 3-4 pounds are standard and 5-6 pounds and larger are common. There’s a few snook and sharks around too. Then add to that a shore lunch of fresh caught lobster.

Cuba is a very safe place to travel. Customs are easy. The people are incredibly friendly and welcoming and many speak English. They have very little and are poor and jobs in the hospitality and fishing industries are coveted. And they LOVE Americans!

Go completely prepared with back-ups. Don’t expect to find a fly shop or spare rod. Avalon, an Italian company has most of the fly fishing concessions. They’ve been around 30 years. Good poling skiffs and fantastic guides.

I always take some goody bags for the guides which include aspirin, sunscreen, nippers, and other incidentals as they can’t get anything. I asked my guide what he needed when I return in October. He said, “More Americans; tell all your friends to come”.

Catching up with Jim Gray

Over the past 35 years, I’ve worked as a client support manager for a large technology company. My role is to support our large international customers and I’ve spent a lot of time traveling in this capacity. While it’s challenging to spend so much time on the road, it does have the benefit of meeting a lot of people and having the opportunity to fish in interesting and sometimes exotics destinations. I carried a fly rod on many of these trips and I’ve been lucky enough to fish extensively in parts of Asia, Europe and the America’s.

Since covid, my work travel has come to a halt; but now that I’m an empty nester, my wife and I use this time to travel for ourselves, usually to visit friends and family. I still carry and fly rod, a tenkara rod and sometimes a tanago rod. I try to get some fishing in on all my trips. The Austin Fly Fishers have asked me to start sharing some of my trips in the newsletter. I hope this inspires you to fish more, and if you have any questions about destinations you see me visiting, feel free to reach out.

I made a trip to South Florida in May and another in June. My goal was to target exotics and do some inshore saltwater fishing. Fishing in this part

Blue Tilapia

of Florida couldn’t be easier. Pull over next to any of the numerous freshwater canals and start casting. My inshore saltwater fishing took place along the intracoastal waterway often under one of the many bridges that span this water.

The fishing was excellent, especially the canal fishing for exotics -peacocks and Mayan cichlids are pretty much guaranteed, but I also caught grass carp, zebra cichlid, snakehead, blue tilapia and spotted tilapia. Using small shrimp flies on the intracostal, I picked up 6 reef species - mangrove snappers, sailors choice, checkered puffers, yellow grunt, tomtate and a beautiful sergeant major. I missed my opportunity for a big jack crevalle when a school came through smashing sardines. The blitz only lasted 15 seconds and I was too slow changing flies. You have to be ready. My favorite thing about both of these venues the saltwater and exotic fishing is that you never know what you will catch. There is so much variety.

Peacock Bass

In June and July, I made two trips to the Caribbean. For the first trip, I went with Captain Scott Hamilton from Jupiter Florida to West End Bahamas in his 27 foot boat. We were fortunate to have calm seas and the crossing took 2 1/2 hours. We stayed spent 5 days in West End, fishing from sunrise to sunset every day. It was absolutely amazing.

I caught 18 different species on fly. Between the 3 anglers, 25 species were caught. I had at least 10 opportunities to land really big fish; but was only successful on 2 of the attempts. I lost some fish to sharks, some to coral heads and some to my own lack of focus during key moments in fight. While losing big fish is always disappointing, it has motivated me to make a return trip as soon as I can and profit from the lessons I have learned. Every night was capped with a fresh fish dinner and a cold beer.

My second trip to the Caribbean was a family cruise. I took a ten

West End, Bahamas

kara rod and some small flies. I fished tide pools for a few hours in Nassau and on Grand Turk. The fish were small, but it was fun to catch some new species, including a school master.

I’ve also been doing some local fishing. With the extreme temperatures we are having, I’m limiting my fishing to sunrise until just before noon. I’ve been primarily fishing the Llano and San Gabriel. The fishing has been good, with lots of sunfish, bass and carp. I caught a huge smallmouth buffalo in late July. This was my largest freshwater fish ever and put up a great fight on the 6wt.

I have another trip planned for Florida in September, and I may try and get to Maine at some point. I’m also excited about fishing the Texas coast in Sept/Oct, when these hot days end. Until then, I’ll be hoping around our local streams with a few day trips tossed in to make things interesting.

Smallmouth Buffalo Carp

Stalking the Stalker on Acklins Island, Bahamas

Earlier this year I took advantage of an opportunity to travel to Acklins Island in the southern Bahamas for a week of DIY bonefishing. Joining me there were Michael Schweit and Jeff Rodenberg, two fishermen who, though I hadn’t met in person before, I knew before setting out that we at least had a couple of things in common: a shared passion for fly fishing for bonefish while wading pristine Bahamian flats, and a mutual acquaintance who had put us in touch with each other. After exchanging several emails, and then an eventual meeting on Zoom, the three of us agreed that we would meet up on Aklins in late May and share expenses on a cottage at Ivel’s B&B.

The accommodations were nice and, using a car provided by Ivel’s, we had a great time exploring up and down the island and trying our luck at various secluded and seldom visited flats that we encountered along the way. I enjoyed the DIY experience on Acklins. I waded a lot of pretty water, caught a few nice bones each day, and I returned home thinking that I wouldn’t have minded a few extra days of fishing.

Jeff, on the other hand, actually did stay and fish longer. He remained several more days on Acklins and then he went over to Crooked Island (located just across the

Brandon with Bonefish

Bight of Aklins) for another week and a half. I had been back home in Austin for about a month when I received an email from Jeff containing his frank and amusing recap (see following article) of his three-week fishing trip to the Bahamas.

The fishing on Acklins Island was….well….how do I put this….spectacularly gratifying even if not as productive as many of us have become accustomed to in the Bahamas. How about that? This was true of my entire stay - all 3 weeks in May - inclusive of the half spent with Kenny on Crooked Island. I can say I have never seen such OCD/menstrual/unsettled weather in 25 years of trips to the Bahamas. In one way it can be frustrating, but in a way it’s comforting to know it can’t get much worse save for a direct hit by a Cat. 4 hurricane or bigger and I still caught bones! The daily switch in wind direction, with lots from the SW holding the tide in and excessively frequent rain really messed the fish up. I ALMOST felt sorry for the fish.

I did manage to pick up a few crumbs, particularly my last couple days at Binnacle 1 when I at least felt minimally competent. I walked into the coconut trees, then went NE to the broad black rock point and very slowly waded my way back during the last half of the falling tide thru dead low and first half the incoming during late morning. It was some truly glorious fishing - again, not for numbers but for a few better than average fish actually showing some tail or dorsal in the off weather. Funny thing….I’d been stalking along for about 45 minutes, to where all

my senses were focused on maintaining near-zero physical presence while looking for fish. Just sheer, serene, nirvana goin’ on, without another soul for miles. Very abruptly this was shattered by an ENORMOUS, almost earth shattering EXPLOSION of water behind me not a foot from my ass. Turns out a 5-6 foot lemon shark had been following my little trail of foot disturbance and recognized at the last second that he wasn’t following bonefish. I literally….and I do mean literally…cleared the water by about 3 feet, shrieked like a little girl, and a little bit of shit was left in my pants. I’m serious, I just threw those underwear away when I got back to the room…That’s a memory I’ll carry to the grave, in the most positive sense. THAT’S the type of thing I’m paying for on these trips.

In general, and maybe just a bit selfish and a touch out of scope, I think I came to prefer Acklins to Crooked. It’s just more basic, more raw, more real. The whole thing going on with building out Pittstown on Crooked Island for the offshore crowd is influencing things in Landrail a bit “differently” than I would prefer. Don’t get me wrong, that’s more a reflection on my own personal character defect(s). While I want my friends in Landrail to prosper and totally get that probably means more tourism volume and/or expense, I don’t want it to change - I like the rough edges that keep the less intrepid from visiting. Maybe that makes me one messed up puppy, but on the good side it’s a pretty fair bet that I’ll be arranging another visit to Acklins.

Brandon and Michael wade a Bonefish Flat

White River Arkansas

I am thrilled to share some exciting news from the waters of the White River in Cotter, Arkansas! I recently had an unforgettable fishing experience with my fellow Texas Women Fly Fishers group. With a lot of tenacity and determination, I managed to land a magnificent 19-inch Brown trout!

With the expert guidance of Dally Guide Service, I embarked on an adventure that led to this remarkable feat. Utilizing the nymphing technique, the Guide opted for two size 14 gold head Copper John flies, 8’ below an indicator, perfectly enticed the trout lurking beneath the surface. This combination of a finely tuned technique and the allure of these flies proved irresistible to the magnificent Brown trout that now stands as a testament to my angling prowess.

This trip with Dallys Guide Service exemplifies the thrill and fulfillment that fishing on the White River can bring. As the river winds through the pictur-

esque landscapes of Cotter, Arkansas, its pristine waters offer an ideal habitat for trout, making it a prime destination for anglers seeking unforgettable fish ing experiences. This momentous event serves as a tes tament to the endless possibilities that await those who cast their lines into the abundant waters of the White River.

For those seeking their own unforgetta ble fishing adventures, I highly recom mend considering Dally Guide Service. With their knowledgeable guides and wealth of experience, they can provide the expertise and assistance needed to make your angling dreams a reality.

Remember, whether you’re an avid angler or a beginner eager to explore the world of fishing, the joy of the sport lies not only in the catch but also in the shared camaraderie, the exploration of nature’s wonders, and the memories forged along the way. Tight lines and happy fishing to all!

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The Hoot Owls Head to the Salt

It’s hot! And it’s been hot and there’s no end in sight! That’s not just us saying it. The next time you catch a redfish and it’s croaking, that’s what it’s really saying. We’ve seen record temperatures here along the Texas coast and across the entire Gulf. This past week water temperatures over 100 degrees were recorded at a buoy off the coast near Miami. We’ve seen fish kills up and down the Texas coast this summer. There’s an inverse relationship between temperature and dissolved oxygen. As water temperatures get high, then higher, and stay high for weeks and months on end, the dissolved oxygen is significantly reduced, even in saltwater. Even saltwater species struggle in these conditions, much less when on the other end of that perfectly tied clouser. So what’s a responsible Austin Fly Fisher to do? In the West, they have hoot owl restrictions, encourage folks to carry a thermometer, and stop fishing when the water gets too hot. Well, we can apply a similar mindset to responsible catch and release when in the salt.

1. Pinch barbs. You don’t need ‘em! The fish and your fumbling fingers will thank you.

2. Keep Fish Wet! Avoid or minimize the time that fish is outta water. If you take pictures, and we all do, keep that fish in the water until its glamor shot and then back in the water asap.

3. Wet those hands! This is good practice for all fish. Get those hands wet to minimize removing slime and scales.

4. Reduce your handling time in hand and the net. Friendly reminder, debarbing your hooks reduces handling time.

5. Don’t overfish the cooler water refuges. Y’all know when TPWD closes locations to fishing during winter freezes? The same logic applies in the heat of the summer. Be mindful of these locations.

6. Dawn and dusk patrol. It’s just better fishing and better for the fish. The heat of the day is for watching baseball in the air conditioning. Enjoy your summer fishing and take care of our coastal fisheries!

Graph from Fondriest Environmental Learning Center environmental-measurements/parameters/water-quality/dissolved-oxygen/

Conservation Report
Report 32 50 68 86 104 122 Temperature Fahrenheit Degrees


Soldier’s Kids Involved in Fishing

With the Austin Fly Fishers’ recent transition to a quarterly newsletter, this update provides you with a snapshot of those SKIFF trips conducted since the April update.

PAYNE FAMILY: On June 20th, Neveah and Katherine Payne stepped aboard for a morning of multi-species fishing on Stillhouse Hollow. The girls were accompanied by their father, U.S. Army Signal Corps veteran Thomas Payne, while their mother, U.S. Army Corporal Fayth Payne is deployed to eastern Europe.

The girls landed 54 fish, including bluegill, longear, and redear sunfish taken on bait below floats, and white bass taken on downrigged Pet Spoons and MAL Lures worked vertically.

SMITH FAMILY: On July 6th, I fished with Alex and Corbin Smith, accompanied by their mom, Janea Smith. The boys’ father, a

U.S. Army veteran who served in the military intelligence branch, passed away unexpectedly in January of this year at the age of 47.

We began our trip around 6:25AM. We downrigged to find fish and then used MAL Heavies vertically & horizontally to take advantage of what we’d found until the fish finally gave up around 10:25. During this time, we found a total of three large, fishable schools of fish to park over and present to.

By the time four hours had come and gone, my crew landed 74 fish including 72 white bass and 2 largemouth bass.

WHITACRE FAMILY: On July 25th, I fished with Natalie, Lilly, and Evan Whitacre, accompanied by their mom, Melinda Whitacre. The kids’ father, U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer 2 Eric Whitacre is currently in the midst of a deployment to southwest Asia with his Patriot Missile unit. CW2 Whitacre has


We used rigging, fishing cluding bag of For those acronym in Fishing in its Austin by the Sun Sun ing Others supportive desire parent Gold veterans’ opportunity doors time The respite who single-parenting.

Fishing Fun

served for 11 years. used a combination of downrigging, sight-casting, and slipfloat fishing to land a total of 75 fish, including 48 white bass, and a mixed of 27 sunfish. those new to SKIFF, SKIFF is an acronym for Soldiers’ Kids Involved Fishing Fun. It is a program now 13th year, sponsored by the Austin Fly Fishers, and supported the McBride Foundation, the City Rod and Gun Club, the City chapter of Women HelpOthers (WHO) and a number of supportive individuals, all of whom desire that kids separated from a parent by that parent’s military duty, Star children, and disabled veterans’ children, be given an opportunity to experience the outdoors through fishing during that of separation, free of charge. program also offers a time of respite for the home-front parents may need a short break from single-parenting.

Neveah Payne proudly displays this redear sunfish -one of the 55 fish she and her younger sister, Katherine, caught on June 20th.

From left: Corbin, Janea, and Alex Smith with a pair of fish we took early on in the trip.

From the left, that’s Natalie and her mom, Melinda Whitacre, in the back with one of the white bass they landed in the first part of the trip. back row, and Melinda’s two youngest, Evan and Lilly in front, each

CfR Casting for Recovery


(CfR) takes women out of the clinical setting and into nature to find healing and connection. Breast cancer and fly fishing might seem like an odd combination, but we’ve found fly fishing to be the perfect catalyst for healing in nature. Fly fishing is a truly accessible way to have an authentic connection in nature – regardless of physical strength or ability.

In addition, the experience of learning an entirely new skill - fly fishing - provides endless opportunities for women to be successful and build confidence. The impact is magnified when this experience occurs amongst a supportive peer group. This is especially true for those who have never attended a support group for breast cancer, or were diagnosed and treated for breast cancer during Covid-19 and were often alone in the infusion room and hospital.

A recent participant shared: “I was able to be around other women who had similar experiences with breast cancer, and learn from their journeys. I was diagnosed in March 2021, and because of the pandemic I have not been able to join a support

group. I learned SO much from the other participants (and staff who had also had breast cancer). I put some of their ideas into action during chemo just yesterday, and my treatment was much less stressful. The whole CfR experience brought me from my initial anger and despair, to a new level of HOPE.”

The need for survivorship resources is growing. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women (after skin cancer), and more women are surviving the disease due to early detection and better treatments. Following diagnosis and treatment, women face long-term psychosocial and physical issues related to body disfigurement, depression, anxiety, and a compromised quality of life. The need for survivorship resources is even greater in underserved populations such as:

• Veteran and active duty servicewomen who have a 20–40% higher rate of breast cancer as compared with their civilian peers (Walter Reed Army Medical Center study, 2009)

• Women of color who have the highest breast cancer mortality rate

• Women in rural areas with limited access to health care and support resources

• Low-income and under/uninsured women

The magic of a CfR experience is the combination of learning a new skill, combined with an immersion nature and 2.5 days of oncology medical and psychosocial sup-

port. Because of this, CfR retreats are described by many as life-changing.

Casting for Recovery will continue to serve as many women as possible, especially those in underserved populations, and help them find their “new level of HOPE”.

For more information, visit: or reach out to Susan Gaetz,

Volunteer fishing guide Kay DuShane celebrates with Tracie Kennedy following the release of a largemouth bass caught on a flyrod Photographer: Missy Sprouse

AFF Financials

Club Resources

Pat Vanek – Brazos River Fly Fishing Guide

Cassio Silva – Central Texas Fly Fishing Guide

Aaron Reed – Author Fishing Guide

Austin Orr – Certified Casting Instructor

Ted Mendrek – Sportsman’s Finest Fly Shop

Chris Johnson – Living Waters Fly Shop and Central Texas Guide

Capt. Eric Glass – Fly Fishing South Padre Island

Capt. Rus Schwausch – Fly Fishing Southwest Alaska

Nick Streit – New Mexico and Southern Colorado

Justin Spence – Fly Shop and Guide Service West Yellowstone, Montana

AFF Financials May June July Beginning Balance $23,337.32 $24,260.71 $23,939.90 Income: FFI New Member Dues $535.00 $0.00 $225.00 AFF Dues $1,306.54 $0.00 Merchandise $70.00 $0.00 $261.71 Total Income $1,911.54 $0.00 $486.51 Disbursements: Wild Apricot (auto debit) $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 International Transaction $2.25 $2.25 $2.25 Living Waters $200.00 Jim Robinson (PO Box) $176.00 Sommers Mkt (ADP)* $243.56 $703.68 FFI (membership) $535.00 ACH Tomstar $327.75 Total Disbursements $1,231.81 $77.25 $1,108.68 Net Income $697.73 -$77.25 -$622.17 Ending Bal-Check book $24,017.15 $23,939.90 $23,317.73 Bank Balance $24,260.71 $23,939.90 $24,021.41 Difference (outstanding cks) -$243.56 $0.00 $703.68 Unencumbered Balance : $17,466.30 $17,389.05 $16,766.88 Encumbered Funds: Casting for Recovery $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SKIFF $6,550.85 $6,550.85 $6,550.85 *Ck Outstanding 243.56 $703.68

12434 Bee Cave Road

Austin, Texas 78738


Monday: 9AM-7PM

Tuesday: 9AM-7PM

Wednesday: 9AM-7PM

Thursday: 9AM-7PM

Friday: 9AM-7PM

Saturday: 9AM-7PM

Sunday: Closed

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