self employment ideas in tamil...

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self employment ideas in tamil As a small business consultant, I am often approached by people who have an idea for a business and want my thoughts on if it is a good idea or not. I find that I give those people the same advice almost regardless of what their idea is or who they are. In a nutshell I tell them "I'm sure your idea is fine. The questions you should be asking yourself is how will you make your business successful and are you the person to do it?" own business ideas in tamilnadu So, let's break down that bit of advice into its component parts. There are three: Your idea, your strategy, and you. Your Idea In a world seemingly busting at the seams with both good and bad ideas, how does yours rate? Many first time entrepreneurs feel that finding the right idea is similar to a quest for the Holy Grail. It is not. My favorite example of this comes from the movie "Office Space" where the idea of the Pet Rock is discussed, "Sure it was [a good idea]. The guy made a million dollars." Funny, perhaps, but probably not far from the truth. Gary Dahl, the inventor of Pet Rocks, did make money selling Pet Rocks and even sold the rights to Pet Rocks as recently as 2009. Arguably an awful idea, Pet Rocks actually had a lot of quirky charm as the marketing around them was filled with puns and play on words. And, it was this, not the sale of rocks at incredible markups, which netted Dahl his profits. The point is, ideas, in and of themselves, rarely have much value one way or another. It is nearly impossible to say one is good while another is bad. We all have that friend who shouts from their couch at commercials that the product is stupid, or that they thought of it years ago. What is the difference between them and the person who is making all that money selling those products and/or services? Effort. So, when considering a business idea, simply ask yourself if you are a reasonable and intelligent person who is capable of coming up with a sound business idea. If the answer is "yes" then you have what may be a successful business idea, regardless if it is a good or bad one.

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