att.JAPAN Issue 60

Page 13

Climbing Mt. Fuji in Summer The season for climbing Mt. Fuji opens on July 1 with a ceremony and ends in late August. It is best for most people to climb during this period when the mountain lodges and first-aid centers are in business, although experienced mountain climbers sometimes climb in other seasons. The routes are well maintained and no special climbing techniques are necessary. More than 200,000 people of all ages climb the mountain every year. The average temperature, however, at the summit is around 5 degrees C even in summer and there may be strong winds and heavy rain. There is also the risk of lightning and altitude sickness. Because Mt. Fuji is more than 3,000 meters high, you should be well prepared the equipment and serious about the climb.

Access Take the JR Chuo Line from Shinjuku and change to the Fujikyu Railway train at Otsuki. Railfans will enjoy riding on the “Azusa” and “Kaiji” limited express trains on the JR Chuo Line, and the “Fuji-tozan densha” and “Fujisan tokkyu” on the Fujikyuko Line. The “Kawaguchiko-go” rapid train runs directly from Shinjuku to Kawaguchiko on holidays. Get off at Fujisan Station or Kawaguchiko Station, and take a bus to the trail entrances.

Climbing Routes There are four main climbing routes. The “Yoshida Route” is in Yamanashi Prefecture (the Kawaguchiko side) with two trail entrances. Starting at the 5th Station (gogome) of the Fuji Subaru Line Road, also called the Kawaguchiko entrance, is the most popular. The guidelines say it requires 6 hours 50 minutes to go up and 3 hours 20 minutes to come down. There are many lodges along the way so you will feel safe. Not only from the summit but also from the 7th or 8th stations, you can see the sunrise. Hike up among the lava rocks on the sand gravel trail. The lower entrance is 1st Station (ichigome) and takes an estimated time of 9 hours up and 4 hours 40 minutes down. This trail has retained an old-time atmosphere and recently has been attracting Mt. Fuji lovers as the best way to enjoy the Great Nature of the revered mountain. There are sightseeing spots along the trail, such as the Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine at the foot. Kongozue, a pilgrim's walking stick sold at the entrances for about 1,000 yen, can be branded by each lodge you pass for around 200 yen. It is a good souvenir.

Adjacent Places to See and Local Food Hiking and cycling are great ways to see the area. Oishi Park in Fuji-Kawaguchiko Town offers a fine view of Mt. Fuji looming above Lake Kawaguchi, and in particular, from mid-June to mid-July the lavender flowers are at their best. Saiko Iyashi-no-sato Nemba has charming thatched-roof houses and a splendid view of Mt. Fuji. The Itchiku Kubota Art Museum was awarded three stars in the Michelin Green Guide Japon 2009. The Fuji Visitor Center and Saiko Komori Ana (Bat Cave), one of the largest lava caves in this area with hordes of bats, are both interesting. And Oshino Hakkai is famous for its excellent water. Fujikyu Highland Theme Park is home to many attractions including TAKABISHA and FUJIYAMA. A new labyrinth attraction will open in late June, 2012. Hungry? Try the hoto, a dish of noodles, pumpkin, and other vegetables in miso soup. Yoshida udon noodles are firm and thick and served with a cabbage topping. From June to October, you can have the fun of picking your own strawberries, blueberries and cherries.

夏季富士登山遊 富士登山的季節是從 7 月 1 日「開山日」到 8 月底為止。 如果是登山高手的話,可以在除此以外的時期從事登山 活動,不過初學者的話還是選擇在山中小屋及救護站開 放的這個時期攀登富士山會比較好。富士山每年約有超 過 20 萬人來此從事登山活動。登山道路也很完善,不需 要特殊登山技巧。不過就算是盛夏,山頂上的溫度平均 只有攝氏 5 度左右。很容易受到風雨的影響,也常打雷, 還有罹患高山症的擔憂。富士山畢竟是座超越 3000 公尺 的高山,登山前最好還是有萬全的登山裝備及熟讀須知。

前往富士山麓 從新宿站搭乘中央線前往大月站。在大月站改搭富士急 行線。如果您是熱愛鐵路人士的話,可以 搭乘中央線特急「AZUSA」 「KAIJI」 、富 士急行線「富士登山電車」 「FUJISAN 特 急」等也別有樂趣。每逢假日則有從新宿 直通河口湖的「假日快速河口湖號」列車 運行。在富士山站或河口湖站下車,再改 搭巴士前往登山口。

登山路線 富士山主要的登山道路有四條, 從山梨縣端(河口湖端) 可 利 用 吉 田 路 線 攀 登 上 山。吉 田 路 線 的 話,從 富 士 SUBARU LINE 五合目(河口湖口)攀登富士山是最普遍 的方式(參考時間:上山 6 小時 50 分,下山 3 小時 20 分) ,途中有好幾間山中小屋所以遊客可以放心。不只 是從山頂, 從富士山七∼八合目就能欣賞得到御來光(日 出)美景。就沿著熔岩石塊及砂礫的道路一路攀登而上 即可。山頂上也有 4 間山中小屋。從吉田口一合目開始 攀登的吉田路線(參考時間:上山 9 小時,下山 4 小時 40 分)還保留著濃厚的昔日氣氛。近年來以能充分享 受富士山大自然美景的登山路線而小有人氣。沿路可順 道遊覽位於山麓的北口本宮富士淺間神社等登山道路沿 路上的著名景點也別有一番樂趣。在登山口所販賣的金 剛杖(約 1000 圓日幣左右)可在登山途中的各個山中 小屋蓋上烙印(一個約 200 圓日幣左右) ,可以帶回家 當紀念。

周邊的景點及美食 不管是登山健行或騎單車遨遊都是種舒適的享受。從富 士河口湖町的大石公園可以隔著河口湖遠眺富士山美 景,特別是薰衣草盛開的 6 月中旬到 7 月中旬這段期間 景色優美值得一遊。從林立著稻草屋頂民宅的西湖癒里 根場眺望的富士山也堪稱美景。還可順道參觀榮獲米其 林旅遊指南 3 星級評價的久保田一竹美術館及富士訪客 中心。西湖蝙蝠洞是富士山麓號稱最大級的熔岩洞穴, 有許多蝙蝠棲息於此。忍野八海是出名的名水之地。富 士 急 樂 園 擁 有「高 飛 車」及「過 山 車 之 王 FUJIYAMA」等許多遊樂設施,今年 7 月下旬新遊樂 設施 - 新戰慄迷宮也將正式啟用。美食方面,像是用 味噌湯底加上麵條及南瓜等蔬菜所烹煮而成的名為 「餺 飥(HOUTOU) 」的烏龍麵,以及吃起來嚼勁十足的粗 麵條搭配上高麗菜為其特徵的吉田烏龍麵等是這裡的名 產美食。草莓、小藍莓、櫻桃等的摘採水果也很有趣。

Go to Mt. Fuji from Tokyo Using a Convenient and Economical Ticket! Discounted Ticket Package Valid for Train and Bus to Fujisan Gogome 利用優惠的票券前往富士山遊覽! 列車加上巴士組合,帶您去到富士山五合目。 Sales Period: July 1 – October 30, 2012 Period of Use: July 1 – October 31, 2012 Eligibility: For foreign-national customers who have a foreign passport. (We will check your passport at the time of purchase.) Validity: Two consecutive days Valid routes: Round trip travel between the Tokyo Metropolitan District and the Fifth Station of Mt. Fuji Bus Stop (Gogome) via Otsuki Station (Please see the back of the magazine for more information.) Sales locations: JR EAST Travel Service Center (at Narita Airport Terminal 1, Narita Airport Terminal 2, and Haneda Airport International Terminal stations), Tokyo, Narita Airport Terminal 1, and Airport Terminal 2 stations, Travel Service Center (View Plaza) at Shinagawa, Shinjuku, Shibuya, Ikebukuro, and Ueno stations.

發售期間: 2012 年 7 月 1 日∼ 10 月 30 日 使用期間: 2012 年 7 月 1 日∼ 10 月 31 日 銷售條件:持有外國護照的外籍 遊客(購買時需出示護照進行確 認) 有效期間:連續的 2 天旅程 內容:JR 東日本線的都區內車站∼富士山五合目巴士站(詳細 內容請看封底。) 銷售地點:東京站,成田機場站,機場第 2 航廈站,品川、新宿、 澀谷、池袋、上野的各 VIEW PLAZA,JR 東日本訪日旅行中心 (成田機場站、機場第 2 航廈站、羽田機場國際線航廈站)

For more details, see our website.


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