Aurora | The Nutcracker

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of this edition. It made me want to travel and

Leticia defines the season as tiring, but very

live The Nutcracker around the world! Next, I

gratifying. “It’s a tough season, we’re always

share your enchanted stories.

playing several roles in the same show, but we are always very happy. The company gets

“We danced The Nutcracker at the end of the

into the Christmas spirit, we decorate our

year, and this ballet really carries all the magic

dressing rooms ... And, on December 24,

with it. Here, people dream of watching The

the Snowflakes throw glitter; we always do

Nutcracker on the 31st of December, as they

something different. It is very special!”

celebrate the “arrival” of Santa Claus on the 31st, since the Orthodoxs do not celebrate Christmas on the 24th. And, on the 31st, the tickets are sold at very high prices! A seat in the audience can reach about US$ 1,300! And do you know what is most impressive? It always runs out really fast!” - says Bruna, who says that Moscow changes during Christmas. - The whole city is decorated; some main streets are closed and with special programs for the people. At the Theater, we dance more than 20 shows!”

“Clara tells the story. The story is hers. She grows up and changes. The role has a little bit of everything: pas de deux, solo, a lot of acting, watching others on stage... It’s a role that really teaches us a lot.” LETICIA STOCK

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