att.KANSAI Winter 2018

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Travel to Senshu Osaka City


大阪市 오사카시 KIX

in Osaka, a Place Steeped in History

大阪 오사카

Senshu Area 泉州地區 센슈 지역


東京 도쿄

While Osaka is an exciting city always filled with tourists, the area located at the southwestern part of Osaka Prefecture (commonly called the “Senshu Area”) has lots of different kinds of attractions. The Senshu area has many historical sites, including those going back to the time before Christ. Visit and feel the history that is still alive in the Senshu area.

The Nintoku-tenno-ryo Kofun (Daisen Ancient Tomb)

仁德天皇陵古墳 닌토쿠 천황릉 고분

Sakai City 堺市


外觀獨特,如鑰匙孔一般(前方後圓墳) ,是日本最大的古墳,與埃 及古夫王金字塔、中國秦始皇陵並列為世界三大墳墓。據說是 5 世 紀時期的大王(天皇) 陵墓,但全貌尚未解開。墳丘全長 486m 的日 本最大墳墓,是什麼樣的人長眠於此、又是如何建造的呢,試著讓 思緒飛回遙遠的古代吧! 이집트 쿠푸왕의 피라미드, 중국 진시황릉과 견줄만한 세계 3대 분묘의 하 나로 열쇠구멍 같은 독특한 모양(전방후원분)의 일본 최대의 고분이다. 5세 기경 대왕(천황)이 묻혀있다고 전해지만, 전모는 아직 미해명. 봉분의 전장 이 486m이나 되는 일본 제일의 묘지에는 어떤 사람이 잠들어 있을지, 어떻 게 만들어졌을지, 고대에 모습을 상상해 보는 것은 어떨까?   JR Mozu Sta. / JR百舌鳥站 / JR모즈역

Kofun refers to ancient burial mounds that were constructed for influ-

ential figures during the period from the 3rd to 7th centuries. It is said that there are more than 200,000 kofun nationwide. The area around the Nintoku-tenno-ryo Kofun is clustered with many other kofun, which are collectively called the Mozu tombs.


att. KANSAI 2018

As one of the world’s largest tombs, along with the Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt and the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor in China, this is Japan’s largest tomb, with a unique keyhole shape (square at the front and rounded in the rear). It is said that the tomb was built for the emperor around the 5th century; however, the whole picture hasn’t been uncovered yet. Think about ancient times, speculating about who was buried in Japan’s largest tomb with a total length of 486 meters and how it was constructed.

Sakai City Museum offers a vir tual reality “Nintokutenno-r yo Kofun Tour,” in which you can enjoy the view from the sky and inside the tomb. 目前堺市博物館正展開從上 空眺望重現古墳內部的 VR 「仁德天皇陵古墳之旅」 。

사카이시 박물관에서는 상공에서 바라보는 경치와

고분 내부를 재현한 VR ‘닌토쿠 천황릉 고분 투어’를 실시중.

古墳是指建於 3 世紀~ 7 世紀的重要人物墳墓,據說日本全國有 20 萬座以上。這裡除了 仁德天皇陵古墳,周邊也有許多古墳,整體被稱為 「百舌鳥古墳群」 。

고분은 3세기~7세기경에 걸쳐 만들어진 유력자의 무덤으로 일본 전국에 20만 이상의 무덤이 있 다고 전해오고 있다. 닌토쿠 천황릉 고분 외에 주변에는 다수의 고분이 점재하고 있으며, 이들은 ‘모즈 고분군’이라 불리고 있다.

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