Retrieving Mankind's Lost Heritage 3

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A good question to ask now might be, is the Earth really as old as we’ve always thought? From what we’ve learned so far, the scientific world can make mistakes and and hasn’t scored too well in understanding such things as the Flood cataclysm, the fossil record, and geology of the Earth. A major reason for supposing that such long ages of time preceded our present historical age has to do with the fact that such assumptions make it easier to explain the origin of the natural world in terms of evolution theory: if millions of years of time can be factored into the “origins” equation, then it might seem plausible that species would have time to “evolve”, change, or mutate from one form into other (higher) forms. However, our study of genetics, DNA, probability, etc. have shown that not even the longest length of time could ever give room for the creation of complex organisms through any kind of random natural process; the creation process has to be done by supernatural means – by the hand of our Creator. This then raises the question, is the earth really as old – millions or billions of years – as is widely believed nowadays? Or could it be a lot younger than we think?

Estimates of Earth’s Age Age Estimates Based on Geological Evidence Following are some geological evidences that bring to light the very real possibility of an earthly environment much younger than what we’ve usually thought. (Adapted from “Creation vs Evolution”, a publication of THE FAX OF LIFE courtesy of Helping Hand)

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