Aurora School - Middle School Information Book 2024

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“We are and we need to be convinced of this - in an ecosystem: Our journey on earth is a journey that we take together with the environment, with nature, with the cosmos; Our organism, our morality, our culture, our feelings are connected to the environment, to the universe, to the world. And therein lies the web of our life.”

“To make a school which is lovable (industrious, inventive, livable, documentable and communicable; a place of research, learning, reflection and recognition) where children, teachers and families are happy - this is our purpose. To give it organisation, contents, functions, procedures, motivations and interests, this is the strategy which aims to bring together the centralities, intensify relations between the protagonists.”


Our educational philosophy is inspired by the Reggio Emilia experience within a Vietnamese cultural context. With an emphasis on responsibility and community involvement, respect for living organisms and sustainability is at the core of our learning experiences.

At the centre of our educational philosophy is our image of the learner: a competent learner, full of preparedness, potential and curiosity, active in constructing his or her own knowledge through interactions with others and the environment around them.

Our environment is conceived as “the third teacher” and every corner at Aurora is designed to support a sense of familiarity, reinforce a sense of safety, and foster exploration and discovery.

We believe that learners have the capacity for representing ideas and constructing knowledge in a variety of symbolic and graphic modes. This approach emphasizes the importance of learners’ symbolic language, conceptualized as the “Hundred languages”, where ideas and knowledge-building are expressed through many creative processes, such as speech, writing, drawing, painting, sculpture, construction, music, movement and shadow play.

Our teachers observe and listen to the “100 Languages” children use to express themselves as individual learners and as “teachers” in their own right, and facilitate opportunities for further investigation and learning. These investigations take the form of projects, where children actively participate, explore and question the world around them.

Our curriculum emerges through collaboration and a continuous dialogue between teachers and learners as teachers observe, interpret and document each learner’s learning journey. It is a curriculum that is accountable for learning in an authentic, emergent way, that is flexibly adjusted as children pursue extensive investigations of their world, guided by teachers who share their sense of adventure and amazement. Assessment is the process of observing, interpreting and documenting what our children do, know and understand.


The child has a hundred languages (and a hundred hundred hundred more) but they steal ninety-nine.


And thus they tell the child that the hundred is not there.

The child says:

No way. The hundred is there.”



An Aurora Learner can independently pursue their passions, apply their values and balance their resources to achieve a sustained sense of personal wellbeing and purpose.


An Aurora Learner can independently solve complex problems using sound reasoning based on an enduring understanding of causation.



An Aurora Learner can independently build respectful relationships with diverse individuals and groups, building networks to achieve individual and collective goals.


An Aurora Learner can independently contribute to sustainable, equitable social and ecological ecosystems through leadership, humility, empathy and the practice of service.


An Aurora Learner can independently conceptualize and create a unique artifact, aesthetic or technological, to enhance human experience and/or expand human possibility.


An Aurora Learner can independently design and deliver persuasive, informed communications, using different media, on matters of principle and ideas that matter.


Senior Primary and Middle School learners learn, explore, and play in our new Primary and Middle School Villa. This villa includes, as well as our beautiful classrooms, a science lab, art atelier, language labs, and more, where learners can learn about multiple subject areas with a range of specialists who we refer to at Aurora as our collaborative teachers. We are extremely fortunate in the design of this villa which offers a range of outdoor spaces for learners to play, read, plant, conduct research, and explore.


As in Preschool and Primary, we maintain our focus upon the child at the centre of all we do and our vision of them as capable individuals with ownership and agency over their learning. Our vision of an Aurora Learner is equally applicable for the Middle School children. However, there are some differences to teaching and learning for these grade levels. Firstly, the learners are increasingly independent and eager to research and complete projects alone and in groups. We allow greater flexibility for them to do this so that they can plan events such as the Aurora Olympics, end of year disco, etc. on a broader scale and engage in more learning outside the classroom in the community to gain more authentic understanding of sustainability and social issues in the local area.




For Senior Primary and Middle School, we follow the New Zealand curriculum goals more closely. The New Zealand National Curriculum is internationallyacclaimed due to its holistic approach and focus on deep and rich learning experiences which engage the children and allow them to develop a broad skills base. This is a broad and inclusive curriculum, so we are able to align our learning outcomes for all subject areas, including our modules of inquiry guided by the Common Ground Collaborative (CGC) framework, with the New Zealand achievement objectives.

These achievement objectives are organized by levels which span more than one academic year, allowing teachers to support and challenge each individual learner by meeting them where they are and offering what they need to progress and succeed. The New Zealand objectives, while notably holistic and inclusive, do broadly align with other common national curriculum goals such as those of the UK, US common core and Australian state curricula. The process, and particularly the assessment, are true to the Aurora culture, but the content and skills are transferable should learners be moving between the New Zealand and other curricula.



The vision is for young people to be confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.


Students are encouraged to value:

excellence, by aiming high and by persevering in the face of difficulties

community and participation for the common good

innovation, inquiry and curiosity, by thinking critically, creatively, and reflectively

ecological sustainability, which includes care for the environment

diversity, as found in our different cultures, languages, and heritages

integrity, which involves being honest, responsible, and accountable and acting ethically

equity, through fairness and social justice

to respect themselves, others and human rights


Competencies are abilities and capabilities that people use to live, learn, work and contribute as active members of their communities. The New Zealand Curriculum identifies 5 key competencies that it has a focus on children developing throughout their time at school:

Thinking - is about using thinking processes to make sense of information, experiences and ideas.

Using language, symbols, and texts - working with, being able to understand, and making sense of the codes (languages and symbols) in which knowledge is expressed.

Managing self - having self-motivation, a “can-do” attitude, and seeing oneself as a capable learner.

Relating to others - is about interacting effectively with a range of different people in a range of different situations, including things like being able to listen well, recognise different points of view, and share ideas.

Participating and contributing - being involved in communities, such as family or school, and be able to contribute and make connections with other people.


There are 8 learning areas (or subject areas) in The New Zealand Curriculum:

• English

• The Arts

• Health and Physical Education

• Learning languages

• Mathematics and Statistics

• Science

• Social sciences/ Humanities

• Technology

The values and competencies in the New Zealand Curriculum are woven into these learning areas. They are designed to encourage enjoyment of learning and the ability to think critically, manage oneself, set goals, overcome obstacles and get along with others – the attributes students need to succeed as adults.





Learners in Senior Primary and Middle School have broadly progressed from the initial skill-building of learning to read, to the authentic application of reading to learn. Reading is a core tenet of our school culture with book fairs and book exchanges organized at different points throughout the year, and the Aurora Book House initiative allowing learners and families to take books from the mini outdoor libraries and donate books from home. In class, learners read every day including individual research, reading novels in break time, and our shared reading which is always a favourite. We explore texts deeply and invite learners to delve into the stories with explorations of characters, discussions of theme, and lively debates about the plot. This connects to other areas of Language Arts as learners apply the techniques, vocabulary, and imagery from the texts we read to create their own. Book creation is a popular activity throughout the school, and in Senior Primary and Middle School, learners eagerly express themselves through writing in a variety of forms, including hand drawn, printed, and digital texts. Sharing their writing fosters community and provides opportunity for the development of their communication skills. The exchange of feedback allows learners to support one another in their learning and to view their writing through each other’s eyes. This not only supports literacy development through editing skills and application of spelling and grammar rules, but also empathy and connection.

The Middle School English programme is designed to specifically foster the learners’:

• Reading skills – including fluency, accuracy, comprehension, inference, comparison, analysis, and critical response;

• Writing skills – including basic transcription, form and style choice, composition, narrative, and consideration of the audience;

• Speaking skills – including discussion, debate, respectful communication, vocabulary building, and clarity;

• Viewing - including media and digital literacies, analysis, interpretation, note taking, and being a responsive audience;

• Presenting - including confidence, clarity, voice projection, eye contact, the use of visual aids and dual coding, and consideration of audience;

• Listening – including focusing, interpreting, reflecting, questioning, paraphrasing, note taking, consideration of multiple perspectives, and respectful response.

Curriculum Outline

Language Arts Learning takes core shared texts as the thread that connects this learning to other subjects. Throughout the year, learners read and share a variety of texts from a range of genres, including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. While exploring these texts learners are supported in researching, planning, drafting, editing, redrafting, and publishing their own texts. This is done through written and digital methods.

Learners are supported in responsible use of AI in order that they develop skills to tilize this technology to enhance their research and editing, but do not become over reliant upon it. The writing should always be from each individual learner to express their ideas, convey their understanding, and be expressed in their unique voice. Core texts are selected with consideration of learners’ interests but also in alignment with our modules of inquiry.



Mathematics has been described as a universal language, and it is integral to all aspects of our learning and our daily lives. Throughout Primary, learners develop a core base of knowledge and basic mathematical skills, but also an appreciation for the variety of branches of mathematics. In Middle school, the learning is designed to build upon this foundation and provide opportunities for the learners to apply their knowledge and skills authentically to solve problems and work on independent and group projects.

This is balanced with discrete teaching of new concepts such as algebraic equations, Pythagorean theory, proportional relationships, and statistical probability. As with English Language Arts, mathematics is taught both as a stand-alone subject in Middle School, and also a cross curricular component of other learning. Outside of the timetabled maths lessons, the knowledge and skills are embedded in science, humanities, art and other subject learning, and particularly in long term projects.

Curriculum Outline

Students cover all the expectations for a Middle School student that allows them to build on knowledge and understanding gained in Primary.

Units covered are:

• Number (whole number / fractions, decimals, percentages) including number sense and calculation;

• Algebra including solving and devising algebraic expressions and equations for given problems;

• Measurement including converting between standard units and applying knowledge to design and engineering projects;

• Geometry including shape knowledge and transformation, the use of coordinates, Pythagorean theory, and design;

• Statistics including collecting, interpreting, presenting, and critically analyzing data, including in support of independent research.



Science is a way of investigating, understanding, and explaining our natural, physical world and the wider universe. It involves generating and testing ideas, gathering evidence – including by making observations, carrying out investigations and modelling, and communicating and debating with others – in order to develop scientific knowledge, understanding, and explanations. Scientific progress comes from logical, systematic work and from creative insight, built on a foundation of respect for evidence. Different cultures and periods of history have contributed to the development of science. In Middle School, various branches of science are explored and learners are guided using the scientific method to plan, set up, and carry out investigations, recording their results and reflecting upon them. Research forms a large part of science learning, and technology isan integral tool in the learning process.

Curriculum Outline

• Physics: This field focuses on the physical world and the forces which shape and act upon objects and people.

• Biology: This strand allows the learners to explore the world of living things. It encompasses botany – the study of plants – and also the biological processes of humans and non-human animals.

• Earth Science: This branch relates to the physical geography of our planet and how it has changed over time to shape the Earth we know today.

• Chemistry: In Middle School, the learners begin to consider materials at a molecular level and to investigate how the make-up of materials influences their response to forces to create physical and chemical changes.



Social Science offers our learners in Middle School the opportunity to develop inquiry skills through critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity. Social Science is about how societies work and how people can participate as critical, active, informed and responsible citizens. Contexts are drawn from past, present and future, and from places local, national, and global. Learners are supported to develop the knowledge and skills to enable them to: better understand, participate in, and contribute to the local, national, and global communities in which they live and learn.

As well as aligning with the New Zealand Curricular Achievement Objectives, our Social Science learning is informed by the modules of inquiry designed by the Common Ground Collaborative (CGC). Aurora has worked closely with the founders of the CGC to train our teachers to deliver meaningful modules of inquiry that engage and challenge the learners, spurring their explorations, discussions, debates and independent research.

What is the CGC?

The Common Ground Collaborative is a non-profit organization founded to work in partnership with schools to support them in developing meaningful inquiries for primary and middle school curricula. We have been working closely with them over the past few years to align their investigative research modules with our school approaches and the New Zealand curricular goals. Aurora teachers throughout primary and middle school interpret their modules of inquiry and use them to design meaningful learning experiences that follow the principles of discovery learning. As well as subject specific knowledge, the learners have the chance to develop their 21st century skills such as collaboration and communication, cultural sensitivity and celebration of difference, critical thinking and problem solving, and media and information literacy. These skills are increasingly in demand from schools, universities and employers. In order to equip our learners with the skills they need to thrive in this rapidly changing world, we need to consider the increasing interconnectedness of the global economy. The skills they develop through the investigative research modules will allow them to participate fully in society on local, national and global levels. These aims align with those of comparable inquiry-based curricula such as the IPC and IB. Upon consideration of these options, Aurora has selected the CGC modules because these support the crucial skill development while enabling teachers to tailor the learning to the needs and interests of our learners, a core tenet of our school philosophy.

Curriculum Outline

These modules from the CGC guide learners to explore:

• Purpose and Balance

• Patterns and Principles

• Individuals and Groups

• Sustainability and Systems

• Imagination and Creativity

• Stories and Signals

These six broad commonalities align with the four core conceptual areas of the New Zealand Social Science curriculum:

Identity, Culture, and Organisation – Students learn about society and communities and how they function. They also learn about the diverse cultures and identities of people within those communities and about the effects of these on the participation of groups and individuals.

Place and Environment – Students learn about how people perceive, represent, interpret, and interact with places and environments. They come to understand the relationships that exist between people and the environment.

Continuity and Change – Students learn about past events, experiences, and actions and the changing ways in which these have been interpreted over time. This helps them to understand the past and the present and to imagine possible futures.

The Economic World – Students learn about the ways in which people participate in economic activities and about the consumption, production, and distribution of goods and services. They develop an understanding of their role in the economy and of how economic decisions affect individuals and communities.




The New Zealand Curriculum focuses on the learning, skills and values of students. This includes equipping Aurora learners to be ‘global citizens’, who communicate and interact with and wit in other cultures, as well as their own. Studying a language and learning about its culture is a vital part of this education. In order to give our learners a more diverse language experience learners in Middle School learn two or three languages, depending upon their heritage language.

All learners are offered Spanish as a second or additional language lessons. Vietnamese and Japanesespeaking learners participate in mother tongue language lessons throughout the week. Speakers of other languages hone their English literacy and self-study additional languages of their choice with teacher guidance during these periods.


As the second-most widely spoken language in the world, Spanish numbers in excess of 400 million native speakers, and has official status in 21 countries, spanning South, Central and North America, as well as Africa and Europe.

The beginners’ course is grounded in culture and students gain an overview of the geography and culture of those countries and explore Latinx traditions and festivals. The linguistic focus centres on learning to communicate in a variety of situations through the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and, to a lesser degree, writing.

We study Spanish pronunciation and cover topics related to everyday life such as greetings and introductions, numbers and age, family and hobbies, and food and drink, so that our learners can communicate with young Spanish speakers around the world.


We emphasize learner-centered, project-based learning styles that encourage learners to explore and learn through hands-on explorations during their Vietnamese lessons Aurora. Learners are supported in developing all four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing through themed lessons in a friendly communicative and interactive environment. Our Vietnamese programme is supported by our teachers’ professional development sessions with local specialists to align our standards with those of the Ministry of Education and Training.

Throughout the year, learners practice speaking Vietnamese in a variety of contexts, including conversations, discussions, quizzes, and presentations. They familiarize themselves with appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and they learn to communicate effectively with others. Learners are encouraged to listen actively and attentively to spoken Vietnamese, including stories, poems, and conversations. They gain experience identifying key words and phrases and understanding the meaning of what is being said.

Learners are introduced to a range of Vietnamese texts for shared and independent reading, including stories, poems, and informational texts. They collaborate to read aloud or read to themselves with fluency and expression. In either case, a key goal is thorough and deep comprehension of what they are reading. In writing, learners shape Vietnamese characters and words, using a variety of materials and techniques. They also compose pieces of writing, using correct grammar and spelling to communicate clearly and effectively.


The Middle School Japanese programme is a continuation of the programme introduced in Prep and continued throughout Primary. The focus is on Japanese as a living language which has the purpose of self-expression and communication in a variety of situations. Learners continue learning the four key skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing, but in greater depth.

As the learners are more mature and possess significant prior knowledge, they are supported in expressing themselves in more complex and sophisticated ways both in their spoken and written Japanese. Knowledge of an increasing breadth of kanji and vocabulary supports this expression and also allows the Middle School Japanese learners to read more widely and research more independently. As with other areas of the curriculum, inquiry remains at the core of the learning and learners’ engagement is fostered by relevant themes and explorations of culture, history, geography and other fields of interest.



Physical Education and Health is structured around the four strands of the New Zealand Physical Education and Health Curriculum: Personal Health, Physical Development, Movement Concepts and Motor Skills, Relationships with Other People, Healthy Communities and Environments. The focus is on the well-being of the learners themselves, of other people, and of society through learning in health and movement related contexts. Physical Education aims to build confidence and capability through active involvement and participation. The guiding principles in Physical Education at Aurora International Middle School are built around:

Participation in sport and physical activity by learners provides positive benefits for the individual, the school and the community. Learners participate in both PE and swimming lessons each week.

Providing a variety of activities and opportunities which enable and encourage learners’ participation in the sporting life of the school – for example through sports day and extracurricular activities as well as core PE and swimming lessons.

Connecting physical health to mental and emotional health as part of a comprehensive wellbeing programme.

Curriculum Outline

The course is a selection of physical skills in aquatics (swimming), basketball, football (soccer), , badminton, dance and athletics. Throughout these physical activities, interpersonal skills, teamwork, leadership, game strategies and tactics, officiating, goal setting and responding to new challenges will be explicitly taught. Each unit lasts approximately 4-6 weeks.

During this time, learners are given the opportunity to learn or build on their sporting skills in a variety of contexts both familiar and unfamiliar. On occasion, we work with outside sporting organisations to provide further opportunities for learning.

In class PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) lessons, learners explore other aspects of physical health and wellbeing such as maintaining a balanced diet, developing healthy habits and sleep schedules, staying safe both on and offline, forming and maintaining healthy relationships, and how to navigate the changes and challenges of puberty.




Visual Arts are fundamental to all stages of learning at Aurora due to their ability to support learners’ communication, self-expression, and other aspects of their social and emotional development as well as their fine motor skills. In Middle School, learners build upon the broad foundation of approaches and materials they have encountered in Primary and begin to apply these in a more sophisticated and considered way.

The artistic process is still of crucial importance, but this begins to be applied towards the creation of pieces and learners begin to consider aspects like line, light, and composition in more intentional ways.

The learners develop their art appreciation through exposure to a wide variety of artforms from diverse cultures and time periods and are encouraged to discuss these critically and consider different aspects of each. Building their vocabulary and their awareness of artistic movements and prominent individuals and works allows them to participate in discussions in greater depth.


There are three broad types of Assessment:


This is summative assessment used for reporting. This type of assessment tells you what progress your child has made towards the learning objectives be they knowledge, skills or understanding based.


This is formative assessment used constantly by teachers to gauge where the children are at with their learning so that we can support them and inform future planning to meet their needs and follow their interests.


This is also formative assessment, but this actively involves the students in peer and self-assessment and reflection. This is where crucial metacognitive skills are developed.


We continue to issue mid-year and end of year reports to inform you about your child’s progress. We will also continue to share their digital portfolio with you at the end of the academic year so that you can look back with them on their learning journey.

We will also:

• Support the children in building their own portfolios of not only their artworks but also their writing and other project-learning. This will be used for all three assessment purposes outlined on the previous page.

• Provide the children with rubrics and success criteria for key pieces of work so that they can set goals and challenge themselves. These rubrics will be used by the children to plan and carry out their projects, and by their teachers to assess their learning and share their progress and next steps with you, so you can best support them on their learning journey. Throughout their time in middle school, the learners begin to develop these rubrics for themselves so that they are guiding and managing their projects and ensuring that their pieces of work are ones they can be proud of.


In Senior Primary and Middle School, we continue to send home a variety of texts for the children to read at home, although these will vary in length, subject and difficulty depending upon the individual learner’s abilities and interests.

In Middle School, the learners engage in long-term projects and portfolio curation. This means that we ask them to continue their work on these projects outside of the classroom, depending on the deadlines we have agreed together, the scope of the project they have planned, and their passion for the project. For example, they may be monitoring water usage and need to collect data from home, or they may be writing a play and need extra time to finish the script in time for rehearsals.

For some children, the teachers recognize that there are core knowledge or skills areas that would benefit from consolidation and practice beyond the classroom. This is particularly true for language learning as successful mastery or a second or additiona language is reliant upon daily practice. It may also be to support a learning goal that the learner has set with their teacher.


Because project-based learning is at the heart of Aurora philosophy, the children are supported in engaging with more complex and large-scale projects. An example of this is the Tet event at which the learners planned and ran a market, raising mone for a Vietnam-based educational organization.

To deepen their connections with the local community and broaden their horizons, we take meaningful excursions throughout the academic year, both short local visits and longer trips. These we plan to align with learner interests and support the learning taking place within the classroom.

Examples include visiting the science and history museums, conducting observations and research at the zoo, exploring a range of libraries around the city, and camping out overnight at school.

In the 2023-24 academic year, Aurora opened up a range of extracurricular activities to allow the learners greater choice for their explorations. These are run in partnership with trusted local providers with experience teaching learners in HCMC and have included judo, ballet, sewing and design, video game design, robotics, hip hop dance, chess, and Vietnamese games and crafts. We have sought learner and parent feedback on the programme and are looking to continue expanding it over the coming years.

“Learning is the key factor on which a new way of teaching should be based, becoming a complementary resource to the child and offering multiple options, suggestive ideas, and sources of support. Learning and teaching should not stand on opposite banks and just watch the river flow by; instead, they should embark together on a journey down the water. Through an active, reciprocal exchange, teaching can strengthen learning how to learn.“

Copyright © 2024 Aurora International School Of The Arts Spring Hill Education Vietnam, Primavera Aurora & The Common Ground Collaborative All rights reserved


11 - 11A - 13 - 15 Tran Ngoc Dien Street, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam +84 (028) 3744 2991 | |

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