UNITE Children & teens to change their world

Page 1

June 2021 Issue 1

The Hero in us sees the Hero in YOUth



Editor ’s Note

Hellooo and welcome to the very first issue of UNITE, the Aunua magazine! You will see everyday Heroes & Sheroes stepping up, speaking up and giving our world a level up! Here we have amazing youth sharing their stories about how they have impacted our Earth. Like many young people, I know that life can be complicated. I love it but that doesn’t mean there are not many challenges - we are all faced with them daily. I love helping others, as my Superpower is PERSPECTIVE – I simply see things differently to most and am not afraid to have others hear my voice. I enjoy the things that make me happy in life and do my best to keep positive. CHANGE often makes kids anxious, but I enjoy it; by taking control of the things that I can, it fulfils me and makes life easier. We want to inspire YOU to discover your best life and join us in making a difference. See how kids of all ages are helping in big ways or small. Here we do not wait, we GO for it and make things happen. Each magazine will feature amazing young people that are TV presenters, financial investors, bakers, fund raisers, leaders, and DREAMERS. Together we can see the Global Goals become a reality and change our future. So come and join us at Aunua; enjoy this issue and the rest to follow! Write to us, paint or draw a pic, tell us about your passions or projects and show us a window on your world!




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M u si c , a n im e , g a m in g , m o vi e s, b o o k s, c o o k in g , a rt , w ri ti n g , d ra m a , d a n c in g , d e c o r, p e ts , fr ie n d s, fa m il y, p la n ts , p h o to g ra p h y, c ra ft s. ..


P ai n ti n g , p ar ko u r, b o ar d in g , ae ri al si lk s, h ik in g , sw im m in g , en te rt ai n in g , tr av el , ex p lo ri n g , co lle ct in g




• Great story tellers... • Expressive and fair... • Can capture ideas... • Original style...

• Do you have a nose for news... • Are you curious & like action.. • Intelligent & bold • A media magnet


• Are you Creative... • Do you like all forms of art • Are you a keen Photographer

teens and tweens to join the Team... Working together to produce the Magazine for youth, by youth. Help us bring the voices and actions of young people around the world into the spotlight so we can

UN TE eripsnI


Aunua Youth are looking for unique

Unicef & UN Goals

Teens & Tweens


to change our Future Link with new like-minded friends and build this movement. You will have Mentors and media experts to help YOU expand your talents. Tell us your Powers and Passions to apply at the link below

To Apply: visit http://bit.ly/unitemag

s t n e t n o C

1. HELPERS - Note from the Editor 2. The Aunua magazine Team helpers


4. Aunua HEROES - meet Sanjana and Sahil the new TV presenters interviewing young change makers to spread their stories and passion about UN goals 6. ECO-Warriors - proving small actions can make a big difference! Like Renee, who is baking cinnamon buns and raising funds for education in Zimbabwe. 8. Eco Leaders, featuring a rising star Charline ‘the Duce’ Chikomo - a powerful voice in AFRICA 10. RECESS - take a break with a snack and fun activities • Yummy flapjacks fom Mackenzie in Cape Town • See if you can find the SDG’s in Wordsearch • Try a mind-shift with Perspective. • Quick and easy DIY crafts. 14. OUR World - youth contributions with poems, pictures and more. One youth challenge is Loneliness – getting out and back to nature for Mental Wellness. Remember to send in YOUR art and articles! 16. EVENTS - Start the magical STARDUST Adventure and discover YOUR superpowers like Jade (Front cover) and Calina who is finding how to live her Best Life. 18. Meet Entrepreneurs Luke, Benjamin and Alex, the CEO’s of RICHKIDS Global and learn how to invest in yourself to gain financial freedom. Take a chance to win prizes and join upcoming Events 20. SUPPORTERS - The amazing Aunua SUPPORTERS - our Master Mentors working behind the scenes to help empower youth. * Find the answers to Wordsearch and games here

Calling all readers to send us artwork, poems or articles, questions and special requests for YOUR favourite next feature…




V T a u n u A Sanjana Ambegaonkar

is the co-host of “Kids Changing the World”, and passionate about taking great strides in the direction of change for the world. She is the CEO and Co-founder of her own business, Pluto Collectives, and has authored a book called “The Art of Appreciation”. She is a featured author in the “Awaken Your Inner Hero” book, bringing her gifts and passions to chapter 2. She is passionate about changing the stigma around mental illnesses, and ensures that a portion of her profits from Pluto Collectives are donated to a mental health association. As she moves forward into university, she intends to continue raising awareness about mental health, while bringing a new perspective to the world of business.

Sahil Ambegaonkar

is the 10 year old co-host of the TV show “Kids Changing The World”. He loves playing the drums and has his own gaming YouTube channel, where he does game tutorials and reviews. His mighty mission is to achieve world peace and make the world a better place. He carries this peaceful nature when talking to peers, friends, and adults. In his future, Sahil intends to create solutions through inventions for a better future.




Season 1 will be hosted by Sahil (11) and Sanjana (17) Ambegaonkar. We'll be examining the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the role that kids and teenagers play in making strides towards change in our world.


Each episode will contain a special interview from someone educated in a particular goal. We will learn action steps from these experts towards each goal.


We love being on camera, but we have learned that it's okay to make mistakes! Throughout filming, we have had so much fun with silly bloopers!


The show will be available on Amazon Fire, with full access to each episode!

eco warriors

E c o -Wa r

1. What’s Your Name?

2. How Old Are you?

Renee McGeorge.

13 years old.

3. If you were an animal - Which animal would you be, and why? I would be a monkey. The reason I would be a monkey is because I have a lot of energy. Monkeys also have fun personalities and I feel that I have a nice personality. 4. What are your gifts (SuperPowers), and tell us how you like to use them to make a difference? I think that my gifts are that I am caring, thoughtful and inspirational. I use them by raising money for people in Zimbabwe who need food, clothes, education and a place to live. 5. If you could invite 3 of your Heroes on a Hero mission, who would they be and why? Jesus - He would be there to protect and guide us. My Nan - I have a special relationship with my nan. She encourages me a lot. She is a teacher and is really smart. She understands how kids of my age work and relates well to me. So she would know what to do if I got lost. Keegan - My brother because he would keep me safe when I need it and we get along very well (most of the time). 6. Share a quote you really like by someone famous and why do you like the quote? “If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never the goal.” Author Unknown. I really like this quote because it encourages me to not give up, always staying focused on the goals I have set is important. 7. What is your happiest memory? One of my happiest memories is when I was in Scotland when I was 10 I think and we went on a hike with my cousins from Australia. The trees were so thick (probably about 2 meters wide) and really tall, we played hide and seek behind the trees. We also built a big tepee that we played in for a really long time. It was really fun. 8. One word to describe you would be... Caring. 9. What advice would you give to grown-ups? Never quit , you can always help to make a difference. 10. What do you like to do for fun? Roller Blading with my brother.



e e n Re

11. Share a story about a funny time in your life. When my family was helping me make sticky buns for my business, my dad and I were kneading the dough and he was making jokes with me whilst we were working. It was really funny for some reason but can’t figure out why. It made the whole experience fun! 12. What’s your biggest wish for making the world a better place? My Biggest wish for making the world a better place is to make as many people as possible not go hungry anymore. 13. Which three of these Global Goals (SDGs) would you most like to help achieve? Goal 1: No Poverty, Goal 2: Zero Hunger, Goal 3: Quality Education.


eco warriors

eco leaders


Your Background Should Not Be The Reason Why You’re At The Back Being born in a low-income family or the so-called “unsuccessful” family is something no one can be blamed for, but living a mediocre life carries personal responsibility.


uman beings have not been given the privilege to choose a family to be born into. Had there been such an opportunity, families of the so-called successful would be the most overpopulated. However, I am glad that the Future is hidden in each and everyone in the form of a gift or a skill. Therefore, success is not a chair reserved for the sons and daughters of the rich by those that are ready to unleash and maximize their potential. The story would not have a good foundation if I could not butter it up with my own story, which I think exemplifies the subject above.

The life story of Charline Prazen Chikomo (the ‘Duce of Africa’) can never be explained exclusively from dropping out of school, homelessness, hunger and starvation, failing to afford education, or uniform to wear, hit by the reality of life, abandonment, and the pain of poverty, going to school with only three things with him: oversized trousers that would become a symbol of identification for a long time, a cream shirt rather than a white one that was required, and a big dream in his head that scares him every night. For many at that time, his appearance was a sight that caused laughter, just as bullying, rejection, and isolation became things that he would have to confront day by day. But with ideas in his head, a dream inside, and a purpose to drive him, he persevered through all that life had to offer him. Out of that laughter and mockery, isolation, and bullying, came a mountain of strength, courage, and motivation. At this moment, many would think the boy I am talking about is either Barack Obama or Abraham Lincoln, our president, or some member of the parliament. It is none of them. None of those you see on TV, but this same boy named Charline Prazen Chikomo. I can recall the days I used to settle for less and use my life as an excuse for not making it. I became so comfortable with failure because all I would do was blame everything on my background and other people that were not treating me well. I became satisfied with occasional, minor achievements like getting 14 units as my grade 7 results, though that was not even a pass. In 2014, however, I made a turnaround decision that my background is not the reason for me to be at the back or an excuse for failure, but rather the chief reason why I should be more uncompromising than anyone else. I managed to come out in the top ten for the first time, getting 7A’s and B’s at GCSE Ordinary level, and finally 20 points Advanced level with all the A’s. I also pushed myself and I found myself

in the Junior Parliament of Zimbabwe, pressing the agenda of the young people. Coming up amongst the highest, I established my organization DUCE LEADERSHIP INITIATIVE. This Organization aims to create a generation of highly impactful leaders by creating an educational platform that enables youth to discover, develop, and unleash their potential. I also opened the DUCE ACADEMY to help students who cannot afford access to education to get the opportunity and fundraising to meet their needs - not forgetting writing books to solve the shortage of textbooks in Zimbabwean schools. The truth of the matter is that no one wants to listen to the story of a person who is not successful, so we ought to be prosperous. We live in families that are not economically stable, which means many times things won’t be as rosy as we might want them to be, but that should not stop someone with an appointment with the Future. We ought not to forget that the loss of a battle does not signal the end of the war. Therefore, what our parents failed, we ought to overcome. If I did it, it means anyone can do it. Because of my background, none could ever imagine that one day I could become so motivational or found an organization that would give back to society like Duce Leadership Initiative or unleash his potential as an author. I hence highlight that the same story that I was mocked and isolated for… is now the one that is my Unique Value proposition, an opening for me, and a steppingstone for those that I impact towards vast opportunities.

m bec a I ʻ a

e areʼ w e s u

AUNUA Academy aims to provide and encourage life-changing experience for teens as they develop a stronger sense of self-awareness, self-care and compassion. We have partnered with Upcycle Africa and Belouga to drive sustainable initiatives to help the youth in Africa. In collaboration with Upcycle Africa and in support of environmentally friendly projects, plans are afoot to build a community youth centre/ outdoor eco-structure out of plastic bottles. We understand the symbiotic relationship and the importance of engaging with their school and community, we plan to launch an online mental health educational app for young people in Africa where the entire process of building this youth centre will be filmed and uploaded. With this, growing actionable intra and inter human connections across Africa.

Support |Encourage |Grow Support in preserving impactful culture. Encourage the improvement of problem solving. Grow upscaling community development. To learn more about our goals, visit aunuaacademy.com





h c r a e s d r Wo

(1) No Poverty (2) Zero Hunger (3) Good Health and Well-being (4) Quality Education (5) Gender Equality (6) Clean Water and Sanitation (7) Affordable and Clean Energy (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (10) Reducing Inequality (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities (12) Responsible Consumption and Production (13) Climate Action (14) Life Below Water (15) Life On Land (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (17) Partnerships for the Goals. (answers on page 22)





! kfast stack



i! My name is Mackenzie Fairbairn, I am 14 years old, and live in the beautiful city of Cape Town, South Africa. During the month of June, we celebrate Youth Day on the 16th here in SA – thinking about what that means in 2021, makes me realise what a privilege it is to come after so many whom have sacrificed so much for us. More so it makes me think of my family, my parents, my grandparents and it always makes me wonder what their youth was like. Mindful of how it has shaped me, shaping my future. I love my family. I live with my parents and my younger brother. What stands out most is the influence of my parents and grandparents on my life and how they’ve shaped my relationship with food. Baking, cooking or probably the best part… simply just eating! I’ve been baking with my dad for as long as I can remember – his influence comes from his mom. She made bridal wear and baked delicious cakes for weddings and parties as a hobby. Imagine that. Have you ever tasted milk tart? This was my best treat, especially on Sundays for afternoon tea. I use her sponge cake recipe to make birthday cakes for family and friends. Yet my all-time sweet treat is making Sunday morning flapjacks and serve them to my family while they’re still in bed. Covid-19 lockdown has forced us to adapt and change. My transition during this time was into cooking. Dad and Mom were working long hours, so I stepped in to cook our

Easy Flapjacks! (makes about a dozen)

(credit to my go-to recipe book by 18 year old Gourmand award winner ‘Cooking with Josh’ – insta @thirionjosh)


ta The test is in the

dinners. It took me back to times spent with my Ma in the kitchen when I was little. She always had me clean the carrots for carrot stew, sort the beans for the best bean curry. Mom and Dad have always grown their own vegetables and suddenly I appreciated our backyard garden so much. Their green fingers they inherited from my grandparents. Pandemics, recessions, they’ve been around for centuries, but a constant is how we source our food. During lockdown my Dad added a chicken coop to our garden and Mom added fruit trees including apple and naartjie trees (especially for me). So, whether it is the free range eggs to bake Gran’s sponge cakes or herbs and potatoes to add to Ma’s bean curry recipe, using fresh produce from our garden is a real treat. Food from all over the world intrigues me, I’m excited to learn about the heritage. I am currently exploring Asian food, more specifically Korean. To tell you the truth, it’s my love for K-Pop and watching Korean dramas that brings this on. In those episodes it’s as if you can really smell the delicious spicy flavours – I always want to rush out and order everything off a Korean restaurant menu, right there and then! We, the youth of today, are the future. Building a positive relationship with food is part of my future. I dream of perhaps building a career in the food industry. I am youth, I am the future. I am so blessed to be a part of the journey.

Whisk: I egg with ¼ cup (60ml) castor sugar Add: 75ml milk and 15ml oil, then mix well. Sift in: 1 cup (250ml) cake flour, 2 tsp (10ml) baking powder and ¼ tsp (1ml) salt. Stir in: slowly add another 75ml milk. Heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat and drop spoonfuls of the batter in, flipping once until golden on both sides. Serve with butter and honey/ jam/ fruit or dust with cinnamon and sugar and enjoy!



mindshift challeng


perspectiv #mind-sh e ift

Take a few pens, markers, crayons, or straws and lay them in the pattern below: 4-3-2-1 By moving only ONE can you reverse the pattern to run 1-2-3-4? (find the answer on page 22)

#lifehacks Piles of things are sent needlessly to landfills. Help the planet and see if you can...

Reduce… Re-use… Repurpose! Look out for unwanted or bargain pieces and use your imagination to reinvent them in a whole new way - like these CD racks that turned into marvellous storage solutions with no extra work (they could be painted funky colours if that fits your style)




You need:

Bowl, Scissors, Sieve, Spoon, Kitchen Towel, Tray And Cookie Cutters Water, Papers, ds Petals & Leaves (Optional), And See

Try these easy SEED papers to recycle those magazines, gift wrap and scrap paper and make lovely gifts at no cost!


• Shred or cut paper into small pieces • Cover with water and soak overnight *Try some natural colouring: Beetroot juice (pink / purple), Saffron spice (yellow) or add some coloured tissue paper • Spoon the paper pulp into a sieve - press well to drain • Place any shape cookie cutters on a tray and half fill with pulp. • Sprinkle with seeds of your choice • Cover with pulp and press down firmly • Decorate with natural bits (or glitter!) - optional • Dry well in the sun or by a heater (Can use a hairdryer)

Thinne r seeds o papers sprink n top m led wit h ake lov – just p ely gift unch a tags small with rib hole and tie bon

n s are best. You ca Fine, small seed d d salad leaves an choose herbs an s Paper Shape gift even give your 3D for growing… with a pot ready flowers that will …or buy a mix of the and butterflies to attract the bees them too! garden and help

OUR World


loneliness Thoughts by Tyla-Lee Mattei (11) When I was 9 years old, I moved to London. I had to leave my whole life behind; my friends, family and my home country South Africa. I felt really sad. Even anger started pushing its way through. Everything had changed; the people, my school and the choices I had to make in my life. There were so many awesome opportunities and experiences but a lot of the time I felt like I just didn’t fit in. Although I met very special people here… often I was LONELY. No matter your age, LONELINESS can affect you in many ways. It has been two years since that time and I have just started senior school. Plenty of times I have been asked the same question “What do you like doing?” Well, that is complicated, seeing as I like to do a LOT of things! I try to be friendly and meet wonderful new friends, but I also like my own company and spending time on my own. I am very positive about where my life is going, I’ve set high standards for my future and hope to achieve my goals! What is my secret? This is what I believe, so try it and I hope it helps you too. You have to get out! Leave your room, your house, or maybe friends who don’t let you be who you truly are… You won’t find new places until you step out your door. Try new things. To express my emotions, I found things I enjoyed like drama and art. I joined clubs, tried a new sport, read books, started hobbies like crafts, cooking, baking and gardening. It was exciting redesigning my space. I have fun with kids that share my passions. Life doesn’t seem that empty after all.

Watch your thoughts. When things are bad, I love putting on music. Find someone that will listen to what’s on your mind. Appreciate all the good things that are happening. Let people in. (Did you know there are 7.7 billion people in the world!) Helping others makes me happy. I puppysit for our friends which is great for us both. Pets are like magic, they’re always there when I want to talk out what I’m feeling in my heart and they make me laugh.

Recharge. When negative energy affects you, things can overwhelm you. They aren’t as scary as they seem when you are grumpy or tired. By eating and sleeping correctly, you can see the world in a whole new perspective. Bad choices can leave you anxious and isolated. Maybe you are depressed and you don’t feel supported by the people around you. Sometimes things happen and people can do or say things that hurt. The one thing I’d tell you is to try hard and make changes.

Don’t choose to STAY lonely.

“A season of loneliness and isolation is when the caterpillar gets its wings. Remember that next time you feel alone.” - Mandy Hale

our world OUR World


Take Notice Lift your eyes up from that screen, look at the world and how it’s so green. See all the people you know, Try watching the flowers as they grow. Watch the smiling sun shine down to you, Listen to the cows go moo. That screen of yours may be entertaining but the world around you is more engaging. - Sophia Murray (13)



The Stardust Adventure …a staircase to space, finding your greatness one step at a time.

Are you ready to find YOUR Hero? Erin is calling Everyone – to go on an Expedition to outer space and climb a stairway to the stars. It’s as easy as A,B,C so let’s start the Adventure! Do you know who you Are? Finding YOUR Hero will take…







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AT T I T U D E .

find i

... ake

our hero will y t ng

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d d y, Er in w ill m ee t Te Al on g th e w a y, th ey er th st er a nd to ge O liv er a nd M on er, ow -P co ve r he r Su p er w ill he lp he r d is ss io n. pu rp os e a nd p a nd er e a re ge m s a D id yo u kn ow th si d e yo u to o? ge ni us hi d d en in

re m u c h rd u s t, w e a ta s f o e d d b u rn “ B e in g m a it h li g h t a n w e in h s e W li ke a s ta r. fi re … w it h in n e r because e e n e rg y id ts u o d e e We d o n ’t n e rg y ”. w e a re e n H A ZR A PA R A M IT A

N O R T H S T A R - fi n d y ou r W h y a n d y ou r W a y .

O nl y w he n yo u tra ve l hi gh en ou gh ca n yo u sh ift pe rs pe ct iv e, se e a hi gh er vi ew of th e w or ld as on e w ith Un iv er se - to ex pa nd yo ur aw ar en es s an d un de rs ta nd w e ar e al l co nn ec te d. G et aw ay fa r en ou gh to m ov e aw ay fro m a na rr ow vi si on of yo ur si tu at io n an d pr ob le m s to se ek an d se e so lu tio ns . Ri se ab ov e an d fin d yo ur ow n m is si on – th is is a ca ll to ac tio n! To re al iz e th e on e th in g YO U ca n do to im pa ct th e pl an et.

Master mentor


E v e ry a d v e n tu re n e eds G ro u n d C o n tr o l to g u id e and k e e p th e m is s io n o n tr ack.

Sy lvia Tam

Rich Mullens

Coming soon… Don’t miss the next issue when you take the leap to meet Teddy - Sharing Life tips and tools to behaviour and becoming your Best self. On this dog’s planet you will find a magic key - your own wise spirit animal and Hero habit

Tammy Vallieres



• How do we help kids step into their best life and live each day with no regrets?

s t n e r a p t a h W aying… are s

• How do we encourage them to DREAM BIG, DISCOVER their unique gifts and talents and move towards the DESIRES of their heart? • How do we help them connect with and live life as their TRUE AUTHENTIC self ? Aunua Heroes is here to help YOUth create a Conscious COMPASSionate Crew in homes, schools, communities, and the World. When you expect the best – the best shows up! Sign up for a global virtual camp - each event is an entertaining, educational, inter-active and magical experience for youth of all ages and their mentors.

Reid Lucier (Superdad to Jade – (this issue front cover) My daughter and I had the pleasure to join in the Stardust Kids camp. My daughter being the youngest participant in the club (she just turned 6) I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’m happy to report she had a great time! Highlights that she really enjoyed were finding out her spirit animal as a dolphin, discovering her superhero and superpowers, striking super fun action hero poses, drawing herself as a hero and choosing affirmations to build her self-confidence. I personally really enjoyed the breakout rooms. We got to chat with the kids, see their amazing drawings and hear about their heroes and superpowers (right up my alley). Their talent, motivation and intelligence of these kids is truly remarkable. I was amazed at their power point presentations and their goals of making a difference. The instructors Tammy Vallieres, Rich Mullens and Sylvia Tam were amazing with all the kids. The camp was packed with videos, songs, experiences, activities. Watching the kids step into their hero is such a great experience. Thank you all so much for the camp, you do have something special here.

Finding your best life with Stardust camp…

Calina Osman (12 - Lebanon).

The Stardust camp was honestly great, it was awesome. It taught me so much and helped me to gain confidence and to get to know myself better. And learn where my strengths are and even my weaker points, where I should work on more. I even found my spirit animal which I had never thought about! I got Cat and when I researched it, I realised we had so many common characteristics - I am adventurous, mischievous and I’m awesome! I really thank this Hero camp for helping me believe in myself. We talked about “I am”- I am peace, I am love, I am awesome. Just believe in yourself then you can achieve anything you want. Since I joined Aunua Camp I am getting inspired every day and I want to tell everyone – the change begins with YOU.

There’s a new kind of hero on the planet today and it’s YOUth!



Rich Kids Global

The Rich Kids Global journey kicked off in May with the launch summit! With amazing speakers, all attendees came away with a new understanding of what it means to be a kidpreneur. Now, the three Rich Kids Global founders; Alex, 13; Ben, 14; and Luke, 16, are focusing on the Young Entrepreneur Book Club, where members will be introduced into the wide world of non-fiction entrepreneur literature. With a monthly book box, workbooks, and online discussions, all members will learn to love learning! Kids can reserve a membership at books.richkids.global.

Rich Kids Global Presents

How to enter: e-mail your business idea to Luke@richkids.global

Brendan Forwood


Yellow Lantern


DRAW ATATMIDNIGHT ONON THETHE 1ST1ST AUGUST DRAWCLOSES CLOSES MIDNIGHT JULY 2021 2021 WWW.RICHKIDS.GLOBAL Helping young people to become RICH in knowledge, purpose & passion

Limited Edition RKG Hat





Luke, Ben & Alex met while developing their business ideas and winning a young entrepreneurs academy award. They each won 1st place in their respective competitions. After realising the potential of a global partnership, they agreed to create a joint venture organisation called Rich Kids Global with a mission to provide tools and resources to enable kids just like them to level-up for their success. The young entrepreneurs realised that they were not going to reach their goals working for someone else so they decided to create a future for themselves by starting their own business that helps and inspires other kids to do the same. “Over the years we have been involved in many different business ventures and our success is mainly down to growing our network and working with mentors. We meet lots of kids just like us who are looking for resources and a network to help them succeed. With Rich Kids Global, any kid around the world who has access to the internet can have all the resources they’ll ever need!” We look forward to celebrating your success! Alex, Ben & Luke



Aunua Mentors and Supporters

Aunua Academy has a dream – to reach and empower one million youth so they can change their World! Our teachers, trainers, parents and school facilitators teach from their own hero / higher self and lead by example, supporting young people and empowering them to:

• Live their best life • Use their hearts and minds to discover their talents, passions, purpose and personality from a young age with guidance and tools • Impact their own lives and others to seek greater purpose and meaning • Tap into their superpowers to create positive change in their lives, homes and communities • Address the 17 global goals

Rich Mullens: Rich is a father to a 16 year old serial entrepreneur and a 12 year old baker. He has led organisations on 4 continents, co-founded a not for profit serving the poor of Zimbabwe and serves as a hero, mentor, Flow consultant and Genius educator for young people.

Karina Murray: Karina is the founder of AUNUA, however her greatest badge of honor is as a mother to her two wonderful children. She is a humanitarian with a compassionate heart and one that wants to see peace and justice for every child on the planet. Her purpose is to shine a light on others so they can step into their hero.

Tammy Vallieres: Tammy is The Hero Intelligence Teacher. Her superpower is transforming classroom learning environments into conscious, co-operative, caring communities. She is passionate about quality education and helping every child become the best that they can be through mentorship programs that are engaging, educational and empowering. Tammy’s mission is to awaken the inner hero in both adults and children, so they can make a powerful impact in the world.

Charmain Betts: Charmain is a thought leader, educational facilitator, content creator and motivational mentor for women and youth empowerment. She is a Flow consultant for GeniusU Talent Dynamics, and Co-Founder of NeXt Dynamics - invested in Future fit training that will equip anyone to discover their YOUnique vision, talents and co-mission.

Pattern 4321 becomes 1234

Activity answers

Poverty Hunger Health Education Gender Water Energy Economic Industry

Inequality Sustainable Consumption Climate Below Water Life On Land Peace Partnerships



Magazine design and layout

Abby Davey


Louise Davey

A creative sister duo looking to change the world with their digital marketing and design agency.

Front cover image

Reid Lucier - Komic Kidz r l u c i e r p h o t o g r a p h y. c o m


Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.