2 minute speech

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Hello sir. Could you tell me a little about yourself and how you feel about the situation in healthcare and your plan for reform?

Hi I am Alexander Paterakis and I am running for governor for the year of 2018. I have been a resident in Skokie, IL my entire life. I am a entrepreneur and a small business owner. My goal is to make the state more affordable for the people who are residents here. I aspire to be the true leader that the State citizens have been looking for to make Illinois a prosperous State once again. I plan to have responsibility and accountability in whatever I do for the State citizens. The State is in dire need of major reform to get her former glory back and I feel that Illinois citizens are eagerly yearning for a true leader to pull them out of the mess we are in now.

So, as far as your question I don’t like the path that Illinois healthcare is heading to and I definitely want it to be more affordable for everyone. I feel that this is a big problem in the State and needs to be fixed to create a better economy. One of my primary ideals is “health care should be recognized as a right, and not a privilege. I emphatically disagree with the Republican party and their disregard to the lower and middle classes. They raise taxes so high that the lower class families sometimes are forced into poverty stricken conditions. If we don’t fix this soon I feel that the situation in healthcare will be like a cancer in society.

Consequently, since the Republicans are the majority in the Senate and House, this allows them to pass absurd and obscene laws which devastates an average middle class family. As the average family struggles to make ends meet the same corrupt politicians continue to raise health care premiums which is up to 46% as of now(2017). Does this make sense if we are trying to support the progress of all people of the State? No is the answer, and that’s where I come in. I also have no political ties to any of the politicians like Gov. Bruce Rauner or Mike Madigan who could control me and use that connection as leverage like of a tool. This brings

me to say that I am truly taking the reins of Illinois with a executing plan to move our State forward.

To all the people of Illinois who don’t know who they will vote for yet I want you to know that supporting this campaign will only make this state prosper as far as healthcare and any other issue. I know that healthcare is very important to every man, woman, and child of Illinois and I plan to make it more affordable by bringing premiums down tremendously. I plan to look out for our veterans by providing more health services like mental health centers for troubled veterans. I myself, believe that this is the least we can do for our veterans after their service, not only for our state but for our country. I will not allow corrupt politicians to throw seniors on the back burner by raising the price of their prescription drugs, while the top 2% receives a tax break of $346 billion.

In conclusion, when you walk to the ballot box when it’s time to vote just remember all the people you will affect by that one vote. I would like to end my speech with a quote from former president JFK which are words I want you to think about when you go to vote: “Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future. Now you make a change to our State administration by picking me to be your new and reformed governor.

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