AYP Memorial Newsletter 37

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Honoring All Who Served “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” ~Nathan Hale

Seniors on this Memorial Day… As time is quickly gliding into summer, this Memorial Day weekend is for some an opportunity for beach trips, BBQs, family picnics, and the springboard into summer vacation. Yet for many, it is a sacred day to remember those who have paid the ultimate price for this country. From the founding of our nation till present day, over a million Americans have lost their lives fighting for freedom, as well as currently over 21 million military veterans who have served in this lifetime. [Date] Yet on this Memorial Day, both military and civilians alike, will join together as one to pay homage to and recall the memories of the fallen. Many have lost spouses, siblings, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, and close friends. It is a very personal day for the elderly, remembering their own family’s ultimate sacrifice defending this country. As the years go by, the recollection of such patriotic events slowly loses the battle with time. For some, they may not even be able to remember Memorial Day next year. An estimated 5 million people over the age of 65 have Alzheimer’s disease. So for this year, your aged loved ones who desire to have a time of remembrance on Memorial Day for those fallen, may need your help in doing so. Sharing stories is so important, and by patiently listening with open hearts, your loved ones will feel supported and cared for. It can be an emotional time for the elderly, and are often times facing many lost loved ones to remember. So please take the time this weekend, amidst all your family’s celebratory plans, to be there for a senior, be someone they can count on. Even if they are participating in the family festivities, their outward demeanor may not truly reflect what they are going through inside. And as you enjoy creating new memories with your children or grandchildren and reflecting on the memories of those lost, encourage others around you to join in and listen to the stories. Your loved ones will feel the connection of a family who cares enough to listen and carry on the stories even when they themselves will no longer be able to keep the memories alive. From the At Your Place staff, we are so very thankful to those who sacrificed their lives to protect this country. We are deeply indebted to your service. Thank you. http://seniorcarecorner.com/helping-senior-loved-ones-memorial-day-

Vancouver Memorial Event: The Vancouver community’s largest Memorial Day observance will take place in an 11 am ceremony May 26 at the Vancouver Barracks. The event will be at the Clark County Veterans Memorial along Fort Vancouver Way. The memorial recognizes more than 575 local service members who died in conflicts ranging from the Spanish-American War in 1898 to operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. All are welcome to attend and support the community as we honor the fallen.

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