Atyp annual report 2015

Page 1


CONTENTS 02 Our Vision 03-04 Artistic Director's Report 05-06 Chair’s Report 07-13 2015 Productions 14-18

ATYP Cameos

19 Writing 20-21 Workshops 22 Learning 23 Development 24


25 Archives 26-60 Financials 61 ATYP Staff 61 Atypical Advisors 62 Partners and Supporters


Annual Report 2015


OUR VISION TO RAISE THE NATIONAL EXPECTATION OF WHAT THEATRE WITH YOUNG PEOPLE CAN ACHIEVE. We do this through four aspirations: 1. To be a fearless theatre company with a national impact that all levels of the industry love to work with. 2. To build an active playwriting community that champions and supports young artists and their work. 3. To be the first place teachers turn to for inspiration and support in drama education. 4. To maintain a vibrant creative hub and company culture that young people around the country want to be part of.

Our work is determined by our four overarching strategies: → National Impact Recognise the company’s role as the national youth theatre and prioritise initiatives that have the potential to resonate nationally. → Artistic Excellence Connect young people with industry leaders, and work in partnership with companies, venues and producers synonymous with “artistic excellence”. → Innovation Embrace technology and the evolving nature of storytelling as it relates to young people and their place in the world. → Pathways Maintain an environment that develops confidence and creativity in all young Australians by offering inclusive access to the company and supporting the career development of emerging professionals.


Annual Report 2015


ARTISTIC DIRECTOR’S REPORT Once again it gives me great pleasure to present the Artistic Director’s report for ATYP. Each year as I look back over the program - the projects that were delivered, feedback from our young participants and parents alongside reviews by our nation’s flagship publications - I am taken aback by what has been achieved. For a company that is driven by the passion and commitment of its staff and Board, fuelled by energy of the young people that are at the heart of all activities, ATYP invariably exceeds expectations. 2015 proved to be an extraordinary year. Of particular note during 2015 was the growth and success of ATYP’s programs. The weekly and holiday workshops consistently exceeded attendance and revenue targets, and a masterclass program for young adults was a sell-out success. The Learning team built on-line resources that received industry acclaim and attracted a schools' audience of more than 3,000 to live-streamed productions. The writing program engaged young people from every State and Territory as well as pioneering an international collaboration linking teenagers from Australia and the UK. Our marketing team saw significant increases in people accessing ATYP’s social media platforms and attending events. The Annual Appeal saw the most significant increase in the number of donors in the past decade. Even our trainee was awarded ‘Trainee of the Year’ by ArtsReady. If 2014 was the year ATYP consolidated its place amongst leading Australian companies, 2015 was significant for forging international ties. I had the great privilege of directing a new work with Southeast Asian artists for the Okinawa International Children’s Festival, and working with Pilot Theatre based in York, England. ATYP hosted Alex Evans from Pilot Theatre who directed the award winning War Crimes by Angela Betzien. While in the UK, ATYP General Manager, Amy Maiden, and I took the opportunity to meet with a number of leading English theatre companies to discuss future collaborations.

This was a year in which ATYP significantly broadened our opportunities for international theatre. One important process in 2015 was the development of our latest Strategic Plan. We began the year with the expectation that 2015 could be a turning point for ATYP. It was the year both the Australia Council for the Arts and Arts NSW were to launch revised funding programs. Both were designed to allow successful companies the opportunity for growth and stability. While it was acknowledged some would be defunded, companies that could demonstrate significant growth and success over recent years had great optimism. Indeed ATYP had been working strategically toward this opportunity for three years. It was the long-awaited chance to correct the significant inequity in ATYP’s operational funding. As it transpired, this opportunity was partly realised. ATYP received a funding increase from Arts NSW over the coming triennium. The additional funds will make a significant difference to the administrative capacity of the company. In addition, we entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Arts NSW securing ATYP a new purpose-built home on Pier 2/3. After many years of discussion ATYP has a formal commitment from the State Government for a longterm home. The prospect of a purpose-built theatre and dedicated office and rehearsal spaces will transform ATYP. We are extremely grateful to Arts NSW for their generous and ongoing support. Sadly the revision of programs by the Australia Council for the Arts had to be postponed in 2015 due to significant cuts by the Federal Government. As a result all Key Organisations, a category that includes ATYP, had their funding rolled over at current levels for 2016. The suddenness and unprecedented nature of the Governments decision was a cause of great concern amongst the Australian arts community. The full ramifications of this change to Federal Arts funding will not be known for some time.


It is a testament to the resilience and determination of ATYP staff and Board that 2015 was not impacted by the upheaval to the broader cultural landscape. I’d like to acknowledge the extraordinary work of all involved across marketing, learning, workshops, production, development, administration and writing. It is a great privilege to work amongst such inspiring people. The two international projects I was involved in during 2015 meant I was out of the country for over two months – something that would have been unimaginable during my early years with ATYP. In what was an already difficult year which meant huge additional responsibility for General Manager, Amy Maiden. In Amy’s first year in the role she managed the Company with extraordinary grace, confidence, clarity and strength. She is an outstanding leader and an exceptional person. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to work alongside Amy in leading the Company. 2016 also sees the retirement of the Chair of the ATYP Board, Michael Ihlein. I have had the privilege of working with Michael for six years. He has been a confidante, a guide, a mentor and a friend. Under his leadership ATYP has been bold, strategic, ambitious, meticulous and fun. Above all else he has instilled confidence; in our artistic ability, in our importance, in what we do as a company and the implications for wider Australia. On behalf of all Board and staff I would like to acknowledge Michael’s extraordinary achievements and offer our sincere thanks. He will be greatly missed. I am, however, looking forward to working with Mark Warburton as the new Chair and ATYP is very fortunate to have him join the Company. Despite the uncertainties facing small-to-medium arts funding it’s an exciting time to be part of ATYP. I look forward to seeing what the Annual Report will contain next year.

Fraser Corfield Artistic Director and CEO, Australian Theatre for Young People 20 April 2016

Annual Report 2015




It is with great pleasure that I present the Chair’s report for 2015. It has been, yet again, a truly amazing year in 2015 for the Australian Theatre for Young People (ATYP)! The Company continues to excel in its artistic endeavours under the leadership of Fraser Corfield, ATYP’s Artistic Director, and his team. Our vision is to forever raise expectations of what theatre with young people can achieve. ATYP exists to help young people find their voice and together, inspire Australians. We believe that involvement in theatre builds better people. Theatre develops confidence, creativity and community. It challenges us to reflect on and better understand ourselves and our society. Young people are a vital part of that society. All of ATYP’s programs continue to grow and develop and 2016 will see us tour nationally for the first time in our history. In 2015, we undertook more work nationally as well as increasing our international collaborations. We have continued to grow our live-stream offerings and our workshop program has delivered its strongest result ever – both in terms of content and financially. Our writers’ programs continue to develop and we are engaging with more young people than ever. As a company, we really are now joining the main stage! This is at a time when we have commenced the detailed planning for our move over the next few years to a new dedicated home in Pier 2/3. This has been a long time coming but the formal announcement of this by the NSW State Government is welcomed and greatly appreciated.

Annual Report 2015


2015 was very encouraging in a financial sense as we benefited from the significant investments that ATYP made in 2014. Our hope was that either Sugarland or M.Rock would be able to eventually tour, and this will come to fruition in 2016 with our first national tour of Sugarland. With all the hard work of the whole Company in 2015 and the success of all our programs we were able to basically achieve our targeted breakeven result in 2015. This is a significant achievement in a year with considerable upheaval in government arts funding, when competition for funding from Trusts and Foundations was intense. The Company has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Arts NSW for our new home at Pier 2/3 in Walsh Bay, Australia’s premier arts precinct. This is truly a very exciting development for ATYP as this has been in the planning for more than 15 years. Exciting as it is, it is also daunting as we embark on the detailed design of our new home and the planning of logistics for the move. In addition, we will be initiating a significant fundraising campaign to provide resources for the eventual move in 2019. Our team at ATYP has been stable during the year under the strong leadership of Fraser Corfield, Artistic Director and CEO, and Amy Maiden, General Manager. The Company (including the atyp Foundation) finished the year ended 31 December 2015 with a small loss of $23,669 (2014: $345,582 loss) and Total Equity of $1,107,177 (2014: $1,130,849). The significantly improved result reflects major investments the Company made in 2014 in Sugarland and M.Rock and the very strong results in our box office and all workshop categories. The strong artistic program has underpinned these pleasing results. The low interest rate environment continues to impact the earnings from investments in the atyp Foundation and hence the level of funding available to ATYP. At the ATYP level, it was very encouraging to see us deliver a small surplus of $476, a major achievement given the loss in the prior year. ATYP continues to have an objective to break even each year and that will again be our target for 2016 as we seek to reinvest all our income back in the arts sector. In the area of funding, ATYP continues to benefit from various subsidies and grants, which, although slightly lower than the previous year, totalled $359,640 in 2015 (2014: $398,552). These include Australia Council for the Arts and Arts NSW. The Company continues to generate significant amounts from private fundraising activities and significantly improved its overall results


Annual Report 2015


in this area in 2015. In 2015, ATYP raised $735,396 in sponsorships and donations (2014: $487,542). The Graeme Wood Foundation continues to be a great supporter of the Company, benefiting our writing programs, for which we are very thankful. In addition, we are grateful for the support of a number of foundations in 2015 including 100 Years of ANZAC, Creative Partnerships Australia, Limb Family Foundation, Tim Fairfax Family Foundation, Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation, Dalwood-Wylie Foundation and James N Kirby Foundation. ATYP has also benefited from corporate support from a number of organisations including BBM Youth Support, Copyright Agency Limited Cultural Fund and UBS Australia Limited. In addition, we are very appreciative of pro-bono support which has been provided by a number of organisations including PricewaterhouseCoopers, King & Wood Mallesons, Mullinars Casting Consultants and Optimiste Wines. Our reach to individuals and a range of organisations has expanded from which additional valuable funding has been provided as part of our fundraising activities. We continue to be very grateful for the support of government (especially Australia Council for the Arts and Arts NSW) and the private sector in supporting ATYP in its valuable work. The ATYP Board is very appreciative of the whole ATYP team for all their efforts. Fraser Corfield’s and Amy Maiden’s leadership of the organisation is secondto-none and the wonderful results in 2015 is a credit to them both. Fraser in particular is taking a major leadership role in the small-to-medium arts sector. The sector has been under considerable pressure this last year or so given the major changes in government funding and his leadership is greatly appreciated. The atyp Foundation Advisory Committee comprises Angela Bowne (Chair), Antoinette Albert, Rob Rich and Mark Warburton, and the Committee continues to be a great support to the Company. The atyp Foundation is providing operational support to ATYP as well as a five-year commitment to commissioning new work. A very special thank you goes to Carolyn Fletcher and Olev Rahn who stepped down from the Committee during the year after many years of service. Mark Warburton joined the Committee during the year and will bring expertise in financial markets at a time of particular importance to the Committee as we embark on expanded fundraising activities.

I am indebted to the support of the full Board during the year especially as we finalised the Pier 2/3 Memorandum of Understanding with Arts NSW. Alexandra Holcomb stepped down from the Board during the year and I would like to express my appreciation for all her efforts in her six years on the Board. It is with a real tinge of sadness that I have decided to retire from the Board of ATYP and hence as Chair of the Company, at the upcoming AGM. I have had the privilege of chairing the Board for six years and I am extremely proud of the Company and what it has achieved in recent years. I am very pleased that Mark Warburton, who currently sits on the atyp Foundation Committee, has agreed to assume the role of Chair of ATYP as from the AGM. Mark is a very experienced executive and has a very senior role at Macquarie Bank, but more importantly he has a passion already for what we are doing at ATYP and I know I will be leaving the Board in safe hands. ATYP is very well placed to continue its growth given the stability of the organisation under Fraser’s leadership, a very experienced Board, the formal announcement of the move to Pier 2/3 and the recent confirmation from Arts NSW to a renewal of triennial funding. The Company has also applied for a renewal of multi-year funding from the Australia Council for the Arts and the outcome of that application will be known soon. Hence, I feel it is an appropriate time for a transition to a new Chair. Throughout my time as Chair of ATYP, I have been appreciative of the help from our supporters, the participants in our programs, the parents and our staff – thank you! You are what makes all things possible at ATYP. The next few years will be exciting as well as challenging but I have absolute confidence in the continued success of Australia’s national youth theatre company – ATYP!

Michael Ihlein Chair, Australian Theatre for Young People 20 April 2016


Annual Report 2015

2015 PRODUCTIONS The Voices Project: Between Us A Town Named War Boy War Crimes Then Outsider The Trolleys





Opened 06 February

Assistant Director Curtis Fernandez

Season 04 - 24 February

Set Designer Melanie Liertz

# Performances 19

Sound Designer Felix Cross

Box Office $16,515

Lighting Designer Alex Berlage

# Attendance 1,180

Stage Manager Olivia Benson Asst Stage Manager Bockie Robertson Cast Katy Avery Christian Charisiou Jordan Cowan Patrick Cullen Rebecca Cuttance Airlie Dodds Kelly Huynh Lucia May Domenica Roebuck Gemma Scoble Michael Smith

Annual Report 2015

Since it was first staged in 2011 ATYP’s annual monologue program The Voices Project has changed the landscape for young writers and actors. This collection of monologues generated by the nation’s emerging young playwrights give us an insight into the complex world of young adults.


and direction.

In 2015 the theme for the production was ‘secrets’. Staged as a site-specific exploration through Studio 1, the production was intimate, surprising, warm and uplifting. Directed by ATYP’s Sarah Parsons, Between Us received universal praise for the quality of the writing, performances It is no secret that the Australian Theatre for Young People is a crucial element in the continuing progress of our artistic landscape, but on this occasion, the stepping stone has itself become a thing to celebrate. Suzy Goes See Inventively staged and well-acted…the most immersive of the Voices Project shows yet. Jason Blake 8 Shows a Week We have a highlight already for 2015 in ATYP’s own The Voices Project: Between Us. Maryann Wright


Annual Report 2015



A TOWN NAMED WAR BOY by Ross Mueller

Opened 01 May

Director Fraser Corfield

Season 29 April - 9 May

Assistant Directors Lisa Mumford Julia Patey

# Performances 13

Composer Steve Francis Set Designer Adrienn Lord Sound Designer Alistair Wallace Lighting Designer Emma Lockhart-Wilson Stage Manager Fraser Orford Production Manager James Holley Cast Simon Croker Brandon McClelland Edward McKenna Joshua Brennan

Box Office $23,945 # Attendance 1,095 Inspired by The State Library of New South Wales’ jaw-dropping collection of WWI diaries and letters and featuring an outstanding young cast, A Town Named War Boy brings our ANZAC legend to life. Built with the potential for future touring, the production received an overwhelmingly positive response from critics and audiences. The hope is to take the production on the road in 2017 in partnership with the NSW Regional Library network.

Amid the hundreds of millions spent on the Anzac centenary, the Australian Theatre for Young People has, on what we suspect was a budget somewhere between frugal and oily rag, created what for us has been the most moving Anzac experience of all. The Australian The defining work to bring the individual as close as possible to the extraordinary experience of these very beautifully ordinary young men.



WAR CRIMES by Angela Betzien

Opened 17 July

Director Alex Evans

Season 15 July - 1 August

Voice Coach / Assistant Director Grace Partridge

# Performances 17

Designer Emma Reyes Sound Designer Tom Hogan Lighting Designer Alex Berlage

Box Office $9,305 # Attendance 764

Annual Report 2015


Winner of the 2015 Sydney Theatre Awards’ “Best Production for Young People”, War Crimes tells a story of five disenfranchised young women who are fighting for respect, railing against authority and struggling to form an identity in a small town with limited opportunities. The relocation of an Iraqi refugee family to the town provokes a climate of hostility and tension that threatens to explode. War Crimes was presented as part of an international project, Documents of Poverty and Hope, exploring the impact and experience of migration on individuals and nations. The production was directed by Alex Evans from English company Pilot Theatre.

Stage Manager Sorie Bangura Movement Coach Tia Jordan Fight Choreographers Nigel Poulton Tim Dashwood Cast Hannah Cox Holly Fraser Charlotte Hazzard Odetta Quinn

It barrels inexhaustibly from one feeling to the next, bringing to the stage gorgeously difficult ideas … shaped into one of the most compelling, feels-likehome dramas. Time Out This is the sort of story we should be telling to young people in the theatre. One that is honest, engaging and completely engaged with the world. Crikey Complex and powerful. The Australian


Annual Report 2015



THEN by Yve Blake & Co. Dramaturg Georgia Symons Musical Director Alex Groves Cast Yve Blake Opened 11 September Season 09 - 19 September # Performances 10 Box Office $7,495 # Attendance 575 In October 2013, Yve Blake created the interactive site in which she asked strangers to answer one question, ‘Who do they feel they used to be?’ Strangers from 154 cities around the world contributed more than 1000 stories, voicemails, pictures and playlists. Then is a vibrant collage of these memories.

Fascinating and joyous, amusing and profound. Alt Media The stories have been collated… from the light and bright through to something more intense, but beautifully moving. Daily Review This was a fresh, inspirational show. Sydney Arts Guide


Annual Report 2015


OUTSIDER by Emteaz Hussain Director Fraser Corfield Designer Lydia Denno Lighting Designer Alexandra Stafford Stage Manager Luke James Cast Sara Sadeghi Lou Broadbent Opened 24 September Season 24 - 28 September Venues CAST (Doncaster) York University Barnsley Civic Derby Theatre Liverpool Playhouse Canada Water (London) Hull Truck Lawrence Batley Theatre Tobacco Factory (Bristol)

Pilot Theatre, in association with ATYP, took the classic novel L’Etranger and retold it through the stories of two women, Marie and Sumaya. Pilot’s production, written by Emteaz Hussain, gave voice to the forgotten in a compelling re-imagining of Albert Camus’ novel. The production was toured through England. Supported by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union as part of the Boomerang: Documents of Poverty and Hope project, Outsider was the companion piece to ATYP’s War Crimes. Rewarding and provocative new work. British Theatre Guide Sarah Sedeghi and Lou Broadbent never put a foot wrong in this demanding and intense hour. A Younger Theatre Exquisitely structured and beautifully acted piece of theatre. The Australian



Annual Report 2015




Opened 6 November

Director Danielle O’Keefe

Season 04 - 14 November

Set & Costume Designer Melanie Liertz

# Performances 12

Lighting Designer Emma Lockhart-Wilson

Box Office $12,541 (incl. schools box office)

Sound Designer Sam Weller

# Attendance 1,139

Sound Design Mentor Steve Francis Assistant Director Rowan Bate Stage Manager Michael Cornford Cast Laura Bunting Grace Campbell Finbar Clayton Coco Jack Gillies Kiri Jenssen Max Mulvenney Daniel Page Harry Straw Noah Sturzaker Amelia Warburton Scarlett Waters

This captivating new play by Sara West transplants us to a dangerous world where the most important commodity is light. But for The Trolleys, the kids on the outskirts of town, the light in their jars is fading and they don’t know why. There is only a little time left. No one wants to live in the dark. This production was attended by more than 1,000 people during its two-week season and the live-streamed performance was watched by a further 1,300. The Trolleys demonstrated why a production with actors aged 10 - 13 deservedly sits on the Company’s main stage.

The Trolleys is a great play that has a great message (love is much better than being mean). ... We recommend it for 10+ because there are some scary scenes. We hope you all enjoy it as much as we did! Stage Noise Primary and high school teachers should look out for it. The Trolleys is a play to set young imaginations alight. Sydney Morning Herald



Annual Report 2015

TFO Garlambirla Pronoun Beneath an Oxbow Lake Out Of Line No-one Cares about Your Cat Team Australia Between the Clouds



Annual Report 2015








Are you being left behind when it comes to technology? Can you tell a hash tag from a hash brown? The TFO Crew is here with a helpful guide to get you up to speed and #technosavvy. In a world of blogging trolls storing metadata on a cloud. The TFO crew will help us navigate our way around the digital sphere with a fun and entertaining examination of how we maintain connections with other humans.

Presented by Corrugated Iron Youth Arts Directors Adam Drake Zoe Mitchell Opened 08 April Season 08 - 11 April # Performances 04 Box Office $1,120 # Attendance 154

Based on the shared histories of Garlambirla, otherwise known as Coffs Harbour, this new musical follows the Creation Ancestors on their journeys through Gumbaynggirr. Through sky, land and sea, Garlambirla celebrates life on the beautiful Gumbaynggirr country, as told by the traditional custodians.

Presented by Garlambirla Youth Theatre Writer / Director Madge Hair Musical Director Simon Smith Opened 13 May Season 13 - 16 May # Performances 05 Box Office $1,900 # Attendance 141


Annual Report 2015








Josh and Isabella are childhood sweethearts. They were meant to spend their gap year together, they were meant to be together forever. But Isabella has now become a boy. Pronoun is a love story about transition, testosterone and James Dean.

Presented by Bittersweet Productions

Pronoun was the first production by Bittersweet Productions, a theatre company for young actors established by one of Sydney's most respected teachers Paul Viles, former head of drama at The Arts Unit.

# Performances 05

Director Paul Viles Opened 03 June Season 03 - 07 June

Box Office $7,010 # Attendance 444

Beneath an Oxbow Lake looks at the space between high school and the rest of your life, where every decision feels crucial and everything you’ve done up to this point was child’s play. Set in the Riverina, the play explores the persistent power of rumours, the pressures of growing up in rural Australia and the unexpected lessons that are just around the river bend.

Presented by Outback Theatre for Young People Director Paige Rattray Writer Julian Larnach Opened 08 July Season 08 - 11 July # Performances 04 Box Office $2,100 # Attendance 297


Annual Report 2015








A futuristic school-scape where the enforcement of rules borders on controlling, selfexpression is disallowed, and sameness is the status-quo. Shopfront Arts Co-op presents Out of Line – a new dance theatre work investigating themes of rules, bullying and resilience. ATYP was proud to host this new work following the successful season earlier in the year at Shopfront’s space in Carlton.

Director Margot Politis Writers / Cast Created and performed by young people with and without disability from the Shopfront Bodylines Ensemble, Autism Spectrum Australia, and Kogarah High School. Opened 27 August Season 27 - 28 August # Performances 04 Box Office $1,540 # Attendance 132

In this age of increasingly novel and addictive social technologies we are more networked than ever, yet we’ve never felt more alone. Constantly engaged in curating the exhibition of the self, we are accused of being selfabsorbed, anti-social and narcissistic. But is it the medium, or is it us? In this bold and playful new work, five of Tantrum’s emerging artists teamed up with contemporary performance collective Paper Cut and leading Australian theatre-maker David Williams to ask difficult questions and explore honest narratives of our digital social lives.

Presented by Tantrum Youth Arts in partnership with Paper Cut Theatre makers Paper Cut Dramaturg David Williams Opened 30 September Season 30 September 03 October # Performances 04 Box Office $1,820 # Attendance 128


Annual Report 2015








Developed across 18 months of weekly training, research and practice, Team Australia is the next major work from the PYT Ensemble. This work follows on from the enormous success of their premier work In this Fairfield which performed to three massive seasons at PYT, ATYP and Parramatta Riverside.

Presented by Powerhouse Youth Theatre

Team Australia offers six perspectives on their experiences as young Australians. This work is intimate, irreverent and deeply political.

Season 21 - 24 October

Writers Powerhouse Youth Theatre with Karen Therese Sean Bacon Kym Vercoe Opened 21 October

# Performances 04 Box Office $650 # Attendance 155

I can be me when no-one is looking, the problem is, everyone is looking. Technology has given us more power online than we’ve ever had before. We can travel the globe in the click of a button, start trends then break them, create a thousand different versions of ourselves, be famous for 15 minutes or even a lifetime and connect with people who were once a world away. But what does all this mean when we live in regional Australia? Are we still disconnected from the rest of the world even when we’re connected to the internet?

Presented by Hothouse Theatre Writer Julia Rose Lewis Director Travis Dowling Designer Sophie Woodward Lightign Designer Rob Scott Dramaturg Jennifer Medway Opened 25 November Season 25-28 November # Performances 04 Box Office $870 # Attendance 89


Annual Report 2015

WRITING In 2015 ATYP Writing had its biggest year yet with increased funding from the Graeme Wood Foundation allowing for a full-time Writing Coordinator and a Resident Playwright position. Jennifer Medway stayed on in her previous capacity and Julian Larnach became Resident Playwright. This allowed for increased activity in engaging with young playwrights and the writing community as a whole, nationally and internationally. Professional artists engaged in ATYP writing programs in 2015 were: Donna Abela Saffron Benner Nicki Bloom Stephen Collela Fraser Corfield Travis Dowling Kevin Dyer Michael Futcher Jon Halpin Tom Holloway Julia Rose Lewis Ross Mueller Tommy Murphy Lachlan Philpott Francesca Smith Anthea Williams

Highlights for 2015 were: → Fresh Ink Mentoring ran in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide. → Masterclasses were conducted by Donna Abela Tommy Murphy Lachlan Philpott Francesca Smith. → An international program for young people aged 13-18 was delivered with Action Transport Theatre in the UK. → Currency Press published 17 monologues developed at previous National Studios, called The Encore Edition. → ATYP developed Between the Clouds with HotHouse Theatre.

Workshops Workshop participants Industry employed Actors Scripts assessed Writers aged under 18 supported Writers aged 18-26 supported National participation

60 78 17 56 29 20 59 NSW, VIC, SA, QLD



Annual Report 2015


WORKSHOPS HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS 2015 was an incredibly successful year for the Workshop program. We were delighted to welcome Robert Jago into the role of Workshop Manager. Robert has stepped seamlessly into the role and seen continued growth in the program. Pleasingly, this growth in attendance also resulted in an increase in our scholarship program. The new tutors who joined the ranks are some of the industry's leaders, coming back to share their knowledge with the young artists at ATYP. The holiday workshop program provides an entry point for children and young people interested in theatre and performance, regardless of their level of experience. Each workshop builds skills and enables young people to put their own ideas on stage. It also gives young people opportunities to work and connect with professional artists.

Workshop facilitators 121 Trainee facilitators 71 Paid participants 995 Scholarships 105 Workshops 121 Individual attendances 5,500

The week was fantastic. She loved the tutor. She loved the Wizard of Oz concept and exploring the different elements of the play. She also loved being able to spend the week immersed in drama without being told she was doing something wrong like what happens at school. 2015 ATYP Parent

SEMESTER ENSEMBLE WORKSHOPS Semester Ensembles proved incredibly popular in 2015 with most classes reaching attendance capacity. 2015 saw a slight restructure of the program, allowing us to reconnect with our 18+ demographic and offering more detailed courses for our senior students. Semester Ensembles give young people the opportunity to participate in weekly workshop programs at The Wharf. The Ensembles build skills in performance, develop confidence and selfesteem and encourage creative thinking and problem solving. Each ensemble works toward a performance shown in Studio 1 to audiences of family and friends.

Paid enrolments 524 Scholarships 16 Individual workshops 36 Individual attendances 9,448 Performances 17 Audience 1,440

My daughter loved her honest feedback, it inspired her to be herself when performing. 2015 ATYP Parent The performances at the end of the year were great and my son can’t wait to come back again next year. 2015 ATYP Parent


Annual Report 2015




Previously known as the Actor’s Toolkit, the Professional Series was one the highlights of the 2015 workshop program. A complete restructure and the introduction of new tutors saw ATYP attract the 18+ demographic of performers and recent drama school graduates. As a result we have expanded the series by 2 courses in 2016. It was a fantastic vehicle to reconnect some of the industry’s leading professionals with the Company and observe a new crop of talent they might not have seen.

2015 also saw the workshop department venture into the corporate world. This program takes our world class school holiday programs into the offices of our corporate partners for the children of employees to enjoy. 2015 saw us connect with Macquarie Bank delivering workshops in both Sydney and Melbourne.

An exciting new initiative for 2015 was ATYP's Theatre Going Club. Teaming up with some of Sydney’s leading theatre companies, ATYP introduced our young community to different theatre experiences and productions at a special discounted rate.

Tutors 04 Attendances 52 Venue The Wharf Australian Scene Work August 22-23 Lee Lewis (Artistic Director, Griffin Theatre Co.) Shakespeare Scene Work September 19-20 Damien Ryan (Artistic Director, Sport for Jove Theatre Co.) The Director’s Vision October 17-18 Fraser Corfield (Artistic Director, ATYP) Comedy Scene Work November 21-22 Darren Gilshenan

Fantastic initiative, flawless organisation and a great program. 2015 ATYP Parent My son had a fantastic time and everything worked smoothly – it was great for the kids and the parents! 2015 ATYP Parent

This initiative proved incredibly popular with young people going to the theatre with ATYP representatives, engaging and discussing with people of their own age. Thank you Robert and Elise for taking Rosy and Pearl to see Matilda with ATYP. Pearl and Rosy told me it was sooooo enthralling and wonderful. The best musical they have ever seen. 2015 ATYP Parent A big thank you from Sophie for a terrific evening last night. She loved the show and has been talking about the performance including the sets and costumes ever since. A fantastic ATYP initiative, thanks so much for organising this. 2015 ATYP Parent



Annual Report 2015




2015 was an exciting year for ATYP Learning. We embraced the scope of programs from Access to Excellence. We saw new audiences engage with our productions for their very first theatrical experiences and experienced drama students become integral to the process of commissioning and writing new work. The live streaming of performances, coordinated by ATYP Learning, were seen by over 3,000 students.

→ Theatre Access program in partnership with Kids Xpress The St George Foundation made it possible for ATYP to give students in Western Sydney their very first theatrical experience through workshops, scholarships and free tickets to shows. → ATYP Inspire Pioneering script development workshops connecting schools and professional artists on-line were supported by the Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences (formerly the Powerhouse Museum). → Artist in Residence Marrickville West Public School participated in a 2-term residency program facilitated by Caleb Lewis and Drew Fairley. → Djurali The long standing program assisting Indigenous students with the transition between primary and high school was re-imagined in 2015. → Conferences Our Learning team presented at 3 national education conferences.

In 2015 ATYP Learning engaged 8,370 people Young people Schools Teachers Online audiences Face-to-face audience members Workshops Scholarships Tutors employed

5,492 252 785 3,005 1,570 190 58 78

The developments you have done with schools were amazing and I'm so incredibly grateful that the live stream was done. It means so much to me that kids from all over the place could tune in and watch my play. The learning department at ATYP is truly special. Sara West, Playwright The Trolleys We loved the ATYP Live Stream. It was really lovely to see how excited the students were. I loved that they were able to access and participate in theatre in a completely different way to the normal. Teacher, Sandgate District State High School QLD There are no words... you changed lives today. Deputy Principal, Whalan Public School ATYP Inspire program


Annual Report 2015

DEVELOPMENT As a not-for-profit organisation, ATYP is reliant on philanthropic support to fund core programs and keep the Company accessible and affordable for all young people. The support of our individual donors is critical to survival and we are most grateful for donations we received through our Annual Appeal and other fundraising activities. In 2015, ATYP’s Development Team established the ATYP Parents’ Committee and launched ‘Behind The Scenes’, a bi-monthly e-newsletter with stories that demonstrate the impact of philanthropy on the Company.

STEWARDSHIP In 2015 we acknowledged our supporters at ‘thank you’ events held on 18 February at The Voices Project: Between Us and on 17 September for Yve Blake’s production Then.

FUNDING ACTIVITIES Annual Appeal The Annual Appeal was greatly assisted by Creative Partnerships Australia’s Plus 1 program which offered matched funding for the first $50,000 of donations received. Campaign period March to June 2015 # Donors 239 Amount Raised $136,372 Christmas Appeal Campaign period November / December 2015 # Donors 102 Amount Raised $7,470 Total Donors through Appeals 301

The Annual Appeal saw a fivefold increase from 2014. The Appeal allowed the installation of high speed internet for the company as well as the cost of an IT professional and website updates. Fibre optic cable was installed to ATYP’s premises in February 2016. The Christmas Appeal raised money towards ATYP’s Drama Workshop Access Scholarships providing 19 young people with scholarships during the 2016 Summer Holidays. Donors who made gifts of $30 or more were acknowledged with a Christmas angel on ATYP’s Giving Tree placed in the main foyer. The Annual Appeal included two events: → Gala Night for A Town Named War Boy - 95 guests at the State Library of NSW on 5 May 2015 → Celebrity Play Reading of Max Remy Super Spy - 69 guests at ATYP on 8 December 2015.


PROGRAM FUNDRAISING On 4 August 2015, ATYP held a fundraising event around the launch of the film Last Cab to Darwin. The event helped raise money for ATYP’s Djurali program. The event raised $7,405. Producers' Circle The Producers’ Circle was created in October 2014 and launched on 2 February 2015. The Circle is a special group of donors investing in the Company’s main stage program. # Donors 16 Amount Raised $55,000

GRASS ROOTS FUNDRAISING In June and December 2015 ATYP ran sausage sizzles and cake stalls held around the endof-semester Workshop showings. June 2015 Amount Raised $1,300 Purchased 2 new cameras December 2015 Amount Raised $1,115 Purchased Drama scholarships


Annual Report 2015

MARKETING At ATYP we communicate with many different audiences every week: the young people who attend workshops and stage our productions, parents who book workshops, teachers and educators, donors and sponsors, young actors, our emerging writers, audiences, fellow youth theatre companies, the media, local, state and federal government and industry supporters.

PRODUCTIONS & WORKSHOPS 4,443 people attended an ATYP performance and another 1,540 attended one of our Cameo seasons. Across the year we hosted 5,983 people in our 90-seat theatre including both paid and complimentary guests. In marketing the 2015 season ATYP used more digital channels in campaigns than ever before. A Town Named War Boy saw the inclusion of digital diaries documenting the development and rehearsal process released weekly prior to production, created in partnership with ATYP Learning.

Striking video promotions were created for the seasons of War Crimes and Then. These were used on social media and through direct email. In August, for the first time, we led our monthly e-newsletter with a video promo for Then. The success of the campaign has led to the process being adopted for all subsequent shows. The workshop campaigns saw the addition of online advertising in strategic parenting newsletter Essential Kids and across popular lifestyle websites as we worked hard to gain new participants. For the first time we marketed our 2016 Summer Workshop season (campaign delivered in 2015) without a printed brochure without loss in enrolments. ATYP will continue to work hard to make the best use of available channels to market this important department.

MEDIA The strategic use of social media increased considerably in 2015. Paid advertising on the Facebook and Twitter platforms across campaigns for productions and workshops helped ATYP reach new and broader audiences. Our Facebook following increased 38% from

5,370 to 7,400 adding an average 169 likes per month. Twitter also continued to grow with an average of 120 newcomers per month ending the year with 6,590 followers. The biggest increase was Instagram, doubling followers in the second half of the year, ending with 1,288. Our website remains the most important gateway for our audiences. It enables our community to book tickets, enroll in workshops and masterclasses, access information and contact the Company. In 2015 the website was upgraded to be accessible for mobile devices. ATYP secured in-kind support in 2015 that delivered extremely valuable advertising space in the Daily and Sunday Telegraph print editions. These ads were used to promote the productions The Voices Project: Between Us and A Town Named War Boy and holiday workshops. We also secured $10,000 a month in support from Google Adwords.



ARCHIVES ATYP Archives, one of only two performing arts’ company in-house corporate archives in Australia, was established in 2003. The archives, staffed by a qualified archivist, is dedicated to preserving evidence of ATYP activities across all departments, and making it available for use by staff. The collection comprises records of governance, administration, promotion, production and participation, and, in spite of several changes in premises over the years, contains material from inception of the company in 1963 through its 52 years. As a result, the records are used by all departments in daily operations, providing verifiable information for reports, publications, contact with sponsors and alumni; and content for the website and social media sites. In 2013, an oral history project was initiated, aiming to capture the recollections of significant contributors to the company, and in February, 2015, Jane Westbrook (tutor, director and Artistic Director of ATYP, 1981-1984) was

interviewed by Oral Historian, Dr Margaret Leask. In 2012-13, several videos of early ATYP production footage were digitized for posterity; and an ongoing effort is the scanning and storing of analogue production, workshop and event photographs, for ease of use for promoting the company. Past production, cast, Board, staff and tutor information is also maintained in continuously updated databases, for immediate presentation of accurate data. In 2015, a paper on theatre archives, containing a section with a case-study of ATYP Archives, was co-authored by the archivists of ATYP and NIDA (Julia Mant), and presented at two national conferences.

Annual Report 2015



Annual Report 2015

FINANCIALS Corporate Information Directors' Report Auditor's Independance Declaration Financial Statements Directors' Declaration Independent Auditor’s Report Business and Government Partners Financial Supporters atyp Foundation Supporters

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Annual Report 2015



Artistic Director Fraser Corfield General Manager Amy Maiden Finance Manager Kate di Mattina Development Manager Andrew Deane Marketing Manager Kar Chalmers Workshop Manager Sarah Parsons (until February 2015) Robert Jago (from February 2015) Education Manager Adèle Jeffreys Production Manager Juz McGuire Finance and Operations Coordinator Chrissy Riley (from April 2015) Education Coordinator Lisa Mumford Writing Coordinator Jennifer Medway Administration Trainee James Handsaker Marketing and Development Coordinator Elise Barton Marketing Coordinator Samantha Cable (until April 2015) Justin Stamboliah (from April 2015) Geek-in-Residence Dan Andrews Archivist Judith Seeff 2015 Writer-in-Residence Julian Larnach

Deng Akot Katy Avery Emily Bailey Hughes Asha Boswarva Georgia Brindley Andrew Brophy Emma Campbell Airlie Dodds Nathalie Fenwick Holly Fraser Matt Friedman Naomi Hastings Ava Karuso Stephanie King Micayla Laurence Sean Marshall Julia McNamara Paul Musumeci Kathleen Quere Patrick Richards Dominica Roebuck Julia Rorke Emily Sheehan Will Thomas Charlotte Tilelli



Annual Report 2015






The Wharf Pier 4/5 Hickson Rd Walsh Bay NSW 2000 (02) 9270 2400

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