Santo Coyote

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Digital Magazine

Miguel Monroy Díaz ceo santo coyote



The best host in Guadalajara









- By Joan Passolas Farrerons – General Secretary of the World Association of Tourist Formation (amfort) and Former vicepresident of Affiliate Members of The United Nations World Tourism Organization (unwto) and Ambassador of conpeht. -

Mexico is the world’s king of the concept “culture-nature” because of its natural resources, which allow it to host lush vegetation and animals such as the monarch butterfly, the white pelican, flamingos, and whales, among others. Mexico’s history and territory host nearly 67,000 archaeological areas and remains, from which 49,848 are registered in the Unique System of Register of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (inah by its Spanish acronym), that are an essential part of our cultural heritage. New places and remains are constantly been discovered, but only 187 are open to tourism.

On the other hand, the warm treatment that visitors have in the services of lodging and hotels, the gastronomical diversity and the cultural syncretism are the great attractive and potentialities that our country offers to the international tourism. For the first time, the main economic driving force of Mexico is not the hydrocarbons industry, but the tourism industry, since it is through this sector that the economic and social potential becomes more dynamic.

development policies, promotion and prevention that in a long term will create belonging and give consistency to the social substrate. This is how imagination and the abilities to put ideas into practice have become decisive elements to promote investments and economic development in our country and the world.

In this context, current public programs such as “Mover a Mexico” look for a balance of visits to the different destinations by promoting arrivals between the domestic and international tourism according to the attractions, quality and distinction that characterize them from the markets’ point of view.

We also have to take into account the media. Since the mass media is part of an industry, it has defined interests in the economic sector from which it comes; this is why the information provided has a significant effect in the perception of the public. The parameters of globalization force the comparison of information to make an adequate criteria that points out the events without denominations or clarifications that can affect the image of a country.

In this sense, the Mexican business sector bets for the training and the constant search of the country’s growth, therefore the government must act in accordance and choose the learning, the historical introspection and the creation of public

Taking into account the global economical and financial situation, it is necessary for Mexico to diversify and to look for new markets in favorable or emerging areas in economic growth, such as Colombia, Chile and Peru, or areas with great

index of expansion such as China, India and the Middle East. Nonetheless, in spite of the constant warnings that the United States government emits for our country, the American market is and will continue to be the main tourist market of Mexico due to its proximity to our country, its average expenses in the sector and the love that its citizens have for our land. Currently the human being looks for natural, ethnic and cultural diversity, this is why it is necessary to legislate and act in a way that the different destinations can be differentiated by its characteristics. We also have to consider the projection to the world as a safe country and change the perception of the world, taking into account the influence of our neighbor countries, and look for solutions in their policies that can help to this change. With these changes, Mexico will feel proud of being what it is; it will grow in coherence and assure that its citizens are recognized throughout the world.



Joan Passolas


he role of Mexico and its influence in the world’s outlook of tourism.

P. 04

cONSULADO MEXICANO EN SAN DIEGO Commitment and solutions in the busiest transnational area in the world.

P. 28

Jorge Ferrari

Redefining the productive force of Mexico. P. 20

Section leaders Luis Aguirre Lang

Ofelia Gamboa Noriega

Rodolfo Guadalajara

Dagoberto García

Mexico in the international business structure.

Culture: an opportunity of success for young people.

Building the most advanced network of public transport.

Health as the key element in investment and economic development.

P. 26

P. 60

P. 70

P. 76




International Astronautical Congress - IAC 2016

Guadalajara: Host of the most important astronautical meeting in the world.

P. 36

grupo auge

María Eugenia Jiménez Zaragoza president grupo Auge

Alejandro de León Jiménez general director

Montserrat León Partida public relations

María Eugenia Jiménez Zaragoza executive director

Lorena Acosta Banda general assistant

David Carrillo Armas, Aram Alejandro Mena editorial staff


David Carrillo, Lylyana Avilés

Preservation of the mexican identity.

Isabel Trigo Ramírez, Patricia Flores Ozuna

Magic Towns P. 46

estyle correctors


Lylyana Avilés, David Carrillo Armas, Nelson León, Rick Alaniz, Arturo Cervantes Galván multimedia and graphic design

Lylyana Avilés, David Carrillo Armas editorial design, copy editing and layout

Rick Alaniz, Héctor de la Torre photography



From language to imagination.

P. 62

Lylyana Avilés photo editiing

Erika Karina García Padilla translator

Arturo Cervantes Galván digital platform

Nelson León, David Carrillo Armas, Lylyana Avilés Community manager

Ricardo de León Jiménez comptroller

Mara Marcela Venegas Mercado accounting advice



Driving force of the Mexican economy.

P. 74



The perfect combination of Jalisco.

P. 80

Óscar Jiménez Zaragoza administrator

Mtro. Arturo Martín Pérez Díaz Collaborators

Ana Laura Ruelas Zaragoza Becario

Auge de México is Business Promotion and Auge publication s. a. de c. v. with the reservation of the exclusive use of the title Jalisco: Auge de México, 03201203131255450001 date September 13, 2013. Issued by the Dirección General de Derechos de Autor. Certificate of title and content is in process. Any reproduction, total or partial, by any process whatsoever, nor electronic, mechanic, photographic or recorded, without the express authorization of the editorial, is prohibited. Fomento y Auge Empresarial S.A. de C.V. is not responsible for incurring in any involuntary errors or mistakes made in the information of this issue. © D. R. Fomento y Auge Empresarial S. A. de C. V. Av. Novelistas 5137 Col. Jardines Vallarta 45027, Zapopan, Jalisco +52 (33) 3673 2001 +52 (33) 3944 4006 Auge de México - Digital Magazine Hecho en México




AMPI - GDL. Culture and constant professionalization for the real estate sector. P. 54

People in Auge. Business events of great importance. P. 94

Ghardí Vila. Endorsement and security in global consultancy and international trials. P. 72

Editorial letter. P. 10


Corporate evolution. One step further in the conquer of the international market. By César de Anda P. 12 From the orbiters of nasa to the colonization of Mars. By Rodolfo Neri Vela P. 14 Healthy life. Knowledge and order for a balanced health. By Ignacio Regla P. 16


APRO. IPromoting Mexico with innovation in human talent. P. 30 AMCHAM: Trade&Invest Center. New business opportunities for the bilateral relationship of Mexico and The United States. P. 30 AP & ALZATI. Trust and protection of the industrial and intellectual heritage of Mexico. P. 34 REVKO. Strengthening the Mexican production of technology accessories. P. 38 VIII Business Development Conference. Activate the greatness of your business. P. 42 Santo Coyote. The best host. P. 48 GP Logistics. Conquering the management of logistics at international level. P. 52

Hospital Lomas Providencia. Leader in comprehensive gynecology and short stay surgeries. P. 78 BambúOrganik. The power of turning an idea to a company for the benefit of the mexican family. P. 84 Fit as Well - Healthy ecosystems. Solutions for a healthy life style based on information and communication technology (ict). P. 86 Natura Bio Foods. Conquering the retail market with high nutritional value processed foods. P. 92


ConAgra. Investments on shared lands. P. 40


Yelapa. Inspiration and delight. P. 56


CECUT: 34 years promoting culture in Tijuana. P. 64 Alvaro Cuevas. Creating an art industry in Mexico. P. 68


Personalized Medicine. A reality in prevention. P. 82 Peace, hope and healing. The spiritual health in the comprehensive well-being. P. 88

editorial board

María Eugenia Jiménez Zaragoza president grupo auge

Alejandro de León Jiménez

general director

Raúl Padilla López

president of fundación universidad de guadalajara a. c.

Juan Rafael Mejorada Flores

general coordinator of business competitiveness, secretaría de desarrollo económico de jalisco

Dr. Héctor Enrique Salgado Rodríguez general director of the instituto tecnológico superior de zapopan

Dr. Bernardino Castillo Toledo

director of cinvestav campus guadalajara

José García Macías

general director of corporative macías dueñas

Patricia Flores Ozuna journalist


MEXICO: INTERNATIONAL REACH IN AUGE María Eugenia Jiménez Zaragoza, President Grupo Auge.

The significant investments in telecommunications and infrastructure for the global mobility, the constant efforts to create agreements and a better understanding among countries and the generalized diversification of the consumers’ taste in the world are a few of the rich opportunities that the world offers us to promote a new economic development based in the international community. It is my pleasure to present the new edition of the magazine Auge de México. This edition shares the current outlook of foreign trade, the importance of making our country a great place to work and several micro and macroeconomic benefits that the international commercial opening entails and that influences the daily life of Mexicans in a positive way. I am honored to present Jorge Ferrari, president of Great Place to Work Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and China, a man whose efforts to make the country a great place to work have guided him towards the transformation of the work environment with the involvement of every generation to actively participate in the productive workforce of the country. My sincere thanks to Joan Passolas, General Secretary of the World Association of Tourist Formation (amfort) and Former vice-president of the Affiliate Members of The United Nations

World Tourism Organization (unwto); Marcela Celorio, General Consul in San Diego; César de Anda, President of International Egg Commission (iec); Rodolfo Guadalajara, General Director siteur; Dagoberto García, Director of coprisjal; Ofelia Cano, Secretary of Culture of pri Jalisco; Rodolfo Neri, First Mexican Astronaut; and Ignacio Regla, General Director of Centro Naturista «Instituto de Vida Sana y Mundo Natural», for their magnificent words that help us discover new experiences, knowledge, trends and proposals that offer diversity to the country in the areas of tourism, business, culture, infrastructure, health and technology. On the other hand, I want to share my will for the prevention and care for every illness created by chaos, instability and stress that are present within the urban areas of the country. I strongly believe that it is very important to take actions and change habits with the goal of dabbling in and rule a healthy life style where the physical, mental and spiritual aspects can be balanced in order to live better. Without furthermore, I would like to urge every Mexican to join to the display of the wealth of our country and show its value as the ideal destination for investment and foreign trade.




ONE STEP FURTHER IN THE CONQUER OF THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET - By César de Anda, CEO Innova Alimentos and president of the International Egg Commission (IEC). -

With a professional career that has given me the chance of representing Mexico in different international organisms and institutions, it was my pleasure to be one of the main presenters in the VI Summit of Entrepreneurs of The American Chamber, where I had the honor of improving the country’s reputation regarding the quality of the infrastructure, its many different physiographic virtues, the strengths in its domestic market and its main driving force: its people.



Currently, as president of the biggest poultry organization in the world, I have been allowed to know Mexico through a different perspective, and I must admit that the palliative for the exclusion and instability of public programs in the long term is the search and establishment of sustainable exportation markets, and, mostly, the social responsibility in every dimension. This social responsibility must involve and achieve the cooperation, commitment and understanding between universities, entrepreneur, citizens, public administrations and civil organizations, in a way that all voices converge in strategies that allow to fight against the causes that tie to poverty or those or those that seem to carry on with the vision that links this country with insecurity and gender inequality.


Thus, many times, the minorities are the economic base in Mexico, and, therefore, we have the duty of assuring the social, political and economic visibility to show the country’s commitment in the respect of human rights, the economic development of the people, the human and animal welfare, as well as the protection of the environment and public health at national and international level. A way of ensuring this is taking risks through the constant motivation and promotion of the national identity based in leadership, creativity, equity, and social union. This way, Mexico will encourage its involvement in foreign trade, and we will be able to show our country as a true committed and active international actor.



FROM THE ORBITERS OF NASA TO THE COLONIZATION OF MARS - By Rodolfo Neri Vela, First Mexican Astronaut. -

The destiny of humankind is to explore the universe and, if possible, to colonize it. It still sounds like science fiction, or maybe pride or even a useless and unnecessary goal, but the reality of history, from the primitive man to modern age, is that curiosity, desire of conquest, trade and the search for knowledge and for a better quality of life goes beyond our Earth.



In spite of the possibility of existence of some kind of microbial life or another kind of life –that is completely strange to us- in places like Jupiter’s Europa moon or Saturn’s Titan moon, in our solar system there aren’t many options for humans to live. Until now, the only relatively close place to set up a camp is Mars. It won’t be easy because it is very cold, its atmosphere is slightly dense and unbreathable, its pressure is very low and radiation is very high, also, meteorites have a great attraction towards the planet. The Moon of the Earth will be just a transit point and a place for short stays, many of which will be for scientific research in astronomy and tourist visits. Who wouldn’t want to see the Earth from the Moon’s surface and then come back to their houses with a one week tour plan? NASA’s Space Shuttle


Program operated for 30 years. It sent satellites, telescopes and hundreds of astronauts from different countries in the Low Earth’s Orbit with 135 missions in the Earth’s orbit. Currently we have the International Space Station –which also moves around in orbit around the Earth, to an altitude that is very similar to the Atlantis, Endeavour and Discovery ships altitudes. These space ships are currently in exhibition in the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Los Angeles and Washington D.C. respectively. I recommend you to pack your backs!




KNOWLEDGE AND ORDER FOR A BALANCED HEALTH - By Dr. J. Ignacio Vázquez, general director of Naturist Center “Instituto de Vida Sana y Mundo Natural”. -

The goal of living a healthy life is to avoid the pain from the “prevention” of health; this is achieved through a correct nutrition (tropholy); the use of natural elements (air, water, earth and sun), and a positive thinking and attitude. Health can’t be bought, it is obtained thanks to the good habits that a person has. We have to acknowledge that from the professional world, the concept of “taking care of your health” has focused on hospital infrastructure, new generation medicines and a greater number of specialties, but, it should focus on an initiative that truly proposes the education of taking care of your health in order to prevent or avoid an illness.



In Instituto de Vida Sana y Mundo Natural our guide is Hippocrates (460-370 b.c.) and Galeno (130-216 a.d.), Gr eek do c t o r s t hat st at ed: “Nat ur e is in charge of healing”. This is why the path to a healthy life is to bet for the preventive medicine and the teaching of knowledge of tropholy: properties of water, air, earth and sun; the electromagnetic power of natural food, the thought and the spoken word. We should also emphasize the correction of disinformation that promotes the consumption of foods that lack the vital or electromagnetic energy, which are the creators of the functional imbalance and poisoning of the vital organs of the body. The rational nutrition, herbalist and hydrotherapy efficiently help us for the treatment of chronic constipation, cancer, diabetes, hypertension and overweight, among other ailments. In the naturist centre, the main focus is the detoxification of the main excretory organs of the body, such as lungs, kidneys, liver, intestine, skin and the


lymphatic system; although previously they have never been a focal point in the traditional treatments. This detox consists in the stimulation of these vital organs in order to promote the disposal of poisonous toxins and bad temperaments. It is done through natural therapies that respect the integrity of the human being from a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual vision. This is achieved through a broad range of therapies of natural or complementary medicine, such as Herbalists, Homeopathy, Floral therapy, Reiki, Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, Massage therapy, Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Clinical hypnosis, among others. The secret for a healthy life, expressed from ancient times, is to “take care of your health, not your illness”.






His vision is to make Latin America a great place to work, his work method is to inspire and promote changes to improve the work environment of the Latin companies. Following the legacy of Robert Levering and beginning operations in Mexico since 2001, Great Place to Work® develops the ranking of The Best Companies to Work for® in 50 countries. Its methodology is based on a survey that makes a diagnosis of the capacity of each company to offer a good workplace, and it also offers an award for those companies that achieve the highest results. In exclusive for Auge de México, Jorge Ferrari, president of Great Place to Work Mexico®, Central America, The Caribbean and China, shared his perspective of the current work environment, that where three generations converge: Baby Boomers, Generation X and the millennials.

In the last few years, the term millennial has invaded the popular culture. How does Jorge Ferrari define the generation that has changed the social, economic and industrial outlook in the world? Even though there isn’t an exact segmentation of generations, people born between 1981 and 1997 are usually referred to as millennials or Generation Y. Currently, these young people are between the ages of 18 and 36, which were deeply influence by the change of millennium. They are a portion of the population with features and demands that have contributed to a change in paradigms in the work sphere and that pose an important challenge to the corporate world. Beyond the trend that they enjoy, millennials constitute a phenomenon that encourages leaders and organizations to modify the work styles, structures and institutional initiatives to adapt to a new era where change is inevitable. They are a generation that is starting to rapidly climb positions in the companies by their distinctive characteristics that give a boost for development.

How do they influence in the work environment of Mexico? The current work environment actively gathers three generations (Baby Boomers, Generation X and Millennials). This environment demands adaptation, change, and, without a doubt, an open mind. In other words, it demands a different way of looking and talking inside and outside the organization. Our job/work in Great Place To Work® is to offer specialized solutions to act as an ally in the creation of initiatives for the selection and retention of young talent in order to capitalize their influence level and encourage their digital and technological skills. What does the young talent represent for companies? According to data from the inegi, the millennials represent the one fourth of the Mexican population, this is, nearly 30 million people. In the next decade, they will be the 75% of the workforce; therefore, it is vital to promote an adaptation process for the new individuals that carry with them a new life style and a new cultural and professional perspective.





“Organizations don’t require a complete transformation, but only the adaptation of new individuals to create one team and to offer different benefits to the undeniable trend of diversity and work inclusion.”

What actions must an entrepreneur carry out to capitalize talent and the skills of the Generation Y?


A generation that demands challenges, clear opportunities for a quick development, comfortable schedules and spaces to work with more freedom and the listening and opening for their new ideas.

Knowing the wishes of the Mexican millennials represents an extremely useful tool to understand their potential and take advantage of it. This will also allow the creation of synergies among the generations that work together in their work places. Great Place To Work supports enterprises in the transformation of the organization culture by easing the procedures of change; preparing the leaders to encourage, integrate and recognize their collaborators. This is how we create inclusive, fair and equal companies that generate micro atmospheres of trust, warmth and friendship to contribute to the business goals. What does the millennial talent demand to the hiring enterprises and companies? Retos, oportunidades claras de pronto desarrollo, Challenges, clear opportunities of a quick development, comfortable schedules and spaces to work with more freedom.

In addition, a significant aspect to consider is that organization and leader must open their minds and be receptive to hear and integrate the new ideas of young talent. If millennials feel listened, understood and see a clear opening of leaders, they will be willing and able to create approach and participation in the work organization. Organizations don’t require a complete transformation, but only an adaptation to the new individuals. This translates into spaces where the synergy of the previous and new generations can be possible to create just one team and to offer different benefits to the undeniable trend of diversity and work inclusion. If the labor supply wishes to enjoy the strengths of the millennials, it must find the adequate language to talk to them in a direct form. Initiatives and actions that allow the opening of their companies in a more attractive way have been made in every subject to keep the talent.





PROMOTING MEXICO WITH INNOVATION IN HUMAN TALENT An enterprise’s growth is linked to its internal power, this means, to the human talent that develops the strengths of every industry and turns it into the consolidation of the country’s economic development. In addition to its offer of solutions in the area of human resources, APRO is a benchmark of innovation and vanguard thanks to the perfection of its processes, which are the ideal connection between the Mexican talent and the world.




Innovation is part of apro’s structure. With the premise of “innovate or die”, the company has stood out for the transformation in its different processes and the leadership in the implementation of digital tools, work environment and selection processes to offer personalized solutions for each company.



Supporting the Mexican talent Currently, the collaboration between companies and institutions is not only limited to borders or distance. The so called “global village” has become a favorable outlook for the companies that support talent no matter their origin. apro has established a strategy in a new business model that characterizes for the creation of job connections between big international companies and Mexican talent, granting life opportunities that involve a better work environment, economic development for both parties and an outstanding life style. Moreover, through the advanced technology of information and communication, as well as apps and web platforms accessible from any mobile or desk device, apro connects experts from any place of the world with local companies and vice versa. apro is at the forefront in the offer of this kind

of professional opportunities in the country, both for companies and the collaborator, since it participates in commercial and work-related projects anywhere in the world. apro is the perfect strategic partner for the companies that want to go beyond the productive environment. apro is a company in Auge.


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-Luis Alonso Aguirre Lang, Vicepresidente of Confederación de Cámaras Industriales (concamin) and President of Comisión de Encadenamiento Productivo y Desarrollo de Proveeduría Nacional index, (Consejo Nacional de la Industria Maquiladora y Manufacturera de Exportación). -


The export sector is a key element in the industrial life of the country due to its economic weight because it represents 80% of exports in terms of manufacture, creating more than 2 million direct jobs and 7 million indirect jobs. This is translated into a rich offer of trained workforce with benefits that develop into its diversification in different areas such as automotive, aerospace, medical, electronic, textile, manufacture, agro industrial, food, and telecommunications, metal and plastic among others.

It is worth mentioning that among the economic units of this sector, the companies that have decided to include the program immex (Industria Manufacturera Maquiladora y de Servicio de Exportación) reach only 1% of the total; however, they contribute with more than $40 of the total economic income in wages, benefits and volumes by invoices and sells.

Nonetheless, the challenges that we must overcome to reach a complete incorporation to the exporting market continue to be the financing, certifications and consultancy as a prototype for the construction of molds, dies, and tools to create the required samples to obtain approval and to establish our country as provider in the chain of supply.

These characteristics have been constituted by the human talent that forms this sector, which stands out for its high specialization, constant innovation and, mostly, because it is organized under a scheme that includes productive, ecological and social responsibility processes. The industrial sector also looks for the constant training to continue obtaining national and international certifications.

To achieve this establishment, a group that comprises the entire national industry has been formed. Some of the institutions and companies that are part of it are concamin, index, Consejo de Empresas Globales, canieti, cce (Consejo Coordinador Empresarial), Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finances, NAFIN, and ProMéxico, among other institutions of the Federal Government, with the goal of creating programs of specific supports to integrate the Mexican industrial producers to the supply chain in the exportation industry in an effective way.

The quality of the Mexican workforce is highly appreciated and recognized in the world. It has such an important position that thanks to it, Mexico is now ready to satisfy the demands of a growing market of global consumption. Thus, the country is completely certain that the Mexican industries that haven’t included yet the exportation of their productions to processes can obtain the same benefits, possibilities and successful opportunities than those that already have.

Mexico is a country that stands out in the world by its reception of foreign direct investment and its path of over 40 years in its exporting vocation. This is why it has the responsibility of including and managing the productive chains and its economic benefits within its specific economic zones with the goal of creating social justice and balanced life conditions for every Mexican.


“The companies that have decided to include the IMMEX program contribute with more than 40% in terms of the total economic income in wages, benefits and volumes of invoices and sells.”





MEXICAN CONSULATE IN SAN DIEGO COMMITMENT AND SOLUTIONS IN THE BUSIEST TRASNATIONAL AREA IN THE WORLD. Taking into account the more than 83 million people that live and work in different economic activities throughout the border that Mexico shares with United States -the busiest area in the world- the Mexican consular representations, along with the embassy in Washington, are crucial institutions for the professional, productive and dynamic management of the bilateral relationship with United States. The Mexican consulate in San Diego, located in the zone known as “Little Italy”, has carried out integration activities as well as successful initiatives to strengthen the relationship between Mexicans living in different countries and their home country. The consulate’s tasks go from the most essential services such as obtaining a passport, to health, protection, and financial services, as well as the spreading of culture and its empowerment –English lessons for example. All of these are possible thanks to alliances with non-governmental institutions (ngo), community malls, clubs of natives, authorities and forums

such as San Diego Association of Governments (sandag) –which gathers the mayors of the 16 cities of the county- among others. It is considered as one of the 8 most important consulates of the bilateral relationship because there are many different profiles of Mexicans in this area, from entrepreneurs and natives, to agriculture workers and students. Therefore, accurate information, attention and consultancy are given, at the same time that the bonds between them and their roots strengthen. Just as the Mexican Chancellor, Ruiz Massieu stated: “Mexico and the Mexicans are part of the solution, not the problem”.


Marcela Celorio, General Consul, has stood out playing her role as a reliable speaker for both countries and by her commitment with the transnational life; contributing to the consolidation of the Mega region Cali Baja. As cross-border consul, she promotes the understanding and contributes to the binational dialogue, encouraging Mexicans that live, study and work in the United States to learn English and to acknowledge and fulfill their rights and obligations in the region of Tijuana-San Diego. Celorio’s role has been of great significance to strengthen the bilateral agenda, in spite of the circumstances of the region and of its image in the world, in order to make a safe, competitive, sustainable and adequate border to improve the life conditions of its inhabitants. In order to achieve this, the Consul and her team are constantly a part of different Boards, meetings with the media and with mayors, chiefs of police and district attorneys. Moreover, different programs to strengthen the relationship between countries and shorten the distance between the services of the consulate and the Mexicans were made, such as the first health window, the children’s library with books in both languages – Spanish and English- and the mobile consulates. The Mexican Consulate in San Diego recognizes that the building of bridges and not walls, will allow the growth of both countries. This is only possible through communication, mutual understanding and cooperation, because these factors are responsible of thousands of jobs; educational, social and cultural exchange; the consolidation and efficient managing of the infrastructure in the border; and most important, the wellbeing and development of the MexicanAmerican communities.







NUEVAS OPORTUNIDADES DE NEGOCIO PARA LA RELACIÓN BILATERAL DE MÉXICO CON ESTADOS UNIDOS El horizonte binacional pinta matices de alto contraste en el panorama económico del país y aunque muchos pudieran concentrarse en el lado negativo, es un hecho que también se aproximan oportunidades de negocio, que de aprovecharse, elevarían el intercambio comercial entre ambas naciones.


Durante el 2015, México y Estados Unidos comercializaron $531.1 mil millones de dólares (mmd) y nuestro país se mantuvo como el segundo mercado más importante de las exportaciones estadounidenses y como el tercer socio comercial del país vecino del norte, según la oficina de censo de Estados Unidos.



Lo anterior es un referente sólido de la importancia de la negociación e inversión bilateral. Como parte de su misión, AmCham se ha posicionado como líder en este rubro con su programa Trade&InvestCenter, una fuerte herramienta de desarrollo de negocios que da a las empresas información confiable para comenzar, expandir o modernizar sus actividades comerciales.

El Trade&InvestCenter se especializa en ayudar al comercio entre México y los Estados Unidos a través de servicios de información, relación de negocios y servicios de desarrollo. Tan sólo de enero a julio de este año, Estados Unidos ha reportado 131 mil 916.5 mmd en exportaciones de bienes con México y 168 mil 209.9 mmd en importaciones de bienes con nuestro país.

Beneficios del comercio internacional: • Genera crecimiento económico e impulsa la prosperidad. • Fomenta la libertad económica y la especialización internacional. • Promueve la competencia. • Genera innovación constante. • Ayuda a las empresas a disponer de incentivos para diferenciar sus productos y mejorar su calidad. • Supone una salida frente a la saturación del mercado nacional. • Permite adquirir productos, bienes y servicios a menor coste. • Ofrece una mayor variedad de productos.

AmCham Trade&InvestCenter provee: • Bases de datos de clientes y/o proveedores potenciales. • Información sobre regulaciones arancelarias y no arancelarias, licencias, permisos, ferias y exposiciones. • Estadísticas económicas, comerciales y demográficas a nivel nacional e internacional. • Guías para invertir y abrir negocios en Estados Unidos, México y el resto del mundo.

Servicios para empresas que invierten en México: • Programación de citas, sin costo, con: - Proveedores potenciales de insumos o indirectos. - Expertos en el área legal, fiscal, recursos humanos, real estate, entre otros. - Ejecutivos de empresas multinacionales con experiencia operando en México. - Organismos de gobierno como sedec y ProMéxico.



(+52) (33) 3634 6606




AP & Alzati

TRUST AND PROTECTION OF THE INDUSTRIAL AND INTELLECTUAL HERITAGE OF MEXICO The Auge of the intellectual property rights has made of its protection a basic need of the Mexican talent by reflecting the will, reputation, transparency and commitment of the companies that respect them. The emerging and established initiatives in the exportation chain must pay attention in the acquisition of an adequate protection within each of the countries where business, industrial or any other activity is realized.




Advantages of the register and protection of patents and intellectual property: - Granting of exclusive rights of a certain innovation or design

- Exclusive use of a name (brand) - Legal certainty

- Patent of inventions and register of industrial designs - Cost reduction and investment refund

- Incomes through concession of their brand’s licenses - Efficiency in government procedures

The correct management of the intellectual and industrial resources create a high added value to products and services that are offered, while it endorses the companies in their internal processes to establish their position in the international markets. ap & alzati has experts and highly trained professionals with the ideal experiences to provide consultancy as well as sincere, creative and innovating solutions according to the needs and impacts of its clients, focused not only to the protection of intangible assets of its companies, but directing its efforts towards the search of the most adequate protection in relation to the medium and long term projection.

For this, ap & alzati is immersed in a network of collaborators and partners throughout the world so the interference of its clients in the different markets can be expanded to different countries, since it recognizes that the promotion of intellectual property and creative activity is a great opportunity of social and cultural progress, since the transformation of knowledge and development creates more knowledge and development.

“The granting of industrial property rights is rules by the territorial principle. Therefore, the register of patents must be a priority in the protection of intangible assets in Mexico and the countries that receive our exportations.�


(+52) (33) 3611 1261 (+52) (33) 3611 1262



67th IAC INTERNATIONAL ASTRONAUTICAL CONGRESS 2016 GUADALAJARA 2016: HOST OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ASTRONAUTICAL MEETING IN THE WORLD Guadalajara was selected as the host city during the 64th General Assembly of the International Astronautical Federation (iaf) in Beijing. Guadalajara was the host of the international event with greater prestige in scientific and technological dissemination in the aerospace: The International Astronautical Congress (ia), in 26-30 September.

iaf – international astronautical federation

was created in 1951 as non-governmental.

Currently, there are 246 members, as well as institutes from 62 countries, companies and societies.

The iac brought together the world’s space agencies and the most outstanding institutions and individuals in the matter with the goal of revealing the most recent multidisciplinary advances, as well as creating a favoring context to create and promote strategic alliance and collaboration in the field. Different activities were carried out during the event, where students, entrepreneurs, scientists and researchers came together to share their experiences with the people interested in the subject. There were technical symposiums, keynote speeches and diverse presentations where technology was the main character.

It isn’t a spontaneous decision that Mexico was the host of this edition since the field of the aerospace industry in the country is currently in Auge by generating 7.3 billion dollars and more than 40,000 jobs in 2015. This branch has established in 18 States and its main efforts include airplanes, rockets and satellites. Furthermore, Mexico has stood out by its contributions in Space Medical Sciences and Remote Health, as well as in different researches that address economic aspects of the special communications and the potentialities of satellite systems in the fight for the reduction of the digital gap, among other.




The country has decided to intensify its international position in the area in order to boost the industry and scientific researches with the goal of enjoying the orbital position and attributions of radio frequencies. By doing this, Mexico honors the international treaties, which will allow it to legally use space resources and to improve its competitiveness rates to increase the life quality of its population and to promote equality in opportunities. In this edition, the four main subjects were Human outside the Earth, Solar exploration, Life Sciences and Space technologies. More than 3,500 congressmen and women and more than 5,000 international visitors, including The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (nasa) were present in the event.

The logo for this edition was created by the Mexican Space Agency (aem by its Spanish acronym) and the iaf. It consists on the Constellation of the Pleiades, which the Mayans used to follow for the agricultural cycles. In addition, its colors show the promising future of Mexico in the space sector through the training of the youth in science and technology.

Photographs by NASA HQ PHOTO





STRENGHTENING THE MEXICAN PRODUCTION OF TECHNOLOGY ACCESSORIES In a society where the technological aspect gains more strength in the daily life, revko rises as the leader in the development and commercialization of computer accessories, gadgets and electronics with a portfolio of brands with original manufacture and exclusive distribution.




revko is present in the Mexican market with exports to Central America. Its business strategy includes a great portion of the technological market for different sectors of the population, distinguished by age, income and interests. Its commercial plan expands throughout the country with offices in Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey, Mérida and León; in addition of a laboratory of quality in Shenzhen, China.

With a broad range of products and designs with affordable prices, its business model distinguishes by its adaptation to the rhythm of the technological trends and the life style of the user, meeting the needs of each niche. The development of the product and packaging is in Guadalajara, where it creates jobs and wealth to the region at the same time that it capitalizes a current need for millennials, which are always in the search of novelties and trends in gadgets and technology accessories. Its distribution route goes from renowned department stores to self-service stores such as Walmart, Bodega Aurrera, Suburbia, Coppel, Office Depot, Costco, Sam’s Club, RadioShack, Best Buy, Tony Tiendas, Casa Ley, and Mixup, among others. Each brand in revko’s portfolio has their own defined image and business model that is aware of the consumer’s personality and keeps it in mind since the product’s conception to the selling points in order to have an efficient purchase. revko, a Jaliscience enterprise in constant growth, has the required infrastructure to assist many different clients. Its design and selling strategy are a role model for its competitive level in Latin America, parallel to its strong commitment in the creation of jobs in Mexico.

(+52) (33) 3055 9900



CONAGRA INVESTMENTS ON SHARED LANDS Thanks to the technical and legal support that the National Agrarian Consulting (conagra) offers, the agrarian subjects keep moving towards their transition to modernity. Taking into account that in Mexico, more than the 52% of the land of social property, and that from it, more than the 30% adjoin to the urban or industrial zones, the agrarian sector has opened its doors to the domestic and international markets, representing valuable opportunities to the Mexican and foreign investors through the consolidation of acquisition projects of these lands. The sections of development and promotion of the Agrarian Law of 1992, by acknowledging the property of the communities to their lands, allow the determination of the vocation and possibilities of withdrawal of the lands and the contribution of lands to societies and productive associations with the goal of providing the base for the creation of projects that make a positive impact to the inhabitants of the community as well as to the investors. In addition, by creating contribution payments, the acquisition of the shared lands increases the development of infrastructure in matters of public

services in the community, such as highways, decent housing and the building of commercial and industrial plants, among others. This process creates the adequate conditions for the investor to obtain a better use of resources by acquiring a land for a low cost, provide lower contributions, capitalize in the contribution of areas (since the capitalized loans are regulated by bank institutions and government departments). Hence, the possibilities to avoid costs of transportation by gathering the infrastructure of a company and the workforce required into just one region.




It is a fact that the urban footprint at national level grows between 15% and 30% each year, growing in an irregular way towards the shared lands, due to a lack of private lands in the surroundings. This is why the initiatives related to the construction, production, commercialization and transportation sectors, as well as the marketing strategies of the products from farms and fields are the ones that can be efficiently associated with this new paradigm. Therefore, conagra looks to transcend in this matter by advising its clients in the achieving of the regularization of social lands, with their transition to the full domain, as well as solving agrarian problems and granting them legal certainty and documental safety in their properties.





ACTIVATE THE GREATNESS OF YOUR BUSINESS The VII Business Development Conference was carried out successfully with the goal of increasing the participation of businessmen and entrepreneurs from Jalisco in the future of Mexico. The event was created and promoted by the host and entrepreneur Adriana Corona. During the event, different conferences, workshops and specialized activities in subjects such as business intelligence, effective sales strategies and high-impact leadership were carried out under the concept “Activate the greatness of your business”.




The opening was carried out in the commercial area of Guadalajara with the Secretary of Economic Development of Jalisco, José Palacios Jiménez as special guest. Palacios pointed out the great work and commitment of Adriana Corona with the society of Jalisco; a society that dreams on starting a new business.

“The goal of these encounters is to encourage the youth to know the business opportunities available and to have a social responsibility in order to achieve projects that benefit society and to leave a mark.” José Palacios Jiménez The conference was held for two days, and just as the previous seven editions, the importance of the development, innovation and undertaking as foundations of an active and financially stable society. Business leadership: conferences with a great scope How to innovate a company regardless of its size. “An idea is innovative only if it is introduced to a market and if it survives.” Edgar Ramírez and Verónica Baños.

The conferences were given by experts in the commercial area. The subjects focused on the businessmen as leader and on the company as a far-reaching project.

The secrets of money. Francisco González shared the magic formula to reach financial success, covering concepts such as savings, income and investment.

High-impact leadership. Adriana Corona shared with the assistants the characteristics of a leader that is capable of outlining a vision and making other people fulfill it.

How the personal wellbeing influences in the greatness of a business. Eduardo Masse emphasized the role of science in the personal wellness as the basis of productivity. How to find the distinctive feature of your business. “Any product that wants to survive in the current market must offer at least one distinctive feature to guarantee sales.” Jorge Meza Ahumada.

A high-impact leader must be capable of living according to his or her values. How to negotiate to be achieve success. “The way to move forward and achieve your goals is the negotiation”, said Pedro Carvajal. Neurotic companies and their consequences. According to Joaquín Marban, the extinction or success of a company is highly related to the intern attitudes and actions of the leaders and employees. Neurotic or dysfunctional companies do not allow the free and horizontal communication.

Optimize the service in your business. “The new marketing of business is done through a mix of elements that make the clients feel special and important”, stated Miguel Uribe.

Making strong teams through positivity. Leonel Nogueda highlighted the influence of a positive leader as a promoter of the personal and commercial success of each person.

/SimplementeAdrianaSIM @adrianacoronag

Emotional intelligence as the principle of high performance. Marisela Velazco listed the benefits of emotional intelligence in a business environment, among which are: improvement on the work environment, increase on productivity, improvement in communication and strengthen of leadership.

(+52) (33) 3616 3864 (+52) (33) 3616 7731




PRESERVATION OF THE MEXICAN IDENTITY Complementary to the commercial tourist offer, Magic Towns are small localities in the interior of Mexico that have known how to promote and develop its urban image, which has been historically preserved within a rich and wide historical, artistic and cultural heritage.

Since 2001, Mexico has acknowledged the need to offer an adjacent tourism that diversifies its proposals in the sector at national and international level, supported in the diversity of its political, economical, social and artistic expression, for over 2,300 years of history. This is how the concept of Magic Towns emerges. Being one of the most successful tourist programs, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (oecd), the initiative of Magic Towns expects to encourage the job creation and local development through investments, rescue and exploitation of natural and cultural resources of the participant towns.

The main vertex of the program lies in the preservation of the identity of each town and in the increase of welfare indicators. Every single one of the 83 Magic Towns is unique. Their own features are sift by an indigenous past, the viceroyalty period legacy or for being hosts of significant events in the history of our country, maintaining its identity, traditions and folklore faced to modernity. Grupo Auge had the chance to travel and know some of the most representative Magic Town localities.




Pátzcuaro Located in the lakeside area of Michoacán, it is characterized for having the only main square in the American continent that doesn’t have a religious building around it. It holds cobbled streets with high slopes that harmonize in a journey through time through its baroque and neoclassic churches. Near the main square, in the island of Janitzio, the most representative festivity in the country of Día de Muertos takes place.



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San Cristóbal de las Casas It is a colonial city in Chiapas where the indigenous idiosyncrasy still combines with colonial traditions. It has architectonic buildings of the XVI and XVIII centuries. Because of its bohemian atmosphere, it is a popular destination for international backpackers that come to learn Spanish or to do volunteer work in matters of sustainability or human rights.

Dolores Hidalgo One of the most historical places of the country, it is the colonial city cradle of Mexico’s independency movement and place of birth of José Alfredo Jiménez, one the most recognized contemporary Mexican singers and songwriters. In its streets and near haciendas, legends and stories about conspiracy talks can still be heard.

Cholula This city was built in the state of Puebla next to the biggest pyramid of Mexico, dedicated to Quetzalcóatl. Is its one the most ancient habited cities of the country. It holds the Portales, a unique landscape in Latin America with a length of 170m and 46 arches on Doric columns that are home to numerous restaurants and stores.

Loreto Set deep in the center of Baja California Sur, Loreto is framed between the Sierra La Giganta and the beautiful Mar de Cortés. It is considered as the capital of the Californias. There, the hereditary benchmarks of the country converge to offer the tourists islands and dreamed landscapes that combine the wide diversity of flora and fauna that is filled with 10,000 years of cave art. Only in Loreto, the Jesuit missionary architecture lives along with whales and a great tourist infrastructure in a unique and incomparable experience. The Magic Towns wouldn’t be magic without their inhabitants; Mexican workers whose strategies have protected and sheltered the cultural wealth of the place where they live, and that today, open their doors to the tourism of the world.

Background Photograph by Hacky Nájera





THE BEST HOST There is no better way to experience the Mexican culture than a dinner in Santo Coyote; a magical place that combines the most exquisite Mexican fusion cuisine with an atmosphere that enchants from the very first moment. Within the framework of its XVIII anniversary, Santo Coyote rises as an archetype of the Mexican culture and tradition. It is a place where the senses expand and the roots of the Creole kitchen and pagan customs connect. Santo Coyote exists to show off our country in all levels: its people, gastronomy, crafts, atmosphere and celebrations. Santo Coyote is the best host to experience what it means to be Mexican, with the best tequila, the best food, the best mariachi and the best dancing.




Host of great projects. Santo Coyote, proudly native from Jalisco, opened its doors in 1998 with an audience of 350 people. Currently its capacity is for 1,100 people, receiving more than 35,000 dinners per month. The key to its success is to feel close to Guadalajara. In the city, every day important improvements, projects and congresses are held, and Santo Coyote is the place where these great successes are celebrated; where engagement rings are given, where good news happen and successful businesses are closed. Santo Coyote does not only offer food, it offers experiences. Coyote and its legacy.


The name is based on the place of the thousand rituals, Santa Fe, New Mexico. In the middle of the Spanish conquest lived the Chief Coyote, who welcomed every tribe and offered them lodging, food and spiritual forces so they could continue their journey. He was the quintessential host, the Santo Coyote. The legacy that began 18 years ago is now in the hands of Miguel Monroy DĂ­az, son of the founder Gerardo Monroy SolĂłrzano. Together they are in charge of maintaining the greatness of Mexico alive through the service and warm of its people. Santo Coyote will soon open a new restaurant in Plaza Real Center in Jalisco. In addition, to close its anniversary with a high note, they will open a Museum of Tequila and will begin its path to take Santo Coyote to other countries.


The kitchen is always alive, it is evolving.



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CONQUERING THE MANAGEMENT OF LOGISTICS AT INTERNATIONAL LEVEL The infrastructure of GP Logistics distinguishes by its variety of comprehensive solutions in the entire supply chain. With 30 years of successful operations, it now establishes its international presence because it has 23 centers of national distribution and representative offices in Houston, Texas. It is the leader company in logistics of transportation from and to Mexico.




gp logistics offers solutions for storage, distribution, inversed logistics, cross-dock, 4PL administration logistics, as well as consulting for the sectors of food, consumer goods industry, agribusiness, chemical, pharmaceutical, industrial, textile and footwear, construction and the automotive sector. Its added-value services, as well as its facilities, equipped with the latest technology –located in exclusive industrial parks of the country– have granted it the position as a key element in the supply chain of transnational companies. Currently, its global network is composed of partners with regional expertise, making it one of the biggest companies in Latin America.

PORTEO GROUP gp logistics- commercial and strategic expansion has leaded them to offer international services. Whether it is from or to Mexico, Porteo Group offers integral services to reach efficient logistics on transportation, importation and exportation of their client’s products.

Their offices in Houston, Texas, provide solutions of the supply chain with the highest technology in Freight Forwarding, 3PL, and air, sea and ground freight. As a member of the World Cargo Association Z, the biggest and most important association in the logistics sector of the international transportation, Porteo Group has the capacity to cover more than 189 countries in its distribution network. Moreover, its service as customs agency is formed by professional experts in the design of strategies that combine benefits in matters of taxes and charges by exportation and importation, resulting in low and accessible rates.

gp logistics is a company in Auge, consolidating imports and exports from and to Mexico.

Guadalajara, Jal:



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CULTURE AND CONSTANT PROFESSIONALIZATION FOR THE REAL ESTATE SECTOR Taking into account the constant economic growth in Jalisco, the real estate investments in the areas of industrial corridors, corporative buildings, housing and vertical and horizontal condominiums, have increased as a result of this growth. Hence, this has established the state as one of the 5 entities with greater dynamism and capital gain in the country.




The Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (ampi by its Spanish acronym) is aware that the professionalization of the real estate sector is a key element to make the spaces more efficient and to confront the challenges these spaces represent; such as the investors’ expected performance of 7% to 8%, the growth, in just a decade, of 163% in the so called “real zone” of Guadalajara, and the growing acceptance of vertical products in the premium zones of the city. This context is constantly encouraging the work of ampi in the process of understanding and attending the nature of investors, searching for opportunity areas and developing actions that approach the regional real estate sector to give adequate solutions to each investor. This way, they stay at the forefront in the new niches of the market and employ new technologies to protect the heritage of society. ampi Guadalajara carries out real estate forums,

the biggest in the country, with the goal of training association and to present them the most qualified experts in the area so they can share their knowledge and experience with the group. Different professionals also take part in these forums, such as developers, real estate professionals and local and national strategic allies so the experience in the dynamics of networking among them becomes real in an atmosphere of culture, entrepreneurship and innovation.

The xxv Forum ampi Guadalajara:

Vanguard and Real estate Technology was carried out on September 2.

Rosa Celina Ruiz Velasco Franco, President of ampi Guadalajara received José Palacios Jiménez, Minister of Economic Development of Jalisco; Octavio Dominguez, Director of the Housing Institute of Jalisco (ijalvi) and the President of ampi Mexico, Gustavo Solares.

With these actions, ampi not only reunites people that work in the real estate industry, but it also dignifies that practice of the field, protects the rights of private property and grants security, trust and representation to their associates. This allows them to connect and explore new markets at national and international level.



(+52) (33) 3813 4812 (+52) (33) 3013 4814




INSPIRATION AND DELIGHT In the municipality of Cabo Corrientes, 40 minutes to the south of Puerto Vallarta by the sea; between the jungle and the waves of Bahía de Banderas, hides “a place where the waters come together.” Yelapa is the perfect shelter for inspiration and creativity. The tranquility and privacy of the place becomes the perfect spot to escape from the urban routine and to immerse in an atmosphere of peace and adventure. The colorful town and the beauty that surrounds it are irresistible. It is a place where inspiration comes from the sea, the jungle and the mountains.




Art in Yelapa Sus primeros asentamientos se remontan a los Its first settlements date back from the pre-Hispanic times. Proof of this are the discoveries found in a hill of the locality, such as ceramic objects –characteristic of the cultures that flourished in the West– such as arrowheads, knives made of obsidian and petroglyphs with the shape of humans. Moreover, when the researches were digging, they found a well-preserved ancient axe carved in stone. Yelapa has a population of approximately 1000 inhabitants, among which live different professionals such as artists, painters, sculptors, writers and filmmakers that appreciate the direct contact with nature and the peace of a simple and rural life. Visitors leave with an impression that lasts forever in their minds. New visions and dreams seem to show up after their visit. It is weird to find such an ancient beach with a tradition that gives a warm welcome to its tourists, making them part of their community. Life is the same as it was 100 years ago, with a few exceptions. Peace can be easily found in this place where cars have no access. Yelapa is full nature. Yelapa is definitely a must in your next visit to the Mexican Pacific. You will be surprised by its magic atmosphere and by the opportunities that it has to offer, with its wonderful beach and jungle. The Lagunita Hotel is one of the establishments with a large tradition that has promoted tourism in the region for over three generations. Want to know more?



- Ofelia Gamboa Noriega. Ministry of Culture of Institutional Revolutionary Party Jalisco (PRI by its Spanish acronym) and CEO Instituto de Desarrollo Artístico A.C. (idea) -


AN OPPORTUNITY OF SUCCESS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE To talk about the young Mexicans is to enter to the reign of the multiple conflicts like unemployment, migration, family disintegration, and, mainly, youth violence. According to The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (inegi by its Spanish acronym), 50% of the Mexicans are children or young people below 30, which is the ideal age to study or enter into the formal economy or the contrary, get lost and involved in crimes or enter into the informal economy.

Specialists say that culture is the accumulation of knowledge that is acquired first from the family and then from the community. But beyond precisions and definitions, the importance of a comprehensive policy of culture has been demonstrated as a support for the youth to turn their personal, professional and familiar hopes into reality. The cultural variable must be transformed in order to include the youth in a more dynamic society; a society that is more connected to the global era. This implies the creation of a political framework where since the first grades; children are taught to be Mexican, farmers, workers, women, indigenous and other identities that define us in time and space. This preparation isn’t reached nor is a goal of the current educational policy. Beyond the attributes that the traditional culture gives us, we have the responsibility to interweave with what I will refer to as “the cultures”, in which we see a significant burden of dynamism, variability and diversification, typical of this century. The legal, administrative, territorial and space boundaries have collapsed. Moreover, the cultural barriers are also giving in to the charges of different international cultures, which without a doubt have defined a new trend: “the culture of cultures”. This trend surrounds us with such a strength and determination that hastily break our nationalist, classicist and ideological resistance. If we want to raise our competitiveness index, we can’t hide or escape from their influences.

There is a common factor in this culture of cultures: young people. They are the main promoters and users of this artistic network; this is why it is necessary and convenient for the State to promote a public policy of comprehensive and global culture that allows, without distinction, the access to these new networks of people with different ideologies and a different handling from the ones we had barely two or four decades ago. Whether we like it or not, societies are being redefined and culture plays a strategic role in them. Currently, the identity of a person’s life style depends on the culture. This is why it is time to see culture as a source of employment, creator of companies and businesses, as well as of citizens that are capable of understanding, coexisting and living in the “global village”. Evidently, every institutional actor, such as the different levels of the government, political parties, organisms of the civil society and faith communities, have a network of cultures in front of them; cultures where the youth and, mainly, the childhood have all the advantages and opportunities to be successful. From there, they can finally break the shameful kingdom that is marked by unemployment, migration, family disintegration, and, mainly, youth violence. In summary, governments have an opportunity of economic development and a comprehensive strength of the modern Mexico in the area of culture.


“Culture must be transformed in order to include the youth in a more dynamic society that is connected to the global era.”





International Festival of the Mayan Culture FROM LANGUAGE TO IMAGINATION

Since 2012, ficmaya (by its Spanish acronym-9 has filled our souls with the live manifestations of the Latin-America’s most representative ancient civilization. The recognition of its cultural transcendence and greatness was shown in the fifth edition of ficmaya with a tour through originality of the language in every expression to the universe of imagination. For eleven days (October 13-23) different forms of expression of the Mayans were carried out with the theme “From language to imagination”, with 1,200 participants and 290 events across

different scenarios, such as theaters, parks, museums, galleries and public spaces within the 26 municipalities of Yucatán. The keynote presentations had a broadcast via internet for the first time in the history of the festival, with the goal of spreading the wealth of the Mayan language throughout the world. Thanks to the contribution of the academics involved in the festival is how the diversity of the historical and narrative material of this town joined to the different languages of other nations.



The talent of women in ficmaya 2016 The Gold Medal ficmaya was handled to the creator talent of women, thus, acknowledging the significance and legacy of their inventions. The writers Beatriz Rodríguez Guillermo, Marcela del Río y Sara Poot, as well as the writer and plastic artist Martha Chapa, were awarded with this Medal, which give credit to their careers and experience. It is a work that is a reflection of the value of the Mexican women through history. Another outstanding woman of the Festival was the soprano Filippa Giordano, who acted along with the Symphonic Orchestra of Yucatán, with the tenor Alessandro Safina, baritone Marcello Giordano and, singer Armando Manzanero as guest of honor. They offered a breathtaking concert, demonstrating their success, which has leaded them to win gold and platinum discs in different countries. Another performer in the Gala was the first ballerina of Berlin’s Staatsoper, Elisa Carrillo, considered as the best ballet dancer in LatinAmerica by her excellence in art and discipline in international dance. Wealth and variety of the Mayan culture In addition of the cultural events, there were also academic encounters to spread the wealth and variety of the Mayan culture. The forth Mayab Round Table with the slogan “Language between Mayans” gathered Mexican and international mayanists, as well as epigraphists and scholars of the Mayan language in order to reveal their researches of the study of the Mayan civilization. The Historical and Cultural Atlas of the State of Yucatán was also presented with the first advanced in what will become of the greatest monumental works created for the state. The participation of the Festival Internacional Cervantino also stood out. It presented more than 20 events as part of the brotherhood between both festivals, united with the sense of presenting the best of art and culture that develops throughout the world. ficmaya is a project that arises as an initiative of the Government of the State of Yucatán along with the Ministry of Federal Culture and different organizations that gathered to highlight the historical and millenarian background of the Mayan culture. This is accomplished through their contemporaneity, at the same time that the event opens a space for inclusion and artistic appropriation.

Yucatán, with its extraordinary beaches, rises as a focal point of the Mexican culture. A must see destination for the national and foreign tourism.

ficmaya 2016 in numbers: - 403 artists from Yucatán - 146 academic and literary events - 144 cultural and artistic events - 120 guest speakers - 85 venues and scenarios - Tabasco as guest state with 14 events and 161 participants - Dominican Republic as guest country with 7 events and 98 artists - Republic of Cuba with 10 events and 104 artists.





34 YEARS PROMOTING CULTURE IN TIJUANA In every corner of the country, the cultural venues come alive through the arts, and the historical value of those inherited from our ancestor strengthens. The same happens in the most dynamic border city in the northwest of Mexico with the majestic Cultural Center Tijuana, an agency from the Ministry of Culture. Designed by architects Pedro Ramírez Vázquez and Manuel Rosen, cecut opened its doors on October 20, 1982 and from then on, it has set the development of the cultural and artistic life, not just of the city but also of the border region, since many renowned artist such as Carlos Fuentes, Jaime Sabines, María Félix, the mime Marcel Maceau and Ignacio López Tarso have performed there. The performance hall, with a capacity of approximately 1000 seats, has had the performances of Folkloric Ballet of Mexico of Amalia Hernández, Bolshoi, Symphony of Mexico, National Theater Company, Nortec Collective

Presents: Bostich + Fussible with the Youth Symphony of Tijuana and important operas. Since 34 years ago, cecut has the biggest sphere screen in Mexico, which has positioned it in the vanguard in the dubbing of productions such as Rocky Mountain Express with the voice of Damián Alcázar; Jerusalem with Enrique Arreola and local talent for the documentary of National Parks which opened a gate to great documentaries to the Spanish-speaking world. Tijuana’s dynamic film production gave cecut the only extension of the Cineteca National through

the Carlos Monsiváis hall, founded in 2011. This hall along with the video hall and IMAX dome form the Cineteca Tijuana, where important international films are shown. With the opening of the El Cubo Gallery in 2008, cecut integrated to an international museum circuit in 2008, cecut integrated to an international museum circuit that meet the highest specifications to exhibit art. For this reason, this border city has been able to enjoy the creations of Frida Kahlo, David Alfaro Siqueiros, Vicente Rojo, Olga Costa, Remedios Varo, and the natives from Baja California such as Álvaro Blancarte,




Special guests: Diego Luna Óscar Chávez Guadalupe Rivera Marín Juan Villoro Julieta Venegas Omara Portuondo Concha Buika Federico Campbell Leonardo Nierman Diego El Cigala Fito Páez Eugenia León Damián Bichir Fernando de la Mora Lila Downs Roberto Alifano Javier Camarena

Carlos Coronado and Benjamín Serrano. It was also the first Mexican venue to receive the World Press Photo in 2016. In its 16 years of existence, the Californias Museum has been the most important benchmark for the spreading of the origin and formation of the 3 Californias as a single region that shares flora, fauna and history. This can be seen in cecut’s aquarium, where the visitor can take a look to the deeps of the rich aquatic life of the Pacific and the Gulf. An entire day isn’t enough for the more than 1,600,000 visitors per year that this venue has, to meet the variety of spaces and enjoy the rich agenda of this venue, where visitors can find a sparkle in the storyteller in the Foro Luna; the deep words in a writer’s speech in the Federico Campbell Hall; the dynamism in a reading circle in its reading hall; be amazed by the rhythm of a folkloric ballet or an art festival and even be charmed by its gastronomy in the open area. Workshops, theatre, book exchange, readings, shows, movies and dance can be discovered by the audience in a single family visit in to this cultural venue, where Mexico shows the best of the country and shows what the world has to offer in order to create an artistic mosaic that is native of this border.

ITS DEVELOPMENT: October 20, 1982 Opening of the Cultural Center Tijuana with the IMAX dome and main building. June 27, 1985 Opening of the Performance Hall. February 24, 2000 Opening of the Californias Museum. September 27, 2008 Opening of El Cubo. December 7, 2011 Opening of the Carlos Monsiváis Hall of Cineteca Tijuana and the Arts Documentation Center. November 26, 2012 Opening of the Aquarium, the Botanic Garden and Foro Luna.




CREATING AN ART INDUSTRY IN MEXICO Galerías Urbanas is a project of the foundation “Todos Dejamos Huella” (we all leave a footprint). Its main director, plastic artist Alvaro Cuevas wants to create movement in the main concepts of art, education, health, tourism, identity and economy, resulting in a social urban network that bets for a mutual understanding. Currently, the foundation has a permanent sculpture gallery in Guadalajara and it recently opened one more in Zapopan. Moreover, different foundations, markets and streets with murals have been intervened.

Sculptures of great dimensions in the shape of origami figures that serve as canvas, are placed in specific points of the urban landscape with the goal of being painted by a guest artist or by the people, so they can be contemplated and lived by the people that walk by their locations. In this way, art transmutes violence in a visual communication made by and for humans. It addresses to the awareness of people’s senses and influences in the way the people relate to one another.

In order for these actions to be made, the foundation forms alliances with the private sector and searches for “Culturally Responsible Companies” that dedicate their efforts to art, education and health. The invite is open to any company that would like to get involved through mechanisms of sponsorship and barter, to intervene, restore and beautify their infrastructure spaces.




Alvaro Cuevas, a multidisciplinary artist known by his urban art, sculpture, murals and painting, has taken his peculiar technique and style to a diversity of formats and social stratums. His technique “huellismo”, based in the concept of digital fingerprints as an instrument to paint, seeks to go deep in the identity code of each person, to discover who they are, where they are and what their most important desires are. With exhibitions in America, Europe and Asia, Alvaro presents a part of the Mexican traditions, in every work, along with the foundation Todos Dejamos Huella.

In the International Day against Breast Cancer, in one of the main avenues in the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara, the butterfly sculpture was used as a symbol of “Transformation”. Fundación Cruz Rosa took part in this intervention, where women diagnosed with breast cancer attended the event to paint two of the works that will be part of this urban gallery –which is estimated that each week, more than 1 million people walk past it.



- By Rodolfo Guadalajara, General Director of Sistema de Tren Eléctrico Urbano - siteur. -

BUILDING THE MOST ADVANCED COMPREHENSIVE NETWORK OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN LATIN AMERICA Even though the transportation methods continue to be a pending subject in the entire country, in Jalisco, this is being canalized to contribute to the significant improvement of the urban image in the city, and therefore, improve its mobility. The construction of Línea 3, the extension and modernization of Línea 1, the addition of concrete to its power routes and the possibility to use the entire network though a unique form of electronic payment, represent the greatest investment ever done in the transport sector in the entire country.

The emphasis on the pedestrian, ecology and the urban image of Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (ZMG by its Spanish acronym) stand out in the country’s expectations. Let’s also take into account the achievement that represents the destination of the 70% of the Metropolitan Fund’s resources for infrastructure projects directed towards the merging of the massive transportation with the non-motorized transport. It is worth mentioning that Jalisco is pioneer in the country in the creation of a Law of Mobility, which grants the right to the government for the planning and modernization of the public transport as a tool of modernization that sustain the creation and development of projects with this importance. The initiatives that arise from this law will allow the development of the ZMG under a scheme that is directed towards transportation, after its exponential expansion in such a short time and without any apparent order. Now, the initiatives will be develop under a scheme that is directed towards a transport method where the housing densification, access routes towards industrialized, commercial and public zones will be directed towards the city center, since it is there where almost every government service department is located. This will reduce transportation costs and time between destinations, therefore increasing the life quality of its citizens.

The benefits for the inhabitants and business owners that result from the project of Línea 3 of the Tren Ligero are many. Example of these benefits are reduction of the emission of 17,000 tons of CO2, the use of wind energy for its functioning, the reduction of 10,000 daily vehicles and the use of strategic parking lots, just to name a few. With the participation of the Minister of the Environment, 40 trees are being plant for each tree that is taken down due to the construction of the roads and stations of Línea 3, and, Park Oyanco in Tlaquepaque will be recovered too. In addition, the Ministry of Mobility and the Institute of Mobility are currently redesigning the paths of the public transportation routes that are in the way of the routes of the new line in order to turn them into power feeders so they can transform their structure in a model of route-enterprise. The networks of comprehensive transport become the paradigm of mobility in the world, not only because they promote a less use of private vehicles, but also because they promote actions in every public level that have a positive impact in the life quality of the people.


“Transportation infrastructure contributes to the significant improvement of the urban image of a city by optimizing its mobility and offering a better life quality to its inhabitants.”







ENDORSEMENT AND SECURITY IN GLOBAL CONSULTANCY AND INTERNATIONAL TRIALS With a special approach in the generation of business and added value, Gardhí Vila achieves excellence by offering trust and dynamism in consultancy for international trials, giving certainty to the business sector with multinational presence.




Gardhí Vila’s professional career is well known for being a strategic partner of companies and institutions that are listed in Fortune 500. Its contribution to the Mexican economy lies in a sense of international reach that is justified with the great number of Free Trade Agreements (fta’s) t hat t he c o unt r y has. Moral values are the basis of the practice of the professionalism that distinguishes Gardhí Vila. Its association with national and international firms diversify its service offer, which is committed to the needs of its people and country while it joins efforts to provide value within their possibilities. With the opening of foreign trade practice, Gardhí Vila wants to be established in the leadership of legal firms to satisfy the needs of its clients through the constant contact, open communication, warm treatment and constant update of its team professionals. Regarding the foreign trade, the firm promotes the economic and business development of the country, and offers different types of consulting; from proceedings to obtain exportation and importation permits, verification of the classification of merchandise according to finance and customs laws, preventive audit in foreign trade, litigation against resolutions where tax credits are determined, consulting for the

presentation of the annual report of companies with the program immex, to the training of personnel from the customs department of those enterprises with foreign trade operations. Gardhí Vila is an international benchmark of endorsement and safety in international matters that offers trust in proceedings of the export sector, vigorously contributing to the Auge of transnational commercial relationships.



Gardhí Vila is formed by specialized lawyers in Foreign Trade, Administrative Law, Acquisitions and Merging, Urban, Fiscal, Corporate and Criminal Development.

(+52) (33) 1204 0477




DRIVING FORCE OF THE MEXICAN ECONOMY The construction sector in Mexico has stood out in the last years as one of the main driving forces in the country due to its significant role in the international economy because it benefits 66 activity branches –despite its high sensibility toward the micro and macroeconomic conditions. Its great position in the field is due to its use of consumables, from Mexican origin mainly, which come from other important industries such as iron, wood, cement and sand, among others.

According to the Mexican National System of Accounts, this sector has created a high added value to the industry after the crisis of the last few years and, in 2015, it represented 8% to the total added value in the national economy, standing out in the building subsector (construction of industrial, commercial, services and housing buildings) which in 2015 represented the 63% to the of the gross domestic product (gdp) in the building sector. In this order of ideas and by its multiplying effect, $45 pesos out of each $100 that are invested in construction, are destine to the purchase of services and materials, contributing to other industries and promoting the economic

development in the region. In addition, the demand on specialized mental labor in infrastructure, property development and manufacture continue rising and will be added to the 6 million direct jobs and 3 million indirect vacancies that this sector has, which is the 13.3% of the country’s total employment. The importance of this sector lies in its role as an actor that contributes to the productive and competitive reinforcement of the national economy by providing the right channels for production, distribution and commercialization of the industry because it designs and makes different infrastructure projects in communication routes. Moreover, by building tourist sites, it




contributes to the boosting of one of the sectors with more foreign direct investment. Lastly, it increases the level of economic and social development of the inhabitants, since it builds schools, hospitals, power and hydraulic plants, homes and recreational sites. It is thanks to this sector that the country has done many efforts to carry out different projects of infrastructure that expect millionaire public and private investments. In 2015, the construction sector registered an increase of 2.6% in invoices of sells for nearly 1 billion 300 thousand million pesos. Nonetheless, the construction sector has focused in the surroundings of the metropolitan areas that have important urban communities such as Nuevo León, Ciudad de México, Estado de México and Jalisco.



- Dagoberto García, commissioner of The Health Risks Protection in Jalisco. -


In the integral development of a constant growing city like the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area, the Commission for The Health Risks Protection of Jalisco (coprisjal) actively participates in the economic boost of the country by granting an effective and timely access to a market with safe, efficient and quality products.

A company has more competitive points by achieving quality standards and the prevention of health risks; points that allow the expansion of its business strategies. Companies have an endorsement of good quality and trust with the permits and licenses of coprisjal, which guarantee their proceedings, contents and methodologies on the elaboration of any product, supply or service. This endorsement provides a better marketing and the safety of the consumer is ensured by having the correct health permits. coprisjal is the authority in Jalisco responsible for the protection against health risks in health establishments, health consumables and medicines, as well as the provision of organs, tissues, human cells and their components; food and drinks; tobacco, alcohol and pesticides.

We have contributed in the strengthening of the structure and processes for clients through the integration of the CIS model (Centro Integral de Servicios) that has a quality approach focused on the user and under the scheme 5/15 made by the Federal Commission for Health Risks Protection.

This scheme is based in 5 principles: ethics, technique, efficiency, competitiveness and globalization –which are specified in 15 actions, 3 by each principle– that promote the transparency, quality and safety of products and services, at the same time that it makes the authorization procedures easier and faster. The presence of regulatory institutions that ensure a secure and competitive environment for the companies is very important for the economic development of the region. The work of coprisjal is an example of the significant improvement in public and private hospital infrastructure. Currently, we have good practices in the delivery and safety of medicines due to the promotional actions that have been done through the implementation of drugs surveillance; an outstanding integration of the clinical file and the adequate prescription. In conclusion, health must be a priority in our country along with life, since it is undeniable its fundamental value for the city, whether it is by its social welfare nature or by its influence level in the economic development.


“A company has more competitive points by achieving quality standards and the prevention of health risks; points that allow the expansion of its business strategies.”







LEADER IN COMPREHENSIVE GYNECOLOGY AND SHORT STAY SURGERIES With over 22 years of experience, Lomas Providencia Hospital has established its leadership as a private health institution specialized in comprehensive gynecology and short stay surgeries. The extraordinary career of its founder, Dr. Dagoberto García Mejía, grants quality and security under the slogan “taking care of your health with excellence”.




As a private institution of medical care, the experience and professional training of its teamwork is the starting point for the offering of a service with the characteristic of high quality health and, specially, for the attention that women require, considering the personal treatment as part of the hospital’s vision.

Currently, the concept of life quality must be higher than the recovery of the physical functions of the patient, for this, Lomas Providencia Hospital makes a detection of the patient’s needs, which includes the nutritional and psychological attention when the patient’s life quality and the reintegration to his or her regular activities might get compromised.

One of the main components of the hospital’s philosophy is friendliness; understanding that the best results in a patient are achieved when there is a good communication with the doctor and the involved staff. It is not enough to just offer highly qualified professionals, it is also necessary to establish a relationship based in trust and proximity with the patient and his or her family, considering them as the main caregivers in the patient’s recovery.

The hospital offers a permanent and constant commitment with the improvement of its services. With a perspective of continuous improvement, it considers that the model of attention in the private sector had been halted and the quality in healthcare depended almost exclusively of the technical qualification of the doctor, but now, this thought is left behind by the concept of teamwork.

The hospital’s position is to recognize the patient as the main user and the doctor as the second actor, but this doesn’t mean that the doctor has less credit; the hospital does not forget that the doctor also has his or her own needs to provide attention for a patient.


Hospital Lomas Providencia is committed in the improvement of an attention model where an entire group of specialists, from physicians to the specialized technical personnel, can take part in the patient’s care. It is without a doubt, an institution that represents the medical and hospital value of the west of Mexico.

(+52) (33) 3642 1602 (+52) (33) 3642 1690




THE PERFECT COMBINATION OF JALISCO Jalisco has a unique culture that is constantly renewing to become a state that is at the forefront. It also has a high-level infrastructure in the technological sector of health, which is constantly growing thanks to their specialized professionals that are committed to the areas of innovation.

In the north border of Mexico, the health tourism has been carried out since the 80’s, mainly in odontology procedures, acquisition of meds and minor procedures. In the beginning of 2000, the demand of plastic surgery procedures and bariatric surgery became stronger, which promoted this sector in Baja California, Mexico. Jalisco is a connection bridge for the west of the country, different points of the United States and the world. Through the years, it has established as the quintessential medical center of the west of Mexico. Public and private hospitals are distinguished by its specialized medicine and its resolution

capacity in medical procedures, based on cutting-edge technology, professional training of its human team and physicians recognized all over the world. The Cluster of Health Tourism of Jalisco is born in 2009 and is formed by a network of 7 private hospitals certified by the General Board of Health that join strengths, resources and highly qualified personnel to offer a modern medical alternative and to meet the needs of the health services that are being created.




Dr. Carlos Rodríguez Zárate, President of the Cluster of Health Tourism of Jalisco

The Cluster of Health Tourism of Jalisco is - Centro Médico Puerta de Hierro - Hospital Ángeles del Carmen - Hospital Lomas de Providencia - Hospital México-americano - Hospital Real San José - Hospital San Javier - Hospital San Javier Pto. Vallarta

It is thanks to their high-quality services, that the Cluster of Health Tourism offers solutions to the hospital problems that are created by the increasing services that lack the coverage of health insurances, the geo epidemiological transition, long waiting periods to receive medical attention in the patient’s home and the lack of specialized treatment in their home cities. The cluster signed an agreement with the Medical Tourism Association (mta) in September. The Association made a business visit to Guadalajara to know the wealth of our state, its specialized medical offer and the technological infrastructure of the hospitals that belong to the Cluster of Health Tourism Jalisco. After the visit, the Association determined that our state is ready to received international patients. Therefore, the Cluster participated as sponsor in the 9th World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress in Washington ., representing Guadalajara. The Cluster of Health Tourism of Jalisco includes hotels and enterprises of transport, marketing and tourism to its production chain, thus, strengthening the quality of first level health services in Mexico to the world.



PERSONALIZED MEDICINE A REALITY IN PREVENTION The attention to health is constantly changing. The promise of accurate or personalized medicine is to always give the right treatment, in the right moment, to the right person. From Guadalajara, the Cluster of the Hospital Medical Industry of Jalisco is working on implementing this technique and makes it reachable for the people of Jalisco.

The United States announced an investment of 215 million dollars in 2016 for the research based on patients and the acceleration of the biomedical discoveries with the purpose of equipping with new tools and knowledge to help select therapies that adjust to each person. In spite of the granted support, the current model of medicine is unsustainable because the great majority of patients with chronic, degenerative and non-contagious diseases use resources at great scale with a high cost that significantly affects their life quality and their

families’ too. Therefore, the consolidation of a new healthcare model based in personalized medicine is necessary in order to guarantee a safe handling of resources to achieve the desired efficiency. The clinic and molecular information is the biologic base of each disease; with this, it is possible to diagnose and treat each pathology in a personal way, that is suitable for the patient, hence significantly changing the paradigms of the medical practice.


Diagnosed diseases with personalized or accurate medicine: Immune - Lupus - Celiac disease - Multiple sclerosis - Psoriasis - Osteoarthritis - Diabetes type I Aging - Macular degeneration by aging - Alzheimer Cancer - Breast - Prostate - Lung - Colon - Bladder - Skin Cardiology - Chronic disease - Atrial fibrillation - Arterial hypertension - Thromboembolism Metabolic - Obesity - Diabetes type II - Migraine

Advantages of the personalized or accurate medicine. 1. It allows the correct prescription from the beginning of the treatment, lowest occurrence of the adverse effects and the low possibility of failure to treatment (Pharmacogenetics). 2. There is a development in advances in molecular nutrition. The nutrigenomics is the study of the interactions between the patient’s genome and the nutrients he or she takes; this is why the personalized attention of an optimal nutrition is now at the reach of each person. 3. the most important matter is from the point of view of the public health, the personalized medicine increases efficiency since by knowing the molecular profiles, the treatments that don’t report the benefits to the patient will be dismissed. This will avoid unnecessary expenses and complications that compromise the quality of life. This genetic tool consists of a panel of polymorphisms detected through a non-invasive test, which is done just once in a patient’s life. This is how the care of health changes, the medical practice must also adapt to the technological changes, which provide new opportunities to make a more precise medicine, and more important, a medicine that is more reachable to people.







EL PODER DE CONVERTIR UNA IDEA EN UNA EMPRESA PARA EL BENEFICIO DE LA FAMILIA MEXICANA Patricia López García concibió una idea para contribuir al cuidado del planeta, un concepto para impulsar el desarrollo económico regional y, sobre todo, un producto que beneficia a la familia mexicana. Así, con una estrategia de distribución nacional y un producto innovador, la idea de Patricia López se convirtió en una empresa que ahora lleva nombre y representa con orgullo el talento jalisciense: BambúOrganik.




El plan de negocios de BambúOrganik se basa en el proceso de materia prima proveniente del bambú, un recurso renovable auto-regenerativo y con propiedades hipoalergénicas.

BambúOrganik ofrece pañales para bebés y adultos fabricados con tela de carbón de bambú, un material hipoalergénico, resistente a la propagación de bacterias y con capacidad de eliminar olores. Además, contiene propiedades favorecedoras no-irritantes para la piel sensible y delicada, evitando rozaduras y dermatitis en el bebé, así como llagas, ampollas y úlceras por decúbito en los adultos.

Al contribuir a una cadena productiva responsable, BambúOrganik propicia la generación de empleo, reduce el índice de pobreza en la región y aumenta el desarrollo económico de México

Sobre todo, el elemento más destacable de la idea de Patricia López es su contribución al medio ambiente: un pañal regular tarda generalmente 500 años para lograr su degradación completa por la naturaleza; en cambio, un pañal BambúOrganik necesita solamente un periodo de 2 a 3 años para degradarse.

«Al crear BambúOrganik mantuve tres pilares en el desarrollo del producto: la salud y economía familiar, así como la responsabilidad ecológica que tenemos con el planeta». La perseverancia, disciplina e iniciativa de Patricia López, le llevaron a experimentar con la fibra natural de carbón de bambú, creando un producto ecológico y de gran impulso económico que fomenta el ahorro en la familia, además de crear empleos y contribuir a una práctica agraria sustentable. Su liderazgo visionario propició la certificación del pañal BambúOrganik con el Grado Médico ssa/ cofepris y lograr que el Senado de la República publicara un Exhorto de Ley para el uso de sus pañales en los hospitales del sector salud. Patricia López García y BambúOrganik son hoy un referente en el Auge empresarial mexicano al crear un producto rentable, sostenible y de vanguardia. Su plan de negocios se expande por todo el país e impulsa un cambio ambiental de beneficio para la humanidad.

Los tres pilares de BambúOrganik: - Salud familiar - Economía familiar - Responsabilidad ecológica




(+52) (33) 3825 4632 (+52) (33) 3825 5032





SOLUTIONS FOR A HEALTHY LIFE STYLE BASED ON INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) Until recently, there was the belief that to achieve a global change, it was enough to make a personal change or a change in the person’s nearest surrounding. However, now a hashtag is enough to change the global trend.




The world’s context has had great substantial changes in a short time. People have found new ways to cohabit, communicate and consume. There are trends and ideologies that are changing the world’s economic environment, going from capitalism to a new model called sharing economy, in which each individual can play the role of producer and consumer and promote on a large scale the incorporation to transnational corporation collectives, solving current issues of high impact such as mobility and pollution. Small or big brands have very efficient mechanisms to achieve an effective positioning. The quintessential example is to undertake, a trend that is mainly based in Communication and Information Technologies (ict) and that, currently, holds the development of many countries. According to information from The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (inegi), in Mexico, approximately 56 million people have a computer; 62.4 million use the internet to obtain information, communicate, access to different websites and social networks; nearly 80% of people above 6 years old have a mobile phone and more than the 70% use it to surf the internet. However, the access to such quantity of information from our houses has caused a decline in the people’s life quality. A sedentary lifestyle is the cause of a great number of diseases that 20 years ago had little diagnosis. A disease has a major impact in the states’ economy; it drastically affects the social incorporation and weakens the families. The incorporation of healthy life styles is one of the main concerns of all people but the environment does not make it easier to sustain that life style. For this reason, the adoption of solutions through the creation of healthy ecosystems for people, organizations and the community is crucial for a healthier life. dr. adrián r. murillo cuevas president consejo de marca saludable s. a. de c. v. ceo fit as well – supersaludable

In addition, it is essential to have internet-based means that join and validate alternatives for products, services, content and tools that strengthen the value chain of producers and consumers, giving them the most convenient solutions for the life style requirements of each person in just a click away.





PEACE, HOPE AND HEALING THE SPIRITUAL HEALTH IN THE COMPREHENSIVE WELL-BEING It is in the nature of the human being to seek the fullness of life in order to be at peace with the surroundings. This is only accomplished by achieving a balance every aspect of life and focusing on what really matters.

René Mey

He is a French humanist without any political or religious affiliation that has dedicated most of his life to humanitarian action and to the transmission of a message of peace and hope, with a philosophy based on “helping the others”.

Spirituality in daily life In the general culture, the concepts of physical and spiritual levels have been handled as opposite, far from each other. However, under René Mey’s perception, spirituality is inherent to a person’s daily life and it is seen in the acts of kindness, positive attitude, humility and in the way to give love. Meditating or not, each person can be in touch with the spiritual part and show respect and care for the physical body.

We can’t talk about a person’s life without mentioning his or her spiritual being, no matter the role played in society. This means that kindness and humility can be shown with every day’s actions. According to the teachings of Mey, we are part of a whole, we aren’t individual beings that live in isolation; we are like a water cell that forms the ocean. We are all dependent on each other; therefore, we can make an influence on others, improve their lives and increase our level of conscience by doing these.



In his conferences and workshops, René says that a person comes to this planet without anything, and also leaves without anything. If we analyze this premise, a question that humans have tried to answer for centuries comes up: What is the true meaning of life? The answer can’t be found in possessions but in spirituality, the human being comes to life with the goal of increasing the level of conscious. It is here when love becomes the only way to increase the level of spirituality and conscious. The daily actions that send a message of peace and hope to the others are the path to the human transcendence. René Mey advises the entrepreneurs to continue with their search of business success without forgetting their responsibility towards life. His advice is to do humble acts that benefit the others, such as visiting a hospital, take a cake to a nursing home, and support community feeding centers, among other actions. An entrepreneur must keep in mind that it is not possible to help the others without getting involved in their lives. If there isn’t a strong and direct connection with their needs, there won’t be a way to transmit a message of peace and hope.

Day of the good action Celebrated for the first time in 2010, the day of the good action is an initiative of René Mey to promote a path of life that is focused on helping the others, humanitarian labor and that is reachable for everyone. In 2015, the day of the good action was simultaneously celebrated in 22 countries, where René Mey’s Foundation is present, with meditation sessions, cellular regeneration, donors and visits to the sick, among other activities. This year, it was carried out on September 25 in Bosque Chapultepec, with a participation of more than 20,000 people.






CONQUERING THE RETAIL MARKET WITH HIGH NUTRITIONAL VALUE PROCESSED FOODS Natura BioFoods is currently one of the most promising Mexican companies in the food industry with tradition from Uruguay. Its vision lies in the search of its own market and its offer of quality before quantity. Its products distinguish by its high nutritional value, which complements the consumer diet, adding benefits for the physical health. Due to its quality and added value, Natura BioFoods has presence in United States, England, Switzerland, Australia, Japan, China and Canada.




Agave syrup is one the sugar substitutes with highest demand in the beverage and food industry in developed countries.

The legacy of agave in the retail market Agave is 100% Mexican and it is mostly known by the production of tequila, however, great benefits coming from the plant have been recently found. Among these benefits are its great percentage of fiber and its utility as natural sweetener, which helps diminishing the obesity rate in population, as well as increasing life quality by preventing diseases such as diabetes, colon cancer and other gastro-intestinal issues. The concept of Natura BioFoods started in 2009. Under the strategic leadership of Julio CĂŠsar Carelli, the company found its own niche by exporting its products to European and Asian countries. However, its expansion managed to conquer the retail market with a line of products for the common consumer, as well as its gourmet line for cocktails, coffee shops and for cuisine lovers.

Premium agave syrup

Standard agave syrup

Organic bee honey

Fruit jelly with agave syrup, agave inulin and chia

Dehydrated powdered nopal

Currently, Natura BioFoods has a production plant of 160 tons and another packing plant with a range of 40 bottles per minute. Its high quality level in manufacture and bottling process has granted the company different international certifications, which places the food sector of the country in the international glance. Moreover, in 2017 Natura BioFoods will be present in practically every supermarket chain in the country, additionally, it is currently conquering American territories beginning with Texas to then continue with its expansion throughout the country.


(+52) (33) 3365 6560




VI SUMMIT OF ENTREPRENEURS The sixth edition of the Summit of Entrepreneurs AmCham was carried out under the slogan “Evolution: One step further”, which gathered more than 300 entrepreneur leaders to create new business opportunities and to attend to the keynote speeches of national and international presenters from companies like Google, Fifco, Alazraki Networks, Bla Bla Car, iBrandx, Innova Alimentos and egade Business School.




LATINA PROMOHOTELES Promodesa inaugurated its new operations center Latina Promohoteles to establish its project along with G6 Hospitality and to introduce the hotel chain “Hotel 6 and Estudio 6” in Mexico as a part of its expansion strategy. This introduction supposes an expansion plan in Jalisco, Querétaro, Guanajuato, Nuevo León and Hidalgo.




WIBE REUNION – RAFA MÁRQUEZ FOUNDATION With a social commitment focused on sports, Wibe organized an encounter among football players from Atlas Sports Club and children from the Rafa Márquez Foundation with the goal of competing in a tournament in the videogame fifa. The objective of the event was to motivate and raise awareness of sports in the educational environment in the country.

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