Austin Fit Magazine January 2021: The Inspiration Issue

Page 64


Jason Bourgeois

AMBASSADOR’S Corner ATHLETIC OUTCOMES RECAP n Introducing AFM’s new ambassador — meet Jason Bourgeois!

Hello AFM!


y name is Jason. I’m a corporate ops trainer, educator/coach, inspiration junkie, uncle and learning enthusiast, and my favorite thing about Austin is the multitude of training and recovery options that are available all throughout the city. As an AFM ambassador, I’m looking forward to experiencing Austin’s mecca of fitness and wellness, and we hope these reviews shed light on the training options available in the area so you find what you need to elevate your performance to the next level. In addition to putting you on to Austin’s best and brightest, for each workout and recovery session survived (I mean...completed), we are highlighting Central Texas Food Bank to support their efforts to respond to the ongoing presence of food insecurity in Austin. Please consider donating to help feed our community, because every dollar counts as we work to increase food access to those who are disproportionately impacted during this time.


If you are looking for a studio to kick off your 2021 training and crush your fitness and recovery goals, then treat yourself and give Athletic Outcomes a go.

My 60-minute AO Experience

Thanks to Coach Chance Kittle, I was feeling the effects of this circuit two days later — and it hurt so good. The training session was a different story — a smoker of a workout in the best way. The first thing that caught my attention was the intentional layout of the facility in response to COVID-19 (see COVID-19 considerations below), and you quickly realize your safety is priority one. What I liked: I like that AO has a theme for each class. For my training session, the theme was balance and agility. The themes for each class are provided online at the start of each week, so group fitness-goers can schedule their training sessions according to their training needs. I was a big fan of the pace of class! This is not an


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Articles inside

Ambassador's Corner: Athletic Outcomes Recap

pages 64-67

Your January Movement Assessment

pages 62-63

Athlete Spotlight: David Garza

pages 58-61

Kick Mo's Butt is BACK!

pages 54-57

Accountability Partners: the Key to Fitness in 2021

pages 50-53

5 Tips to Take Care of Mental Health

pages 48-49

Rejuvenating Your Skin in 2021

pages 46-47

Getting Your Physical Before Getting Physical

pages 42-44

From tribulation to triumph: The Inspiring Story of Thomas Jung

pages 36-41

Fighting Fighting for a Second Chance

pages 30-35

Microplastics and BPA: What You Need to Know

pages 26-29

The Difference Between Inspiration and Motivation

pages 22-25

Got Milk Options?

pages 20-21

What's in Coach Kati's Fridge?

pages 16-18

Breaking SAD: The Standard American Diet

pages 14-15

Recipe of the Month: Tomatillo Verde Enchilada Sauce from Maudie's

page 12

Letter from the Director

page 6
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